THIS AGREEMENT (this "AGREEMENT") is made on     February, 1998


1.    THE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, P.L.C. (registered in England No. 67307)
      having its registered office at 1 Stanhope Gate, London W1A 1EH ("GEC");


2.    IFR SYSTEMS LIMITED (registered in England No. 3491978 ) having its
      registered office at 61, Brook Street, London W1Y 2BL  (the "PURCHASER");


3.    IFR SYSTEMS INC. incorporated in the State of Delaware, U.S.A. and having
      its principal place of business at 10200 West York Street, Wichita,
      Kansas, 67215-8999, USA (the "GUARANTOR").

WHEREAS GEC has agreed to sell and transfer, or procure the sale and transfer 
of, the Shares, and the Purchaser has agreed to purchase or procure the 
purchase of them, on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and the 
Guarantor has agreed to guarantee the Purchaser's obligations hereunder.



1.1   The Schedules form part of this Agreement and shall have the same force
      and effect as if expressly set out in the body of this Agreement and any
      reference to this Agreement shall include the Schedules.

1.2   Certain words and expressions used in this Agreement are defined in
      Schedule 1.


      GEC shall sell or procure the sale of the Shares with full title
      guarantee and the Purchaser shall purchase or procure the purchase of the
      Shares.  The Shares shall be free from all claims, liens, charges,
      encumbrances and equities whatsoever (other than those arising from acts
      of the Purchaser or any of its subsidiaries or subsidiary undertakings)
      and shall be sold with all rights attached or accruing to them at
      Completion including, without limitation, the right to receive all
      dividends, distributions and  any return of capital hereafter declared,
      paid or made in respect of periods commencing on or after Completion.



      The total consideration for the sale of the Shares shall be the payment
      by the Purchaser to GEC of the Aggregate Purchase Price, of which the
      U.S. Purchase Price shall be attributed to the US Shares and the balance
      to the UK Shares.


4.1   Completion shall take place on the Completion date, immediately following
      signature of this Agreement by each of the parties, at the offices of
      GEC's Solicitors. 

4.2   At Completion, GEC shall do or procure the carrying out of those things
      listed in Part 1 of Schedule 2 and the Purchaser shall do or procure the
      carrying out of those things listed in Part 2 of Schedule 2.

4.3   Neither GEC nor the Purchaser shall be obliged to perform its obligations
      in respect of Completion unless the other party complies in all material
      respects with the requirements of sub-clause 4.2 and Part 1 or 2 of
      Schedule 2.

4.4   Neither GEC nor the Purchaser shall be obliged to complete the sale and
      purchase of any of the Shares unless the sale and purchase of all the
      Shares is completed simultaneously.  This sub-clause shall not limit any
      other clause of this Agreement and in particular clause 12 (Remedies and


5.1   Subject to clause 7 (Purchasers' Remedies and GEC's Limitations on
      Liability) and Schedule 4, GEC warrants to the Purchaser in the terms of
      the Warranties at the date of this Agreement but gives no further or
      other warranties.

5.2   Subject to paragraph 2.2 of Schedule 4, each of the Warranties shall be
      construed as a separate and independent warranty.

5.3   (A)  GEC waives and will procure that other members of the GEC Group will
           waive, any rights, remedies, or claims GEC or any other member of
           the GEC Group may have against any Group Company or any director of
           a Group Company or any Employee with respect to claims arising out
           of any information, opinion or advice supplied or given (or omitted
           to be supplied or given) to GEC in connection with the proposed
           entering into of this Agreement  and the sale of such Group Company,
           other than in the case of fraud, wilful misstatement or wilful

      (B)  GEC agrees that any such rights, remedy or claim shall not
           constitute a defence to any claim by the Purchaser under or in
           relation to this Agreement (including the Warranties) or the Tax


5.4   GEC undertakes that, except to the extent permitted by the licences in
      clause 6.4 and clause 6.6, following Completion no member of the GEC
      Group will use any confidential information (including, to the extent
      they are confidential, trade secrets, know-how or financial or trading
      information) proprietary to a Group Company in order to compete with such
      Group Company, and GEC shall not and shall procure that no member of the
      GEC Group nor any officer or employee of GEC or any member of the GEC
      Group shall make use of (to the extent such use would be reasonably
      likely to harm or damage the business of any Group Company) or divulge to
      any third party (other than GEC's professional advisers in which case GEC
      will use its reasonable endeavours to procure that such advisers keep
      such information confidential on terms equivalent to this Clause) any
      confidential information proprietary to any Group Company and save only:

      (A)  insofar as the same has become public knowledge otherwise than,
           directly or indirectly, through GEC's breach of this Clause 5.4 or
           the failure of the officers, employees or professional advisers
           referred to above to keep the same confidential; or

      (B)  to the extent required by law or by any supervisory body or
           regulatory body; or

      (C)  to the extent GEC reasonably considers necessary solely for the
           purposes of defending any claim by the Purchaser or any Group
           Company against GEC or another member of the GEC Group; or

      (D)  to the extent GEC or any member of the GEC Group has a right (except
           any right which it has obtained solely by reason of the GEC Group's
           ownership of Group Companies) to make use of or divulge any
           confidential information relating to the Group Companies on any
           other account including, without limitation, in its capacity as a
           customer of or distributor for the Group Companies.


5.5   GEC undertakes to procure that (except as provided in Clause 5.6 or as
      otherwise agreed in writing with the Purchaser) no members of the GEC
      Group will either solely or jointly with any other person, and whether
      directly or indirectly:

      (A)  within the Territory for a period of 2 years from Completion carry
           on or as an owner be interested in any business, enterprise or
           venture materially competing with any of the businesses carried on
           by the Group Companies at the date of Completion ("the Businesses")
           which fall within the definition of the Restricted Business;

      (B)  for a period of 2 years from Completion solicit, canvass or entice
           away (either on its own account or as the agent of any other person)
           the custom of any 


           person, firm or company who was at any time during the period of two
           years immediately preceding Completion a client or customer of a 
           Group Company for the purpose of offering to such client or customer
           goods or services similar to or materially competing with those of a
           Group Company in a Restricted Business;
      (C)  for a period of 2 years from Completion solicit, canvass or entice
           away any Employee whose basic salary at the date of Completion is in
           excess of L30,000 and who is employed in a sales, technical,
           engineering or managerial capacity to leave the service or
           employment of any Group Company or any other member of the IFR Group
           whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by
           reason of leaving service, provided that the foregoing restriction
           shall not apply to an Employee who responds to a public

5.6   Nothing in this Agreement (but without prejudice to the express
      provisions of clauses 6.4 and 6.6) shall prevent any member of the GEC
      Group (or require GEC to prevent any member of the GEC Group) from:

      (A)  carrying on any business carried on by the relevant member of the
           GEC Group at the date of this Agreement, or from developing or
           extending such business in such manner as it sees fit including, for
           such purpose, soliciting, canvassing or enticing away the custom of
           any person, firm or company provided that the primary purpose of
           such development or extension is not to enable the GEC Group to
           re-enter the Restricted Business;

      (B)  establishing and carrying on any business consisting in whole or in
           part of the distribution of products for any third party, whether or
           not such products compete with any product offered by any Group
           Company, but so that this paragraph shall not operate to release any
           member of the GEC Group from any obligations it may have to any
           Group Company under any other agreement (including, without
           limitation, any exclusivity provisions under distribution

      (C)  (i) acquiring any group, company or other entity or any business or
           undertaking (the "Acquired Entity") which carries on or comprises or
           includes a Restricted Business which competes with any of the
           Businesses operating within the Restricted Business (the "Competing
           Business"), provided that  the turnover of the Competing Business
           has in the last complete financial year of the Acquired Entity prior
           to its acquisition by a member of the GEC Group represented less
           than 40 per cent. of the turnover of all the businesses carried on
           by the Acquired Entity (excluding turnover of businesses of the
           Acquired Entity which are excluded from the acquisition by the GEC
           Group so far as ascertainable from the last audited accounts of the
           Acquired Entity) , or (ii) thereafter from carrying on  the
           Competing Business, or developing or extending the Competing
           Business in such manner as it sees fit provided in each case that
           the primary purpose of such acquisition, development or 


           extension is not to enable the GEC Group to re-enter the 
           Restricted Business. For the purposes of this paragraph (C), a 
           group, company, other entity, undertaking or business shall be 
           deemed to carry on or comprise or include any business  which 
           it owns directly or indirectly through one or more other 
           companies, entities, undertakings or businesses; or

      (D)  acquiring any shares listed on a recognised stock exchange not
           exceeding 10 per cent of the issued voting share capital of the
           relevant company, provided that the primary purpose of such
           acquisition is not to enable the GEC Group to re-enter the
           Restricted Business.

      "Restricted Business" means the manufacture and distribution of microwave
      and radio frequency test and measurement equipment and related services
      to the communications and printed circuit board industries as carried on
      by any Group Company at the date of this agreement, excluding equipment
      with self-testing capability and existing competing businesses within the
      GEC Group.

5.7   GEC confirms that it is not its intention to procure the termination at
      or within 6 months of Completion by GEC Group Companies of the agreements
      to which Disclosure Document 17-120 relates  with Group Companies solely
      by reason of the change of control of the Group Companies.

5.8   Each undertaking contained in Clause 5.5 shall be construed as a separate
      undertaking and if one or more of the undertakings contained in such
      sub-Clause is held to be against the public interest or unlawful or in
      any way an unreasonable restraint of trade the remaining undertakings
      shall continue to bind GEC.

5.9   If any undertaking contained in Clause 5.5 would be void as drawn but
      would be valid if the period of application were reduced or if some part
      of the undertaking were deleted, the undertaking in question shall apply
      with such modification as may be necessary to make it valid and

5.10  GEC hereby grants and shall procure that each member of the GEC Group at
      the date hereof grants, with effect from Completion, a non-exclusive,
      irrevocable, non-transferable, royalty-free, perpetual worldwide licence
      to the Purchaser for the benefit of itself, each member of the IFR Group
      and each Group Company to use (which shall include the right to
      sub-contract) all Intellectual Property (except for the Names) and any
      confidential information or other know-how owned at Completion by any
      member of the GEC Group for the purpose for which it was used by any
      Group Company prior to the date of Completion and for the purpose of
      developing, manufacturing and selling any improvement, modification or
      adaptation of products manufactured or in the course of development at
      Completion.  If the Purchaser, any member of the IFR Group or any Group
      Company wishes to extend the benefit of any of the rights granted to it
      pursuant to this clause 5.10, then it shall notify the Head of the GEC
      Patent Department in writing and GEC will promptly respond to such
      request and will not unreasonably refuse and shall procure that each
      member of the GEC


      Group shall not unreasonably refuse the grant of a licence on 
      reasonable terms to a third party licensed by a Group Company to 
      manufacture a product manufactured and sold by any such Group 
      Company at Completion provided that GEC shall not be obliged to 
      license or procure that the relevant member of the GEC Group 
      licenses such third party where the third party intends to 
      incorporate such product into another product, the sale or supply 
      of which would or might compete with any business of the GEC Group 
      at such time and provided further that GEC shall be obliged to 
      grant or procure the grant of such licence where the third party 
      manufacturer was licensed by a Group Company in circumstances where 
      the Group Company did not know and did not have grounds to believe 
      that the manufacture of the relevant product required a licence of 
      such rights from a member of the GEC Group.

5.11  To the extent that GEC or any member of the GEC Group is aware that any
      registered Intellectual Property is subject to the licence granted
      pursuant to clause 5.10, then it shall use its reasonable endeavours not
      to allow any such registration to cease by virtue of non-payment of any
      renewal fees without first offering to assign the relevant Intellectual
      Property to the Purchaser and if the Purchaser requests an assignment GEC
      or the relevant member of the GEC Group shall take all reasonable steps
      necessary to effect such assignment at the cost of the Purchaser.  If
      such Intellectual Property is assigned it shall be deemed to be included
      in the Intellectual Property licensed to the GEC Group pursuant to clause

5.12  GEC and the Purchaser shall use their reasonable endeavours to ensure
      that the patent and registered trade mark files relating to the
      Intellectual Property owned by the Group Companies (including all
      relevant files relating to the prosecution of patent and registered trade
      mark applications and any disputes in relation to patents and registered
      trade marks and applications therefor) are transferred to the Purchaser
      in an orderly manner in the 6 month period following Completion and for
      such period, at the written request and expense of the Purchaser, GEC
      shall provide the services of the GEC Patent Department consistent with
      those services provided immediately prior to Completion.  While any such
      file is in the possession of GEC, GEC shall, unless otherwise notified in
      writing, pay on behalf of the Purchaser any renewal or other official
      fees necessary to maintain in force any patent or registered trade mark
      or continue the prosecution of any application for patent or trade mark
      registration.  The Purchaser shall promptly pay all reasonable costs of
      GEC in providing such services (including all such fees paid by GEC on
      behalf of the Purchaser) which may include assistance with existing
      disputes relating to the business of the Group Companies.  GEC shall, at
      the request of the Purchaser, promptly deliver to the Purchaser to a site
      in the UK all relevant files and documents relating to the Intellectual
      Property owned by the Group Companies to the extent that such files and
      documents are not already in the possession of any of the Group

5.13  If either GEC or the Purchaser discovers at any time after Completion
      that any Group Company owns any Intellectual Property at the Completion
      Date which relates


      exclusively to any business carried on by the GEC Group prior to 
      the Completion Date, it shall immediately notify the other.  
      Thereafter, at the request and expense of GEC, the Purchaser 
      undertakes to use its reasonable endeavours to procure the 
      assignment of any such Intellectual Property to GEC or to a member 
      of the GEC Group nominated by GEC.

5.14  (A)    The Purchaser shall give reasonable prior notice to GEC (with all
             relevant details) of any payment which is proposed to be made by a
             Group Company to any relevant executive of the Group Companies in
             satisfaction in whole or in part of any sum due to such executive
             by way of retention bonus or enhancement to the Management Bonus
             Scheme as detailed in  Disclosure Document 17-81.  If GEC is
             satisfied that the proposed payment is in accordance with such
             arrangements, it will forthwith reimburse the relevant Group
             Company the amount of the payment upon receipt of confirmation
             from the Purchaser that the payment has been made, provided that
             GEC's obligations under this sub-clause 5.14(A) shall not apply
             with respect to any payment of any management bonus payable to
             executives of Group Companies in the ordinary course.

      (B)    GEC will pay Peter Smith's management bonus which falls due
             shortly after Completion.  On Marconi (UK) being notified by GEC
             that payment has been made the Purchaser will procure that Marconi
             (UK) promptly reimburses such amount (excluding any retention
             element or enhancement attributable to the sale of the Shares) to

5.15  GEC undertakes that if:-

      (i)    the Purchaser shall have first specifically identified to GEC
             those matters which it wishes to examine by reference to the Books
             and Records of the GEC Group for the purposes of managing the
             business of the Group; and

      (ii)   the GEC Group has Books and Records which can reasonably be
             regarded as of assistance to the Purchaser in connection with the
             matters specified by it pursuant to paragraph (i) above; and

      (iii)  the matters specified by the Purchaser pursuant to paragraph (i)
             above may reasonably be regarded as proper matters for
             investigation for the purposes of managing the business of the
             Group and have no connection with any dispute between any member
             of the GEC Group and any member of the IFR Group, whether such
             dispute has already commenced or is within the contemplation of
             the Purchaser (in which cases the normal rules of discovery will

      GEC will itself, and will procure that each member of the GEC Group will,
      during the period of six years from the date of this Agreement provide to
      the Purchaser and any person authorised by the Purchaser such access to
      those Books and Records of the GEC Group as may reasonably be regarded as
      of assistance to the Purchaser in


      connection with the matters specified by it pursuant to paragraph 
      (i) above.  Access to the Books and Records of the GEC Group 
      pursuant to this clause shall be given during normal business 
      hours, upon reasonable notice having been given and subject to the 
      giving of such undertakings as to confidentiality as GEC or the 
      relevant GEC Group member may reasonably require.  GEC will 
      instruct the directors and employees or any relevant member of the 
      GEC Group promptly to provide to the Purchaser or any person 
      authorised by the Purchaser any further information or explanation 
      (to the extent known to such directors or employees) which the 
      Purchaser or any such person may reasonably request in connection 
      with any relevant matter.

5.16  The Purchaser acknowledges that the dispute over the termination by
      Marconi (UK) of its distribution agreement with Marconi SpA has been
      settled by the deduction by Marconi SpA of L95,000 from sums owing by
      Marconi SpA to Marconi (UK) and by Marconi (UK)'s agreement to acquire
      stock from Marconi SpA at prices which may be in excess of net book value
      up to an aggregate excess amount of L15,000.  GEC undertakes to pay the
      Purchaser by way of adjustment to the Aggregate Purchase Price (i) the
      amount of L95,000, within 3 working days of Completion, and (ii) promptly
      upon its being given all relevant details, the amount of any excess
      payment over net realisable value to Marconi SpA for stock up to an
      aggregate amount of L15,000.  The Purchaser will procure that Marconi
      (UK) acknowledges that it will not take any action to recover from
      Marconi SpA the amount so deducted.

5.17  The Purchaser undertakes to procure that Marconi (UK) keeps GEC fully
      informed of all notices or other communications (written or oral)
      received by Marconi (UK) from the Scottish Office in connection with any
      possible requirement for the grant referred to in the disclosure in the
      Disclosure Letter under Warranty 10 to be repaid and that Marconi (UK)
      permits GEC the conduct on its behalf of all discussions and
      correspondence with the Scottish Office which may arise in connection
      with any such possible requirement.  In the event that Marconi (UK) is
      required to repay the whole or any part of the amount of such grant
      received by it, GEC undertakes to the Purchaser to reimburse Marconi (UK)
      forthwith the amount of any repayment of such grant made by Marconi (UK)
      to the Scottish Office.


6.1   Each of the Purchaser and the Guarantor warrants to GEC that in respect
      of itself:-

      (A)  it has the requisite power and authority to enter into and perform
           this Agreement and all or any other documents to be executed by it
           and delivered at Completion in accordance with this Agreement;

      (B)  this Agreement constitutes and all or any other documents executed
           by it which are to be delivered at Completion will, when executed,
           constitute obligations binding on it; and


      (C)  the execution and delivery of, and the performance by it of its 
           obligations under this Agreement will (or with the giving of notice
           or lapse of time or both would) not:-

           (i)    result in a breach of a statutory provision or regulation
                  applicable to it of any provision of its memorandum or
                  articles of association or other constitutional documents;

           (ii)   result in a breach of any order, judgment or decree of any
                  court or governmental agency to which it or any member of the
                  Purchaser's Group is a party or by which it or any member of
                  the Purchaser's Group is bound; or

           (iii)  require the consent of its shareholders;

      and the Guarantor further warrants to GEC that it owns, directly or
      indirectly, all the issued share capital of the Purchaser and is the
      "ultimate parent entity" of the Purchaser within the meaning of Rule
      801.1 promulgated under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act
      of 1976.

6.2   The Purchaser undertakes to use its reasonable endeavours to procure
      that, as soon as reasonably practicable following Completion or (in the
      case of any GEC Security of which GEC has not informed the Purchaser in
      writing on or prior to the date hereof) as soon as reasonably practicable
      after the Purchaser becomes aware of such GEC Security, GEC and each
      other member of the GEC Group is released from the GEC Securities and
      undertakes to hold GEC, for itself and as trustee for its subsidiaries
      and the relevant members of the GEC Group indemnified and to keep it and
      them indemnified from and against all actions, claims, proceedings, loss,
      damage, payments, costs or expenses incurred by GEC or any member of the
      GEC Group in relation to or arising out of any such GEC Securities.

6.3   (A)  The Purchaser acknowledges that the Names are and shall remain the
           property of the GEC Group and that nothing in this Agreement shall
           transfer or operate as an agreement to transfer any right, title or
           interest in any of the Names to the Purchaser.  

      (B)  The Purchaser will comply with, and procure the compliance by all
           the Group Companies with, the provisions of Schedule 7.  Subject as
           provided in Schedule 7, the Purchaser undertakes that it shall not
           and shall procure that no Group Company nor any other member of the
           Purchaser's Group shall at any time after the period of nine months
           commencing at Completion make any use of any trade marks or business
           or corporate names consisting of or incorporating any of the Names
           and/or any trade mark or business or corporate name confusingly
           similar thereto in relation to any goods or services.  The Purchaser
           shall indemnify and hold harmless GEC and all members of the GEC
           Group for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature


           which arises out of the use by the Group Companies of any of the 
           Names after Completion.

6.4   Subject to the provisions of clause 5.5, the Purchaser hereby grants and
      shall procure that each of the Companies and their subsidiaries or
      subsidiary undertakings at the date hereof (the "Present Group") grants,
      with effect from Completion, a non-exclusive, irrevocable,
      non-transferable, royalty-free, perpetual worldwide licence to GEC for
      the benefit of itself and each GEC Group Company to use (which shall
      include the right to sub-contract) for the purpose of the business of
      each GEC Group Company at the date hereof all Intellectual Property and
      any confidential information or other know-how owned at Completion by any
      of the Group Companies for the purpose for which it was used by any GEC
      Group Company prior to the date of Completion and for the purpose of
      developing, manufacturing and selling any improvement, modification or
      adaptation of products manufactured or in the course of development at
      Completion. If any member of the GEC Group wishes to extend the benefit
      of any of the rights granted to it pursuant to this clause 6.4, then it
      shall notify the Purchaser in writing and the Purchaser will promptly
      respond to such request and will not unreasonably refuse and shall
      procure that the Present Group or such other member of the IFR Group that
      owns such Intellectual Property shall not unreasonably refuse the grant
      of a licence on reasonable terms in respect of any such extension to a
      third party licensed by a member of the GEC Group to manufacture a
      product manufactured and sold by any member of the GEC Group at
      Completion provided that the Purchaser shall not be obliged to license or
      procure a licence to such third party where the third party intends to
      incorporate such product into another product, the sale or supply of
      which would or might compete with any business of the IFR Group at such
      time and provided further that the Purchaser shall be obliged to grant or
      procure the grant of such licence where the third party manufacturer was
      licensed by a member of the GEC Group in circumstances where the member
      of the GEC Group did not know and did not have grounds to believe that
      the manufacture of the relevant product required a licence of rights
      owned at Completion by a Group Company.

6.5   To the extent that the Purchaser or any Group Company is aware that any
      registered Intellectual Property is subject to the licence granted
      pursuant to clause 6.4 then it shall use its reasonable endeavours not to
      allow any such registration to cease by virtue of non-payment of renewal
      fees without first offering to assign the relevant Intellectual Property
      to GEC and if GEC requests an assignment the Purchaser or any relevant
      Group Company shall take all reasonable steps necessary to effect such
      assignment at the cost of GEC.  If such Intellectual Property is
      assigned, it shall be deemed to be included in the Intellectual Property
      licensed to the Purchaser, any member of the IFR Group or to any of the
      Group Companies pursuant to clause 5.10.

6.6   Subject to clause 5.5, the Purchaser hereby grants and shall procure that
      each member of the Present Group grants, with effect from Completion, a
      non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual licence to GEC for
      the benefit of itself and any other member of the GEC Group at the date
      hereof to use all rights under any patent


      or patent application (or any patent derived therefrom) owned by any 
      member of the Group at Completion for the purpose of carrying on any 
      business which does not compete with the businesses of the Group, it 
      being understood that any use of such rights for the purpose of carrying 
      on business which at the time the use commences does not compete with 
      the business of the Group may continue notwithstanding that the business 
      of the Group changes such that the business carried on competes with 
      such business.  Any licence granted shall not include the right to 
      sub-license but shall be transferable to a purchaser (whether by shares 
      or assets) of all or a substantial part of any business using any or all 
      of such patent rights to the extent that such rights are used at such 

6.7   If either GEC or the Purchaser discovers at any time after Completion
      that any GEC Group Company owns any Intellectual Property at the
      Completion Date which relates exclusively to any business carried on by
      the Group prior to the Completion Date, it shall immediately notify the
      other.  Thereafter, at the request of the Purchaser, GEC undertakes, at
      its expense, to use its reasonable endeavours to procure the assignment
      of any such Intellectual Property to the member of the Purchaser's Group
      nominated by the Purchaser.  Nothing in this clause 6.7 shall be deemed
      to deprive the Purchaser of any claim it may have against GEC for breach
      of any Warranties concerning Intellectual Property.

6.8   The Purchaser further warrants to GEC as follows:

      (A)  The Purchaser is purchasing the Shares partly for the Purchaser's
           own account and partly for the account of another member of the IFR
           Group for investment purposes only and not with a view to, or for
           sale in connection with, a distribution of the Shares within the
           meaning of the Securities Act.  Neither the Purchaser nor any other
           member of the IFR Group has any present intention of selling or
           otherwise disposing of all or any portion of the Shares and no one
           other than the Purchaser or another member of the IFR Group has or
           will have following Completion, any beneficial ownership of any of
           the Shares;

      (B)  The Purchaser is a sophisticated investor having such knowledge and
           experience that it is capable of protecting its own interests in
           connection with purchase of the Shares.

      (C)  At no time was the Purchaser presented with or solicited by any
           publicly issued or circulated newspaper, mail, radio, television or
           other form of general advertising or solicitation in connection with
           the offer, sale and purchase of the Shares;

      (D)  The Purchaser understands that the Shares have not been registered
           under the Securities Act or qualified under applicable state
           securities laws or exemptions from such registration and
           qualification requirements are available and may 


           not be offered, sold or otherwise disposed of in violation of the 
           registration requirements of the Securities Act or any state 
           securities law.

6.9   The Purchaser undertakes itself to, and to procure that each Group
      Company shall, provide to GEC and any person authorised by GEC for six
      years from Completion such access during normal business hours to the
      premises and all the Books and Records and title deeds of the Group as
      GEC or any person authorised by GEC may reasonably require in connection
      with the conduct of the business of the GEC Group or the previous
      ownership of the Group by the GEC Group upon reasonable notice and
      subject to giving such undertakings as to confidentiality as the
      Purchaser or the relevant Group Company may reasonably require and the
      Purchaser or the relevant Group Company will instruct its directors and
      employees to give promptly all information and explanations to GEC or any
      person authorised by GEC as they may reasonably request in connection

6.10  As indicated in Clause 5.3, the Purchaser acknowledges directors and
      Employees of Group Companies have been involved in matters relating to
      GEC's proposals for the sale of the Shares.  The Purchaser acknowledges
      no charges in respect of any time spent by such directors or Employees
      shall be made to GEC or any other member of the GEC Group.  GEC
      acknowledges that it will be responsible for the payment of any fees,
      costs and/or expenses due to any professional advisers in relation to
      GEC's proposals for the sale of the Shares and to the extent that any
      such fees, costs and/or expenses have been invoiced to a Group Company,
      GEC will pay the same or (if they have already been paid) forthwith
      reimburse the relevant Group Company.

