
                                                                   Exhibit 10.15



The Executive Incentive Compensation Plan for Officers and senior managers of
Charles River Laboratories, Inc. and its affiliated divisions (the "Plan") is
designed to provide annual financial incentives to those executives, senior
managers, and key employees who are expected to contribute significantly to the
future growth and success of Charles River. The Plan is also intended to attract
and retain talented individuals with desired skills in an increasingly
competitive labor market.



Participation in the Plan is limited to employees in Charles River Salary Grades
88 and higher (or current or future salary grade equivalents), and specifically
excludes highly compensated scientific personnel who are separately compensated
under a "Technical Track" salary structure. Eligible employees are entitled to
participate on a global basis, and must have joined the company prior to July
1st in order to be eligible for a bonus award during their first year of
employment. Charles River's President & CEO has the right to exclude otherwise
qualified employees from the Plan if they are eligible for alternate forms of
incentive compensation (e.g., participation in a post-acquisition earn-out).


Each participant's performance during the Plan year is measured against
financial or other approved objectives established for the corporation and the
business unit(s) overseen or supported by the participant. Corporate and
business unit objectives are weighted to reflect their priority and to ensure
that incentives are appropriately aligned with business objectives. Financial
performance measures underlying Plan bonus targets for the coming year are
reviewed and approved annually by the Board of Directors in conjunction with the
annual budget review process and, as required, by the Compensation Committee.

Incentive awards payable under the Plan are determined by multiplying the
participant's annual Earned Income by his or her overall EICP Award Percentage
(see below). Earned Income is defined as base salary paid during the Plan year,
and specifically excludes any other forms of cash payment or imputed income. The
President & CEO of Charles River, with the concurrence of the Compensation
Committee, has discretion to modify a participant's calculated bonus amount,
upward or downward, if it is determined that the calculated amount does not
accurately reflect actual performance. Target bonus percentages for participants
in the Plan have been established at the following salary grade (or equivalent)

- ----------------------- --------------------------------
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          88                          15%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          89                          17%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
       90 & 91                        20%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
       92 & 93                        25%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          94                          30%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          95                          45%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          96                          50%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          97                          60%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          98                          75%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
          99                          85%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------
         100                         100%
- ----------------------- --------------------------------

Target bonus percentages may be modified at the discretion of the Compensation
Committee for individual participants or salary grades.

Plan participants who are promoted and/or transfer within the company during the
Plan year and whose position responsibilities are significantly modified will
have their performance objectives correspondingly modified, subject to review
and approval by the President & CEO.


Plan participants who leave the company for reasons other than retirement,
death, or disability, or who are terminated prior to the actual receipt of the
participants' Final Bonus Payment for a particular Plan year, forfeit their
total bonus payment for that Plan year. Final bonus payments are typically paid
to the participant in their entirety in March of the following Plan year.

Plan participants who leave the company due to retirement, death or disability:

o    After the close of the Plan year, but prior to the actual distribution of
     awards for such year, will be awarded a full incentive award for the plan
     year. In the case of death, such payment will be made to a beneficiary.

o    After the beginning of the Plan year, but prior to its end, may receive an
     incentive award for that year, at the discretion of the President & CEO,
     based upon the actual period of their employment with the company within
     the year. Awards will not be paid if the period of actual employment during
     the Plan year is less than six months. Severance periods will not count
     toward satisfaction of this 6-month requirement.


A target bonus percentage has been established for each Plan participant in
Salary Grades 88 and higher. Early in each Plan year, participants are assigned
financial bonus objectives which are established annually by the President & CEO
and, in the case of Officers, are reviewed and approved by the Compensation

A participant's EICP Award Percentage is determined by evaluating actual
performance against targeted objectives. Performance which falls below targeted
objectives by a specified percentage, total dollar amount or other approved
performance measures results in a zero performance rating, while performance
which exceeds targeted objectives by a specified percentage, total dollar amount
or other approved performance measures equates to a 250% performance rating
(i.e., an EICP Award Percentage that is two and one half times the participant's
targeted percentage). These specified performance parameters establish the slope
along which Plan performance is measured. Under the terms of the Plan, annual
payouts for performance which exceed targeted objectives are subject to a cap
equal to 250% of target. However, if total company performance for a given Plan
year exceeds the maximum of the performance range established by the Board of
Directors for that Plan year, 30% of the excess amount is made available for the
President and CEO to make upward modifications to the bonus payouts of certain
Plan participants, at his discretion, subject to the limitation that the
corporate performance is capped at a payment level equal to 300% of target.

A participant's EICP Award Percentage results from multiplying his or her Target
Bonus Percentage by the actual performance rating. The participant's Final Bonus
Amount is determined by multiplying the participant's base salary by the EICP
Award Percentage.


Final Bonus Amounts for all Plan participants are submitted to the President &
CEO for review. The President & CEO then reviews and approves submissions
relating to non-Officer participants, and submits to the Compensation Committee
his Final Bonus Amount recommendations for Charles River's Corporate Officers,
as well as any proposed award modifications. The President & CEO may, at his
discretion, modify any proposed Final Bonus Amounts prior to submitting them to
the Compensation Committee. The payment of Final Bonus Amounts to Charles River
Officers and all award modifications are subject to the review and approval of
the Compensation Committee.


The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for the
overall administration of the Plan. The Committee reviews and approves the
standards and financial objectives underlying the Plan prior to its
implementation for each Plan year. The Committee may delegate the ongoing
oversight and handling of routine administrative matters under the Plan to the
company's Sr. Vice President, Human Resources & Administration. The Compensation
Committee has the authority to alter or terminate the Plan at any time, and no
participant has any rights with respect to an incentive award payable under the
Plan until it has actually been paid to the participant.

Any questions pertaining to the Plan design, eligibility, calculation of bonus,
or other procedures are routinely referred to the company's Sr. Vice President,
Human Resources & Administration.