UNITED STATES                           Office                  Serial number
                DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR                     NEW ORLEANS, LA         OCS-G 9372

                                                                                       Rental rate per
                                                                                       acre, or fraction
                SULPHUR AND SALT LEASE OF                      Cash bonus              thereof
             SUBMERGED LANDS UNDER THE OUTER                   $ 3,401,757.00          $ 3.00 PER ACRE

DEFINED BY 44 U.S.C. 3502 AND THEREFORE DOES NOT REQUIRE       Minimum royalty rate
APPROVAL BY THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET.               per acre, or fraction
                                                               thereof                 Royalty rate
                                                               $ 3.00                  12 1/2 PERCENT - SULPHUR
                                                                                       5 PERCENT - SALT TAKEN OFFSITE

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This lease is effective as of May 1, 1988 (hereinafter called the "Effective 
Date") and shall continue for an initial period of TEN years (hereinafter 
called the "Initial Period") by and between the United States of America 
(hereinafter called the "Lessor"), by the REGIONAL DIRECTOR, GULF OF MEXICO 
OCS REGION, Minerals Management Service, its authorized officer, and


     IMC FERTILIZER, INC.                                          25.00000%

     FELMONT OIL CORPORATION                                       16.67000%

(hereinafter called the "Lessee").  In consideration of any cash payment 
heretofore made by the Lessee to the Lessor and in consideration of the 
promises, terms, conditions, and covenants contained herein, including the 
Stipulation(s) numbered 1 AND 3 attached hereto, the Lessee and Lessor agree 
as follows:

SEC. 1.   STATUTES AND REGULATIONS.  This lease is issued pursuant to the 
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1331-1356, (1953)), as 
amended, and the regulations issued thereunder (30 CFR Part 256).  The lease 
is issued subject to the Act; all regulations issued pursuant to the Act and 
in existence upon the Effective Date of this lease; all regulations issued 
pursuant to the statute in the future which provide for the prevention of 
waste and conservation of the natural resources of the Outer Continental 
Shelf and the protection of correlative rights therein; and all other 
applicable statutes and regulations.

SEC. 2.   RIGHTS OF LESSEE.  The Lessor hereby grants and leases to the 
Lessee the exclusive right and privilege to drill for, develop, and produce 
sulphur and salt resources in the submerged lands of the Outer Continental 
Shelf containing approximately 4,560.81 acres (hereinafter referred to as the 
"leased area"), described as follows:


These rights include:

     (a)  the nonexclusive right to conduct within the leased area geological 
and geophysical exploration in accordance with applicable regulations;

     (b)  the nonexclusive right to drill water wells within the leased area, 
unless the water is part of geopressured-geothermal and associated resources, 
and to use the water produced therefrom for operations pursuant to the Act 
free of cost, on the condition that the drilling is conducted in accordance 
with procedures approved by the Director of the Minerals Management Service 
or the Director's delegate (hereinafter called the "Director"); and

     (c)  the right to construct or erect and to maintain within the leased 
area artificial islands, installations, and other devices permanently or 
temporarily attached to the seabed and other works and structures necessary 
to the full enjoyment of the lease, subject to compliance with applicable 
laws and regulations.

SEC. 3.   TERM.  This lease shall continue from the Effective Date of the 
lease for the Initial Period and so long thereafter as sulphur and/or salt 
are produced from the leased area in paying quantities, or drilling or well 
reworking operations, as approved by the Lessor, are conducted thereon, or as 
otherwise provided by regulations.

SEC. 4.   RENTALS.  The Lessee shall pay the Lessor, on or before the first 
day of each lease year which commences prior to a discovery in paying 
quantities of sulphur and/or salt on the leased area, a rental as shown on 
the face hereof.

SEC. 5.   MINIMUM ROYALTY.  The Lessee shall pay the Lessor, at the 
expiration of each lease year which commences after a discovery of sulphur 
and/or salt in paying quantities, a minimum royalty as shown on the face 
hereof or, if there is production, the difference between the actual royalty 
required to be paid with respect to such lease year and the prescribed 
minimum royalty if the actual royalty paid is less than the minimum royalty.


