
[Dechert LLP LOGO]                             1775 I Street, N.W.
                                               Washington, DC 20006-2401
                                               +1 202 261 3300 Main
                                               +1 202 261 3333 Fax

                                               CHRISTOPHER D. CHRISTIAN

                                               +1 202 261 3321 Direct
                                               +1 202 261 3333 Fax

November 22, 2006


Mr. Brion Thompson
Division of Investment Management
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re: ING Equity Trust - ING Fundamental Research Fund
    (File No. 333-137955)

Dear Mr. Thompson:

This letter responds to comments that you provided to me via a telephone
conversation on October 31, 2006, in connection with your review of the
Registration Statement filed on Form N-14 on behalf of ING Fundamental Research
Fund (the "Acquiring Fund"), a series of ING Equity Trust (the "Registrant"), on
October 11, 2006. The comments, and the Registrant's responses, are as follows:


1.   COMMENT. Under the section "Introduction," please explain in further
     detail, in the bullet points provided, how the investment objectives and
     strategies of ING Disciplined LargeCap Fund (the "Acquired Fund") and the
     Acquiring Fund are similar before the proposed reorganization
     ("Reorganization") as well as how they will be different from the combined
     fund (the "Combined Fund") after the Reorganization.

     RESPONSE. The disclosure in the Proxy/Statement Prospectus has been revised
     in response to your comment. Marked pages reflecting the changes are
     attached as Exhibits A and B.

2.   COMMENT. Under the section "Introduction," please reorganize the structure
     of the disclosure in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus pursuant to Item 3(b)
     of Form N-14 by moving the discussions of "Tax Considerations" on page 17
     and "Comparison of Fees and Expenses" on page 11 before "Comparison of
     Portfolio Characteristics" on page 6. Please also explain why the
     Registrant has given

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[Dechert LLP LOGO]                                             November 22, 2006
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     greater prominence to the summary gross and net expense table, which does
     not comply with Item 3(b) of Form N-14.

     RESPONSE. Pursuant Item 3(a) of Form N-14, the Registrant has provided a
     detailed discussion and comparison of the fees and expenses of the Funds
     under the section "Comparison of Fees and Expenses", which complies with
     Item 3(a) of Form N-14 as well as Item 3 of Form N-1A.

     Item 3(b) of Form N-14 requires the Registrant at the beginning of the
     Proxy Statement/Prospectus to provide a synopsis of the information
     contained in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus. Form N-14 requires the
     Registrant to provide in the synopsis a clear and concise discussion of the
     KEY features of the transaction, of the registrant, and of the company
     being acquired. This clear and concise discussion may include any
     "significant consideration" a shareholder should consider in evaluating the
     reorganization. See Item 3(b)(4).

     In addition to comparing, among other things, the size, portfolio
     management, performance, and the investment objectives and strategies of
     the Funds as required by Item 3(b) of Form N-14, the Registrant also
     provides a side-by-side comparison summary (in addition to the information
     provided pursuant to Item 3(a) of Form N-14) of the gross and net expenses
     for each Fund and the Combined Fund before and after the Reorganization. We
     believe that a comparison of expenses before and after the Reorganization
     should be included in any summary discussion of the key features of the
     Reorganization, the Acquiring Fund and the Acquired Fund since a comparison
     of expenses borne by shareholders before and after the Reorganization is a
     significant consideration in assisting shareholders in making an informed
     decision about the Reorganization.

     We also note that the purpose of Form N-14 is to provide essential
     information about the Registrant and the Reorganization in a clear, concise
     and understandable manner to assist investors in making informed decisions
     about whether to purchase the securities being offered. The organization of
     this Proxy Statement/Prospectus is consistent with those that have been
     filed by the Registrant as well as other ING registrants in the past and,
     we believe, is consistent with the overall purpose of Form N-14.

     In response to your comment, however, we have added disclosure regarding
     the primary federal tax consequences of the proposed transaction to
     security holders in the "Summary" section as required by Item 3(b). A
     marked page reflecting the change is attached as Exhibit A.

3.   COMMENT. Under the section "Comparison of Portfolio Characteristics," the
     Staff notes that the Acquiring Fund is the smaller of the two funds
     involved in the Reorganization. In light of the fact that the "minnow"
     appears to be "swallowing the whale," please provide a written
     justification for the choice of the Acquiring


[Dechert LLP LOGO]                                             November 22, 2006
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     Fund as the "accounting survivor" in light of the factors set forth in the
     NORTH AMERICAN SECURITY TRUST, SEC No-Action Letter (Aug. 5, 1994) ("NORTH
     AMERICAN SECURITY TRUST"). Please disclose affirmatively whether the
     Acquiring Fund is in fact the accounting survivor and why it is appropriate
     for the Acquiring Fund to be the accounting survivor in the Reorganization.

     RESPONSE. The Acquiring Fund is the accounting survivor in the proposed
     Reorganization. We believe that the Acquiring Fund should be the accounting
     survivor in the Reorganization since the Combined Fund will more closely
     resemble the Acquiring Fund, compared to the Acquired Fund.

     While the Acquiring Fund is the smaller fund in terms of asset size ($5
     million versus $38 million, as of May 1, 2006), the Combined Fund will have
     the same investment adviser (ING Investments, LLC ("ING Investments")), the
     same sub-adviser (ING Investment Management Co.) and the same lead
     portfolio manager, Christopher F. Corapi, as the Acquiring Fund. We note
     that while the Acquired Fund has the same investment adviser and
     sub-adviser as the Combined Fund, the Combined Fund will have a different
     portfolio manager than the current portfolio management team of the
     Acquired Fund (Omar Aguilar and Douglas Cote).

     We also note that the Acquiring Fund's investment strategies and management
     style are notably different from those of the Acquired Fund, and the
     Acquiring Fund's investment strategies and style will survive in the
     Combined Fund after the Reorganization. The Acquiring Fund seeks to
     maximize total return, while the Acquired Fund seeks capital appreciation.
     While both Funds invest in large-sized growth and value companies, the
     INVESTING, while the Acquired Fund employs a quantitative, index-based
     approach by overweighting stocks in the S&P 500 Index (the "Index") that
     the portfolio managers believe will outperform the Index. The
     Reorganization entails a significant change in the investment style for
     Acquired Fund's shareholders - instead of investing in a quantitative,
     index-based fund, they will be investing in a more managed fund after the
     Reorganization. As such, the Acquiring Fund should be the accounting
     survivor because, even though it is a young fund, it best represents the
     investment strategies and style of the Combined Fund and its financial
     history is the most pertinent. In addition, as noted above, Christopher F.
     Corapi, who currently manages the Acquiring Fund, will manage the Combined
     Fund. As such, the Surviving Fund provides a better indication of the
     portfolio management team's track record under the investment objective and
     strategies of the Combined Fund.


[Dechert LLP LOGO]                                             November 22, 2006
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     In comparing the expense ratios, the gross expense ratios for the Class A,
     Class B and Class C shares of the Acquiring Fund are higher than those of
     the Acquired Fund. The net expense ratio (after the fee waiver) for Class
     A, Class B and Class C shares of the Acquiring Fund, however, is
     significantly lower than the Acquired Fund pursuant to an expense
     limitation agreement. ING Investments has entered into a written expense
     limitation agreement with the Acquiring Fund, under which it will limit the
     fund's expenses, excluding interest, taxes and brokerage and extraordinary
     expenses, subject to possible recoupment by ING Investments within three
     years. The expense limitations will continue through at least October 1,
     2007. The net expense ratios of the Acquiring Fund (1.25%, 2.00% and 2.00%
     for Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively) also more closely
     resemble the net expense ratios of the Combined Fund (1.25%, 2.00% and
     2.00% for Class A, Class B and Class C shares, respectively).

