WASHINGTON, D.C.

- -----------------------------------
                                  )               STIPULATION
In the Matter of                  )                   AND
                                  )                 CONSENT
REGENCY BANK                      )            TO THE ISSUANCE OF
FRESNO, CALIFORNIA                )               AN ORDER TO
                                  )            CEASE AND DESIST
                                  )               FDIC-97- b
- -----------------------------------

     Subject to the acceptance of this STIPULATION AND CONSENT TO THE 
Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC"), it is hereby stipulated and agreed by 
and between a representative of the Legal Division of FDIC and Regency Bank, 
Fresno, California ("Bank"), as follows:

     1.  The Bank has been advised of its right to receive a Notice of 
Charges and of Hearing detailing the unsafe or unsound banking practices 
alleged to have been committed by the Bank and of its right to a public 
hearing on the alleged charges under Section 8(b)(1) of the Federal Deposit 
Insurance Act ("Act"), 12 U.S.C. Section 1818(b)(1), and has waived those 


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     2.  The Bank, solely for the purpose of this proceeding and without 
admitting or denying any of the alleged charges of unsafe or unsound banking 
practices, hereby consents and agrees to the issuance of an ORDER TO CEASE 
AND DESIST ("ORDER") by the FDIC. The Bank further stipulates and agrees that 
such ORDER will be deemed to be an order which has become final under the 
Act, and that said ORDER shall become effective ten (10) days after its 
issuance by the FDIC and fully enforceable by the FDIC pursuant to the 
provisions of the Act.

     3.  In the event the FDIC accepts the CONSENT AGREEMENT and issues the 
ORDER, it is agreed that no action to enforce said ORDER in the United States 
District Court will be taken by the FDIC unless the Bank or any 
institution-affiliated party, as such term is defined in Section 3(u) of the 
Act, 12 U.S.C. Section 1813(u), has violated or is about to violate any 
provision of the ORDER.

     4.  The Bank hereby waives:

         (a)  The receipt of a Notice of Charges and of Hearing;

         (b)  All defenses in this proceeding;

         (c)  A hearing for the purpose of taking evidence on such alleged 

         (d)  The filing of Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law;


         (e)  A recommended decision of an Administrative Law Judge; and

         (f)  Exceptions and briefs with respect to such recommended decision.

DATED:  October 28, 1997.

BY:                                   BY:

/s/ James L. Miller                   /s/ Steven F. Hertel
________________________________      _____________________________________
James L. Miller                       Steven F. Hertel
Counsel                               Chairman of the Board

                                      /s/ Joseph L. Castanos
                                      Joseph Castanos

                                      /s/ Roy Jura
                                      Roy Jura

                                      /s/ Barbara Palmquist
                                      Barbara Palmquist

                                      /s/ David N. Price
                                      David N. Price

                                      /s/ Daniel Ray
                                      Daniel Ray


                                      /s/ Daniel Suchy
                                      Daniel R. Suchy, M.D.

                                      /s/ Waymon E. Watts
                                      Waymon E. Watts, C.P.A.

                                      Comprising the Board of Directors of
                                      Regency Bank, Fresno, California


                               WASHINGTON, D.C.

- ------------------------------------
In the Matter of                    )                    ORDER TO
                                    )                CEASE AND DESIST
REGENCY BANK                        )
FRESNO, CALIFORNIA                  )
                                    )                  FDIC-97-   b
- ------------------------------------

     Regency Bank, Fresno, California ("Bank"), having been advised of its 
right to a Notice of Charges and of Hearing detailing the unsafe or unsound 
banking practices alleged to have been committed by the Bank and of its right 
to a hearing on the alleged charges under Section 8(b)(1) of the Federal 
Deposit Insurance Act ("Act"), 12 U.S.C. Section 1818(b)(1), and having waived 
ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST ("CONSENT AGREEMENT") with counsel for the Federal 
Deposit Insurance Corporation ("FDIC") dated October 28, 1997, whereby solely 
for the purpose of this proceeding and without admitting or denying the 
alleged charges of unsafe or unsound banking practices, the Bank consented to 
the issuance of an ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST ("ORDER") by the FDIC.

                                     - 2 

     The FDIC considered the matter and determined that it had reason to 
believe that the Bank had engaged in unsafe or unsound banking practices. The 
FDIC, therefore, accepted the CONSENT AGREEMENT and issued the following:

                          ORDER TO CEASE AND DESIST

     IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the Bank, its institution-affiliated parties, 
as that term is defined in Section 3(u) of the Act, 12 U.S.C. Section 1813(u), 
and its successors and assigns cease and desist from the following 
unsafe and unsound banking practices and/or regulations:

     (a)  operating with inadequate management;

     (b)  operating with inadequate equity capital in relation to the volume 
and quality of assets held by the Bank;

     (c)  operating with a large volume of poor quality assets;

     (d)  conducting an excessive amount of real estate development 

     (e)  operating with a large concentration of direct real estate 
investment assets;

     (g)  operating in such a manner as to produce operating losses; and

     (h)  operating in such a manner as to produce low earnings.


