
                                                                    EXHIBIT 14.1

TravelCenters of America LLC

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

                                                                January 12, 2007


                          TRAVELCENTERS OF AMERICA LLC



This CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS (the "Code") has been approved by the
Board of Directors of TravelCenters of America LLC (the "Company"). The Code has
been adopted by the Company and by Reit Management & Research, LLC (the "Shared
Services Provider"), the manager and shared services provider to the Company.

The Code is based on the principle that the directors, officers and employees of
the Company and the personnel of the Shared Services Provider, contractors and
other agents of the Company who provide services to the Company ("Covered
Persons") owe a duty to the Company to conduct the Company's business in an
ethical manner that promotes the accomplishment of the Company's goals. All such
Covered Persons are expected to adhere to this general principle as well as to
comply with all of the specific provisions of the Code that are applicable to

The Company expects Covered Persons to act in accordance with the highest
standards of personal and professional integrity in all aspects of their
activities and to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and Company
policies. We must never compromise that integrity, either for personal benefit
or for the Company's purported benefit. In accepting a position with the Company
or providing services to the Company, each Covered Person becomes accountable
for compliance with the law, with this Code and with all the policies of the

This Code applies to all Covered Persons. This Code should be read in
conjunction with other policies of the Company. It is each individual's
responsibility to become familiar with the Code, these policies as well as any
supplemental policies. If you have questions regarding the interpretation of
applicable laws or this Code, you should contact your supervisor, the director
of Human Resources, the director of internal audit or a Company executive
officer. We expect strict compliance with this Code. Waivers of the requirements
of this Code may be granted only by a Company executive officer; however, any
waiver of this Code for executive officers or directors may be made only by the
Board of Directors and must be disclosed promptly to shareholders.

The Company expects everyone to act in full compliance with the policies set
forth in this Code and in a manner consistent with the highest ethical
standards. Failure to observe these policies may result in disciplinary action,
up to and including termination of employment. Furthermore, violations of this
Code may also be violations of the law and may result in civil or criminal
penalties for you, your supervisors and/or the Company.


                          TRAVELCENTERS OF AMERICA LLC


TravelCenters of America LLC is dedicated to maintaining the highest integrity
and standards of ethics. We will treat our customers, suppliers, employees,
shareholders and the community with honesty, dignity, fairness and respect.

This Code applies to directors, officers and employees of the Company and the
personnel of the Shared Services Provider, contractors, and other agents of the
Company who provide services to the Company ("Covered Persons" or "you"). We
expect Covered Persons to act responsibly and in accordance with the highest
standards of personal and professional integrity in all aspects of their
business activities and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations and
our policies.

This Code supplements our other applicable policies. If you have questions
regarding this Code, you should contact any of the following: your supervisor,
the director of Human Resources, the director of internal audit or an executive
officer of the Company. You may use the Company's confidential message system at
(800) 758-9705.


All employees want and deserve a workplace where they feel respected, satisfied
and appreciated. Providing an environment that supports honesty, integrity,
respect, trust, responsibility and citizenship permits us the opportunity to
achieve excellence in our workplace. Each of us has a responsibility to help
provide a work atmosphere free of harassing, abusive, disrespectful, disorderly,
disruptive or other nonprofessional conduct. Our executive officers and
management personnel assume special responsibility for fostering a work
environment that is free from the fear of retribution and will bring out the
best in all of us. We provide equal employment opportunities by recruiting,
hiring, training and promoting applicants and employees without regard to race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, sexual orientation,
disability, handicap or Veteran status.


We are committed to providing a drug-free, safe and healthy work environment.
Using or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while working is
strictly prohibited, and smoking is limited to designated areas. Each of us is
responsible for compliance with applicable health and safety laws and

We are committed to observing sound environmental business practices and to
preserving and improving the quality of the environment. Environmental risks
that may arise at our properties or from of our operations should be identified
and managed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


You are responsible for the proper use of our property, including our
information resources, records, materials, facilities and equipment, and the
property of our customers, suppliers or other third parties which is under your
control. Use and maintain these assets with care and respect, guarding against
theft, waste or abuse which harm the Company's profitability. You may not



misappropriate our property or the property of others for your personal use or
for the use of others.

The computer, electronic mail, internet access and voice mail systems we provide
are intended for business purposes. You may not use these systems in a manner
which is harmful or embarrassing to us. Under no circumstances are any of our
systems to be used to solicit, harass or otherwise offend or for any unlawful


We promote full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in all
public communications, including reports and documents that we file with, or
submit to, the Securities and Exchange Commission. We must maintain accurate and
complete records, data and other company information in sufficient detail as to
reflect our transactions accurately. Our financial statements must be prepared
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as in effect in the
United States, and fairly present, in all material respects, our financial
condition and results. You are personally responsible for the integrity of the
information, reports and records under your control and must ensure that all
reports are filed in a timely manner and that they fairly present the financial
condition and operating results of the Company. Misrepresenting facts or
falsifying records will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.

You must use common sense and be professional when choosing the content and
language that comprise business records and other documents (such as e-mail).

You must comply with the Company's policy on retention and planned destruction
of records. If any government agency requests access to our records, data and
other company information, you must advise your supervisor, manager or an
executive officer of this request immediately. Supervisors and managers must
ensure that executive officers are informed of all such requests that are
outside the ordinary course of the Company's business. You may not destroy or
alter any records, data and other documents which are potentially relevant to a
violation of law or any litigation or any pending, threatened or foreseeable
government investigation or proceeding or lawful request.

You must cooperate fully with appropriately authorized internal or external
investigations. Making false statements to or otherwise misleading internal or
external auditors, counsel, representatives or regulators violates this Code and
may be a criminal act that can result in severe penalties.


You may receive or create information about us which is our proprietary and/or
confidential information. In addition, you may receive information about our
suppliers, competitors or others which is proprietary to their business or which
we have an obligation to keep confidential. You must respect these confidences.

Both during and after your association with us, you may not disclose proprietary
or confidential information to anyone without proper authorization from us. You
must take precautionary steps to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of
proprietary or confidential information, including by protecting and securing
documents containing this information. Disclosure of proprietary or confidential
information within our company should not be made to any individual who is not
authorized to receive it and has no need to know the information. The only
exceptions are when



disclosure is authorized or mandated by applicable law or by an appropriate
subpoena or other legal process.

Our proprietary or confidential information includes, but is not limited to,
non-public information that might be of use to our competitors, or harmful to us
or our customers, if disclosed. Examples of proprietary information include new
contracts or supply agreements and amendments to or termination of contracts or
supply agreements, customer lists, plans for acquisitions, dispositions or
financings and business and strategic plans and budgets. Examples of
confidential information include employee records and protected customer
information, including but not limited to social security numbers, credit card
numbers and banking information.


We conduct our business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
Compliance with the law does not comprise our or your entire ethical
responsibility. Rather it is a minimum, essential condition for the performance
of our and your duties.

This Code highlights a few laws and issues, but does not attempt to cover every
circumstance which may arise. These are complex, rapidly changing laws and
issues which may affect your personal conduct outside of our business
environment. You are responsible for knowing and complying with laws and
regulations applicable to you and you are urged to consult with our legal
counsel as to questions concerning these laws and regulations. If you have any
compliance questions relating to us or our business, you should consult with one
or more of the individuals listed at the beginning of this Code.


As a publicly owned company, we must always be alert to and comply with security
laws and regulations. You may not, directly or indirectly through your family
members or others, purchase or sell our shares while in the possession of
material, non-public information concerning us. This prohibition also applies to
trading in the stock of other publicly held companies on the basis of material,
non-public information which you may have learned in the course of performing
your duties for the Company. In light of these requirements, Officers, Corporate
Employees, Regional Managers and District Managers must obtain authorization,
using the Company's "Authorization to Trade" form, before trading in Company
securities, including shares, puts, calls, or any other type of derivative


We are committed to fair competition and competing fairly and ethically for all
business opportunities. In conducting our business, you must adhere to all
antitrust laws. These laws prohibit practices in restraint of trade, such as
price fixing and boycotting suppliers or customers, and they also bar pricing
intended to run a competitor out of business; disparaging, misrepresenting, or
harassing a competitor; stealing trade secrets; bribery; and kickbacks.
Antitrust laws also prohibit agreements between competitors regarding prices to
be charged, bidding, clients to be solicited or geographic areas to be served.




We endeavor to deal fairly with our customers, suppliers, competitors and
employees. We will not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation,
concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material
facts or any other unfair practices. You, as our representative, must adhere to
these standards in your conduct on our behalf.

Buying, selling and bidding on our behalf must be done on an "arm's length"
basis. You are not permitted to give or accept any payment, gift, bribe, secret
commission, favors or other business courtesies that constitute, or could be
reasonably perceived as constituting, unfair business inducements or that would
violate laws or regulations or our other policies. Any questions regarding the
appropriateness of giving or accepting a gift or invitation should be addressed
to one or more of the individuals listed at the beginning of this Code.


We encourage your involvement in civic affairs and your participation in the
political process. That involvement and participation must be on an individual
basis, on your own time and at your expense, and not as our representative. Any
political activity that could cause someone to believe that such actions reflect
our views or position as a company requires the prior approval of an executive

United States federal laws generally prohibit companies from donating corporate
funds, goods or services (including employees' work time), directly or
indirectly, to candidates to federal offices. State and local laws may also
apply in their respective jurisdictions and restrict or prohibit political
donations by companies. In addition, giving or offering to give any favor,
service, entertainment, meal, gift or other thing of value, directly or
indirectly, to government officials or employees or their family members in
connection with their governmental duties is prohibited.


You have an obligation to give the Company your complete loyalty and to advance
the Company's legitimate business opportunities. We expect the best interests of
the Company to be foremost in the minds of our employees, officers and directors
as they perform their duties. These duties include your not (i) taking for
yourself personally opportunities that are discovered through the use of Company
property, information or position, (ii) using Company property, information, or
position for your own personal gain, and (iii) competing with us. You may
determine whether we consider an action you propose to take to be consistent
with your duties to us by following the procedure described below relating to
conflicts of interest. When we become employees, officers or directors of the
Company, and receive pay and benefits, we make this commitment.


You must be sensitive to activities, interests or relationships that interfere
with, or which appear to interfere with, our interests as a whole. These
activities, interests or relationships are considered "conflicts of interest".

Conflicts of interest arise from financial or other business relationships with
our customers, suppliers or competitors that might impair, or appear to impair,
the independence of any judgment you may need to make on our behalf. They may
arise from your personal investing,



your outside business activities, your consideration of our business
opportunities and dealings with related parties. Examples include accepting
employment by a competitor or potential competitor while you are employed by us;
accepting of gifts, payment, or services from those seeking to do business with
us or your receipt of improper personal benefits as a result of your position
with us; accepting Company loans or guarantees; and owning, or having a
substantial interest in, a company that is a competitor, tenant, customer or
supplier. If something would constitute a conflict of interest if it involves
you directly, it will likely constitute a conflict of interest if it involves a
family member or business associate.

You are under a continuing obligation to disclose any situation that presents a
conflict of interest; disclosure is the key to remaining in compliance with this
policy. That permits our representatives who are independent of the conflict of
interest to understand the conflict of interest and to determine whether our
interests as a whole are being protected.

In the case of an executive officer or director, you may seek approval from our
disinterested directors for investments, related party transactions and other
transactions or relationships which you would like to pursue and which may
otherwise constitute a conflict of interest or other action falling outside the
scope of permissible activities under this Code. In the case of other employees
subject to this Code, you may seek that approval from an executive officer who
has no interest in the matter for which approval is being requested.

You may pursue transactions or relationships which involve a conflict of
interest only if (i) that transaction or relationship does not impair the
independence of any judgment you may need to make on our behalf and (ii) the
transaction or relationship has been approved as provided in the prior

If you discover that, as a result of changed circumstances or otherwise, you
have become involved in a conflict of interest or are in competition with us in
a way that violates or may violate this Code, you must report that conflict as
provided above. Unless you obtain appropriate approval, you must promptly
eliminate that conflict or competitive situation.

Because it is impossible to describe every potential conflict of interest, we
necessarily rely on you to exercise good judgment, to seek advice when
appropriate and to adhere to ethical standards in the conduct of your
professional and personal affairs.


We require that any executive officer or director who knows of a violation of
laws, rules, regulations or this Code by any employee, executive officer or
director report that violation to our director of internal audit or a member of
our Audit Committee. We encourage other employees to report any violations or
possible violations to your supervisors, managers or other appropriate
personnel. You may report such violations as follows:

     - By written correspondence to:

           TravelCenters of America LLC
           Director of Internal Audit
           400 Centre Street
           Newton MA 02458

     - By toll-free telephone to (800) 758-9705



     - By e-mail to: Internal.Audit@travelcentersaudit.com

     - By use of the Company's web site at: http://www.tatravelcenters.com

Similarly, we encourage you to speak with your supervisors, managers or other
appropriate personnel when in doubt about the best course of action in a
particular situation. The Company's interests are never served by unlawful or
unethical business practices.

We prohibit any retaliatory action against any individual for raising legitimate
concerns or questions regarding ethics matters or for reporting violations or
suspected violations in good faith.


Our Board of Directors enforces this Code. If an alleged violation of this Code
has been reported to it, the Board of Directors shall determine whether that
violation has occurred and, if so, shall determine the disciplinary measures to
be taken against any employee, officer or director who has violated this Code.

The disciplinary measures, which may be invoked at the discretion of the Board
of Directors, include, but are not limited to, counseling, oral or written
reprimands, warnings, probation or suspension without pay, demotions, reductions
in salary, termination of employment or other relationship with us and

Persons who may be subject to disciplinary measures include, in addition to the
violator, others involved in the wrongdoing such as (i) persons who fail to use
reasonable care to detect a violation, (ii) persons who if requested to divulge
information withhold material information regarding a violation, and (iii)
supervisors who approve or condone the violations or attempt to retaliate
against employees or agents for reporting violations or violators.

Any waiver of the applicability of this Code or of a violation by an individual
covered by this Code other than an executive officer or director requires the
approval of an executive officer. Any waiver for an executive officer or
director requires the approval of the Board of Directors and will be promptly
disclosed to the Company's shareholders. Waivers will be granted only as
permitted by law and in extraordinary circumstances.



                              ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM



I acknowledge that I have received and read the TravelCenters of America LLC
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, dated January 12, 2007, and understand my
obligations to comply with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

I understand that my agreement to comply with the Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics does not constitute a contract of employment.

Please sign here:              _________________________________

Please print your name:        _________________________________

Title:                         _________________________________

Location:                      _________________________________

Date:                          _________________________________

This signed and completed form must be returned to the Director of Human
