S&A DRAFT:  01/27/98

                         COPYRIGHT SECURITY AGREEMENT

          THIS COPYRIGHT SECURITY AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of 
February __, 1998, by and between [______________], a ___________ corporation 
("Grantor"), and The First National Bank of Chicago, as contractual 
representative (the "Agent") for its benefit and the benefit of the "Holders 
of Secured Obligations" (as such term is defined in the "Credit Agreement" 
defined below). 

                               W I T N E S S E T H: 

          WHEREAS, IFR Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the 
"Borrower"), the Agent and certain financial institutions from time to time 
party thereto (the "Lenders") are parties to that certain Credit Agreement of 
even date herewith (as the same may hereafter be modified, amended, restated 
or supplemented from time to time, the "Credit Agreement"), pursuant to which 
the Lenders may, from time to time, extend credit to Borrower; and 

          WHEREAS, Grantor and the Agent are parties to that certain Security 
Agreement of even date herewith (as the same may hereafter be modified, 
amended, restated or supplemented from time to time, the "Security 
Agreement"), pursuant to which Grantor has granted a security interest in 
certain of its assets to the Agent for the benefit of the Agent and the 
Holders of Secured Obligations; and

          WHEREAS, the Lenders have required Grantor to execute and deliver 
this Agreement (i) in order to secure the prompt and complete payment, 
observance and performance of all of the "Secured Obligations" (as defined in 
the Credit Agreement) and (ii) as a condition precedent to any extension of 
credit to the Borrower under the Credit Agreement; 

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises set forth herein 
and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of 
which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor agrees as follows: 

          1.   DEFINED TERMS. 

          (a)  Unless otherwise defined herein, each capitalized term used 
herein that is defined in the Credit Agreement shall have the meaning 
specified for such term in the Credit Agreement.  Unless otherwise defined 
herein or in the Credit Agreement, each capitalized term used herein that is 
defined in the Security Agreement shall have the meaning specified for such 
term in the Security Agreement.

          (b)  The words "hereof," "herein" and "hereunder" and words of like
import when used in this Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and
not to any particular

provision of this Agreement, and section references are to this Agreement 
unless otherwise specified. 

          (c)  All terms defined in this Agreement in the singular shall have 
comparable meanings when used in the plural, and VICE VERSA, unless otherwise 

          2.   INCORPORATION OF PREMISES.  The premises set forth above are 
incorporated into this Agreement by this reference thereto and are made a 
part hereof. 

          3.   INCORPORATION OF THE CREDIT AGREEMENT.  The Credit Agreement 
and the terms and provisions thereof are hereby incorporated herein in their 
entirety by this reference thereto. 

          4.   SECURITY INTEREST IN COPYRIGHTS.  To secure the complete and 
timely payment, performance and satisfaction of all of the Secured 
Obligations, Grantor hereby grants to the Agent, for the benefit of the 
Holders of Secured Obligations, a security interest in, as and by way of a 
first mortgage and security interest having priority over all other security 
interests, with power of sale to the extent permitted by applicable law, all 
of Grantor's now owned or existing and hereafter acquired or arising: 

          (i)   copyrights, whether or not published or registered under the 
     Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq., as the same shall 
     be amended from time to time, and any predecessor or successor statute 
     thereto, and applications for registration of copyrights, and all works 
     of authorship and other intellectual property rights therein, including, 
     without limitation, copyrights for computer programs, source code and 
     object code data bases and related materials and documentation and 
     including, without limitation, the registered copyrights and copyright 
     applications listed on SCHEDULE A attached hereto and made a part 
     hereof, and (a) all renewals, revisions, derivative works, enhancements, 
     modifications, updates, new releases or other revisions thereof, (b) all 
     income, royalties, damages and payments now and hereafter due and/or 
     payable with respect thereto, including, without limitation, payments 
     under all licenses entered into in connection therewith and damages and 
     payments for past or future infringements thereof, (c) the right to sue 
     for past, present and future infringements thereof, (d) the goodwill of 
     Grantor's business symbolized by the foregoing and connected therewith, 
     and (e) all of Grantor's rights corresponding thereto throughout the 
     world (all of the foregoing copyrights and applications, together with 
     the items described in CLAUSES (a)-(e), being sometimes hereinafter 
     individually and/or collectively referred to as the "Copyrights"); and 