    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that the Bank, its institution-affiliated parties, 
and its successors and assigns, take affirmative action as follows:

    1.   The Bank shall have and retain qualified management. 

         (a)  Each member of management shall have qualifications and 
experience commensurate with his or her duties and responsibilities at the 
Bank. Management shall include the following individuals:

              (i)    a chief executive officer with proven ability in 
managing a Bank of comparable size, and experience in resolving a high level 
of classifications, improving earnings, and other matters needing particular 
attention including, but not limited to, resolution of the Bank's real estate 

              (ii)   a chief financial officer with appropriate experience in 
investments, liquidity and funds management; and

              (iii)  a senior lending officer with significant appropriate 
lending, collection, and loan supervision experience.

         (b)  Each member of management shall be provided appropriate written 
authority from the Bank's Board of Directors to implement the provisions of 
this ORDER.

         (c)  The qualifications of management shall be assessed on its 
ability to:


              (i)   comply with the requirements of this ORDER;

             (ii)   operate the Bank in a safe and sound manner;

            (iii)   comply with applicable laws and regulations; and

             (iv)   restore all aspects of the Bank to a safe and sound 
condition, including asset quality, capital adequacy, earnings, management 
effectiveness, and liquidity.

         (d)  During the life of this ORDER, the Bank shall notify the 
Regional Director of the FDIC's San Francisco Regional Office ("Regional 
Director") and Conrad W. Hewitt, Commissioner of the Department of Financial 
Institutions for the State of California ("Commissioner") in writing when it 
proposes to add any individual to the Bank's Board of Directors or to employ 
any individual as a senior executive officer. The notification must be 
received at least 30 days before such addition or employment is intended to 
become effective and should include a description of the background and 
experience of the individual or individuals to be added or employed.

         (e)  The Bank may not add any individual to its Board of Directors 
or employ any individual as a senior executive officer if the Regional 
Director issues a notice of disapproval pursuant to Section 32 of the Act, 
12 U.S.C. Section 1831i.


    2.   (a)  On or before December 31, 1997, the Bank shall increase Tier 1 
capital to an amount not less than the greater of (i) seven (7.0) percent of 
the Bank's total assets or (ii) $14,000,000. Thereafter, during the life of 
this ORDER, the Bank shall maintain Tier 1 capital in such an amount not less 
than the greater of (i) seven (7.0) percent of the Bank's total assets or 
(ii) $14,000,000.

         (b)  Within 60 days from the effective date of this ORDER, the Bank 
shall submit to the Regional Director its plan to comply with the minimum 
risk-based capital requirements as described in the FDIC Statement of Policy 
on Risk-Based Capital contained in Appendix A to Part 325 of the FDIC Rules 
and Regulations, 12 C.F.R. Part 325, Appendix A. The plan shall be in a form 
and manner acceptable to the Regional Director as determined at subsequent 

         (c)  The level of Tier 1 capital to be maintained during the life of 
this ORDER pursuant to Subparagraph 2(a) shall be in addition to a fully 
funded allowance for loan and lease losses, the adequacy of which shall be 
satisfactory to the Regional Director and Commissioner as determined at 
subsequent examinations and/or visitations.

         (d)  Any increase in Tier 1 capital necessary to meet the 
requirements of Paragraph 2 of this ORDER may be accomplished


by the following:

                (i)   the sale of common stock; or

               (ii)   the sale of noncumulative perpetual preferred 
stock; or

              (iii)   the direct contribution of cash by the Board of 
Directors, shareholders, and/or parent holding company; or

               (iv)   any other means acceptable to the Regional 
Director and the Commissioner; or

                (v)   any combination of the above means. 

Any increase in Tier 1 capital necessary to meet the requirements of 
Paragraph 2 of this ORDER may not be accomplished through a deduction 
from the Bank's allowance for loan and lease losses.

         (e)   If all or part of the increase in Tier 1 capital required 
by Paragraph  2 of this ORDER is accomplished by the sale of new 
securities, the Board of Directors shall forthwith take all necessary 
steps to adopt and implement a plan for the sale of such additional 
securities, including the voting of any shares owned or proxies held or 
controlled by them in favor of the plan. Should the implementation of 
the plan involve a public distribution of the Bank's securities 
(including a distribution limited only to the Bank's existing 
shareholders), the Bank shall prepare offering materials fully 
describing the securities being offered, including an accurate 
description of the financial condition of


the Bank and the circumstances giving rise to the offering, and any 
other material disclosures necessary to comply with the Federal 
securities laws. Prior to the implementation of the plan and, in any 
event, not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the dissemination of 
such materials, the plan and any materials used in the sale of 
the securities shall be submitted to the FDIC, Registration and 
Disclosure Section, 550 - 17th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20429, for 
review. Any changes requested to be made in the plan or materials by the 
FDIC shall be made prior to their dissemination. If the increase in Tier 
1 capital is provided by the sale of the noncumulative perpetual 
preferred stock, then all terms and conditions of the issue including, 
but not limited to, those terms and conditions relative to interest rate 
and convertibility factor, shall be presented to the Regional Director 
and the Commissioner for prior approval.

         (f)   In complying with provisions of Paragraph 2 of this 
ORDER, the Bank shall provide to any subscriber and/or purchaser of the 
Bank's securities, a written notice of any planned or existing 
development or other changes which are materially different from the 
information reflected in any offering materials used in connection with 
the sale of Bank securities. The written notice required by this 
Paragraph shall be furnished within ten (10) days from the date such 


development or change was planned or occurred, whichever is earlier, and 
shall be furnished to every subscriber and/or purchaser of the Bank's 
securities who received or was tendered the information contained in the 
Bank's original offering materials.

          (g)   For the purposes of this ORDER, the terms "Tier 1 
capital" and "total assets" shall have the meanings ascribed to them in 
Part 325 of the FDIC Rules and Regulations, 12 C.F.R. Sections 325.2(t) 
and 325.2(v).

     3.   (a)   Within 10 days from the effective date of this ORDER, 
the Bank shall eliminate from its books, by charge-off or collection, 
all assets classified "Loss" and one-half of the assets classified 
"Doubtful" as of July 7, 1997, that have not been previously collected 
or charged off. Elimination of these assets through proceeds of other 
loans made by the Bank is not considered collection for the purpose of 
this Paragraph.

          (b)   The requirements of Subparagraph 3(a) of this ORDER are 
not to be construed as standards for future operations and, in addition 
to the foregoing, the Bank shall eventually reduce the total of all 
adversely classified assets listed in the July 7, 1997 Report of 
Examination to zero. Reduction of these assets through proceeds of other 
loans made by the Bank is not


considered collection for the purpose of this Paragraph.

     4.  Beginning with the effective date of this ORDER, the Bank shall not 
extend, directly or indirectly, any additional credit to, or for the benefit 
of, any borrower who has a loan or other extension of credit from the Bank 
that has been charged off or classified, in whole or in part, "Loss" or 
"Doubtful" and is uncollected. The requirements of this Paragraph shall not 
prohibit the Bank from renewing (after collection in cash of interest due 
from the borrower) any credit already extended to any borrower, unless prior 
approval is given by the Regional Director.

     5.  Upon issuance of this ORDER, the Bank and its wholly-owned 
subsidiary, Regency Service Corporation, may continue to engage in certain 
activities that are not permissible for a subsidiary of a national bank as 
set forth in the Bank's December 27, 1995 application to the FDIC; provided, 
however, that the Bank and Regency Service Corporation shall continue in 
these activities only pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the 
FDIC's November 29, 1996 letter to the Bank which includes, but is not 
limited to, the requirement that Regency Service Corporation divest itself of 
all property currently held by December 31, 1998.


     6.  The Bank's Board of Directors shall maintain an adequate allowance 
for loan and lease losses and shall provide for a review of the allowance at 
least once each calendar quarter. Said review should be completed prior to 
the end of each quarter in order that the findings of the Board of Directors 
with respect to the allowance for loan and lease losses may be properly 
reported in the Bank's quarterly Reports of Condition and Income. The review 
should focus on the results of the Bank's internal loan review, loan and 
lease loss experience, trends of delinquent and non-accrual loans, an 
estimate of potential loss exposure of significant credits, concentrations of 
credit, and present and prospective economic conditions. A deficiency in the 
allowance shall be remedied in the calendar quarter it is discovered, prior 
to submitting the Report of Condition, by a charge to current operating 
earnings. The minutes of the Board of Directors meeting at which such review 
is undertaken shall indicate the results of the review.

     7.  Within 60 days from the effective date of this ORDER, the Bank shall 
revise, adopt, and submit to the Regional Director a plan to control overhead 
and other expenses and restore the Bank's profitability.


     8.  Within 60 days from the effective date of this ORDER, the Bank shall 
prepare and submit to the Regional Director a written business/strategic plan 
covering the overall operation of the Bank. The plan shall be in a form and 
manner acceptable to the Regional Director as determined at subsequent 
examinations and/or visitations.

     9.  The Bank shall not pay cash dividends without the prior written 
consent of the Regional Director and the Commissioner.

    10.  Within 30 days of the end of the first quarter following the 
effective date of this ORDER, and within thirty (30) days of the end of each 
quarter thereafter, the Bank shall furnish written progress reports to the 
Regional Director and the Commissioner detailing the form and manner of any 
actions taken to secure compliance with this ORDER and the results thereof. 
Such reports shall include a copy of the Bank's Report of Condition and the 
Bank's Report of Income. Such reports may be discontinued when the 
corrections required by this ORDER have been accomplished and the Regional 
Director and the Commissioner have released the Bank in writing from making 
further reports.

    This ORDER shall become effective ten (10) days from the date of its 

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     The provisions of this ORDER shall remain effective and enforceable 
except to the extent that, and until such time as, any provisions of this 
ORDER shall have been modified, terminated, suspended, or set aside by the 

     Pursuant to delegated authority.

     Dated at San Francisco, California, this 14th day of November, 1997.

                                 /s/ George J. Masa
                                 George J. Masa
                                 Regional Director
                                 Division of Supervision
                                 San Francisco Region
                                 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation