Exhibit A(3)(c)

                             COMMISSION AND FEE SCHEDULE


     1. For purposes of this Subsection:

          (a) "Writing Agent" means the Agent whose name appears on the
          application as Agent of Record or the Agent who has been given credit
          by the written consent of the original Agent of Record.

          (b) "Servicing Agent" means the Writing Agent unless his contract has
          terminated or he is no longer servicing the business, or the Agent who
          has been appointed to service the business in the event the Writing
          Agent has terminated or is no longer able to service the business.

          (c) "Band 1 Contract" means Variable Executive Life contracts where
          the anticipated first-year premium is less than $25 million.

          (d) "Band 2 Contract" means Variable Executive Life contracts where
          the anticipated first-year premium is $25 million or more.

          (e) "Internal 1035 Exchange" means a Variable Executive Life contract
          issued in lieu of another NML life insurance policy on the same

          (f) "Cash Value Rollover" means the cash value on an inforce NML
          contract that is deposited into a Variable Executive Life contract at
          time of issue, pursuant to a 1035 exchange.

          (g) "Target premium" means the premium level over which the
          compensation rates vary in the first policy year for Band 1 contracts.

     2. First-year commissions

          (a) Band 1 Contracts - Writing Agent shall be entitled to
          receivecommissions equal to 15% of first-year premium up to the Target
          Premium plus 2.75% of first-year premium in excess of the Target
          Premium on Variable Executive Life policies and contracts issued upon
          applications procured by him pursuant to his Agent's contract. 

          (b) Band 2 Contracts - Writing Agent shall be entitled to receive
          commissions equal to 0.75% of first-year premium on Variable Executive
          Life policies and contracts issued upon applications procured by him
          pursuant to his Agent's contract. 


     3. Service Fees 

          (a) Band 1 Contracts - Servicing Agent shall be entitled to receive
          service fees equal to 2.75% of second and subsequent policy year
          premiums paid on Band 1 Variable Executive Life policies and

          (b) Band 2 Contracts - Servicing Agent shall be entitled to receive
          service fees equal to 0.75% of second and subsequent policy year
          premiums paid on Band 2 Variable Executive Life policies and

     4. Trail Compensation

          Commencing at the end of policy year six and in each subsequent policy
          year, Servicing Agent shall be entitled to receive service fees equal
          to 0.2% of the cash value at the end of the policy year on Band 1 and
          Band 2 Variable Executive     Life policies and contracts.

     5. Internal 1035 Exchanges 

          (a) Cash Value Rollovers - No compensation will be paid on Cash Value

          (b) Band 1 Contracts - On premium other than cash value rollovers,
          Writing Agent shall be entitled to receive commissions equal to 2.75%
          of first-year premium on Band 1 Variable Executive Life policies and
          contracts issued upon applications procured by him pursuant to his
          Agent's contract.  In addition, Servicing Agent shall be entitled to
          receive service fees equal to 2.75% of second and subsequent policy
          year premiums on Band 1 Variable Executive Life policies and

          (c) Band 2 Contracts - On premium other than cash value rollovers,
          Writing Agent shall be entitled to receive commissions equal to 0.75%
          of first-year premium on Band 2 Variable Executive Life policies and
          contracts issued upon applications procured by him pursuant to his
          Agent's contract.  In addition, Servicing Agent shall be entitled to
          receive service fees equal to 0.75% of second and subsequent policy
          year premiums on Band 2 Variable Executive Life policies and

          (d) Trail compensation - Servicing Agent shall also be entitled to
          receive service fees on Internal 1035 Exchanges, as described in
          Subsection 4 above.


     6. Commission Chargebacks

     Commissions and service fees will be charged back for full surrenders in
policy    years one and two, according to the following schedule:

               Full Surrender In                    Chargeback
                 Policy Month                       Percentage
                 ------------                       ----------

                    1-12                              100.00%
                      13                               92.31%
                      14                               84.62%
                      15                               76.92%
                      16                               69.23%
                      17                               61.54%
                      18                               53.85%
                      19                               46.15%
                      20                               38.46%
                      21                               30.77%
                      22                               23.08%
                      23                               15.38%
                      24                                7.69%
                      25+                               0.00%