          (ii)  license agreements with any other party now or hereafter 
     entered into in connection with any Copyrights or such other party's 
     copyrights or copyright registrations or applications, whether the 
     Grantor is a licensor or licensee under any such license agreement, 
     including, without limitation, the license agreements listed on SCHEDULE 
     B attached hereto and made a part hereof, and the right to use the 
     foregoing in connection with the enforcement of the Agent's and the 
     Holders of Secured Obligations' rights under the Credit Agreement, 
     including, without limitation, the right to prepare for sale or 
     distribution and sell, copy, as permitted, or distribute any and all 
     Inventory now and hereafter owned by Grantor and now or hereafter 
     covered by such license (all of the foregoing being hereinafter referred 
     to collectively as the "Licenses").  Notwithstanding

     the foregoing provisions of this SECTION 4, the Licenses shall not include
     any license agreement in effect as of the date hereof which by its terms
     prohibits the grant of the security contemplated by this Agreement;
     provided, however, that upon the termination of such prohibitions for any
     reason whatsoever, the provisions of this SECTION 4 shall be deemed to
     apply thereto automatically; and

          (iii) copyrightable materials now or hereafter owned by Grantor, 
     all tangible property embodying the Copyrights or such copyrightable 
     materials, and all tangible property covered by the Licenses.

          5.   RESTRICTIONS ON FUTURE AGREEMENTS. Grantor will not, without 
the Agent's prior written consent, enter into any agreement, including, 
without limitation, any license agreement, which is inconsistent with this 
Agreement, and Grantor further agrees that it will not take any action, and 
will use its best efforts not to permit any action to be taken by others, 
including, without limitation, licensees, or fail to take any action, which 
would in any respect affect the validity or enforcement of the rights 
transferred to the Agent under this Agreement or the rights associated with 
the Copyrights or Licenses. 

          6.   NEW COPYRIGHTS AND LICENSES. Grantor represents and warrants 
that, from and after the Closing Date, (a) the Copyrights listed on SCHEDULE 
A include all of the registered copyrights and applications for registration 
of copyrights in connection therewith now owned or held by Grantor, (b) the 
Licenses listed on SCHEDULE B include all of the copyright license agreements 
under which Grantor is the licensee or licensor and (c) no liens, claims or 
security interests in such Copyrights and Licenses have been granted by 
Grantor to any Person other than the Agent.  If, prior to the termination of 
this Agreement, Grantor shall (i) obtain rights to any new copyrights, 
registered copyrights, or copyright applications, (ii) become entitled to the 
benefit of any copyrights, registered copyrights, copyright applications, 
copyright licenses or copyright license renewals, whether as licensee or 
licensor, or (iii) enter into any new copyright license agreement, the 
provisions of PARAGRAPH 4 above shall automatically apply thereto.  Grantor 
shall give to the Agent written notice of events described in CLAUSES (i), 
(ii) and (iii) of the preceding sentence promptly after the occurrence 
thereof, but in any event not less frequently than on a quarterly basis.  
Grantor hereby authorizes the Agent to modify this Agreement unilaterally (i) 
by amending SCHEDULE A to include any future copyrights, registered 
copyrights and copyright applications and by amending SCHEDULE B to include 
any future copyright license agreements which are Copyrights or Licenses 
under PARAGRAPH 4 above or under this PARAGRAPH 6, and (ii) by filing, in 
addition to and not in substitution for this Agreement, a duplicate original 
of this Agreement containing on Schedule A or B thereto, as the case may be, 
such future copyrights, registered copyrights, copyright applications and 
copyright license agreements.

          7.   ROYALTIES. Grantor hereby agrees that the use by the Agent of 
the Copyrights and Licenses as authorized hereunder in connection with the 
Agent's exercise of its rights and remedies under PARAGRAPH 15 or pursuant to 
Section 17 of the Security Agreement shall be coextensive with Grantor's 
rights thereunder and with respect thereto and without any liability for 
royalties or other related charges from the Agent or the other Holders of 
Secured Obligations to Grantor. 

The Agent may at all reasonable times (and at any time when an Unmatured Default
or Default exists) have

access to, examine, audit, make copies (at Grantor's expense) and extracts 
from and inspect Grantor's premises and examine Grantor's books, records and 
operations relating to the Copyrights and Licenses; PROVIDED, that in 
conducting such inspections and examinations, the Agent shall use reasonable 
efforts not to disturb unnecessarily the conduct of Grantor's ordinary 
business operations.  Grantor agrees not to sell or assign its respective 
interests in, or grant any license under, the Copyrights or the Licenses 
without the prior and express written consent of the Agent.

collateral security purposes only.  This Agreement shall create a continuing 
security interest in the Copyrights and Licenses and shall terminate only 
when the Secured Obligations have been paid in full in cash and the Credit 
Agreement and the Security Agreement have been terminated.  When this 
Agreement has terminated, the Agent shall promptly execute and deliver to 
Grantor, at Grantor's expense, all termination statements and other 
instruments as may be necessary or proper to terminate the Agent's security 
interest in the Copyrights and the Licenses, subject to any disposition 
thereof which may have been made by the Agent pursuant to this Agreement or 
the Security Agreement.  