     While the Acquiring Fund is the smaller fund in terms of asset size ($5
     million versus $38 million, as of May 1, 2006), the minnow is not being
     swallowed by a whale but rather, metaphorically, by a goldfish since both
     Funds are relatively small funds in terms of asset size. While the
     Acquiring Fund is the smaller fund, the Staff has noted that that the
     accounting survivor should be the predecessor fund that most closely
     resembles the Combined Fund. In addition, we believe that both the existing
     and prospective shareholders would benefit from the proposed reorganization
     through an increase in the asset size of the Acquired Fund and Acquiring
     Fund resulting in more trading leverage for the investment adviser and
     reduced expenses. We further note that each Fund may not be viable at
     current asset levels.

     The Acquiring Fund should also be the accounting survivor since the
     Combined Fund's portfolio composition more closely resembles the Acquiring
     Fund's portfolio composition.

     For the reasons noted above, we believe that the Acquiring Fund should be
     the accounting survivor in the Reorganization.

4.   COMMENT. Please note that, pursuant to Item 2 of Form N-1A, a fund may only
     show performance if the fund has annual returns for at least one calendar
     year. Please delete the performance shown under the bar chart for the
     Acquiring Fund under the section "Comparison of Fund Performance."


[Dechert LLP LOGO]                                             November 22, 2006
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     (Aug. 6, 1996), a mutual fund may include non-required information in
     addition to what Form N-1A requires, if "such information is not
     incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading" and does not, "by virtue of its
     nature, quantity, or manner of presentation, obscure or impede the
     understanding of the information that is required to be included." Since
     the Acquiring Fund is a relatively new fund, the Registrant also intends to
     include in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus additional performance
     information to demonstrate the historical performance of the current
     portfolio management team with respect to the fundamental research
     strategy, which management believes is a significant consideration in
     assisting shareholders in making an informed decision about the
     Reorganization. A marked page reflecting the changes is attached for your
     review as Exhibit C.

5.   COMMENT. The Proxy Statement/ Prospectus discloses, under the section
     "General Information," that certain holdings of the Acquired Fund that are
     transferred to the Acquiring Fund in connection with the Reorganization may
     be sold following the Reorganization. Please explain why this is the case
     and why such securities will not be sold prior to the Reorganization.

     RESPONSE. Certain holdings of the Acquired Fund that are transferred to
     the Acquiring Fund in connection with the Reorganization may be sold
     prior to the Reorganization. The Registrant will denote on the "Schedule
     of Investments," the securities that will be sold prior to or shortly
     after the Reorganization. Marked pages reflecting the changes are
     attached as Exhibit D.

6.   COMMENT. Please clarify in the disclosure in the section "Board
     Considerations," whether the Board of Directors/Trustees of the Acquired
     Fund considered, in deciding whether to approve the Reorganization, that
     the gross expenses of the Acquired Fund would go up for the Acquired Fund
     shareholders who transition to the Acquiring Fund in the Reorganization.

     RESPONSE. The disclosure in the Proxy/Statement Prospectus has been revised
     in response to your comment. A marked page reflecting the changes is
     attached as Exhibit E.

7.   COMMENT. Under the section "Board Considerations," please explain the
     statement that "the relative size of the Funds, including that Disciplined
     LargeCap Fund is a very small fund, perhaps too small to be viable." Please
     note that this statement appears to be misleading in light of the fact that
     the Acquiring Fund is


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     also very small, perhaps too small to be viable, with only $5 million in
     net assets as of May 31, 2006.

     RESPONSE. The disclosure in the Proxy/Statement Prospectus has been revised
     in response to your comment. A marked page reflecting the changes is
     attached as Exhibit E.

8.   COMMENT. Please provide the Staff with a "Tandy Letter" with respect to the
     Form N-14.

     RESPONSE. The requested representation letter is attached as Exhibit F.


9.   COMMENT. Under the section "Introduction," please explain why the Acquiring
     Fund is still paying organizational expenses.

     RESPONSE. The offering and organizational expenses included in the gross
     expense ratio of the Acquiring Fund are approximately 1.96%. Since this is
     the initial year of operation of the Acquiring Fund, such expenses would
     naturally be included in the gross expense ratios. As prescribed by
     Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), organizational expenses
     are expensed as incurred while offering expenses are deferred and amortized
     over a one-year period. The footnote discloses (i) that these expenses
     (1.96% in total) are reflected in the gross expense ratios because those
     ratios reflect the first year of operation; and (ii) that such amount will
     not recur after December 31, 2006 (the end of the first year of operation).

10.  COMMENT. Under the section "Introduction," please explain why the
     organizational expenses are not included in the expense limitation
     agreement since the Staff does not believe that these expenses are
     extraordinary expenses.

     RESPONSE. Both offering and organizational expenses are in fact subject to
     the expense limitation agreement for the Acquiring Fund. The expense limits
     for Class A, Class B and Class C of the Acquiring Fund are 1.25%, 2.00% and
     2.00%, respectively. The table reflects that the net expenses of Class A,
     Class B and Class C of the Acquiring Fund are 1.25%, 2.00% and 2.00%,
     respectively, indicating all of the offering and organization expense
     (I.E., 1.96%) was subject to the expense limits and was reimbursed by the
     Investment Manager.


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11.  COMMENT. Under the section "Tax Considerations," please disclose the
     capital loss carry forwards and the implications for their future use.

     RESPONSE. The disclosure in the Proxy/Statement Prospectus has been revised
     in response to your comment. A marked page reflecting the changes is
     attached as Exhibit G.

12.  COMMENT. Please disclose in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus, the estimated
     costs to be incurred in connection with the proposed Reorganization.

     RESPONSE. Form N-14 does not require the disclosure of the estimated costs
     in connection with the Reorganization. Item 7(a) of Form N-14 refers to
     Item 4 of Schedule 14A, which requires the disclosure of the anticipated
     cost of retaining a paid solicitor in connection with the proxy
     solicitation. The Registrant will not retain a paid solicitor in connection
     with the Reorganization, and therefore, no such disclosure was made in the
     Proxy Statement/Prospectus. In light of your comment, we have, however,
     amended the disclosure under the section "Capitalization." A marked page
     reflecting the changes is attached as Exhibit H.

13.  COMMENT. Please explain why the reorganization expenses are not reflected
     in the capitalization of the Acquiring Fund under the section

     RESPONSE. The disclosure in the Proxy/Statement Prospectus has been revised
     in response to your comment. A marked page reflecting the changes is
     attached as Exhibit H.

14.  COMMENT. Under the "Schedule of Investments," please indicate which
     securities are expected to sold to align the portfolio of the Acquired Fund
     with the Acquiring Fund.

     RESPONSE. Certain holdings of the Acquired Fund that are transferred to
     the Acquiring Fund in connection with the Reorganization may be sold
     prior to the Reorganization. The Registrant will denote on the "Schedule
     of Investments," the securities that will be sold prior to or shortly
     after the Reorganization. Marked pages reflecting the changes are
     attached as Exhibit D.

15.  COMMENT. Under the "Statement of Assets and Liabilities," please explain
     why the reorganization costs are categorized as undistributed net
     investment income.


[Dechert LLP LOGO]                                             November 22, 2006
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     RESPONSE. Reorganization costs are reflected as an expense of the Acquired
     Fund. As such, this expense would reduce the net investment income of the
     Disappearing Fund in the PRO FORMA period and would result as a reduction
     to undistributed net investment income on the PRO FORMA Statement of Assets
     and Liabilities.

