Contacts: Roy Winnick or Mark Semer
                                                      Kekst and Company
                                                      212-521-4842 or 4802
                            FOR PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC COMPANY
            -- Transaction Would Establish Combined Enterprise as a Leader
              in the Fast-Growing Electronic Motion Control Business -- 
WALTHAM, Mass., December 15, 1997 -- Kollmorgen Corporation (NYSE: KOL), of 
Waltham, Mass., announced that it has proposed a business combination with 
Pacific Scientific Company (NYSE: PSX), of Newport Beach, Calif., that values 
Pacific Scientific common stock at $20.50 per share.  The offer price 
represents an approximately 33% premium over Pacific Scientific's closing 
market price on Friday, December 12, of $15.44 on the New York Stock Exchange 
and a premium of approximately 37% over the average closing price for the 
preceding 30 trading days.

As part of the proposed transaction, Kollmorgen will today commence a tender 
offer to acquire a majority of Pacific Scientific's common stock outstanding 
for $20.50 per share in cash.  If more than a majority of Pacific Scientific 
shares are tendered into the offer, Kollmorgen will purchase a majority of 
the shares outstanding on a pro rata basis.  The offer, proration period and 
withdrawal rights will expire at 12:00 midnight, New York City time, on 
Wednesday, January 14, 1998, unless the offer is extended. 

Under Kollmorgen's proposal, following the tender offer, Kollmorgen and 
Pacific Scientific would merge, and each remaining share of Pacific 
Scientific common stock would be exchanged for Kollmorgen common stock with a 
value of $20.50, subject to a collar.  Following the merger, Pacific 
Scientific's current shareholders would own approximately 43% of the combined 
enterprise, based upon Kollmorgen's closing stock price on December 12, 1997 
of $16.88.

Kollmorgen believes that the combination would be accretive to the company's 
earnings in 1999 and increasingly so thereafter.

In order to ensure that Pacific Scientific's shareholders are permitted to 
choose freely to accept its offer, Kollmorgen also is announcing today that 
it will solicit consents to call a special meeting of Pacific Scientific's 
shareholders to remove the incumbent members of Pacific Scientific's Board of 
Directors and elect Kollmorgen's nominees to the Board. Under applicable law, 
the holders of 10% of Pacific Scientific's outstanding shares have the power 
to call a special meeting.  Kollmorgen expects that, if elected and subject 
to their fiduciary duties, Kollmorgen's nominees would act to facilitate the 
proposed combination, including by redeeming or otherwise making inapplicable 
to the 



proposed combination, the Rights outstanding under Pacific Scientific's 
shareholder rights plan and approving the proposed business combination (if 
required) under Pacific Scientific's "fair price" charter provision.

Kollmorgen also announced that it is commencing litigation against Pacific 
Scientific and its Board in the United States District Court for the Central 
District of California seeking to assure Pacific Scientific's shareholders 
the right to replace the Pacific Scientific Board and an opportunity to 
accept Kollmorgen's offer and proposed merger.

Salomon Smith Barney is acting as financial advisor to Kollmorgen.  
Kollmorgen has entered into a binding commitment letter with an affiliate of 
Salomon Smith Barney, which has committed, subject to certain conditions, to 
provide $300 million of secured bank financing for the cash necessary to 
consummate the transaction, including amounts necessary to refinance certain 
existing indebtedness and to provide a working capital facility for the 
combined company.

In announcing the proposed combination, Gideon Argov, Chairman of the Board, 
President and Chief Executive Officer of Kollmorgen Corporation, stated: "My 
colleagues and I have been disappointed that to date, Pacific Scientific's 
management and Board of Directors have declined to negotiate our proposal.  
We are firmly convinced that a combination of our two companies offers 
compelling strategic and financial benefits.  We hope that we will now be 
able to engage the Pacific Scientific Board in discussions leading to a 
prompt, friendly negotiated transaction."

Mr. Argov noted that "this transaction will bring together two companies with 
highly complementary motion control product lines.  We are convinced that by 
establishing a combined enterprise with a strong customer base, dedicated 
employees and a strong balance sheet, the new company will be well-positioned 
to aggressively pursue attractive opportunities for external and internal 
growth, to realize its revenue and earnings potential, and to build value for 
its shareholders, customers and employees."

Consummation of the tender offer is subject to certain conditions, including, 
among others, expiration or termination of the applicable waiting period 
under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, receipt of 
the requisite financing for the transaction, approval by Kollmorgen's 
shareholders of the issuance of the Kollmorgen common shares in the proposed 
merger, and satisfaction of conditions relating to Pacific Scientific's 
shareholder rights plan and "fair price" charter provision, all as more fully 
described in Kollmorgen's Offer to Purchase relating to the tender offer.  
Copies of the Offer to Purchase and related documents may be obtained from 
Georgeson & Company Inc., the information agent for the tender offer.
The Kollmorgen offer was communicated today in a letter from Mr. Argov to 
Lester Hill, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Pacific 
Scientific Company.  The following is the complete text of Mr. Argov's letter 
to Mr. Hill: 



