This Technology Alliance and Option Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of
November 3, 2004 (the "Effective Date") is by and between ADM Polymer
Corporation, a corporation duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws
of the State of Delaware, with headquarters located at 4666 Faries Parkway,
Decatur, IL 62526 ("ADM Sub"), and Metabolix, Inc., a corporation duly
incorporated and validly existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, with
headquarters located at 21 Erie Street, Cambridge, MA 02139-4260 ("MBX") (MBX
and ADM Sub are collectively the "Parties" and each is a "Party").


     WHEREAS, MBX has developed technology relating to the fermentation,
recovery and formulation of PHA Material (as defined below) and possesses
patents, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights in relation

     WHEREAS, MBX is seeking a collaborator to participate, in the continued
commercialization of the PHA Material;

     WHEREAS, ADM Sub has capabilities and resources relating to the
fermentation of PHA Materials and desires to employ the MBX technology in
commercial scale reactors too confirm performance parameters and potential
manufacturing economics;

     WHEREAS, ADM Sub is a wholly owned subsidiary of Archer-Daniels-Midland
Company ("ADM"); and

     WHEREAS, ADM Sub and MBX desire to enter into an agreement under which the
two Parties would cooperate in the preparation of certain hatches of PHA
Material and under which MBX would grant to ADM Sub the option to enter into a
commercial alliance to further commercialize the PHA Material, all on the terms
and conditions set forth herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and the mutual covenants
and promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto
do hereby agree as follows.

                                   ARTICLE 1

     "ADM SUB BACKGROUND TECHNOLOGY" means any Technology used by ADM Sub, or
provided by ADM Sub for use, in the Technology Alliance Program that is
Controlled by ADM Sub: (a) as of the Effective Date, or (b) developed, conceived
or reduced to practice solely by employees of, or consultants to, ADM Sub or its
Affiliates in the conduct of activities outside the



Technology Alliance Program, without the material use of any MBA Technology or
Program Technology.

     "ADM SUB CONSTRUCTION MASTER PLAN AND BUDGET" shall have the meaning set
forth in Section 3.1.

     "ADM SUB MANUFACTURING FACILITY" means an ADM Sub facility designed to
produce, through microbial fermentation, approximately fifty thousand (50,000)
tons of PHA Material, having an acceptable level of purity, during each twelve
(12) month period, on an ongoing basis through a stable and robust operation,
over a period of years.

     "ADM SUB PATENT RIGHTS" means any Patent Rights Controlled by ADM Sub and
claiming or covering the ADM Sub Technology.

     "ADM SUB PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY" means any Technology developed, conceived or
reduced to practice solely by employees of, or consultants to, ADM Sub or its
Affiliates (alone or jointly with a third party) during the course of
performance of the Technology Alliance Program, with or without the material use
of any MBX Technology or Program Technology. Nothing in this definition shall be
construed as conveying any rights on ADM Sub to practice any MBX Technology
after the Term.

     "ADM SUB PROPRIETARY MATERIALS" means any Proprietary Materials Controlled
by ADM Sub and used by ADM Sub, provided by ADM Sub for use, or necessary or
useful in the Technology Alliance Program.

     "ADM SUB TECHNOLOGY" means, collectively, ADM Sub Proprietary Materials,
ADM Sub Background Technology and ADM Sub Program Technology.

     "AFFILIATE" of a Person means any other Person that directly, or indirectly
through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by or is under
common control with such Person. "Control" and, with correlative meanings, the
terms "controlled by" and "under common control with" shall mean the power to
direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a Person, whether
through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, resolution, regulation
or otherwise. Tepha, Inc. is hereby deemed not to be an Affiliate of MBX.

     "COMMERCIAL ALLIANCE" shall have the meaning set forth in the
Commercial Alliance Agreement.

     "COMMERCIAL ALLIANCE AGREEMENTS" means the agreements titled "Commercial
Alliance Agreement," "Manufacturing Agreement," "Formulation Agreement,"
"Operating Agreement," "ADM Sub Services Agreement," "MBX Services Agreement,"
and "Loan and Security Agreement" attached hereto as EXHIBIT A to be executed
and delivered by the parties indicated therein upon the exercise of the Option
by ADM Sub in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

     "COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE EFFORTS" shall mean, with respect to the efforts
to be applied by a Party in performing a referenced obligation hereunder, the
amount and quality of effort and resources that would be applied by a reasonable
manager or management team at a corporation



having comparable expertise and assets as such Party, to accomplish a task or to
perform an obligation having comparable relative importance to the success or
failure of a commercial enterprise that is comparable to the Commercial
Alliance. For purposes of this definition, a commercial enterprise would be
comparable to the Commercial Alliance if it poses similar anticipated technical
and business risks or challenges and similar anticipated Financial return to the
Parties as measured at the time of the expenditure of the effort. When ADM Sub
has an obligation to use "Commercially Reasonable Efforts" herein, the following
shall apply: (i) the term "Commercially Reasonable Efforts" shall be defined as
it is in this definition but by reference to ADM Sub and ADM as if they were a
single entity and (ii) in determining whether ADM Sub has satisfied its
obligation, the efforts applied by and ADM Sub and ADM shall both be taken fully
into account.

     "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" means: (a) all tangible embodiments of
Technology produced or discovered by a Party, or jointly by one or more Parties
under the Technology Alliance Program, and all information concerning the terms
of this Agreement, and (b) with respect to a Party (the "Receiving Party"), all
information, Technology and Proprietary Materials which are disclosed by another
Party (the "Disclosing Party") to the Receiving Party hereunder or to any of its
employees, consultants, or Affiliates; except to the extent that the
information, (i) as of the date of disclosure is demonstrably known to the
Receiving Party or its Affiliates, as shown by written documentation, other than
by virtue of a prior confidential disclosure to such Party or its Affiliates;
(ii) as of the date of disclosure is in, or subsequently enters, the public
domain, through no fault or omission of the Receiving Party, or any of its
Affiliates; (iii) is obtained from a third party having a lawful right to make
such disclosure free from any obligation of confidentiality to the Disclosing
Party; or (iv) is independently developed by or for the Receiving Party without
reference to or reliance upon any Confidential Information of the Disclosing
Party as demonstrated by competent written records.

     "CONSTRUCTION" AND "CONSTRUCT" shall mean, in respect to a building, the
activities, and their performance, that are usual and appropriate to create a
completed facility that: (i) is in all material respects in compliance with all
material safety, health, zoning, environmental and other regulations and laws
applicable to it whether such applicability is based on its location, physical
dimensions and attributes, its intended uses or otherwise and (ii) is designed
to enable and support state-of-the-art operations pertaining to its intended
purpose. The terms "Construction" and "Construct" shall include the following
activities and their performance with respect to a facility: planning,
designing, engineering, construction, procurement, equipping and acquiring the
necessary permits.

     "CONSTRUCTION COSTS" are those costs and expenses that are included in the
ADM Sub Construction Master Plan and Budget as approved by the TAC in accordance
with Section 3.2.5 to the extent actually incurred by ADM Sub in the
Construction of the ADM Sub Manufacturing Facility.

     "CONTROL" OR "CONTROLLED" means (a) with respect to Technology (other than
Proprietary Materials) or Patent Rights, the possession by a Party of the
ability to grant a license or sublicense to such Technology or Patent Rights as
provided herein without violating the terms of any agreement or arrangement
between such Party and any third party, and (b) with respect to Proprietary
Materials, the possession by a Party of the ability to supply such Proprietary



Materials to the other Party for use as provided herein without violating the
terms of any agreement or arrangement between the supplying Party and any third

     "EFFECTIVE DATE" means the date first above written.

     "FERMENTATION PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS" means the various parameters for
production of PHA Cell Paste through fermentation at the * scale and the * scale
as set forth on EXHIBIT B.

     "FIELD" means the research, development, manufacture, use, sale and
importation of PHA Material and PHA Formulations; provided that the Field
shall not include any uses that are within the "Field of Use" as that term
is defined in the License Agreement by and between MBX and Tepha, Inc.
dated October 1, 1999.

     "GOAL" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

     "JOINT PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY" means Technology developed, conceived or reduced
to practice jointly by employees of, or consultants to, the Parties (with or
without a third party) during the course of performance of the Technology
Alliance Program. Nothing in this definition shall be construed as conveying any
rights on ADM or ADM Sub to practice any MBX Technology after the Term. Nothing
in this definition shall be construed as conveying any rights on MBX to practice
any ADM Sub Technology after the term.

     "JOINT SALES COMPANY" shall have the meaning set forth in the Commercial
Alliance Agreement.

