Exhibit 10.5

DATED                                                                       1995
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                (1) TEVECAP S.A.
                                   as Borrower

                                 (2) ABRIL S.A.
                                    as Lender


                            REVOLVING CREDIT FACILITY



Clause No.
 1. Definition
 2. Available Credit and Funding Options
 3. Drawdown
 4. Interest
 5. Repayment and Prepayment
 6. Representations and Warranties
 7. Conditions Precedent
 8. Events of Default
 9. Fees
10. Miscellaneous
11. Notices
12. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

THIS REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT is celebrated this 6th day of December, 1995


(1)   Tevecap S.A of Rua do Rocio, No. 313, 04552-904 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil
      ("Borrower"); and

(2)   Abril S.A. of Av. Otaviano Alves de Lima, No. 4400, 02909-900 Sao Paulo,
      SP, Brazil ("Lender")


A.    The majority shareholder of Lender indirectly controls Borrower.

B.    On December 6, 1995 the majority stockholder in Lender entered into a
      Stock Purchase Agreement relating to the issuance and sale of certain
      shares of Borrower to Hearst/ABC Video Services II;

C.    A condition to the purchase of shares mentioned in "B" above was that
      Lender make available to Borrower a line of credit in accordance with the
      terms hereof.



01.1  Definitions: In this Agreement the following words and expressions have,
      except where the context otherwise requires, the respective meanings: -

      Available Credit: the maximum aggregate principal amount of $60,000,000
      (Sixty million Dollars) to be advanced by Lender pursuant to this
      Agreement or so much thereof as is not outstanding from time to time;

      Business Day: a day on which banks are open for the transaction of
      business of the nature required by this Agreement in Sao Paulo;

      $ and Dollars: the lawful currency of the United States of America and, in
      relation to all payments in dollars to be made under this Agreement, same
      day funds;

      Drawdown Date: the date on which a drawing is made available to the

      Drawings: shall bear the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 3.1.

      Event of Default: any event set out in Clause 8.1 or which may with
      passage of time or the giving of notice or a determination under the
      relevant clause be such an event;

      Final Availability Date: the date falling 36 months from the date hereof;

      Interest Payment Date: the last day of any Interest Period;

      Interest Period: in the case of Dollar borrowings, each successive
      three-month period, commencing on the date hereof and terminating on the
      Final Availability Date and in the case of Reais borrowings each
      successive one month period, commencing on the date hereof and terminating
      on the Final Availability Date;

      Interest Rate: (i) in the case of Lender lending funds directly to
      Borrower through Lender's own working capital, for each Interest Period
      that the Loan is outstanding the rate of interest certified by Lender to
      be the average rate at which loans for amounts in Dollars or Reais (as
      applicable) equivalent to the Outstanding Balance are offered to Lender
      during such Interest Period in question, which rate shall be adjusted to
      compensate Lender for any taxes (including, without limitation, any
      foreign exchange or similar tax that may be imposed on Lender in the
      raising of funds to finance the Loan) and/or reserve requirements that may
      be imposed on Lender when borrowing such funds (ii) in the case of a
      Pass-Through Loan, the same rate of interest charged to Lender by the
      provider of funds to Lender;

      Loan: the loan to be made by Lender to Borrower in accordance with the
      terms hereof;

      Outstanding Indebtedness: all moneys from time to time owing (whether
      actually or contingently) from Borrower to Lender;

      Pass-Through Loan: a loan Lender contracts from a third party whose
      proceeds are then passed by Lender to Borrower;

      Reais: the lawful currency of the Federative Republic of Brazil;

      Reais Equivalent: the amount in Brazilian currency equivalent to U.S.
      Dollars as determined by the application of the selling rate divulged by
      the Central Bank of Brazil under the SISBACEN Data System, Transaction
      PTAX-800, Option 5, Currency 220, or any successor to such rate divulged
      by the Central Bank of Brazil.