                                                              December 15, 1997

Mr. Lester Hill 
Chairman of the Board, President 
  and Chief Executive Officer
Pacific Scientific Company 
620 Newport Center Drive, Suite 700 
Newport Beach, California 92660

Dear Buck: 

In August, you and I met to discuss what we at Kollmorgen believe are the 
compelling merits of a strategic business combination of Kollmorgen 
Corporation and Pacific Scientific Company.  We explored a broad range of 
topics related to such a combination, all of which, my colleagues on the 
Kollmorgen Board and senior management team firmly believe, lead to the 
conclusion that a strategic merger of our two companies offers significant 
benefits to our respective shareholders, customers and employees.   On 
December 9, I again described for you, both over the phone and in my letter 
of that date, what we at Kollmorgen believe are some of the compelling 
strategic, operational and financial benefits of a business combination of 
our two companies and the extraordinary value that combination could 
represent for our respective shareholders.

We at Kollmorgen were thus quite disappointed that in August and again in 
December you refused to seriously consider our proposal for this business 
combination.  Accordingly, we have decided to present our offer directly to 
the shareholders of Pacific Scientific, and are today publicly announcing 
that we will commence a tender offer to acquire half of Pacific Scientific's 
outstanding shares for $20.50 per share in cash.  Under our proposal, 
following completion of the tender offer, Kollmorgen and Pacific Scientific 
will merge, and each remaining share of Pacific Scientific stock will be 
exchanged for Kollmorgen common stock with a value of $20.50 per share, based 
on the average price of Kollmorgen stock during the twenty trading days 
ending five days prior to the meeting of Pacific Scientific shareholders 
called to vote on the merger, subject to a collar. 

Among the key aspects of the transaction we propose are the following: 

- -  A Premium of 33% -- The purchase price of $20.50 per common share 
   represents approximately a 33% premium over Pacific Scientific's closing 
   share price of $15.44 on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, December 
   12, 1997, and approximately a 37% premium over the average of the 
   company's closing share price for the preceding 30 trading days.

- -  Immediate Cash Payment for Half of Pacific Scientific's Capital Stock -- 
   Half of Pacific Scientific's outstanding shares will be purchased for a 
   cash payment of $20.50 per share if the tender offer is successfully 



- -  Continued Participation in the Future Growth of the Combined Company -- 
   Because Pacific Scientific's shareholders have the ability to receive 
   Kollmorgen common stock in the proposed merger, they will have the 
   opportunity to participate in the future growth and success of the 
   combined enterprise.  Upon consummation of the proposed merger, Pacific 
   Scientific shareholders will hold an equity stake of approximately 43% in 
   the combined company, based upon an assumed market value for Kollmorgen 
   common stock of $16.88 per share (the closing price of Kollmorgen common 
   stock on December 12, 1997).
- -  Operating and Revenue Synergies -- Based on public information, Kollmorgen 
   management believes that the combined company can achieve more than $15 
   million of annual operating synergies in 1999, rising to more than $20 
   million in 2000 and increasing thereafter.  Management believes these 
   synergies can be achieved principally from cost savings in selling and 
   marketing expenses and consolidation of research and development, and 
   expects to realize additional synergies from cross-selling opportunities, 
   joint purchasing savings, and reduction in corporate expenses. 

- -  An Accretive Transaction -- Kollmorgen is confident that the proposed 
   combination will be accretive to earnings per share in 1999, the first 
   full year of operations of the combined company, and increasingly so 
   thereafter, based upon the synergies described above. 

- -  Committed Financing -- Kollmorgen has entered into a binding commitment 
   letter with Salomon Smith Barney and its affiliate Salomon Brothers 
   Holding Company Inc in which Salomon Brothers Holding Company Inc has 
   committed to provide, subject to certain conditions, what Kollmorgen 
   believes is a conservatively financed secured bank facility to fully 
   finance the transaction, including the refinancing of existing 
   indebtedness and the provision of a working capital facility for the 
   combined company. 

We continue to firmly believe that consolidation in our industry is 
inevitable, and that neither Pacific Scientific nor Kollmorgen can sit by 
idly while competitors, many of which are much larger than Pacific Scientific 
and Kollmorgen, create the international network and broad product offerings 
that our customers demand.  Kollmorgen believes that this reality, coupled 
with the natural fit of our two companies, makes a Kollmorgen/Pacific 
Scientific combination compelling.  Kollmorgen believes that the combined 
company will offer customers superior products and services.  Among the many 
advantages contributing to the combined company's ability to achieve these 
goals would be: 

- -  Creation of an Industry Leader.  A merger of Kollmorgen and Pacific 
   Scientific will establish the combined enterprise as a leader in high 
   performance electronic motion control -- one of the fastest-growing 
   segments of the motors and controls business.  In a fragmented industry, 
   the combined enterprise will be better-positioned to comprehensively serve 
   the needs of customers and take advantage of consolidation opportunities. 