     "KNOWLEDGE" means, with respect to MBX, the actual knowledge and awareness,
without the requirement of investigation, of any of the following four (4)
members of MBX management: President and CEO, Chief Scientific Officer, Chief
Financial Officer and Director of Manufacturing and Development, without the
requirement of investigation, and, with respect to ADM Sub, the actual knowledge
and awareness, without the requirement of investigation, of any of the following
nine (9) members of ADM management: Senior Vice President (Corn Processing and
Food Specialties) (John D. Rice), President of Natural Health & Nutrition
Division (Steven J. Furcich), Assistant Controller (Marc A. Sanner), Corporate
Counsel Intellectual Property (Brian R. Leslie), Senior Attorney (Bradley E.
Riley), Senior Vice President Venture Research (Mark G. Matlock), Vice President
Technology Assessment (Terry A. Stoa), President of ADM Research Division
(Thomas P. Binder), and Vice President of Research, Molecular Biology -
Fermentation (Leif P. Solheim).

     "MANUFACTURING COST" shall mean the costs incurred by ADM Sub in
manufacturing and packaging the Marketing Material as specified in EXHIBIT C,
calculated and payable in the manner set forth in this Agreement.

     "MARKETING MATERIAL" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.

     "MBX APPLICATIONS PATENT RIGHTS" means any Patent Rights Controlled by MBX
that claim or cover specific uses, within the Field, of PHA Materials or PHA



     "MBX BACKGROUND TECHNOLOGY" means any Technology used by MBX, or provided
by MBX for use, in the Technology Alliance Program that is Controlled by MBX:
(a) as of the Effective Date, or (b) developed, conceived or reduced to practice
solely by employees of, or consultants to, MBX or its Affiliates in the conduct
of activities outside the Technology Alliance Program, without the material use
of any ADM Sub Technology or Program Technology.

     "MBX PATENT RIGHTS" means any Patent Rights Controlled by MBX and claiming
or covering the MBX Technology, including without limitation the MBX
Applications Patent Rights.

     "MBX PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY" means any Technology developed; conceived or
reduced to practice solely by employees of, or consultants to, MBX or its
Affiliates (alone or jointly with a third party) during the course of
performance of the Technology Alliance Program, with or without the material use
of any ADM Sub Technology or Program Technology.

     "MBX PROPRIETARY MATERIALS" means any Proprietary Materials Controlled by
MBX and used by MBX, provided by MBX for use, or necessary or useful in the
Technology Alliance Program. MBX Proprietary Materials shall include, without
limitation, all PHA Material and PHA Formulations supplied as samples to ADM
Sub, all cell lines (including all master stocks and working stock whether
prepared by ADM Sub or MBX) and all fermentation media, supplied by MBX to ADM
Sub, and all progeny, derivatives and mutated forms developed therefrom.

     "MBX TECHNOLOGY" means, collectively, MBX Proprietary Materials, MBX
Background Technology and MBX Program Technology.

     "OPTION" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.3 hereof.

     "PATENT RIGHTS" means the rights and interests in and to issued patents and
pending patent applications (which for purposes of this Agreement shall be
deemed to include certificates of inventions and applications for certificates
of invention and priority rights) in any country, including all provisional
applications, substitutions, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals,
and renewals, all letters patent granted thereon, and all reissues,
reexaminations and extensions thereof Controlled by a Party.

     "PERMITTED ACTIVITIES" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

     "PERSON" means any individual, partnership (whether general or limited),
limited liability company, corporation, trust, estate, association, nominee or
other entity.

     "PHA CELL PASTE" means the paste, containing the PHA Material, recovered
from whole fermentation broth and meeting the specifications set forth in

     "PHA FORMULATIONS" means PHA Material that has been processed by blending
different types of PHA Material together with other polymers and/or with other
additives, including nucleants, clarifiers, flow modifiers, plasticizers, flame
retardants and heat stabilizers.



     "PHA KNOW-HOW MATERIAL" means PHA Material, the manufacture, use, sale or
importation of which is accomplished or performed with the use of the MBX
Technology or Joint Program Technology.

     "PHA MATERIAL" means the following forms of polyhydroxyalkanoate: *, when
produced by any means other than via Plants, and any other forms of
polyhydroxyalkanoate, produced by any means other than via Plants, that are
substitutable by any customer with one or more of the above substances, are
generally technically and commercially feasible in the marketplace, and have a
potential adverse affect on the sales or profitability of the Joint Sales
Company in a material way. For avoidance of doubt, any PHB copolymers having at
least fifty percent (50%) of the *, when produced by any means other than via
Plants, are hereby deemed to be included in the definition of PHA Material.

     "PHA PATENTED MATERIAL" means PHA Material, the manufacture, use, sale or
importation of which within or into the United States by a Person other than
MBX, absent the licenses granted herein, would infringe a Valid Claim of the MBX
Patent Rights or a Valid Claim within Patent Rights claiming or covering any
Technology within the Joint Program Technology.

     "PHA RELATED MATERIALS" means any polymer material consisting of one or
more hydroxyacids of the general formula: *

     "PHA SUPPLEMENTAL KNOW HOW MATERIAL" means PHA Material, the manufacture,
use, sale or importation of which is accomplished or performed with the use of a
cell Line Controlled by MBX and delivered by MBX to ADM Sub at any time during
the Term.

     "PLANTS" shall mean photosynthetic organisms when not raised through
fermentation, but in any case excluding *. For avoidance of doubt, * is included
within the definition of Plants.

     "PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY" means ADM Sub Program Technology, Joint Program
Technology and MBX Program Technology.

     "PROPRIETARY MATERIALS" means any tangible chemical, biological or physical
research materials that are furnished by or on behalf of one Party to the other
Party (the "Receiving Party") in connection with this Agreement, regardless of
whether such materials are specifically designated as proprietary by the
transferring Party, except to the extent that the materials, (i) are already in
the possession of the Receiving Party or its Affiliates, as shown by written
documentation, other than by virtue of a prior delivery of such materials to the
Receiving Party or its Affiliates from the other Party or one of its Affiliates
subject to confidentiality obligations; (ii) as of the date of disclosure is in
the public domain (without restriction on use or availability), or subsequently
enters the public domain (without restriction on use or availability) through no
fault or omission of the Receiving Party or any of its Affiliates; (iii) is
obtained from a third party having a lawful right to provide such material free
from any restriction on use; or (iv) is independently developed by or for the
Receiving Party without reference to or reliance upon any Proprietary Materials
of the Disclosing Party as demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence.

     "RECOVERY PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS" shall mean the various parameters for
performance of recovery of PHA Material from PHA Cell Paste as set forth on



     "ROYALTY TERM" means that period commencing upon the * from the Effective

     "SENIOR EXECUTIVES" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.3.1.

     "SUPPLEMENTAL ROYALTY TERM" means that period commencing upon the delivery
by MBX to ADM or ADM Sub of a cell line Controlled by MBX used in the production
or manufacture of PHA Supplemental Know How Material and ending upon the * to
occur of (i) the *, and (ii) * from the date of such delivery.

     "TECHNICAL ASPECTS OF THE GOAL" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "TECHNOLOGY" means and includes all inventions, discoveries, improvements,
trade secrets, know-how and proprietary methods and Proprietary Materials,
whether or not patentable.

     "TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE COMMITTEE" or "TAC" shall have the meaning set forth
in Section 2.1.

     "TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE OUTPUT" shall have the meaning set forth in
Section 3.3.

     "TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE PLAN" shall mean the detailed plan for
conducting the Technology Alliance Program attached hereto as EXHIBIT F ,
subject to such additions and amendments as the TAC shall determine in
accordance with Section 2.1.1.

     "TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE PROGRAM" shall mean the research, development
and evaluative activities to be conducts by the Parties as set forth herein, and
in the Technology Alliance Plan.

     "TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.2.

     "THIRD PARTY IP ROYALTY OFFSET" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     "VALID CLAIM" means a claim within a patent application or patent that has
not been abandoned or finally determined to be unenforceable or invalid by a
court or administrative agency with competent jurisdiction where all appeal
rights have been exhausted or expired.

                                   ARTICLE 2

     2.1 TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE COMMITTEE. MBX and ADM Sub shall establish
a Technology Alliance Committee (the "Technology Alliance Committee" or "TAC")
to plan and oversee the execution of the Technology Alliance Program.

          2.1.1 RESPONSIBILITIES OF TAC. The TAC shall review and oversee the
     progress of the Technology Alliance Program and recommend necessary
     amendments to the Technology Alliance Plan prior to its initial
     implementation and also during the conduct of the Technology Alliance
     Program. The TAC shall review and approve the ADM Sub Construction Master
     Plan and Budget.



          2.1.2 MEMBERSHIP OF TAC. Each Party shall appoint three (3) members to
     the TAC one of which shall be designated as its "Co-Chair." Each Party
     shall have the right at any time to substitute individuals, on a permanent
     or temporary basis, for any of its previously designated representatives to
     the TAC, including its Co-Chair, by giving written notice thereof to the
     other Party. Initial designees of ADM Sub and MBX to the TAC shall be as
     set forth on EXHIBIT G.

     2.2 MEETINGS.

          2.2.1 SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS. The TAC shall establish a schedule of
     times for its meetings, taking into account, without limitation, the
     planning needs of the Technology Alliance Program. The TAC shall meet
     monthly unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties. Meetings shall also be
     convened upon the determination of either or both of the Co-Chairs of the
     TAC by written notice (including notice via e-mail) thereof to their
     respective members that a meeting is required to discuss or resolve any
     matter or matters with respect to the Technology Alliance Program. Meetings
     shall alternate between the respective offices of the Parties or another
     mutually agreed upon location; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Parties may
     mutually agree to meet by teleconference or video conference or may act by
     a written, memorandum signed by the Co-Chairs of the TAC.