     (a)  The Lessee shall pay a fixed royalty as shown on the face hereof in 
value of production saved, removed, or sold from the leased area.  Any Lessee 
is liable for royalty payments on sulphur and/or salt lost or wasted from a 
lease site when such loss or waste is due to negligence on the part of the 
operator of the lease, or due to the failure to comply with any rule or 
regulation, order, or citation issued under the Act.

     (b)  The value of production for purposes of computing royalty on 
production from this lease shall never be less than 5 percent of the gross 
production or value of the sulphur at the mine.  The value of production 
shall be the estimated reasonable value of the production as determined by 
the Lessor, due consideration being given to the highest price paid for a 
part or for a majority of sulphur and/or salt of like quality in the same 
general area, to the price received by the Lessee, to posted prices, and to 
other relevant matters. Except when the Lessor, in its discretion, determines 
not to consider special pricing relief from otherwise applicable Federal 
regulatory requirements, the value of production for the purposes of 
computing royalty shall not be deemed to be less than the gross proceeds 
accruing to the Lessee from the sale thereof.  in the absence of good reason 
to the contrary, value computed on the basis of the highest price paid or 
offered at the time of production in a fair and open market for the major 
portion of like quality sulphur produced and sold from the field or area 
where the leased area is situated will be considered to be a reasonable value.

     (c)  Royalties shall be due and payable by the last day of the next 
month following the month in which the sulphur and/or salt is produced, 
unless the Lessor prescribes a later date.

SEC. 7.   PAYMENTS.  The Lessee shall make all payments (rentals, royalties, 
and any other payments required by this lease) to the Lessor by electronic 
transfer of funds, check, draft on a solvent bank, or money order unless 
otherwise provided by regulations or by direction of the Lessor. Rentals, 
royalties, and any other payments required by this lease shall be made 
payable to the Minerals Management Service and tendered to the Director. 
Determinations made by the Lessor as to the amount of payment due shall be 
presumed to be correct and paid as due.

SEC. 8.   BONDS.  The Lessee shall maintain at all times the bond(s) required 
by regulation prior to the issuance of the lease and shall furnish such 
additional security as may be required by the Lessor if, after operations 
have begun, the Lessor deems such additional security to be necessary.

SEC. 9.   PLANS.  The Lessee shall conduct all operations on the leased area 
in accordance with approved exploration plans and approved development and 
production plans as are required by regulations.  The Lessee may depart from 
an approved plan only as provided by applicable regulations.

SEC. 10.  PERFORMANCE.  The Lessee shall comply with all regulations and 
Orders.  After due notice in writing, the Lessee shall drill such wells and 
produce at such rates as the Lessor may require in order that the leased area 
or any part thereof may be properly and timely developed and produced in 
accordance with sound operating principles.

SEC. 11.  SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. The Lessee shall:

     (a)  maintain all places of employment within the leased area in 
compliance with occupational safety and health standards and, in addition, 
free from recognized hazards to employees of the Lessee or of any contractor 
or subcontractor operating within the lease area;

     (b)  maintain all operation within the leased area in compliance with 
regulations or orders intended to protect persons, property, and the 
environment on the Outer Continental Shelf; and

     (c)  allow prompt access, at the site of any operation subject to safety 
regulations, to any authorized Federal inspector and shall provide any 
documents and records which are pertinent to occupational or public health, 
safety, or environmental protection as may be requested.


     (a)  The Lessor may suspend or cancel this lease pursuant to Section 5 of 
the Act, and compensation shall be paid when provided by the Act.

     (b)  The lessor may, upon recommendation of the secretary of Defense, 
during a state of war or national emergency declared by Congress or the 
President of the United States, suspend operations under the lease, as 
provided in section 12(c) of the Act, and just compensation shall be paid to 
the Lessee for such suspension.

SEC. 13.  INDEMNIFICATION.  The Lessee shall indemnify the Lessor for, and 
hold it harmless from, any claim, including claims for loss or damage to 
property or injury to person caused by or resulting from any operation on the 
leased area conducted by or on behalf of the Lessee.  However, the Lessee 
shall not be held responsible to the Lessor under this section for any loss, 
damage, or injury caused by or resulting from:

     (a)  negligence of the Lessor other than the commission or omission of a 
discretionary function or duty on the part of a Federal Agency whether or not 
the discretion involved is abused; or

     (b)  the Lessee's compliance with an order or directive of the Lessor 
against which an administrative appeal by the Lessee is filed before the 
cause of action for the claim arises and is pursued diligently thereafter.

SEC. 14.  PURCHASE OF PRODUCTION.  In time of war or when the President of 
the United States shall so prescribe, the Lessor shall have the right of 
first refusal to purchase at the market price all or any portion of the 
sulphur and/or salt produced from the leased area, as provided in Section 
12(b) of the Act.

SEC. 15.  EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE.  During the performance of this lease, 
the Lessee shall fully comply with paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 202 
of Executive Order 11246, as amended (reprinted in 41 CFR 60-1.4(a)), and the 
implementing regulations which are for the purpose of preventing employment 
discrimination against persons on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or 
national origin.  paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 202 of Executive 
Order 11246, as amended, are incorporated in this lease by reference.

lease, the Lessee certifies, as specified in 41 CFR 60-1.8, that it does not 
and will not maintain or provide for its employees any segregated facilities 
at any of its establishments and that it does not and will not permit its 
employees to perform their services at any location under its control where 
segregated facilities are maintained.  As used in this certification, the 
term "segregated facilities" means, but is not limited to, any waiting rooms, 
work areas, restrooms and washrooms, restaurants and other eating areas, 
timeclocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, 
drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and 
housing facilities provided for employees which are segregated by explicit 
directive or are in fact segregated on the basis of race, color, religion, or 
national origin, because of habit, local custom, or otherwise.  The Lessee 
further agrees that it will obtain identical certifications from proposed 
contractors and subcontractors prior to award of contracts or subcontracts 
unless they are exempt under 41 CFR 60-1.5.

SEC. 17.  RESERVATIONS TO LESSOR.  All rights in the leased area not 
expressly granted to the Lessee by the Act, the regulations, or this lease 
are hereby reserved to the Lessor.  Without limiting the generality of the 
foregoing, reserved rights included:

     (a)  the right to authorize geological and geophysical exploration in 
the lease area which does not unreasonably interfere with or endanger actual 
operations under the lease, and the right to grant such easements or 
rights-of-way upon, through, or in the leased area as may be necessary or 
appropriate to working of other lands or to the treatment and shipment of 
products thereof by or under authority of the Lessor;

     (b)  the right to grant leases for any minerals other than sulphur 
and/or salt within the leased area, except that operations under such leases 
shall not unreasonably interfere with or endanger operations under this lease;

     (c)  the right, as provided in section 12(d) of the Act, to restrict 
operations in the leased area or any part thereof which may be designated by 
the Secretary of Defense, with

approval of the President, as being within an area needed for national 
defense and, so long as such designation remains in effect, no operations may 
be conducted on the surface of the leased area or the part thereof included 
within the designation except with the concurrence of the Secretary of 
Defense.  If operations or production under this lease within any designated 
area are suspended pursuant to this paragraph, any payments of rentals and 
royalty prescribed by this lease likewise shall be suspended during such 
period of suspension of operations and production, the term of this lease 
shall be extended by adding thereto any such suspension period, and the 
Lessor shall be liable to the Lessee for such compensation as is required to 
be paid under the Constitution of the United States.

SEC. 18.  TRANSFER OF LEASE. The Lessee shall file for approval with the 
appropriate field office of the Minerals Management Service any instrument of 
assignment or other transfer of this lease, or any interest therein, in 
accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

SEC. 19.  SURRENDER OF LEASE. The Lessee may surrender this entire lease or 
any officially designated subdivision of the leased area by filing with the 
appropriate field office of the Minerals Management Service a written 
relinquishment, in triplicate, which shall be effective as of the date of 
filing.  No surrender of this lease or of any portion of the leased area 
shall relieve the Lessee or its surety of the obligation to pay all accrued 
rentals, royalties, and other financial obligations or to abandon all works 
on the area to be surrendered in a manner satisfactory to the Director.

year after termination of this lease in whole or in part, the Lessee shall 
remove all devices, works, and structures from the premises no longer subject 
to the lease in accordance with applicable regulations and orders of the 
Director.  However, the Lessee may, with the approval of the Director, 
continue to maintain devices, works, and structures on the leased area for 
drilling or producing on other Leases.