6.11  The Purchaser acknowledges that it is aware that the payment of the
      Pre-Sale Dividend and related capital reorganisation of Marconi (UK),
      details of which are set out in Schedule 12, has occurred and undertakes
      that it will not and will procure that no member of the Group or the IFR
      Group shall take any steps to challenge the validity or enforceability
      thereof.  If any successful challenge is made to the Pre-Sale Dividend or
      related capital reorganisation of Marconi (UK), such that the whole or
      any part of the Pre-Sale Dividend or other amounts specified in Schedule
      12 has to be repaid to Marconi (UK), the Purchaser will pay to GEC, as
      additional consideration for the sale of the Shares, a sum equal to that
      part of the Pre-Sale Dividend or other specified payment so repaid less
      (i) any reasonable costs and expenses (including taxes) of the Purchaser
      and Marconi (UK) incurred as a result of or in connection with such a
      challenge or repayment and (ii) an amount equal to the amount of any
      claim for breach of any of the Warranties contained in paragraph 9.2 of
      schedule 3 which has either been accepted as a liability by GEC or which
      has been determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be payable by
      GEC or which the Purchaser is bona fide able to show reasonable grounds
      for its belief that GEC is liable for the amount of such claim and has
      been advised by leading counsel of at least 10 years call that it would
      have reasonable prospects of success were it to pursue such claim in
      legal proceedings provided that if GEC is subsequently found not to be
      liable for such claim, the Purchaser shall immediately refund to GEC the
      amount deducted, together 


      with interest from the date on which the payment would have been due had 
      the deduction not been made.

6.12  The Purchaser hereby confirms and undertakes to GEC that it has prior to
      Completion made an offer to Peter Smith to employ him as from Completion
      on overall terms (excluding pension terms) economically the same as or
      better than those on which he was immediately prior thereto employed.

6.13  The Purchaser acknowledges that GEC has no liability under the Tax
      Covenant or otherwise in respect of any tax which may fall to be payable
      in respect of payments received from Rohde & Schwarz since the Accounts


7.1   The Purchaser's right to claim that a Warranty has been breached shall be
      limited as set out in clause 7.2 and in Schedule 4, and no liability
      shall attach to GEC in respect of claims under the Warranties or the Tax
      Covenant, as the case may be, if and to the extent that such limitations

7.2   The Purchaser shall not be entitled to claim that any fact causes any of
      the Warranties to be breached if it was fairly disclosed or deemed to be
      disclosed in the Disclosure Letter or on the face of any document
      delivered with or referred to in the Disclosure Letter.  Notwithstanding
      the foregoing GEC acknowledges that the Purchaser's right to claim under
      the Tax Covenant or the Environmental Undertaking shall not be affected
      or restricted by any disclosure in the Disclosure Letter or documents
      delivered with or referred to in it.

7.3   If, following Completion, the Purchaser becomes aware that there has been
      any material breach of the Warranties or any other term of this
      Agreement, the Purchaser shall not be entitled to treat this Agreement as
      terminated but shall, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of
      Schedule 4, be entitled to claim damages under this Agreement.

7.4   Each of the parties acknowledges that the restrictions contained in
      clauses 5.4 and 17 shall continue to apply after the completion of the
      sale and purchase of the Shares under this Agreement without limit in


8.1   In consideration of GEC agreeing to sell the Shares on the terms set out
      in this Agreement, the Guarantor hereby unconditionally and irrevocably
      guarantees to GEC as a primary obligor and notwithstanding any want of
      authority, invalidity or other defect the due and punctual performance
      and observance by the Purchaser of all of its obligations, commitments
      and undertakings under or pursuant to this Agreement or any other
      document referred to in it and agrees to indemnify GEC in respect of any
      breach by the Purchaser of any of its obligations, commitments and


      under or pursuant to this Agreement or any other document referred to 
      in it.  The liability of the Guarantor under this Agreement or any other 
      document referred to in it shall not be released or diminished by any 
      variation of the terms of this Agreement or any other document referred 
      to in it (whether or not agreed by the Guarantor), any forbearance, 
      neglect or delay in seeking performance of the obligations hereby imposed
      or any granting of time for such performance.

8.2   If and whenever the Purchaser defaults for any reason whatsoever in the
      performance of any obligation, commitment or undertaking undertaken or
      expressed to be undertaken under or pursuant to this Agreement or any
      other document referred to in it, the Guarantor shall forthwith upon
      demand unconditionally perform (or procure performance of) and satisfy
      (or procure satisfaction of) the obligation, commitment or undertaking in
      regard to which such default has been made in the manner prescribed by
      this Agreement or any other document referred to in it and so that the
      same benefits shall be conferred on GEC as would have been received if
      such obligation, commitment or undertaking had been duly performed and
      satisfied by the Purchaser.

8.3   This guarantee is to be a continuing guarantee and accordingly is to
      remain in force until all the obligations of the Purchaser shall have
      been performed or satisfied regardless of the legality, validity or
      enforceability of any provisions of this Agreement and notwithstanding
      the winding-up, liquidation, dissolution or other incapacity of the
      Purchaser or any change in the status, control or ownership of the
      Purchaser.  This guarantee is in addition to, without limiting and not in
      substitution for, any rights or security which GEC may now or after the
      date of this Agreement have or hold for the performance and observance of
      the obligations, commitments and undertakings of the Purchaser under or
      in connection with this Agreement or any other document referred to in

8.4   As a separate and independent stipulation, the Guarantor agrees that any
      obligation, commitment or undertaking expressed to be undertaken by the
      Purchaser (including, without limitation, any moneys expressed to be
      payable under this Agreement) which may not be enforceable against or
      recoverable from the Purchaser by reason of any legal limitation,
      disability or incapacity on or of the Purchaser or any fact or
      circumstance (other than any limitation imposed by this Agreement) shall
      nevertheless be enforceable against and recoverable from the Guarantor as
      though the same had been incurred by the Guarantor and the Guarantor were
      the sole or principal obligor in respect thereof and shall be performed
      or paid by the Guarantor on demand.

8.5   If the Guarantor shall at any time after the date of this Agreement cease
      to be the ultimate holding company of the Purchaser as a result of a
      reorganisation of the IFR Group, GEC may require that the Guarantor and
      the Purchaser procure such company as has become the ultimate holding
      company of the Purchaser to assume (subject to the satisfaction of such
      conditions precedent as GEC may reasonably require) all the liabilities
      of the Guarantor hereunder and to enter into such documentation as GEC


      may reasonably require in this connection.  The Guarantor and the
      Purchaser jointly and severally undertake to GEC to provide all such
      co-operation and take all such steps as GEC may reasonably request for
      the purposes of giving effect to this clause.


      In this clause:-

      "Cross Licence"                  means an agreement which involves (a)
                                       the licensing by GEC of all or a
                                       substantial part of the patent rights
                                       of the GEC Group in a field or relating
                                       to a specific period of time to another
                                       company or group ("the other party");
                                       and (b) the licensing by the other
                                       party of all or a substantial part of
                                       its patent rights in a field or
                                       relating to a specific period of time
                                       to the GEC Group

      "Deed of Assignment"             means the deed dated 5th February, 1998
                                       in which Marconi (UK) agreed to assign
                                       certain rights to GEC;

      "FN and FM Matters"              means the matters relating to the
                                       alleged infringement by and possible
                                       licensing of the FN and FM Patents to
                                       Hewlett Packard disclosed in paragraph
                                       18.5(K) of the Disclosure Letter (and
                                       associated Disclosure Documents)

      "Hewlett Packard"                means Hewlett Packard Company and any
                                       of its subsidiaries, affiliates or
                                       associated companies

      "HP Claims"                      means any claims made by Hewlett
                                       Packard relating to Hewlett Packard
                                       patents identified in paragraphs
                                       18.4(F), (G), (H), (I), (K), (L) and
                                       (O) of the Disclosure Letter (and
                                       associated Disclosure Documents) or

                                       (i)   relate to a patent subsisting at
                                             Completion that covers products
                                             sold or processes used by a Group
                                             Company prior to Completion; and 

                                       (ii)  are initiated or brought for the
                                             first time within twelve months
                                             of the later of 


                                             Completion and the date of issue 
                                             of any proceedings against Hewlett
                                             Packard alleging infringement of
                                             any of the FN or FM patents 

      "Infringer"                      shall have the meaning given to it in
                                       clause 9.10

      "Infringer Claim"                means any claims made against any
                                       member of the IFR Group or a Group
                                       Company by an Infringer which:

                                       (i)   relate to a patent subsisting at
                                             Completion that covers products
                                             sold or processes used by a Group
                                             Company prior to Completion; and 

                                       (ii)  are initiated or brought for the
                                             first time after GEC has taken
                                             conduct or proceedings in
                                             accordance with clause 9.10 and
                                             communicated with an Infringer in
                                             relation to the FN and FM Patents

      "MI Field"                       means testing and measuring equipment
                                       and/or systems for calibrating, testing
                                       or monitoring the output and
                                       performance of electrical, electronic
                                       or telecommunications products or
                                       components of the same 

      "Net Receipts"                   means all sums paid by an Infringer or
                                       existing licensee after the date hereof
                                       (excluding, for the avoidance of doubt,
                                       Hewlett Packard) relating to the
                                       enforcement or licensing of the FN and
                                       FM Patents whether by way of damages,
                                       account of profits, up front payment or
                                       periodic licence fees or royalty,
                                       contribution towards costs, expenses or
                                       otherwise less all reasonable costs
                                       incurred after Completion and paid by
                                       the person with conduct of the
                                       negotiations or litigation against the
                                       Infringer to external lawyers, patent
                                       agents (internal or external),
                                       accountants or experts directly
                                       attributable to the enforcement or
                                       licensing of such rights.



9.1   GEC hereby indemnifies and shall keep indemnified the Purchaser and any
      member of the IFR Group and any of the Group Companies against all costs,
      claims, losses, damages arising out of any of the HP Claims, subject to
      the provisions of clauses 9.2 to 9.8 and without limitation compliance by
      the Purchaser, the IFR Group and the Group Companies of the undertakings
      and obligations set out in clause 9.3 and 9.5.

9.2   Subject to clause 9.7, GEC shall have sole conduct of the HP Claims, but
      shall keep the Purchaser regularly informed of all substantive matters
      relating to the HP Claims.

9.3   The Purchaser undertakes that it shall not, and shall procure that the
      Group Companies do not, directly or indirectly communicate with Hewlett
      Packard in relation to the HP Claims or FN and FM Matters and undertakes
      not to grant a licence to Hewlett Packard under the FN and FM Patents
      without the consent of GEC.

9.4   The Purchaser shall at the cost of GEC use its best endeavours to procure
      that GEC (or such other company within the GEC Group nominated by GEC) is
      granted all rights and given all consents necessary to enforce the FN and
      FM Patents against Hewlett Packard in the name of the registered
      proprietor of such patents.  Nothing in this clause 9.4 shall oblige the
      Purchaser to assign or procure the assignment of any of the FN or FM
      Patents to GEC or any member of the GEC Group.

9.5   The Purchaser shall procure that GEC is provided with all reasonable
      assistance from relevant personnel within the Group Companies in relation
      to the enforcement of the FN and FM Patents against or licensing of the
      FN and FM Patents to Hewlett Packard or the defence or settlement of the
      HP Claims consistent with the assistance provided to GEC Patent
      Department prior to Completion.  GEC shall pay all reasonable costs
      associated with the provision of such assistance.

9.6   Subject to clause 9.7, the Purchaser shall or shall procure that the
      proprietor of the FN and FM Patents shall, at the request and cost of
      GEC, either grant a licence to Hewlett Packard under the FN and FM
      Patents or grant to GEC the right to grant Hewlett Packard a sub-licence
      under the FN and FM Patents.

9.7   GEC shall not and shall procure that no member of the GEC Group shall
      settle any dispute with Hewlett Packard relating to the alleged
      infringement of the FN and FM Patents unless (i) it uses its reasonable
      endeavours to secure for the benefit of the businesses of the Group
      Companies carried on at Completion in the MI Field a licence under any
      patent that is the subject of an HP Claim at the date of any settlement;
      or (ii) where the proposed settlement is a Cross Licence, GEC shall
      procure that the licence granted by Hewlett Packard includes a licence
      for the benefit of the businesses of the Group Companies carried on at
      Completion in the MI Field.  If, after having used the reasonable
      endeavours referred to in (i) above, GEC proposes to conclude a
      settlement with Hewlett Packard that does not involve the licence
      contemplated by (i) above, then it shall notify the Purchaser of the
      proposed settlement and take 


      account of all reasonable comments made by it in relation to the 
      proposed settlement.  Nothing in this clause shall affect GEC's right to 
      require, where it has sole conduct pursuant to clause 9.2, that any 
      action against Hewlett Packard is pursued to a trial or other formal 
      determination by a court of competent jurisdiction. 

9.8   GEC shall be entitled to all sums paid by Hewlett Packard which relate to
      the enforcement or licensing of the FN and FM Patents after the deduction
      of all reasonable costs incurred by any of the Group Companies and not
      reimbursed pursuant to clause 9.5 whether paid by way of damages, account
      of profits, up-front payment or periodic licence fees or royalty,
      contribution towards costs, expenses or otherwise and whether such sums
      are paid to GEC or to any of the Group Companies.  Where any such sum is
      payable to any of the Group Companies by Hewlett Packard the Purchaser
      shall procure that (at GEC's option), all necessary steps are taken to
      ensure that such sums are paid direct to GEC or that such sums are paid
      over to GEC immediately after receipt and after deduction of the costs as
      aforesaid. GEC's entitlement under this clause 9.8 to sums paid by
      Hewlett Packard arises only to the extent that GEC does not have an
      existing right to the sums in question by virtue of the Deed of


9.9   The Purchaser shall use its reasonable endeavours to prevent any third
      party other than Hewlett Packard infringing or making unauthorised use
      (or continuing to infringe or make unauthorised use) of the FN and FM
      Patents, including the investigation of alleged infringers notified to
      the Purchaser by GEC.

9.10  If within six months of being notified by GEC the Purchaser does not
      commence or procure the commencement of proceedings against an alleged
      infringer of the FN and FM Patents in circumstances where GEC has
      notified the Purchaser that it has reasonable grounds for believing that
      the FN and FM Patents are being infringed, then GEC shall have the right
      to commence proceedings against such alleged infringer (and if necessary
      to do so in the name of the Purchaser or the proprietor of the FN and FM
      Patents at the relevant time).  If GEC notifies the Purchaser that it
      intends to pursue such alleged infringer (the "Infringer") then subject
      to clause 9.13, GEC shall have the sole conduct of such proceedings, but
      shall keep the Purchaser regularly informed of all substantive matters
      relating to them. The Purchaser shall at GEC's cost use its best
      endeavours to procure that GEC (or such other company within the GEC
      Group nominated by GEC) is granted all rights and given all consents
      necessary to enforce the FN and FM Patents in the name of the registered
      proprietor of such patents.  Nothing in this clause 9.10 shall oblige the
      Purchaser to assign or procure the assignment of any of the FN or FM
      Patents to GEC or any member of the GEC Group.  After GEC has assumed
      conduct of any proceedings, the Purchaser shall not and shall procure
      that Group Companies do not directly or indirectly communicate with the
      Infringer concerning the FN and FM Patents.


9.11  The Purchaser shall procure that GEC is provided with all reasonable
      assistance from relevant personnel within Group Companies in relation to
      the enforcement of the FN or FM Patents against or the licensing of the
      FN or FM Patents to the Infringer consistent with the assistance provided
      to the GEC Patent Department in similar circumstances prior to
      Completion.  GEC shall pay all reasonable costs associated with the
      provision of such assistance.

9.12  Subject to clause 9.13, the Purchaser shall, at the request and cost of
      GEC, either grant a licence to the Infringer under the FN and FM Patents
      or grant to GEC the right to grant the Infringer a sub-licence under the
      FN and FM Patents.

9.13  GEC shall not and shall procure that no member of the GEC Group shall
      settle any dispute with an Infringer relating to the alleged infringement
      of the FN and FM Patents unless (i) it uses its reasonable endeavours to
      secure for the benefit of the businesses of the Group Companies carried
      on at Completion in the MI Field a licence under any patent that is the
      subject of an Infringer Claim at the date of any settlement; or (ii)
      where the proposed settlement is a Cross Licence, GEC shall procure that
      the licence granted by an Infringer includes a licence for the benefit of
      the businesses of the Group Companies carried on at Completion in the MI
      Field.  If, after having used the reasonable endeavours referred to in
      (i) above, GEC proposes to conclude a settlement with the Infringer that
      does not involve the licence contemplated by (i) above, then it shall
      notify the Purchaser of the proposed settlement and take account of all
      reasonable comments made by it in relation to the proposed settlement. 
      Nothing in this clause shall affect GEC's right to require, where it has
      conduct pursuant to clause 9.10, that any action against an Infringer is
      pursued to a trial or other formal determination by a court of competent

9.14  GEC and the Purchaser shall each be entitled to 50 per cent. of Net
      Receipts, whether the Infringer is pursued by the Purchaser or by GEC. 
      It is acknowledged that in the event that any proceedings taken against
      an Infringer are unsuccessful, the party with conduct of the proceedings
      shall not be entitled to claim a contribution for any costs incurred from
      the other but such costs shall be deductible by the said party from Net
      Receipts received under a settlement made with, or an award of court made
      against, any other subsequent Infringer.  In the event that an Infringer
      pays to any member of the GEC Group or any member of the IFR Group
      (including any Group Company) any sum relating to the enforcement or
      licensing of the FN or FM Patents, then GEC or the Purchaser (as
      appropriate) shall procure that 50 per cent. of the Net Receipts is paid
      promptly to the other.  GEC's entitlement to Net Receipts under this
      clause 9.14 arises only to the extent that it does not have an existing
      right to the amounts in question by virtue of the Deed of Assignment.

9.15  GEC shall indemnify the Purchaser and all members of the IFR Group and
      the Group Companies against all costs, claims, losses or damages arising
      out of any Infringer Claim subject to the provisions of clauses 9.9 to
      9.14 and without limitation compliance by the Purchaser, the IFR Group
      and the Group Companies with their undertakings and obligations set out
      in clauses 9.10 and 9.11.



9.16  The provisions of clauses 9.1 and 9.15 shall take effect subject to
      paragraph 1 of Schedule 4 and the following additional paragraphs of
      Schedule 4: Paragraph 4: (Conduct of Litigation); Paragraph 5: (No
      Liability If Loss Is Otherwise Compensated For); Paragraph 6: (Acts of
      Purchaser): except that there shall be no exclusion from the ambit of the
      indemnity in relation to the continued manufacture of products or use of
      processes after Completion which were carried on prior to Completion;
      Paragraph 7: (Allowance, Provision or Reserve in the Accounts); and
      Paragraph 11: (No Liability For Contingent Or Non-Quantifiable Claims). 
      In the event of an inconsistency between Schedule 4 and the provisions of
      this clause 9, then the provisions of this clause 9 shall prevail. 

9.17  In the event that any provision of this clause 9 is alleged or held to be
      invalid, illegal or unenforceable by any Court or competent authority
      then the parties shall negotiate in good faith such other agreement as
      achieves the equivalent effect and, without limitation, the parties
      shall, at the request and cost of GEC, consider (a) assignment of the FN
      and FM Patents and/or the right to bring proceedings in relation to such
      patents to GEC so that any action against Hewlett Packard and/or any
      Infringer may be commenced by GEC; or (b) the grant of such additional
      rights under the FN and FM Patents as may be necessary to enable GEC to
      litigate in its own name and, in any event, the commencement and conduct
      of any litigation shall take account of the structure that will ensure
      that Hewlett Packard and/or any Infringer pays damages in respect of all
      loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered by either the GEC Group or
      the Group Companies.

9.18  Nothing in this clause 9 shall prevent the Purchaser or any Group Company
      assigning the FN and FM Patents (i) to any member of the IFR Group, for
      as long as such company remains a member of such group and in the event
      that such member of the IFR Group leaves the IFR Group then the Purchaser
      shall procure that such member assigns the FN and FM Patents to a member
      of the IFR Group; and (ii) to a purchaser of a substantial part of the
      business of the Group Companies which uses the FN and FM Patents,
      provided that such purchaser (a) agrees to assume the obligations of the
      Purchaser under this clause 9; and (b) undertakes promptly to enter into
      a direct covenant or contractual arrangement with GEC in terms equivalent
      to the provisions of this clause 9.  Save as aforesaid, the Purchaser
      shall procure that the FN and FM Patents are not assigned to a third
      party without first offering for assignment the FN and FM Patents to GEC
      on no less favourable terms and in any event the Purchaser shall procure
      that any assignee of the FN and FM Patents enters into a direct
      contractual arrangement with GEC in terms equivalent to the provisions of
      this clause 9.  In such circumstances assignment of the FN and FM Patents
      to a third party shall not release the Purchaser and Group Companies from
      their obligations under clause 9.5 and 9.11 or GEC of its obligations to
      the Purchaser or any Group Company under clauses 9.1 and 9.15 provided
      that the scope and extent of the indemnities are not extended by such



9.19  GEC shall indemnify the Purchaser or any member of the IFR Group for any
      tax paid by it in relation to sums paid by Hewlett Packard and received
      by any member of the GEC Group in relation to any claim relating to any
      infringement or alleged infringement of the FN and FM Patent, save to the
      extent that the quantum of such tax has been increased as a result or
      consequence of an assignment of the FN and FM Patents pursuant to clause
      9. 18(i).  Where any member of the IFR Group is required to pay tax in
      relation to the 50 per cent. of Net Receipts received by any member of
      the GEC Group, then: (a) if GEC is not obligated to pay any tax with
      respect to its share, then GEC shall reimburse the IFR member for any
      such tax; and (b) if GEC is obligated to pay tax with respect to its
      share, then GEC and IFR shall negotiate in good faith an equal sharing of
      the tax paid by the member of the IFR Group on the GEC 50 per cent. of
      Net Receipts.  


      Each of GEC and the Purchaser shall comply with Parts A and B of Schedule


      Each of GEC and the Purchaser shall comply with Parts A and B of 
      Schedule 6.


12.1  No delay or omission on the part of either party to this Agreement in
      exercising any right, power or remedy provided by law or under this
      Agreement or any other documents referred to in it shall:-

      (A)  impair such right, power or remedy; or

      (B)  operate as a waiver thereof

      except in respect of any right, power or remedy exercisable by the
      Purchaser under the provisions relating to limitations on liability under
      the Warranties as set out in clause 7 and Schedule 4.

12.2  The single or partial exercise of any right, power or remedy provided by
      law or under this Agreement shall not preclude any other or further
      exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy.

12.3  Rights, powers and remedies arising under this Agreement are cumulative
      and (subject as provided in clause 7.3 and paragraph 5 of Schedule 4) not
      exclusive of any other rights, powers and remedies provided by law.



13.1  This Agreement and the benefits (including the Warranties) and
      obligations under it and any part of it shall not be assignable by the
      Purchaser except that the Purchaser may, upon giving written notice to
      GEC, assign the benefit (but not the burden) of this Agreement (i) by way
      of security to a lender to whom security is given over the Shares or (ii)
      to a member of the IFR Group, if the terms of any such assignment

      (A)  (in the case of any such assignment under sub-paragraph (ii) above)
           that the assignee remains a member of the IFR Group and that before
           the assignee ceases to be a member of the IFR Group, the Purchaser
           will procure that the benefit of this Agreement is assigned to the
           Purchaser or (upon giving further written notice to GEC) to another
           company within the IFR Group (any such further assignment to be
           subject to the same conditions as above); and

      (B)  (in the case of any such assignment under sub-paragraph (i) or (ii)
           above), that if the liability of GEC shall be increased by reason of
           such assignment, the assignee shall be entitled to claim against GEC
           only such amount as would equal GEC's liability had no assignment
           taken place.

13.2  This Agreement and the benefits and obligations under it and any part of
      it shall not be assignable by GEC except that GEC may, upon giving
      written notice to the Purchaser assign the benefit (but not the burden)
      of this Agreement to a member of the GEC Group provided that:-

      (A)  any such assignee remains a member of the GEC Group; and 

      (B)  before such assignee ceases to be a member of the GEC Group, GEC
           will procure that the benefit of this Agreement is assigned to GEC
           or (upon giving further written notice to the Purchaser) to another
           company within the GEC Group (any such further assignment to be
           subject to the same conditions as above); and

      (C)  if the liability of the Purchaser shall be increased by reason of
           such assignment, the assignee shall be entitled to claim against the
           Purchaser only such amount as would equal the Purchaser's liability
           had no assignment taken place.

13.3  The Warranties shall continue to have effect for all purposes in relation
      to a Group Company notwithstanding that such Group Company has ceased to
      be owned by a member of the IFR Group (a "Group Cessation"), provided
      that the liability of GEC in respect of any claim under the Warranties
      made after a Group Cessation shall not exceed the amount of the liability
      (if any) which it would have had in respect of such claim had the claim
      been made before a Group Cessation and provided further that 


      this clause 13.3 shall not impair or affect in any way the restrictions 
      on assignment under clause 13.1.


14.1  Each of the parties shall from time to time, on being required to do so
      by the other, now or at any time in the future, execute or procure the
      execution of all such documents in a form satisfactory to the party
      concerned as the parties may, in each such case, reasonably consider
      necessary for giving full effect to this Agreement and securing to the
      Purchaser or GEC (as the case may be) the full benefit of the rights,
      powers and remedies conferred upon them in this Agreement.


14.2  GEC confirms that the Intellectual Property which arose directly out of
      the funding by Marconi Instruments Limited of the research documented in
      Report 16571B (June 1980) and commissioned in subsequent related purchase
      orders and which specifically related to the deliverables under these
      arrangements are owned by Marconi Instruments Limited.  At the request of
      the Purchaser, GEC shall procure a confirmatory assignment of such rights
      to the Purchaser (or a nominated member of the IFR Group), subject to any
      third party rights (if any).  Without limiting the provisions of clause
      6.4, the Purchaser shall procure the grant of a licence of such
      Intellectual Property to GEC for research and development and will not
      unreasonably withhold its consent to the extension of such licence on
      reasonable terms.


14.3  GEC Marconi Limited has or is in the process of conducting the following
      work funded by MI (and managed by GEC - Marconi Materials Technology
      Limited, a GEC Group company): HBT Modulators Report (August 1997), IQ
      Modulators Reports (July and August 1997) and study of GaAs MMICs for
      Electronic Attenuators (commenced December 1997) (together "the
      Projects").  GEC confirms that the Intellectual Property which has been
      or will be developed and which directly arises out of the funding by
      Marconi Instruments Limited of the Projects and which specifically
      relates to deliverables under these arrangements are and will be owned by
      Marconi Instruments Limited.  At the request of the Purchaser, GEC shall
      procure a confirmatory assignment of such present and future rights to
      the Purchaser (or a nominated member of the IFR Group), subject to any
      third party rights (if any).  Without limiting the provisions of clause
      6.4, the Purchaser shall procure the grant of a licence of such
      Intellectual Property to GEC-Marconi Limited for research and development
      and will not unreasonably withhold its consent to the extension of such
      licence on reasonable terms.  It is agreed that the letter dated 3rd
      February 1998 from GEC-Marconi to Marconi Instruments Limited shall have
      no effect and is superseded by the provisions of this clause 14.3.