          2.2.2 QUORUM; VOTING; DECISIONS. At each meeting of the TAC, the
     participation of at least one member designated by each of the Parties
     shall constitute a quorum. Each TAC member shall have one vote on all
     matters before the TAC; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the member or members of
     each of the Parties present at any meeting shall have the authority to cast
     the votes of any of such Party's members who are absent from the meeting.
     All decisions of the TAC shall be made by majority vote of all of the
     members, with at least one representative from each of the Parties voting
     with the majority. Whenever any action by the TAC is called for hereunder
     during a time period in which a meeting is not scheduled, the Co-Chairs
     shall cause the TAC to take the action in the requested time period by
     calling a special meeting or by action without a formal meeting by written
     memorandum signed by both Co-Chairs of the TAC. Representatives of each
     Party or of its Affiliates, in addition to the members of the TAC, may
     attend meetings as non-voting observers at the invitation of either Party
     with prior notice to the other Party. In the event that the TAC is unable
     to resolve any matter before it, such matter shall be resolved as set forth
     in Section 11.3 hereof.

          2.2.3 MINUTES. A secretary shall be appointed to keep accurate minutes
     of the deliberations of the TAC recording all proposed decisions and all
     actions recommended or taken. Drafts of such minutes shall be delivered to
     the Co-Chairs of the TAC within a reasonable period of time not to exceed
     five (5) days after a TAC meeting. Draft minutes shall be edited by the
     Parties and shall be issued in final form within a reasonable time not to
     exceed ten (10) days after the meeting only with their approval and
     agreement as evidenced by their signatures on the minutes.

          2.2.4 EXPENSES. MBX and ADM Sub shall each bear all expenses of their
     respective TAC members related to their participation on the TAC and
     attendance at TAC meetings.



     2.3 DECISION-MAKING RESPONSIBILITIES. The TAC shall be solely responsible
for making all decisions relating to planning and overseeing the execution of
the Technology Alliance Program that are not specifically reserved to a Party
hereunder. All such decisions shall be made in good faith with he objective,
using Commercially Reasonable Efforts, of achieving the Goal.

                                   ARTICLE 3

Technology Alliance Program is to (i) produce PHA Cell Paste, first in a
fermenter having a capacity of approximately * and then in a fermenter having a
capacity of approximately *, in both cases, in a manner and with results that
meet the applicable Fermentation Performance Parameters; (ii) demonstrate
recovery of PHA Material in a manner and with results that meet the Recovery
Performance Parameters (the items listed in the foregoing "(i)" and "(ii)"
collectively are the "Technical Aspects of the Goal"); and (iii) based upon the
results of (i) and (ii) above, have ADM Sub develop and the TAC agree upon a
completed master plan for Construction of the ADM Sub Manufacturing Facility,
including without limitation, surveys, blueprints, and engineering studies,
which master plan shall be organized into a detailed, multiphase process for
undertaking and completing Construction of the ADM Sub Manufacturing Facility
and which shall have a project budget with projected detailed expenditures
provided for each phase of the Construction process, all of which shall be in
form and substance, suitable for ADM Sub's management and board of directors to
make a determination to approve the expenditures for the ADM Sub Manufacturing
Facility as and to the extent required by ADM Sub's corporate governance polices
and procedures (the "ADM Sub Construction Master Plan and Budget") (collectively
the "Goal"). Successful completion of the Goal is intended to confirm the
potential economics of producing PHA Material at commercial scale as part of a
long-term commercial alliance.

Commercially Reasonable Efforts to perform their respective obligations under
the Technology Alliance Program, in accordance with the provisions herein and
the provisions set forth in the Technology Alliance Plan, including without
limitation, the timelines for performance.

          3.2.1 CERTAIN MUTUAL REPRESENTATIONS. The Parties hereby represent and
     warrant to each other as follows: (i) it shall use Commercially Reasonable
     Efforts to perform its obligations under the Technology Alliance Plan in
     accordance with high scientific and engineering principles and procedures,
     and that it shall perform such obligations in compliance in all material
     respects with all requirements of applicable laws, rules, and regulations,
     (ii) it shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to achieve the objectives
     of the Technology Alliance Program efficiently and expeditiously and (iii)
     it shall proceed diligently with the Technology Alliance Program using
     Commercially Reasonable Efforts, including allocating time, effort,
     equipment, and skilled personnel to attempt to complete the Technology
     Alliance Program and achieve the Goal successfully and promptly.

          3.2.2 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. Promptly upon execution of this Agreement,
     but in mo event later than three (3) months from the Effective Date, MBX
     and ADM Sub shall use



     Commercially Reasonable Efforts to conduct a transfer of MBX Technology to
     ADM Sub: (i) as set forth in the Technology Alliance Plan and (ii) as and
     to the extent reasonably necessary to enable ADM Sub to produce PHA Cell
     Paste (the "Technology Transfer"). MBX and ADM Sub shall each devote
     Commercially Reasonable Efforts, including devoting personnel and other
     resources, to complete the Technology Transfer in accordance with the
     requirements, including without limitation the schedule set forth in the
     Technology Alliance Plan; provided, MBX shall have no obligation to
     transfer any Proprietary Materials or Technology that MBX does not Control
     as part of the Technology Transfer. ADM Sub acknowledges that some of the
     MBX Technology that will be transferred to ADM Sub is in the form of trade
     secrets. In an effort to ensure the maximum continued protection of MBX's
     rights in such trade secrets, and in keeping with Article 7 hereof ADM Sub
     covenants that it will provide access to the MBX Technology only to
     employees of ADM and ADM Sub who have a need to have access to such MBX
     Technology in order to complete the Technology Transfer and perform ADM
     Sub's obligations under the Technology Alliance Plan. MBX acknowledges that
     some of the ADM Sub Technology that may be transferred to MBX is in the
     form of trade secrets. In an effort to ensure e maximum continued
     protection of ADM Sub's rights in such trade secrets, and in keeping with
     Article 7 hereof, MBX covenants that it will provide access to the ADM Sub
     Technology only to employees of MBX who have a need to have access to such
     ADM Sub Technology in order to perform MBX's obligations under the
     Technology Alliance Plan.

          3.2.3 FERMENTATION OPERATION. ADM Sub shall use Commercially
     Reasonable Efforts, including making available personnel, plant, equipment
     and other resources , to produce the PHA Cell Paste in the quantities, form
     and condition set forth in the Technology Alliance Plan. Such resources
     shall be made available for the Technology Alliance Program in the manner
     and to the extent set forth herein and in the Technology Alliance Plan,
     with the purpose of achieving the Goal. MBX shall have reasonable access to
     that portion, of the facilities at which such production operations are
     conducted as is reasonably necessary to observe and participate in such
     operations. MBX acknowledges that the personnel, plant, equipment and other
     resources utilized in producing the PHA Cell Paste will not be dedicated to
     such purpose solely, and ADM Sub will put such resources to other uses
     during the Technology Alliance Program, in a manner consistent with ADM
     Sub's ability to perform its obligations as described herein and in the
     Technology Alliance Plan. At the request of either Party, the TAC will,
     within ten (10) days after such request, determine whether the Parties
     have, as of that date; successfully produced PHA Cell Paste, in a fomenter
     having a capacity of approximately *, in a manner and with results that
     meet the applicable Fermentation Performance Parameters.

          3.2.4 RECOVERY OPERATION. MBX shall use Commercially Reasonable
     Efforts, including making available personnel, plant, equipment and other
     resources, to demonstrate recovery of PHA Material as set forth in the
     Technology Alliance Plan. Such resources shall be made available
     for the Technology Alliance Program in the manner and to the extent set
     forth herein and in the Technology Alliance Plan, with the purpose of
     achieving the Goal. ADM and ADM Sub shall have reasonable access to that
     portion of the MBX facilities, or facilities of third panics, at which such
     production operations are conducted as is reasonably necessary to observe
     and participate in such operations. ADM Sub acknowledges that the
     personnel, plant, equipment and other resources utilized to perform the
     recovery of PHA Material will not be dedicated to such purpose solely, and
     MBX will put such resources to other uses during the Technology Alliance
     Program, in a manner consistent with MBX's ability to perform its
     obligations as



     described herein and in the Technology Alliance Plan. At the request of
     either Party, the TAC will, within ten (10) days after such request,
     determine whether the Parties have, as of that date, successfully
     demonstrated the recovery of PHA Material in a manner and with results that
     meet the Recovery Performance Parameters.

     prepare the ADM Sub Construction Master Plan and Budget, with the
     assistance of MBX and in consultation with any Third Party Consultants as
     shall be approved by the TAC. After the completion of the ADM Sub
     Construction Master Plan and Budget, the TAC will promptly conduct a
     complete review of such document, and shall designate and approve those
     items or categories of costs and expenses provided in such documents as
     Construction Costs and shall indicate whether and why certain items or
     categories of costs and expenses do not qualify as Construction Costs, in
     whole or in part, and whether such costs and expenses could so qualify
     under other circumstances, for example, if more information were provided
     as the necessity and reasonableness of the particular costs and expenses or
     the features or facilities to which such costs and expenses relate. After
     such review and approval process is completed by the TAC, in the event ADM
     Sub desires to strike the Option, ADM Sub shall seek all approvals and
     authorizations required under its corporate governance policies and
     practices to authorize the Construction of the ADM Sub Manufacturing
     Facility including the authorization to expend the amounts provided for in
     the ADM Sub Construction Master Plan and Budget.

