Kerry J. Tomasevich
                      Counsel                       205 Church Street
                      203.784.8204                  P.O. Box 1936      New Haven
                      Fax: 203.865.7865             New Haven, CT      Hartford
               06509-1910         Stamford
                       203.784.8200       Madison

                                  June 21, 2005


Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Judiciary Plaza
Washington, D.C.  20549

              COMMISSION FILE NO. 333-124312

Dear Mr. Friar and Mr. McCarty:

         Enclosed for each of you are three copies of Amendment No. 1 to the
Registration Statement (the "Registration Statement") on Form SB-2 (File No.
333-124312) of Patriot National Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company") relating to the
registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities
Act"), of shares of common stock, $2.00 par value per share, of the Company,
having an aggregate offering price of $12,000,000, which is being filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "Commission") today. Two of the enclosed
copies have been marked to indicate all changes made to the Registration
Statement as originally filed with the Commission on April 25, 2005.

         Set forth below are responses to the comments provided to Charles F.
Howell of the Company by William Friar in a letter dated May 25, 2005. All
responses set forth below are keyed to the sequential numbering of the comments
in such letter and to the headings used in such letter, a paper copy of which
has been forwarded to each of you. All factual statements and information set
forth below are based entirely on information furnished to us by the Company and
its representatives, which we have not independently verified. All statements of
belief are the belief of the Company.

Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
June 21, 2005
Page 2


           COMMENT 1: Please update the filing to a date as most recently as
                      practicable. Please include information for the interim
                      period ended March 31, 2005. Refer to Item 310(b) of
                      Regulation S-B.

           RESPONSE:  The registration statement has been updated to a date as
                      most recent as practicable, to include information for the
                      quarter ended March 31, 2005.


           COMMENT 2: We note that you omit pricing information and information
                      regarding arrangements for the standby purchase. Please be
                      aware that we may have additional comments or require
                      additional time to complete our review once you complete
                      this information.

           RESPONSE:  The registration statement does not yet contain pricing
                      information, which has been omitted in reliance on Rule
                      430A promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933, as
                      amended, and information regarding the standby purchasers
                      has not yet been updated. The Company will file an
                      amendment containing information regarding the standby
                      purchasers as soon as practicable.


           COMMENT 3: We note the second paragraph of this section. Please
                      revise the prospectus to make clear from context all
                      references so that this sentence will be unnecessary.
                      Please see Rule 421.

           RESPONSE:  The sentence identified in Comment 3 states that the terms
                      "we," "our" and "us" as used in the prospectus refer to
                      the Company and its subsidiary, Patriot National Bank. The
                      Company has reviewed the prospectus and has made revisions
                      that the Company believes makes clear from context that
                      the terms "we," "our" and "us" refer to the Company AND
                      Patriot National Bank, on a consolidated basis. The
                      Company conducts no operations of its own. Where
                      appropriate, the prospectus distinguishes between the
                      Company and its subsidiary (that together constitute the
                      consolidated entity) by referring to the Company as
                      "Bancorp" and the subsidiary as the "Bank." Accordingly,
                      the second paragraph of the Prospectus Summary has been

Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
June 21, 2005
Page 3


           COMMENT 4: The disclosure beginning with this caption through page 4
                      is too promotional. Please balance the presentation. For
                      example, but not limited to, the fifth bullet of the
                      Financial Highlights points to Net Income growth. We note
                      that Net Income decreased 30% from $1.34 Million in 2003
                      to $926,000 in 2004. This material decrease in Net Income
                      is not mentioned in your highlights. Please revise to
                      balance the entire section, pages 1 through page 4. Also
                      please delete the five year compound growth information at
                      the bottom of page 1. You may give that same information
                      broken out by each year, which we believe gives
                      shareholders a more accurate picture of the discussed

           RESPONSE:  The prospectus has been revised to include updated
                      financial information through the first quarter of 2005.
                      The disclosure appearing on pages one through four also
                      references the first quarter of 2005 and that information,
                      together with changes made pursuant to the Staff's
                      comments, provides a more balanced presentation of the
                      Company. For example, the bullet points containing
                      five-year compound growth rates appearing under the
                      caption "Financial Highlights" in the original filing have
                      been revised to delete the five-year compound growth


           COMMENT 5: Please delete the word "certain" from the heading and
                      narrative. Please revise to disclose all material federal
                      income tax consequences of the subscription offering to
                      current shareholders. In addition, please identify tax
                      counsel and file their opinion and consent or advise us
                      why no opinion will be filed.

           RESPONSE:  The prospectus has been revised to delete the word
                      "certain" from the heading and the narrative. The Company
                      believes that the discussion of the federal income tax
                      consequences of the rights offering to the existing
                      shareholders discloses all tax consequences to which the
                      shareholders may be subject, and that the consequences are
                      not material in nature. Accordingly, the Company has not
                      filed as an exhibit an opinion of counsel, an independent
                      public or certified public accountant or a revenue ruling
                      from the Internal Revenue Service, supporting the tax
                      matters and the consequences to the shareholders.

Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
June 21, 2005
Page 4


           COMMENT 6: Please provide greater specificity as to how the proceeds
                      will be used. For example disclose how many branches you
                      anticipate opening in 2005 and 2006 and the estimated
                      costs to open these branches or the historical estimated
                      average cost to open a new branch.

           RESPONSE:  The disclosure under the "Use of Proceeds" has been
                      expanded to reflect that the Company expects to open one
                      new branch in 2005 as well as an estimate of the Company's
                      historical average branch opening capital costs. The
                      Company is unable to estimate accurately its total branch
                      operating costs because certain costs vary typically
                      depending on, among other things, the prevailing rental
                      rates in the branch office local area, the size of the
                      branch, the availability of "turn-key" facilities, and the
                      number of employees. The text has been revised to disclose
                      the existence of these variable costs and the inability of
                      the Company to estimate them accurately. In addition, the
                      section has been revised to disclose that proceeds also
                      will be used to satisfy regulatory capital requirements of
                      the Bank, which will increase in connection with business
                      growth generated by new and existing branches.



           COMMENT 7: Reference is made to the first sentence in the second
                      paragraph under "Commercial Real Estate Loans" on page 38.
                      Please also disclose whether or not you originate fixed
                      rate commercial real estate loans and if you do, what is
                      the longest term fixed rate commercial real estate loan
                      that you will hold in your portfolio.

           RESPONSE:  This disclosure, now appearing at the top of page 37, has
                      been revised to reflect that the Company originates fixed
                      rate commercial real estate loans. The additional
                      disclosure includes a description of the longest term
                      fixed rate commercial real estate loan currently held in
                      the Company's portfolio.

           COMMENT 8: We note your disclosure on page 39 that at December 31,
                      2004 you had two commercial real estate loans that were
                      non-accrual loans that were current as to principal and
                      interest. Please revise to describe the nature of the two
                      non-performing loans and describe the timing and

Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
June 21, 2005
Page 5

                      that led to your determination that these should be placed
                      on non-accrual status. Revise to describe any changes in
                      status or performance subsequent to December 31, 2004 and
                      quantify the amount of any specific allowance attributable
                      to these loans.

           RESPONSE:  The disclosure concerning the commercial real estate loans
                      that were non-accrual loans has been revised to reflect
                      changes in circumstances that occurred after the initial
                      filing of the registration statement. One of the
                      commercial real estate loans that was previously
                      categorized as a non-accrual loan in the initial filing
                      has been placed into accrual status, while a different
                      commercial real estate loan has been placed into
                      non-accrual status. This process of continually reviewing
                      and periodically revising loan classifications based on
                      changing factual circumstances is customary at banking

                      Supplementally, we advise you that, with respect to the
                      two loans previously described in the prospectus as

                      o      The two non-accrual loans had become delinquent
                             as to payment of principal and interest prior
                             to being placed in non-accrual status.

                      o      After these loans had been placed in
                             non-accrual status, they became current again
                             as to payment of principal and interest.

                      o      The Bank elevates loans from non-accrual to
                             accrual status only if the borrower is in
                             compliance with all loan covenants and only
                             after the borrower has been current as to
                             principal and interest payments for at least
                             six consecutive months.


           COMMENT 9: We note your disclosure on page 13 that a substantial
                      portion of your loans are unseasoned and lack an
                      established record of performance. Please revise your
                      critical accounting policy discussion to describe the
                      nature of and quantify the amount of unseasoned loans.
                      Describe how management considers and compensates for the
                      lack of historical performance related to unseasoned loans
                      when determining the amount of the allowance for loan
                      losses. Refer to Section V of Interpretive Release No.

Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
June 21, 2005
Page 6

           RESPONSE:  The critical accounting policy disclosure appearing on
                      pages 41-43 has been revised to make specific reference to
                      the nature of unseasoned loans. The disclosure has been
                      expanded to include the factors considered by the
                      Company's management when taking into account the lack of
                      seasoning in the Company's portfolio. The factors related
                      to seasoning have consistently been considered by the
                      Company in establishing its allowance for loan losses.


          COMMENT 10: We note your disclosure on page F-24 that you intend to
                      open two new branch offices in 2005. Please revise to
                      quantify your estimate of the impact on liquidity related
                      to your proposed 2005 branch openings. Refer to Item
                      303(b) of Regulation S-B.