15.1  This Agreement, the Tax Covenant, the Disclosure Letter and any other
      documents referred to in this Agreement constitute the whole and only
      agreement between the parties relating to the sale and purchase of the
      Shares and, save to the extent expressly set out in this Agreement,
      supersede and extinguish any prior drafts, agreements, undertakings,
      representations, warranties, promises, assurances and arrangements of any
      nature whatsoever, whether or not in writing relating thereto.

15.2  Each party acknowledges that save to the extent expressly set out in this
      Agreement, in entering into this Agreement, the Tax Covenant, the
      Disclosure Letter and any other documents referred to in this Agreement
      on the terms set out therein, it is not relying as against the other
      party upon any agreement, undertaking, representation, warranty, promise,
      assurance or arrangement made or given by any other party or any other
      person, whether or not in writing, at any time prior to the execution of
      this Agreement (including without limitation any statement made,
      information given or opinion expressed in the Information Memorandum, the
      KPMG Report or in any Disclosure Document) or any warranty or condition
      implied by statute or otherwise and no representations or warranties are
      given by GEC save for the Warranties but so that this clause shall be
      without prejudice to any rights which the Purchaser may have against KPMG
      in respect of the KPMG Report.

15.3  Neither of the parties shall have any right of action against the other
      party to this Agreement arising out of or in connection with any
      agreement, undertaking, representation, warranty, promise, assurance or
      arrangement referred to in sub-clause 15.1 or 15.2 above (except in the
      case of fraud and save to the extent expressly set out in this

15.4  The parties have entered into this Agreement in reliance on the express
      terms hereof.  In the event of either GEC or the Purchaser proving that
      in entering into this Agreement or fulfilling its obligations hereunder
      it has acted in reliance on a statement fraudulently made by the other or
      would have acted differently but for the fraudulent withholding of
      information by the other, the parties acknowledge that the provisions of
      this Agreement shall have effect only to the extent consistent with
      applicable law and shall not limit in any way the rights of GEC or the
      Purchaser (as the case may be) against the other in respect of such
      statement or withholding of information.


16.1  Any notice or other communication given or made under or in connection
      with the matters contemplated by this Agreement shall, unless expressly
      stated otherwise, be in writing, other than writing on the screen of a
      visual display unit or other similar device which shall not be treated as
      writing for the purposes of this clause.


16.2  (A)  Any such notice or other communication shall be addressed as
           provided in sub-clause 16.3 and sent by personal delivery or by
           first class post or airmail (if to an overseas address).

      (B)  In the absence of evidence of earlier receipt, a notice or other
           communication is deemed given or made: 

           (i)    if sent by personal delivery, when left at the address
                  specified in clause 16.3;

           (ii)   if sent by first class post, two Business Days after it is
                  posted; or

           (iii)  if sent by airmail, five Business Days after it is posted

           Provided that if, in accordance with the above provisions, any such
           notice or other communication is given or made outside
           Working Hours, such notice or other communication shall be deemed to
           be given or made at the start of Working Hours on the next Business

16.3  The relevant addressee and address of each party for the purposes of this
      Agreement, subject to sub-clause 16.4, are:-

           NAME OF PARTY   ADDRESSEE               ADDRESS
           -------------   ---------               -------

      1.   GEC             Company Secretary       1 Stanhope Gate,
                                                   London, W1A 1EH

                                                   from 1st March, 1998
                                                   1 Bruton Street,

           with a copy to  N. Boardman/F. Murphy   Slaughter and May
                                                   35 Basinghall Street
                                                   EC2V 5DB

      2.   The Purchaser   The Managing Director   c/o Marconi Instruments
                                                   Longacres House
                                                   Norton Green Road
                                                   SG1 2BA


           with a copy to  A.N. Drake              Boodle Hatfield,
                                                   61 Brook Street,
                                                   London W1Y 2BL

      3.   The Guarantor   The Chief Executive     10200 West York Street,
                           Officer                 Wichita,
                                                   Kansas 67215-8999,

           with a copy to  H. Sorensen             Foulston & Siefkin L.L.P.,
                                                   Suite 700,
                                                   100 North Broadway,
                                                   Kansas 67202,

      Provided that failure to send a copy or copies of any notice as indicated
      above shall not invalidate a notice duly served on any party to this

16.4  Either party may notify the other party to this Agreement of a change to
      its name, relevant addressee or address for the purposes of
      sub-clause 16.3 Provided that such notification shall only be effective

      (A)  the date specified in the notification as the date on which the
           change is to take place; or 

      (B)  if no date is specified or the date specified is less than five
           clear Business Days after the date on which notice is given, the
           date falling five clear Business Days after notice of any such
           change has been given.


17.1  Subject to sub-clause 17.2 any public announcement concerning the sale of
      the Shares or any ancillary matter shall be made jointly by the parties
      on the date of this Agreement and shall be in such form as shall be
      mutually agreed.  

17.2  Either party may make a public announcement concerning the sale of the
      Shares or any ancillary matter if required by the law of any relevant
      jurisdiction or any securities exchange or regulatory or governmental
      body to which either party is subject, wherever situated, including
      (without limitation) the London Stock Exchange or the Panel, whether or
      not the requirement has the force of law, Provided that any such
      announcement shall be made only after consultation with the other party
      (if practicable).

17.3  The restrictions contained in this clause shall continue to apply after
      Completion without limit in time.



      If there is any provision of this Agreement, or of any agreement or
      arrangement of which this Agreement forms part, which causes or would
      cause this Agreement or that agreement or arrangement to be subject to
      registration under the RTPA 1976, then that provision shall not take
      effect until the day after particulars of this Agreement or of that
      agreement or arrangement (as the case may be) have been furnished to the
      Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to section 24 RTPA 1976.


      The Purchaser shall bear and pay the cost of all stamp duty, stamp duty
      reserve tax and other similar duty, levy or tax and all registration fees
      which may result in any jurisdiction from the execution and performance
      of this Agreement and the other agreements entered into pursuant hereto
      and the transfer of the Shares to the Purchaser and the transactions
      contemplated hereby.  Save as otherwise stated in this clause or in any
      other provision of this Agreement, and subject to the provisions of
      clause 6.10 each party shall pay its own costs and expenses in relation
      to the negotiations leading up to the sale and transfer of the Shares and
      in relation to the preparation, execution and carrying into effect of
      this Agreement and all other documents referred to in it and the
      transactions contemplated hereby.


20.1  This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and by the
      parties on separate counterparts, but shall not be effective until each
      party has executed at least one counterpart.

20.2  Each counterpart shall constitute an original of this Agreement, but all
      the counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same


      Save as otherwise expressly provided, time is of the essence of each
      provision of this Agreement.


22.1  All provisions of this Agreement shall, so far as they are capable of
      being performed or observed, continue in full force and effect
      notwithstanding Completion except in respect of those matters then
      already performed and Completion shall not constitute a waiver of any of
      the Purchaser's rights in relation to this Agreement or the Tax Covenant.

22.2  Without prejudice to sub-clause 22.1 the Warranties shall not be
      extinguished by Completion.



      If at any time any provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal,
      invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any
      jurisdiction, then such provision will be deemed to be severed from this
      Agreement and if possible replaced by a lawful provision which carries
      out, as closely as possible, the intention of the parties under this
      Agreement and where permissible that shall not affect or impair:-

      (A) the legality, validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any
          other provision of this Agreement; or

      (B) the legality, validity or enforceability under the law of any other
          jurisdiction of that or any other provision of this Agreement.


      This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with
      English law.


      Each party to this Agreement irrevocably agrees that any Proceedings
      against it may be brought in the courts of England.  Nothing contained in
      this clause shall limit either party's rights to take Proceedings against
      the other in any other court of competent jurisdiction, nor shall the
      taking of Proceedings in one or more jurisdictions preclude the taking of
      Proceedings in any other jurisdiction, whether concurrently or not, to
      the extent permitted by the law of such other jurisdiction.


26.1  The Guarantor irrevocably appoints the Purchaser to be its agent for the
      service of process in England.  It agrees that any Service Document may
      be effectively served on it in connection with Proceedings in England and
      Wales by service on its agent.

26.2  Any Service Document shall be deemed to have been duly served if marked
      for the attention of the Company Secretary at the registered office for
      the time being of the Purchaser or such other address within England or
      Wales as may be notified and:

      (A)  left at the specified address; or
      (B)  sent to the specified address by first class post.

      In the case of (A), the Service Document shall be deemed to have been
      duly served when it is left.  In the case of (B), the Service Document
      shall be deemed to have been duly served two clear Business Days after
      the date of posting.


26.3  If the agent at any time ceases for any reason to act as such, the
      Purchaser shall appoint a replacement agent having an address for service
      in England or Wales and shall notify GEC of the name and address of the
      replacement agent.  Failing such appointment and notification, GEC shall
      be entitled by notice to the Purchaser to appoint a replacement agent to
      act on the Purchaser's behalf.  The provisions of this clause applying to
      service on an agent apply equally to service on a replacement agent.

26.4  A copy of any Service Document served on an agent shall be sent by post
      to the Purchaser.  Failure or delay in so doing shall not prejudice the
      effectiveness of service of the Service Document.

26.5  "SERVICE DOCUMENT" means a writ, summons, order, judgment or other
      process issued out of the courts of England and Wales document relating
      to or in connection with any Proceedings.

AS WITNESS the hands of the duly authorised representatives of the parties the
day and year first above written.


                                    SCHEDULE 1:
(A)   In this Agreement, unless otherwise specified the following terms and
      expressions shall have the following respective meanings:-

      "ACCOUNTS"                     the financial statements of each Group
                                     Company for the year ended on the Accounts
                                     Date, including a balance sheet and profit
                                     and loss account, copies of which are
                                     included in the Disclosure Documents;

      "ACCOUNTS DATE"                31st March, 1997;

      "AGGREGATE PURCHASE PRICE"     the aggregate of the Dollar Purchase Price
                                     and the Sterling Purchase Price, as
                                     adjusted following Completion pursuant to
                                     paragraph 13 of Schedule 4;

      "AGREED FORM"                  in relation to any document, such document
                                     in a form agreed and initialled for the
                                     purposes of identification by the
                                     Purchaser's Solicitors on behalf of the
                                     Purchaser and GEC's Solicitors on behalf
                                     of GEC;

      "ASSURANCE"                    the transfer of the Longacres Property in
                                     the Agreed Form;

      "BOOKS AND RECORDS"            has its common meaning and includes,
                                     without limitation, all law notices,
                                     correspondence, orders, inquiries,
                                     drawings, plans, books of account and
                                     other documents and all computer disks or
                                     tapes or other machine legible programs or
                                     other records and all files relating to
                                     any disputes on litigation affecting any
                                     Group Company;

      "BUSINESS DAY"                 a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday)
                                     on which banks are open for business in

      "CGTA"                         the Capital Gains Tax Act 1979;

      "CODE"                         The City Code on Take-overs and Mergers;

      "COMPANIES ACTS"               the Companies Act 1985, the Criminal
                                     Justice Act 1993, the Companies
                                     Consolidation (Consequential Provisions)
                                     Act 1985 and the Companies Act 1989;


      "COMPANIES"                    Marconi (UK) and Marconi (US) collectively
                                     (and "Company" means either one of the
                                     Companies individually);

      "COMPLETION"                   completion of the sale and purchase of the
                                     Shares under this Agreement;

      "COMPLETION DATE"              the date of this Agreement;

      "CONTRACTOR'S WARRANTY"        the Deed dated 14th February 1995 made
                                     between Shepherd Construction Limited (1)
                                     and GEC (2);

      "DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE"          any natural or artificial substance
                                     (whether in solid or liquid form or in the
                                     form of a gas or vapour or whether alone
                                     or in combination with any other
                                     substance) capable of causing harm to man
                                     or any other living organism supported by
                                     the Environment, or damaging the
                                     Environment, public health or welfare
                                     including but not limited to any
                                     controlled, special, hazardous, toxic or
                                     dangerous waste;

      "DATA ROOM"                    the data room established at the offices
                                     of GEC's Solicitors in connection with the
                                     transaction effected by this Agreement;

      "DISCLOSURE DOCUMENTS"         has the meaning given to it in the
                                     Disclosure Letter;

      "DISCLOSURE LETTER"            the letter dated the date hereof written
                                     by GEC to the Purchaser for the purposes
                                     of clause 7 and delivered to the
                                     Purchaser's Solicitors before the
                                     execution of this Agreement;

      "DOLLAR PURCHASE PRICE"        U.S. $64,350,000 (sixty four million,
                                     three hundred and fifty thousand U.S.

      "EMPLOYEE"                     a person employed by any Group Company;

      "ENVIRONMENT"                  any and all of the following media: air,
                                     (including without limitation, the air
                                     within buildings and the air within other
                                     natural or man-made structures whether
                                     above or below ground); water (including
                                     without limitation, water under or within
                                     land or in drains or sewers and coastal
                                     and inland waters), and land (including
                                     without limitation, land under water and
                                     buildings structures or enclosures above
                                     or below ground); and any living organisms


                                     by any or all of such media;

      "ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS"           any and all applicable laws in the
                                     relevant jurisdiction (excluding those
                                     laws relating specifically to town
                                     planning matters and to the health and
                                     safety of workers in the work place) and
                                     European Community or European Union
                                     regulations, directives, decisions,
                                     statutes and subordinate legislation which
                                     are applicable to the conduct of the
                                     business of any Group Company and which
                                     have as a purpose or effect the protection
                                     of, and/or the prevention of harm or
                                     damage to, the Environment and/or the
                                     provision of remedies in respect of harm
                                     or damage to the Environment;

      "ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERTAKING"    the undertaking of GEC set out in
                                     paragraph 1 of Part B of Schedule 6 to
                                     this Agreement;

      "ENVIRONMENTAL WARRANTY"       any warranty contained in paragraph 21 of
                                     Schedule 3;

      "FN AND FM PATENTS"            means the Fractional N and/or the DC
                                     Coupled FM Patents brief details of which
                                     are set out in Schedule 8;

      "GEC GROUP"                    GEC and all subsidiaries or subsidiary
                                     undertakings from time to time of GEC
                                     (other than the Group);

      "GEC GROUP COMPANY"            any member of the GEC Group (and "GEC
                                     Group Companies" means such members

      "GEC SCHEME"                   the retirement benefits scheme established
                                     by GEC and known as the "GEC 1972 Plan",
                                     established by a Definitive Trust Deed and
                                     Rules dated 4th March, 1982 (as amended),
                                     details of which schemes are included in
                                     the Disclosure Documents;

      "GEC SECURITIES"               guarantees, indemnities, performance bonds
                                     or other security or contingent obligation
                                     in the nature of a financial obligation
                                     including, without limitation, letters of
                                     comfort or support which have or may have
                                     been given by GEC or any GEC Group Company
                                     to secure any obligation of any Group



      "GEC'S SOLICITORS"             Slaughter and May;

      "GROUP"                        the Companies and all subsidiaries or
                                     subsidiary undertakings from time to time
                                     of each Company, particulars of the
                                     current subsidiaries of the Companies
                                     being given in Part B of Schedule 10;

      "GROUP COMPANY"                any member of the Group (and "Group
                                     Companies" means such members

      "GUNNELS WOOD PROPERTIES"      the Properties referred to in Part A of
                                     Schedule 11 and registered with Title
                                     Numbers HD296865 and HD165022;

      "ICTA 1988"                    the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988;

      "IFR GROUP"                    the Guarantor and all its subsidiaries and
                                     subsidiary undertakings as at Completion
                                     and from time to time thereafter;

      "INFORMATION MEMORANDUM"       the information memorandum dated October
                                     1997 in connection with the transaction
                                     effected by this Agreement;

      "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY"        patents, trade marks and service marks,
                                     rights in designs, (whether or not any of
                                     these is registered and including
                                     applications for registration of any such
                                     thing) semiconductor topography rights,
                                     copyright (including software) and all
                                     rights or forms of protection of a similar
                                     nature or having an equivalent or similar
                                     effect to any of these which may subsist
                                     anywhere in the world;

      "KPMG REPORT"                  the report on the Group prepared by KPMG
                                     in connection with the transaction
                                     effected by this Agreement;

      "LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE"        the London Stock Exchange Limited;

      "LONGACRES PROPERTY"           the Property referred to as Longacres
                                     House in Part A of Schedule 11;

      "MARCONI (UK)"                 Marconi Instruments Limited of which


                                     are given in Part A of Schedule 10;

      "MARCONI (US)"                 Marconi Instruments Inc. of which
                                     particulars are given in Part A of
                                     Schedule 10;

      "NAMES"                        the names GEC, General Electric, General
                                     Electric Company and Marconi;

      "PANEL"                        the Panel on Take-overs and Mergers;

      "PERMITS"                      as at the date of this Agreement any and
                                     all licences, consents, permits,
                                     authorisations or the like, made or issued
                                     pursuant to or under, or required by,
                                     Environmental Laws in relation to the
                                     conduct of the business of each Group
                                     Company as conducted as at such date;

      "PRE-SALE DIVIDEND"            means the L23,000,000 dividend paid by
                                     Marconi (UK) on 30th January 1998 and
                                     related matters set out in Schedule 12;

      "PROCEEDINGS"                  any proceeding, suit or action arising out
                                     of or in connection with this Agreement;

      "PROCESS"                      any industrial or other process or
                                     activity which has been carried out at the

      "PROPERTIES"                   each of the freehold and leasehold
                                     properties described in Schedule 11 (and
                                     "Property" means any one of them);

      "PURCHASER'S ATTORNEYS"        Foulston & Siefkin LLP;

      "PURCHASER'S GROUP"            the Purchaser and all subsidiaries or
                                     subsidiary undertakings from time to time
                                     of the Purchaser;

      "PURCHASER'S SOLICITORS"       Boodle Hatfield;

      "REGULATIONS"                  the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection
                                     of Employment) Regulations 1981;

      "REQUISITE CONSENT"            the consent of the landlord of the
                                     Longacres Property to the Assurance or to
                                     the underletting of the Longacres Property
                                     to the Purchaser, as the case may be;


      "RTPA 1976"                    the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976;

      "ST. ALBANS PROPERTY"          the property at Longacres, St. Albans,
                                     formerly owned and occupied by Marconi
                                     (UK) and sold to Bryant Homes Southern
                                     Limited under an Agreement for Sale and
                                     Purchase dated 8th August, 1997 between
                                     Marconi Instruments Limited (1) and Bryant
                                     Homes Southern Limited (2), as more
                                     particularly described in that Agreement
                                     (a copy of which is Document 28 in File 36
                                     No. 17 Additional Documents in the
                                     Disclosure Documents);

      "SCHEDULES"                    the schedules to this Agreement;

      "SECURITIES ACT"               the United States Securities Act of 1933,
                                     as amended;

      "SHARES"                       the issued shares in the Companies
                                     specified in Part A of Schedule 10 (or in
                                     any of the Companies);

      "STERLING PURCHASE PRICE"      L26,000,000 (twenty six million pounds

      "TAX COVENANT"                 the tax covenant referred to, inter alia,
                                     in Schedule 3 and set out in Schedule 9;

      "TCGA 1992"                    the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992;

      "TERRITORY"                    any country in which a Group Company's
                                     products have been sold or services
                                     supplied, directly or through an agent or
                                     distributor, during the two years prior to
                                     the date of this Agreement;

      "TRANSFERORS"                  GEC-Marconi Limited and Associated
                                     Electrical Industries Holdings Limited (in
                                     respect of the UK Shares) and GEC
                                     Incorporated (in respect of the US

      "TULRCA"                       the Trade Union and Labour Relations
                                     Consolidation Act 1992;

      "UK GROUP"                     those members of the Group which are
                                     incorporated in any part of the United

      "UK GROUP COMPANY"             any member of the UK Group (and "UK Group
                                     Companies" means such members


      "UK SHARES"                    the Shares in Marconi (UK);

      "US PURCHASE PRICE"            U.S. $6,000,000 (six million U.S.
                                     dollars), being part of the Dollar
                                     Purchase Price;

      "US SHARES"                    the Shares in Marconi (US);

      "VAT"                          the tax imposed by the Sixth Council
                                     Directive of the European Communities;

      "VATA"                         the Value Added Tax Act 1994;

      "WARRANTIES"                   the warranties set out in Schedule 3
                                     (Warranties) given by GEC and "WARRANTY"
                                     shall be construed accordingly;

      "WORKING HOURS"                9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. on a Business Day.

(B)   In this Agreement, unless otherwise specified:-

      (i)      references to clauses, sub-clauses, paragraphs, sub-paragraphs,
               and Schedules are to clauses, sub-clauses, paragraphs,
               sub-paragraphs of, and Schedules to, this Agreement;

      (ii)     a reference to any statute or statutory provision shall be
               construed as a reference to the same as it may have been, or may
               from time to time be, amended, modified or re-enacted except to
               the extent that any amendment or modification made after the 
               date of this Agreement would increase or alter the liability of 
               any party under this Agreement;

      (iii)    references to "TAX" or "TAXATION" include, without limitation,
               all taxes, levies, duties, imposts, charges and withholdings of
               any nature whatsoever, whether of the United Kingdom or
               elsewhere, together with all penalties, charges and interest
               relating to them;

      (iv)     references to a "COMPANY" shall be construed so as to include any
               company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and
               however incorporated or established;

      (v)      the terms "SUBSIDIARY" and "SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKING" shall bear
               the same respective meanings as in the Companies Acts;

      (vi)     references to a "PERSON" shall be construed so as to include any
               individual, firm, company, government, state or agency of a state
               or any joint venture, association or partnership (whether or not
               having separate legal personality);


      (vii)   the term "RELIEF" shall bear the same meaning as in the Tax
              Covenant and the term "PROFIT-SHARING PLAN" shall bear the
              meaning given to it in paragraph 7.1 of Part B to Schedule 5;

      (viii)  a person shall be deemed to be connected with another if that
              person is connected with another within the meaning of
              section 839 ICTA 1988;

      (ix)    references to writing shall include any modes of reproducing
              words in a legible and non-transitory form;

      (x)     references to the knowledge or awareness of GEC (or any similar
              expression) in relation to the Warranties shall be deemed to
              refer to the actual knowledge of GEC, having made enquiries of
              P.J. Smith, A.P. Warwick, D.J. Bradney, P.M. Drury, M. McCreary,
              S. McQuillan, C. Purchase, C. Thurston, the GEC Group Taxation
              Manager, the GEC Group Pensions Manager, GEC Estates Department,
              the GEC Environmental Lawyer and the Head of the GEC Patent

      (xi)    words or phrases beginning with the introduction of the word
              "include" or "including" are to be interpreted without

      (xii)   references to times of the day are to London time;

      (xiii)  headings to clauses and Schedules are for convenience only and do
              not affect the interpretation of this Agreement;

      (xiv)   the Schedules and any attachments (but not the Tax Covenant) form
              part of this Agreement and shall have the same force and effect
              as if expressly set out in the body of this Agreement, and any
              reference to this Agreement shall include the Schedules;

      (xv)    references to the masculine gender shall include the feminine and
              the neuter (and vice versa) and references to the singular shall
              include the plural (and vice versa); 

      (xvi)   references to any English legal term for any action, remedy,
              method of judicial proceeding, legal document, legal status,
              court, official or any legal definition, concept or thing shall
              in respect of any jurisdiction other than England be deemed to
              include what most nearly approximates in that jurisdiction to the
              English legal term save where specific reference is made to the
              relevant term in such other jurisdiction;

      (xvii)  references in Clause 5.5(C) and in any of the Warranties to an
              amount expressed in pounds sterling shall, in any applicable
              case, be construed as referring to the equivalent amount in any
              other relevant currency (calculated


              by reference to the rate of exchange for such currency prevailing
              on the date of this Agreement); and

      (xviii) references to any governmental or administrative authority or
              agency in connection with any Group Company are references to the
              relevant governmental or administrative authority or agency in
              the jurisdiction in which the relevant Group Company is


                                    SCHEDULE 2:
                              COMPLETION ARRANGEMENTS
                                      PART 1 

1.1   At Completion, GEC shall deliver or procure the delivery to the Purchaser
      (or its nominees) of:-

      (A)  (i)   duly executed transfers in respect of the UK Shares in favour
                 of the Purchaser (or its nominee) and share certificates
                 representing the UK Shares in the name of the relevant
                 transferors; and

           (ii)  at the offices of Sidley & Austin at One First National Plaza,
                 Chicago, Illinois 60603  the share certificates representing
                 the US Shares duly endorsed in blank or accompanied by stock
                 powers duly endorsed in blank in proper form for transfer; and

           (iii) the share certificates relating to any shares in the companies
                 listed in Part B of Schedule 10 which are  not registered in
                 the name of any other Group Company or an Employee together
                 with duly executed stock transfer forms in respect thereof;

      (B)  a counterpart original of the Tax Covenant duly executed by GEC;

      (C)  to the extent not already within the control or possession of Group
           Companies, the statutory books or any equivalent or additional
           corporate documents, registers or records (which shall be written up
           to but not including the Completion Date), the certificate of
           incorporation (if any) (and any certificate of incorporation on
           change of name) or any equivalent document and the common seal (if
           any) of each of the Companies and other members of the Group;

      (D)  subject to applicable law, letters of resignation from the auditors
           of each of the Companies and (where appointed) other members of the
           Group containing so far as practicable an acknowledgement that they
           have no claim against the relevant member of the Group for
           compensation for loss of office or professional fees or (so far as
           they are aware at the date of the letters) otherwise and (if
           appropriate) a statement under Section 394(1) of the Companies Act

      (E)  irrevocable powers of attorney in Agreed Form executed by each of
           the holders of the UK Shares in favour of the Purchaser (or its
           nominee(s)) to enable the Purchaser (pending registration of the
           transfers of the UK Shares)


           to exercise all voting and other rights attaching to the UK Shares 
           and to appoint proxies for this purpose; and

      (F)  a certified copy of a board or board committee resolution of GEC
           approving the entering into by GEC of this Agreement, the Tax
           Covenant and the transactions contemplated herein.

1.2   GEC shall procure that a board meeting of each of the Companies be held
      at which:-

    (A)  it shall be resolved that each of the transfers relating to the Shares
         [(or the shares referred to in paragraph 1.1A(iii) above)] shall be
         approved for registration and (subject only to the transfer being duly
         stamped, if so required) that each transferee be registered as the
         holder of the Shares respectively in the register of members;

    (B)  such directors as are not Employees whose resignation as the Purchaser
         shall have requested shall resign from their respective positions as
         directors of the relevant Group Company, in each case acknowledging
         under seal that they have no outstanding claims against the relevant
         Group Company in connection with such resignation;

    (C)  each of the persons nominated by the Purchaser shall be appointed
         directors, as the Purchaser shall direct, such appointments to take
         effect from Completion; and

    (D)  the resignation of auditors (if applicable) shall be accepted;

      and that minutes of each duly held board meeting, certified as correct by
      the secretary or other duly authorised officer of the relevant Company
      and the resignations and acknowledgements referred to are delivered to
      the Purchaser's Solicitors.