Commercially Reasonable Efforts to produce PHA Cell Paste in such amounts as
result from the operations set forth in the Technology Alliance Plan (the
"Technology Alliance Output") and such additional amounts as the Parties may
agree to in writing (the "Marketing Material") for use by MBX in developing the
market for PHA Material. The Technology Alliance Output and the Marketing
Material will be made available by ADM Sub to MBX as set forth in this Section

     Technology Alliance Output to demonstrate recovery of PHA Material in
     accordance with Section 3.2.4 and the Technology Alliance Plan. Further,
     the Technology Alliance Output will be used by the Parties to perform
     such evaluation and analysis as is necessary or useful in determining
     whether the Parties have achieved the Goal. Without limiting the
     foregoing statement, the Technology Alliance Output will be evaluated
     and analyzed by the Parties, in accordance with the procedures and
     methods set forth in the Technology Alliance Plan, to determine whether
     the Technology Alliance Output meets the Fermentation Performance
     Parameters and the Recovery Performance Parameters.

     shall have the right, but not the obligation, to purchase the Technology
     Alliance Output from ADM Sub at a price of * of PHA Material contained
     within the PHA Cell Paste, on a one hundred percent (100%) purity basis,
     and the right and obligation to purchase the Marketing Material
     manufactured in accordance with the applicable agreement between the
     Parties, from ADM Sub, at ADM Sub's Manufacturing Cost, F.O.B. Decatur,
     Illinois. MBX may exercise this purchase option at any time, and from
     time-to-time, during the Technology Alliance Program and up to thirty (30)
     days after the expiration or termination of the Technology Alliance
     Program, by written notice to ADM Sub, stating its desire to purchase, the
     quantity to be purchased (up to the



     total amount that is then available) and shipping and delivery
     instructions. ADM Sub shall invoice MBX for amounts so purchased no sooner
     than at the time of delivery and the purchase price for amounts ordered and
     delivered in accordance herewith shall be payable by MBX within thirty (30)
     days of receipt of an invoice from ADM Sub by wire transfer of immediately
     available fluids to an account in the United States designated by ADM Sub.
     Technology Alliance Output and Marketing Material purchased hereunder shall
     be purchased "as is," without warranty of any kind other than that the
     Technology Alliance Output and Marketing Material shall have been stored
     and handled, from the time of production until the delivery to MBX, in
     accordance with the requirements of the Technology Alliance Plan or as
     otherwise agreed by the Parties. Technology Alliance Output and Marketing
     Material purchased by MBX shall be used by MBX for performing its
     obligations pursuant to this Agreement and for market development
     activities benefiting the Parties and the potential Commercial Alliance
     between them. Technology Alliance Output that is not purchased by MBX shall
     be used by ADM Sub solely for internal research and development purposes,
     or if not soused, ADM Sub shall either store (for later sale to MBX or the
     Joint Sales Company or for later use by ADM Sub solely for internal
     research purposes) or dispose of the unused Technology Alliance Output, at
     ADM Sub's option.

     3.4 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Within ten (10) days after the end of each
month during the term of the Technology Alliance Program, or as otherwise agreed
to by the Parties, the Parties shall provide each other with a written progress
report which shall describe the activities that have been performed to date in
connection with the Technology Alliance Program, including without limitation,
an evaluation of the work performed in relation to the Goal of the Technology
Alliance Program, and will provide such other information as may be required by
the Technology Alliance Plan or reasonably requested by MBX or ADM Sub.

     3.5 RECORDS. ADM Sub and MBX shall maintain records with respect to the
Technology Alliance Program in sufficient detail and in a good scientific manner
appropriate to support patent filings, which shall be complete and accurate and
shall fully and properly reflect all work done and results achieved in the
performance of the Technology Alliance Program. All such records shall be
retained for at least five (5) years after the termination of this Agreement, or
for such longer period as may be required by applicable law. Each of ADM Sub and
MBX shall have the right, during normal business hours and upon reasonable
notice, to inspect and copy any such records that are maintained hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE 4
                              INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

     4.1 OWNERSHIP.

     rights and licenses granted herein, ADM Sub shall own all right, title and
     interest in and to any: (i) ADM Sub Background Technology, (ii) ADM Sub
     Program Technology and (iii) ADM Sub Proprietary Materials. Subject to the
     rights and licenses granted herein, MBX shall own all right, title and
     interest in and to any: (x) MBX Background Technology, (y) MBX Program
     Technology and (z) MBX Proprietary Materials.



          4.1.2 JOINT OWNERSHIP. MBX and ADM Sub shall jointly own all Joint
     Program Technology. ADM Sub hereby grants to MBX a perpetual, *, exclusive,
     fully-sublicenseable license to ADM Sub's rights in Joint Program
     Technology for the research, development, manufacture, use, sale and
     importation of PHA Related Material produced via Plants. MBX hereby grants
     to ADM Sub a perpetual, *, exclusive, fully-sublicenseable license to MBX's
     rights in Joint Program Technology for use in all fields that are part of
     ADM's and its Affiliates' commercial activities at any time during the tern
     of this Technology Alliance Agreement, but excluding: (i) uses that are
     within the Field, (ii) uses that are within the term "Field of Use" as that
     term is defined in the License Agreement by and between MBX and Tepha, Inc.
     dated October 1, 1999 and (iii) any and all uses of PHA Related Material
     produced via Plants. Subject to the rights, licenses and obligations set
     forth herein, MBX and ADM Sub hereby agree that they shall each have the
     right to assign, sell, license or otherwise convey their rights in the
     Joint Program Technology without notice to or consent of the other Party
     and without any obligation to share the proceeds of such activity with the
     other Party, or otherwise to account to the other Party in connection with
     such activities. In all other respects, the rights of the Parties as joint
     owners shall be determined by the laws of the United States of America and
     the State of Delaware.

          4.1.3 DISCLOSURE. MBX and ADM Sub shall each promptly disclose to the
     other, in writing, the making, conception or reduction to practice of any
     Program Technology.


          4.2.1 LICENSE GRANTS BY MBX. Subject to the terms and conditions act
     forth herein, MBX hereby grants to ADM Sub a *, non-exclusive license,
     without the right to assign or sublicense, under MBX's right, title and
     interest in and to the MBX Technology and the MBX Patent Rights, solely to
     perform its obligations under the Technology Alliance Plan during the term
     of this Agreement. ADM Sub acknowledges that certain of the MBX Patent
     Rights and MSX Technology are Controlled by MBX pursuant and subject to
     that certain License Agreement dated July 15, 1993 by and between MBX
     and Massachusetts Institute of Technology as amended, the MIT License").
     The license granted herein to ADM Sub is subject to certain rights
     retained by MIT in the MIT License and ADM Sub further agrees that
     the obligations to MIT set forth in Articles 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13
     and 15 (copies of said articles am attached hereto as EXHIBIT H) are
     binding upon ADM Sub as if it were a Party to the MIT License.

          4.2.2 GRANTS BY ADM SUB. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth
     herein, ADM Sub hereby grants to MBX a *, non-exclusive license, without
     the right to assign or sublicense, under ADM Sub's right, title and
     interest in and to the ADM Sub Technology and the ADM Sub Patent Rights,
     solely to perform its obligations under the Technology Alliance Plan during
     the term of this Agreement.

     4.3 GRANT OF OPTION. MBX hereby grants to ADM Sub the might and option to
enter into a commercial alliance for the further research, development,
manufacture, use, sale and importation of the PHA Material and PHA Formulations
on the terms and conditions set forth in the Commercial Alliance Agreements (the
"Option"). The Option shall be exercisable by ADM Sub as follows: (i) at any
time after the Technical Aspects of the Goal have been achieved and until thirty
(30) days after the expiration of the term of this Agreement, by written notice



MBX or (ii) at any time after the Fermentation Performance Parameters
applicable to fermentation in a * fermenter have been met and until thirty (30)
days after the expiration of the term of this Agreement, by written notice to
MBX; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that, in either case, the Option shall not be
exercisable if and for so long as ADM Sub is in breach of this Agreement.
Following the exercise of the Option, the Parties shall promptly execute and
deliver the Commercial Alliance Agreements in accordance with this Agreement.

     4.4 NO IMPLIED RIGHTS. The Parties hereby agree and acknowledge that no
rights or licenses under their respective intellectual property rights are
granted hereunder, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, by either of them,
except as expressly set forth in Section 4.1, Section 4.2 and Section 4.3.