16.  COMMENT. Please file on the EDGAR system, as correspondence, the
     Registrant's responses to the Staff's comments as well as the Registrant's
     written justification for the choice of the Acquiring Fund as the
     "accounting survivor" in light of the factors set forth in NORTH AMERICAN

     RESPONSE. The Registrant shall file this response letter as correspondence
     on the EDGAR system.

                                      * * *

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jeffrey S. Puretz
on 202-261-3358 or me on 202-261-3321.


/s/ Christopher D. Christian
- ---------------------------------------
Christopher D. Christian

cc:   Huey Falgout
      Paul Caldarelli
      ING Investments, LLC

      Jeffrey S. Puretz
      Dechert LLP

                                    Exhibit A



          You should read this entire Proxy Statement/Prospectus carefully. You
should also review the Reorganization Agreement, which is attached hereto as
APPENDIX B. Also, you should consult the Class A, B and C Prospectus, dated
December 28, 2005, for more information about Fundamental Research Fund.


          The Board of Trustees of Disciplined LargeCap Fund has approved the
Reorganization Agreement. Subject to shareholder approval, the Reorganization
Agreement provides for:

     -    the transfer of all of the assets of Disciplined LargeCap Fund to
          Fundamental Research Fund in exchange for shares of beneficial
          interest of Fundamental Research Fund;

     -    the assumption by Fundamental Research Fund of the liabilities of
          Disciplined LargeCap Fund known as of the Closing Date (as described

     -    the distribution of Fundamental Research Fund shares to the
          shareholders of Disciplined LargeCap Fund; and

     -    the complete liquidation of Disciplined LargeCap Fund.

          Fundamental Research Fund shares would then be distributed to
shareholders of Disciplined LargeCap Fund so that each shareholder would receive
a number of full and fractional shares of Fundamental Research Fund equal to the
aggregate value of shares of Disciplined LargeCap Fund held by such shareholder.

          As a result of the Reorganization, each owner of Class A, Class B and
Class C shares of Disciplined LargeCap Fund would become a shareholder of the
corresponding class of shares of Fundamental Research Fund. The Reorganization
is expected to be effective on January 13, 2007, or such other date as the
parties may agree (the "Closing Date"). Each Class A, Class B and Class C
shareholder of Disciplined LargeCap Fund will hold, immediately after the
Closing Date, shares of the corresponding class of Fundamental Research Fund
having an aggregate value equal to the aggregate value of the shares of the
corresponding class of Disciplined LargeCap Fund held by that shareholder as of
the Closing Date.

          In considering whether to approve the Reorganization, you should note

     -    The investment objective of Fundamental Research Fund, which will
          survive in the combined Fund if the Reorganization is approved, is
          to seek to maximize total return while Disciplined LargeCap Fund
          seeks capital appreciation;

     -    Fundamental Research Fund's principal investment strategies, however,
          are different from those of Disciplined LargeCap Fund; while both
          Funds invest in a mix of large-sized growth and value companies,
          Fundamental Research Fund employs a managed, fundamental research
          approach to investing while Disciplined LargeCap Fund employs a
          quantitative, index-based approach by overweighting those stocks in
          the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price Index that the
          portfolio managers believe will outperform the Index;

     -    The relative size of the Funds, including that each Fund is a very
          small fund -- perhaps too small to be viable; in addition, there is a
          risk that the combined Fund after the Reorganization also may not
          be viable over the long-term;

     -    Disciplined LargeCap Fund has a much longer record of performance than
          Fundamental Research Fund, which was organized on December 28, 2005;

     -    Both Funds have the same investment adviser, ING Investments, LLC
          ("ING Investments" or "Adviser"), and the same sub-adviser, ING
          Investment Management Co. ("ING IM" or "Sub-Adviser"); however,
          Disciplined LargeCap Fund is managed by lead portfolio managers Omar
          Aguilar and Douglas Cote, while Fundamental Research Fund is managed
          by Christopher F. Corapi, who will be responsible for the day-to-day
          management of the combined Fund after the Reorganization and will
          manage the combined Fund under the same investment objective and
          strategies as Fundamental Research Fund; and

     -    the Reorganization is intended to qualify for federal income tax
          purposes as a tax-free reorganization; accordingly, pursuant to this
          treatment, neither the Disciplined LargeCap Fund nor its shareholders,
          nor Fundamental Research Fund nor its shareholders, are expected to
          recognize any gain or loss for federal income tax purposes from the
          transaction contemplated by the Reorganization Agreement;

     -    The proposed Reorganization is expected to result in lower net
          operating expenses per share for all classes of shares of the
          disappearing Disciplined LargeCap Fund.


                                     Exhibit B


                             DISCIPLINED LARGECAP FUND                                 FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH FUND
              -------------------------------------------------------   -------------------------------------------------------
              -    The Sub-Adviser may sell securities for a variety
                   of reasons, such as to secure gains, limit losses,
                   or redeploy assets into opportunities believed to
                   be more promising, among others.

              -    The Fund also may lend portfolio securities on a
                   short-term or long-term basis, up to 33 1/3% of
                   its total assets.

              -    The Fund may engage in frequent and active trading
                   of portfolio securities to achieve its investment

Investment                     ING Investments, LLC                                      ING Investments, LLC

Sub-Adviser                ING Investment Management Co.                             ING Investment Management Co.

Portfolio                  Omar Aguilar and Douglas Cote                                Christopher F. Corapi

          As you can see from the chart above, however, Fundamental Research
Fund's investment strategies are different from those of Disciplined LargeCap
Fund. While both Funds invest in a mix of large-sized growth and value
companies, Fundamental Research Fund employs a managed, fundamental research
approach to investing while Disciplined LargeCap Fund employs a quantitative,
index-based approach by overweighting those stocks in the S&P 500 Index that
the portfolio managers believe will outperform the S&P 500 Index. Unlike
Disciplined LargeCap Fund, Fundamental Research Fund also may invest in ETFs,
IPOs convertible securities and foreign securities. Disciplined LargeCap Fund
may engage in frequent and active trading of portfolio securities.

          Please refer to the "Comparison of Portfolio Characteristics" table on
page 6 for more specific information regarding the portfolio characteristics of
the Funds.


                                     Exhibit C



                            FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH FUND

Since Fundamental Research Fund had not had a full year of performance as of
December 31, 2005, there is no calendar year-by-year performance table
included in this Proxy Statement/Prospectus for the Fund. However,
performance of a similar mutual fund managed by ING Investments Management
Co. is presented below. Please visit the Funds' website at www.ingfunds.com
to obtain performance information once it is available.


The tables below are designed to show how a substantially similar mutual fund
(""Comparable Fund'') managed by ING Investment Management Co. performed over
various periods in the past. The Comparable Fund has investment objectives,
policies, and strategies substantially similar to those of ING Fundamental
Research Fund. Annual returns of the Comparable Fund reflect the expenses of
that Fund, which may differ from the expenses of ING Fundamental Research

The table below shows the returns for the Comparable Fund compared to the S&P
500(R) Index for the one-year and since inception periods ended December 31,
2005 and on an annual basis as of December 31, of prior years. This
information is designed to demonstrate the historical track record of ING
Investment Management Co. with respect to the Fundamental Research strategy.
It does not indicate how ING Fundamental Research Fund has performed or will
perform in the future. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.

                                    AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS(1)(2)
                                        (AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2005)

                                      COMPARABLE          COMPARABLE FUND
                                   FUND (%) (AT MAX         (%) (WITH NO        S&P 500(R)
                                   SALES CHARGE)(3)         SALES CHARGE)       INDEX(4) (%)
One Year                                (0.68)%                 5.38%                4.91%

Since Inception (12/10/2001)*             1.39%                 2.88%                4.06%


*    Index return for the S&P 500(R) Index is for the period beginning
     December 1, 2001.

