Exhibit 10.1

                                                                 Janaury 7, 1997

Mr. Kenneth D. Van Meter
1236 Weatherstone Court
Reston, Virginia 22094

Dear Ken:

Celerity Systems, Inc. is pleased to confirm our employment agreement with you. 
We are  confident that you will provide valuable contributions to our efforts,
and look forward to having you as a member of our team.  The following
conditions will apply to your employment with Celerity Systems, Inc.

1.  Your employment will commence on January 20, 1997.  You are encouraged to
    join sooner, should it become possible.

    Your position title will be President and Chief Executive Office of
    Celerity Systems, Inc. reporting directly to the Board of Directors.  You
    will have direct responsibility to formulate the strategic direction and
    development of the company and its subsidiaries, to conceptualize and
    implement programs to achieve its financial, product and market objectives
    and to guide and motivate the performance and development of its
    organization.  You will lead the company into product and market
    opportunities, and will ensure that its organization is effectively staffed
    and managed to achieve critical strategic objectives.  You will serve as a
    senior representative of the Company in its relations with key customers,
    prospects and investors.  You will ensure that the culture of Celerity
    Systems, Inc. reflects its priorities of customer satisfaction, product and
    service quality, and workplace collaboration and integrity.  You will also
    ensure that the potential of the VCD business unit is optimized, as it
    contributes to the overall success of Celerity Systems, Inc.

    You will participate as a member of Celerity Stems, Inc. Board of
    Directors, and will lead the company's senior management team.  You will be
    responsible for the presentation to the Board of Directors of annual
    forecasts, operating plans and budgets, and for the periodic analyses of
    results versus plans.

3.  Your compensation will be comprised of a base salary and participation in a
    financial incentive plan as described below:

    a.   Your base salary will be $13,500.00 per month ($162,000 annual rate). 
         Your salary and incentive compensation will be reviewed annually by
         the Board of Directors Compensation Committee.

Mr. Kenneth D. Van Meter               2                        Janaury 7, 1997
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    b.   Additional incentive compensation will be available under an executive
         incentive plan incorporating three elements:

                        SPECIFIC OPERATING OBJECTIVES.

         Within your first 90 days of employment, and prior to the beginning of
         each calendar year, you will propose, for approval by the Board of
         Directors, a set of specific operating objectives for that calendar
         year, to include definitions of minimum, mid-level and maximum
         achievement.  At the conclusion of the year, your achievement of those
         objectives will be reviewed by you and the Board of Directors, to
         determine the extent to which they have been accomplished.

         Incentive compensation will be awarded as follows, and paid within 30
         days following the end of each calendar year:

              Below minimum level                                0%
              At or above minimum, but below mid-level          11%
              At or above mid-level, but below maximum level    22%
              Maximum level and above                           33%


         Within your first 90 days of employment, and prior to the beginning of
         each calendar year, you will propose, for approval by the Board of
         Directors, a set of specific revenue growth and profitability targets
         for that calendar year, to include definitions of minimum, mid-level
         and maximum achievement.  At the conclusion of the year, your
         achievement of those objectives will be reviewed by you and the Board
         of Directors, to determine the extent to which they have been
         accomplished.  Incentive compensation will be awarded on the same
         basis as Element I awards.

                        INCREASE IN ITS MARKET VALUE.

    Incentives for this element will be awarded following the conclusion of
    each calendar year.  Incentives awarded under this element will vest 50% at
    the end of one year, and the remaining 50% at the end of two years from the
    date they are granted.  Should you elect to terminate your employment with
    Celerity Systems, Inc., you will forfeit all non-vested incentive
    compensation; however, if the Company elects to terminate your employment

Mr. Kenneth D. Van Meter               3                        Janaury 7, 1997
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    other than cause, all Element 3 incentive compensation previously awarded
    will vest immediately.

    4.   Your position title and responsibilities, as well as your base and
         incentive compensation, will be guaranteed for a period of three years
         from your date of hire.  Within this three-year period, should the
         company elect to terminate your employment, or to reduce the
         responsibilities of your position to your dissatisfaction, a
         twelve-month salary and benefits continuation, prorated incentive
         compensation (based on targets at 100% for the first six months of the
         year, and on year-to-date performance data for the remaining six
         months for the year), and professional out placement support not to
         exceed $25,000 will be provided as severance from employment.  This
         will not apply in the event of termination for "cause" or of your
         voluntary resignation, other than in the event of reduced position
         responsibilities.  At the conclusion of this three-year agreement,
         your position responsibilities, compensation and severance provisions
         will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  At this time,
         should the Board of Directors choose to reduce your position title,
         duties or compensation to your dissatisfaction, you will be eligible
         for severance conditions as described above.

