Exhibit 3.3

                            BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

                               (No. 8 of 1984)

                          MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION
                           ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION

                           TVA COMMUNICATIONS LTD.

                  Incorporated the 5th day of October, 1990.

                         SUCRE & SUCRE TRUST LIMITED
                                P.O. BOX 3163
                                CHERA CHAMBERS
                                  ROAD TOWN
                            BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

                           ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                           TVA COMMUNICATIONS LTD.


CLAUSE                                                                    PAGES

           1 Definitions and Interpretation..........................       1

           2 Registered Shares.......................................       1

           3 Bearer Shares...........................................       2

           4 Shares, Authorised Capital and Capital..................       3

           5 Transfer of Shares......................................       4

           6 Transmission of Shares..................................       4

           7 Reduction or Increase in Authorised Capital
               or Capital............................................       5

           8 Meetings and Consents of Members........................       5

           9 Directors...............................................       7

          10 Powers of Directors.....................................       8

          11 Proceedings of Directors................................       9

          12 Officers................................................      10

          13 Conflict of Interests...................................      11

          14 Indemnification.........................................      11

          15 Seal....................................................      12

          16 Dividends...............................................      12

          17 Accounts................................................      13

          18 Notices.................................................      13

          19 Arbitration.............................................      13

          20 Voluntary Winding Up and Dissolution....................      14

          21 Continuation............................................      14

                                      - 2 -



                               (NO. 8 OF 1984)

                          MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                           TVA COMMUNICATIONS LTD.

1.    NAME

      The name of the Company is TVA COMMUNICATIONS LTD.


      The Registered Office of the Company will be the offices of SUCRE & SUCRE
      TRUST LIMITED, CHERA CHAMBERS, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.


      The Registered Agent of the Company will be SUCRE & SUCRE TRUST LIMITED,
      P.O. Box 3163, CHERA CHAMBERS, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.


      The object of the Company is to engage in any act or activity that is not
      prohibited under any law for the time being in force in the British Virgin
      Islands including but not limited to:

      4.1   a)    Invest, gather or subscribe the necessary capital to promote, 
                  establish or develop enterprises and businesses;

                                      - 1 -

            b)    subscribe or promote subscription, buy, possess, hold, acquire
                  by any other means and sell, negotiate, guarantee, assign,
                  exchange and transfer by any other means, capital shares,
                  credits, obligations, securities, certificates of partnership
                  and any other title or document of any private, public or
                  semi-public corporation or juridical person and while being
                  owner of same, possess and exercise all the corresponding
                  rights and privileges;

            c)    To execute all kind of contracts, for itself or others and
                  specially trust contracts and for the administration of
                  stocks, credits, obligations, securities, certificates of
                  partnership and any other title or document of any corporation
                  or juridical persons;

            d)    To give or receive loans, with or without guarantees such as
                  mortgages, pledges and sureties;

            e)    To purchase or sell, charter, sail or operate ships and
                  vessels, as well as to execute all kind of marine contracts;

            f)    To do and perform all and everything necessary for the
                  attainment of any of the purposes stated in its Memorandum or
                  Articles of Association or any amendment of same or whatever
                  is necessary or convenient for the protection and benefit of
                  the corporation; and,

            g)    To carry on any lawful business whether not such business is
                  set forth in its Memorandum or Articles of Association or in
                  any amendment thereof.

      4.2   The Company shall have all such powers as are permitted by law for
            the time being in force in the British Virgin Islands, to perform
            all acts and engage in all activities necessary or conducive to the
            conduct or attainment of the objects of the company.


      5.1   The Company may not:

            5.1.1 carry on business with persons resident in the British Virgin

            5.1.2 own an interest in real property situated in the British
                  Virgin Islands, other than a lease referred to in paragraph
                  5.2.5 of sub-clause 5.2;

            5.1.3 carry on banking business;

            5.1.4 carry on business as an insurance or reinsurance company; or,

                                      - 2 -

            5.1.5 carry on the business of providing the registered office for

      5.2   For purposes of paragraph 5.1.1 of sub-clause 5.1, the Company shall
            not be treated as carrying on business with persons resident in the
            British Virgin Islands if:

            5.2.1 it makes or maintains deposits with a person carrying on
                  banking business within the British Virgin Islands;

            5.2.2 it makes or maintains professional contact with solicitors,
                  barristers, accountants, bookkeepers, trust companies,
                  administration companies, investment advisers or other similar
                  persons carrying on business within the British Virgin

            5.2.3 it prepares or maintains books and records within the British
                  Virgin Islands;

            5.2.4 it holds, within the British Virgin Islands, meetings of its
                  directors or members;

            5.2.5 it holds a lease of property for use as an office from which
                  to communicate with members or where books and records of the
                  Company are prepared or maintained;

            5.2.6 it holds shares, debt obligations or other securities in a
                  company incorporated under the International Business
                  Companies Ordinance or under the Companies Act; or

            5.2.7 shares, debt obligations or other securities in the Company
                  are owned by any person resident in the British Virgin Islands
                  or by any company incorporated under the International
                  Business Companies Ordinance or under the Companies Act.