                                       PART 2

2.1   The Purchaser shall before 3 p.m. (London time):-

      (A)  (i)   pay to GEC to account number 0015034515 in the name of The
                 General Electric Company, p.l.c. at Chase Manhattan Bank N.A.,
                 London (Branch Sort Code: 60-92-42) the Dollar Purchase Price;

           (ii)  pay to GEC to account number 10010006 in the name of The
                 General Electric Company, p.l.c. at Midland Bank plc, 16 King
                 Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 8JF (Branch Sort Code:
                 40-04-09) the Sterling Purchase Price;


      (B)  deliver to GEC, duly executed by the Purchaser, a counterpart
           original of the Tax Covenant;

      (C)  deliver to GEC a certified copy of the board resolutions of the
           Purchaser approving the entering into by the Purchaser of this
           Agreement, the Tax Covenant and the transactions contemplated
           hereby; and

      (D)  deliver to GEC a legal opinion from the Purchaser's Attorneys, legal
           advisers to the Guarantor, addressed to GEC in the Agreed Form.  

      Payment of each of the Dollar Purchase Price and the Sterling Purchase
      Price in full in accordance with the foregoing shall discharge all the
      Purchaser's obligations with respect to the Aggregate Purchase Price.

3.    The Purchaser and GEC shall sign and send a letter in the Agreed Form to
      the National Westminster Bank Plc confirming that Completion has


                                   SCHEDULE 3:
                                 THE WARRANTIES

1.1   GEC has the requisite power and authority to enter into and perform this
      Agreement, the Tax Covenant and the other documents to be executed by GEC
      and delivered at Completion in accordance with this Agreement.

1.2   This Agreement constitutes and the Tax Covenant and the other documents
      executed by GEC which are to be delivered at Completion will, when
      executed, constitute binding obligations of GEC.

1.3   The execution and delivery of, and the performance by GEC of its
      obligations under this Agreement and the Tax Covenant will not:-

      (A)  result in a breach of any provision of the memorandum or articles of
           association of GEC;

      (B)  result in a breach of any order, judgment or decree of any court or
           governmental agency to which GEC is a party or by which GEC is
           bound; or

      (C)  require the consent of its shareholders.

1.4   The facts set out in Schedules 10 and 11 are true and accurate.


2.1   The Accounts:-

      (A)  in respect of each UK Group Company:-

           (i)   were, at the time they were prepared, prepared in accordance
                 with the then applicable Statements of Standard Accounting
                 Practice, as adopted by the Accounting Standards Board and
                 published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England
                 and Wales, and the then applicable Financial Reporting
                 Standards, developed and issued by the Accounting Standards
                 Board, applicable to a United Kingdom company;

           (ii)  showed a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the UK
                 Group Company to which such Accounts relate as at the Accounts
                 Date and of that UK Group Company's result (if any) for the
                 financial year ended on such date;


           (iii) were prepared using accounting policies consistent with those
                 used in the preparation of accounts for the immediately
                 preceding accounting period except as described in any notes
                 thereto; and

           (iv)  comply with the relevant requirements of the Companies Act

      (B)  in respect of Marconi (US) have been prepared for incorporation in
           the consolidated accounts of GEC which are prepared in accordance
           with UK generally accepted accounting principles, and were prepared
           using accounting policies consistent with those used in the
           preparation of the accounts of the respective companies for the
           immediately preceding accounting period.  

      (C)  in respect of any other Group Company:-

           (i)   have been drawn up using local accounting principles and,
                 where the Accounts of the respective Group Company include
                 notes on accounting policies, subject to such notes; and

           (ii)  were prepared using accounting policies consistent with those
                 used in the preparation of the accounts of the respective
                 Group Company for the immediately preceding accounting period
                 except as described in any notes thereto.

2.2   The GEC standard accounts form in respect of the other Group Companies
      referred to in paragraph 2.1(C) above for the year ended 31 March 1997
      have been prepared for incorporation into the consolidated accounts of
      GEC which are prepared in accordance with UK generally accepted
      accounting principles, and were prepared using accounting policies
      consistent with those used in the preparation of the GEC standard
      accounts forms of the respective companies for the immediately preceding
      accounting period.

2.3   The accounting records of each Group Company have, in the six years
      ending on the date of this Agreement, been kept as then required by law.

2.4   For the purposes of this warranty, the term "Management Accounts" means
      the figures shown under the heading "Actual" in those unaudited
      aggregated management accounts for the Group as at 31st December, 1997
      set out in pages 2, 3 and 5 of Disclosure Document 17-116.

      Having regard to the purposes for which management accounts are prepared,
      the Management Accounts:

           (i)   have been compiled from information properly extracted from
                 the books and records of the Group Companies;


           (ii)  have been based on management accounts of the Group Companies
                 prepared using accounting policies consistent with those
                 adopted by the respective companies for the purposes of
                 reporting to GEC at the Accounts Date which policies are
                 materially the same as those set out in the Accounts of
                 Marconi (UK); and

           (iii) are not known by GEC to contain any material error or


3.1   There are no superannuation or retirement benefits or life assurance
      funds schemes or arrangements provided by or on behalf of any UK Group
      Company under which any of the Employees is entitled to life assurance
      pension or other retirement benefits save those provided by or on behalf
      of Marconi (UK) in accordance with the GEC Scheme.

3.2   No UK Group Company is under any contractual obligation nor is it a party
      to any custom or practice, to provide life assurance, pension or other
      retirement benefits or to pay, provide or contribute towards any
      "relevant benefits" within the meaning of section 612, ICTA 1988 in
      respect of any of the Employees or for the benefit of any dependants of
      any Employee save Marconi (UK) in accordance with the GEC Scheme.

3.3   No power to augment benefits under the GEC Scheme has been exercised
      prior to Completion in relation to those of the Employees who are members
      of it.

3.4   Marconi (UK) is a participating employer for the purpose of the GEC
      Scheme and has fulfilled all its obligations thereunder (including any
      obligations to pay contributions).

3.5   The GEC Scheme:

      (A)  is an exempt approved scheme for the purposes of Chapter I of Part
           XIV of ICTA 1988 and so far as GEC is aware there is no reason why
           such approval might be withdrawn or cease to apply;

      (B)  is not a contracted-out scheme under Section 7(3) of the Pension
           Schemes Act 1993; and

      (C)  conforms with the preservation requirements referred to in Section
           69(2) of the Pension Schemes Act 1993.

3.6   The GEC Scheme has been operated in all material respects in accordance
      with all the then applicable legal requirements in relation to each UK
      Group Company and the Employees and there are no outstanding claims or
      (so far as GEC is aware) matters likely to give rise to claims against
      the GEC Scheme by any UK Group Company or any Employee other than routine
      claims for benefits.


3.7   Material details of any superannuation or retirement benefits or life
      assurance funds, schemes or arrangements (other than state schemes)
      provided by or on behalf of each Group Company under which any of the
      overseas Employees is entitled to life assurance, pension or other
      retirement benefits, and of all "employee pension benefit plans" (as
      defined in Section 3(2) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
      1974, as amended ("ERISA")), "employee welfare benefit plans" (as defined
      in Section 3(1) of ERISA) stock options, stock purchases, compensation,
      deferred compensation, severance or termination arrangements, and of each
      other material plan, arrangement or policy relating to fringe benefits or
      other employee benefits maintained, or contributed to, by any GEC Group
      Company or Group Company for the benefit of any officers or employees of
      Marconi (US) are included in the Disclosure Documents.

3.8   No UK Group Company in the twelve months ending with the Accounts Date or
      during the period from the Accounts Date to the date of Completion has
      made or proposed any voluntary or ex-gratia payments to any Employee of
      any UK Group Company or the dependants of any such Employee in respect of
      any relevant benefit (as defined in paragraph 3.2).

3.9   So far as GEC is aware no undertaking or assurance (whether legally
      binding or not) has been given by a UK Group Company or GEC to any
      Employee of a UK Group Company or the dependant of any such Employee as
      to the continuance, introduction, increase or improvement of any such
      benefit or scheme or arrangement as is referred to in paragraph 3.2
      (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the GEC Scheme).

3.10  Material details of the GEC Scheme, as it relates to Employees of a UK
      Group Company or the dependants of any such Employee, have been supplied
      to the Purchaser or its legal advisers and (without limitation to the
      foregoing) complete up to date and accurate copies of the following have
      been disclosed:-

      (a)  all relevant trust deeds rules or other documents currently
           governing the GEC Scheme;

      (b)  any announcements to members of the GEC Scheme which are not yet the
           subject of formal amendment to the documentation of the GEC Scheme
           (including any individual or group announcements made to or in
           respect of any present or former employee or officer of a UK Group

      (c)  the current explanatory booklets and other explanatory literature
           issued to persons who are (or are entitled to become) members of the
           GEC Scheme;

      (d)  a list of those Employees of a UK Group Company who are members of
           the GEC Scheme with full particulars of them relevant to their
           membership of or interest therein and necessary to establish their
           entitlements to benefits, 


           including full particulars of any early retirement options or 
           facilities, and of any benefit augmentations granted to them under 
           the GEC Scheme;

      (e)  the deed of participation under which each UK Group Company which
           participates in the GEC Scheme does so;

      (f)  details of any discretionary benefits provided under, and
           discretionary arrangements relating to, Employees of a UK Group
           Company who are members of the GEC Scheme, or their dependants,
           including any discretionary increases of deferred pensions or
           pensions in payment.

3.11  Neither a UK Group Company, nor GEC nor the GEC Scheme is engaged in any
      litigation or arbitration proceedings (other than routine claims for
      benefits) in respect of any retirement benefits scheme (as defined in
      s.611 Taxes Act) or any benefit provided thereunder in relation to the
      Employees of a UK Group Company or their dependants or in respect of
      which a UK Group Company may be liable to indemnify or compensate and GEC
      has had no notice of any submissions to or referrals to the Pensions
      Ombudsman or to the Occupational Pensions Advisory Service in respect of
      the Employees of a UK Group Company or their dependants.  So far as GEC
      is aware there are no circumstances which may give rise to any such

3.12  No  Employee or former employee (excluding any former employee whose
      employment terminated before 1st January 1992), of a UK Group Company who
      is or was entitled by the rules of the GEC Scheme or by Article 119 of
      the Treaty of Rome to membership of the GEC Scheme has been unlawfully
      excluded from membership of the GEC Scheme.

3.13  The GEC Scheme has not at any time since 17th May, 1990 but prior to
      Completion been operated in such a way as to discriminate between male
      and female members of such Scheme.

3.14  The Pension Arrangements referred to in Part A of Schedule 5 do not
      conflict with or breach the Trust Deed and/or Rules of the GEC Scheme.

3.15  No event has occurred which would or could result in or entitle any
      person or body of persons to wind up, terminate or close the GEC Scheme
      in whole or in part, or which is a "relevant insolvency event" in
      relation to the GEC Scheme for the purposes of section 75 of the Pensions
      Act 1995.

3.16  All life cover benefits are self insured, except for additional death
      benefits under the Selected Benefit Scheme.

3.17  The assets, investments and policies held by the trustees of the GEC
      Scheme are and will be sufficient to satisfy the liabilities and 
      obligations (both current and contingent) which the GEC Scheme has
      to its members and will continue to be so 


      sufficient up to and including the Payment Date (as defined in Schedule 5 
      to this Agreement). 


4.1   Save for indebtedness arising and contracts made in the ordinary course
      of trading, no contract or other binding legal obligation which will
      survive Completion and involves expenditure by either party in excess of
      L50,000 is outstanding between any Group Company and any GEC Group

4.2   No payment has been made by any Group Company to any member of the GEC
      Group for services to be provided by a member of the GEC Group during a
      period falling wholly or partly after Completion in circumstances where:
      (a) those services will not in fact be provided for any part of the
      contracted period which falls after Completion as a result of the
      relevant Group Company ceasing to be a member of the GEC Group (and no
      rebate of the payment will be made) and (b) the amount of the payment
      attributable to the contracted period falling after Completion during
      which the services will not be provided (calculated on a time
      apportionment basis) exceeds L25,000.


5.1   The Shares comprise the whole of each Company's issued and allotted share
      capital.  All the UK Shares are fully paid up and all the US Shares are
      fully paid and non-assessable.

5.2   There is no agreement or commitment outstanding which calls for the
      allotment, issue or transfer of, or accords to any person the right
      (conditionally or unconditionally) to call now or in the future for the
      allotment or issue of, any shares (including the Shares) or debentures in
      or securities of any Group Company.

5.3   Save for any interests held in another Group Company, no Group Company
      has any interest in the share capital of any body corporate or

5.4   No Group Company acts or carries on business in partnership or through a
      joint venture with any other person or is a member (otherwise than
      through the holding of share capital) of any corporate or unincorporated
      body, undertaking or association or holds or is liable on any share or
      security which is not fully paid up or which carries any liability.

5.5   No Group Company which is incorporated in England and Wales has any
      branch, place of business or permanent establishment outside the United

5.6   Marconi (US) is duly organised, validly existing and in good standing
      under the laws of Delaware.


5.7   No Group Company has, at any time in the last three years, repaid,
      redeemed or purchased (or agreed to repay, redeem or purchase) any of its
      shares, or otherwise reduced (or agreed to reduce) its issued share
      capital or any class of it or capitalised (or agreed to capitalise) in
      the form of shares, debentures or other securities or in paying up any
      amounts unpaid on any shares, debentures or other securities, any profits
      or reserves of any class or description or passed (or agreed to pass) any
      resolution to do so.


      There is no option, right to acquire, mortgage, charge, pledge, lien or
      other form of security or encumbrance or equity on, over or affecting the
      Shares, the shares in any of the companies referred to in Part B of
      Schedule 10 or any of them and there is no agreement or commitment to
      give or create any and, so far as GEC is aware, no claim has been made by
      any person to be entitled to any, other than any arising from the acts of
      the Purchaser, its subsidiaries or subsidiary undertakings.


7.1   The copies of the constitutional documents of each Group Company included
      in the Disclosure Documents are complete and accurate in all material
      respects, have attached to them copies of all resolutions and other
      documents required by law to be so attached and set out to the extent
      required by applicable law such rights and restrictions attaching to each
      class of share capital of that Group Company as are not implied by
      relevant statutory law.

7.2   The registers of members (or the equivalent registers) and the other
      statutory books (or equivalent books) (including all registers and minute
      books) of each Group Company have in all material respects, during the
      six years ended on the date of this Agreement, been properly kept as
      required by law and no written notice or allegation that has not been
      complied with that any of them is incorrect or should be rectified has
      been received in the six years ended on the date of this Agreement.

7.3   All documents which should have been delivered within the last six years
      by each UK Group Company to the Registrar of Companies, or by any other
      Group Company to any equivalent registry in an overseas jurisdiction,
      have, in all material respects, been properly so delivered.


8.1   There are no subsisting contracts to which any Group Company is a party
      which were entered into otherwise than in the ordinary course of business
      of that Group Company.


8.2   The Disclosure Documents include copies of all agency and distributorship
      agreements, and agreements for the provision of consultancy services to
      or by a Group Company, to which any Group Company is party.

8.3   There is not outstanding any guarantee, indemnity, performance bond or
      suretyship given by any Group Company to secure any obligation of any
      person not within the Group.

8.4   There is not outstanding any GEC Security.

8.5   No Group Company has received written notice or (so far as GEC is aware)
      oral notice that it is in breach of any contracts with its customers
      where there is a substantial likelihood that such breach would be
      material in the context of the business of the Group as a whole.

8.6   The Disclosure Documents include details of the Group's contracts with
      its 15 principal customers and with its 10 principal suppliers other than
      factored product suppliers ("principal" for this purpose meaning those
      representing the largest proportion of the Group's income or, as the case
      may be, outgoings in the financial year ended on Accounts Date with all
      non-sterling amounts converted into sterling at the rate of exchange
      applicable as at the date of the particular contract).  So far as GEC is
      aware, no written notice has been received by any Group Company from any
      such principal customer or principal supplier indicating that it will
      cease dealing with the Group or substantially reduce the level of its
      business with the Group, as a result of the proposed acquisition of the
      Companies by the Purchaser or for any other reason.

8.7   The Disclosure Documents include details of all hire purchase contracts
      and finance and operating or equipment leases which relate to assets used
      by any Group Company to which such Group Company is a party and which
      involve an annual charge in excess of L25,000.  The aggregate annual
      charge of any such contracts not included in the Disclosure Documents and
      to which a Group Company is a party does not exceed L100,000.

8.8   There is no outstanding contract with a customer where the value of
      deliveries to be made but outstanding at the date hereof exceeds

8.9   No Group Company is a party to any agreement which prevents it from
      carrying on its business in the ordinary course anywhere in the world.

8.10  No one is entitled to receive from a Group Company a finder's fee,
      brokerage or other commission in connection with the sale and purchase of
      the Shares under this Agreement.


8.11  No powers of attorney (express or implied), other than to officers or
      employees in the ordinary course of their duties, by which a person may
      enter into a contract or incur an obligation on behalf of a Group Company
      are subsisting.

8.12  There is no distributorship, agency or consultancy agreement to which a
      Group Company has been party and which has terminated or expired during
      the two years prior to the date of this Agreement or which will terminate
      after Completion pursuant to a written notice of termination served prior
      to 24th January 1998 or (so far as GEC is aware) since that date but
      prior to Completion, in respect of whose termination or expiry any
      payment not yet made is or will become due from the relevant Group
      Company.  No such payment has been made between the Accounts Date and
      Completion which is not reflected in the management accounts of the Group
      Companies for the period from the Accounts Date to 31st December, 1997.

8.13  So far as GEC is aware, no event has occurred or circumstances arisen
      (save for the sale of the Shares pursuant hereto) such that any person is
      entitled, or could with the giving of notice and/or lapse of time become
      entitled, to require payment before its stated maturity of, or to take
      any step to enforce any security for, any non-trading, financial
      indebtedness of any member of the Group where such repayment or
      enforcement would have a material and adverse effect on the business of
      the Group as a whole.


9.1   Since the Accounts Date:- 

      (A)  the business of each Group Company has been carried on in its
           ordinary course;

      (B)  no resolution of any Group Company in general meeting nor any
           written resolution of any Group Company has been passed; and

      (C)  no dividend or distribution has been declared, paid or made and no
           share or loan capital has been issued or agreed to be issued or put
           under option by any Group Company;

      (D)  no part of the business of any Group Companies has, so far as GEC is
           aware, been affected to a material extent by any abnormal factor
           which has not since the Accounts Date affected similar businesses to
           a like extent;

      (E)  no Group Company has disposed of any material assets, otherwise than
           in the ordinary course of business; and

      (F)  no Group Company has received any material amounts of income or any
           material capital payments, nor incurred any material expenditure,
           outside the ordinary course of trade.


      In this Warranty 9.1, "material" means material in the context of the
      Group's business as a whole.

9.2   Since 30th November, 1997:

      (A)  no dividends or other distributions have been paid, made or declared
           by any Group Company save as provided in Schedule 12;

      (B)  the total amount of all non-trading indebtedness due to all GEC
           Group Companies from all Group Companies has been repaid in full and
           at Completion there is no outstanding non-trading indebtedness due
           to any Group Company from any GEC Group Company;

      (C)  otherwise than in the ordinary course of business or reimbursements
           of third party costs incurred by a GEC Group Company on behalf of
           the Group Company and recharged to that Group Company, no payments
           or transfers or surrenders of tax losses or cash entitlements have
           been made, and no liability has been incurred, by or to any Group
           Company to or by any GEC Group Company, other than those payments
           and surrenders indicated in Schedule 12;

      (D)  other than loans to other Group Companies no loans have been made by
           any Group Company otherwise than in the ordinary course of business
           which have not been repaid in full before Completion; and

      (E)  no gratuitous payment in excess of L25,000 has been made by any
           Group Company.

9.3   A list of all current individual legally binding capital commitments of
      each Group Company in excess of L50,000 is included in the Disclosure

9.4   No Group Company was at the Accounts Date or has since that date become
      party to any borrowing or financing agreement outside the ordinary course
      of its trading with any person whose business comprises the lending of
      money or the financing of the purchase of assets, under which financing
      facilities have been made available to the Group Company concerned on a
      basis which would not, in accordance with any relevant legislation or
      applicable accounting standards, be required to be disclosed in the
      relevant Group Company's published accounts.

10.   GRANTS

      Details of all grants, aid and subsidies paid or made to any Group
      Company during the last six years by, and of all outstanding claims by
      any Group Company for any such grant, aid or subsidy from, any
      supra-national, national or local authority or government agency are
      included in the Disclosure Documents and, except in relation to the sale
      of the Shares, none of GEC, any GEC Group Company or any Group 


      Company has done or failed to do any act or thing which there is a
      substantial likelihood could result, in all or any part of such grant aid
      or subsidy becoming repayable or forfeited or being withheld.


11.1  Each Group Company has all material statutory and regulatory licences,
      consents, permissions and approvals required for the carrying on of the
      business now being carried on by it and, so far as GEC is aware, is not
      in breach of the terms or conditions of any such licences, consents,
      permissions or approvals where such breach would have an adverse effect
      which is material in the context of the Group's business as a whole.

11.2  All licences, consents, permissions and approvals referred to in
      sub-paragraph  above are in full force and effect, and GEC is not aware
      that there are any circumstances which indicate that there is a
      substantial likelihood that any of such licences, consents, permissions
      or approvals will or may be suspended, revoked or not renewed or which
      may confer a right of revocation or that the terms may be altered to the
      detriment of the relevant Group Company except in relation to the sale of
      the Shares.

11.3  No Group Company has exported or imported any products or technical data
      which is the subject of the United Kingdom and/or United States export
      regulations and laws without obtaining the necessary approvals and
      licences from the relevant governmental authorities and without observing
      the requirements of any such approvals or licences with respect to the
      recording of the details of any transaction made or of any technical data
      exported or imported.


12.1  Details of all bank accounts maintained or used by each Group Company
      (including, in each case, the name and address of the bank with whom the
      account is kept and the number and nature of the account) are included in
      the Disclosure Documents.

12.2  The Disclosure Documents include details of all overdraft, loan and other
      financial facilities available to the Group.

12.3  Except for borrowings between Group Companies, no Group Company has any
      outstanding loan capital nor has any Group Company incurred or agreed to
      incur any borrowing which it has not repaid or satisfied, or lent or
      agreed to lend any money which has not been repaid to it or owns the
      benefit of any debt present or future (other than debts due to it or owed
      to it in the ordinary course of trading).



13.1  No resolution has been passed for the winding up of any Group Company or
      for a provisional liquidator to be appointed in respect of any Group
      Company and no meeting has been convened and, so far as GEC is aware, no
      petition has been presented for the purpose of winding up any Group

13.2  No administration order has been made and, so far as GEC is aware, no
      petition for such an order has been presented in respect of any Group

13.3  (A)  No receiver (which expression shall include an administrative
           receiver) has been appointed in respect of any Group Company or all
           or any of its assets;

      (B)  Marconi Messtechnik GmbH has not itself filed nor, as far as GEC is
           aware, has any other person filed a petition for the institution of
           insolvency proceedings against Marconi Messtechnik GmbH nor has
           Marconi Messtechnik GmbH offered or made a settlement or moratorium
           in court or out of court with its creditors generally.

13.4  (A)  No UK Group Company is insolvent, or unable to pay its debts within
           the meaning of section 123 Insolvency Act 1986, or has stopped
           paying its debts as they fall due.

      (B)  Marconi Instruments SA is not insolvent or unable to pay its debts
           ("en etat de cessation des paiements") within the meaning of French
           law No. 85-98 of 25th January 1985 or has stopped paying its debts
           as they fall due.

13.5  (A)  No voluntary arrangement has been proposed under section 1
           Insolvency Act 1986 in respect of any UK Group Company.

      (B)  Marconi Instruments SA has not applied, pursuant to French law No.
           84-148 of 1st March, 1984, for the appointment of a conciliateur or
           entered into an amicable settlement (REGLEMENT AMICABLE) with its
           creditors or made any application to any court under Article 1244-1
           of the French Civil Code.  No corporate action, legal proceedings or
           other steps have been taken pursuant to French law No. 85-98 of 25th
           January, 1985 with respect to the appointment of an ADMINISTRATEUR
           JUDICIAIRE, to any kind of term of payment with creditors or to any
           judgment delivered with respect to its REDRESSEMENT JUDICIAIRE or
           LIQUIDATION JUDICIAIRE or to the transfer of the whole or part of
           its business (CESSION TOTALE OU PARTIELLE DE L'ENTRPRISE), its
           reorganisation or its dissolution.

      (C)  No court of competent jurisdiction has entered an order or decree
           under Title 11, UNITED SATES CODE, or any similar Federal or state
           law for the relief of debtors (collectively, "US BANKRUPTCY LAWS")
           that (i) is for relief against Marconi (US) in an involuntary case,
           (ii) appoints a receiver, trustee, assignee, liquidator, custodian
           or similar official (each, a "CUSTODIAN") of Marconi (US) 


           or for any substantial part of its property, or (iii) orders the
           winding up or liquidation of the Company.

      (D)  Marconi (US) has not, pursuant to or within the meaning of any US
           Bankruptcy Law, (i) commenced a voluntary case, (ii) consented to
           the entry of an order for relief against it in an involuntary case,
           (iii) consented to the appointment of a Custodian of it or for any
           substantial part of its property, or (iv) made a general assignment
           for the benefit of its creditors.

      (E)  Marconi Instrumentos S.A. has not filed a petition for the
           institution of suspension of payments ("suspension de pagos") or
           bankruptcy proceedings ("quiebra") and, as far as GEC is aware, no
           bankruptcy of Marconi Instrumentos S.A. has been declared as the
           result of a third party's petition, nor has Marconi Instrumentos
           S.A. ceased paying its debts as they fall due.


14.1  Other than in respect of the payment and collection of debts in the
      ordinary course of its business, no Group Company is engaged in any
      litigation, arbitration or criminal proceedings, whether as plaintiff,
      defendant or otherwise, and no litigation, arbitration or criminal
      proceedings by or against any Group Company is pending, or (so far as GEC
      is aware) threatened, the adverse determination of which would have a
      material and adverse effect on the business of the Group as a whole, and
      so far as GEC is aware there are no facts or circumstances which are
      reasonably likely to give rise to such proceedings.

14.2  No Group Company is subject to any order or judgment given by any court
      (including, without limitation, any injunction or order for specific
      performance) which is still in force and has not given any undertaking to
      any court arising out of any legal proceedings which remains outstanding.


15.1  No Group Company's business is being conducted in contravention of any
      relevant legislation the consequences of which contravention have a
      material and adverse effect on the business of the Group as a whole.

15.2  No Group Company has received written notification nor, so far as GEC is
      aware, oral notification that any non-routine investigation or inquiry is
      being conducted by any governmental or other regulatory body in respect
      of its affairs in respect of which there is a reasonable likelihood that
      such investigation or inquiry will lead to proceedings, the adverse
      determination of which would have a material and adverse effect on the
      business of the Group as a whole.


15.3  So far as GEC is aware, no Group Company has committed or omitted to do
      any act or thing which could give rise to any fine or penalty and no
      Group Company is or has been a party to any agreement, practice or
      arrangement which:

      (A)  contravenes the Trade Descriptions Act 1968;

      (B)  contravenes or is invalidated (in whole or in part) by or is subject
           to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Acts 1976 and

      (C)  contravenes any provisions of the Treaty of Rome; or

      (D)  contravenes any other anti-trust, anti-monopoly or anti-cartel
           legislation or regulations or constitutes an anti-competitive
           practice as defined in the Competition Act 1980

      in circumstances where the amount of the fine or penalty or the breach or
      contravention is likely to have a material adverse effect on the business
      of the Group as a whole.


16.1  Each of the tangible assets (other than the Properties) included in the
      Accounts as being owned by any Group Company, or acquired by such Group
      Company since the Accounts Date and which, if acquired before such date,
      would have been included in the Accounts, (other than assets sold,
      realised or applied in the normal course of business) where such asset
      has a current net book value in excess of L500 and is used by or is
      available for use by that Group Company at the date of this Agreement is
      owned both legally and beneficially by that or another Group Company and
      no Group Company has granted any option, right to acquire, mortgage,
      charge, pledge, lien or other form of security or encumbrance over any
      such asset, subject in any case to retention of title and vendor's liens
      arising in the ordinary course of business and liens arising by operation
      of law.

16.2  No Group Company has in its possession or under its control any jigs,
      tooling, test or other equipment procured or provided under a contract
      with the MOD and which is subject to MOD conditions of contract DEFCON 23
      and/or DEFCON 527.


17.1  The  Properties are the only immovable properties owned, used or occupied
      by a Group Company or in respect of which any Group Company has any
      estate, interest, right or ownership.

17.2  In relation to each of the Properties referred to in Parts A and B of
      Schedule 11:-


      (A)  the relevant Group Company specified in Schedule 11 as registered
           proprietor or Lessee of the Property (the "Owner") is solely legally
           and beneficially entitled to the Property and the Owner has under
           its control all of the title deeds and documents listed in the
           Disclosure Letter;

      (B)  the Owner holds the Property subject to the leases, underleases,
           sub-leases, tenancies or licences particulars of which are set out
           in the Disclosure Documents but is otherwise in physical possession
           and actual occupation of the Property;

      (C)  GEC has not been notified in writing nor is it aware that the Owner
           has been notified in writing of a breach by it of any material
           provision of any lease under which it holds the Property where such
           breach is still outstanding;

      (D)  GEC has not received nor is it aware that the Owner as its owner has
           received notice in writing of any outstanding material breach under
           planning legislation in respect of the Property;

      (E)  GEC has not received nor is it aware that  the Owner has received
           notice in writing of any compulsory purchase order affecting the
           Property which is currently in force;

      (F)  GEC has not received nor is it aware that the Owner has received
           notice in writing of any legal proceedings (which in this context
           also means proceedings under any legislation or statutory
           regulations directions or similar matters not covered in Warranty
           17.2(D)) or notice in writing of any circumstance which in the
           reasonable opinion of GEC or the Owner will result in legal
           proceedings in respect of the Property which are or are likely to be
           material in the context of the business carried on by the Group as a

      (G)  GEC has not received nor is it aware that the Owner has received
           notice in writing of any outstanding material breach of a condition
           of any fire certificate issued in respect of the Property.

17.3  GEC has not received nor is it aware that any Group Company has received
      notice in writing of any liability (whether actual or contingent) in
      relation to any leasehold property which such Group Company has assigned
      or otherwise disposed of.

17.4  So far as GEC is aware, the Properties referred to in Part C of Schedule
      11 are held pursuant to the tenancy agreement or licence described in
      Part C of Schedule 11 and so far as GEC is aware it has neither received
      nor been notified in writing nor is it aware of a material breach of that
      tenancy agreement or licence (as the case may be) where that breach is
      still outstanding.



18.1  Details of all registered Intellectual Property owned by a Group Company
      and details of all applications for registration thereof are included in
      the Disclosure Documents and such Intellectual Property is beneficially
      owned by the relevant Group Company free from all charges or similar
      encumbrances save for any licence disclosed pursuant to Warranty 18.3.

18.2  All renewal fees and administrative steps required for the maintenance of
      the rights disclosed pursuant to sub-paragraph 18.1 have been paid or
      taken and GEC is not aware of any challenge or attack by a third party or
      competent authority to such rights.

18.3  Details of all licences (excluding shrink-wrap software licences) granted
      to or by a Group Company in respect of any Intellectual Property and in
      respect of any confidential information or know-how are set out in the
      Disclosure Documents and  no Group Company is in material breach of any
      such licence and, so far as GEC is aware, no other party thereto is in
      material breach of any such licence.

18.4  So far as GEC is aware, the processes and methods employed, the services
      provided, the businesses conducted and the products used or dealt in by
      Group Companies in relation to their business as carried on at the date
      of this Agreement do not infringe the rights of any other person in any
      Intellectual Property or any confidential information or know-how.

18.5  So far as GEC is aware, there is no unauthorised use or infringement by
      any person of any Intellectual Property owned by a Group Company.

18.6  So far as GEC is aware, no employee of the Group or any other person has
      made or has threatened to make any claim under the provisions of section
      40 of the Patents Act 1977 in relation to the patents and patent
      applications of the Group Companies.

18.7  So far as GEC is aware, none of the products or computer software of the
      Group have been developed with funds provided by the United Kingdom
      Ministry of Defence or the Government of the United States in
      circumstances in which the relevant Government has a right to have
      manufactured or used by a third party free of any payment the relevant
      products or software and/or has the right to receive payment by way of
      commercial exploitation levy or otherwise in respect of any sale of any
      such products or licensing of any such software by any member of the
      Group and where in any such case the products or software are material in
      the context of the relevant Group Company's business.

18.8  GEC is not aware of any reason why IBM will refuse to grant to a Group
      Company a licence on the terms laid down in the GEC-IBM cross-licence or
      why GEC will not be able to grant to a Group Company a sub-licence
      pursuant to the AT&T/Lucent cross-


      licence and GEC undertakes to give all reasonable assistance to the
      Purchaser at the Purchaser's cost and expense in relation to the grant of
      such licences.

18.9  So far as GEC is aware, details of all use at Completion made by Group
      Companies of patents owned by the GEC Group have been disclosed.


      Details of all material insurance policies maintained by or on behalf of
      each Group Company are included in the Disclosure Documents, and so far
      as GEC is aware, all such policies are in force and, so far as GEC is
      aware, no Group Company has done anything or omitted to do anything as a
      result of which any of such policies is void or voidable and no claims
      are outstanding for amounts in excess of L50,000 under each such policy,
      nor is GEC aware of any circumstances likely to give rise to such a


20.1  The name and particulars of remuneration and material benefits of the
      Employees as at 16th January, 1998 are included in the Disclosure
      Documents and such particulars are true and accurate in all material
      respects and since 31st July, 1997, no Employee with an annual basic
      salary in excess of L50,000 has ceased to be an Employee, has been taken
      on or has given notice terminating his contract of employment and no
      person has been offered employment with an annual basic salary in excess
      of L50,000.  Since 16th January 1998 there has been no general change
      made or announced in the remuneration payable to Employees or the
      contractual obligations of relevant employers to Employees, and no change
      made or announced in the remuneration payable to any Employee with an
      annual basic salary in excess of L50,000 or in the contractual
      obligations of the relevant employer to any such Employee.

20.2  The contract of employment of each Employee may be terminated by the
      relevant employer without damages or compensation (other than that
      payable by statute) by the giving of not more than 13 weeks' notice at
      any time.

20.3  The Disclosure Documents contain copies of all the standard terms and
      conditions, staff handbooks and policies which apply to the Employees.

20.4  No current Employee has any legally binding entitlement to any payment in
      excess of a statutory redundancy payment on termination of the Employee's
      contract of employment by reason of redundancy, except as set out in the
      Disclosure Documents.

20.5  Neither any Group Company nor GEC has any outstanding notice of a claim
      of any failure to comply in a material respect with any relevant
      provisions of the Treaty of Rome, EC Directives, statutes, regulations,
      collective agreements, terms and conditions of employment, or orders,
      declarations and awards of any court or tribunal relevant to the
      Employees or the relations between any Group Company and any 


      trade union, staff association or any other body representing workers.  
      Neither GEC nor any Group Company is aware of any circumstances which
      might constitute material non-compliance with any of the above.

20.6  There is no material dispute with any trade union or other such
      representative body existing or, so far as GEC is aware, pending or
      threatened in relation to the business of any Group Company.

20.7  Copies of all (if any) collective agreements and recognition agreements
      for the time being affecting the Employees or their conditions of service
      are included in the Disclosure Documents.

20.8  Within the year immediately preceding the date of this Agreement, no UK
      Group Company has given notice of any redundancies to the Secretary of
      State or started consultations with any independent trade union under the
      provisions of Part IV, TULRCA or failed in any material respect to comply
      with any such obligation under the said Part IV.

20.9  So far as GEC is aware, there is not outstanding any material dispute or
      material claim by any Employee or any former employee of any Group

20.10 There are no enquiries or investigations of which GEC or any Group
      Company has notice existing, pending or threatened affecting any Group
      Company in relation to any employees by the Equal Opportunities
      Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality or the Health and Safety
      Executive or any other bodies with similar functions or powers in
      relation to employees.

20.11 No Employee has been offered, or has agreed to, any retention package
      except as set out in the Disclosure Documents.

20.12 There are no amounts in excess of L5,000 per Employee owing from, or
      agreed to be loaned or agreed to be advanced to any of the Employees,
      other than any amounts representing remuneration accrued due for the
      current pay period, accrued holiday pay or for reimbursement of expenses.


21.1  So far as GEC is aware, the business of each Group Company is being
      conducted in compliance, insofar as material to the business of the Group
      as a whole, with Environmental Laws and Permits and (without prejudice to
      the generality of the forgoing) so far as GEC is aware each Group Company
      has complied in all material respects with all Environmental Laws for the
      time being in force in relation to the Properties or any Process.

21.2  So far as GEC is aware, each Group Company has all Permits necessary for
      the operation of the business of such Group Company and no Group Company


      received any written notice or other written or recorded communication of
      any decision or proposal by any competent authority to revoke, modify or
      vary any Permit.

21.3  So far as GEC is aware, no circumstance exists (other than the sale of
      the Shares) which is likely to result to the material detriment of the
      Group as a whole, in suspension or revocation of any Permit or is likely
      to result in any such Permit not being renewed or granted and so far as
      GEC is aware the sale of the Shares will not result ipso facto in any
      such Permit being suspended or revoked.

21.4  So far as GEC is aware, no material work or material expenditure is
      required under any Environmental Laws in order to carry on the business
      of any Group Company where failure to carry out such work or to incur
      such expenditure as at the date of this Agreement is a breach of
      Environmental Laws or any Permit.

21.5  At no time within the last three years has any Group Company received any
      written notice, claim or other written or recorded communication alleging
      any actual or potential breach of Environmental Laws which is outstanding
      as at the date of this Agreement.

21.6  None of the Properties or property in which any Group Company formerly
      had any estate or interest have been designated contaminated land by any
      competent authority under the Environmental Laws or are subject to any
      statutory notice requiring works due to contamination nor is GEC or any
      Group Company aware of any circumstances rendering such designation or
      such works likely.

21.7  In relation to the Environment and/or Environmental Laws in respect of
      the current businesses of each Group Company and in respect of the
      Properties and the Process GEC has, so far as it is aware, made available
      to the Purchaser complete and accurate copies of all current Permits and
      all GEC and third party environmental audit reports and GEC health and
      safety reports produced in the last 3 years.

21.8  So far as GEC is aware no Group Company has in relation to the business
      of the Company any liability in respect of any material breach of or
      material non-compliance with any Environmental Laws and/or Permits in
      respect of any freehold or leasehold property in which it formerly had
      any estate or interest.

21.9  So far as GEC is aware, within the last three years no Group Company has
      disposed of any Dangerous Substance in such a way that its disposal would
      constitute a breach of Environmental Laws.


22.1  No Group Company has any liability in respect of Taxation that is not
      disclosed or provided for in the Accounts and, in particular, has no
      outstanding liability for:-


      (A)  Taxation in any part of the world assessable or payable by reference
           to profits, gains, income or distributions earned, received or paid
           or arising or deemed to arise on or at any time prior to the
           Accounts Date or in respect of any period ending on or before the
           Accounts Date; or

      (B)  customs duties or purchase, value added, sales or other similar tax
           in any part of the world referable to transactions effected on or
           before the Accounts Date;

      that is not provided for in the Accounts.

22.2  The amount of the provision for deferred Taxation in respect of each
      Group Company contained in the Accounts was, at the Accounts Date, in
      accordance with accountancy practices generally accepted in the United
      Kingdom or the relevant jurisdiction of incorporation and commonly
      adopted by companies carrying on businesses similar to those carried on
      by that Group Company. 

22.3  If all facts and circumstances which are now known to the Group or to GEC
      had been known at the time the Accounts were drawn up, the provision for
      deferred Taxation that would be contained in the Accounts would be no
      greater than the provision which is so contained.


23.1  Since the Accounts Date:

      (A)  no Group Company has made any distribution of assets or repayment of

      (B)  no accounting period of any Group Company has ended;

      (C)  no Group Company has paid or become liable to pay any interest or
           penalty in connection with any tax, or has otherwise paid any tax
           after its due date for payment;

      (D)  no Group Company has received a payment for the surrender of group
           relief in accordance with Chapter IV of Part X to ICTA 1988 or for
           the surrender of advance corporation tax under section 240 ICTA 1988
           which, so far as GEC is aware, it may be required to refund in whole
           or in part, nor has any Group Company agreed to surrender any right
           it may have to receive a tax refund under section 102 Finance Act

23.2  So far as GEC is aware, since the Accounts Date:

      (A)  no Group Company has paid any dividend by reference to which it will
           or may be liable to Tax;


      (B)  there has been no disposal of any asset (including trading stock) or
           supply of any service or business facility of any kind (including a
           loan of money or the letting, hiring or licensing of any property
           whether tangible or intangible) in circumstances where the
           consideration actually received or receivable for such disposal or
           supply was materially less than the consideration which could be
           deemed to have been received for tax purposes;

      (C)  no event has occurred which will give rise to a tax liability on any
           Group Company calculated by reference to deemed (as opposed to
           actual) income, profits or gains or which will result in such Group
           Company becoming liable to pay or bear a tax liability directly or
           primarily chargeable against or attributable to another person, firm
           or company;

      (D)  no disposal has taken place or other event occurred which will or
           may have the effect of crystallising a liability to Taxation which
           should have been included in the provision for deferred Taxation
           contained in the Accounts if such disposal or other event had been
           planned or predicted at the Accounts Date;

      (E)  no Group Company has incurred expenditure of a revenue nature or
           entered into a commitment to incur expenditure of a revenue nature
           which will not be deductible in computing trading profits for the
           purposes of corporation tax, or be deductible as a management
           expense of an investment company, other than expenditure at a rate
           proportionately no greater than the corresponding rate for the
           accounting period ending on the Accounts Date;

      (F)  no Group Company has become liable to pay any interest or penalty in
           connection with any tax or owes any tax the due date for payment of
           which has passed or will arise in the 30 days after the date of this

      (G)  no Group Company has made or agreed to make a surrender of or claim
           for group relief under Chapter IV of Part X to ICTA 1988, or a
           surrender of any amount of advance corporation tax under ICTA 1988
           section 240; for the avoidance of doubt, this warranty 23.2(G) does
           not apply to any arrangements made under or pursuant to the Tax


24.1  So far as GEC is aware, each Group Company has, within the requisite
      periods, made or caused to be made all proper returns and notifications
      required to be made and supplied or caused to be supplied all material
      information (including computations) required to be supplied to any
      revenue or income tax authority within the last six years.

24.2  So far as GEC is aware, there is no significant dispute or disagreement
      outstanding nor is any contemplated at the date of this agreement with
      any revenue authority


      regarding liability or potential liability to any tax or duty 
      (including in each case penalties or interest) recoverable from any 
      Group Company or regarding the availability of any relief from tax 
      or duty to such Group Company and there are no circumstances which 
      make it likely that any such dispute or disagreement will commence.

24.3  So far as GEC is aware, each Group Company has sufficient records
      relating to past events, including any elections made, to calculate the
      tax liability or relief which would arise on any disposal or on the
      realisation of any asset owned at the Accounts Date by that Group Company
      or acquired by that Group Company since that date but before Completion.

24.4  So far as GEC is aware, each Group Company has duly submitted all claims,
      elections  and disclaimers which have been assumed to have been made for
      the purposes of the Accounts.

24.5  The amount of tax chargeable on any Group Company during any accounting
      period ending on or within six years before the Accounts Date has not, to
      any material extent, depended on any concession, agreement or other
      formal or informal arrangement with any revenue or income tax authority.

24.6  No Group Company has received any written notice from any revenue or
      income tax authority which required or will or may require it to withhold
      tax from any payment made since the Accounts Date or which will or may be
      made after the date of this agreement, other than normal withholdings of
      social security contributions or taxes on earnings.

24.7  All particulars furnished to any Tax authority in connection with an
      application for any statutory consent or clearance on behalf of any Group
      Company fully and accurately disclosed everything material to the
      decision of the authority in question and any transaction for which
      consent or clearance was obtained has been carried into effect (if at
      all) only in accordance with the terms of the application and the consent
      or clearance.

24.8  So far as GEC is aware, no Group Company has taken any action which has
      prejudiced any arrangement or agreement which it has with a Tax

24.9  Any surrender of advance corporation tax by a member of the GEC Group to
      a Group Company has been properly documented and (in particular) all
      necessary claims in respect of such surrender have been submitted to the
      Inland Revenue.


      So far as GEC is aware, each Group Company has duly paid any stamp duty
      or other similar duty, levy or transaction tax for which it is liable and
      all documents which are required to be stamped,  by virtue of which any
      Group Company has any right


      material to the business of the Group as a whole and which are in 
      the possession, power or control of any Group Company or to the 
      production of which any Group Company is entitled (including for 
      the avoidance of doubt the duplicate of the registered transfer of 
      the St. Albans Property dated 22nd August 1997) have been duly 


26.1  Each Group Company has complied with any obligation to register for the
      purposes of any purchase, value added, sales or other similar tax in any
      part of the world and has complied in all material respects with its
      other obligations (including, without limitation, with regard to
      record-keeping and the timing of its payment of any such tax) under any
      legislation relating to such tax or arising from any directions issued
      under such legislation.

26.2  Each Group Company resident in a member state of the European Union has
      been or will be able to recover or obtain credit for all amounts in
      respect of VAT it has incurred since the Accounts Date.

26.3  The only Group Companies which form part of the VAT Group (as defined in
      the Tax Covenant) are Marconi Instruments International Limited of
      Longacres House, Norton Green Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2BA
      (registered in England No. 934595), Sanders Instruments Limited of
      Longacres House, Norton Green Road, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2BA
      (registered in England No.  607978) and Marconi (UK).  

26.4  No election under paragraph 2 of Schedule 10 VATA 1994 to waive exemption
      from VAT in relation to any of the Properties in the United Kingdom has
      been made by a Group Company or, so far as GEC is aware, by a predecessor
      in title.  

26.5  No direction has been given by H.M. Customs & Excise under Schedule 9(A)
      VATA 1994 in relation to any Group Company and, so far as GEC is aware,
      there are no grounds under which such a direction is likely to be given.

27.   DUTIES, ETC.

      All value added tax, import duty, excise duties and other similar taxes,
      duties or charges payable to any tax authority upon the importation of
      goods or in respect of any assets (including trading stock) imported,
      owned or used by a Group Company have been paid in full.


      On a disposal of all its assets by a Group Company for:-


      (A)  in the case of each asset owned by a Group Company at the Accounts
           Date, a consideration equal to the value attributed to that asset in
           preparing the Accounts; or

      (B)  in the case of each asset acquired since the Accounts Date, a
           consideration equal to the consideration given for the acquisition

           then either:-

           (a)  in respect of any asset falling within (A) above, the liability
                to tax (if any) which would be incurred by a Group Company in
                respect of that asset would not exceed the amount taken into
                account in respect of that asset in computing the maximum
                liability to deferred Taxation as stated in the Accounts; or

           (b)  in respect of any asset within (B) above, no tax liability
                would, so far as GEC is aware, be incurred by a Group Company
                in respect of that asset.


      So far as GEC is aware, no Group Company is under any obligation to make
      any future payment of a revenue nature which will be prevented (whether
      on the grounds of being a distribution or for any other reason) from
      being deductible for corporation tax purposes, whether as a deduction in
      computing the profits of a trade or as an expense of management or as a
      charge on income or (in the case of Group Companies subject to UK
      corporation tax) as a non-trading debit under Chapter II Part IV Finance
      Act 1996, by reason of any Tax legislation.


      During the last six years, each Group Company has so far as GEC is aware
      made all deductions in respect or on account of any tax from any payments
      made or benefits provided by it which it is obliged or entitled to make
      and has accounted to the appropriate authority for all amounts so


      No Group Company has, at any time within the seven years ending on the
      Completion Date, acquired any asset from any other company which was, at
      the time of the acquisition, a member of the same group of companies as
      that member for the purposes of any tax.



      (A)  So far as GEC is aware, the country which is given in Schedule 8 as
           the tax residence of each Group Company is the only country whose
           tax authorities seek to charge tax on the world-wide profits or
           gains of that Group Company and that Group Company has never paid
           tax on income, profits or gains to any tax authority in any other
           country except that mentioned in Schedule 10 in respect of it.

      (B)  No notice of the making of a direction under section 747 ICTA 1988
           has been received by a Group Company and, so far as GEC is aware, no
           circumstances exist which will lead to the making of such a


33.1  No assessment has been made under section 247 ICTA 1988 on a Group
      Company in respect of advance corporation tax which ought to have been
      paid or income tax which ought to have been deducted.  

33.2  Save as disclosed, no assessment may so far as GEC is aware be made under
      section 247 ICTA 1988 on a Group Company in respect of advance
      corporation tax which ought to have paid or income tax which ought to
      have been deducted since the Accounts Date.  


      No Group Company has engaged in or been a party to any transaction as a
      result of which sections 176 or 177 TCGA would apply to reduce the
      allowable loss on the disposal of any share or security by any Group
      Company or as a result of which the chargeable gain or allowable loss
      arising on the disposal of an asset by a Group Company would be adjusted
      in accordance with section 30 TCGA 1992.  


35.1  No Group Company has ever made any claims under section 139 Finance Act
      1993 in respect of any foreign exchange or gain.  

35.2  No Group Company has ever made any election to treat any qualifying
      assets or qualifying liabilities as matched pursuant to the Exchange
      Gains and Losses (Alternative Method of Calculation of Gain or Loss)
      Regulations 1994.  

35.3  So far as GEC is aware, no Group Company has since the Accounts Date
      entered into a qualifying contract under Chapter II of Part IV Finance
      Act 1994 which remains outstanding.  


35.4  Neither any Group Company nor the principal company of any group of which
      a Group Company is (or has ever been) a member has made any election
      under section 148 Finance Act 1994.  


36.1  Each Group Company which is required to do so under the Data Protection
      Act 1984 has duly registered as a data user.  

36.2  So far as GEC is aware, each Group Company has complied in all material
      aspects with the data protection principles set out in the Data
      Protection Act 1984.  

36.3  No individual has claimed compensation from a Group Company under the
      Data Protection Act 1984.  


      The share certificates relating to shares in the Group Companies
      incorporated in England listed in Part B of Schedule 10 which are
      registered in the name of Marconi (UK) or an Employee are in the
      possession or control of Group Companies.


                                    SCHEDULE 4:

      The parties intend that the provisions in this Schedule apply to this
      Agreement and, where so stated, to the Tax Covenant and the Environmental
      Undertaking.  The provisions of paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7 and 11 shall apply
      with respect to claims under clauses 9.1 and 9.15 of this Agreement as
      they apply to claims under the warranties and shall be construed


2.1   Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the
      provisions of this Schedule shall operate to limit the liability of GEC
      in respect of any claim by the Purchaser for any breach of the Warranties
      and, where so stated, the Tax Covenant.

2.2   The only Warranties given:

      (A)  in respect of Intellectual Property are those contained in
           paragraph 18 of Schedule 3 and each of the other Warranties shall be
           deemed not to be given in relation to Intellectual Property;

      (B)  in respect of matters related to the Environment, are those
           contained in paragraphs 14 and 21 of Schedule 3 and each of the
           other Warranties shall be deemed not to be given in relation to any
           matter related to the Environment;

      (C)  in respect of any Property (excluding matters related to the
           Environment which affect any Property, to which paragraph (B) above
           applies), are those contained in paragraph 17 of Schedule 3 and each
           of the other Warranties shall be deemed not to be given in relation
           to the Properties; and

      (D)  in respect of Tax, are those contained in paragraphs 22 to 35 of
           Schedule 3 and each of the other Warranties shall be deemed not to
           be given in relation to Tax.



      (A)  The Purchaser shall not in any event be entitled to damages in
           respect of any claim or claims under any of the Warranties (other
           than Warranties 3.17 and 9.2) or the Tax Covenant or the
           Environmental Undertaking, except as follows:-


           (i)   in respect of any individual claim, whether under the
                 Warranties (other than Warranties 3.17 and 9.2), the Tax
                 Covenant (not being a claim arising under clause 2A(iv), (v)
                 or (vi) of the Tax Covenant or in respect of the Pre-Sale
                 Dividend) or the Environmental Undertaking, unless the amount
                 for which GEC is finally liable exceeds L50,000; and

           (ii)  in respect of all such claims, unless and until, in the case
                 of claims under the Warranties other than Warranties 3.17 and
                 9.2 the aggregate amount of all such claims (but ignoring
                 claims made under  the Tax Covenant and the Environmental
                 Undertaking) for which GEC is finally liable exceeds
                 L2,000,000, in which event the Purchaser shall be liable for
                 the full amount of the claims (excepting always those
                 individual claims excluded under sub-paragraph (i) above); 

           and GEC shall be finally liable only if the amount of each such
           claim and the aggregate of all such claims which are admitted or
           proved in a court of competent jurisdiction exceed the relevant
           figure specified in sub-paragraph (i) or (ii) (as the case may be)

      (B)  The total aggregate liability of GEC for breach of the Warranties
           (other than Warranties 3.17 and 9.2) and under the Tax Covenant and
           the Environmental Undertaking shall not in any event exceed
           L40,000,000 (and GEC's liability under the Environmental Undertaking
           shall not in any event exceed L10,000,000 within that cap), save
           that the aggregate liability of GEC in respect of any breach or
           breaches of any Warranties relating to GEC's title to the Shares
           shall be unlimited.