     (a)  Whenever the Lessee fails to comply with any of the provisions of 
the Act, the regulations issued pursuant to the Act, or the terms of this 
lease, the lease shall be subject to cancellation in accordance with the 
provisions of section 5(c) and (d) of the Act and the Lessor may exercise any 
other remedies which the Lessor may have, including the penalty provisions of 
section 24 of the Act.  Furthermore, pursuant to section 8(o) of the Act, the 
Lessor may cancel the lease if it is obtained by fraud or misrepresentation.

     (b)  Nonenforcement by the Lessor of a remedy for any particular 
violation of the provisions of the Act, the regulations issued pursuant to 
the Act, or the terms of this lease shall not prevent the cancellation of 
this lease or the exercise of any other remedies under paragraph (a) of this 
section for any other violation or for the same violation occurring at any 
other time.

SEC. 22.  UNLAWFUL INTEREST.  No member of, or Delegate to, Congress, or 
Resident Commissioner, after election or appointment, or either before or 
after they have qualified, and during their continuance in office, and no 
officer, agent, or employee of the Department of the Interior, except as 
provided in 43 CFR Part 20, shall be admitted to any share or part in this 
lease or derive any benefit that may arise therefrom.  The provisions of 
Section 3741 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, 41 U.S.C. 22, and the Act 
of June 25, 1948, 62 Stat. 702, as amended, 18 U.S.C. 431-433, relating to 
contracts made or entered into or accepted by or on behalf of the United 
States, form a part of this lease insofar as they may be applicable.


     (a)  Any lease issued for an initial period of 10 years will be canceled 
after 5 years, following notice pursuant to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands 
Act, where drilling of an exploratory well has not been commenced before the 
end of the 5th year, or if the well has not been drilled in conformance with 
the approved exploration plan criteria, or if there is not a suspension of 
operations in effect.

     (b)  The Lessee is granted the exclusive right to drill salt wells 
within the leased area and to use the salt produced therefrom for 
sulphur-mining operations pursuant to the Act free of royalty on the lease, 
on the condition that the drilling is conducted in accordance with procedures 
approved by the Director.

     (c)  The Lessee shall pay no royalty on salt produced and consumed or 
otherwise used on the lease for the production of sulphur.  The Lessee shall 
pay a fixed royalty of 5% at the mine for any salt produced and used or 
otherwise disposed of off the leased area for purposes other than sulphur 

                                 United States
                          Department of the Interior
                          Minerals Management Service

                Outer Continental Shelf, Central Gulf of Mexico
                          Sulphur and Salt Lease Sale

                                                                     OCS-G 9372


(1)  "Archaeological resource" means any prehistoric or historic district, 
site, building, structure, or object (including shipwrecks); such term 
includes artifacts, records, and remains which are related to such a 
district, site, building, structure, or object (Section 301(5), National 
Historic Preservation Act, as amended, 16 U.S.C. 470w(5)).  "Operations" 
means any drilling, mining, or construction or placement of any structure for 
exploration, development, or production of the lease.

(2)  If the Regional Director (RD) believes an archaeological resource may 
exist in the lease area, the RD will notify the lessee in writing.  The 
Lessee shall then comply with subparagraphs (a) through (c).

     (a)  Prior to commencing any operations, the lessee shall prepare a 
report, as specified by the RD, to determine the potential existence of any 
archaeological resource that may be affected by operations.  The report, 
prepared by an archaeologist and a geophysicist, shall be based on an 
assessment of data from remote-sensing surveys and of other pertinent 
archaeological and environmental information.  The lessee shall submit this 
report to the RD for review.