      6.1   CURRENCY

            Shares in the Company shall be issued in the currency of The United
            States of America.

                                      - 3 -


            The authorised capital of the Company is Cr$900,000.00 divided into
            900,000 shares of one class, of Cr$1.00 par value each.

            6.2.1 The directors shall not allocate different rights as to
                  voting, dividends, redemption or distributions on liquidation
                  unless the Memorandum of Association shall have been amended
                  to create separate classes of shares and all the aforesaid
                  rights shall be identical in each separate class.


            The directors shall by resolution have the power to issue any class
            or series of shares that the Company is authorised to issue in its
            capital, original or increased, with or subject to any designations,
            powers, preferences, rights, qualifications, limitations and


            6.4.1 The directors may issue all or part of its authorised shares
                  either as registered shares or as shares to bearer.

            6.4.2 Shares issued as registered shares may be exchanged for shares
                  issued to bearer and vice versa.

            6.4.3 Notice to members with bearer shares shall be given to one or
                  more Special Agents for Service appointed by the Board of
                  Directors and notified to members upon the issue of their
                  shares. Service upon such Special Agent of any notice,
                  information or written statement required to be given to
                  members, constitute service upon the bearer of such shares
                  until such time as a new name and address for a Special Agent
                  for Service is appointed and notice thereof served on members
                  as provided herein. In the absence of such Agent it shall be
                  sufficient for the purposes of service for the Company to
                  publish the notice, information or written statement in one or
                  more newspapers published or circulated in the British Virgin
                  Islands and in such other place, if any, as the Company shall
                  from time to time by a resolution of directors or a resolution
                  or members determine.


            Registered shares in the Company may be transferred subject to the
            prior or subsequent approval of the Company as evidenced by a
            resolution of directors or by a resolution of members.

                                      - 4 -


            A preference is granted in favor of the members to buy the
            corporation registered shares that the members wish to transfer,
            preference that can be exercised by paying as price for said shares
            their book value at the close of the fiscal period immediately
            preceding. If there are two (2) or more members that wish to
            exercise the preferences granted in the Memorandum and/or Articles
            of Association, then each one may buy shares proportionally to the
            number of shares that he already has to the number of shares
            offered. All shares of the same class are equal, award the same
            rights and are subject to the same obligations and restrictions.


      The Company may amend its Memorandum of Association and Articles of
      Association by a resolution of members.

      The directors may, however, amend the Memorandum of Association solely for
      the purpose of changing the Registered Office.

We, the undersigned of the address stated below for the purpose of incorporating
an International Business under the laws of the British Virgin Islands hereby
subscribe our name to this Memorandum of Association the 5th day of October 1990
in the presence of the undersigned witness:


NAME AND ADDRESS OF WITNESS                     SUBSCRIBER                    
c/o P.O. Box 3163                               SUCRE & SUCRE TRUST LIMITED   
Chera Chambers                                  P.O. BOX 3163                 
Road Town, Tortola,                             CHERA CHAMBERS                
British Virgin Islands                          Road Town, Tortola            
                                                British Virgin Islands        

                                      - 5 -


                               (No. 8 of 1984)

                          ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF
                           TVA COMMUNICATIONS LTD.


      1.1   The meanings of words in the Memorandum of Association and Articles
            of Association are as defined in the International Business
            Companies Ordinance number 8 of 1984 as amended by the International
            Business Companies Amendment Act of 1988.

      1.2   Any words or expressions defined in the ordinance shall bear the
            same meaning in these Articles.

      1.3   Whenever the singular or plural number, or the masculine, feminine
            or neuter gender is used in these Articles, it shall equally, where
            the context admits, include the others.

      1.4   A reference in these Articles to voting in relation to shares shall
            be construed as a reference to voting by members holding the shares
            except that it is the votes allocated to the shares that shall be
            counted and not the number of members who actually voted and a
            reference to shares being present at a meeting shall be given a
            corresponding construction.