         You will be granted 100 shares of Celerity Systems stock upon joining
         the Company.  You also will be awarded equity participation in
         Celerity Systems, Inc., representing a total of 10% of its current
         shares.  This award will vest at the rate of 5% at the completion of
         calendar year 1997 and 5% at the completion of calendar year 1998.  In
         the event that additional equity-related activities occur during these
         two years, which may dilute the relative holdings of certain
         investors, your equity participation will be maintained at a minimum
         of 8% of the existing shares as of January 20, 1999.  The specific
         method by which this equity participation will be accomplished will be
         determined by the Company, and will attempt to minimize dilution of
         your equity awards and to maximize tax considerations both for you and
         for the Company.

         Should you voluntarily resign your employment with Celerity Systems,
         Inc. prior to the completion of a calendar year, no equity award will
         accrue for that year.  If Celerity Systems, Inc. elects to terminate
         your employment, for reasons other than cause, your equity award for
         that year will be prorated for the percentage of the year you were
         actively employed with the Company.

    6.   Celerity Systems, Inc., will reimburse your expenses, to a maximum of
         $45,000, related to the relocation and storage of personal goods,
         temporary housing and move-in incidentals, as well as for brokers'
         fees associated with the sale of your current residence, and for
         closing costs associated with the purchase of a new residence. 
         Celerity Systems, Inc., is unable to provide compensation for any
         losses associated 

Mr. Kenneth D. Van Meter               4                        Janaury 7, 1997
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         with the sale of your residence, nor for any differential in mortgage
         rates you may incur.  You must provide receipts of all expenses for

Ken, we believe you are uniquely qualified to lead Celerity Systems, Inc., to
rapid and impressive successes.  We look forward to working with you to achieve
the potential of this company, to exceed the expectations of our customers, and
to produce substantial returns to our investors.

Please sign this agreement indicating your acceptance and return it to us at
your soonest convenience.

Sincerely yours,

 /s/ Donald C. Greenhouse    
- ------------------------------
Donald C. Greenhouse
CEO Celerity System, Inc.

Accepted:  /s/ Kenneth D. Van Meter              Date:  January 12, 1997
         ---------------------------                   -------------------
        Kenneth D. Van Meter


    This Amendment is made and entered into as of this 15th day of July, 1997,
by and between Kenneth D. Van Meter ("CEO") and Celerity Systems, Inc. (the
"Company") and amends that certain Employment Agreement (the "Agreement")
between CEO and the Company dated January 7, 1997.

    This Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

    This second and third paragraphs of Section 4 of the Agreement are deleted
in their entirety.  In lieu of such paragraphs, and in consideration of CEO's
agreement to waive the rights provided for in such paragraphs, including but not
limited to certain anti-dilution rights provided for therein, the following
provisions are substituted for the second and third paragraphs of Section 4 of
the Agreement:

   i.    CEO shall be entitled to purchase 37,500 shares of the Company's
         common stock at a price of $.001 per share.

   ii.   CEO shall be entitled to receive a grant of a non-qualified stock
         option for 458,000 shares of the Company's common stock, with such
         option having an exercise price equal to the fair market value of the
         Company's common stock at the time of such grant.  The option shall
         vest 50% on January 20, 1998 and 50% on January 20, 1999, provided,
         however that the option shall accelerate and be fully vested on the
         closing of an initial public offering of capital stock of the Company
         in which net proceeds to the Company are at least $5,000,000.  Such
         option shall have a term of 10 years.  The parties acknowledge that
         the Board of Directors granted this option to CEO in its meeting of
         April 4, 1997.

   iii.  CEO shall have a further option to purchase 575,000 shares of the
         Company's common stock, at an exercise price of $1.20 per share, which
         option shall be immediately exercisable, in whole or in part.  Such
         option shall have a term of 10 years.

   iv.   The options specified herein shall be evidenced by stock option
         agreements in the Company's customary form.

   v.    CEO agrees that all shares of the Company's common stock provided for
         herein shall be subject to a lock-up agreement to be entered into in
         conjunction with the anticipated initial public offering of the
         Company in 1997, which lock-up agreement shall be substantially the
         same as the agreement to be entered into with other current security
         holders of the Company.

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment is duly entered into the day and year
first above written.

                                            /s/Kenneth D. Van Meter
                                            Kenneth D. Van Meter

                                            CELERITY SYSTEMS, INC.

                                            By:   /s/ William Chambers  
                                            Title:  Vice President       