      (C)  For the purpose of sub-paragraph 3.1(A)(i), claims arising out of
           the same causal event, matter or practice shall be aggregated and
           treated as a single claim.


      (A)  No claim shall be brought against GEC in respect of any breach of
           the Warranties unless the Purchaser shall have given to GEC written
           notice of such claim specifying (in reasonable detail) the matter
           which gives rise to the breach or claim, the nature of the breach or
           claim and the amount claimed in respect thereof (detailing to the
           extent reasonably practicable the calculation of the loss thereby
           alleged to have been suffered by the Purchaser) on or before 31st
           December, 1999 or, in the case of claims arising under the
           Environmental Warranties or under the Environmental Undertaking,
           five years after the Completion Date or, in the case of claims
           arising under the Warranties contained in paragraphs 22 to 35 of
           Schedule 3, seven years from the Completion Date.  


           PROVIDED that the liability of GEC under this sub-paragraph shall
           absolutely determine (if such claim has not been previously
           satisfied, settled or withdrawn) if legal proceedings in respect of
           such claim shall not have been commenced within six months of the
           service of such notice and for this purpose proceedings shall not be
           deemed to have been commenced unless they shall have been properly
           issued and validly served upon GEC.

      (B)  No claim shall be brought against GEC under Warranty 3.17 after the
           Transfer Amount  (as defined in Schedule 5) has been paid  in
           accordance with Schedule 5.


      Upon the Purchaser becoming aware of any claim, action or demand against
      it or matter likely to give rise to any of these in respect of the
      Warranties or the Environmental Undertaking (a "Claim"), the Purchaser
      shall and shall procure that the relevant Group Company shall:-

      (A)  within 45 working days (or such shorter period as is necessary to
           enable GEC to make a substantive response to any such Claim) notify
           GEC by written notice as soon as it reasonably appears to the
           Purchaser that any such Claim of a third party received by or coming
           to the notice of the senior management of the Purchaser may result
           in a claim under the Warranties or the Environmental Undertaking;

      (B)  subject to GEC indemnifying the Purchaser and/or the relevant Group
           Company to their reasonable satisfaction against any liability,
           costs, damages or expenses which may be reasonably and properly
           incurred thereby, take such action and give such information and,
           upon reasonable notice, access to relevant personnel, premises,
           chattels, documents and records to GEC and its professional advisers
           as GEC may reasonably request and the relevant Group Company and/or
           the Purchaser and/or the relevant member of the Purchaser's Group
           shall take such action and give such information and assistance in
           order to avoid, dispute, resist, mitigate, settle, compromise,
           defend or appeal any Claim in respect thereof or adjudication with
           respect thereto as GEC may reasonably require;  

      (C)  make no admission of liability, agreement, settlement or compromise
           with any third party in relation to any such Claim or adjudication
           without the prior written consent of GEC (such consent not to be
           unreasonably withheld or delayed).  If GEC agrees with the third
           party to settle or compromise a Claim, and the Purchaser refuses to
           agree to such settlement or compromise then, if the amount for which
           GEC subsequently becomes liable exceeds the figure at which it would
           have so settled or compromised the relevant Claim, GEC shall not be
           liable for the excess amount or any costs or liabilities incurred
           since the proposed date of settlement or compromise; and


      (D)  subject as provided below and without prejudice to the generality of
           the foregoing at the request of GEC and subject to GEC indemnifying
           the Purchaser and/or the relevant Group Company to their reasonable
           satisfaction against any liability, costs, damages or expenses which
           may be reasonably incurred thereby, allow GEC to take the sole
           conduct of actions under any Environmental Warranty or the
           Environmental Undertaking as GEC may deem appropriate in connection
           with any such Claim in the name of the Purchaser or the appropriate
           member of the Purchaser's Group and in that connection the Purchaser
           shall give or cause to be given to GEC all such assistance as GEC
           may reasonably require in avoiding, disputing, resisting, settling,
           compromising, defending or appealing any such Claim.  GEC shall:-  

           (i)   in response to reasonable requests from the Purchaser from
                 time to time, keep the Purchaser informed of the progress of
                 such Claim;

           (ii)  provide the Purchaser with copies of such documentation
                 relating to such Claim as it may reasonably request; and

           (iii) give the Purchaser such opportunities as it may reasonably
                 request to make representations regarding the conduct of such

           PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT, if GEC wishes to take sole conduct of a Claim
           under the Environmental Undertaking the following provisions shall
           apply.  If the aggregate of all costs, liabilities and expenses
           arising out of such Claim (when aggregated with amounts paid or
           payable by GEC in respect of prior Claims under the Environmental
           Undertaking) (A) is reasonably expected to fall below L10 million,
           then GEC shall be entitled to sole conduct of such Claim (subject to
           paragraph (C) below); (B) is reasonably expected to exceed L10
           million then GEC and the Purchaser shall have joint conduct of such
           Claim and (C) was thought to be below L10 million but it becomes
           apparent to GEC that it is likely that the aggregate will, in fact,
           exceed L10 million then, in cases where GEC has taken sole conduct,
           GEC shall promptly notify the Purchaser of the change in position
           and the Purchaser shall thenceforth be entitled to assume joint
           control of the Claim with GEC.  In no event may GEC be required to
           indemnify the Purchaser for an amount in respect of Claims under the
           Environmental Undertaking in excess of L10 million.

           If the Purchaser and GEC fail to agree whether GEC is entitled to
           take sole conduct of a Claim, an expert opinion from an independent
           environmental consultant of no less than ten years experience in
           assessing the cost of environmental liability as to whether the
           costs, liabilities and expenses related to any Claim are likely to
           exceed L10 million (less any amounts paid or payable by GEC in
           respect of prior Claims under the Environmental Undertaking) shall
           be obtained whose opinion shall, in the absence of manifest error,
           be final.  The costs of obtaining such opinion shall be borne


           equally by the parties.  A copy of the opinion and any supporting
           material shall be available to each party.

      (E)  The Purchaser undertakes to comply with its common law duties to
           mitigate its  loss and nothing in this Agreement shall derogate from
           that duty.

      (F)  Notwithstanding the terms of sub-paragraph (B) of this paragraph 4,
           GEC may not request the Purchaser to take any action against an
           Employee (except where there has been fraud or theft by the


      (A)  General

           (i)   The Purchaser and those deriving title from the Purchaser on
                 or after Completion shall not be entitled to recover damages
                 or otherwise obtain reimbursement or restitution more than
                 once between them in respect of the same loss caused by a
                 breach of the Warranties or a claim to which the Environmental
                 Undertaking applies.

           (ii)  No liability shall attach to GEC by reason of any breach of
                 the Warranties if the same loss occasioned to the Purchaser or
                 the relevant Group Company or a member of the Purchaser's
                 Group by reason of such breach has been recovered under the
                 Tax Covenant or the Environmental Undertaking and vice versa.

           (iii) The Purchaser shall have no rights or remedy whatsoever in
                 respect of any fact, matter or circumstance constituting a
                 breach of Warranty or giving rise to a claim under the
                 Environmental Undertaking except pursuant to a claim for such
                 breach under this Agreement, and the Purchaser hereby
                 irrevocably waives, releases, discharges and acquits GEC from
                 any other causes of action, known or unknown, and whether
                 based on statute, regulation or common law, in respect of such
                 fact, matter or circumstance, and from any claims, demands,
                 debt, controversies, damages, costs, losses and expenses in
                 respect thereof except as provided in this Agreement.  Neither
                 the acceptance nor the delivery of this waiver and release
                 shall be construed as an admission of liability.

      (B)  Taxation

           In calculating the liability of GEC for any breach of the Warranties
           or under the Environmental Undertaking there shall be taken into
           account the amount by which any Taxation for which the relevant
           Group Company is now or in the


           future accountable or liable to be assessed is or will be reduced as
           a result of the matter giving rise to such liability, provided that 
           if any amount paid by GEC in respect of any breach of the Warranties 
           is held by a tax authority to be a taxable receipt of the Purchaser, 
           then the amount so paid (the "Original Sum") shall (to the extent 
           that such taxation has not already been taken into account in the 
           determination of the Original Sum) be increased to the amount which 
           after subtraction of the amount of tax paid on such increased amount 
           is equal to the Original Sum.

      (C)  Insurances

           If, in respect of any matter which would give rise to a breach of
           the Warranties or a claim under the Environmental Undertaking, the
           Purchaser, a member of the Purchaser's Group or a Group Company is
           entitled (or would have been so entitled had there been  maintained
           in force or but for any change in the terms of the policies of
           insurance maintained by or on behalf of a Group Company or policies
           providing equivalent cover thereto) to claim under any policy of
           insurance, then the Purchaser will notify GEC in writing of the
           matter giving rise to the claim, in accordance with paragraph 3.2,
           but will not pursue the claim against GEC unless and until the
           relevant Group Company, the Purchaser or a member of the Purchaser's
           Group shall have made a claim against its insurers and undertaken
           all reasonable steps to enforce such claim.  The amount recovered
           from any such insurance claim (or any claim which could have been
           made had such policies or their equivalents been maintained as
           aforesaid) (less the Purchaser's or the Group Company's reasonable
           costs of recovering the same (to the extent directly attributable to
           such recovery)) shall then be applied to reduce or extinguish any
           such claims for breach of the Warranties or under the Environmental

      (D)  Recovery from Third Parties

           (i)   Subject to and save as provided in paragraph 2(B) of Part B of
                 Schedule 6, where the Purchaser, a member of the Purchaser's
                 Group and/or a Group  Company are at any time entitled to
                 recover from some other person any sum in respect of any
                 matter giving rise to a claim under the Warranties or under
                 the Environmental Undertaking or under any of the other
                 provisions of this Agreement, the Purchaser shall, and shall
                 procure that such Group Company or the relevant member of the
                 Purchaser's Group shall, provided that GEC shall have given
                 the Purchaser such indemnities as the Purchaser may reasonably
                 require in connection therewith, undertake all reasonable
                 steps to enforce such recovery prior to taking action against
                 GEC (other than to notify GEC of the claim against GEC) and,
                 in the event that the Purchaser or such Group Company or
                 relevant member of the Purchaser's Group recover any amount
                 from such other person, the amount of the claim against GEC
                 shall be reduced by the amount


                 recovered, less all reasonable costs, charges and expenses 
                 incurred by the Purchaser or such Group Company  or relevant
                 member of the Purchaser's Group recovering that sum from such
                 other person or if that sum is greater, the claim shall be 

           (ii)  If GEC pays at any time to the Purchaser or the relevant
                 member of the Purchaser's Group an amount pursuant to a claim
                 in respect of the Warranties or under the Environmental
                 Undertaking or under any other provisions of this Agreement
                 and the Purchaser or relevant member of the Purchaser's Group
                 subsequently becomes entitled to recover from some other
                 person any sum in respect of any matter giving rise to such
                 claim, the Purchaser shall, and shall procure that or the
                 relevant member of the Purchaser's Group shall, provided that
                 GEC shall have given the Purchaser such indemnities as the
                 Purchaser may reasonably require in connection therewith, take
                 all reasonable steps to enforce such recovery, and shall
                 forthwith repay to GEC so much of the amount paid by GEC to
                 the Purchaser or the relevant member of the Purchaser's Group
                 as does not exceed the sum recovered from such other person
                 less all reasonable costs, charges and expenses incurred by
                 the Purchaser or relevant member of the Purchaser's Group
                 recovering that sum from such other person; and

           (iii) If any amount is repaid to GEC by the Purchaser or the
                 relevant member of the Purchaser's Group pursuant to
                 sub-paragraph (D)(ii) above, an amount equal to the amount so
                 repaid shall be deemed never to have been paid by GEC to the
                 Purchaser for the purposes of paragraph 3.1.


No claim shall lie against GEC under the Warranties or the Environmental
Undertaking to the extent that such claim is attributable to:-

      (i)   any voluntary act, omission, transaction or arrangement carried out
            at the written request of or with the written consent of the
            Purchaser before Completion;

      (ii)  any voluntary act, omission, transaction or arrangement which could
            reasonably have been avoided, carried out by the Purchaser or on
            its behalf or by persons deriving title from the Purchaser on or
            after Completion otherwise than in the ordinary course of business
            and which the Purchaser knew or ought reasonably to have been aware
            could result in a breach of Warranty; or

      (iii) any admission of liability made in breach of paragraph 4(C) of this
            Schedule after the date hereof by the Purchaser, a Group Company or
            a member of the


            Purchaser's Group or on their behalf or by persons
            deriving title from the Purchaser on or after Completion.


      No matter shall be the subject of a claim for breach of any of the
      Warranties to the extent that allowance, provision or reserve in respect
      of such matter shall have been made in the Management Accounts disclosed
      in Disclosure Document 17-116 or has been included in calculating
      creditors or deducted in calculating debtors in the said Management
      Accounts and (in the case of creditors or debtors) is identified in the
      records of the relevant Group Company or shall have been otherwise taken
      account of or reflected in the said Management Accounts save that this
      paragraph shall not apply to (i) the patent infringement provision
      referred to in paragraph 2.1(iv) of the Disclosure Letter or (ii) the
      excess rent provision for the Luton property.


      No liability shall arise in respect of any breach of any of the
      Warranties or under the Environmental Undertaking if and to the extent
      that liability for such breach occurs or is increased wholly or partly as
      a result of any legislation not in force at the date hereof or which
      takes effect retrospectively PROVIDED THAT for the purposes of
      establishing whether any liability has arisen under the Environmental
      Warranties or under the Environmental Undertaking the new contaminated
      land power introduced by section 57 of the Environmental Act 1995 to the
      Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the first set of guidance and
      regulations adopted under that power (but no subsequent modifications
      thereto) shall be deemed to be in force and any retrospective effect of
      such power guidance and regulations shall not be deemed grounds for the
      avoidance of liability pursuant to this paragraph 8.


      GEC shall not be liable in any event in respect of any claim in respect
      of any breach of the Warranties:-

      (A)  to the extent that that claim arises or is increased as a result
           only of any increase in rates of Tax or any change in law or
           practice or any withdrawal of any extra-statutory concession by a
           Tax authority or any change in accountancy practice or principles,
           being an increase, withdrawal or change made, in any such case,
           after Completion with retrospective effect; or 

      (B)  to the extent that that claim would not have arisen or would have
           been reduced but for a failure or omission on the part of the
           Purchaser or the relevant Group Company after Completion to make any
           election or claim any Relief, the making or claiming of which was
           taken into account in computing the provision or reserve for Tax in
           the Accounts; or


      (C)  the extent that that claim arises by reason of a voluntary
           disclaimer by the relevant Group Company after Completion of the
           whole or part of any allowance to which it is entitled under Part II
           of the Capital Allowances Act 1990 or by reason of the revocation by
           the relevant Group Company after Completion of any claim for Relief
           made (whether provisionally or otherwise) by it prior to Completion;

      (D)  to the extent that that claim arises as a result of any changes
           after Completion in the bases, methods or policies of accounting of
           the Purchaser or the relevant Group Company; or 

      (E)  to the extent that any income, profits or gains to which that claim
           is attributable were actually earned or received by or actually
           accrued to the relevant Group Company but were not reflected in the
           Accounts; or 

      (F)  to the extent that that claim arises or is increased as a
           consequence of any failure by the Purchaser to comply with any of
           its obligations under the Tax Covenant ; or

      (G)  to the extent that that claim would not have arisen but for a
           cessation of, or any change in the nature or conduct of, any trade
           carried on by the relevant Group Company, being a cessation or
           change occurring on or after Completion. 


      GEC shall not be liable under the Warranties to the extent that the
      Purchaser or any member of the Purchaser's Group (as the same is
      constituted on the date hereof) or any of their respective relevant
      employees or agents had knowledge on the date hereof of the matters
      forming the basis of the claim.

      For the purposes of this paragraph 10, the Purchaser or any member of the
      Purchaser's Group at the date hereof or any of their respective employees
      or agents shall be deemed to have knowledge of the matters forming the
      basis of the relevant claim only if and to the extent that the employees
      or agents of the Purchaser or relevant member of the Purchaser's Group
      were given access to any document or other source of information which
      fairly disclosed such fact or from which such fact was apparent provided
      that no person shall be deemed to have knowledge of any matter to the
      extent that the person who was given access to the relevant document or
      other source of information could not reasonably be considered to be
      capable of assessing the significance of such matter.


      If any breach of the Warranties or under the Environmental Undertaking
      arises by reason of some liability of any member of the Purchaser's Group
      or of the Purchaser


      or a Group Company which, at the time such breach or claim is 
      notified to GEC, is contingent only or otherwise not capable of being 
      quantified, then GEC shall not be under any obligation to make any
      payment in respect of such breach or claim unless and until such
      liability ceases to be contingent or becomes capable of being quantified,
      as the case may be.


      The Purchaser acknowledges that no Warranties are given by GEC in respect
      of forecasts, budgets or projections or, in respect of any statement
      made, information given or opinion expressed in the Information
      Memorandum, the KPMG Report or in any Disclosure Document.


      Subject to clause 9 of this agreement, any payment made by GEC in respect
      of any claim under the Warranties or under the Environmental Undertaking
      or the Tax Covenant and any payment received by GEC pursuant to this
      Agreement shall constitute an adjustment to the Aggregate Purchase Price
      payable under clause 3 (Consideration) of this Agreement.

14.   FRAUD

      For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Schedule shall take
      effect subject to the provisions of clause 15.4 of this Agreement.

15.   ASIA

      Neither GEC nor any member of the GEC Group shall have any liability
      whatsoever to the Purchaser under any of the Warranties by reason of any
      of the businesses of any Group Company being adversely affected (before
      or after the date of this Agreement) by the economic conditions affecting
      Asia or any part thereof.


                                    SCHEDULE 5:
                                PENSION ARRANGEMENTS
                               PART A - MARCONI (UK)
      1.   In this Part of this Schedule, the following expressions shall have
           the meanings assigned to them below:

      "ACTUARY'S LETTER"           the letter from SPT to the Purchaser's
                                   Actuary, a copy of which is appended hereto
                                   as Appendix A to this Part of this

      "GEC SCHEME"                 the retirement benefits scheme established
                                   by GEC, and known as "the G.E.C. 1972 Plan"
                                   constituted by a Definitive Trust Deed and
                                   Rules dated 4th March, 1982 as amended;

      "INTERIM PERIOD"             the period commencing on the day
                                   immediately following Completion and ending
                                   on the day immediately preceding the
                                   Pension Transfer Date;

      "PAYMENT DATE"               the date falling 6 months after the Pension
                                   Transfer Date or such other date as shall
                                   reasonably be agreed by SPT and the
                                   Purchaser's Actuary;

      "PENSIONABLE EARNINGS"       has the meaning defined in the rules
                                   governing the GEC Scheme from time to time;

      "PENSIONS LEGISLATION"       the Pensions Act 1995 and regulations
                                   thereunder made or to be made in the

      "PENSION TRANSFER DATE"      the date falling six months after
                                   Completion or such earlier date as may be
                                   notified in writing by the Purchaser to

      "PURCHASER'S ACTUARY"        Moray Sharp of Lane, Clark & Peacock or
                                   such other actuary appointed by the
                                   Purchaser and notified in writing to GEC
                                   for the purposes of this Part of this

      "SPT"                        Stanhope Pension Trust Limited, being the
                                   trustee for the time being of the GEC


      "TRANSFER AMOUNT"            the amount calculated in accordance with
                                   the Actuary's Letter in respect of benefits
                                   prospectively and contingently payable
                                   under the GEC Scheme to and in respect of
                                   the Transferring Members accrued up to the
                                   Pension Transfer Date;

      "TRANSFEREE SCHEME"          the retirement benefits scheme or schemes
                                   to be established or nominated by the
                                   Purchaser under paragraph 2.1 of this Part
                                   of this Schedule;

      "TRANSFERRING EMPLOYEES"     those Employees who are members of the GEC
                                   Scheme at the date of this Agreement and
                                   who are eligible to become members of the
                                   Transferee Scheme; and

      "TRANSFERRING MEMBERS"       those Transferring Employees who join the
                                   Transferee Scheme on the Pension Transfer
                                   Date and who elect that their accrued
                                   rights under the GEC Scheme are transferred
                                   to the Transferee Scheme and who are still
                                   in service with Marconi (UK) at the time of
                                   such election.

2.    The Purchaser undertakes to:

      2.1  establish or procure the establishment of a retirement benefits
           scheme or a personal pension scheme or schemes, by the Pension
           Transfer Date, in a form capable of approval by the Board of Inland
           Revenue as an exempt approved scheme under Chapter 1 or Chapter IV
           of Part XIV of ICTA 1988 or nominate an existing retirement benefits
           scheme which is so approved and which is able and willing to accept
           a transfer payment from the GEC Scheme in respect of each
           Transferring Member in accordance with the provisions of this Part
           of this Schedule;

      2.2  notify GEC in writing with particulars of the Transferee Scheme; and

      2.3  invite the Transferring Employees who remain members of the GEC
           Scheme and who have not reached their normal retirement date to
           become members of the Transferee Scheme with effect from the Pension
           Transfer Date.

3.1   GEC undertakes that it will take all reasonable endeavours (including
      obtaining the consent of the Pension Schemes Office of the Inland
      Revenue) as are necessary to permit the Transferring Employees and the
      Company to continue to participate in the GEC Scheme for all pension and
      death in service benefits during the Interim Period as members and
      associated employer.

3.2   GEC undertakes to procure that during the Interim Period no amendments
      will be made to the GEC Scheme or payment made from the GEC Scheme which


      adversely affect the Transfer Amount and that any increase in the
      rate of contributions to the GEC Scheme shall not apply to the Company or
      to any of the Transferring Employees without, in either case, GEC giving
      such notice as is reasonably practicable in the circumstances, being at
      least two weeks.

3.3   GEC undertakes to procure that the GEC Scheme will not be terminated or
      commence to wind-up during the Interim Period without giving such notice
      in writing as is reasonably practicable in the circumstances, being at
      least two weeks. 

4.    Marconi (UK) shall cease to participate in the GEC Scheme at the end of
      the Interim Period.

5.    In respect of the Interim Period, the Purchaser undertakes to GEC (for
      itself and as agent for SPT) that:

      5.1  Marconi (UK) will pay to SPT contributions to be made by and in
           respect of the Transferring Employees at the following rates:-

           (a)  Marconi (UK) six (6) per cent of Transferring Employees
                Pensionable Earnings, or such other rates applicable to
                participating employers generally as are in force under the
                trust deed and rules governing the GEC Scheme from time to
                time; and

           (b)  for each Transferring Employee, three (3) per cent of his
                Pensionable Earnings or such other rates applicable to
                participating employees generally as are in force under the
                trust deed and rules governing the GEC Scheme from time to

      5.2  Marconi (UK) will pay a management charge to the principal company
           of the GEC Scheme of 1.6% of Marconi (UK)'s Transferring Employees'
           Pensionable Earnings in respect of the whole of the Interim Period;

      5.3  the Purchaser will procure that Marconi (UK) complies with the rules
           of the GEC Scheme; and

      5.4  the Purchaser shall procure that the contributions payable by the
           Transferring Employees at the rate prescribed by the rules of the
           GEC Scheme shall be deducted from the remuneration of the
           Transferring Employees. 

      Both Marconi (UK) and the Transferring Employees' contributions shall
      become due monthly in arrears on pay up to and including the 5th of each
      month and shall be paid immediately to SPT.

6.    Immediately after the Pension Transfer Date GEC shall use all reasonable
      endeavours to procure that SPT shall:


      6.1  determine the Transfer Amount (as if for the purposes of this
           calculation all the Transferring Employees are Transferring Members)
           in accordance with the terms and assumptions set out in the
           Actuary's Letter;

      6.2  within 2 months of the Pension Transfer Date promptly communicate
           the results of its calculations to the Purchaser's Actuary; and

      6.3  agree the amount with the Purchaser's Actuary not later than 3
           months after the Pension Transfer Date.

7.    Subject to the Purchaser complying with its obligations under this Part
      of this Schedule and provided that SPT and the Purchaser's Actuary have
      agreed the Transfer Amount in accordance with the provisions of
      paragraphs 6 and 10 of this Part of this Schedule, GEC shall use all
      reasonable endeavours to procure that SPT shall (subject to the approval
      of the Board of Inland Revenue) transfer on the Payment Date to the
      Transferee Scheme in cash the Transfer Amount in respect  of the
      Transferring Members from whom SPT has received a completed election form
      [substantially in the form of Appendix B to this Part of this Schedule. 

8.    Subject to the receipt of the Transfer Amount by the Transferee Scheme
      the Purchaser will procure that the Transferee Scheme will provide
      (subject to Inland Revenue limits not being exceeded) pensions (including
      spouses' pensions where applicable) and other benefits for or in respect
      of each of the Transferring Members in respect of service prior to the
      Pension Transfer Date which are reasonably agreed by the Purchaser's
      Actuary and SPT as being no less favourable overall than the benefits for
      such service to which the Transferring Members are entitled under the GEC
      Scheme on the day before the Pension Transfer Date on the basis of the
      actuarial assumptions in Appendix A to this Schedule or if the Transferee
      Scheme is a defined contributions scheme that part of the Transfer Amount
      which is reasonably agreed by SPT and the Purchaser's Actuary as being
      applicable to each Transferring Member shall be credited in full to
      provide benefits in respect of service prior to the Pension Transfer Date
      for the relevant Transferring Member.

9.    If any of the Transferring Members pay additional voluntary contributions
      in respect of which the benefits are not related to pensionable service
      or final pensionable earnings, the voluntary contributions and the
      additional benefits payable as a result shall be disregarded for all the
      purposes of this Part of this Schedule.  GEC shall use all its reasonable
      endeavours to procure that the part of the voluntary contribution fund
      attributable to the Transferring Members in accordance with the rules of
      the GEC Scheme is transferred to the Transferee Scheme on the Payment
10.   GEC and the Purchaser shall, where there is any dispute between SPT and
      the Purchaser's Actuary concerning the determination of the Transfer
      Amount or of any other actuarial matters to be determined or agreed by
      them for the purposes of this Part of this Schedule, refer the matter to
      an independent actuary to be nominated jointly by GEC and the Purchaser
      or, failing agreement over the nomination,


      nominated by the President for the time being of the Institute of 
      Actuaries.  The person so appointed shall act as an expert and not as 
      an arbitrator, his decision shall be final and binding and his fees 
      shall be borne equally by GEC and the Purchaser.

11.   Each of SPT and the Purchaser's Actuary may request of each other, of GEC
      or of the Purchaser information reasonably necessary for effecting the
      transfer arrangements specified under paragraphs 6 to 9 of this Part of
      this Schedule, provided such information is within the possession or
      control of the party from whom it is requested.  GEC or the Purchaser, as
      the case may be, shall use its best endeavours to procure that all such
      information reasonably requested in writing shall be supplied to the
      party requesting it within 14 days of each such request, and shall be
      accurate and complete in all material respects.

12.   No Employee who is not at Completion a member of the GEC Scheme shall be
      entitled under this Part of this Schedule to become a member thereof
      after Completion.

13.   It is acknowledged that SPT and the trustees of the Transferee Scheme are
      not parties to this Agreement and are not bound by the terms hereof.

14.   GEC and the Purchaser acknowledge that the Pensions Legislation imposes
      requirements and discretions on employers under and in relation to the
      GEC Scheme.

      14.1  The Purchaser agrees that it will procure that Marconi (UK) will
            agree that GEC (or a subsidiary or associated company of GEC
            determined, in its absolute discretion, by GEC) may after notifying
            Marconi (UK) make all decisions and exercise all discretions in
            relation to the GEC Scheme necessary or desirable by or under the
            Pensions Legislation.

      14.2  While Marconi (UK) remains a participating employer in the GEC
            Scheme, the Purchaser shall procure that Marconi (UK) will in
            relation to the GEC Scheme: 

            (A)  exercise no right or discretion conferred on it by or under
                 the Pensions Legislation without the prior written consent of
                 GEC (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld);
            (B)  exercise each right or discretion conferred on it by or under
                 the Pensions Legislation (including, for the avoidance of
                 doubt, contracting out) as reasonably directed from time to
                 time in writing by GEC;

            (C)  co-operate with GEC and SPT in providing information about,
                 and access to, the Transferring Employees from time to time;

            (D)  from time to time execute all such deeds, documents,
                 agreements, consents or approvals for the purpose of complying
                 with its obligations 


                 under this sub-paragraph as may be reasonably considered 
                 necessary or desirable by GEC; and

            (E)  if reasonably requested by GEC execute a deed irrevocably
                 appointing GEC as its attorney to execute (in the name of such
                 Group Company or otherwise) from time to time any such deeds,
                 documents, agreements, consents or approvals.

      14.3  Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Purchaser
            shall procure that Marconi (UK) will at the request of GEC

            (A)  nominate GEC as the "appropriate person" and the person to act
                 for it for the purposes of sub-section 21(9) of the Pensions
                 Act 1995 (as to be inserted by paragraph 1(1)(g) of Schedule 3
                 to the Occupational Pension Schemes (Member-nominated Trustees
                 and Directors) Regulations 1996) in relation to the GEC

            (B)  agree that the consultation required by section 35(5)(b) of
                 the Pensions Act 1995 by SPT with the employer in relation to
                 the written statement of investment principles may be with GEC
                 to its exclusion; and

            (C)  nominate GEC as its representative for the purposes of section
                 58(4)(a) of the Pensions Act 1995 (as to be amended by
                 paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 to the Occupational Pension Schemes
                 (Minimum Funding Requirement and Actuarial Valuations)
                 Regulations 1996) in relation to the GEC Scheme.

      14.4  GEC may exercise the authorities and discretions envisaged by this
            paragraph in its absolute unfettered discretion and in its own
            interests.  GEC owes no duty or responsibility to the Purchaser or
            Marconi (UK) in relation to the exercise of the authorities and
            discretions envisaged as conferred on GEC by this paragraph.


                                      APPENDIX A

                            STANHOPE PENSION TRUST LIMITED

                                                  Direct dial: (01785) 274730

                                                  Our ref: DOC/S/04 (07.05.1997)

                                                  - 1998 

Dear Sirs

THE G.E.C. 1972 PLAN

Stanhope Pension Trust Limited is the trustee of the G.E.C. 1972 Plan,
comprising The GEC Plan and the Selected Benefit Scheme, the latter being an
arrangement for additional voluntary contributions.

We offer to pay transfer values to the trustees of the Purchaser's Scheme in
respect of those employees who are members of the G.E.C. 1972 Plan.

Transfer values will be calculated as described below, based on benefits accrued
to the date of cessation of pensionable service and adjusted, as appropriate,
for increases to the date of calculation (the "Calculation Date").



                                   IN DEFERMENT                       IN POSSESSION
                       Projected    Discounted   Net rate  Increases  Discounted  Net rate
                           at           at                    of          at 
 "Basis 1" pension        4.0%         9.0%        4.81%      3.5%       8.0%      4.35%
 "Basis 2" pension        0.0%         9.0%        9.00%      3.5%       8.0%      4.35%
 "Basis 3" pension        8.0%         9.0%        0.93%      3.5%       8.0%      4.35%

The projection of pensions will be adjusted for the timing of increases.


Pensions which have arisen from transfers into the Plan will be projected at
3.5% and discounted at 9.0% (leading to a net rate of 5.31% per annum) over the
period of deferment.

Benefits which do not attract the normal Plan increases of the lesser of 5% and
the increase in the retail prices index will be valued by allowing for the
appropriate rate of increase in possession.


In deferment -      PA90 tables, rated down two years for both males and
In possession -     PA90 tables, rated down two years for both males and
Spouses' pensions - PA90 tables, rated down two years for both males and




Wives are assumed to be three years younger than their husbands and 90% of
members are assumed to be married.

                                     The unit liability of all benefits within
                                     the Plan will be increased by a factor of
                                     1.05 if the member is aged less than 55 at
                                     the time of transfer.  For members aged
                                     greater than 55, an adjustment will be
                                     calculated according to age, interpolating
                                     between values of 1.05 for members aged 55
                                     and 1.0 for members aged 65.


The actuarial value of the benefits will be adjusted to market value by
multiplying by the following factors:

If age is less than (or      :       4.25 divided by the yield on the FTSE
precisely equal to) 55               Actuaries All-Share Index on the first
                                     working day of the month in which the
                                     Calculation Date occurs.


If age is 65                     :   the lesser of
                                     (i) the value of a unit holding in a 15
                                     year stock with coupon of 8%, payable
                                     annually in arrears valued at the
                                     annualised yield on the FT-Actuaries Fixed
                                     Interest 15 Year Medium Coupon Index on
                                     the first working day of the month in
                                     which the Calculation Date occurs, and 
                                     (ii) the value of a unit holding in a 15
                                     year stock with coupon of 3.85%, payable
                                     annually in arrears valued at the
                                     annualised yield on the FT-Actuaries
                                     Index-Linked Over 5 years (5% inflation)
                                     index on the first working day of the
                                     month in which the Calculation Date

If age is between 55 and 65      :   through linear interpolation, on the first
                                     working day of the month in which the
                                     Calculation Date occurs, according to age,
                                     by reference to the values at ages 55 and

In valuing benefits which are subject to fixed or no increases, (ii) above will
be ignored.


The transfer value for any member will be not less than the member's accumulated
contributions to The GEC Plan with credited interest to the Calculation Date.


The transfer value for each member will be the retirement credits accumulated to
the Calculation Date.


The aggregate transfer value before expenses for each member will be calculated
as the highest value produced under Bases 1, 2 and 3 (as described in the April
1997 edition of The GEC Plan explanatory booklet) and the minimum value referred
to above, together with any SBS retirement credits.


A deduction for expenses will be made from the total of the aggregate transfer
values on the attached scale.



Transfer values are guaranteed for three months from the Calculation Date after
which we would reserve the right to substitute a different basis.


The total transfer value net of expenses will be subject to interest between
Calculation Date and payment date at Midland Bank base rate.


This letter will be subject to the consent of members concerned and to a formal
agreement between the trustees of the respective pension schemes covering:

(i)   Quantification of the transfer values.

(ii)  Application of the transfer values.

(iii) Assurance regarding solvency of the Purchaser's pension scheme.

Yours faithfully,

Philip E Read


                            STANHOPE PENSION TRUST LIMITED


               GROSS VALUE                                 EXPENSES

                      L                          L              L                                                         L


                            0 Up to                20,000                           2.50%    of gross value

 Over                  20,000 Up to                50,000          500  plus        2.00%    on gross value over            20,000

 Over                  50,000 Up to               100,000        1,100  plus        1.50%    on gross value over            50,000

 Over                 100,000 Up to               500,000        1,850  plus        1.25%    on gross value over           100,000

 Over                 500,000 Up to             1,000,000        6,850  plus        1.00%    on gross value over           500,000

 Over               1,000,000 Up to             2,000,000       11,850  plus        0.80%    on gross value over         1,000,000

 Over               2,000,000 Up to             5,000,000       19,850  plus        0.60%    on gross value over         2,000,000

 Over               5,000,000 Up to            10,000,000       37,850  plus        0.40%    on gross value over         5,000,000

 Over              10,000,000 Up to            20,000,000       57,850  plus        0.20%    on gross value over        10,000,000

 Over              20,000,000 Up to            50,000,000       77,850  plus        0.08%    on gross value over        20,000,000

 Over              50,000,000 Up to           100,000,000      101,850  plus        0.03%    on gross value over        50,000,000

 Over             100,000,000                                  116,850  plus        0.01%    on gross value over       100,000,000

 Note  1    For multiple transfers, total expenses will be allocated in the
            proportion that each transfer value bears to the aggregate transfer

       2    Expenses are deducted from that part of a transfer value not
            attributable to member's contributions and the balance of expenses,
            if any, from member's contributions including AVCs.


                                      APPENDIX B
                             FORM OF AGREEMENT AND OPTION

From:          [Merge 'NAME']
National Insurance No:   [Merge 'NINO']

To:  Trustee[s] of the [           Scheme]


     Stanhope Pension Trust Limited (the Trustee of the G.E.C. 1972 Plan
     comprising The GEC Plan and Selected Benefit Scheme)

I refer to the letters from Stanhope Pension Trust Limited dated
[                         ] and the [                  Scheme] dated
[                            ]


/ /  A    I request the Trustee of the G.E.C. 1972 Plan ('the Plan') to retain
          my rights to benefit under the Plan in respect of pensionable service
          to [                            ].

/ /  B    I have become a member of the [                         Scheme] and I
          require the Trustee of the G.E.C. 1972 Plan ('the Plan') to transfer
          the value of all benefits which have accrued to or in respect of me
          under the Plan to the Trustee[s] of the
          [                         Scheme] in accordance with the above

/ /  C    I wish to receive a Statement of Entitlement giving the transfer value
          available to a Personal Pension Scheme with...........................


          (insert name and address of pension provider)

I understand and acknowledge that following the making of a transfer to the
Trustee[s] of the [                         Scheme] in accordance with option B
above, neither I nor any person claiming under or in respect of me (whether a
spouse, dependant or otherwise) will have any entitlement under the G.E.C. 1972

Signature:                                Date:  
          ..............................        ................................


Home address:


 .........................................   Postcode:

[                   ]

Issued by:     Special Projects Department
               Stanhope Pension Trust Limited
               PO Box 20
               Lichfield Road 
               Stafford ST17 4LN


                                PART B - MARCONI (US)


1.    As of the Completion Date, the Purchaser (or an affiliate thereof) will
      extend to active Affected Employees of Marconi (US) benefit plans and
      programs comparable to that offered similarly situated employees
      presently employed by the Purchaser.  For the purposes of this Part B,
      "Affected Employee" means individuals who are employees of Marconi (US)
      on the Completion Date.  The Purchaser shall, as of the Completion Date,
      offer to all Affected Employees membership of all the Guarantor's benefit
      plans, including, without limitation, medical, health and dental plans.
      on terms no less favourable than those generally available to other
      members of each such plan .


2.    The Purchaser shall be responsible for all vacation, holiday, sickness
      and personal days accrued by the employees of Marconi (US) as of the
      Completion Date.


3.    Affected Employees shall be given credit for all service with Marconi
      (US) under Purchaser's employee benefit plans and other benefit
      arrangements for purposes of determining eligibility to become a
      participant (and in the case of any retirement plan their vested
      interest) based on their original date of hire with Marconi (US).  For
      each Affected Employee who was enrolled for group medical and dental
      coverage on the Completion Date and who enrols in Purchaser's group
      medical plan as of the Completion Date, the Purchaser shall (i) cause to
      be waived any pre-existing condition limitation that might otherwise
      apply to such Affected Employee and (ii) agrees to recognise (or cause to
      be recognised) the dollar amount of all expenses incurred by such
      Affected Employees during the calendar year in which the Completion Date
      occurs for purposes of satisfying the calendar year deductible and
      co-payments limitations in accordance with the terms of the Purchaser's
      plan.  GEC shall provide the Purchaser with a true and complete listing
      of all amounts so expended and such other information as the Purchaser
      may require in order properly to administer the provisions of this


4.1   As of the Completion Date, Affected Employees' participation in the
      following plans shall terminate:-

      GEC-USA Employees' Savings and Investment Plan ("GEC Savings Plan"), and

      GEC-USA Employees' Retirement Plan ("GEC Retirement Plan").


      Affected Employees shall thereafter be entitled to the benefits which 
      they have accrued as of the Completion Date, to the extent then vested, 
      in accordance with the respective terms of such plans.  Prior to the 
      Completion Date, GEC shall take any and all actions necessary to effect 
      this termination of participation.  

4.2   The Purchaser shall pay, or cause Marconi (US) to pay, to the trust which
      funds the GEC Savings Plan all contributions required to be paid to such
      trust for periods ending prior to or on the Completion Date in order for
      the plan to satisfy the requirements of Section 401 of the Internal
      Revenue Code of 1986 or otherwise to satisfy the terms of such plan,
      including but not limited to employee pre-tax and after-tax
      contributions, employer matching contributions, and any other employer
      contributions.  The Purchaser shall also furnish to GEC or one of its
      affiliates after the Completion Date such information from the books and
      records of Marconi (US) as may be reasonably requested by GEC or one of
      its affiliates with respect to the plans described above.


5.    As of the Completion Date, the participation of Affected Employees and
      the dependants of any Affected Employee (collectively hereinafter
      referred to as "Subsidiary Welfare Participants") in the GEC-USA
      Employees' Welfare Benefit Plan ("GEC Welfare Plan") shall terminate
      provided that:

5.1   The GEC Welfare Plan shall pay in accordance with the terms of the plan,
      claims covered by the plan which are incurred prior to or on the
      Completion Date.  For this purpose, a life insurance claim is incurred on
      the date of death; a long-term disability claim is incurred on the date
      the employee's absence from work begins which qualifies the employee to
      receive long-term disability benefits; and medical and dental claims are
      incurred on the date the services are rendered.

5.2   [clause deleted]

5.3   The Purchaser shall assume and satisfy the obligation of GEC, a direct or
      indirect subsidiary of GEC, or the GEC Welfare Plan to offer on or after
      the Completion Date continued medical and dental expense coverage with
      respect to the Subsidiary Welfare Participants who incur a qualifying
      event on or after the Completion Date which is required by Section 4980B
      of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or Section 501 of the
      Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 197, as amended.  All other
      liabilities and obligations arising under Code Section 4980B of ERISA
      Section 501 shall remain with GEC and the GEC Welfare Plan.  

5.4   The Purchaser shall pay, or cause Marconi (US) to pay, all amounts which
      are paid by the GEC Welfare Trust under the GEC Flexible Spending Account
      Program portion of the GEC Welfare Plan as a reimbursement or payment of
      medical, dental and dependent care expenses and for which the GEC Welfare
      Trust has not received payment from Marconi (US) as of the Completion


6.    The Purchaser will indemnify and hold harmless GEC and the direct or
      indirect subsidiaries of GEC from and against damages, including attorney
      fees, arising from the failure of the Purchaser or Marconi (US) to
      satisfy the obligations imposed on the Purchaser or Marconi (US) under
      this Part of this Schedule.  GEC (and each of its affiliates) shall
      indemnify and hold Purchaser (and each of its affiliates) harmless from
      and against damages, including attorney fees arising from the failure to
      satisfy the obligation imposed on GEC (or any affiliate thereof) under
      this part of this Schedule.


7.    A complete and accurate list of all plans, practices and arrangements
      that provide retirement, medical, dental, life, accidental death,
      dismemberment, severance or long term disability benefits (including any
      section 125 plans that provide such benefits) to employees or former
      employees which Marconi (US) or any of its subsidiaries maintains or
      contributes to, or has any obligation to contribute to, or has or could
      incur any liability (whether actual or contingent, directly or
      indirectly) ("Benefits Plans")is Disclosure document 17-123.  The
      Benefits Plans have been administered and maintained in substantial
      compliance with all laws, rules and regulations and all reports required
      by any governmental agency have been filed.  No Benefit Plan is a
      "multi-employer plan" within a meaning of Section 3(37) of ERISA.

7.1   No event has occurred or is expected to occur in connection with any
      Benefit Plan which could subject the Purchaser (or any affiliate thereof)
      to any liability.  Except as provided in paragraphs 4.2, 5.3 and 5.4
      above, GEC shall retain and satisfy all liabilities, direct or indirect,
      known or unknown, actual or contingent, associated with any Benefit
      Plan(except for the Marconi (US) Severance Policy) (which shall subject
      to paragraph 7.3 below include but shall not be limited to any liability,
      other than a liability to Tax, arising from the exclusion of part-time
      employees from the profit-sharing (401(k)) plan (the "Profit-Sharing
      Plan")), and neither the Purchaser nor any of its affiliates shall have
      any obligation or liability whatsoever with regard to any such Benefit
      Plan.  The provisions of this paragraph 7.1 and paragraph 6 above shall
      survive the Completion Date.

7.2   With respect to any Benefit Plan that is subject to the provision of
      Title IV of ERISA, (i) no such plan has been terminated so as to result,
      directly or indirectly, in any liability, contingent or otherwise, to the
      Purchaser (or any affiliate thereof); (ii) no complete or partial
      withdrawal has been made which might result in any liability to the
      Purchaser (or any affiliate thereof); (iii) no proceeding has been
      initiated by any person (including the PBGC) to terminate any such plan;
      (iv) no condition or event currently exists or is currently expected to
      occur that could result, directly or indirectly, in any liability to the
      Purchaser (or any affiliate thereof); (v) if any such plan were to be
      terminated or if any person were to withdraw from such plan, neither the
      Purchaser nor any of its affiliates would incur, directly or indirectly,
      any liability; (vi) no reportable event (as defined in ERISA) has
      occurred with respect to any such plan; (vii) no such plan has incurred
      any accumulated funding deficiency, whether or 


      not waived, and no application has been made for waiver; (viii) each 
      contribution required to be made to each such plan has been made when 

7.3   At the request of GEC, and subject to GEC indemnifying the Purchaser
      and/or the relevant Group Company to their reasonable satisfaction
      against any liabilities, costs, damages or expenses which may be
      reasonably and properly incurred thereby, the Purchaser shall allow GEC
      to take the sole conduct of any discussions, negotiations or proceedings
      with the Internal Revenue Service or any other Government authority or
      organisation or court in connection with the exclusion of part-time
      employees from the GEC-USA Employees' Savings and Investment Plan and in
      that connection the Purchaser shall give or cause to be given to GEC all
      such assistance as GEC may reasonably require in connection with settling
      or compromising such discussions, negotiations or proceedings.


8.1   The Purchaser agrees to indemnify GEC, any member of the GEC Group and
      the trustee and administrator of any Benefit Plan including, the GEC
      Welfare Plan, against any COBRA Liabilities in respect of any Retained

8.2   For the purposes of this paragraph 8:

      "Retained Employees" means any Affected Employee who elects to continue
      with medical, health and dental coverage under the GEC Welfare Plan after
      the Completion Date.

      "COBRA Liabilities" means all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, claims
      or expenses relating to or in connection with the continuing medical,
      health and dental coverage under the GEC Welfare Plan, to the extent that
      such liabilities, losses, costs, damages, claims or expenses would have
      been sustained or borne by the Guarantor or the medical health and dental
      plan maintained by the Guarantor if the Retained Employee had in fact
      elected to join such plan maintained by the Guarantor immediately  after
      the Completion Date less the premiums generally payable by similar
      members of such plan.

8.3   GEC shall calculate and then agree with the Purchaser (such agreement not
      to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) any amount payable under this
      paragraph 8.  The Purchaser shall furnish to GEC such information as may
      be reasonably requested for the purposes of making such a calculation.


                                    SCHEDULE 6:
                        PART A - REAL PROPERTY UNDERTAKINGS
1.1   GEC shall as soon as is reasonably practicable apply for and use its
      reasonable endeavours to obtain the Requisite Consent as soon as

1.2   The Purchaser shall use its best endeavours to assist and shall procure
      that Marconi (UK) assists GEC in obtaining the Requisite Consent and in
      particular shall promptly provide all such information as GEC may
      reasonably require in relation to the obtaining of such consent and such
      other information as the landlord may be entitled to request under the
      terms of the lease of the Longacres Property. 

1.3   If reasonably required by the landlord the Purchaser will procure that
      Marconi (UK) enters into a direct covenant with the landlord to observe
      and perform the terms of the lease of the Longacres Property throughout
      the remainder of the term and (if the landlord is so entitled) any
      statutory extension of it.

1.4   If the landlord is entitled to require additional security in accordance
      with the provisions of the lease of the Longacres Property and reasonably
      withholds Requisite Consent to the transfer of the Longacres Property to
      Marconi (UK) the Purchaser will take an Assurance in its own name of the
      Longacres Property or guarantee the obligations of Marconi (UK) under the
      lease and will enter into a direct covenant with the landlord to observe
      and perform or (as the case may be) guarantee the observance and
      performance of the terms of the lease of the Longacres Property
      throughout the remainder of the term and (if the landlord is so entitled)
      any statutory extension of it.  

1.5   If the landlord is entitled to require additional security in accordance
      with the provisions of the lease of the Longacres Property and reasonably
      withholds Requisite Consent to the transfer of the Longacres property to
      Marconi (UK) or the Purchaser or to Marconi (UK) guaranteed by the
      Purchaser, GEC shall as soon as reasonably practicable apply for and use
      its reasonable endeavours to obtain the Requisite Consent to the grant to
      the Purchaser of an underlease of the Longacres Property on the same
      terms as the terms of the lease of the Longacres Property and the
      Purchaser shall take such an underlease of the Longacres Property within
      five days of the grant of the Relevant Consent.  

1.6   With effect from the Completion Date GEC will procure that the Longacres
      Property is held on trust for Marconi (UK).   Marconi (UK) shall on and
      from the Completion Date be permitted to enter into occupation of the
      Longacres Property as licensee of GEC and shall be entitled to receive
      all profit and other income from it.  

1.7   The Purchaser shall from the Completion Date until legal completion in
      respect of the Longacres Property be responsible for the payment of all
      outgoings in respect of the Longacres Property (save that any rent or
      sums payable to the landlord shall be paid by the Purchaser to GEC not
      less than 4 working days before they are due and GEC 


      shall promptly pay or procure payment of such sums to the landlord) and 
      shall procure that Marconi (UK) observes and performs the covenants, 
      agreements, conditions and stipulations on the part of the lessee to be 
      performed and observed under the lease of the Longacres Property and 
      shall indemnify GEC against any losses arising out of any breach of 
      those obligations. 

1.8   If the Requisite Consent has not been obtained within 12 months after the
      Completion Date or earlier if the landlord itself shall take proceedings
      against GEC alleging a breach of the alienation covenant of the lease of
      the Longacres Property then GEC shall at the joint cost of GEC and the
      Purchaser make an application to a competent court for a declaration that
      the Requisite Consent has been unreasonably withheld.  

1.9   Notwithstanding the foregoing the Purchaser may at any time on giving
      notice to GEC elect to take an assignment of the lease of the Longacres
      Property in respect of which the Requisite Consent has not been obtained
      and shall in that case provide to GEC in the Assurance of the Longacres
      Property to itself an indemnity against all demands, claims, losses,
      damages, costs, expenses and other liabilities whatsoever which may be
      suffered or sustained by GEC as owner of the Longacres Property as a
      result of such Assurance being completed without the Requisite Consent.  

1.10  The Assurance of the Longacres Property shall be completed on whichever
      is the latest of:-

      (A)  the Completion Date; 

      (B)  the date five working days after the Requisite Consent shall have
           been obtained; and

      (C)  where the Requisite Consent has not been obtained, the later of (i)
           the date five working days after the Purchaser shall give notice to
           GEC of its desire to exercise its rights in relation to the
           Longacres Property pursuant to paragraph 1.9 and (ii) the date five
           working days after a court or competent jurisdiction has issued a
           declaration to the effect that the Requisite Consent has been
           unreasonably withheld.

1.11  On legal completion of the Longacres Property GEC will execute an
      Assurance of the Longacres Property to Marconi (UK) or to the Purchaser
      as the case may be in the form of the Assurance and then the Purchaser
      will or procure that Marconi (UK) shall execute the Assurance and deliver
      a certified copy thereof to GEC.  Marconi (UK) shall accept the title to
      the Longacre Property without further enquiry requisition or objection.

1.12  On legal completion of the Longacres Property GEC will deliver to Marconi
      (UK) or the Purchaser the title deeds and documents in GEC's possession
      relating to the 


      Longacres Property together with the Requisite Consent duly executed by 
      the landlord. 

1.13  On legal completion of the Longacres Property GEC will assign to Marconi
      (UK) or to the Purchaser as the case may be an assignment of the
      Contractors' Warranty in the Agreed  Form.

2.    The Purchaser shall pay to GEC a sum equal to any refund in the overall
      business rates paid relating to the Gunnels Wood Properties and the
      Longacres Property when it is received by the Purchaser after the
      Completion Date for the period from 1st June, 1994 to the Completion

3.1   GEC shall procure that Picker International Limited ("Picker") vacates
      all parts of the Gunnels Wood Properties which it currently occupies on
      or before 1 August 1998.

3.2   If GEC is unable to procure that Picker vacate the premises the subject
      of its tenancy on or before 1 August 1998 then GEC shall indemnify the
      Purchaser and/or Marconi (UK) in full in relation to any costs expenses
      or any other liability it incurs in relation to any steps the Purchaser
      and/or Marconi (UK) take thereafter in order to terminate Picker's
      tenancy and secure vacant possession of the premises the subject of the
      said tenancy.

4.    GEC undertakes, upon Marconi (UK) vacating the premises at Eaton Green
      Road, The Airport, Luton ("the Luton Premises") on or about 25th 
      December, 1998, pay to the Purchaser by way of adjustment to the
      Aggregate Purchase Price an amount equal to any costs, damages, expenses
      and liabilities incurred by the Purchaser or Marconi (UK) arising out of
      any claim against them by the Council of the Borough of Luton ("the
      Council") or their successors in title in relation to 

      (A)  any shortfall between the sum actually paid by Marconi (UK) to the
           Council for its use and occupation of the premises for the period
           from and including 25 December 1983 to Completion and the sum (if
           any) found or held to be due to the Council in respect of rent
           reviews during that period; and

      (B)  a claim by the Council in respect of dilapidations at the Luton

      up to a maximum aggregate amount of L250,000 and PROVIDED THAT (i) the
      Purchaser shall procure that GEC shall participate in all negotiations in
      respect of such claims for unpaid rent or dilapidations and the Purchaser
      further undertakes that it will not agree to settle any such claims
      without the prior written consent of GEC (such consent not to be
      unreasonably withheld or delayed); and (ii) the Purchaser shall procure
      that Marconi UK shall take all reasonable steps to avoid any material
      deterioration to the state of repair of the Luton Premises between
      Completion and vacation of the Luton Premises and (iii) the Purchaser
      shall procure that Marconi UK continues to maintain and repair such
      premises on a basis consistent with its practice prior to Completion.


