                   September 1, 1997
Employee Name & Address
                   Re: Severance Agreement Amendment
Dear  :
    In connection with the execution by Promus Hotel Corporation (the "Company")
of that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of September 1, 1997, by
and among the Company, Doubletree Corporation and Parent Holding Corp. (the
"Merger Agreement"), and in consideration of the Company's entering into that
certain Merger Severance Agreement (the "Merger Severance Agreement"), dated
concurrently herewith, with you, you and the Company hereby agree to amend your
Severance Agreement (the "Severance Agreement") dated as of June 30, 1995, as
follows, effective as of September 1, 1997.
    1. Notwithstanding any provision of the Severance Agreement to the 
       contrary, neither the merger of the Company with a subsidiary of 
       Parent Holding Corp. nor any other transaction entered into by the 
       Company or any other person pursuant to the Merger Agreement or in 
       connection with any transaction contemplated thereunder shall 
       constitute a "Change in Control of the Company," as defined in Section 
       2(a) of the Severance Agreement.
    2. Notwithstanding any provision of the Severance Agreement to the 
       contrary, neither the execution by the Company of the Merger Agreement 
       nor any other action taken by the Company or any other person pursuant 
       to the Merger Agreement or in connection with any transaction 
       contemplated thereunder shall constitute a "Potential Change in 
       Control of the Company," as defined in Section 2(b) of the Severance 
    3. Notwithstanding any provision of the Severance Agreement to the 
       contrary, the Severance Agreement shall terminate and be of no further 
       effect immediately upon the closing of the "Promus Merger," as defined 
       in the Merger Agreement.
    4. Clause (viii) of Section 2(c) shall be renumbered as clause (ix), all 
       references to such clause in the Severance Agreement shall be changed 
       to refer to such clause (ix) and the following clause (viii) shall be 
       added after clause (vii) of Section 2(c): "(viii) A termination by you 
       for any reason (including, without limitation, Retirement, as defined 
       in Section 3(a) during the thirty (30) day period immediately 
       following the first (1st) anniversary of the consummation of a Change 
       in Control of the Company;"
    5. Clause (ii) of Section 4(c) shall be amended and restated as follows: 
       "In lieu of any further salary payments to you for periods subsequent 
       to the Date of Termination, the Company shall pay as severance pay to 
       you a lump sum severance payment (the "Severance Payment") equal to 
       three times the sum of (a) your annual base salary as in effect (x) 
       immediately prior to the Change in Control of the Company or (y) on 
       your Date of Termination, whichever is greater, and (b) the average of 
       the bonus payments paid to you by Promus Hotel Corporation, its 
       affiliates or its predecessors under its or their Annual Management 
       Bonus Plan for the three (3) years immediately prior to (x) the date 
       of the Change in Control of the Company or (y) your Date of 
       Termination, whichever is greater. The amount of such annual base 


       salary and bonus payments shall be determined without regard to any 
       reduction for any deferrals of such salary or bonus under any deferred 
       compensation plan (qualified or unqualified) and without regard to any 
       reduction for any salary reductions used for making contributions to 
       any group insurance plan of the Company, its affiliates or its 
       predecessors and shall take into account salary and bonus payments 
       made to you by The Promus Companies Incorporated or its affiliates for 
       periods prior to the commencement date of your employment with the 
       Company. If you have been employed by the Company, its affiliates or 
       its predecessors for less than three (3) years as of the date of the 
       Change in Control of the Company or your Date of Termination, as the 
       case may be, your average bonus payments shall be determined based on 
       the period of your employment by the Company, its affiliates and 
       predecessors. The sum of your annual base salary and average bonus 
       determined hereunder is hereinafter referred to as your "Annual 
    6. The introductory clause of Section 4(f) shall be amended and restated 
       as follows:

         "(f) Notwithstanding that a Change in Control shall not have yet 
         occurred, if you so elect, by written notice to the Company given at 
         any time after the occurrence of a Potential Change in Control of 
         the Company and prior to the time such amounts are otherwise payable 
         to you:"
    7. In no event shall you receive Severance Payments under both your 
       Severance Agreement and your Merger Severance Agreement. In the event 
       that you become entitled to receive severance payments or other 
       benefits under both your Severance Agreement and under your Merger 
       Severance Agreement, you may elect under which of such agreements your 
       payments and benefits shall be determined by filing a written election 
       with the Company at any time before you receive your first severance 
       payment under either of such agreements. If you agree to the terms of 
       this amendment to your Severance Agreement, kindly sign and return to 
       the Company the enclosed copy of this letter, which shall then 
       constitute our binding agreement to amend your Severance Agreement. 

                                          Very truly yours, 

                                          Promus Hotel Corporation



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