- -  Strategic and Operational Fit.  Highly complementary motion control 
   product lines will enable the combined company to become a full-service 
   provider.  The combined company will be well-positioned to capitalize on 
   the complementary product lines and differing strengths of Kollmorgen and 
   Pacific Scientific, enabling it to offer a broader array of products and 
   support services to an expanded customer base.  In addition, the combined 
   company would take advantage of cost savings and efficiencies resulting 
   from economies of scale in research and development, marketing, production 
   and sourcing. 

- -  Enhanced Capability to Tap Foreign Markets.  The increased size and global 
   scope of the combined company will enable it to more effectively market 
   its products to customers around the world.  Kollmorgen has already 
   established a local presence in Germany, France, Israel, India, China and 
   elsewhere.  The combined enterprise will be well-positioned to build on 
   this foundation, particularly in Europe and the Pacific Rim.   Kollmorgen 
   believes that the combined company will be able to expand its customer 
   base and offer international on-site product support to customers, while 
   conducting more effective and cost-efficient research and development, 
   marketing, production and sourcing.

- -  Management Team with Proven Track Record.  Kollmorgen management has 
   delivered year over year growth in sales and operating income from 
   continuing operations from 1994 through 1996, and will do so again in 
   1997.  Kollmorgen has achieved this by focusing on its core operations.  
   Kollmorgen also believes that its management has maximized its returns 
   from non-strategic operations.  In addition, Kollmorgen's management has 
   considerable expertise in managing debt, having reduced Kollmorgen's debt 
   and preferred stock obligations by more than 40% during the past three 
   fiscal years and transitioned from fully-secured to unsecured credit 

- -  Enhanced Growth Opportunities.  Kollmorgen believes that the combined 
   enterprise will be well-positioned, strategically, operationally and 
   financially, to aggressively pursue attractive opportunities for external 
   and internal growth. Kollmorgen is confident that the combined company's 
   increased size and scope will enable it to be a leader in the accelerating 
   consolidation of the motion control industry and raise its visibility in 
   the business and financial communities.

We believe that the proposed combination is a bold, exciting initiative for 
Pacific Scientific, Kollmorgen, and the shareholders, customers and employees 
of both companies.  We are firmly committed to pursuing this matter and are 
convinced that your shareholders will strongly support our proposal.  
Although it is clear to us that you have not up to now given adequate 
consideration to a Kollmorgen/Pacific Scientific combination, it is our 
sincere hope that you will take this opportunity to do so.  Your shareholders 
deserve no less than your prompt and full consideration of our proposal and 
the opportunity to realize the full benefits of this proposed combination.  
We are 



certain that once you have undertaken an informed review of our proposal, you 
will share in our vision and will support a combination of our two companies. 
We continue to be interested in proceeding with this transaction on a 
friendly and expeditious basis so that your shareholders, as well as ours, 
can begin to receive promptly the benefits of our offer.

In order to ensure that your shareholders are permitted to choose freely to 
accept our offer, we are also announcing today our intention to solicit 
consents to call a special meeting of Pacific Scientific's shareholders to 
remove the incumbent members of Pacific Scientific's Board of Directors and 
elect our nominees to the Board.  Subject to their fiduciary duties, if 
elected we expect our nominees would amend the Pacific Scientific rights plan 
or redeem the rights to enable the consummation of the proposed transaction, 
approve the proposed transaction if required under Pacific Scientific's 
charter, and take all other actions necessary to remove any impediments to 
your shareholders' ability to accept our offer.  We also intend to submit a 
proposal designed to prevent the current Board from taking any actions to 
frustrate the ability of Pacific Scientific's shareholders to determine the 
future of their company.  

We are also today commencing litigation against Pacific Scientific and the 
Pacific Scientific Board in the United States District Court for the Central 
District of California seeking to assure Pacific Scientific's shareholders 
the right to replace the Pacific Scientific Board and an opportunity to 
accept our offer and proposed merger.

We urge the Pacific Scientific Board of Directors to facilitate the proposed 
transaction and remove all obstacles to the realization of the benefits of 
the combination by your shareholders.  As indicated above, our preference is 
to proceed with the proposed transaction on a friendly basis and with the 
support of Pacific Scientific's management and Board of Directors.  
Accordingly, we and our advisors remain ready and willing to meet with you 
and your advisors at any time to discuss our proposal and commence the 
negotiation of definitive documentation for the transaction.

We look forward to hearing from you.

                                     Very truly yours,
                                     /s/ Gideon Argov 
                                     Chairman, President and 
                                     Chief Executive Officer

cc:  Members of the Board of Directors
     of Pacific Scientific Company

                                        # # #

Kollmorgen's primary business is in the area of high-performance electronic 
motion control.  Growth in this business area is fueled by the need for 
higher productivity in every industrial, commercial, aerospace, and consumer 
market segment.  Additional 


information can be found on the World Wide Web at

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including 
assumptions as to how Kollmorgen, Pacific Scientific and the combined company 
may perform in the future, which are subject to risks and uncertainties, and 
there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be correct.  
Actual results may differ materially.  For a discussion of such risks and 
uncertainties, shareholders are referred to the discussion thereof in the 
consent solicitation materials to be filed today by Kollmorgen with the 
Securities and Exchange Commission.
                                        # # #