                                      ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS(1)(2)
                                   (AS OF DECEMBER 31 OF EACH YEAR)

                           COMPARABLE FUND (%)
                          (WITH NO SALES CHARGE)          S&P 500(R) INDEX(4) (%)
2005                             5.33%                              4.91%
2004                             9.73%                             10.88%
2003                            26.99%                             28.68%
2002                            23.03%                             22.10%
2001 (12/10/2001)**              0.85%                              0.88%

**   Index return for the S&P 500(R) Index is for the period beginning
     December 1,2001.

(1)  Since Fundamental Research Fund was launched December 28, 2005, the Fund
     does not have annual returns for at least one calendar year. The Fund's
     Class A shares' year-to-date total return, excluding sales charges, as of
     September 30, 2006 was 4.90%. Please visit the Fund's website at
     www.ingfunds.com to obtain more performance information.

(2)  Except to the extent performance in the first column of the Average
     Annual Total Returns table has been adjusted to reflect the application
     of the maximum Class A sales charge of 5.7% of ING Fundamental Research
     Fund, the performance reflected of the Comparable Fund has not been
     calculated in compliance with the method used by the SEC. This
     presentation shows performance of a comparable mutual fund sub-advised
     by ING Investment Management Co. The returns for the Comparable Fund in
     the Average Annual Total Returns table and the Annual Total Return table
     were adjusted to reflect the deduction of the net operating expenses for
     Class A shares of ING Fundamental Research Fund. Net operating expenses
     include investment advisory fees, distribution and service (Rule 12b-1)
     fees, custodial fees, brokerage commissions and execution costs, and
     other expenses, without the provision for any applicable federal or
     state income taxes.

(3)  Reflects the deduction of the maximum applicable Class A sales charge
     of 5.75%.

(4)  The S&P 500(R) Index is a broad-based, unmanaged index that measures
     the performance of securities of approximately 500 of the largest
     companies in the United States. It includes the reinvestment of
     dividends and distributions net of withholding taxes, but does not
     reflect fees, brokerage commissions or other expenses of investing.


                                   Exhibit D



                             ING                                                                                            ING
                          FUNDAMENTAL                                                                                   FUNDAMENTAL
                           RESEARCH                                                                                      RESEARCH
     ING         ING         PRO                                                           ING                  ING         PRO
 DISCIPLINED FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA                                                      DISCIPLINED          FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA
  LARGECAP    RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)                                                    LARGECAP             RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)
- ------------ ---------- ------------                                                 -------------          ----------- ------------
                 Shares                                                                                   Value
- ------------------------------------                                                 -----------------------------------------------
  $       --   $    600 $      600         Omnicom Group                                      --                57,066      57,066
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                              --                57,066      57,066
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       5,700*        --      5,700         Boeing Co.                                    474,525                    --     474,525
       3,790*        --      3,790         Lockheed Martin Corp.                         274,737                    --     274,737
       5,431*        --      5,431         Raytheon Co.                                  249,011                    --     249,011
       3,290      1,600      4,890         United Technologies Corp.                     205,691               100,032     305,723
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,203,964               100,032   1,303,996
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       6,510      1,700      8,210         Altria Group, Inc.                            470,999               122,995     593,994
       6,840         --      6,840         Archer-Daniels-Midland Co.                    284,339                    --     284,339
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         755,338               122,995     878,333
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
      11,500         --     11,500         Southwest Airlines Co.                        185,150                    --     185,150
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         185,150                    --     185,150
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       5,900*        --      5,900 @       Coach, Inc.                                   171,572                    --     171,572
       1,700         --      1,700         Liz Claiborne, Inc.                            65,739                    --      65,739
          --        600        600         Nike, Inc.                                         --                48,186      48,186
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         237,311                48,186     285,497
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           AUTO MANUFACTURERS:
       1,000*        --      1,000 @       Navistar International Corp.                   26,580                    --      26,580
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                          26,580                    --      26,580
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
      14,580      2,500     17,080         Bank of America Corp.                         705,672               121,000     826,672
       6,000         --      6,000         BB&T Corp.                                    249,420                    --     249,420
       6,500*        --      6,500         National City Corp.                           239,720                    --     239,720
       6,000         --      6,000         US Bancorp.                                   185,220                    --     185,220
       4,990*        --      4,990         Wachovia Corp.                                266,965                    --     266,965
       2,700      2,000      4,700         Wells Fargo & Co.                             179,199               132,740     311,939
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,826,196               253,740   2,079,936
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
      13,030*        --     13,030         Coca-Cola Co.                                 573,711                    --     573,711
       2,100*        --      2,100         Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.                     65,814                    --      65,814
      10,090         --     10,090         PepsiCo, Inc.                                 610,041                    --     610,041
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,249,566                    --   1,249,566
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       3,740*       800      4,540 @       Amgen, Inc.                                   252,787                54,072     306,859
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         252,787                54,072     306,859
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
          --        800        800         Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.                     --                51,880      51,880
          --      2,500      2,500         Celanese Corp.                                     --                49,275      49,275
       3,090*        --      3,090         Dow Chemical Co.                              123,198                    --     123,198
       2,900*        --      2,900         EI DuPont de Nemours & Co.                    123,337                    --     123,337
       2,600*        --      2,600         PPG Industries, Inc.                          167,284                    --     167,284
       2,400         --      2,400         Rohm & Haas Co.                               120,984                    --     120,984
       1,700*        --      1,700         Sherwin-Williams Co.                           82,229                    --      82,229
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         617,032               101,155     718,187
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           COMMERCIAL SERVICES:
       2,200*        --      2,200 @,L     Apollo Group, Inc.                            115,082                    --     115,082
       2,010         --      2,010         Equifax, Inc.                                  72,521                    --      72,521
       4,340*        --      4,340         McKesson Corp.                                214,830                    --     214,830
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         402,433                    --     402,433
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       2,650         --      2,650 @       Apple Computer, Inc.                          158,391                    --     158,391
       7,590*        --      7,590 @,L     Dell, Inc.                                    192,634                    --     192,634
          --      7,700      7,700 @       EMC Corp.                                          --                98,560      98,560
      18,207         --     18,207         Hewlett-Packard Co.                           589,543                    --     589,543
       8,890         --      8,890         International Business Machines
                                            Corp.                                        710,311                    --     710,311
      12,700*     4,100     16,800 @,x     Seagate Technology, Inc.                           --                95,735      95,735
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,650,879               194,295   1,845,174
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           COSMETICS/PERSONAL CARE:
       5,200        900      6,100         Colgate-Palmolive Co.                         313,768                54,306     368,074
      16,890      1,300     18,190         Procter & Gamble Co.                          916,283                70,525     986,808
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,230,051               124,831   1,354,882
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
          --        734        734 @       Wesco International, Inc.                          --                48,253      48,253
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                              --                48,253      48,253
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           DIVERSIFIED FINANCIAL SERVICES:
       3,840*        --      3,840         American Express Co.                          208,742                    --     208,742
       3,200        600      3,800         Capital One Financial Corp.                   264,864                49,662     314,526
      13,600         --     13,600         Charles Schwab Corp.                          226,576                    --     226,576
      15,700      2,500     18,200         Citigroup, Inc.                               774,010               123,250     897,260
          --      1,900      1,900         Countrywide Financial Corp.                        --                72,732      72,732
       3,000*        --      3,000         Fannie Mae                                    149,250                    --     149,250
       2,200        600      2,800         Franklin Resources, Inc.                      197,890                53,970     251,860
       3,110*        --      3,110         Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.                     469,455                    --     469,455
      10,980         --     10,980         JPMorgan Chase & Co.                          468,187                    --     468,187
       4,920         --      4,920         Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.                327,721                    --     327,721
       2,790        900      3,690         Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.                     202,024                65,169     267,193
       7,650*       800      8,450         Morgan Stanley                                456,093                47,696     503,789
       1,600         --      1,600         The Bear Stearns Cos., Inc.                   214,000                    --     214,000
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       3,958,812               412,479   4,371,291
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------


