Exhibit 99.3

                              ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                                     ZAPPCO, INC.

    The undersigned natural person of the age of twenty-one years of more,
acting as incorporator of a corporation under the provisions of the Minnesota
Business Corporation Act, being Chapter 301 of Minnesota Statutes, as amended,
adopts the following Articles of Incorporation.

                                      ARTICLE I.

    The name of this Corporation shall be Zappco, Inc.

                                     ARTICLE II.

    The duration of this Corporation shall be perpetual.

                                     ARTICLE III.

    The purposes for which this Corporation is organized are as follows:

    a.   General business purposes.

    b.   To do everything necessary, proper, advisable or convenient for the
         accomplishment of the purposes hereinabove set forth, and to do all
         other things incidental thereto or connected therewith, which are not
         forbidden by the laws under which this Corporation is organized, by
         other laws, or by these Articles of Incorporation.

    c.   To carry out the purposes hereinabove set forth in any state,
         territory, district or possession of the United States, or in any
         foreign country, to the extent that such purposes are not forbidden by
         the laws thereof; and in the case of any state, territory, district or
         possession of the United States, or any foreign country, in which one
         or more of such purposes are forbidden by law, to limit, in any
         certificate for application to do business, the purpose or purposes
         which the Corporation proposes to carry on therein to such as are not
         forbidden by the law thereof.


                                     ARTICLE IV.

    This Corporation shall have all the powers granted to private corporations
organized for profit by said Minnesota Business Corporation Act, and in
furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred by the laws of the
State of Minnesota upon corporations organized for the foregoing purposes, the
Corporation shall have the power:

    a.   To acquire, hold, mortgage, pledge or dispose of the shares, bonds,
         securities or other evidences of indebtedness of the United States of
         America or of any domestic or foreign corporation, and while the
         holder of such shares, to exercise all the privileges of ownership,
         including the right to vote thereon, to the same extent as a natural
         person might or could do, by the president of this Corporation or by
         proxy appointed by him, unless some other person, by resolution of the
         Board of Directors, shall be appointed to vote such shares.

    b.   To purchase or otherwise acquire on such terms and in such manner as
         the By-laws of this Corporation from time to time provide, and to own
         and hold shares of the capital stock of this Corporation, and to
         reissue the same from time to time.

    c.   When and as authorized by the vote of the holders of not less than a
         majority of the shares entitled to vote, at a shareholders' meeting
         called for that purpose or when authorized upon the written consent of
         the holders of a majority of such shares, to sell, lease, exchange, or
         otherwise dispose of all, or substantially all, of its property and
         assets, including its good will, upon such terms and for such
         considerations, which may be money, shares, bonds, or other
         instruments for the payment of money or other property, as the Board
         of Directors deems expedient or advisable.

    d.   To acquire, hold, lease, encumber, convey, or otherwise dispose of,
         either alone or in conjunction with others, real and personal property
         within or without the state; and to take real and personal property by
         will or gift.

    e.   To acquire, hold, take over as a going concern and thereafter to carry
         on, mortgage, sell or otherwise dispose of, either alone or in
         conjunction with others, the rights, property and business of any
         person, entity, partnership, association, or corporation heretofore or
         hereafter engaged in any business, the purpose of which is similar to
         the purposes set forth in Article III of these Articles of


    f.   To enter into any lawful arrangement for sharing of profits, union of
         interest, reciprocal association, or cooperative association with any
         corporation, association, partnership, individual, or other legal
         entity, for the carrying on of any business, the purpose of which is
         similar to the purposes set forth in Article III of these Articles of
         Incorporation, and, insofar as it is lawful, to enter into any general
         or limited partnership, the purpose of which is similar to such

                                      ARTICLE V.

    Any agreement for consolidation or merger with one or more foreign or
domestic corporations may be authorized by vote of the holders of a majority of
the shares entitled to vote.

                                     ARTICLE VI.