          4.5.1 MBX REPRESENTATIONS. Except as otherwise disclosed on Schedule
     4.5.1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, MBX represents
     and warrants, as of the Effective Date, that: *. MBX DOES NOT MAKE ANY

          4.5.2 ADM SUB REPRESENTATIONS. Except as otherwise disclosed on
     Schedule 4.5.2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, ADM
     Sub represents and warrants, as of the Effective Date, that: *. ADM SUB

                                   ARTICLE 5

     5.1 PAYMENTS. Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, ADM Sub shall
pay to MBX the amount of * as a non-refundable; non-creditable upfront payment.
Within ten (10) days following the TAC's determination that (i) the production
of PHA Cell Paste in a fermenter having a capacity of approximately * was in a
manner and with results that met the applicable Fermentation Performance
Parameters, and (ii) the recovery of PHA Material was in a manner and with
results that met the Recovery Performance Parameters, ADM Sub shall pay to MBX
the amount of * as a non refundable, non-creditable milestone payment. Within
ten (10) days following the first to occur of: (i) the achievement of the Goal
and (ii) the exercise of the Option by ADM Sub, ADM Sub shall pay to MBX the
amount of * as a non refundable, non-creditable milestone payment. Anything
herein to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event that ADM Sub desires to
exercise the Option in accordance with Section 4.3, the above-described upfront



payment and the two (2) milestone payments, to the extent not already paid,
shall be due and payable in full as a pre-condition to the exercise of the
Option. Amounts due under this Section 5.1 shall be payable by wire transfer of
immediately available funds to an MBX bank account in accordance with
instructions to be provided to ADM Sub by MBX.

     5.2 OTHER EXPENSES. Except as provided in Section 5.1, each Party shall
bear its own costs and expenses incurred in performing under this Agreement.

                                    ARTICLE 6

     6.1 EXCLUSIVITY. During the term of this Agreement, and for a period of
thirty (30) days thereafter, *

                                   ARTICLE 7
                           PUBLICITY; NON-SOLICITATION

     7.1 CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS. MBX and ADM Sub each recognize that the
other Parties' Confidential Information and Proprietary Materials constitute
highly valuable and proprietary confidential information. Each of MBX and ADM
Sub agrees that it will keep confidential, and will cause its employees,
consultants, and Affiliates to keep confidential, all Confidential Information
and Proprietary Materials of the other Parties. The Party and their respective
employees, consultants or Affiliates, shall not use any Confidential Information
or Proprietary Materials of any other Party for any purpose whatsoever except as
expressly permitted in this Agreement. MBX acknowledges that the corn costs that
constitute a portion of the Manufacturing Cost shall constitute ADM Sub
Confidential Information.

     7.2 LIMITED DISCLOSURE. MBX and ADM Sub each agree that any disclosure of
any other Party's Confidential Information or any transfer of any other Party's
Proprietary Materials to any officer or employee of any other Party or any of
its Affiliates shall be made only if and to the extent necessary to carry out
its rights and responsibilities under this Agreement and shall be limited to the
maximum extent possible consistent with such rights and responsibilities. MBX
and ADM Sub each further agree that any disclosure of another Party's
Confidential Information or any transfer of another Party's Proprietary
Materials as permitted by the preceding sentence shall only be made to such of
the recipient Party's officers, employees aid Affiliates who are bound by
written confidentiality obligations to maintain the confidentiality thereof and
not to use such Confidential Information or Proprietary Materials except as
expressly permitted by this Agreement. MBX and ADM Sub each further agree not to
disclose or transfer any other Party's Confidential information or Proprietary
Materials to any third parties under any circumstance without the prior written
approval from the relevant other Party (such approval not to be unreasonably
withheld), except as otherwise required by law, or except as otherwise expressly
permitted by this Agreement. Each Party shall take such action, and shall cause
its Affiliates to take such action, to preserve the confidentiality of the other
Parties' Confidential Information and Proprietary Materials as it would
customarily take to preserve the confidentiality of its own Confidential
Information and Proprietary Materials, and in no event, less than reasonable



Each Party, upon the request of any other Party, will return all the
Proprietary Information and Confidential Materials disclosed or transferred to
it by such other Party pursuant to this Agreement which does not constitute
Joint Program Technology, including all copies and extracts of documents and all
manifestations in whatever form, within two (2) months of the request or, within
two (2) weeks of the termination or expiration of this Agreement; PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that a Party may retain Confidential Information, and Proprietary
Materials of another Party relating to any license which survives such
termination and one copy of all other Confidential Information may be retained
in its legal files solely for the purpose of monitoring compliance with this
Article 7.

     7.3 EMPLOYEES AND CONSULTANTS. MBX and ADM Sub each hereby represent that
all of its employees, and any consultants to such Party or its Affiliates,
participating in the activities of the Technology Alliance Program who shall
have access to the Confidential Information or Proprietary Materials of the
other Party are bound by written obligations to maintain such information in
confidence and not to use such information except as expressly permitted herein
mid to assign any inventions or discoveries made in connection with such
activities to MBX or ADM Sub as applicable. Each Party agrees to be held
responsible for the confidentiality obligations to which its employees and
consultants (and those of its Affiliates) are obligated.

     7.4 PUBLICITY. Neither Party may publicly disclose the existence or terms
of this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other Party;
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that either Party may make such a disclosure: (a) to the
extent required by law (including the fling of a redacted copy of the Agreement
as an exhibit to a legally required filing) or by the requirements of any
nationally recognized securities exchange, quotation system or over-the-counter
market on which such Party has its securities listed or traded, and (b) to any
investors (including without limitation, entities interested in acquiring the
stock or assets of such Party or merging with or into such Party), prospective
investors, lenders, other potential financing sources, prospective customers and
prospective strategic marketing partners who are obligated to keep such
information confidential. In the event that such disclosure is required as
aforesaid, the disclosing Party shall make Commercially Reasonable Efforts to
provide the other Party with reasonable notice prior to such disclosure and to
coordinate with the other Party with respect to the wording and timing of any
such disclosure. The Parties, prior to the execution of this Agreement, will
mutually agree on the wording of a press release publicizing the Technology
Alliance which shall be attached hereto as EXHIBIT I. Once such press release or
any other written statement is approved for disclosure by both Parties, either
Party may make subsequent public disclosure of the contents of such statement,
but no more than the contents of such statement, without the further approval of
the other Party.

     7.5 PROHIBITION ON SOLICITATION. Neither Party nor its Affiliates shall,
during the period commencing on the Effective Date and continuing until the
expiration or termination of this Agreement and * thereafter, specifically
solicit any person who is employed by the other Party or its Affiliates and who
was involved in the Technology Alliance Program during the term of this
Agreement, whether such person is solicited to be hired as an employee or
consultant, unless authorized in writing by the other Party. The Parties
acknowledge that generally listing a position for hire in a newspaper, trade
journal or similar publication shall not constitute a specific solicitation in
violation of the terms of this provision. The Parties also acknowledge that
specifically soliciting any person who was formerly employed by the other Party
or its Affiliates



is not in violation of the terms of this provision. The Parties further
acknowledge for the avoidance of doubt that this Section only applies to those
persons that remain employees of a Party and not to former employees of a Party.

     7.6 TERM. The obligations and restrictions set forth in this Article 7
shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for a period of
twenty (20) years.

                                   ARTICLE 8
                              TERM AND TERMINATION

     8.1 TERM. This Agreement shall commence as of the Effective Date and shall
expire upon the first to occur of (i) fifteen (15) months following the
completion of the initial fermentation run by ADM Sub in a fermenter having a
capacity of approximately *, (ii) eighteen (18) months following the completion
of MBX's obligations in connection with the Technology Transfer as specified
under the Technology Alliance Plan, (iii) the second anniversary of the
Effective Date, unless terminated in accordance with this Article 8 prior to
such date, and (iv) the execution of the Commercial Alliance Agreement.

     8.2 TERMINATION BY EITHER PARTY. This Agreement may be terminated at any
time by either Party in the event that the other Party materially defaults on
any material obligation hereunder or materially breaches any material term of
this Agreement to be performed or observed: (a) by giving one (1) month prior
written notice to the defaulting Party in the case of a breach of any payment
term of this Agreement, and (b) by giving two (2) months prior written notice to
the defaulting Party in the case of any other breach; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that in
the case of a default or breach capable of being cured, if said defaulting Party
shall cure the said default or breach within such notice period after said
notice shall have been given, then said notice shall not be effective and this
Agreement shall continue in full force and effect

     8.3 AT WILL TERMINATION BY ADM SUB. ADM Sub shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement at any time upon not less than one (1) month prior
written notice to MBX.

termination or expiration of the Agreement, the following shall occur:


               (a)  MBX shall immediately cease using, and shall promptly return
                    to ADM Sub, all ADM Sub Technology, except to the extent MBX
                    has a license to practice such Technology under Section 8.4;

               (b)  ADM Sub shall immediately cease using, and shall promptly
                    return to MBX all MBX Technology, except to the extent ADM
                    Sub has a license to practice such Technology under Section

               (c)  the license granted to ADM Sub pursuant to Section 4.2.1
                    shall immediately terminate;



               (d)  the license granted to MBX pursuant to Section 4.2.2 shall
                    immediately terminate;

               (e)  each Party shall promptly pay to the other any amounts due
                    and payable hereunder as of the effective date of
                    termination or expiration; and

               (f)  subject to those rights and obligations of the Parties that
                    survive termination or expiration by their terms or pursuant
                    to Section 8.5, this Agreement shall terminate and be of no
                    further force or effect.


               (a)  In the event ADM Sub terminates this Agreement pursuant to
                    Section 8.3, or ADM Sub does not Exercise the Option after
                    the Technical Aspects of the Goal have been achieved, then
                    ADM Sub shall and hereby does grant to MINX a
                    fully-sublicenseable, *, perpetual, irrevocable,
                    non-exclusive license under all intellectual property rights
                    Controlled by ADM Sub and claiming or covering Program
                    Technology, to research, develop, manufacture, use, sell and
                    import PHA-Related Material, produced using any means or
                    methods, for any and all uses.

               (b)  In the event ADM Sub terminates this Agreement pursuant to
                    Section 8.2, then MBX shall and hereby does grant to ADM Sub
                    a fully-sublicenseable, *, perpetual, irrevocable (unless
                    the terms of the license are breached), non-exclusive
                    license under all intellectual property rights Controlled by
                    MBX and claiming or covering Program Technology and MBX
                    Background Technology to research, develop, manufacture,
                    use, sell and import PHA Material and PHA Formulations for
                    use in the Field. The foregoing license shall be limited
                    such that ADM Sub shall be permitted to make a maximum of *
                    of PHA Materials during each consecutive period of twelve
                    (12) months during the term of the license on a * basis and
                    ADM Sub shall have the right to make up to an additional *
                    of PHA Material during each consecutive period of twelve
                    (12) months during the term of the license subject to
                    payment to MBX of a royalty (i) during the Royalty Term
                    equal to: (y) * on all sales or other conveyances of PHA
                    Patented Material (including, without limitation, PHA
                    Material that is contained within PHA Formulations), on a
                    one hundred percent (100%) purity basis; and (z) * on all
                    sales or other conveyances of PHA Know How Material
                    (including, without limitation,



                    PHA Material that is contained within PHA Formulations), on
                    a one hundred percent (100%) purity basis; and (ii) during
                    the Supplemental Royalty Term equal to * on all sales or
                    other conveyances of PHA Supplemental Know How Material
                    (including, without limitation, PHA Material that is
                    contained within PHA Formulations), on a one hundred percent
                    (100%) purity basis. Provided, however, that any such
                    royalty shall be reduced by the amount of royalties payable
                    to any Third Party under a license required to obtain
                    freedom to practice the MBX Technology and/or MBX Patent
                    Rights for the manufacture, use or sale of PHA Material
                    within the Field provided that MBX breached an obligation
                    under Section 4.5.1 to disclose: (i) the existence of such
                    Third Party's intellectual property rights in such
                    Technology, or (ii) claims by such Third Party that any of
                    the MBX Patent Rights are invalid or unenforceable, or that
                    the practice of any of the MBX Patent Rights would
                    constitute an infringement or misappropriation of such Third
                    Party's intellectual property rights (such royalty reduction
                    right is "Third Party IP Royalty Offset"). Such royalty
                    shall be payable within thirty (30) days following the end
                    of each calendar quarter for sales or conveyances that occur
                    during such calendar quarter. Amounts due under this Section
                    8.4.2(b) shall be payable by wire transfer of immediately
                    available funds to an MBX bank account in accordance with
                    instructions to be provided to ADM Sub by MBX. Any amounts
                    that are not paid when due hereunder shall accrue interest
                    at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum in excess of the
                    one year London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) then most
                    recently published in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. The right to
                    demand and receive the interest provided hereunder shall be
                    in addition to any other rights available to MBX hereunder
                    or at law. ADM Sub shall maintain records with respect to
                    the sale or conveyance of PHA Material under this license in
                    sufficient detail to enable MBX to verify the accuracy of
                    the royalty payments made hereunder by ADM Sub. Such records
                    shall be retained for at least five (5) years after the
                    relevant (late of sale or conveyance. MBX shall have the
                    right, during normal business hours and upon reasonable
                    notice, to have an independent third party accounting firm
                    (subject to a mutually agreeable confidentiality agreement)
                    inspect and copy any such records that are maintained in
                    accordance with this Section 8.4.2(b). ADM Sub may terminate
                    this license at any time without any further obligation by
                    providing MBX with written notice thereof. In addition, in
                    the event ADM Sub terminates this Agreement pursuant to
                    Section 8.2, MBX shall promptly destroy any derivatives and
                    mutated forms constituting MBX Proprietary Materials
                    invented by ADM Sub, and provide ADM Sub with a
                    certification signed by an officer of MBX that MBX has
                    complied with this provision.

          8.4.3 RIGHTS UPON MBX TERMINATION. In the event MBX terminates this
     Agreement pursuant to Section 8.2, then ADM Sub shall and hereby does grant
     to MBX: (i) a fully-sublicenseable, *, perpetual, irrevocable, exclusive
     license under all intellectual property



     rights Controlled by ADM Sub and claiming or covering Program Technology,
     to research, develop, manufacture, use, sell and import PHA Related
     Material, produced using any means or methods, for any and all uses, and
     (ii) a fully-sublicenseable, *, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive
     license under all ADM Sub Background Technology, to research, develop,
     manufacture, use, sell and import PHA-Related Material, produced using any
     means or methods, for any and all uses.


               (a)  In the event ADM Sub files for protection under Chapter 11
                    of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and ADM Sub, directly or
                    indirectly in connection with such proceedings, rejects this
                    Agreement as an executory contract (or on similar grounds),
                    then ADM Sub shall and hereby does grant to MBX: (i) a
                    fully-sublicenseable, *, perpetual, irrevocable, exclusive
                    license under all intellectual property rights Controlled by
                    ADM Sub and claiming or covering Program Technology, to
                    research, develop, manufacture, use, sell and import
                    PHA-Related Material, produced using any means or methods,
                    for any and all uses, and (ii) a fully-sublicenseable, *,
                    perpetual, irrevocable, non exclusive license under all ADM
                    Sub Background Technology, to research, develop,
                    manufacture, use, sell and import PHA-Related Material,
                    produced using any means or methods, for any and all uses.

               (b)  In the event MBX files for protection under Chapter 11 of
                    the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and MBX, directly or indirectly in
                    connection with such proceedings, rejects this Agreement as
                    an executory contract (or on similar grounds), then MBX
                    shall and hereby does grant to ADM Sub a
                    fully-sublicenseable, *, perpetual, irrevocable (unless the
                    terms of the license are breached), nonexclusive license
                    under all intellectual property rights Controlled by MBX and
                    claiming or covering Program Technology and MBX Background
                    Technology to research, develop, manufacture, use, sell and
                    import PHA Material and PHA Formulations for use in the
                    Field. The foregoing license shall be limited such that ADM
                    Sub shall be permitted to make a maximum of * of PHA
                    Materials during each consecutive period of twelve (12)
                    months during the term of the license on a * basis and ADM
                    Sub shall have the right to make up to an additional * of
                    PHA Material during each consecutive period of twelve (12)
                    months during the term of the license subject to payment to
                    MBX of a royalty (i) during the Royalty Term equal to: (y) *
                    on all sales or other conveyances of PHA Patented Material
                    (including, without limitation, PHA Material that is
                    contained within PHA Formulations), on a one hundred



                    percent (100%) purity basis; and (z) * on all sale or other
                    conveyances of PDA Know-How Material (including, without
                    limitation, PHA Material that is contained within PHA
                    Formulations), on a one hundred percent (100%) purity basis;
                    and (ii) during the Supplemental Royalty Term equal to * on
                    all sales or other conveyances of PHA Supplemental Know-How
                    Material (including, without limitation, PHA Material that
                    is contained within PHA Formulations), on a one hundred
                    percent (100%) purity basis. Provided, however, that any
                    such royalty shall be subject to Third Party IP Royalty
                    Offset. Such royalty shall be payable within thirty (30)
                    days following the end of each calendar quarter for sales or
                    conveyances that occur during such calendar quarter. Amounts
                    due under this Section 8.4.4(b) shall be payable by wire
                    transfer of immediately available funds to an MBX bank
                    account in accordance with instructions to be provided to
                    ADM Sub by MBX. Any amounts that are not paid when due
                    hereunder shall accrue interest at the rate of four percent
                    (4%) per annum in excess of the one year London Interbank
                    Offered Rate (LIBOR) then most recently published in THE
                    WALL STREET JOURNAL. The right to demand and receive the
                    interest provided hereunder shall be in addition to any
                    other rights available to MBX hereunder or at law. ADM Sub
                    shall maintain records with respect to the sale or
                    conveyance of PHA Material under this license in sufficient
                    detail to enable MBX to verify the accuracy of the royalty
                    payments made hereunder by ADM Sub. Such records shall be
                    retained for at least five (5) years after the relevant date
                    of sale or conveyance. MBX shall have the right, during
                    normal business hours and upon reasonable notice, to have an
                    independent third party accounting firm (subject to a
                    mutually agreeable confidentiality agreement) inspect and
                    copy any such records that are maintained in accordance with
                    this Section 8.4.4(b). ADM Sub may terminate this license at
                    any time without any further obligation by providing MBX
                    with written notice thereof.

     8.5 SURVIVING PROVISIONS; RESERVATION OF RIGHTS. Termination or expiration
of this Agreement for any reason shall be without prejudice to any rights and
obligations of the Parties that have accrued as of the Effective Date of
termination and:

               (a)  the rights and obligations of the Parties provided in
                    Section 8.4, and Articles 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 11 and any
                    other provision which would reasonably be expected to
                    survive termination in accordance with the terms of this
                    Agreement, all of which shall survive such termination for
                    the period of time set forth in each such provision, or
                    indefinitely if no such time is specified; and

               (b)  any other rights or remedies provided at law or equity which
                    either Party may otherwise have against the other.



                                   ARTICLE 9
                                 PATENT MATTERS


          9.1.1 ADM SUB PATENT RIGHTS. ADM Sub shall have the sole right and
     authority to file, prosecute and maintain the ADM Sub Patent Rights during
     the term of this Agreement at its own expense and using patent counsel of
     its own choosing. ADM Sub represents that it will continue to file,
     prosecute and maintain the ADM-Sub Patent Rights in accordance with
     reasonable commercial practices during the term of this Agreement.

          9.1.2 MBX PATENT RIGHTS. MBX shall have the sole right and authority
     to file, prosecute and maintain the MBX Patent Rights during the term at
     its own expense and using patent counsel of its own choosing. MBX
     represents that it will continue to file, prosecute and maintain the MBX
     Patent Rights in accordance with reasonable commercial practices during the
     term of this Agreement.

          9.1.3 ABANDONMENT. If either Party decides to withdraw from the
     continued prosecution of any Patent Rights on Technology that is at that
     time subject to a license hereunder, such Party shall so inform the other
     Party at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such
     decision and the other Party shall have the right, through patent attorneys
     or agents of its choice, to assume responsibility for the continued
     prosecution of such Patent Rights. Promptly after the effective date of the
     decision to withdraw, the withdrawing Party shall assign its right, title
     and interest in and to such Patent Rights to the other Party.
     Notwithstanding such assignment, such Patent Rights will continue to be
     subject to any licenses granted herein to the extent necessary in carrying
     out the Commercial Alliance.

          9.1.4 JOINT PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY. The Parties will file, prosecute and
     maintain Patent Rights claiming Joint Program Technology in accordance with
     this Section 9.1.4 with the primary goal of maximizing the commercial
     potential of the PHA Material in a commercially reasonable manner. The
     Parties, sharing expenses equally and acting through patent attorneys or
     agents agreed upon by the Parties, shall prepare, file, prosecute and
     maintain all Patent Rights relating to Joint Program Technology. If either
     Party decides to withdraw from the continued prosecution of any Patent
     Rights on Joint Program Technology, such Party shall so inform the other
     Party at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such
     decision and the other Party shall have the right, through patent attorneys
     or agents of its choice, to assume responsibility for the continued
     prosecution of such Patent Rights. Promptly after the effective date of the
     decision to withdraw, the withdrawing Party shall assign its right, title
     and interest in and to such Patent Rights to the other Party.
     Notwithstanding such assignment, such Patent Rights will continue to be
     subject to the licenses granted herein to the extent applicable.


          9.2.1 ACTUAL OR THREATENED INFRINGEMENT. In the event either Party
     becomes aware of any possible infringement or unauthorized possession,
     knowledge or use of any Technology, which is the subject matter of this
     Agreement, in the Field (collectively, an "Infringement"), that Party shall
     promptly notify the other Party and provide it with available



     details. ADM Sub hereby reserves the exclusive right (but not obligation)
     to take whatever action it deems appropriate to prevent or terminate any
     third party infringement of ADM Sub Patent Rights claiming the ADM Sub
     Technology, at ADM Sub's cost. MBX hereby reserves the exclusive right (but
     not obligation) to take whatever action it deems appropriate to prevent or
     terminate any third party infringement of MBX Patent Rights claiming the
     MBX Technology, at MBX's cost. Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the
     term, if either Party (the "Defending Party") decides to take any action to
     prevent or terminate any third party infringement of its Patent Rights
     within the Field, it shall first give notice to the other Party (the
     "Neutral Party") and, if the Neutral Party can produce a written legal
     opinion of an independent patent attorney concluding that there is a
     reasonable likelihood that such third party could, in good faith, in
     connection with such action, allege that a claim or claims within Patent
     Rights Controlled by the Neutral Party are invalid or unenforceable, then
     the Defending Party shall not take such action against such third party
     without the prior, written consent of the Neutral Party. The Parties,
     sharing expenses equally and acting through patent attorneys or agents
     agreed upon by the Parties, shall take whatever action they shall agree
     upon to prevent or terminate any third party infringement of Patent Rights
     relating to Joint Program Technology, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if the
     Parties cannot agree, MBX shall have the right to make the final
     determination with respect to third party infringement within the Field. In
     all cases, all decisions by a Party pursuant to this Section 9.2 shall be
     made in good faith and in the best interest of the Technology Alliance

          9.2.2 DEFENSE OF CLAIMS. In the event that any action, suit or
     proceeding is brought against either Party based on its actions in
     performance of the Technology Alliance Program and alleging the
     infringement of the Technology or intellectual property rights of a third
     party, the Parties shall cooperate with each other in the defense of any
     such suit, action or proceeding. The Parties will give each other prompt
     written notice of the commencement of any such suit, action or proceeding
     or claim of infringement and will furnish each other with a copy of each
     communication relating to the alleged infringement. Each Party shall
     cooperate in the defense of such actions. If as a consequence of such
     action, suit or proceeding by a third party, a prohibition, restriction or
     other condition is imposed upon one or both of the Parties, the Parties
     shall examine and discuss in good faith the consequences of such
     prohibition or restriction or other conditions on this Agreement and on
     possible modifications hereto.

                                   ARTICLE 10

     10.1 INDEMNIFICATION BY MBX. During the course of, and upon and after
termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, MBX and its Affiliates
shall indemnify, defend and hold ADM Sub, its Affiliates and their respective
directors, officers and employees (collectively, "ADM Sub Indemnitees") harmless
against any claims (including without limitation claims for product liability,
personal injury or death, or property damage), liability, damage, loss, cost or
expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by any of them, to the
extent resulting from: *.

     10.2 INDEMNIFICATION BY ADM SUB. During the course of, and upon and after
termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, ADM Sub and its
Affiliates shall



indemnify, defend and hold MBX, its Affiliates and their respective directors,
officers and employees (collectively, "MBX Indemnitees") harmless against any
claims (including without limitation claims for product liability, personal
injury or death, or property damage), liability, damage, loss, cost or expense
(including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by any of them, to the extent
resulting from: *.

     10.3 CONDITIONS TO INDEMNIFICATION. A Party seeking indemnification under
this Article 10 (the "Indemnified Party') shall give prompt notice of the claim
to the other Party (the "Indemnifying Party) and, provided that the Indemnifying
Party is not contesting the indemnity obligation, shall permit the Indemnifying
Party to control any litigation relating to such claim and disposition of any
such claim, provided that the Indemnifying Party shall act reasonably and in
good faith with respect to all matters relating to the settlement or disposition
of any claim as the settlement or disposition relates to Parties being
indemnified under this Article 10 and provided, further, that the Indemnifying
Party shall not settle or otherwise resolve any claim without prior notice to
the Indemnified Party and the consent of the Indemnified Party (which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) if such settlement
involves anything other than the payment of money by the Indemnifying Party. The
Indemnified Party shall cooperate with the Indemnifying Party in its defense of
any claim for which indemnification is sought under this Article 10 and shall
have the right to be present hi person or through counsel at all legal
proceedings giving rise to the right of indemnification.

                                   ARTICLE 11

     11.1 NO ASSIGNMENT. No Party shall sell, transfer or permit any transfer
of, in whole or in part, this Agreement without prior written consent of the
other Parties, which consent may be withheld for any reason. The merger or
acquisition of MBX by, with or into a third party shall not be deemed to effect
an assignment of this Agreement by MBX and this Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of such third party, or new entity, in the case of a
merger or similar transaction in which MBX does not continue as the same
corporate entity and shall continue to bind and inure to the benefit of MBX in
the case of an acquisition or similar transaction in which MBX survives as the
same corporate entity. ADM Sub shall not enter into any merger, acquisition or
similar transaction without the prior, written consent of MBX. Nothing herein
shall restrict ADM from entering into a merger or acquisition of ADM by, with or
into a third party and no such transaction shall he deemed to effect an
assignment of this Agreement by ADM Sub and this Agreement shall be binding upon
and inure to the benefit of such third party, or new entity, in the case of a
merger or similar transaction in which ADM does not continue as the same
corporate entity and shall continue to bind and inure to the benefit of ADM Sub
in the case of an acquisition or similar transaction in which ADM survives as a
the same corporate entity. Any purported assignment or transfer in violation of
this provision shall be null and void. *

     11.2 SUCCESSORS. In the event of a permitted assignment, this Agreement
shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, all the Parties and their
respective successors and legal assigns.



     11.3 DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Any dispute or claim arising out of or relating to
this Agreement, or breach thereof shall be resolved in accordance with this
Section 11.3. During the course of resolving any such dispute, the Parties shall
continue to perform their obligations hereunder (including by making payment of
the undisputed portion of any payment obligation that is the subject of a
dispute hereunder or thereunder). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligation
of the Parties to continue to perform hereunder during the resolution of
disputes shall not require a Party to perform obligations (other than any
undisputed portion of any payment obligations) where such performance is
rendered impossible, or would otherwise not maintain or increase the likelihood
that the Parties will achieve the purpose and Goal of the Technology Alliance,
because of circumstances created by or directly related to the dispute itself.

     11.3.1 GOOD FAITH CONSULTATION. In the event of a dispute between the
Parties, the Parties shall attempt in good faith to settle such dispute through
mutual consultation. If, after such consultation, the dispute cannot be
resolved, the Parties shall wait for not less than sixty (60) days after the
dispute arises and at the end of such period meet for a second consultation. If
the dispute is not resolved after the second consultation, the matter shall be
referred to the Senior Vice President (Corn Processing and Food Specialties) of
ADM Sub and the Chief Executive Officer of MBX (together, the "Senior
Executives") for resolution in accordance with Section 11.3.2.

     11.3.2 SENIOR EXECUTIVES. The Senior Executives shall diligently attempt to
resolve the dispute, including, if they deem it necessary, meeting directly in
order to provide full consideration of the dispute. If the Senior Executives are
unable to resolve the dispute within sixty (60) additional days after the second
consultation then the dispute shall be referred to arbitration.

     11.3.3 ARBITRATION. Any arbitration to be conducted hereunder shall be
brought and conducted in accordance with the following provisions:

               (1)  The arbitration shall be held in Chicago, Illinois if
                    initiated by MBX and in Boston, Massachusetts if initiated
                    by ADM Sub.

               (2)  The arbitration shall be conducted by three (3) arbitrators
                    in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the
                    American Arbitration Association. Each Party, upon notice to
                    the other Party, shall appoint one arbitrator. The two
                    arbitrators appointed by the Parties shall appoint a third
                    arbitrator. The arbitrators shall be lawyers who will have
                    substantial patent law or patent litigation experience and
                    substantial commercial law or commercial litigation
                    experience. The arbitrators shall be instructed to follow
                    federal precedents, laws and evidentiary rules that would be
                    applicable to litigation in the Federal Court of the
                    jurisdiction in which the arbitration is held, except for
                    those issues which involve patent issues, in which case the
                    arbitrators shall be instructed to follow federal
                    precedents, laws and evidentiary rules that would be
                    applicable to litigation in the Federal Circuit Court of



               (3)  The arbitration shall be conducted in English, and all
                    written submissions shall be in English.

               (4)  The Parties agree that the decision of the arbitrators shall
                    be final and binding on the Parties. The decision of the
                    arbitrators shall be carried out voluntarily and without

               (5)  The fees and expenses of the arbitrators shall be shared
                    equally by the Parties. Each Party will bear its own costs
                    and expenses, including without limitation, its own legal
                    fees and expert witness fees. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
                    the Parties agree to be bound by and obey any order of the
                    arbitrators relating to one Party being liable for any such
                    costs, including without limitation, the legal fees of the
                    other Party.

          11.3.4 EQUITABLE RELIEF. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent or
     limit a Party's right to file and prosecute an action to seek injunctive
     relief to prevent or stay a breach of this Agreement or any action
     necessary to enforce the award of the arbitrators.

     11.4 GOVERNING LAW. Except as specifically otherwise provided herein, this
Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Delaware.

     11.5 FORCE MAJEURE. In the event of the intervention of a force majeure,
which term shall include, without limitation, acts of God, strikes, labor
disturbances, lockouts, riots, epidemics, quarantines, wars or conditions of
war, actions, inactions or regulations of any government, fires, acts of
terrorists, insurrections, embargoes or trade restrictions, or any other reasons
beyond a Party's reasonable control, the Party affected by the force majeure
shall use Commercially Reasonable Efforts to comply with the Agreement. In the
case that such Commercially Reasonable Efforts fail or are futile, such Party
shall not be responsible for delays or a failure to perform under this Agreement
caused by a force majeure. Provided, however, that any payment obligations of a
Party shall not be affected or excused by such force majeure. If a Party's delay
or failure to perform continues for more than one hundred twenty (120) days, the
other Party may terminate this Agreement. In the event that either Party shall
incur a delay in delivery or performance for a reason permitted by this Article,
that Party shall notify the other Party within five (5) days from the date of
the actual occurrence of the cause for such delay

     11.6 NOTICES. All notices, requests and other communication hereunder shall
be in writing and sent by facsimile with confirmation sent by courier requiring
acknowledgment of receipt by the respective Parties as follows:

      To MBX:               Metabolix Corporation
                            21 Erie Street
                            Cambridge, MA  02139-4260
                            Attn:  President and CEO



      With copy to:         Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky and Popeo PC
                            One Financial Place
                            Boston, MA 02111
                            Attn:  Christopher J. Denn, Esq.

      To ADM Sub:           ADM Polymer Corporation
                            4666 Faries Parkway
                            Decatur, IL  62526
                            Attn: President

      With copy to:         Asher-Daniels-Midland Company
                            4666 Faries Parkway
                            Decatur, IL  62526
                            Attn:  General Counsel

Either Party may change the registered address to which such notice should be
sent by giving written notice to the other Party.

     11.7 INTEGRATION; ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire
agreement of the Parties with regard to the subject matter contained herein and
supersedes all prior written and oral agreements, understandings and
negotiations, with regard to such subject matter.

     11.8 AMENDMENTS. This Agreement, including this provision, may not be
amended without a written instrument signed by duly authorized representatives
of both Parties.

     11.9 SEVERABILITY. In the event that any part of this Agreement is
adjudicated to be invalid or unenforceable because it contravenes any applicable
law or regulation, the Parties shall perform this Agreement in accordance with
their original intentions as set forth herein, corresponding as closely as
possible to the invalid or unenforceable part insofar as it is still valid under
such law or regulation and reflects the original intention of the Parties. The
validity of the remaining permissible portions of this Agreement shall remain
unaffected thereby.

     11.10 WAIVER/CUMULATIVE RIGHTS. No failure by any Party to insist upon the
strict performance of any covenant, duty, agreement or condition of this
Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy upon a breach thereof shall
constitute a waiver of any such breach or any other covenant, duty, agreement or
condition. All rights and remedies which a Party may have hereunder or by
operation of law are cumulative, and the pursuit of one right or remedy shall
not be deemed an election to waive or renounce any other right or remedy.

     11.11 NO JOINT VENTURE OR PARTNERSHIP RELATIONSHIP. Nothing contained in or
relating to this Agreement is or shall be deemed to constitute a joint venture,
partnership or agency relationship between any of the Parties hereto and no
Party shall have any authority to act for or to assume any obligation or
responsibility on behalf of the other Party.

     11.12 FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each Party shall duly execute and deliver, or
cause to be duly executed and delivered, such further instruments and do and
cause to be done such further acts and things, including without limitation the
filing of such assignments, agreements, documents and instruments, as may be
necessary or as the other Party may reasonably request



in connection with this Agreement or to carry out more effectively the
provisions and purposes hereof, or to better assure and confirm unto such other
Party its rights and remedies under thus Agreement.

     11.13 CONSTRUCTION. Except where the context otherwise requires, wherever
used the singular shall include the plural, the plural the singular, the use of
any gender shall be applicable to all genders, the word "or" is used in the
inclusive sense and the word "any" shall mean any one item, or all items, in a
referenced category. The captions of this Agreement are for convenience of
reference only and in no way define, describe, extend, or limit the scope or
intent of this Agreement or the intent of any provision contained in this
Agreement. The language of this Agreement shall be deemed to be the language
mutually chosen by the Parties and no rule of strict construction shall be
applied against either Party hereto.

     11.14 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The Parties hereby acknowledge that all licenses
granted herein are, for the purposes of Section 365(n) of Title 11 of the U.S.
Code, licenses of rights to intellectual property as defined in said Title 11.

     11.15 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may he executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and all of which,
taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the day and year above

                                       ADM POLYMER CORPORATION

                                       By:    /s/ JOHN D. RICE

                                       Name:  John D. Rice

                                       Title: President

                                       METABOLIX, INC.

                                       By:    /s/ JAMES J. BARBER

                                       Name:  James J. Barber

                                       Title: President