
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                        CMN ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS, INC.

      FIRST: The name of the corporation is CMN Associated Publications, Inc.

      SECOND: The corporation is organized for the purpose of transacting any or
all lawful business, not required to be specifically stated herein, for which
corporations may be incorporated under Virginia law.

      THIRD: The corporation shall have the authority to issue up to 1,000
shares of Class A common stock, each such share to have a par value of $1.00. No
holder of shares of of common stock or any other securities of the corporation
shall be entitled to the preemptive right to subscribe to additional shares of
common stock, to warrants or rights for the purchase of such shares or to
securities convertible into such shares.

      FOURTH: The stated capital of the corporation may be reduced in any manner
provided by law without the assent of the stockholders of the corporation.

      FIFTH: The post office address of the initial registered office is 1200
Mutual Building, in the City of Richmond, and the initial registered agent at
that address is Charles W. Laughlin, who is a resident of the State of Virginia
and a member of the Virginia State Bar.

      SIXTH: The number of directors shall be fixed by the by-laws of the
corporation. In the absence of a bylaw fixing the 

number it shall be one. The initial director shall be Alan R. Brill, whose
address is 7417 East Olive Street, Evansville, Indiana 47715.

      SEVENTH: The corporation shall indemnify each director and officer against
liabilities (including judgments and fines and reasonable attorney's fees, costs
and expenses and reasonable amounts paid in settlement) incurred by him in
connection with any actual or threatened action, suit or proceeding, whether
civil, criminal, administrative, arbitrative or investigative (any of which is
hereinafter referred to as a "proceeding") to which he may be made a party by
reason of his being or having been a director or officer of the cor-poration,
except in relation to any proceeding in which he has been adjudged liable
because of willful misconduct, bad faith or gross negligence involved in the
conduct of his office or, in relation to any criminal proceeding, in which he
had reasonable cause to believe his conduct was unlawful (any of which behavior
is hereinafter referred to as "misfeasance"), provided, however, that even if he
is guilty of misfeasance he shall be entitled to such indemnification as shall
be finally ordered by a court. In the event of the disposition of any proceeding
in which no determination of misfeasance has been made, such indemnity shall be
conditioned upon a prior determination that the director or officer acted in
good faith and without misfeasance, and that such payments or obligations arc
reasonable. Such determination shall be made (i) by-the Board of Directors by a
majority vote of a 

quorum consisting of directors who were not parties to such proceeding, (ii) by
independent legal counsel in a written opinion if such a quorum is not
obtainable, or, even if obtainable, if a majority of disinterested directors so
directs, or (iii) by the shareholders. Directors eligible to make any such
determination or to -refer any such determination to independent legal counsel
must act with reasonable promptness when indemnificaiton is sought by any
director or officer.

      Expenses incurred in defending any proceeding may be paid by the
corporation in advance of the final disposition of such proceeding, if
authorized in the manner set forth in the preceding paragraph, upon receipt of
an undertaking by or on behalf of the director or officer to repay such amount
unless it shall ultimately be determined that he is entitled to indemnification.

      Every reference herein to director or officer shall include every director
or officer or former director or officer of the cor-poration and every person
who may have served at the request of the corporation or one of its subsidiaries
as a director or officer or in a similar capacity of another corporation (stock
or non-stock), partnership. joint venture, trust or other enterprise and, in all
such cases, the heirs, executors, and administrators of such officer or

      The corporation may further indemnify each officer and director in any
other manner permitted by law, and shall so indemnify them if directed to do so
by the stockholders.

      Given under by hand this 17th day of December, 1982.

                                          Douglas R. Maxwell Incorporator