          10.  DUTIES OF GRANTOR. Grantor shall have the duty, to the extent 
desirable in the normal conduct of Grantor's business, to:  (i) prosecute 
diligently any copyright application included in the Copyrights, (ii) make 
application for registration of such uncopyrighted but copyrightable material 
as Grantor deems appropriate, (iii) place notices of copyright on all 
property embodying the Copyrights and use its best efforts to have its 
licensees do the same and (iv) take all reasonable and necessary action to 
preserve and maintain all of Grantor's rights in the Copyrights and Licenses 
including, without limitation, making timely filings for renewals and 
extensions and diligently monitoring unauthorized use thereof.  Any expenses 
incurred in connection with the foregoing shall be borne by Grantor.  Neither 
the Agent nor any of the Holders of Secured Obligations shall have any duty 
with respect to the Copyrights and Licenses.  Without limiting the generality 
of the foregoing, neither the Agent nor any of the Holders of Secured 
Obligations shall be under any obligation to take any steps necessary to 
preserve rights in the Copyrights or Licenses against any other parties, but 
the Agent may do so at its option from and after the occurrence of a Default, 
and all expenses incurred in connection therewith shall be for the sole 
account of Grantor and shall be added to the Secured Obligations secured 

          11.  THE AGENT'S RIGHT TO SUE. From and after the occurrence of a 
Default, the Agent shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to bring 
suit in its own name to enforce the Copyrights and the Licenses and, if the 
Agent shall commence any such suit, Grantor shall, at the request of the 
Agent, do any and all lawful acts and execute any and all proper documents 
required by the Agent in aid of such enforcement.  Grantor shall, upon 
demand, promptly reimburse the Agent for all costs and expenses incurred by 
the Agent in the exercise of its rights under this PARAGRAPH 11 (including, 
without limitation, reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys and paralegals 
for the Agent). 

          12.  WAIVERS. The Agent's failure, at any time or times hereafter, 
to require strict performance by Grantor of any provision of this Agreement 
shall not waive, affect or diminish any right of the Agent thereafter to 
demand strict compliance and performance therewith nor shall any course of 
dealing between Grantor and the Agent have such effect.  No single or partial 
exercise of any right hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise 
thereof or the exercise of any other right.  None of the undertakings, 
agreements, warranties, covenants and

representations of Grantor contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to 
have been suspended or waived by the Agent unless such suspension or waiver 
is in writing signed by an officer of the Agent and directed to Grantor 
specifying such suspension or waiver. 

          13.  SEVERABILITY. Whenever possible, each provision of this 
Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid 
under applicable law, but the provisions of this Agreement are severable, and 
if any clause or provision shall be held invalid and unenforceable in whole 
or in part in any jurisdiction, then such invalidity or unenforceability 
shall affect only such clause or provision, or part hereof, in such 
jurisdiction, and shall not in any manner affect such clause or provision in 
any other jurisdiction, or any other clause or provision of this Agreement in 
any jurisdiction. 

          14.  MODIFICATION. This Agreement cannot be altered, amended or 
modified in any way, except as specifically provided in PARAGRAPH 6 hereof or 
by a writing signed by the parties hereto. 

          15.  CUMULATIVE REMEDIES; POWER OF ATTORNEY. Grantor hereby 
irrevocably designates, constitutes and appoints the Agent (and all Persons 
designated by the Agent in its sole and absolute discretion) as Grantor's 
true and lawful attorney-in-fact, and authorizes the Agent and any of the 
Agent's designees, in Grantor's or the Agent's name, to take any action and 
execute any instrument which the Agent may deem necessary or advisable to 
accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, including, without limitation, 
from and after the occurrence of a Default and the giving by the Agent of 
notice to Grantor of the Agent's intention to enforce its rights and claims 
against Grantor, to (i) endorse Grantor's name on all applications, 
documents, papers and instruments necessary or desirable for the Agent in the 
use of the Copyrights, the Licenses or copyrightable materials, (ii) assign, 
pledge, convey or otherwise transfer title in or dispose of the Copyrights, 
the Licenses or copyrightable materials to anyone on commercially reasonable 
terms, (iii) grant or issue any exclusive or nonexclusive license under the 
Copyrights or, to the extent permitted, under the Licenses, to anyone on 
commercially reasonable terms, and (iv) take any other actions with respect 
to the Copyrights, the Licenses or any copyrightable materials as the Agent 
deems in its own or the Holders of Secured Obligations' best interest.  
Grantor hereby ratifies all that such attorney shall lawfully do or cause to 
be done by virtue hereof.  This power of attorney is coupled with an interest 
and shall be irrevocable until all of the Secured Obligations shall have been 
paid in full in cash and the Credit Agreement shall have been terminated.  
Grantor acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is not intended to limit 
or restrict in any way the rights and remedies of the Agent or the other 
Holders of Secured Obligations under the Security Agreement, but rather is 
intended to facilitate the exercise of such rights and remedies. 