                             ING                                                                                            ING
                          FUNDAMENTAL                                                                                   FUNDAMENTAL
                           RESEARCH                                                                                      RESEARCH
     ING         ING         PRO                                                           ING                  ING         PRO
 DISCIPLINED FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA                                                      DISCIPLINED          FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA
  LARGECAP    RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)                                                    LARGECAP             RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)
- ------------ ---------- ------------                                                 -------------          ----------- ------------
                 Shares                                                                                   Value
- ------------------------------------                                                 -----------------------------------------------
       4,950         --      4,950         Duke Energy Corp.                             139,689                    --     139,689
          --        800        800         Exelon Corp.                                       --                45,288      45,288
       5,600         --      5,600         FirstEnergy Corp.                             293,552                    --     293,552
          --      1,685      1,685 @       Mirant Corp.                                       --                41,923      41,923
       7,600         --      7,600         PPL Corp.                                     226,252                    --     226,252
          --        400        400         Public Service Enterprise
                                            Group, Inc.                                       --                25,492      25,492
       6,400*        --      6,400         TXU Corp.                                     366,720                    --     366,720
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,026,213               112,703   1,138,916
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       6,100         --      6,100 @       Agilent Technologies, Inc.                    212,829                    --     212,829
       2,800         --      2,800         Applera Corp. - Applied
                                            Biosystems Group                              82,880                    --      82,880
          --      8,800      8,800 @,@@    Flextronics International Ltd.                     --                99,088      99,088
          --        700        700         Jabil Circuit, Inc.                                --                24,374      24,374
      14,100         --     14,100 @,L     Solectron Corp.                                50,196                    --      50,196
          --      5,700      5,700         Symbol Technologies, Inc.                          --                67,659      67,659
          --      1,800      1,800 @       Thomas & Betts Corp.                               --               103,500     103,500
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         345,905               294,621     640,526
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           ENERGY - ALTERNATE SOURCES:
          --      1,600      1,600 @       KFX, Inc.                                          --                22,560      22,560
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                              --                22,560      22,560
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION:
          --      8,100      8,100 @@      ABB Ltd. ADR                                       --               102,222     102,222
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                              --               102,222     102,222
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       4,754*        --      4,754         General Mills, Inc.                           246,685                    --     246,685
          --      1,000      1,000         Hershey Foods Corp.                                --                56,910      56,910
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         246,685                56,910     303,595
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           FOREST PRODUCTS & PAPER:
       1,800         --      1,800         Louisiana-Pacific Corp.                        43,668                    --      43,668
       1,800         --      1,800         Temple-Inland, Inc.                            77,418                    --      77,418
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         121,086                    --     121,086
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           HEALTHCARE - PRODUCTS:
       9,340      1,800     11,140         Johnson & Johnson                             562,455               108,396     670,851
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         562,455               108,396     670,851
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           HEALTHCARE - SERVICES:
       6,880         --      6,880         Aetna, Inc.                                   264,605                    --     264,605
       2,660*        --      2,660 @       Coventry Health Care, Inc.                    138,985                    --     138,985
          --      1,200      1,200 @       Health Net, Inc.                                   --                51,624     190,609
       2,510*        --      2,510 @       Humana, Inc.                                  127,081                    --     127,081
          --      1,600      1,600 @       Triad Hospitals, Inc.                              --                64,448     203,433
      10,380*        --     10,380         UnitedHealth Group, Inc.                      456,305                    --     456,305
       5,540*        --      5,540 @       WellPoint, Inc.                               396,553                    --     396,553
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,383,529               116,072   1,499,601
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           HOME FURNISHINGS:
       1,100*        --      1,100         Harman International
                                            Industries, Inc.                              93,203                    --      93,203
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                          93,203                    --      93,203
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
          --        700        700 @@      ACE Ltd                                            --                36,239      36,239
       5,900*        --      5,900         Allstate Corp.                                324,559                    --     324,559
       8,000         --      8,000         American International Group,
                                            Inc.                                         486,400                    --     486,400
       5,020*        --      5,020         Chubb Corp.                                   253,661                    --     253,661
       5,900*     1,500      7,400         Genworth Financial, Inc.                      197,591                50,235     247,826
       3,100*        --      3,100         Hartford Financial Services
                                            Group, Inc.                                  272,614                    --     272,614
       3,860         --      3,860         Lincoln National Corp.                        216,855                    --     216,855
       6,600         --      6,600 L       Metlife, Inc.                                 339,702                    --     339,702
       1,300         --      1,300         MGIC Investment Corp.                          85,631                    --      85,631
       3,900         --      3,900         Principal Financial Group                     213,135                    --     213,135
       4,481         --      4,481         Prudential Financial, Inc.                    341,228                    --     341,228
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       2,731,376                86,474   2,817,850
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       4,800         --      4,800 @,L     Amazon.com, Inc.                              166,128                    --     166,128
         600         --        600 @,L     Google, Inc.                                  223,092                    --     223,092
          --      2,400      2,400 @       Yahoo!, Inc.                                       --                75,816      75,816
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         389,220                75,816     465,036
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           INVESTMENT COMPANIES:
          --      7,800      7,800 @       KKR Private Equity Investors LP                    --               187,746     187,746
          --        598        598         SPDR Trust Series 1                                --                76,251      76,251
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                              --               263,997     263,997
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
          --        800        800         Allegheny Technologies, Inc.                       --                50,904      50,904
       2,060*        --      2,060         Nucor Corp.                                   216,856                    --     216,856
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         216,856                50,904     267,760
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
          --      1,500      1,500         Harrah's Entertainment, Inc.                       --               114,060     114,060
          --      2,000      2,000         Hilton Hotels Corp.                                --                54,920      54,920
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                              --               168,980     168,980
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           MACHINERY - CONSTRUCTION &
       2,200*        --      2,200         Caterpillar, Inc.                             160,490                    --     160,490
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         160,490                    --     160,490
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           MACHINERY - DIVERSIFIED:
         700*        --        700 L       Cummins, Inc.                                  77,147                    --      77,147
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                          77,147                    --      77,147
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------


                             ING                                                                                            ING
                          FUNDAMENTAL                                                                                   FUNDAMENTAL
                           RESEARCH                                                                                      RESEARCH
     ING         ING         PRO                                                           ING                  ING         PRO
 DISCIPLINED FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA                                                      DISCIPLINED          FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA
  LARGECAP    RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)                                                    LARGECAP             RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)
- ------------ ---------- ------------                                                 -------------          ----------- ------------
                 Shares                                                                                   Value
- ------------------------------------                                                 -----------------------------------------------
       4,340*        --      4,340         McGraw-Hill Cos, Inc.                         223,944                    --     223,944
       7,380         --      7,380         News Corp., Inc.                              140,737                    --     140,737
          --      3,500      3,500         Time Warner, Inc.                                  --                60,235      60,235
       2,520      1,000      3,520 @       Viacom, Inc.                                   95,130                37,750     132,880
       6,300         --      6,300         Walt Disney Co.                               192,150                    --     192,150
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         651,961                97,985     749,946
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
         200         --        200         Alcoa, Inc.                                     6,344                    --       6,344
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                           6,344                    --       6,344
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           MISCELLANEOUS MANUFACTURING:
       2,410*        --      2,410         3M Co.                                        201,621                    --     201,621
       1,500        600      2,100 @       Cooper Industries Ltd.                        133,590                53,436     187,026
       3,400         --      3,400         Danaher Corp.                                 217,974                    --     217,974
      32,160      3,600     35,760         General Electric Co.                        1,101,802               123,336   1,225,138
          --      2,000      2,000         Roper Industries, Inc.                             --                93,680      93,680
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,654,987               270,452   1,925,439
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           OIL & GAS:
      11,748         --     11,748         ChevronTexaco Corp.                           702,413                    --     702,413
       9,436*        --      9,436         ConocoPhillips                                597,204                    --     597,204
          --        500        500         ENSCO International, Inc.                     597,204                24,995     622,199
      24,820      2,100     26,920         ExxonMobil Corp.                            1,511,786               127,911   1,639,697
       3,600*        --      3,600         Marathon Oil Corp.                            270,180                    --     270,180
          --        900        900 @       Newfield Exploration Co.                           --                38,457      38,457
       3,600*        --      3,600         Occidental Petroleum Corp.                    356,724                    --     356,724
          --        600        600 @       Plains Exploration &
                                            Production Co.                                    --                21,420      21,420
          --      1,500      1,500 @@      Royal Dutch Shell PLC ADR                          --                99,465      99,465
          --        800        800 @       Southwestern Energy Co.                            --                25,840      25,840
       2,110         --      2,110         Sunoco, Inc.                                  144,725                    --     144,725
       5,420*        --      5,420         Valero Energy Corp.                           332,517                    --     332,517
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       3,915,549               338,088   4,253,637
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           OIL & GAS SERVICES:
       4,400*        --      4,400         Halliburton Co.                               328,196                    --     328,196
       3,400        900      4,300         Schlumberger Ltd.                             222,938                59,013     281,951
          --        700        700 @       Weatherford International Ltd.                     --                36,428      36,428
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         551,134                95,441     646,575
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       4,740      1,200      5,940         Abbott Laboratories                           202,398                51,240     253,638
       3,200*        --      3,200 L       AmerisourceBergen Corp.                       139,488                    --     139,488
       2,310         --      2,310 @       Express Scripts, Inc.                         169,277                    --     169,277
       2,560         --      2,560 @       Hospira, Inc.                                 114,714                    --     114,714
       3,840*        --      3,840 @       King Pharmaceuticals, Inc.                     68,275                    --      68,275
          --      2,000      2,000 @       Medco Health Solutions, Inc.                       --               107,800     107,800
      14,850*        --     14,850         Merck & Co., Inc.                             494,357                    --     494,357
      23,110      3,100     26,210         Pfizer, Inc.                                  546,783                73,346     620,129
          --      2,000      2,000 @@      Teva Pharmaceutical Industries
                                            Ltd. ADR                                     546,783                72,820     619,603
       4,400         --      4,400         Wyeth                                         201,256                    --     201,256
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,936,548               305,206   2,241,754
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
          --        400        400         Abercrombie & Fitch Co.                            --                23,140      23,140
       4,790         --      4,790         Best Buy Co., Inc.                            253,870                    --     253,870
       2,550         --      2,550 L       Circuit City Stores, Inc.                      76,628                    --      76,628
       4,900         --      4,900         Costco Wholesale Corp.                        259,357                    --     259,357
          --      2,600      2,600         CVS Corp.                                          --                72,540      72,540
       2,100         --      2,100         Darden Restaurants, Inc.                       74,361                    --      74,361
       6,750        700      7,450         Home Depot, Inc.                              257,310                26,684     283,994
       3,440         --      3,440 L       JC Penney Co., Inc.                           209,014                    --     209,014
       5,400         --      5,400         Limited Brands                                146,664                    --     146,664
       2,510*        --      2,510         Lowe's Cos., Inc.                             156,323                    --     156,323
      10,790*        --     10,790         McDonald's Corp.                              357,904                    --     357,904
       3,300*        --      3,300         Nordstrom, Inc.                               121,539                    --     121,539
       4,700         --      4,700 @       Office Depot, Inc.                            195,379                    --     195,379
       1,400         --      1,400 @,L     Sears Holding Corp.                           212,618                    --     212,618
       9,140         --      9,140         Staples, Inc.                                 214,699                    --     214,699
       7,760*        --      7,760 @,L     Starbucks Corp.                               276,644                    --     276,644
       2,890*        --      2,890         Target Corp.                                  141,379                    --     141,379
       7,100*        --      7,100         TJX Cos., Inc.                                168,341                    --     168,341
          --      1,900      1,900 @       Urban Outfitters, Inc.                             --                35,283      35,283
       7,830      1,000      8,830         Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.                         379,364                48,450     427,814
       1,900         --      1,900         Wendy's International, Inc.                   114,532                    --     114,532
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       3,615,926               206,097   3,822,023
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       6,600*        --      6,600 @       Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.                  203,874                    --     203,874
       5,700*        --      5,700 @,L     Altera Corp.                                  111,492                    --     111,492
       6,400*        --      6,400 @       Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.                 199,744                    --     199,744
      18,420      4,000     22,420         Intel Corp.                                   331,928                72,080     404,008
       6,100*        --      6,100 @       LSI Logic Corp.                                59,353                    --      59,353
          --        900        900 @,@@    Marvell Technology Group Ltd.                      --                42,903      42,903
          --      1,200      1,200         Maxim Integrated Products                          --                36,876      36,876
      10,600*        --     10,600         Micron Technology, Inc.                       175,536                    --     175,536
       5,600         --      5,600         National Semiconductor Corp.                  143,808                    --     143,808
       2,500         --      2,500 @       QLogic Corp.                                   44,700                    --      44,700
          --     10,800     10,800 @@      Taiwan Semiconductor
                                            Manufacturing Co., Ltd. ADR                       --               102,276     102,276
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       1,270,435               254,135   1,524,570
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       3,590*        --      3,590 @       BMC Software, Inc.                             72,339                    --      72,339
       5,550*        --      5,550 @       Compuware Corp.                                40,848                    --      40,848
      27,360      1,900     29,260         Microsoft Corp.                               619,704                43,035     662,739
      11,600*        --     11,600 @       Oracle Corp.                                  164,952                    --     164,952
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         897,843                43,035     940,878
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
          --      4,500      4,500 @       Arris Group, Inc.                                  --                54,090      54,090
      15,130      6,700     21,830 L       AT&T, Inc.                                    394,288               174,602     568,890
      16,800*        --     16,800         BellSouth Corp.                               567,336                    --     567,336
      34,930*     3,600     38,530 @       Cisco Systems, Inc.                           687,422                70,848     758,270
      19,200         --     19,200         Motorola, Inc.                                404,928                    --     404,928
       5,340         --      5,340         QUALCOMM, Inc.                                241,421                    --     241,421
          --      1,600      1,600         Verizon Communications, Inc.                       --                49,936      49,936
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                       2,295,395               349,476   2,644,871
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
       4,877         --      4,877         Norfolk Southern Corp.                        257,311                    --     257,311
       3,440         --      3,440         United Parcel Service, Inc.                   277,087                    --     277,087
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                                                                         534,398                    --     534,398
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           Total Common Stock                         38,280,784             4,936,674  43,217,458
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                            Cost                                      35,921,504             4,937,970  40,859,474


                             ING                                                                                            ING
                          FUNDAMENTAL                                                                                   FUNDAMENTAL
                           RESEARCH                                                                                      RESEARCH
     ING         ING         PRO                                                           ING                  ING         PRO
 DISCIPLINED FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA                                                      DISCIPLINED          FUNDAMENTAL    FORMA
  LARGECAP    RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)                                                    LARGECAP             RESEARCH   (UNAUDITED)
- ------------ ---------- ------------                                                 -------------          ----------- ------------
                 Shares                                                                                   Value
- ------------------------------------                                                 -----------------------------------------------
Principal Amount

                                           REPURCHASE AGREEMENT:
  $  308,000                               Morgan Stanley Repurchase
                                           Agreement dated 05/31/06,
                                           5.020%, due 06/01/06, $836,117
                                           to be received upon repurchase
                                           (Collateralized by $785,000
                                           Federal National Mortgage
                                           Association, 6.250%, Market
                                           Value plus accrued interest
                                           $855,868, due 5/15/29).                       308,000

                                           Morgan Stanley Repurchase
                                           Agreement dated 05/31/06,
                                           5.019%, due 06/01/06, $175,024
                                           to be received upon repurchase
                                           (Collateralized by $195,000
                                           Federal Home Loan Bank, 5.760%,
                                           Market Value plus accrued
                                           interest $188,405, due 07/03/25                                     175,000     483,000
               $175,000 $  483,000

                                           Total Repurchase Agreement                    308,000               175,000     483,000
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                            Cost                                         308,000               175,000     483,000

                                           SECURITIES LENDING
                                             COLLATERAL CC:
   2,311,612         --  2,311,612         The Bank of New York
                                            Institutional Cash Reserve Fund            2,311,612                    --   2,311,612
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------

                                           Total Securities Lending
                                            Collateral                                 2,311,612                    --   2,311,612
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                             Cost                                      2,311,612                    --   2,311,612

                                           Total Short-Term Investments                2,619,612               175,000   2,794,612
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                             Cost                                      2,619,612               175,000   2,794,612

                                           TOTAL INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES           $40,900,396            $5,111,674 $46,012,070
                                            Cost                                      38,541,116             5,112,970  43,654,086
                                           OTHER ASSETS AND LIABILITIES-NET           (2,498,506)              125,476  (2,373,030)
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                           NET ASSETS                                $38,401,890            $5,237,150 $43,639,040
                                                                                     ===========            ======================

                                         @ Non-income producing security
                                        @@ Foreign Issuer
                                       ADR American Depositary Receipt
                                        cc Securities purchased with cash
                                           collateral for securities
                                         L Loaned security, a portion or
                                           all of the security is on loan
                                           at May 31, 2006.
                                         X Fair value determined by ING
                                           Funds Valuation Committee
                                           appointed by the Funds' Board
                                           of Directors/Trustees.

                                         * Cost for federal income tax
                                           purposes is                               $        --            $       -- $        --
                                           Net unrealized appreciation
                                            consists of:
                                             Gross Unrealized Appreciation           $ 3,367,749            $  193,479 $ 3,561,228
                                             Gross Unrealized Depreciation            (1,008,469)             (194,775) (1,203,244)
                                                                                     -----------            ----------------------
                                             Net Unrealized Appreciation             $ 2,359,280            $   (1,296)$ 2,357,984
                                                                                     ===========            ======================

open futures
contracts at
May 31, 2006
is shown
                                                                                        NOTIONAL UNREALIZED
NO. OF                                                                    EXPIRATION      MARKET   GAIN
CONTRACTS                                                                    DATE          VALUE  (LOSS)
- ------------                                                              ---------- ----------- ----------
           2                     2          S&P 500 E-mini Future         06/16/2006 $   127,300 $(5,785)
                                                                                     $   127,300 $(5,785)

*  If the Reorganization is approved, the portfolio security is expected
   to be sold prior to or shortly after the Reorganization.


                                   Exhibit E


aggregate value of the shares of the corresponding class of Disciplined LargeCap
Fund held by that shareholder as of the Closing Date. In the interest of economy
and convenience, shares of Fundamental Research Fund generally will not be
represented by physical certificates, unless you request the certificates in

          Until the Closing Date, shareholders of Disciplined LargeCap Fund will
continue to be able to redeem their shares. Redemption requests received after
the Closing Date will be treated as requests received by Fundamental Research
Fund for the redemption of its shares.

          The obligations of the Funds under the Reorganization Agreement are
subject to various conditions, including approval of the shareholders of
Disciplined LargeCap Fund. The Reorganization Agreement also requires that each
of the Funds take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and do or cause to be
done, all things reasonably necessary, proper or advisable to consummate and
make effective the transactions contemplated by the Reorganization Agreement.
The Reorganization Agreement may be terminated by mutual agreement of the
parties or on certain other grounds. Please refer to APPENDIX B to review the
terms and conditions of the Reorganization Agreement.


          The Reorganization is one of several reorganizations that have taken
place among various ING Funds. The ING Fund complex has grown in recent years
through the addition of many funds. Management of the ING Funds has proposed the
consolidation of several of the ING Funds that they believe have similar or
compatible investment strategies. The reorganizations are designed to reduce the
substantial overlap in funds offered in the ING Funds complex, thereby
eliminating inefficiencies and confusion about overlapping funds. ING
Investments also believes that the reorganizations may benefit Fund shareholders
by resulting in a surviving fund with a greater asset base. This is expected to
provide greater investment opportunities for the surviving fund and the
potential to take larger portfolio positions.

          The proposed Reorganization was initially presented for consideration
to, and was approved by, the Board of Trustees of the Funds at a meeting held on
May 25, 2006. The Trustees of the Funds, including all of the Trustees who are
not "interested persons" (as defined in the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended, (the "1940 Act")) of the Funds, determined that the interests of the
shareholders of either Fund will not be diluted as a result of the proposed
Reorganization, and that the proposed Reorganization is in the best interests of
both Funds and their shareholders.

          The Reorganization will allow Disciplined LargeCap Fund's shareholders
to continue to participate in a professionally-managed portfolio that seeks to
maximize total return through investments in a diversified portfolio of common
stocks. Additionally, the proposed Reorganization is expected to result in lower
gross and net expenses for shareholders of all classes of Disciplined LargeCap
Fund. Consolidation of the Funds also will result in a more viable, surviving
Fund whose style should attract greater interest from investors.

          As shareholders of Fundamental Research Fund, shareholders will be
able to continue to exchange into the ING Funds that offer the same Class of
shares in which such shareholder is currently invested. A list of the ING Funds
and the Classes available after the Reorganization is contained in APPENDIX D.


          The Board of Trustees of Disciplined LargeCap Fund, in recommending
the proposed transaction, considered a number of factors, including the

     -    the plans of management to reduce overlap in funds in the ING Fund

     -    the relative investment performance of the Disciplined LargeCap
          Fund as compared to the Fundamental Research Fund, including the
          short track record for Fundamental Research Fund;

     -    expense ratios and information regarding fees and expenses of
          Disciplined LargeCap Fund as compared to Fundamental Research Fund,
          including gross and net expense before and after the Reorganization;

     -    the relative size of the Funds, including that each Fund is a small
          fund; Fundamental Research Fund is also a relatively young fund,
          having commenced operations on December 28, 2005, and is a best ideas
          extension of ING's Growth and Income strategy;
                                    Exhibit F

November 22, 2006


Mr. Brion Thompson
Division of Investment Management
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, D.C. 20002

FILE NOS. 333-137955

Dear Mr. Thompson:

The Registrant is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in
this filing. Further, the Registrant recognizes that the staff's comments, or
changes to disclosure in response to the staff's comments, does not foreclose
the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") from taking any action with
respect to the filing. Lastly, if, to our knowledge, an inquiry or investigation
is currently pending or threatened by the SEC and if the SEC subsequently, in
order to protect its investigative position, so requests, the Registrant will
not assert staff comments with respect to the inquiry or investigation as a
defense in any proceeding initiated by the SEC or any person under the federal
securities laws of the United States. This representation should not be
construed as confirming that there is, or is not, in fact, any inquiry or
investigation currently pending or threatened.

Please direct any questions or additional comments you may have concerning this
letter to the undersigned at 480-477-2666. Thank you.


/s/ Huey P. Falgout, Jr.
- ---------------------------
Huey P. Falgout, Jr.
ING U.S. Legal Services


          cc:     Jeffrey S. Puretz
                  Christopher D. Christian
                  Dechert LLP

                                    Exhibit G


     -    the availability of a suitable class of shares in Fundamental Research
          Fund for all shareholders of Disciplined LargeCap Fund;

     -    the expenses relating to the Reorganization will be shared equally by
          the Adviser (or its affiliate) and Disciplined LargeCap Fund;

     -    any benefits that may be realized by the Adviser; and

     -    the tax consequences of the Reorganization to Disciplined LargeCap
          Fund and its shareholders, including the tax-free nature of the

          The Board of Trustees also considered the future potential benefits to
ING Investments in that its costs to administer both Funds may be reduced if the
Reorganization is approved.



          The Reorganization is intended to qualify for federal income tax
purposes as a tax-free reorganization under Section 368 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended. Accordingly, pursuant to this treatment, neither
Disciplined LargeCap Fund nor its shareholders, nor Fundamental Research Fund
nor its shareholders, are expected to recognize any gain or loss for federal
income tax purposes from the transactions contemplated by the Reorganization
Agreement. As a condition to the closing of the Reorganization, the Funds will
receive an opinion from the law firm of Dechert LLP to the effect that the
Reorganization will qualify as a tax-free reorganization for federal income tax
purposes. That opinion will be based in part upon certain assumptions and upon
certain representations made by the Funds.

          Immediately prior to the Reorganization, Disciplined LargeCap Fund
will pay a dividend or dividends which, together with all previous dividends,
will have the effect of distributing to its shareholders all of Disciplined
LargeCap Fund's investment company taxable income for taxable years ending on or
prior to the Reorganization (computed without regard to any deduction for
dividends paid) and all of its net capital gain, if any, realized in taxable
years ending on or prior to the Reorganization (after reduction for any
available capital loss carryforward). Such dividends will be included in the
taxable income of Disciplined LargeCap Fund's shareholders.

          As of May 31, 2006, Disciplined LargeCap Fund had accumulated
capital loss carryforwards of approximately $41.7 million and Fundamental
Research Fund had accumulated no capital loss carryforwards. After the
Reorganization, the losses of Disciplined LargeCap Fund generally will be
available to Fundamental Research Fund to offset its capital gains, although
a portion of the amount of these losses that may offset Disciplined Large Cap
Fund's capital gains in any given year will be limited due to this
Reorganization. The ability of Disciplined LargeCap Fund to absorb losses in
the future depends upon a variety of factors that cannot be known in advance,
including the existence of capital gains against which these losses may be
offset. In addition, the benefits of any of these various capital loss
carryforwards currently are available only to pre-reorganization shareholders
of each Fund. After the Reorganization, however, these benefits will inure to
the benefit of all post-reorganization shareholders of Fundamental Research


          The expenses relating to the proposed Reorganization will be shared
equally between Disciplined LargeCap Fund and ING Investments (or its
affiliate). The costs of the Reorganization shall include, but not be limited
to, costs associated with preparation of the Registration Statement, printing
and distributing the Proxy Statement/Prospectus and proxy materials, legal fees,
accounting fees, securities registration fees, and expenses of holding the
Special Meeting.



          Each Fund is a diversified series of ING Equity Trust, an open-end,
management investment company organized as a Massachusetts business trust. ING
Equity Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of eleven members.
For more information on the history of ING Equity Trust, see each Fund's SAI.


                                   Exhibit H


          ING Investments has engaged a sub-adviser to provide the day-to-day
management of each Fund. ING Investments is responsible for monitoring the
investment programs and performance of the sub-adviser. Under the terms of the
sub-advisory agreement, the agreement can be terminated by either ING
Investments or a Fund's Board. In the event a sub-advisory agreement is
terminated, the sub-adviser may be replaced subject to any regulatory
requirements or ING Investments may assume day-to-day investment management of
the Funds.

          For information regarding the basis for the Board's approval of
portfolio management relationships, please refer to Disciplined LargeCap Fund's
annual shareholder report, dated May 31, 2006, and Fundamental Research Fund's
annual shareholder report, dated May 31, 2006. ING Investments has full
investment discretion and ultimate authority to make all determinations with
respect to the investment of the Funds' assets and the purchase and sale of
portfolio securities.


          ING Funds Distributor, LLC (the "Distributor"), whose address is 7337
East Doubletree Ranch Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258-2034, is the principal
distributor for both Funds and is a member of the NASD.

          To obtain information about NASD member firms and their associated
persons, you may contact the NASD at www.nasdr.com or the NASD BrokerCheck
Hotline at 1-800-289-9999. An investment brochure describing the Public
Disclosure Program is available from the NASD.


          Each Fund generally distributes most or all of its net earnings in the
form of dividends and capital gain distributions. Each Fund distributes capital
gains, if any, on an annual basis. Dividends and distributions of each of the
Funds are automatically reinvested in additional shares of the respective Class
of the particular Fund, unless the shareholder elects to receive distributions
in cash.

          If the Reorganization Agreement is approved by Disciplined LargeCap
Fund's shareholders, then as soon as practicable before the Closing Date,
Disciplined LargeCap Fund will pay its shareholders a cash distribution of
substantially all undistributed net investment income and undistributed realized
net capital gains.


          The following table shows on an unaudited basis the capitalization of
each of the Funds as of May 31, 2006, and on a PRO FORMA basis as of May 31,
2006, giving effect to the Reorganization:

                                                       NET ASSET
                                                         VALUE        SHARES
                                          NET ASSETS   PER SHARE   OUTSTANDING
                                         -----------   ---------   -----------
   Class A                               $ 4,977,231     $10.32       482,121
   Class B                               $23,953,970     $ 9.83     2,437,823
   Class C                               $ 9,470,689     $ 9.82       963,939
   Class A                               $ 5,135,750     $10.16       505,556
   Class B                               $    24,598     $10.12         2,430
   Class C                               $    76,802     $10.12         7,588
   Class A                               $10,107,602(1)  $10.16       994,912(2)
   Class B                               $23,952,682(1)  $10.12     2,366,865(2)
   Class C                               $ 9,537,256(1)  $10.12       942,415(2)

- ----------
(1)  Reflects adjustments of ($5,379), ($25,886) and ($10,235) for Class A,
     Class B and Class C, respectively, for estimated one time merger expenses
     (See Note 5 in Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Financial Statements).

(2)  Reflects adjustment of 7,764 shares, (70,830) shares and (28,100) shares
     for Class A, Class B and Class C, respectively, for new shares issued and
     shares redeemed, net of retired shares of Disciplined LargeCap Fund
     (Calculation Net Asset / NAV per share).



          Solicitation of proxies is being made primarily by the mailing of the
Notice and this Proxy Statement/Prospectus with its enclosures on or about
November 22, 2006. Shareholders of Disciplined LargeCap Fund whose shares are
held by nominees, such as brokers, can vote their proxies by contacting their
respective nominee. In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail,
employees of ING Investments and its affiliates, without additional
compensation, may solicit proxies in