    The location and post office address of the registered office of this
Corporation in the State of Minnesota is P.O. Box 887, St. Cloud, Minnesota

                                     ARTICLE VII.

    The aggregate number of shares which this Corporation shall have authority
to issue is 25,000 shares, with a par value of $1.00 per share, having an
aggregate par value of $25,000.00 which shall be known as "Common Stock".

    a.   The holders of the Common Stock shall be entitled to receive, when and
         as declared by the Board of Directors, out of earnings or surplus
         legally available therefor, dividends, payable either in cash, in
         property or in shares of the capital stock of the Corporation.

    b.   The Common Stock may be allotted as and when the Board of Directors
         shall determine and, under and pursuant to the laws of the State of
         Minnesota, the Board of Directors shall have the power to fix or
         alter, from time to time, in respect to shares then unallotted, any or
         all of the following: the dividend rate; the redemption price; the
         liquidation price; the conversion rights and the sinking or purchase
         fund rights of shares of any class, or of any series of any class, or
         the number of shares constituting any series of any class.

    c.   The Board of Directors shall also have the power to fix the terms,
         provisions and conditions of options to purchase or subscribe for, or
         rights to convert any of its securities into, shares of any class or
         classes, including the price and conversion basis thereof, and to
         authorize the issuance thereof.


    d.   No holder of stock of the Corporation shall be entitled to any
         cumulative voting rights.

    e.   No holder of stock of the Corporation shall have any preferential,
         pre-emptive or other right of subscription to any shares or any class
         of stock of the Corporation allotted or sold or to be allotted or sold
         and now or hereafter authorized, or to any obligations convertible
         into stock of the Corporation of any class, nor any right of
         subscription to any part thereof.

                                    ARTICLE VIII.

    The minimum amount of stated capital with which this Corporation shall
commence business is $1,000.00.

                                     ARTICLE IX.

    Meetings of the shareholders, whether annual or special, shall be held at
the registered office of the Corporation at such time and date as may be fixed
by the By-laws, or at any other place designated by the Board of Directors
pursuant to the By-laws or consented to in writing by all of the shareholders
entitled to vote thereat.

                                      ARTICLE X.

    Section 1.  The business of this Corporation shall be managed by a Board of
Directors, who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the shareholders.  A
director need not be a shareholder.

    Section 2.  The Board of Directors shall have authority to make and alter
By-laws, subject to the power  of the shareholders to change or repeal such
By-laws,  provided, the Board shall not make or alter any By-law fixing the
qualifications, classifications, term of office or number of directors except
the Board may make or alter any By-laws to increase their number.

    Section 3.  The name and post office address of the first Directors, whose
terms of office shall extend until the first annual meeting of the shareholders
or until their successors are duly elected and qualified, are as follows:

    Stephen Winnick               Catherine Roy Thatcher
    500 Roanoke Building          500 Roanoke Building
    Minneapolis, MN 55402         Minneapolis, MN 55402


    James E. Nelson               Nazchelle Slaughter
    500 Roanoke Building          500 Roanoke Building
    Minneapolis, MN 55402         Minneapolis, MN 55402

    Joseph P. Noack
    500 Roanoke Building
    Minneapolis, MN 55402

                                     ARTICLE XI.

    The name and post office address of the incorporator of this Corporation is
as follows:

         Stephen Winnick
         500 Roanoke Building
         Minneapolis, MN 55402

                                     ARTICLE XII.

    Any provision contained in these Articles of Incorporation may be amended
solely by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the stock
entitled to vote.


    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 10TH day of February,

                                    /s/ Stephen Winnick

                        ) ss.

    Be it remembered that on this 10th day of FEBRUARY 1981, before the
undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County of Hennepin and State of
Minnesota, personally appeared STEPHEN WINNICK, to me known to be the person
described in and who executed the foregoing Articles of Incorporation,
acknowledged the execution of the same to be his voluntary act and deed, for the
purposes therein set forth.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial
seal on the day and year last above written.

                                     /s/ Jane Nystrom