          RESPONSE:   The disclosure under the caption "Liquidity" has been
                      revised to reflect the impact of opening one new branch
                      office in 2005 as well as the availability of additional
                      capital to support the Company's anticipated deposit
                      growth. Generally, banks, including Patriot National Bank,
                      experience an improvement in liquidity from the opening of
                      new branches as deposit activity tends to exceed loan
                      activity from the new branch during the first few years
                      after opening. In addition, the disclosure on page F-24
                      has been revised to conform to the disclosure elsewhere in
                      the prospectus that the Company currently intends to open
                      only one new branch in 2005.



          COMMENT 11: We note your disclosure that management believes that none
                      of the unrealized losses on available for sale securities
                      are other than temporary. Please provide us with your
                      comprehensive analysis describing how you determined that
                      these investments were not other than temporarily
                      impaired. Refer to SAB Topic 5M and provide us with your
                      analysis as of December 31, 2004 and March 31, 2005. In
                      your analysis please include, but not limit to, the

                      o      The nature of the investments;

                      o      Severity and duration of impairment;

                      o      The investee credit rating and asset quality;

Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
June 21, 2005
Page 7

                      o      Your intent and ability to retain the
                             investments for a period of time sufficient to
                             allow for any anticipated recovery in market

           RESPONSE:  The Company's securities portfolio consists almost
                      entirely of debt and mortgage-backed securities issued by
                      the U.S. Government, Government agencies and Government
                      sponsored agencies.

                      The Company considers the severity of any impairment by
                      measuring the extent to which securities are in an
                      unrealized loss position. The Company distinguishes the
                      duration of any impairment based on the length of time
                      that any securities have been in an unrealized loss
                      position; either less than 12 months or 12 months or more.
                      At March 31, 2005, of the securities with unrealized
                      losses, there were five U.S. Government agency or
                      Government sponsored agency obligations and 13 mortgage
                      backed securities that had unrealized losses for a period
                      in excess of twelve months with a combined current
                      unrealized loss of $1.1 million. At December 31, 2004, the
                      Company had 27 available for sale securities in an
                      unrealized loss position with a combined current
                      unrealized loss of $705,000. See note 1 to the Company's
                      audited financial statements appearing on page F-16 of the
                      prospectus and note 2 to the Company's unaudited financial
                      statements appearing on page F-41 of the prospectus.

                      The Company does not believe that any of the unrealized
                      losses are other than temporary since they are the result
                      of changes in the interest rate environment and they
                      relate to debt and mortgage-backed securities issued by
                      U.S. Government agencies and Government sponsored
                      agencies. The Company considers the issuers of the
                      securities to be financially sound, and expects to receive
                      all contractual principal and interest related to these

                      The Company has both the intent and ability to hold these
                      securities to maturity if necessary or until the fair
                      value fully recovers. As a result, the Company believes
                      that these unrealized losses will not have a negative
                      impact on future earnings or a permanent effect on its


          COMMENT 12: We note that certain exhibits (Legal Opinion and Standby
                      Agreement) will be filed by amendment. We may have comment
                      once those documents are filed.

Mr. William Friar
Barry McCarty, Esq.
June 21, 2005
Page 8

          RESPONSE:   A conformed copy of the Exhibit 5 legal opinion has been
                      filed as an exhibit to Amendment No. 1 to the registration

                      A "form of" Standby Purchaser Agreement was filed as
                      Exhibit 10.11 to the registration statement. The Company
                      expects that the Standby Purchasers in this transaction
                      will execute Standby Purchase Agreements substantially in
                      the form of the agreement filed as Exhibit 10.11. As a
                      result, the Company does not expect that it will be
                      required to file copies of the executed agreements in
                      accordance with the instruction to Item 601(a) of
                      Regulation S-B because all of the information omitted from
                      the form of Standby Purchase Agreement will be disclosed
                      in the prospectus.

         We have contacted Mr. McCarty with regard to the schedule for reviewing
this filing. The Company will file an acceleration request pursuant to Rule 461
not later than two business days prior to the day on which the Company desires
the Commission to declare the Registration Statement effective and will provide
the information required by Rule 460 and Rule 15c2-8.

         Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and the filing of the
enclosed materials by stamping the enclosed copy of this letter and returning it
in the enclosed postage prepaid envelope.

         If you require any additional information concerning the Registration
Statement, please telephone William W. Bouton III, Esq. of this firm at (860)
725-6210 or the undersigned.

         Thank you for your attention to this matter.


                                             /s/ Kerry J. Tomasevich

                                             Kerry J. Tomasevich
                                             Admitted only in Massachusetts and
                                             The District of Columbia


cc:    Charles F. Howell (Patriot National Bancorp. Inc.)
       Robert F. O'Connell (Patriot National Bancorp. Inc.)
       William W. Bouton III, Esq.
       Malgorzata Bochenek, Esq.