This Agreement (the "Agreement") is dated November 1st, 1996 BETWEEN 
HAWKER PACIFIC, INC. ("HPI") having its principal place of business at 11310 
Sherman Way, Sun Valley, California 91352 AND MICHAEL A. RILEY ("Employee") 
of 1735 Coronado Court, Camarillo, California, 93010.

    1. RECITALS.  HPI desires to continue to benefit from Employee 
       in his capacity as Vice President, Hydromechanics of HPI; and 
       Employee will serve as Vice President, Hydromechanics of HPI on the 
       agreements set forth below and for other consideration, HPI and 
       Employee agree that Employee will be employed by HPI in accordance 
       with the terms of this Agreement.
    2. SERVICES.  During the term of his employment, Employee shall be 
       responsible for effectively performing the duties of his position 
       and such other duties assigned to him which are consistent with his 
       position and such other duties assigned to him which are consistent 
       with his position.  Employee will utilize HPI's resources as 
       appropriate to best fulfill his responsibilities.  Employee agrees 
       to devote his entire productive time, ability and attention to the 
       business of HPI.  During the term of his employment,  Employee also 
       agrees that he shall not directly or indirectly perform any 
       services of a business, commercial or professional nature for any 
       person or organization, whether for compensation or otherwise, 
       without HPI's prior written consent. 
    3. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE.  HPI shall provide Employee with an appropriate
       office at its offices, and all supplies, equipment, and office 
       personnel reasonably necessary to perform Employee's duties and 

    4. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS.  As compensation and benefits for Employee's
       services, HPI shall provide the following compensation and benefits 
       to Employee during the term of employment and upon termination of 
       his employment as provided by this Agreement: 

         4.1 BASE SALARY  HPI shall pay Employee a base salary of $94,200  
             (ninety four thousand two hundred dollars) per year or at such 
             higher rate as HPI may from time to time determine, payable in 
             equal installments at HPI's regular payroll periods.
         4.2 BONUS.  Employee shall be eligible for a periodic bonus on the 
             terms and conditions of a separate Executive Bonus Plan 
             Agreement between Employee and HPI.  Such Executive Bonus Plan 
             Agreement shall address bonus based on HPI's performance.  The 
             foregoing notwithstanding, the bonus calculation for 1996 will 
             be in accordance with the BTR plan and payable in February 1997 
             subsequent to confirmation of results by external audit and 
             approval by Unique Investment Corporation.
         4.3 BENEFITS.  Employee shall be entitled to such fringe benefits 
             and perquisites as are generally made available to similarly 
             contracted employees of HPI, whether such benefits are 
             presently in effect or come into effect during the term of this 
             Agreement, and such other fringe benefits as may be determined 
             by HPI in its sole discretion, except that Employee's benefits 
             shall not be reduced from those benefits specifically provided 
             in this Agreement. 
         4.4 VACATIONS.  Employee shall be entitled to a vacation period of 
             three (3) weeks per year.  Administration of Employee's 
             vacation and vacation year to year carry over will 

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             be in accordance with the applicable HPI Policies and 
             Procedures.  Upon termination of his employment with HPI for 
             any reason, Employee shall be paid for all unused, accrued 
             vacation time. 
         4.5 HOLIDAYS.  Employee shall receive paid holidays in accordance 
             with applicable HPI Policies and Procedures. 
         4.6 SICK LEAVE.  Employee shall be entitled to sick leave without 
             any loss in compensation. 
         4.7 INSURANCE.  HPI shall provide to Employee paid health, dental, 
             disability and life insurance benefits in accordance with HPI 
             established plans. HPI shall reimburse Employee for insurance 
             premiums, deductibles and any other expenses not paid by the 
             Company Plan and for one comprehensive physical examination 
         4.8 PENSION PLAN(S).  Employee will be eligible to participate in 
             HPI's Pension and 401k Plans in accordance with HPI Policies 
             and Procedures. 
         4.9 AUTOMOBILE.  During the term of this Agreement, HPI will pay 
             Employee a $750 (seven hundred fifty dollars) per month 
             automobile allowance. 
         4.10 BUSINESS EXPENSES.  HPI shall reimburse Employee for all 
             business expenses reasonably incurred by Employee in connection 
             with the performance of his duties under this Agreement 
             provided that Employee furnishes HPI with adequate records or 
             other evidence respecting such expenditures.  HPI shall 
             reimburse Employee, or shall pay directly, all reasonable 
             entertainment, promotion, telephone and other expenses incurred 
             in connection with the performance of Employee's duties under 
             this Agreement as well as all reasonable travel and living 
             expenses while traveling business related.  
         4.11 EQUITY PARTICIPATION.  Employee will acquire equity in HPI in 
             accordance with terms and conditions of a separate Executive 
             Equity Plan Agreement between Employee and HPI. 

         5.1 TERM OF AGREEMENT.  The term of Employee's employment with HPI 
             shall commence on November 1, 1996 and shall end on October 31, 
             1999 the ("Termination Date"), unless terminated earlier in 
             accordance with the terms of this Agreement or unless extended 
             in accordance with paragraph 5.2 below.
         5.2 TERMINATION.  Either party shall give at least three months 
             prior written notice to the other prior to the Termination Date 
             to terminate this Agreement or the Agreement shall be extended 
             for an additional year under the same terms and conditions of 
             this Agreement.  For purposes of this Agreement, the "Term of 
             this Agreement" shall mean the full term of the Agreement, 
             including subsequent terms, and not only the initial term. 
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             (A) HPI may terminate Employee "Without Cause" at any time upon 
                 giving written notice to Employee.  HPI shall then pay Employee
                 "Severance Pay" equal to Employee's Base Salary and benefits in
                 accordance with the paragraphs of Article 4 above for the 
                 remaining term of this Agreement until the Termination Date or 
                 for one year whichever period is longer.  "Severance Pay" shall
                 include a calendar based pro-rata bonus for the year of 
                 termination.  Severance pay shall be paid in equal installments
                 on HPI's normal payment schedule or in lump sum(s) at 
                 Employer's option.  Additionally, the Employee shall receive 
                 "Severance Pay" as described above if at any time the 
                 Employee's duties or terms of employment materially change and 
                 Employee elects to leave the employ of HPI as a result of such 
             (B) HPI may terminate Employee for "Cause" at any time, with or 
                 without advance notice upon giving written notice to Employee,
                 if Employee has: (i) committed fraud, misappropriation or 
                 theft; ( ii)  engaged in gross misconduct in the performance of
                 his duties; (iii) engaged in unlawful conduct which has a 
                 material adverse effect on HPI; or (iv) been convicted of a 
                 If Employee is terminated for "Cause" he shall have no rights 
                 whatsoever pursuant to this Agreement except as provided for in
                 the Executive Equity Plan Agreement.  This Employment Agreement
                 shall terminate immediately upon such written notice to 

             (A) Upon Employee's death, Employee's Base Salary and all benefits 
                 payable to Employee shall be paid to his heirs under the terms 
                 of this Agreement through the Termination Date.  Such amount to
                 be reduced by proceeds of life insurance paid by HPI. 
             (B) Upon Employee's "permanent disability", Employee's Base Salary 
                 and fringe benefits payable shall be paid through the 
                 Termination Date reduced by any disability insurance proceeds 
                 received by him from any policy paid for by HPI and any State 
                 disability insurance.  "Permanent disability" means Employee's 
                 inability to substantially perform his duties for any physical,
                 mental, emotional or other reason for 90 consecutive days or 


         6.1 NOTICES.  All notices, demands and other communications, 
             provided for in this Agreement ("Notice") shall be in writing 
             and shall be given to such party at its address as set forth 
             below or such address as such party may specify of the purpose 
             by Notice to the other party listed below.  Each Notice shall 
             be deemed delivered to the party to whom it is addressed on the 
             next business day following its actual delivery at the address 
             specified in this paragraph. 

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                             TO:  Hawker Pacific, Inc. 
                                  11310 Sherman Way
                                  Sun Valley, CA  91352
                                  Attn:  CFO

                             TO:  Michael A. Riley
                                  1735 Coronado Court
                                  Camarillo, CA  93010

         6.2 NO ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement may not be assigned by any party 
             without the prior written consent of the other party. 
         6.3 INTERPRETATION.  The resolution of ambiguities against the 
             drafting party shall not apply in the enforcement and 
             interpretation of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be 
             given a fair and reasonable construction in accordance with the 
             intent of the parties.
         6.4 GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be governed by, 
             interpreted under, construed and enforced in accordance with 
             the laws of the State of California. 
         6.5 PARTIAL INVALIDITY.  If any term or provision of this Agreement 
             or the application thereof shall, to any extent, be invalid or 
             unenforceable, then the remainder of this Agreement, or the 
             application of such term or provision other than those as to 
             which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be 
             affected and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest 
             extent permitted by law.
         6.6 COUNTERPARTS AND PHOTOCOPIES.  This Agreement may be executed 
             in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an 
             original, but all of which together shall constitute one and 
             the same instrument.  Photocopies of this Agreement shall also 
             be given the same effect as the original. 
         6.7 ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement is the final expression of, 
             and contains the entire agreement between, the parties with 
             respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes 
             all prior negotiations, understandings and agreements.  No 
             statements, promises or representations have been made by any 
             party to any other, or relied upon, and no consideration has 
             been offered, promised, expected or held out other than 
             expressly provided in this Agreement. This Agreement may not be 
             modified, changed, amended, supplemented or terminated, except 
             by a written instrument signed by the party to be charged or by 
             its duly authorized agent. 
         6.8 WAIVERS.  The waiver by either party of the breach of any term, 
             provision, covenant or condition contained in this Agreement, 
             or the failure or either party to insist on strict performance 
             by the other, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term, 
             provision, covenant or condition contained in this Agreement.  
             The acceptance of performance by either party shall not be 
             deemed to be a waiver of any  breach or default by the other 
             party, regardless of the non-defaulting party's knowledge of 
             such breach or default at the time of acceptance of 

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         6.9 ATTORNEY'S FEES.  If any action is commenced to enforce any of 
             the provisions of this Agreement or to enforce a judgment, the 
             unsuccessful party shall pay all costs incurred by the 
             prevailing party, including reasonable attorneys' fees and 
             costs, arbitration fees and costs, court costs and 
             reimbursements for any other expenses. 
         6.10 CAPTIONS.  The paragraph and section headings in this Agreement 
             are solely for convenience of reference and are not a part of 
             an are not intended to govern, limit or aid in the construction 
             of any term provision of this Agreement. 
         6.11 FURTHER ASSURANCES.  The parties agree, without any additional 
             consideration or any unreasonable delay, to execute all such 
             other instruments and documents and to take all actions as may 
             be reasonably necessary or desirable to further implement the 
             provisions of this Agreement. 
    7. ARBITRATION.  All claims, disputes or other matters in question arising 
       out of, or relating to, this Agreement or the breach of this Agreement 
       shall be decided in accordance with the then current California 
       Employment Resolution Dispute Rules of the American Arbitration 
       Association.  Arbitration shall be held in Los Angeles, California.  
       The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the 
       parties, and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with 
       applicable law in any court having jurisdiction.  This agreement to 
       arbitrate shall be self-executing without the necessity of filing any 
       action in any court and shall be specifically enforceable under the 
       prevailing arbitration law. 

                 The parties execute this Agreement on the date set forth above.

                 HAWKER PACIFIC, INC. 

                 By:   /s/ D. LOKKEN

                 Its:  President

                 Date: 27 November 1996

                       MICHAEL A. RILEY

                 Date: 27 November 1996

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