Exhibit 10.1

                          SEVENTH AMENDMENT OF LEASE

    THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into as of 9/19/97 by and between FMOB 
ASSOCIATES ("Landlord") and INFONAUTICS CORPORATION, a Pennsylvania 
Corporation ("Tenant").

    WHEREAS, by lease dated June 1994 (the "Initial Lease"), Landlord leased 
to Tenant and Tenant leased from Landlord a portion of a building located at 
900 West Valley Road, Wayne, Pennsylvania, consisting of 7,756 square feet of 
space in Building 900 as more particularly described in the Lease (the 
"Original Premises").

    WHEREAS, by that certain first amendment to lease dated January, 1995 
(the "First Amendment") Landlord leased to Tenant an additional (i) 1,522 
square feet of space in Building 1000 as more particularly described in the 
First Amendment ("First Expansion Space"), and (ii) 1,247 square feet of 
space in Building 1000 a more particularly described in the First Amendment 
("Second Expansion Space").

    WHEREAS, by that certain second amendment to lease dated June 30, 1995 
(the "Second Amendment") Landlord leased to Tenant an additional 5,462 square 
feet of space in Building 1100 more particularly described in the Second 
Amendment ("Third Expansion Space"), and Landlord and Tenant extended the 
Initial Term Expiration Date to July 31, 2000.

    WHEREAS, by that certain third amendment to lease dated as of November 
13, 1995, Landlord leased to Tenant Suite 1101 consisting of approximately 
1,509 square feet of space in Building 1100 as more particularly described in 
the Third Amendment ("Fourth Expansion Space").

    WHEREAS, by that certain fourth amendment to lease dated as of May 22, 
1996, Landlord and Tenant agree to the terms of a utility access agreement.

    WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the Third Amendment, the Initial Lease 
was amended to redefine the term "Demised Premises" to include the Original 
Premises, the First Expansion Space, the Second Expansion Space, the Third 
Expansion Space and the Fourth Expansion Space thereby increasing the total 
square footage of the Demised Premises to 17,496 square feet of the Tenant's 
Proportionate Share to 10.83%. The Fifth Expansion Space thereby increases 
the total square footage of the Demised Premises to 21,040 square feet and 
Tenant's Proportionate Share to 13.03%.

    WHEREAS, by that certain fifth amendment to lease dated April 18, 1996 
(the "Fifth Amendment"), Landlord leased to Tenant Suites 801, 802 and 804 
consisting of approximately 3,544 square feet of space in Building 800 as 
more particularly described in the Fifth Amendment ("Fifth Expansion Space").

    WHEREAS, by that certain Sixth Amendment to lease dated 4/14/97 (the 
"Sixth Amendment") Landlord leased to Tenant the following suites:

           Suite 402 (Focus)     -                 3,569 SF
           Suite 701 (Textile)   -                 1,575 SF
           Suite 702 (CSR)       -                 3,610 SF
           Suite 504 (Vacant)    -                 1,263 SF
           Suite 503 (J. Miller) -                 1,566 SF
           TOTAL                                  11,583 SF

as more particularly described in the Sixth Amendment ("Sixth Expansion 

    WHEREAS, Tenant desires to lease from Landlord and Landlord desires to 
lease to Tenant Suite 401, 900 W. Valley Road, consisting of approximately 
1,641 SF as more particularly outlined in Exhibit "A" attached hereto as 
("Seventh Expansion Space").

    NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of $1.00, in hand well and 
truly paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which 
is hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the mutual premises 
and covenants herein contained, the parties, intending to be legally bound, 

    1.  The Initial Lease, as amended, is sometimes referred to herein as 
the "Lease". All other capitalized terms used in this Amendment shall have 
the same meaning as assigned to them in the WHEREAS clauses of this Amendment 
or the Lease, unless otherwise specifically noted. The provisions of the 
WHEREAS clauses are incorporated herein as if fully set forth.

    2.  Commencing on November 1, 1997, the Seventh Expansion Space 
Commencement Date, the Lease is amended to redefine the term "Demised 
Premises" to include the Original Premises, the First Expansion Space, the 
Second Expansion Space, the Third Expansion Space, the Fourth Expansion, the 
Fifth Expansion, the Sixth Expansion and the Seventh Expansion Space for all 
purposes, provided that the following provisions shall apply to the Seventh 
Expansion Space only notwithstanding any contrary provisions of the Lease: 
(i) the term of the lease of Seventh Expansion Space shall be Forty Eight 
(48) Months, (ii) the Extension Option provided in the Initial Lease shall 
not apply to the Seventh Expansion Space; (iii) the first and second 
termination options provided in the Initial Lease shall not apply to the 
Seventh Expansion Space, (iv) Tenant's Proportionate Share with respect to 
the Seventh Expansion Space only shall be 1.02% (1,641/161,519 sq. ft.) 
increasing the total square footage to 34,267 sq. ft. and Tenant's 
proportionate share to 21-22%; and (v) Base Rent for the Seventh Expansion 
Space shall be $31,999.50 per year, payable in advance in equal monthly 
installments of $2,666.63.

    3.  Landlord's Work.

        a.  Landlord and Tenant agrees that Tenant is leasing this Seventh 
Expansion Space in its current "As-Is" condition with the exception that 
Landlord will contribute a fit-out allowance of $1.00/SF per year ($6,564.00) 
representing Landlord's sole construction allowance contribution to Tenant. 
All other improvements to the space Tenant wishes to perform shall be at 
Tenant's sole cost and expense with such improvements being submitted in 
writing to Landlord for Landlord's approval of the work, such approval not to 
be unreasonably withheld.

    4.  Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, keep the Seventh 
Expansion Space and every part thereof in good condition and repair, damage 
thereto from fire or other casualty and ordinary wear and tear, 
condemnation, and from the negligence or misconduct of Landlord, its agents, 
employees, invitees, contractors, subcontractors, and others for whom 
Landlord is legally responsible, alone excepted. The parties hereto affirm 
that Landlord has made no representations to Tenant respecting the condition 
of the Seventh Expansion Space or the Building except as specifically herein 
set forth in writing.

    5.  Tenant and Landlord agree that Tenant has no further expansion 
options under the Lease.


    7.  Except as modified herein, all terms and conditions of the Lease 
shall remain in full force and effect. In the event of any inconsistency 
between the terms of this Amendment and the terms of the Lease, the terms of 
this Amendment shall prevail. The Lease and this Amendment represent the 
entire agreement between the parties relating to the lease of the Premises 
and shall supersede any other agreements, whether written or oral. There are 
no understandings, representations or warranties of any kind, pertaining to 
the lease of the Premises which are not expressly set forth in this Amendment 

    8.  Submission of Lease/Lease Amendment to Tenant. The submission by 
Landlord to Tenant of this Lease Amendment shall have no binding force or 
effect, shall not constitute an option for the leasing of the Demised 
Premises, shall not constitute a lease or agreement to enter into a lease 
(even if such term is less than three (3) years in duration), nor confer any 
rights or impose any obligations upon either party until the execution 
thereof by Landlord and the delivery of an executed original copy thereof by 
Landlord to Tenant or Tenant's representative.

                        [Signature Page Following]

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals 
on the date first above mentioned.


                                            FMOB ASSOCIATES BY WESTVALLEY, INC.
                                            its General Partner

                                            BY:    /s/ Jack D. Loew


                                            INFONAUTICS CORPORATION, a
                                            Pennsylvania Corporation

ATTEST:                                     BY:    /s/ Ronald A. Berg
       -----------------------------           -------------------------------
           [Corporate Seal]                        Name: Ronald A. Berg
                                                   Vice President-Finance