      1.5   A reference to money in these Articles is a reference to the
            currency of the United States of America unless otherwise stated.


      2.1   The Company shall issue to every member holding registered or bearer
            shares in the Company a certificate that must be:

            a)    Signed by two directors or two officers of the Company, or by
                  one director and one officer; or

            b)    Under the common seal of the Company, with or without the
                  signature of any director or officer of the Company.

      2.2   Any member receiving a share certificate for registered shares shall
            indemnify and hold the Company and its directors and officers
            harmless from any loss or

                                      - 1 -

            liability which it or they may incur by reason of the wrongful or
            fraudulent use or representation made by any person by virtue of the
            possession thereof. If a share certificate for registered shares is
            worn out or lost it may be renewed on production of the worn out
            certificate or on satisfactory proof of its loss together with such
            indemnity as may be required by a resolution of directors.

      2.3   If several persons are registered as joint holders of any shares,
            any one of such persons may be given an effectual receipt for any
            dividend payable in respect of such shares.


      3.1   Subject to a request for the issue of bearer shares and to the
            payment of the appropriate consideration for the shares to be
            issued, the Company may, to the extent authorised by the Memorandum,
            issue bearer shares to, and at the expense of, such person as shall
            be specified in the request.

      3.2   The Company may also upon receiving a request in writing accompanied
            by the share certificate for the shares in question, exchange
            registered shares for bearer shares and unless the request is
            delivered in person by the registered owner, it shall be
            authenticated. The Company may also exchange bearer shares for
            registered shares, but such request served on the Company by the
            holder of bearer shares shall specify the name and address of the
            person to be registered. Following such exchange the share
            certificate relating to the exchanged shares shall be delivered as
            directed by the member requesting the exchange.

      3.3   Subject to the provisions of the Ordinance and of these Articles the
            bearer of a bearer share certificate shall be deemed to be a member
            of the Company and shall be entitled to the same rights and
            privileges as he would have had if his name had been included in the
            share register of the Company as the holder of the shares.

      3.4   Subject to any specific provisions in these Articles, in order to
            exercise his rights as a member of the Company, the bearer of a
            bearer share certificate shall produce the bearer share certificate
            as evidence of his membership in the Company.

            Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the member,
            instead of producing the certificate may, through the Special Agent
            for Service, if one is appointed by the Board of Directors, exercise
            his rights to requisition meetings, to be present in said meetings,
            to vote, to be convened for meetings, to waive said right and to
            receive the payment of dividends.

            3.4.1 The Special Agent must certify to the Company that he is
                  holding the bearer share certificate, the number of the
                  certificate, the date of issue,

                                      - 2 -

                  the period of time for which he will be holding the share
                  certificate, which in the case of meetings must be a period of
                  at least three (3) days after the meeting is held.

      3.5   The bearer of a bearer share certificate shall for all purposes be
            deemed to be the owner of the shares comprised in such certificate
            and in no circumstances shall the Company or the Chairman of any
            meeting of members or the Company's registrars or any director or
            officer of the Company or any authorised person be obliged to
            inquire into the circumstances whereby a bearer share certificate
            came into the hands of the bearer thereof, or to question the
            validity or authenticity of any action taken by the bearer of a
            bearer share certificate whose signature has been authenticated as
            provided herein.

      3.6   If the bearer of a bearer share certificate shall be a corporation,
            then all the rights exercisable by virtue of such shareholding may
            be exercised by an individual duly authorised to represent the
            corporation; but, unless such individual shall acknowledge that he
            is representing a corporation and shall produce, upon request,
            satisfactory evidence that he is duly authorised to represent the
            corporation, the individual shall, for all purposes hereof, be
            regarded as the holder of the shares in any bearer share certificate
            held by him.

      3.7   If any bearer share certificate be worn out or defaced, the
            directors may, upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, issue a
            new one in its stead, and if any bearer share certificate be lost or
            destroyed, the directors may upon the loss or destruction being
            established to their satisfaction, and upon such indemnity being
            established to their satisfaction, and upon such indemnity being
            given to the Company as it shall by resolution of directors
            determine, issue a new bearer share certificate in its stead, and in
            either case on payment of such sum as the Company may from time to
            time by resolution of directors require. In case of loss or
            destruction, the person to whom such new bearer share certificate is
            issued shall also bear and pay to the Company all expenses
            incidental to the investigation by the Company of the evidence of
            such loss or destruction and to such indemnity.