                         PART B - ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERTAKING
1.    GEC undertakes with the Purchaser to keep the Purchaser and Marconi (UK)
      fully indemnified against all costs, damages and expenses incurred by the
      Purchaser or Marconi (UK) arising directly out of any claim against them
      which results directly from the presence or effect of any Dangerous
      Substance upon within or below land or water at or originating from the
      St. Albans Property.

2.    The undertaking in paragraph 1 above shall take effect subject to the

      (A)  the liability of GEC thereunder shall not in any event exceed L10
           million in aggregate and shall be subject to the further limitations
           set out in Schedule 4 to this Agreement to the extent stated in
           Schedule 4;

      (B)  without prejudice to paragraph 5(D) of Schedule 4, the Purchaser
           shall not be entitled to make or bring any claim against GEC under
           the undertaking in paragraph 1 above unless the Purchaser and/or
           Marconi (UK) shall have first taken all reasonable steps to recover
           any sum due from Bryant Homes Southern Limited or its successors in
           title ("Bryant Homes") under paragraph 9.3 of an Agreement for Sale
           and Purchase dated 8th August, 1997 between Marconi (UK) (1) and
           Bryant Homes (2) being Document 28 in File 36 No. 17 Additional
           Documents in the Disclosure Documents and the environmental
           indemnity given by Bryant Homes contained in the registered transfer
           of the St. Albans Property from Marconi (UK) to Bryant Homes dated
           22nd August, 1997 being Disclosure Document 17-42   PROVIDED THAT
           the steps required to be taken by the Purchaser and/or Marconi (UK)
           to effect recovery from Bryant Homes shall not include the
           commencement of insolvency proceedings or the appealing of a
           judgment of a Court given in Bryant Homes' favour where Counsel of
           at least ten years call and with relevant experience advises that
           there is no reasonable prospect of the Purchaser and/or Marconi (UK)
           succeeding in such appeal.  In the event that the Purchaser and/or
           Marconi (UK) recover any amount from Bryant Homes, the amount of 
           GEC's liability under this undertaking shall be reduced by the
           amount recovered; 

      (C)  if GEC takes sole conduct of any action under the Environmental
           Undertaking pursuant to paragraph 4(D) of Schedule 4 then the
           obligation of the Purchaser and/or Marconi (UK) to take any steps
           against Bryant Homes under paragraph 2(B) of Part B of this Schedule
           shall no longer apply save that GEC may take such action in the name
           and on behalf of Marconi (UK) on the terms of paragraph 4(D) of
           Schedule 4; and

      (D)  (for the avoidance of doubt) any liability of GEC that might subsist
           in relation to the subject matter of the undertaking in paragraph 1
           under paragraph 9.3 of an Agreement for Sale and Purchase dated 6th
           August, 1997 between Marconi (UK) (1) and GEC (2), being Document 23
           in File 36 No. 17 


           Additional Documents in the Disclosure Documents is irrevocably 
           waived, released, discharged and acquitted by virtue of 
           paragraph 5(A)(iii) of Schedule 4 of this Agreement.


                                    SCHEDULE 7:
                               GEC AND MARCONI MARKS
      The following provisions shall relate to the use by the Group Companies
of the GEC and Marconi marks.  


1.  All use of the GEC mark must cease at Completion.   


2.  Subject as set out below, all use of the Marconi name must cease at
    Completion.  In the case of each exception referred to below the Group
    Companies shall in any event use all reasonable endeavours to cease all use
    of the Marconi marks as soon as reasonably practicable.  


3.  Any Group Company, which includes Marconi as part of its corporate name,
    shall change its name to a name which does not include Marconi or any
    confusingly similar name at Completion or as soon as possible thereafter
    (but in any event within one month following Completion).  


4.  No new sales brochures and/or catalogues can be produced using the Marconi
    name (whether in electronic or hard copy form).  The words "formerly
    Marconi Instruments Limited" in a form agreed by the parties prior to
    Completion may be included in such new brochures and/or catalogues for a
    period of 9 months after Completion.  

5.  For the existing catalogues/brochures, further deliveries can be taken
    (against existing orders) for a period of 3 months after Completion.  Such
    catalogues/brochures may only be used if stickers are placed on the
    catalogues to obliterate any reference to the GEC or Marconi marks.  The
    Purchaser shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that
    catalogues/brochures in the possession of overseas distributors are also
    blanked out in the same way. 


6.  The internet domain name for Group Companies shall be changed at Completion
    to a name that does not include GEC or Marconi.  A technical solution will
    be considered to ensure that any enquiries made by third parties by
    reference to the existing domain name are diverted to the new domain name
    (web site).  Consideration will be given to whether the Purchaser is
    permitted to use "formerly Marconi Instruments Limited" on the new web



7.  All signage on buildings is to be removed within 9 months of Completion and
    all references to the Marconi name on vehicles are to be removed within 1
    month of Completion.  


8.  The Group Companies shall use their reasonable endeavours to remove
    references to the Marconi mark from software as soon as reasonably
    practicable, and in any event within 9 months from Completion.  


9.  No product manufactured after Completion may use the Marconi name after a
    period of 9 months from Completion.  Stock existing at the date of
    Completion may continue to be sold bearing the Marconi name.


                                    SCHEDULE 8:
                                 FN AND FM PATENTS

           United Kingdom        GB 2140232

           France                (EP) 0125790

           Germany               P 3478780

           Italy                 (EP) 0125790

           Netherlands           (EP) 0125790

           USA                   4609881


           United Kingdom        GB 2214012B

           France                (EP) 0322139

           Germany               P 3850075.2

           Italy                 (EP) 0322139

           Japan                 63-325728 (pending)

           Netherlands           (EP) 0322139

           USA                   4870384


                                    SCHEDULE 9:
                                   TAX COVENANT
The Tax Covenant shall be in the form of the deed prepared by GEC's Solicitors
which has (for the purposes of identification only) already been initialled by
GEC's Solicitors and the Purchaser's Solicitors.



                                    SCHEDULE 10:

 1.   COMPANY NAME:                      Marconi Instruments Limited

      PLACE OF                           
      INCORPORATION/REGISTRATION:        England and Wales

      REGISTRATION NUMBER:               317241

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:             6th August, 1936

      REGISTERED OFFICE:                 Longacres House

                                         Norton Green Road



                                         SG1 2BA
      TAX RESIDENCE:                     United Kingdom

      SHARE CAPITAL  -    AUTHORISED:    5,000,000  ordinary shares of L1
                     -    ISSUED:        700,000 ordinary shares of L1

      REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S):         GEC-Marconi Limited:     699,999
                                                             ordinary shares

                                         Associated Electrical Industries 

                                         Holdings Limited:              1
                                                             ordinary share

      SHARES:                            The General Electric Company, p.l.c.

      UNDERTAKINGS:                      Marconi Instruments SA France

                                         Marconi Messtechnik GmbH Germany

                                         Marconi Instrumentos SA Spain

                                         Marconi Instruments International

                                         Sanders Instruments Limited

                                         W H Sanders (Electronics) Limited


      DIRECTORS:                         Peter John Smith
                                         Andrew Plews Warwick
                                         Dennis John Bradney
                                         Christopher John Purchase
                                         Phillip Michael Drury
                                         Michael John McCreary
                                         Stephen McQuillan

      SECRETARY:                         Dennis John Bradney


 2    COMPANY NAME:                      Marconi Instruments Inc.

      PLACE OF                           

      REGISTRATION NUMBER:               727041009

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:             9th February, 1987

      REGISTERED OFFICE:                 The Corporation Trust Co.
                                         1209 Orange Street
                                         DE 19801

      TAX RESIDENCE:                     USA

      SHARE CAPITAL  -    AUTHORISED:    10,000 shares of Common Stock, no par

                     -    ISSUED:        6000 shares of Common Stock, no par

      REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S):         GEC Incorporated

      SHARES:                            GEC Incorporated

      UNDERTAKINGS:                      None

      DIRECTORS:                         James R Koehn
                                         Peter J Smith
                                         Charles A Banham
                                         Andrew P Warwick

      SECRETARY:                         Charles A Banham



 1    NAME OF SUBSIDIARY:                Sanders Instruments Limited

      PLACE OF                           
      INCORPORATION/REGISTRATION:        England and Wales

      REGISTRATION NUMBER:               607978

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:             15th July 1958

      REGISTERED OFFICE:                 Longacres House
                                         Norton Green Road
                                         SG1 2BA

      TAX RESIDENCE:                     United Kingdom

      SHARE CAPITAL  -    AUTHORISED:    100 ordinary shares of L1

                     -    ISSUED:        2 ordinary shares of L1

      REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S):         Marconi Instruments Limited: 1
                                         ordinary share

                                         Associated Electrical Industries
                                         Holdings Limited: 1 ordinary share

      SHARES:                            Marconi Instruments Limited

      UNDERTAKINGS:                      None

      DIRECTORS:                         Christopher John Purchase
                                         Peter John Smith
                                         Andrew Plews Warwick

      SECRETARY:                         Dennis John Bradney

 2    NAME OF SUBSIDIARY:               W.H. Sanders (Electronics) Limited

      PLACE OF                          
      INCORPORATION/REGISTRATION:       England and Wales

      REGISTRATION NUMBER:              425854

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:            16th December 1946


      REGISTERED OFFICE:                Longacres House,
                                        Norton Green Road,
                                        Hertfordshire  SG1 2BA

      TAX RESIDENCE:                    United Kingdom

      SHARE CAPITAL  -    AUTHORISED:   350,000 shares of L1

                     -    ISSUED:       225,000 shares of L1

      REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S):        Marconi Instruments Limited: 224,900
                                        shares of L1

                                        Associated Electrical Industries
                                        Holdings Limited: 100 shares of L1

      SHARES:                           Marconi Instruments Limited

      UNDERTAKINGS:                     None

      DIRECTORS:                        P.J. Smith
                                        A.P. Warwick
                                        D.J. Bradney

      SECRETARY:                        D.J. Bradney

 3    NAME OF SUBSIDIARY:               Marconi Instruments SA

      PLACE OF                          

      REGISTRATION NUMBER:              R.C.S. EVRY B340588466 (87B00518)

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:            26th March 1987

      REGISTERED OFFICE:                18 rue du Plessis-Briard


                                        91023 EVRY CEDEX

      TAX RESIDENCE:                    France

      SHARE CAPITAL  -    AUTHORISED:   600,000 shares


                     -    ISSUED:       600,000 shares

      OWNER(S) OF ISSUED SHARES:        Marconi Instruments Limited

                                        Peter Smith               1 share
                                        Dennis Bradney            1 share
                                        Jean Chrisp               1 share
                                        Andrew Warwick            1 share 
                                        Frank Mauritz             1 share
                                        Christopher Purchase      1 share

      SHARES:                           Marconi Instruments Limited

      UNDERTAKINGS:                     None

      DIRECTORS:                        Andrew Warwick
                                        Peter Smith
                                        Frank Mauritz
                                        Noor Hussain

      SECRETARY:                        (None officially appointed)

 4    NAME OF SUBSIDIARY:               Marconi Instruments International

      PLACE OF                   
      INCORPORATION/REGISTRATION:       England and Wales

      REGISTRATION NUMBER:              934595

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:            27th June 1968

      REGISTERED OFFICE:                Longacres House
                                        Norton Green Road
                                        SG1 2BA

      TAX RESIDENCE:                    United Kingdom

      SHARE CAPITAL  -    AUTHORISED:   100 ordinary shares of L1


                     -    ISSUED:       100 ordinary shares of L1

      REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S):        Marconi Instruments Limited 99 ordinary

                                        Associated Electrical
                                        Industries Holdings Limited 1 ordinary

      SHARES:                           Marconi Instruments Limited

      UNDERTAKINGS:                     None

      DIRECTORS:                        Dennis John Bradney
                                        Peter John Smith
                                        Andrew Plews Warwick

      SECRETARY:                        Dennis John Bradney

 5    NAME OF SUBSIDIARY:               Marconi Instrumentos SA

      PLACE OF                          

      REGISTRATION NUMBER:              Madrid Commercial Registry, Folder
                                        7619, Book O, Section 8, Sheet No. M-

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:            28th February 1986

      REGISTERED OFFICE:                Calle Rozabella 6, 28230 Las Rozas,
      TAX RESIDENCE:                    Spain

      SHARE CAPITAL  -    AUTHORISED:   40,000 shares of Pts 1,000

                     -    ISSUED:       40,000 Shares of Pts 1,000.  On those
                                        shares issued under numbers 3-40,000
                                        (inclusive), only 250 Pts per share has
                                        been called up and the balance is to be
                                        paid (under the company's Memorandum
                                        and Articles of Association) not later
                                        than 1st February 1999.


      REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S):        Marconi Instruments Limited

      SHARES:                           Marconi Instruments Limited

      UNDERTAKINGS:                     None

      DIRECTORS:                        Agustin Redondo Sanz

      SECRETARY:                        Maria Jose Aguirre

 6    NAME OF SUBSIDIARY:               Marconi Messtechnik GmbH

      PLACE OF                          

      OF MUNICH                         HRB 6186

      DATE OF INCORPORATION:            24th May 1963

      SEAT:                             Germering

      TAX RESIDENCE:                    Germany


      REGISTERED SHAREHOLDER(S):        Marconi Instruments Limited

      SHARES:                           Marconi Instruments Limited

      UNDERTAKINGS:                     None

      DIRECTORS:                        Peter J. Smith (Geschaftsfuhrer)
                                        Frank Mauritz (Geschaftsfuhrer)
                                        Noor Hussain (Prokurist)
                                        Erich Baumgartner (Prokurist)
                                        Andrew P. Warwick (Prokurist)

      SECRETARY:                        None


                                     SCHEDULE 11:




 Registered proprietor             Title number      Nature of title       Short description
 ---------------------             ------------      ---------------       -----------------
 Marconi Instruments Limited       HD296865          Title Absolute        Freehold land on the North East Side of Gunnels Wood
                                                                           Road, Stevenage (known as the Gunnels Wood Building
                                                                           and the Six Hills Way Building)

 Marconi Instruments Limited       HD165022          Title Absolute        Land and buildings on the North East side of Gunnels
                                                                           Wood Road, Stevenage (also known as the Sanders
                                                                           Building and the Design Centre)


 Registered proprietor     Title     Nature of    Parties          Date of   Current   Short description
 ---------------------     number    title and    -------          expiry    rental    -----------------
                           ------    Date of                       -------   -------
 The General Electric      HD332735  Title        Frogmore         24th      L347,700  Longacres House (formerly Imperial
 Company, p.l.c.                     absolute     Investments      March     p.a.      House), Norton Green Road, Stevenage,
                                     14th         Limited (1) The  2020                Hertfordshire
                                     February     General
                                     1995         Electric
                                                  Company, p.l.c.



 Lessee             Title number      Date of    Parties          Date of Expiry   Current rental  Short description
 ------             ------------      Lease      -------          --------------   --------------  -----------------
 The General        [In the course    18th       Frogmore         24th March 2030  Peppercorn      Additional parking area
 Electric Company   of registration   August     Investments                                       Longacres House (formerly
 plc                (freehold title   1997       Limited (1)                                       Imperial House), Norton
                    no. 110334157)]              The General                                       Green Road, Stevenage,
                                                 Electric                                          Hertfordshire.
                                                 Company (2)


 Lessee                   Date of Lease  Parties          Date of Expiry  Current rental   Short description
 ------                   -------------  -------          --------------  --------------   -----------------
 Marconi Instruments      Lease not      The Council of   24th December,  L28,000 p.a.     Ground Part 1st, 2nd Floors of
 Limited                  completed,     the Borough of   1998                             Eaton Green Road, The Airport,
                          although       Luton (1)                                         Luton, Beds., LU2 9NS (19,404
                          heads of       Marconi                                           sq. ft.)
                          terms agreed   Instruments
                          on 25th        Limited (2)

 Marconi Instruments      There is no    The Council of                   L10,672 p.a.     Part 1st Floor of Eaton Green
 Limited                  lease but      the Borough of                                    Road, The Airport, Luton, Beds.,
                          Marconi took   Luton (1)                                         LU2 9NS (6,468 sq. ft.)
                          the space on   Marconi
                          1st April,     Instruments
                          1988           Limited (2) 

 Marconi Instruments      MI took the    The Council of   Informal        L12,936 p.a.     Part 2nd Floor of Eaton Green
 Limited                  space on 1st   the Borough of   agreement                        Road, The Airport, Luton, Beds.,
                          January, 1995  Luton (1)        expires on                       LU2 9NS (6,468 sq. ft.)
                          under an       Marconi          25th December,
                          informal       Instruments      1998
                          agreement      Limited (2)




 Present lessee          Date of lease       Parties               Unexpired    Current rental   Short description
 --------------          -------------       -------               term         --------------   -----------------
 Marconi Instruments     Registered in       Fife Council (1)      23 years     L40,000          Lease of ground and buildings
 Limited                 Books of Council    Marconi Instruments                                 thereon known as Unit AF20
                         and Session 9th     Limited (2)                                         Donibristle Industrial Estate
                         December 1997. 
                         Registered in the
                         Land Registry of
                         Scotland under
                         title number




Country      Date of Lease      Parties               Term of Lease    Current Rental           Short Description
- -------      -------------      -------               -------------    --------------           -----------------
USA          4th October, 1996  Hillwood 2470         120 months       Month                    Suite 100, Forth Worth, Texas -
                                Limited (1) Marconi   commencing on    1-12      $157,524 p.a.  15,784 square feet of office space
                                Instruments Inc. (2)  15th April 1997  13-36     $173,308 p.a. 
                                                                       37-60     $194,932 p.a.
                                                                       61-84     $203,140 p.a.
                                                                       85-120    $207,086 p.a.

USA          26th June, 1997    Haber Associates (1)  One year         $5,160 plus tax          Unit B, 4155 Dow Road, W.
                                Marconi Instruments   commencing 1st                            Melbourne, Florida 32934
                                Inc. (2)              July, 1997

Germany                         Keithley Instruments  Commenced 1st    DM 29k per month (plus   1100 sq. m. office space and 380
                                GmbH, Munchen,        April 1991.      ancillary costs advance) sq. m. warehouse, 27 parking lots
                                Germany (1) Marconi   Expires 31st                              in Germering, Germany
                                GmbH, Germering (2)   March, 2001;
                                                      prolonged by
                                                      another year
                                                      giving 12
                                                      months' advance


Germany      10th March 1989    Gerhard Sommereisen,  Expires on 3     DM 5,800 per month       450 sq. m. office space in
                                Bergkirchen, Germany  months' notice   (apparently including    Gunding-Bergkirchen , Germany
                                (1)                   to 31st          ancillary costs advance;
                                                      March/31st       copy not fully readable)
                                Baumgartner           September
                                Pruftechnik, Dachau,  
                                Germany (2)                            monthly payable

Germany      29th August 1996;  Marconi Messtechnik   1st October      DM 3,150 per month.      134 sq. m. office and warehouse
                                GmbH, Germering,      1996 to 31st     (excluding ancillary     space; two parking lots in the
                                Germany (1) I.V.G.    September,       costs advance)           underground car park at Robert-
                                Immobilien-           1999;            DM 3,900 per month,      Bosch-Str. 32, 63303 Dreieich,
                                Verwaltungsgesellsch                   (including ancillary     Germany
                                aft mbH & Co.                          costs advance)
                                Verwaltungs- und                       
                                Gewerbebau KG,
                                Germany (2)

Germany                         Marconi GmbH,         1st February     DM 4,200 per month       170 sq. m. office and warehouse
                                Germering, Germany    1993 to 31st     (excluding ancillary     space, 6 parking lots in
                                (1) Wicona            January 1998     costs advance)           Germering, Germany
                                Deutschland unless    prolonged by
                                GmbH, Viernheim,      another year
                                Germany (2)           terminated
                                                      giving 12        DM 4,800 per month
                                                      months' advance  (including ancillary
                                                      notice           costs advance);


Germany      1 December 1994    Marconi GmbH,         1st December     DM 1,700 per month       70 sq m. office and warehouse
                                Germering, Germany    1994 to 31st                              space, 2 parking lots
                                (1)                   January 1998
                                ESCO, Ernst Schonau   prolonged by
                                jr. GmbH & Co.,       another year
                                Ditzingen, Germany    unless
                                (2)                   terminated
                                                      giving 12
                                                      months' advance

France       26th September,    Selectinvest 6 (1)    9 years from     470k FF p.a.             18 Rue du Plessrs Briard, "Le
             1996               Marconi Instruments   1st January,                              Canal", (91023) Evry
                                S.A. (2)              1997

France       22nd November,     LA S.C.I. PACE (1)    9 years from     345k FF p.a.             69 sq. m. of office space of
             1995               Marconi Instruments   1st December,                             Building E, 3 Avenue Des
                                S.A. (2)              1995                                      Peupliers, Commune de Cesson
                                                                                                Sevigne (35510)

France       30th May, 1997     SCI Cosmo Toulouse    9 years from     11.2k FF p.a.            28 sq. m. of 4th floor offices and
                                (1) Marconi           1st June, 1997                            one outside parking space at
                                Instruments S.A. (2)                                            Immeuble Burolines, 2 bis, Rue
                                                                                                Marcel Doret, 31700 Blagnac


Spain        24th November,     Construcciones        Commenced 1st    5,000,000 ptas p.a.      323 sq. m. of office space
             1994               Hispano Argentinas    March, 1995
                                (1) Marconi           until 1st 
                                Instrumentos S.A.     March 1998

Netherlands  23rd August, 1989  Van der Weegen        Annual to 28th   Currently G4324 per      200 sq. m.
                                Beleggings en         February.        month
                                Exploitatie ma        Termination
                                atschappij B.V. (1)   subject to 6
                                Marconi Instruments   months' notice
                                Ltd (2)               before this

Hong Kong    29th January,      Dora Wu Chung Lin     24th October,    KH$ 31,467               1,234 sq. ft. - Rooms 702-703 on
             1997               and David Wue Ta      1996 to 23rd                              the 7th floor of CC WV Building
                                Kwin (1) Marconi      October, 1999
                                Instruments Ltd (2)

Hong Kong    1st April, 1997    Chow Kwong Chuen (1)  12th May, 1997   HK$ 37,000 per month     Flat P, 7/F, Tower 12 Braemar Hill
             (offer to lease    Marconi Instruments   to 31st May,                              Road
             only)              Ltd (2)               1999 


Shanghai     20th October,      Waiwell Shipping      20th October,    US$ 1,862.40 per month   97.19 sq. m.
             1997               Ltd. and Marconi      1997 to 19th
                                Instruments           October, 1999
                                International Ltd.

Beijing     Informal arrangements currently exist with Wogen Quangzhou Technology Ltd. until new or transferred leases
            are agreed in these areas.  

Singapore   As set forth in Disclosure Document 17-117


                                     SCHEDULE 12:
                               PRE SALE REORGANISATION

 1.   DIVIDENDS PAID                            CURRENCY          L000
      --------------                            --------          ----
      By Marconi Instrumentos S.A., Spain to    ESP 75,600,000    301
      Marconi (UK) - paid on 22 January 1998

      By Marconi Instruments S.A., France to    FRF 13,680,000    1,382
      Marconi (UK) - paid on 20 January 1998

      By Marconi (UK) to GEC Marconi Ltd - paid L23,000,000       23,000
      on 30 January 1998


      By Marconi (UK) to GEC Marconi Ltd. -     L4,994,349.33     4,994
      paid on 30 January 1998

      By Marconi (UK) to English Electric       L287,500.00       288
      Limited - paid on 30 January 1998


      Surrender to GEC Inc. by Marconi (US) of  US$1,429,108      869
      tax losses to 31 March 1997 for nil
      consideration on 30 January 1998

      Tax paid 1.1.98 by GEC on behalf of       L1,024,359.19     1,024
      Marconi (UK) and surrendered by GEC -
      paid on 30 January 1998


      Issue by Marconi(UK) of 200,000 Ordinary  L22,000,000       22,000
      Shares of L1 each to GEC Marconi Ltd.
      paid in cash on 30 January 1998



      (A)  Purchase by Marconi (UK) of all the  L2.00
           issued shares of Sanders Instruments
           Ltd. from GEC

      (B)  Transfer of beneficial ownership of
           entire issued share capital of
           Marconi (UK) to GEC from GEC -
           Marconi Ltd effected on 2 February

All currencies converted to sterling at Closing exchange rates on 31 December
1997 of:-

             L1   =    ESP 250.78

             L1   =    FRF 9.8985

             L1   =    US$ 1.6454

             L1   =    DEM 2.9585


 SIGNED by                          )
 for and on behalf of               )
 THE GENERAL ELECTRIC               )
 COMPANY, p.l.c.                    )
 in the presence of:-               )

 SIGNED by                          )
 for and on behalf of               )
 IFR SYSTEMS LIMITED                )
 in the presence of:-               )

 SIGNED by                          )
 for and on behalf of               )
 IFR SYSTEMS INC.                   )
 in the presence of:-               )

                              DATED     February, 1998

                         THE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, p.l.c.


                                 IFR SYSTEMS LIMITED


                                   IFR SYSTEMS INC.


                          SHARE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                    in respect of
                            the Marconi Instruments Group


                                  Slaughter and May
                                 35 Basinghall Street
                                   London  EC2V 5DB


1. Interpretation                                                            1

2. Sale and Purchase of the Shares                                           1

3. Consideration                                                             2

4. Completion                                                                2

5. GEC's Warranties and Undertakings                                         2

6. Purchaser's and Guarantor's Warranties and Undertakings                   8

7. Purchaser's Remedies and GEC's Limitations on Liability                  13

8. Guarantee                                                                13

9. Patent Matters                                                           15

10. Pension Arrangements                                                    21

11. Real Property and Environmental Undertakings                            21

12. Remedies and Waivers                                                    21

13. Assignment                                                              22

14. Further Assurance                                                       23

15. Entire Agreement                                                        24

16. Notices                                                                 24

17. Announcements                                                           26

18. Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976                                    27

19. Costs and Expenses                                                      27

20. Counterparts                                                            27

21. Time of Essence                                                         27

22. Effect of Completion                                                    27

23. Invalidity                                                              28

24. Governing Law                                                           28

25. Jurisdiction                                                            28

26. Agent for Service                                                       28

SCHEDULE 1: DEFINITIONS                                                     30

SCHEDULE 2: COMPLETION ARRANGEMENTS                                         39

SCHEDULE 3: THE WARRANTIES                                                  42


SCHEDULE 5: PENSION ARRANGEMENTS                                            78

SCHEDULE 6: PART A - REAL PROPERTY UNDERTAKINGS                             95

            PART B - ENVIRONMENTAL UNDERTAKING                              98

SCHEDULE 7: GEC AND MARCONI MARKS                                          100

SCHEDULE 8: FN AND FM PATENTS                                              102

SCHEDULE 9: TAX COVENANT                                                   103


             COMPANIES                                                     107

             GROUP                                                         112

SCHEDULE 12: PRE SALE REORGANISATION                                       121