     (b)  If the evidence suggests that an archaeological resource may be 
present, the lessee shall either:

          (i)  Locate the site of any operation so as not to adversely affect 
the area where the archaeological resource may be; or

         (ii)  Establish to the satisfaction of the RD that an archaeological 
resource does not exist or will not be adversely affected by operations.  
This shall be done by further archaeological investigation, conducted by an 
archaeologist and a geophysicist, using survey equipment and techniques 
deemed necessary by the RD.  A report on the investigation shall be submitted 
to the RD for review.

     (c)  If the RD determines that an archaeological resource is likely to 
be present in the lease area and may be adversely affected by operations, the 
RD will notify the lessee immediately.  The lessee shall take no action that 
may adversely affect the archaeological resource until the RD has told the 
lessee how to protect it.

(3)  If the lessee discovers any archaeological resource while conducting 
operations on the lease area, the lessee shall report the discovery 
immediately to the RD.  The lessee shall make every reasonable effort to 
preserve the archaeological resource until the RD has told the lessee how to 
protect it.


Sulphur and salt leases are granted separately from oil and gas leases. 
Therefore, any hydrocarbons discovered by the sulphur and salt lessee cannot 
be produced under this lease.  If the lessee discovers hydrocarbons while 
conducting sulphur and salt operations on the lease area, the lessee shall 
report the discovery immediately to the Regional Director (RD).  If the RD 
determines that the discovery is significant and the Director determines that 
release of the information is necessary for the proper development of the 
filed or area, then a public announcement of the significant hydrocarbon 
discovery will be made pursuant to 30 CFR 250.3.

       IMC Fertilizer, Inc.                      Felmont Oil Corporation
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
            (Lessee)                                     (Lessee)

       /s/ James L. Frye                          /s/ Richard A. Mills
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
 (Signature of Authorized Officer           (Signature of Authorized Officer)

         James L. Frye                              Richard A. Mills
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
      (Name of Signatory)                         (Name of Signatory)

Vice President, Service Operations                   Vice president
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
            (Title)                                      (Title)

         March 28, 1988                              March 30, 1988
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
            (Date)                                       (Date)

        2315 Sanders Rd.                        350 Glenborough, Ste. 300
      Northbrook, Il  60062                         Houston, TX  77067
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
       (Address of Lessee)                         (Address of Lessee)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
            (Lessee)                                     (Lessee)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
(Signature of Authorized Officer)            (Signature of Authorized Officer)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
       (Name of Signatory)                         (Name of Signatory)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Title)                                      (Title)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Date)                                       (Date)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
      (Address of Lessee)                          (Address of Lessee)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
            (Lessee)                                     (Lessee)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
(Signature of Authorized Officer)            (Signature of Authorized Officer)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
       (Name of Signatory)                         (Name of Signatory)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Title)                                      (Title)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Date)                                       (Date)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
      (Address of Lessee)                          (Address of Lessee)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
            (Lessee)                                     (Lessee)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
(Signature of Authorized Officer)            (Signature of Authorized Officer)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
       (Name of Signatory)                         (Name of Signatory)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Title)                                      (Title)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Date)                                       (Date)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
      (Address of Lessee)                          (Address of Lessee)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                    OCS-G 9372

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
            (Lessee)                                     (Lessee)

- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
(Signature of Authorized Officer)            (Signature of Authorized Officer)

       Limited Partnership                 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Lessor
- ----------------------------------

         /s/ R. J. Becnel                          /s/ Ralph J. Melancon
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
 (Signature of Authorized Officer)           (Signature of Authorized Officer)

           R. J. Becnel                              Ralph J. Melancon
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
       (Name of Signatory)                          (Name of Signatory)

                                                  Acting Regional Director
         Vice President                          Gulf of Mexico OCS Region
Freeport Sulphur Company Division               Minerals Management Service
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Title)                                       (Title)

         March 31, 1988                                 April 7, 1988
- ----------------------------------          ----------------------------------
             (Date)                                         (Date)

      1615 Poydras Street
     New Orleans, LA  70112
- ----------------------------------
      (Address of Lessee)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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