      4.1   Subject to the provisions of these Articles and any resolution of
            members the unissued shares of the Company shall be at the disposal
            of the directors who may without prejudice to any rights previously
            conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class or series
            of shares, offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of
            the shares to such persons, at such times and upon such terms and
            conditions as the Company may by resolution of directors determine.

                                      - 3 -

      4.2   Shares in the Company shall be issued for money, goods or services
            rendered, or any combination of the foregoing as shall be determined
            by a resolution of directors.

      4.3   Shares in the Company may be issued for such amount or consideration
            as the directors may from time to time by resolution of directors
            determine, except that in the case of shares with par value, the
            amount shall not be less than the par value, and in the absence of
            fraud the decision of the directors as to the value of the
            consideration received by the Company in respect of the issue is
            conclusive unless a question of law is involved.

            The consideration in respect of the shares constitutes capital to
            the extent of the par value and the excess constitutes surplus.

      4.4   Treasury shares may be disposed of by the Company on such terms and
            conditions (not otherwise inconsistent with these Articles) as the
            Company may by resolution of directors determine.

      4.5   The Company may not issue fractions of a share.

      4.6   The Company may purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire and hold its
            own shares but no purchase, redemption or other acquisition which
            shall constitute a reduction in capital shall be made except in
            compliance with the law.

      4.7   Shares that the Company purchases, redeems or otherwise acquires
            pursuant to sub-clause 4.6 may be cancelled or held as treasury
            shares unless such shares are in excess of 80 percent of the issued
            shares of the Company, in which case they shall be cancelled but
            they shall be available for reissue. Upon the cancellation of a
            share, the amount included as capital of the Company with respect to
            that share shall be deducted from the capital of the Company.


      5.1   Subject to any limitations in the Memorandum, registered shares in
            the Company may be transferred by a written instrument of transfer
            signed by the transferor and containing the name and address of the
            transferee, but in the absence of such written instrument of
            transfer the directors may accept such evidence of a transfer of
            shares as they consider appropriate.

      5.2   The Company shall not be required to treat a transferee of a
            registered share in the Company as a member until the transferee's
            name has been entered in the share register.

                                      - 4 -

      5.3   For the purpose of Section 55 of the International Business
            Companies Ordinance, the Registered Agent shall have the same
            benefits as any director, officer, agent and liquidator, with
            respect to the same records therein mentioned or those under his
            possession, save in the case of fraud.


      6.1   The executor or administrator of a deceased member, the guardian of
            an incompetent member or the trustee of a bankrupt member shall be
            the only person recognised by the Company as having any title to his
            share but they shall not be entitled to exercise any rights as a
            member of the Company until they have proceeded as set forth in the
            next following two sub-clauses.

      6.2   Any person becoming entitled by operation of law or otherwise to a
            share or shares in consequence of the death, incompetence or
            bankruptcy of any member may be registered as a member upon such
            evidence being produced as may reasonably be required by the
            directors. An application by any such person to be registered as a
            member shall be deemed to be a transfer of shares of the deceased,
            incompetent or bankrupt member and the directors shall treat it as

      6.3   Any person who has became entitled to a share or shares in
            consequence of the death, incompetence or bankruptcy of any member
            may, instead of being registered himself, request in writing that
            some person to be named by him be registered as the transferee of
            such share or shares and such request shall likewise be treated as
            if it were a transfer.

      6.4   What amounts to incompetence on the part of a person is a matter to
            be determined by the court having regard to all the relevant
            evidence and the circumstances of the case.


      7.1   The Company may by a resolution of members amend the Memorandum to
            increase or reduce its authorised capital and in connection
            therewith the Company may in respect of any unissued shares increase
            or reduce the number of shares, increase or reduce the par value of
            any shares or effect any combination of the foregoing.

      7.2   The Company may amend the Memorandum to:

            7.2.1 divide the shares, including issued shares, of a class or
                  series into a larger number of shares of the same class or
                  series; or,

                                      - 5 -

            7.2.2 combine the shares, including issued shares, of a class or
                  series into a smaller number of shares of the class or series;
                  provided, however, that where shares are divided or combined
                  under this section, the aggregate par value of the new shares
                  must be equal to the aggregate par value of the original

      7.3   The capital of the Company may by a resolution of directors be
            increased by transferring an amount of the surplus of the Company to
            capital, and, subject to the provisions of the Law, the capital of
            the Company may be reduced by transferring an amount of the capital
            of the Company to surplus.


      8.1   The directors of the Company may convene meetings of the members of
            the Company at such times and in such manner and places within or
            outside the British Virgin Islands as the directors consider
            necessary or desirable.

      8.2   Upon the written request of members holding 5 percent or more of the
            outstanding voting shares in the Company the directors shall convene
            a meeting of members.

      8.3   The directors shall give not less than 15 days' notice of meetings
            of members to those persons whose names, on the date the notice is
            given, appear as members in the share register of the Company.

      8.4   A meeting of members held in contravention of the requirement in
            sub-clause 8.3 is valid if:

            8.4.1 All members holding shares entitled to vote on all or any
                  matters to be considered at the meeting have waived notice of
                  the meeting and for this purpose their presence at the meeting
                  shall be deemed to constitute waiver.

      8.5   A member may be represented at a meeting of members by a proxy who
            may speak and vote on behalf of the member.

      8.6   The instrument appointing a proxy shall be produced at the place
            appointed for the meeting before the time for holding the meeting at
            which the person in such instrument proposes to vote.

      8.7   The following shall apply in respect of joint ownership of shares:

                                      - 6 -

            8.7.1 if two or more persons hold shares jointly each of them may be
                  present in person or by proxy at a meeting of members and may
                  speak as a member;

            8.7.2 if only one of the joint owners is present in person or by
                  proxy he may vote on behalf of all joint owners, and;

            8.7.3 if two or more of the joint owners are present in person or by
                  proxy they must vote as one.

      8.8   A member shall be deemed to be present at a meeting of members if he
            participates by telephone or other electronic means and all members
            participating in the meeting are able to hear each other.

      8.9   A meeting of members is duly constituted if, at the commencement and
            throughout of the meeting, there are present in person or by proxy
            not less than 51 percent of the votes of the shares or class or
            series of shares entitled to vote on resolutions of members to be
            considered at the meeting.

      8.10  If within two hours from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum
            is not present, the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of
            members, shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand
            adjourned to the next business day at the same time and place or to
            such other time and place as the directors may determine.

      8.11  At every meeting of members, the Chairman of the Board of Directors
            shall preside as chairman of the meeting. If there is no Chairman of
            the Board of Directors or if the Chairman of the Board of Directors
            is not present at the meeting, the members present shall choose
            someone of their number to be the chairman. If the members are
            unable to choose a chairman for any reason, then the person
            representing the greatest number of voting shares present in person
            or by prescribed form of proxy at the meeting shall preside as
            chairman failing which the oldest individual member or
            representative of a member present shall take the chair.

      8.12  Should the chairman have any doubt as to the outcome of any
            resolution put to the vote, he shall cause a poll to be taken of all
            votes cast upon such resolution, but if the chairman should fail to
            take a poll then any member present in person or by proxy who
            disputes the announcement by the chairman of the result of any vote
            may immediately following such announcement demand that a poll be
            taken and the chairman shall thereupon cause a poll to be taken. If
            a poll is taken at any meeting, the result thereof shall be duly
            recorded in the minutes of that meeting by the chairman.

                                      - 7 -

      8.13  Any person other than an individual shall be regarded as one member
            and subject to sub-clause 8.14 the right of any individual to speak
            for or represent such member shall be determined by the law of the
            jurisdiction where, and by the documents by which, the person is
            constituted or derives its existence. In case of doubt, the
            directors may in good faith seek legal advice from any qualified
            person and unless and until a court of competent jurisdiction shall
            otherwise rule, the directors may rely and act upon such advice
            without incurring any liability to any member.

      8.14  Any person other than an individual which is a member of the Company
            may by resolution of its directors or other governing body authorise
            such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any
            meeting of the Company or of any class of members of the Company,
            and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same
            powers on behalf of the person which he represents as that person
            could exercise if it were an individual member of the Company.

      8.15  Directors of the Company may attend and speak at any meeting of
            members of the Company and at any separate meeting of the holders of
            any class or series of shares in the Company.


      9.1   The first directors of the Company shall be elected by the
            subscribers to the Memorandum; and thereafter, the directors shall
            be elected by the members for such terms as the members may

      9.2   The minimum number of directors shall be one, and the maximum number
            shall be fifteen.

      9.3   Each director shall hold office for the term, if any, fixed by
            resolution of members or until his earlier death, resignation or

      9.4   A director may be removed from office, with or without cause by a
            resolution of members.

      9.5   A director may resign his office by giving written notice of his
            resignation to the Company and the resignation shall have effect
            from the date the notice is received by the Company or from such
            later date as may be specified in the notice. The notice should be
            addressed at least to the Registered Agent's office in the British
            Virgin Islands.

      9.6   A vacancy in the Board of Directors may be filled by a resolution of
            members or by a resolution of a majority of the remaining directors.

                                      - 8 -

      9.7   With the prior or subsequent approval by a resolution of members,
            the directors may, by a resolution of directors, fix the emoluments
            of directors with respect to services to be rendered in any capacity
            to the Company.

      9.8   A director need not be a member and may be an individual or a 


      10.1  The business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by the
            directors who shall pay all expenses incurred preliminary to and in
            connection with the formation, registration and corporate matters
            and may exercise all such powers of the Company as are not by the
            Ordinance or by the Memorandum of these Articles required to be
            exercised by the members of the Company, subject to such
            requirements as may be prescribed by a resolution of members; but no
            requirement made by a resolution of members shall prevail if it be
            inconsistent with these Articles nor shall such requirement
            invalidate any prior act of the directors which would have been
            valid if such requirement had not been made.

      10.2  The directors may, by a resolution of directors, appoint any person,
            including a person who is a director, to be an officer or agent of
            the Company.

      10.3  Every officer or agent of the Company has such powers and authority
            of the director, including the power and authority to affix the
            Seal, as are set forth in these Articles or in the resolution of
            directors appointing the officer or agent, except that no officer or
            agent has any power or authority with respect to fixing the
            emoluments of directors.

      10.4  Any director which is a body corporate may appoint any person its
            duly authorized representative for the purpose of representing it at
            meetings of the Board of Directors or with respect to unanimous
            written consents.

      10.5  The continuing directors may act notwithstanding any vacancy in
            their body, save that if their number is reduced below the number
            fixed by or pursuant to these Articles as the necessary quorum for a
            meeting of directors, until the vacancy is filled the continuing
            directors or director may act only for the purpose of appointing
            directors to fill any vacancy that has arisen or summoning a meeting
            of members.

      10.6  All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other
            negotiable instruments and all receipts for monies paid to the
            Company, shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise
            executed, as the case may be, in such manner as shall from time to
            time be determined by resolution of directors.


                                      - 9 -

      11.1  The directors of the Company or any committee thereof may meet at
            such times and in such manner and places within or outside the
            British Virgin Islands as the directors may determine to be
            necessary or desirable.

      11.2  A director shall be deemed to be present at a meeting of directors
            if he participates by telephone or other electronic means and all
            directors participating in the meeting are able to hear each other.

      11.3  A director shall be given not less than 7 days' notice of meetings
            of directors, but a meeting of directors held without 7 days' notice
            having been given to all directors shall be valid if all the
            directors entitled to vote at the meeting who do not attend, waive
            notice of the meeting.

      11.4  A director may by a written instrument appoint an alternate who need
            not be a director and an alternate is entitled to attend meetings in
            the absence of the director who appointed him and to vote or consent
            in place of the director.

      11.5  A meeting of directors is duly constituted for all purposes if at
            the commencement and throughout the meeting there are present in
            person or by alternate the majority of the total number of
            directors, unless there are only 2 directors in which case the
            quorum shall be 2.

      11.6  If the Company shall have only one director the provisions herein
            contained for meetings of the directors shall not apply but such
            sole director shall have full power to represent and act for the
            Company in all matters as are not by the Ordinance or the Memorandum
            or these Articles required to be exercised by the members of the
            Company and in lieu of minutes of a meeting shall record in writing
            and sign a note or memorandum of all matters requiring a resolution
            of directors. Such a note or memorandum shall constitute sufficient
            evidence of such resolution for all purposes.

      11.7  At every meeting of directors the Chairman of the Board of Directors
            shall preside as chairman of the meeting. If there is no Chairman of
            the Board of Directors or if the Chairman of the Board of Directors
            is not present at the meeting the Vice Chairman of the Board of
            Directors shall preside. If there is no Vice Chairman of the Board
            of Directors or if the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors is
            not present at the meeting the directors present shall choose
            someone of their number to be chairman of the meeting.

      11.8  The directors shall cause the following corporate records to be

            11.8.1      minutes of all meetings of directors, members,
                        committees of directors, committees of officers and
                        committees of members;

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            11.8.2      copies of all resolutions consented to by directors,
                        members, committees of directors, committees of officers
                        and committees of members; and,

            11.8.3      such other accounts and records as the directors by
                        resolution of directors consider necessary or desirable
                        in order to reflect the financial position of the

      11.9    The books, records and minutes shall be kept at the registered
              office of the Company or at such other place as the directors

      11.10   The directors may, by a resolution of directors, designate one or
              more committees, each consisting of one or more directors.

      11.11   Each committee of directors has such powers and authorities of the
              directors, including the power and authority to affix the Seal, as
              are set forth in the resolution of directors establishing the
              committee, except that no committee has any power or authority
              either to amend the Memorandum or these Articles or with respect
              to the matters requiring a resolution of directors under
              sub-clauses 9.6, 9.7 and 10.2.

      11.12   The meetings and proceedings of each committee of directors
              consisting of 2 or more directors shall be governed by the
              provisions of these Articles regulating the proceedings of
              directors so far as the same are not superseded by any provisions
              in the resolution establishing the committee.


      12.1    The Company may by resolution of directors appoint officers of the
              Company at such times as shall be considered necessary or
              expedient. Such officers may consist of a President and one or
              more Vice Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers and such other
              officers as may from time to time be deemed desirable. Any number
              of offices may be held by the same person.

      12.2    The officers shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed at
              the time of their appointment subject to any modification in such
              duties as may be prescribed thereafter by resolution of directors
              or resolution of members, but in the absence of any specific
              allocation of duties it shall be the responsibility of the
              President to manage the day to day affairs of the Company, the
              Vice Presidents to act in order of seniority in the absence of the
              President but otherwise to perform such duties as may be delegated
              to them by the President, the Secretaries to maintain the share
              register, minute books and records (other than financial records)
              of the Company and to ensure compliance with all procedural
              requirements imposed

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              on the Company by applicable law, and the Treasurer to be
              responsible for the financial affairs of the Company.

      12.3    The emoluments of all officers shall be fixed by resolution of

      12.4    The officers of the Company shall hold office until their
              successors are duly elected and qualified, but any officer elected
              or appointed by the directors may be removed at any time, with or
              without cause, by resolution of directors. Any vacancy occurring
              in any office of the Company may be filled by resolution of
              directors. The officers may resign in the same manner as the


      13.1    No agreement or transaction between the Company and one or more of
              its directors or any person in which any director has a financial
              interest or to whom any director is related, including as a
              director of that other person, is void or voidable for this reason
              only or by reason only that the director is present at the meeting
              of directors or at the meeting of the committee of directors that
              approves the agreement or transaction or that the vote or consent
              of the director is counted for that purpose if the material facts
              of the interest of each director in the agreement or transaction
              and his interest in or relationship to any other party to the
              agreement or transaction are disclosed in good faith or are known
              by the other directors.

      13.2    A director who has an interest in any particular business to be
              considered at a meeting of directors or members may be counted for
              purposes of determining whether the meeting is duly constituted.


      14.1    Subject to sub-clause 14.2 the Company may indemnify against all
              expenses, including legal fees, and against all judgements, fines
              and amounts paid in settlement and reasonably incurred in
              connection with legal, administrative or investigative proceedings
              any person who:

              14.1.1    is or was a party or is threatened to be made a party to
                        any threatened, pending or completed proceedings,
                        whether civil, criminal, administrative or
                        investigative, by reason of the fact that the person is
                        or was a director, an officer, Registered Agent or a
                        liquidator of the Company; or

              14.1.2    is or was, at the request of the Company, serving as a
                        director, officer, Registered Agent or liquidator of or 
                        in any other capacity

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                        is or was acting for another company or a partnership, 
                        joint venture, trust or other enterprise.

      14.2    Sub-clause 14.1 only applies to a person referred to in that
              regulation if the person acted honestly and in good faith with a
              view to the best interests of the Company and, in the case of
              criminal proceedings, the person had no reasonable cause to
              believe that his conduct was unlawful.

      14.3    The decision of the directors as to whether the person acted
              honestly and in good faith and with a view to the best interests
              of the Company and as to whether the person had no reasonable
              cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful, is in the absence
              of fraud, sufficient for the purposes of these Articles, unless a
              question of law is involved.

15.   SEAL

      The directors shall provide for the safe custody of the Seal. The Seal
      when affixed to any written instrument shall, unless otherwise provided
      herein, be witnessed by a director or any other person so authorised from
      time to time by resolution of directors.

      The directors may provide for a facsimile of the Seal and of the signature
      of any director or authorised person which may be reproduced by printing
      or other means on any instrument and it shall have the same force and
      validity as if the Seal had been affixed to such instrument and the same
      had been signed as hereinbefore described.


      16.1    The Company may by a resolution of directors declare and pay
              dividends in money, shares, or other property but dividends shall
              only be declared and paid out of surplus. In the event that
              dividends are paid in specie the directors shall have
              responsibility for establishing and recording in the resolution of
              directors authorising the dividends, a fair and proper value for
              the assets to be so distributed.

      16.2    The directors may, before declaring any dividend, set aside out of
              the profits of the Company such sum as they think proper as a
              reserve fund, and may invest the sum so set apart as a reserve
              fund upon such securities as they may select.

      16.3    Notice of any dividend that may have been declared shall be given
              to each member in manner hereinafter mentioned and all dividends
              unclaimed for 3 years after having been declared may be forfeited
              by resolution of directors for the benefit of the Company.

      16.4    No dividend shall bear interest as against the Company.

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      16.5    A share issued as a dividend by the Company shall be treated for
              all purposes as having been issued for money equal to the surplus
              that is transferred to capital upon the issue of the share.

      16.6    In the case of a dividend of authorised but unissued shares with
              par value, an amount equal to the aggregate par value of the
              shares shall be transferred from surplus to capital at the time of
              the distribution.

      16.7    In the case of a dividend of authorized but unissued shares
              without par value, the amount designated by the directors shall be
              transferred from surplus to capital at the time of the
              distribution, except that the directors must designate as capital
              an amount that is at least equal to the amount that the shares are
              entitled to as a preference, if any, in the assets of the Company
              upon liquidation of the Company.

      16.8    A division of the issued and outstanding shares of a class or
              series of shares into a larger number of shares of the same class
              or series having a proportionately smaller par value does not
              constitute a dividend of shares.


      The Company shall keep such accounts and records as the directors consider
      necessary or desirable in order to reflect the financial position of the


      18.1    Any notice, information or written statement to be given by the
              Company to members must be served in the case of members holding
              registered shares by mail addressed to each member at the address
              shown in the share register and in the case of members holding
              shares issued to bearer, in the manner provided in the Memorandum
              and in these Articles.

      18.2    Any summons, notice, order, document, process, information or
              written statement to be served on the Company may be served by
              leaving it, or by sending it by registered mail addressed to the
              Company, at its registered office, or by leaving it with, or by
              sending it by registered mail to, the registered agent of the

      18.3    Service of any summons, notice, order, document, process,
              information or written statement to be served on the Company may
              be proved by showing that the summons, notice, order, document,
              process, information or written statement was mailed in such time
              as to admit to its being delivered in the normal course of
              delivery within the period prescribed for service and was
              correctly addressed and the postage was prepaid.

                                     - 14 -


      19.1    Whenever any difference arises between the Company on the one hand
              and any of the members or their executors, administrators or
              assigns and/or directors, officers, or the Registered Agent on the
              other hand, or between any of the above-mentioned touching the
              true intent and construction or the incidence or consequences of
              these Articles or of the Ordinance, touching anything done or
              executed, omitted or suffered in pursuance of the Ordinance or
              touching any breach or alleged breach, or otherwise relating to
              the premises or to these Articles, or to any Act or Ordinance
              affecting the Company or to any of the affairs of the Company such
              difference shall, unless the parties agree to refer the same to a
              single arbitrator, be referred to 2 arbitrators one to be chosen
              by each of the parties to the difference and the arbitrators
              shall, before entering on the reference, appoint an umpire.

      19.2    If either party to the reference defaults in appointing an
              arbitrator either originally or by way of substitution (in the
              event that an appointed arbitrator shall die, be incapable of
              acting or refuse to act) for 10 days after the other party has
              given him notice to appoint the same, such other party may apply
              before Court for the appointment of an arbitrator to act in the
              place of the arbitrator of the defaulting party.


      The Company may voluntarily commence to wind up and dissolve by a
      resolution of members but if the Company has never issued shares it may
      voluntarily commence to wind up and dissolve by resolution of directors.


      The Company may by resolution of members or by resolution passed
      unanimously by all directors of the Company continue as a company
      incorporated under the laws of a jurisdiction outside the British Virgin
      Islands in the manner provided under those laws.

Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands for the purpose of incorporating an
International Business Company under the laws of the British Virgin Islands
hereby subscribe our name to the Articles of Association on this 5th day of the
month of October, 1990, in the presence of the undersigned witness.


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NAME AND ADDRESS OF WITNESS                     SUBSCRIBER                  
c/o P.O. Box 3163                               SUCRE & SUCRE TRUST LIMITED 
Chera Chambers                                  P.O. BOX 3163               
Road Town, Tortola,                             CHERA CHAMBERS              
British Virgin Islands                          Road Town, Tortola          
                                                British Virgin Islands      

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