          The Agent shall have, in addition to all other rights and remedies 
given it by the terms of this Agreement, all rights and remedies allowed by 
law and the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform 
Commercial Code as enacted in any jurisdiction in which the Copyrights or the 
Licenses may be located or deemed located.  Upon the occurrence of a Default 
and the election by the Agent to exercise any of its remedies under Section 
9-504 or Section 9-505 of the Uniform Commercial Code with respect to the 
Copyrights and Licenses, Grantor agrees to assign, convey and otherwise 
transfer title in and to the Copyrights and the Licenses to the Agent or any 
transferee of the Agent and to execute and deliver to the Agent or any such 
transferee all such agreements, documents and instruments as may be 
necessary, in the Agent's sole discretion, to effect such assignment, 
conveyance and transfer.  All of the Agent's rights and remedies with

respect to the Copyrights and the Licenses, whether established hereby, by 
the Security Agreement, by any other agreements or by law, shall be 
cumulative and may be exercised separately or concurrently. Notwithstanding 
anything set forth herein to the contrary, it is hereby expressly agreed that 
upon the occurrence of a Default, the Agent may exercise any of the rights 
and remedies provided in this Agreement, the Security Agreement and any of 
the other Loan Documents.  Grantor agrees that any notification of intended 
disposition of any of the Copyrights and Licenses required by law shall be 
deemed reasonably and properly given if given at least ten (10) days before 
such disposition; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Agent may give any shorter 
notice that is commercially reasonable under the circumstances.

          16.  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding upon 
Grantor and its successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of 
each of the Holders of Secured Obligations  and its nominees, successors and 
assigns. Grantor's successors and assigns shall include, without limitation, 
a receiver, trustee or debtor-in-possession of or for Grantor; PROVIDED, 
HOWEVER, that Grantor shall not voluntarily assign or transfer its rights or 
obligations hereunder without the Agent's prior written consent. 

          17.  GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced 
and the rights and duties of the parties shall be governed by in all respects 
in accordance with the internal laws and decisions of the State of Illinois.

          18.  NOTICES. All notices or other communications hereunder shall 
be given in the manner and to the address of the Borrower, in the case of the 
Grantor, and to the address of the Agent, in each case, as set forth in the 
Credit Agreement. 

          19.  SECTION TITLES. The section titles herein are for convenience 
of reference only, and shall not affect in any way the interpretation of any 
of the provisions hereof. 

          20.  EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in 
any number of counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate 
counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an 
original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same 

          21.  MERGER. This Agreement represents the final agreement of the 
Grantor and the Agent with respect to the matters contained herein and may 
not be contradicted by evidence of prior or contemporaneous agreements, or 
subsequent oral agreements, between the Grantor and the Agent or any Holder 
of Secured Obligations.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this 
Agreement as of the day and year first above written. 

                                       [                               ]



                                       Accepted and agreed to as of the day and
                                       year first above written. 

                                       THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO,
                                       as Agent


                                    Schedule A 
                           Copyright Security Agreement 

                          Dated as of February ___, 1998 

                              REGISTERED COPYRIGHTS

          None, except:

- ---------------------------------------------------

                             COPYRIGHT APPLICATIONS

          None, except:

- ---------------------------------------------------

                                  OTHER COPYRIGHTS

          None, except:


                                    Schedule B 
                           Copyright Security Agreement 

                          Dated as of February ___, 1998 

                                 LICENSE AGREEMENTS

          None, except:

                    ) SS

          The foregoing Copyright Security Agreement was acknowledged before me
this ___ day of February, 1998, by _____________________, a ____________ of
[________________________], a ___________________ corporation, on behalf of such

                                               Notary Public
                                               Cook County, Illinois
                                               My commission expires:

                    ) SS

          The foregoing Copyright Security Agreement was acknowledged before me
this ___ day of February, 1998, by __________________, a ____________ of The
First National Bank of Chicago, a national banking association, on behalf of
such association.

                                               Notary Public
                                               Cook County, Illinois
                                               My commission expires: