STATE OF CALIFORNIA


In the Matter of               )
       REGENCY BANK,           )        WAIVER AND CONSENT
       Respondent              )

Regency Bank (the "Bank") consents to the issuance of an order under 
Financial Code Section 1913 substantially in the form attached, marked 
Exhibit A (the "Order").

In addition, in connection with the issuance of the Order, the Bank waives 
(i) the issuance of an order under Financial Code Section 1912, (ii) notice 
and a hearing, and (iii) findings, including findings of fact and ultimate 

Dated: OCTOBER 28, 1997.

                                      REGENCY BANK

                              By      /s/ Steven F. Hertel

                                                  Steven F. Hertel
                                      Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive 
                                                 Officer, President
                                                (Print Name and Title)

                                      STATE OF CALIFORNIA

                              DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS

In the Matter of               )
       REGENCY BANK            )                     FINAL ORDER
                               )            (Financial Code Section 1913)

                                  FINAL ORDER

     Pursuant to Section 1913 of the Financial Code, the Commissioner of 
Financial Institutions of the State of California (the "Commissioner") orders 
as follows:

I.  Regency Bank ("Respondent") shall discontinue its unsafe and injurious 
practices, as follows:

    A.  Respondent shall retain management and maintain a Board of Directors 
(the "Board") acceptable to the Commissioner and the Regional Director of the 
FDIC (the "Regional Director"). Such management shall include a chief 
executive officer, a chief financial officer, and a senior lending officer 
(collectively, "executive officers") qualified to restore Respondent to a 
sound condition, operate Respondent in a safe and sound manner, and comply 
with the provisions of this Order. Without limiting the generality of the 
foregoing, the Commissioner reserves the right to determine whether present 
executive officers and directors of Respondent will continue to be deemed 

    Respondent shall cause its subsidiary, Regency Service Corporation 
("RSC"), to retain management ("RSC Officers"), and maintain a Board of 

acceptable to the Commissioner and the Regional Director of the FDIC. Without 
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Commissioner reserves the right 
to determine whether present RSC Officers and the directors of RSC will 
continue to be deemed acceptable.

          Respondent shall notify the Commissioner and the Regional Director 
in writing whenever it or RSC proposes to add, elect or appoint any 
individual to its Board of Directors or employ any individual as an executive 
officer or an RSC Officer. The notification must be received at least 30 days 
before such addition, election, appointment or employment is intended to 
become effective, and such notice shall include a description of the 
background and experience of the individual or individuals to be added, 
elected, appointed, or employed. Respondent shall not add, elect or appoint 
any individual to the Board, cause or allow any individual to be added, 
elected, or appointed to the Board of Directors of RSC, employ any individual 
as an executive officer, or cause or allow any person to be employed as an 
RSC Officer, if the Commissioner, in response to Respondent's notification 
as required in this paragraph, notifies Respondent of his disapproval.

     B.   By December 31, 1997, Respondent shall increase its tangible 
shareholders' equity (shareholders' equity less intangible assets) to an 
amount not less than the greater of (i) 7 percent of its tangible assets 
(total assets less intangible assets) or (ii) $14,000,000. At all times 
thereafter during the life of this Order, Respondent shall maintain tangible 
shareholders' equity in an amount not less than the greater of (i) 7 percent 
of its tangible assets or (ii) $14,000,000.

     C.   Respondent shall have and maintain at all times an adequate 
allowance for loan and lease losses. The Board shall review the adequacy of 
Respondent's allowance for loan and lease losses prior to the end of each 
calendar quarter. The minutes of the Board meeting at which such review is 
undertaken shall indicate the results of the review, the amount of any 
increase in the allowance and the basis for determination of the amount of 
the allowance provided. In determining the adequacy of 

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the allowance, the Board shall consider, among other things, the size and 
composition of the loan portfolio, the level of problem and past due loans, 
and Respondent's history of loan losses.

     D.   Respondent shall cause RSC to have and maintain at all times an 
adequate reserve for losses on its real estate investments.

     E.   Respondent shall cause RSC to reduce the assets of RSC classified 
as substandard in the Report of Examination of Respondent as of June 30, 1997 
(the "Report of Examination")(to "reduce" means to collect, to charge off, or 
to place in such condition as to not be subject to classification as 
substandard as determined by the Commissioner) so that:

          (1)   By December 31, 1997, the amount of such assets shall have 
been reduced to an amount not to exceed $10,115,000;

          (2)   By March 31, 1998, the amount of such assets shall have been 
reduced to an amount not to exceed $8,750,000;

          (3)   By June 30, 1998, the amount of such assets shall not exceed 

          (4)   By September 30, 1998, the amount of such assets shall not 
exceed $4,900,000;

     F.   By December 31, 1997, Respondent shall develop and adopt and it 
shall therefore implement a plan acceptable to the Commissioner for RSC to 
dispose of all of its real estate investments. The plan shall provide that 
such real estate investments shall be liquidated or otherwise disposed of by 
not later than December 31, 1998.

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     G.   During the life of this Order, Respondent shall not make any 
distribution to its shareholders, except with the prior written approval of 
the Commissioner.

     H.   Within 30 days after the end of the first quarter following the 
date of this Order and within 30 days after the end of each quarter 
thereafter, Respondent shall furnish a written progress report to the 
Commissioner and the Regional Director. The reports shall describe 
Respondent's actions to comply with this Order, and the results of such 

II.  This Order is effective immediately and shall remain effective and 
enforceable except to the extent that and until such time as, the 
Commissioner shall have amended, suspended or terminated this Order.

Dated: 11/14, 1997.

                                        CONRAD W. HEWITT
                                        Commissioner of Financial Institutions

                                        DAVID L. SCOTT
                                        Chief State Bank Examiner

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