01.2  Month: A reference to a "month" shall mean a period beginning in one
      calendar month and ending on the numerically corresponding day in the next
      calendar month provided that (a) if such period started on the last
      Business Day in a calendar month, or if there is no such numerically
      corresponding day, such period shall end on the last Business Day in the
      next calendar month and (b) if such numerically corresponding day is not a
      Business Day, such period shall end on the next following Business Day in
      the same calendar month, or if there is no such Business Day, such period
      shall end on the Business Day next preceding such numerically
      corresponding Business Day.

01.3  Interpretation: Any documents referred to in this Agreement include the
      same as varied from time to time, together with all additions, supplements
      and replacements


      thereto including assignments and novations thereof. Headings are for ease
      of reference only and do not form a part of this Agreement. Where the
      context so admits, the singular includes the plural and vice versa.
      References to persons include bodies corporate and unincorporate.
      References to clauses are to clauses of this Agreement unless otherwise


02.1  Available Credit: Lender, relying on the representations and warranties in
      Clause 6 and subject to the terms and provisions in this Agreement, agrees
      to make the Available Credit available to Borrower.

02.2  Maximum Amount: The maximum aggregate principal amount which at any time
      remains outstanding in respect of the Loan shall not exceed $60,000,000.

02.3  Availability: Lender shall be under no liability to advance the Loan or
      any part thereof after the Final Availability Date.

02.4  Funding Options Available to Lender: Lender may, in its sole discretion,
      fund the Loan (i) through working capital available to Lender or (ii)
      through a Pass-Through Loan.

02.5  Currency of the Loan: The Loan shall be disbursed in Reais but, in case of
      a Pass-Through Loan, will be repaid in Reais Equivalent to the Dollar
      amount of the Loan if Lender has funded in Dollars.

02.6  Lender's Efforts to obtain lowest Interest Rate: Lender shall use its
      reasonable commercial efforts to obtain the lowest possible interest rates
      for the Loan.


03.1  Drawdown: The Loan shall be made available to Borrower provided no Event
      of Default has occurred when (a) the conditions precedent referred to in
      Clause 7 have been satisfied and (b) Lender has received written notice
      from the Borrower at least thirty (30) days prior to each drawing (which
      once given shall be irrevocable).

      (a)   Each drawing (a "Drawing") shall be for an amount not less than the
            Reais Equivalent of $100,000.

      (b)   Borrower shall request all Drawings of the Loan in Dollars or Reais
            and Lender shall use reasonable commercial efforts to comply with
            Borrower's request, subject to availability of required funds to
            Lender. Drawings requested in Reais shall be disbursed in Reais and
            repaid in Reais. Drawings requested in Dollars shall, subject to the
            foregoing limitations, be contracted


            by Lender in Dollars and passed-through to Borrower in Reais,
            provided, however, that such Drawings shall be accounted for in


04.1  Interest: Borrower shall pay interest on the Loan or relevant part thereof
      at the Interest Rate on each Interest Payment Date.

04.2  360-day year: Interest will accrue from day to day and will be calculated
      for the actual number of days which have elapsed on the basis of a 30-day
      month and 360-day year.

04.3  Default interest: If Borrower fails to pay any amount on the due date
      (whether of principal, interest or otherwise) under this Agreement,
      Borrower shall pay interest on any such sum from the due date up to and
      until the date of actual payment (as well after as before judgment) at the
      rate per annum determined by Lender to be the aggregate of (a) three per
      cent, and (b) and the Interest Rate. Interest shall be compounded at the
      end of each period for which an interest rate is determined.


05.1  Repayment: The Outstanding Indebtedness will be repaid by Borrower to
      Lender in full on the Final Availability Date.

05.2  Prepayment: Borrower may on giving Lender not less than seven Business
      Days notice in writing repay without penalty the Outstanding Indebtedness
      (or any part thereof being an integral multiple of $100,000) together with
      all interest accrued thereon at the end of any Interest Period.

05.3  Redrawing: Any amount of the Loan prepaid shall be available for

05.4  Currency: All payments to be made hereunder in respect of Pass-Through
      Loans contracted by Lender in Dollars shall be calculated in Dollars, but
      made in Reais at the Reais Equivalent on the date of payment, and other
      Drawings shall be calculated and repaid in Reais.


06.1  Representations: Borrower represents and warrants to Lender the following.

      (a)   Consents: Borrower has obtained all necessary corporate authority
            and third party consents for the execution, delivery and performance
            of its obligations hereunder.


      (b)   Legal validity: This Agreement constitutes legal, valid and binding
            obligations of Borrower enforceable in accordance with its terms
            except to the extent that such enforceability may be limited by
            bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws respecting creditors' rights
            generally or by the availability of specific performance or other
            equitable remedies being at the discretion of the court and the
            execution, delivery and performance thereof do not contravene any
            applicable law or regulation or generally accepted interpretation
            thereof existing at the date hereof or any contractual
            constitutional or other restriction binding on it.

      (c)   Pari passu: The obligations of Borrower hereunder rank at least
            equally and rateably (pari passu) in point of priority and security
            with all other unsecured obligations of Borrower;

      (d)   No default: No Event of Default or default exists and no event has
            occurred which with notice or lapse of time or both will constitute
            a default under any other agreement, undertaking or instrument to
            which Borrower is a party or by which it may be bound or to which
            any of its assets may be subject and which is reasonably likely to
            affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.

06.2  Repeated: The representations and warranties set out in Clause 6.1 are
      made as at the date of this Agreement and shall be deemed repeated on each
      Drawdown Date and at the commencement of each Interest Period (updated
      mutatis mutandis to each such date).


07.1  Conditions precedent: Lender shall not be obliged to advance any drawing
      unless and until Lender has received in such form and content and upon
      terms and conditions reasonably acceptable to it:-

      (a)   representations and warranties: evidence that each of the
            representations and warranties of Borrower will be true at the time
            of drawdown;

      (b)   corporate documentation: evidence that the Shareholder Group(s) (as
            that term is defined in the Stockholders Agreement dated as of
            December 5, 1995 among Tevecap S.A., Mr. Robert Civita, Aprilcap
            Comercio e Participacoes Ltda., Harpia Holdings Limited, Curupira
            Holdings Limited, Falcon International Communications Ltd.,
            Hearst/ABC Video Services II and TVA Participacoes Ltda.), which own
            at least 8% of the issued and outstanding voting Shares of the
            Borrower, acting unanimously, have resolved that the Borrower draw
            funds hereunder;


      (c)   consents: copies of all governmental and other consents, licenses,
            approvals and authorizations for the making, performance, validity
            and enforceability of this Agreement.

07.2  Waiver: If Lender permits drawdown of the Available Credit notwithstanding
      that certain of the conditions specified in Clause 7.1 have not been
      fulfilled, Borrower shall fulfill such conditions as soon as possible and
      in any event within ten Business Days of the Drawdown Date.


08.1  The occurrence of any of the following events (save with the prior written
      consent of Lender) shall constitute an Event of Default, whatever the
      reason for such occurrence:

      (a)   non-payment: Lender does not receive any payment under this
            Agreement on its respective due date;

      (b)   other breach: Borrower is in breach of any of the other covenants,
            conditions, terms or obligations contained herein and (in the case
            of a breach which in the sole reasonable determination of Lender, is
            capable of remedy) such breach is not remedied within thirty days of
            written notification from Lender;

      (c)   misrepresentation: any representation or warranty made by Borrower
            to Lender in this Agreement or in connection herewith or any
            certificate, statement or document delivered hereunder proves to be
            incorrect, inaccurate or misleading in any material respect when
            made or deemed to be repeated;

      (d)   liquidation: a bona fide petition is filed, an order made or an
            effective resolution passed for the compulsory or voluntary
            winding-up of Borrower (otherwise than for the purpose of
            amalgamation or reconstruction in respect of which the prior written
            approval of Lender has first been obtained), or Borrower becomes
            insolvent or is deemed unable to pay its debts within the meaning of
            applicable insolvency law or Borrower becomes unable to pay its
            debts as they fall due or Borrower stops or threatens to stop making
            payments generally or declares or threatens to declare a moratorium
            or suspension of payments with respect to all or any part of its
            debts or enters into any composition, scheme, compromise or other
            arrangement with its creditors generally (or any class of them), or
            any meeting of Borrower is convened or any other preparatory or
            other steps are taken for the purpose of considering an application
            for an administration order ("concordata") in relation to Borrower
            or such an administration order is made by a court, or Borrower does
            or threatens to suspend payment, or ceases to carry on its business
            or makes any special arrangement or composition with its creditors,
            or Borrower becomes insolvent or is deemed unable to pay its debts
            as they fall due, or any preparatory or other steps are taken to
            appoint a receiver or similar official of


            Borrower or any of its assets, or anything analogous to or having a
            substantially similar effect to any of the events specified above
            happens under the laws of any applicable jurisdiction;

      (e)   consents: any government or other license, authorization, consent or
            approval at any time necessary to enable Borrower to comply with its
            obligations under this Agreement is revoked, withheld, materially
            modified or otherwise fails to remain in full force and effect;

      (f)   seizure: all or a material part of the undertakings, assets, rights
            or revenues of, or shares or other ownership interests in, Borrower
            are seized, nationalized, expropriated or compulsorily acquired by
            or under the authority of any government;

      (g)   unlawfulness: it becomes unlawful at any time (to an extent
            considered material by Lender) for Borrower to perform all or any of
            the covenants or its obligations under this Agreement, or for Lender
            to exercise the rights or any of them vested in it under this

      (h)   repudiation: Borrower repudiates this Agreement, or does or causes
            or permits to be done any act evidencing an intention to repudiate
            this Agreement;

      (i)   enforceability: any act or matter is done or omitted to be done by
            Borrower which, in the reasonable opinion of Lender, materially
            affects the validity or enforceability of this Agreement or any
            event occurs which renders it unlawful or impossible for Borrower to
            perform its obligations or for Lender to exercise any of its rights
            and remedies hereunder; provided, however, that no act or omission
            of the Borrower undertaken by or with the approval of the Lender
            shall constitute an Event of Default under this Section 8.1(i).

08.2  Lender's rights: Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default Lender shall
      be entitled (but not obliged) to notify Borrower that the Outstanding
      Indebtedness is immediately due and payable whereupon Lender shall have no
      further obligation to advance or maintain the Loan, and the Outstanding
      Indebtedness shall become immediately repayable to Lender.

09.   FEES

09.1  Fees: Borrower shall pay to Lender on demand any fees directly and
      reasonably incurred by Lender in connection with funding Lender's
      obligations hereunder.


010.1 Payments: All payments by Borrower to Lender shall be made on the due date
      no later than 14:00 hours Sao Paulo time, in accordance with the terms of
      Clause 5.4 in


      immediately available cleared funds to such account or bank as may from
      time to time be designated by Lender. If any payment falls due on a
      non-Business Day payment shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day
      unless the next succeeding Business Day falls in the next calendar month
      in which event payment shall be made on the preceding Business Day.

010.2 Taxes: All payments to be made by Borrower shall be made without set-off
      or counterclaim, free and clear of and without deduction for or on account
      of any present or future taxes, mortgages, levies, imposts, duties or
      withholding. If Borrower is required to make any deduction or withholding
      from any amount payable by Borrower to Lender the sum payable by Borrower
      in respect of which such deduction or withholding is required to be made
      shall be increased to the extent necessary to ensure that, after the
      making of such deduction or withholding, Lender receives and retains (free
      from any liability in respect of such deduction or withholding) a net
      amount equal to the amount which it would have received and so retained
      had no such deduction or withholding been made.

010.3 Waiver: Time shall be of the essence in respect of all obligations of
      Borrower under this Agreement. No delay or omission by Lender to exercise
      any right or power vested in it hereunder or by law shall impair such
      right or power or be construed as a waiver of or as acquiescence in any
      default by Borrower and, if Lender on any occasion agrees to waive any
      such right or power, such waiver shall not in any way prejudice or affect
      the powers conferred upon Lender hereunder or the right of Lender
      thereafter to act strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
      The remedies provided herein are cumulative and are not exclusive of any
      remedies provided by law. Any waiver by Lender of any provision of this
      Agreement, or any consent or approval given by Lender hereunder, shall
      only be effective if given in writing and then only for the purpose and
      upon the terms for which it is given.

010.4 Further assurance: Borrower will from time to time, upon reasonable demand
      from Lender and at the expense of Borrower sign, perfect, do, execute and
      register all and every such further assurances, documents acts as in the
      opinion of Lender may be necessary or desirable in connection with this

010.5 Assignment: This Agreement shall be binding upon, and enure to the benefit
      of, Borrower and Lender and their respective successors and permitted
      assigns. Lender may, in its reasonable discretion, assign or transfer any
      of its rights (but not its obligation) hereunder to any party upon
      providing written notice thereof to Borrower. Borrower may not assign or
      transfer any of its rights or obligations hereunder.

010.6 Illegal provisions: If any provision of this Agreement is or becomes
      prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such prohibition or
      unenforceability shall not invalidate the remaining provisions thereof or
      affect the validity or enforceability of such provisions in any other
      jurisdiction. Where however the provisions of any such applicable law may
      be waived they are hereby waived by the parties hereto to the full extent
      permitted by law with the object that this Agreement shall be deemed to


      contain a valid and binding agreement between the parties hereto
      enforceable in accordance with its terms. Where the provisions may not be
      waived or may only be waived in part the parties agree to substitute legal
      and enforceable terms so as to implement the intentions of the parties to
      the extent that this is legally possible.

010.7 Total agreement: This Agreement sets out the total agreement between the
      parties in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement, and it
      consequently supersedes all other agreements (if any) between the parties
      in connection with the said subject matter. Consequently neither Borrower
      nor Lender shall be entitled to rely on any change in any provision unless
      the same is in writing and has been approved by a duly authorized officer
      of and Lender and the Board of Borrower.

010.8 Loan account: Lender will open and maintain on its books in accordance
      with its customary procedures a loan account or accounts in the name of
      Borrower showing the advances, the computation and payment of interest and
      the payment of all other sums due hereunder. Borrower's obligations to
      repay the Loan and to pay interest thereon and to pay all other sums due
      hereunder shall be evidenced by the entries from time to time made in the
      accounts opened and maintained under this Clause which entries will be
      conclusive and binding on Borrower.

010.9 Calculations: All calculations of the Outstanding Balance made hereunder
      shall be made by the Lender and shall be deemed conclusive and correct,
      absent manifest error.

010.10      Use of Funds: The proceeds of the Loan shall be used by the Borrower
            for purposes of funding customary business operations of the
            Borrower and/or capital expenditures of the Borrower as contemplated
            by Business Plans approved by the appropriate corporate bodies of
            the Borrower in accordance with its corporate governance documents.


011.1 Notices: All notices, demands or other communications to be given or made
      hereunder shall be in writing and may be given or made by telefax or
      letter and addressed

      (a)   in the case of Lender, at

            Av. Ontaviano Alves de Lima, No. 4400
            02909-900 Sao Paulo, SP
            Fax:      (+55-11) 877-1840

      (b)   in the case of Borrower, at

            Rua do Rocio, No. 313


            04552-904 Sao Paulo, SP

            Fax:  (+55-11) 821-8770

011.2 Change of Address: If either Lender or Borrower wishes to change its
      address for communication, it shall give the other not less than ten
      Business Days notice in writing of the change desired.

011.3 Receipt: Every notice or demand shall be deemed to have been received in
      the case of a telefax upon telephone or written confirmation of receipt
      and, in the case of a letter, upon actual receipt by the addressee.


012.1 Law and Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
      accordance with the laws of Brazil. In relation to any dispute arising out
      of or in connection with this Agreement, and for the exclusive benefit of
      Lender, Borrower hereby irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the
      jurisdiction of the Courts of the City of Sao Paulo and waives any
      objection to proceedings with respect to this Agreement in such Courts on
      the grounds of venue or inconvenient forum.

                                        /s/ JOSE AUGUSTO P. MOREIRA
                                        /s/ CLAUDIO CESAR D'EMILIO
                                        TEVECAP S.A.

                                        /s/ ROBERT CIVITA
                                        /s/ JOSE AUGUSTO P. MOREIRA
                                        ABRIL S.A.



