[LOGO] 1997 ANNUAL REPORT - MANAGER DISCUSSIONS - FINANCIALS THE HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND PORTFOLIO MANAGER Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? For the year ended 12/31/97, the Hartford Small Company Fund returned 19.3% versus 20.8% for the Lipper Small Company Mutual Fund Average. Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? MARK WATERHOUSE While providing strong double-digit Vice President returns for the year, small stocks, as Wellington Management Company, LLP measured by the Russell 2000, underperformed larger stocks. Just when the tide appeared to be turning for small stocks, concerns stemming from the deepening currency and economic crisis in Asia shook the US equity market and once again caused a flight to quality and large company stocks. The most significant contributor to our relative performance, both positive and negative, during the year was the Fund's overweighing in the technology sector (37% the Fund versus 14% in Russell 2000 as of 12/31/97). During much of the first half of the year, the Fund benefited from the strong earnings growth trends in this sector. However, during the second half of the year, the technology sector was particularly hard hit, as volatility in the US equity market increased due to concerns over the difficulties in Asia. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 7/22/96 - 12/31/97 GROWTH OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN CLASS A WHICH INCLUDES SALES CHARGE Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1998? $14,072 Despite recent difficulties in the technology sector, we continue to $12,862 believe that a number of stocks in this sector represent excellent long-term value, and that technology stocks will ultimately rebound given their importance to the overall US economy. Our strategy continues to look for quality high-growth companies whose stocks represent good upside potential with limited downside risk. We continue to canvass the smaller stock universe to "upgrade" the portfolio and take advantage of any high quality names that have been oversold. While the market has been experiencing an extended period of large cap outperformance, we are confident that small cap investors with longer investment horizons will be rewarded with very attractive returns as the small cap sector retakes its performance leadership position. - -- SMALL COMPANY FUND -- RUSSELL 2000 $9,450 starting value $10,000 starting value ANNUALIZED RETURNS (INCEPTION 7/22/96)(3) NON SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED 1 YEAR(1) SINCE INCEPT.(1) 1 YEAR(2) SINCE INCEPT.(2) Small Co "A" 19.28% 23.80% 12.72% 19.04% Small Co "B" 18.49% 23.00% 13.49% 20.46% Russell 2000 22.36% 26.69% THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE SMALL COMPANY FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. (3) THE HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS WERE SEEDED ON 7/1/96 AND BECAME EFFECTIVE AND OPEN FOR INVESTMENT ON 7/22/96. PERFORMANCE RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS REFLECT INVESTMENT ACTIVITY SINCE THE FUNDS BECAME OPEN FOR INVESTMENT ON 7/22/96. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $13,484 ON 12/31/97 ($13,084 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) THE HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND PORTFOLIO MANAGER Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? The Hartford Capital Appreciation Fund had an exceptionally strong year, placing the Fund as the third best performing fund in its Lipper category and the top performing fund from 7/31/96. For the year, the Capital Appreciation Fund returned 55.1% versus 20.4% for the Lipper Capital Appreciation Mutual Fund Average. SAUL J. PANNELL, CFA Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? Senior Vice President and Partner Wellington Management Company, LLP Much of the Fund's success during the year can be attributed to stock selection, which was particularly challenging given our emphasis on smaller companies. Despite our bias towards smaller companies, which underperformed larger companies for much of the year, the Fund was able to provide investors very strong returns. With help from our proprietary research analysts and diligent company-specific research we were able to identify companies across all sectors and market capitalizations that significantly outperformed the market such as PHILLIPS ELECTRONICS, a Dutch electronics conglomerate, MULTICARE COMPANIES, an operator of nursing homes, and DIME BANCORP, savings & loan institution. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 7/22/96 - 12/31/97 GROWTH OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1998? CLASS A WHICH INCLUDES SALES CHARGE $20,192 In an environment of lower projected interest rates, we have increased our finance sector weighting by adding to $15,743 holdings as they came under pressure. In light of our long-term positive view of the technology sector we are maintaining a significant weighting in this sector. We continue to find good investment ideas outside the US, and foreign investment levels were approximately 11% at year end. The Fund's market cap (asset-weighted) was $5.0B at year end, reflecting our continued belief that more value resides in the lessor well-known, smaller companies. Our overall strategy for the Fund remains dual faceted. We maintain an emphasis on smaller companies with dynamic earnings growth prospects, and couple that with an opportunistic trading approach to larger cap stocks where we typically see a catalyst for outperformance. - -- CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND -- S&P 500 $9,450 starting value $10,000 starting value ANNUALIZED RETURNS (INCEPTION 7/22/96) NON SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED 1 YEAR(1) SINCE INCEPT.(1) 1 YEAR(2) SINCE INCEPT.(2) Cap Ap "A" 55.11% 69.19% 46.58% 62.69% Cap Ap "B" 54.15% 68.12% 49.15% 65.91% S&P 500 33.35% 36.93% THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $21,172 ON 12/31/97 ($20,772 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) THE HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND PORTFOLIO MANAGER Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? For the year ended 12/31/97, The Hartford International Opportunities Fund returned 0.8% versus 5.4% for the Lipper International Mutual Fund Average. TROND SKRAMSTAD Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? Senior Vice President and Partner Wellington Management Company, LLP While the broadly diversified approach of the Fund limited some of the volatility experienced in the Asian markets, our significant position in Japan negatively impacted performance. Our view that the Japanese economy would experience a slow recovery in 1997 hurt performance as the problems within the Japanese economy continued. On a positive note, with 67% of assets invested in Europe, the Fund benefited from the strong performance in this region during much of the year. We find European managements increasingly focused on profitability and earnings growth, with global competition and the move to a monetary union accelerating this process. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 7/22/96 - 12/31/97 Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1998? GROWTH OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN CLASS A WHICH INCLUDES SALES CHARGE Given the continued weakness in the Japanese market and our view that it will take considerable time and effort to work out its problems, we have further reduced the Fund's weight in Japan and have taken a more defensive $11,193 posture. While growth in Europe in 1998 will likely feel the impact of the Asian crisis, we believe that low inflation, solid profit growth and the $10,305 impending monetary union will support the European equity markets. Given this outlook, we believe that larger and stronger companies are likely to do relatively better and we are currently adding to more defensive, larger capitalization stocks. - -- INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES -- EAFE GDP $9,450 starting value $10,000 starting value ANNUALIZED RETURNS (INCEPTION 7/22/96) NON SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED 1 YEAR(1) SINCE INCEPT.(1) 1 YEAR(2) SINCE INCEPT.(2) Int'l Opp "A" 0.84% 6.18% -4.71% 2.10% Int'l Opp "B" 0.12% 5.47% -4.88% 2.75% EAFE GDP* 5.77% 8.12% THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $10,799 ON 12/31/97 ($10,399 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) * THE MORGAN STANLEY EUROPE AUSTRALIA FAR EAST GDP - NET INDEX THE HARTFORD STOCK FUND PORTFOLIO MANAGER Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? The Hartford Stock Fund outperformed its Lipper peer group during the year ended 12/31/97. The Stock Fund provided a total return of 31.8% versus 25.3% for the Lipper Growth Mutual Fund Average, placing the Fund in the first quartile of performance for funds in the group. Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? RAND L. ALEXANDER, CFA Senior Vice President and Partner The performance of the Portfolio was Wellington Management Company, LLP once again helped by our emphasis on large, high quality growth companies and our overweights in the health care, retail, financial, and energy sectors. The Portfolio also benefited from strong performance by several of our top 10 holdings, including GENERAL ELECTRIC, TRAVELERS, MERRILL LYNCH, GANNETT, PROCTOR & GAMBLE, WAL-MART and IBM. We also had our share of disappointments in BOEING, COLUMBIA/HCA and PHARMACIA & UPJOHN. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1998? 7/22/96 - 12/31/97 Turning to 1998, it is difficult to GROWTH OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN predict a fourth straight year of CLASS A WHICH INCLUDES SALES CHARGE record returns for the US equity $15,743 market, but we continue to see reasons for optimism. The economy continues to grow and the problems in Asia and the Pacific Rim should help keep a lid on $14,384 inflation. Money continues to flow into mutual funds at what we believe to be sustainable levels based on demographics, and corporate America is in sound financial shape. So, unless interest rates rise substantially or corporate profits fall precipitously over the next six months, we see no reason to alter our view. We continue to look for companies with great brand franchises, large market shares, high returns on equity, low debt to total capital, and strong managements selling at reasonable multiples. While price-to-earnings multiples have certainly expanded in the last five years, that expansion has been supported by falling inflation and declining interest rates, a trend we expect to continue. - -- Stock Fund -- S&P 500 $9,450 starting value $10,000 starting value ANNUALIZED RETURNS (INCEPTION 7/22/96) NON SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED 1 YEAR(1) SINCE INCEPT.(1) 1 YEAR(2) SINCE INCEPT.(2) Stock "A" 31.78% 33.77% 24.53% 28.63% Stock "B" 30.82% 32.86% 25.82% 30.40% S&P 500 33.35% 36.93% THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE STOCK FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $15,071 ON 12/31/97 ($14,671 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND PORTFOLIO MANAGER Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? The Hartford Dividend and Growth Fund outperformed its Lipper peer group for the year ended 12/31/97. The Dividend and Growth Fund provided a total return of 31.0% versus 27.5% for the Lipper Equity Income Mutual Fund Average. Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? LAURIE A. GABRIEL, CFA The Fund's performance during the year Senior Vice President and Partner benefited from its overweighting of the Wellington Management Company, LLP utility sector which experienced a particularly strong year. This sector's performance picked up during the last half of the year as the turmoil in Asia led investors to seek companies with predictable earnings. The Fund also benefited from its underweighting versus the competition in technology stocks. For the same reasons that investors shifted assets into sectors like utilities, they took money out of the technology sector which tends to have more volatile earnings. Because of the Fund's mandate for a higher-than-average dividend yield, it is consistently underweighted in this sector, which has served us well in the recent environment. Lastly, the financial sector was the best performing sector in the S&P 500 and the Portfolio's holdings in this sector, such as CITICORP, FIRST BANK SYSTEMS and FANNIE MAE were significant contributors to performance. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 7/22/96 - 12/31/97 GROWTH OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN CLASS A WHICH INCLUDES SALES CHARGE $15,743 Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1998? Looking forward, our expectations for $14,272 the US equity market are somewhat subdued. The deteriorating economic conditions in Asia have caused us to lower our growth expectations for the US economy. Sharply reduced exports to Asia combined with a rising US Dollar exchange rate, intense pricing pressure and continued upward pressure on wages have caused us to reduce our 1998 corporate profits outlook. On a positive note, this competitive pricing environment will also ensure a very low inflation rate for the year. As a result of this outlook, we believe the Fund is well-positioned given its emphasis on companies with an above-average yield, a below average price-to-earnings ratio and risk. - -- DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND -- S&P 500 $9,450 starting value $10,000 starting value ANNUALIZED RETURNS (INCEPTION 7/22/96) NON SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED 1 YEAR(1) SINCE INCEPT.(1) 1 YEAR(2) SINCE INCEPT.(2) Div & Grow "A" 30.99% 33.05% 23.79% 27.94% Div & Grow "B" 30.20% 32.12% 25.20% 29.66% S&P 500 33.35% 36.93% THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $14,951 ON 12/31/97 ($14,551 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) THE HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND PORTFOLIO MANAGERS Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? RAND L. ALEXANDER, CFA The Hartford Advisers Fund outperformed Senior Vice President and Partner its Lipper peer group during the year Wellington Management Company, LLP ended 12/31/97. The Advisers Fund provided a total return of 23.3% versus 18.7% for the Lipper Flexible Mutual Fund Average, placing the Fund in the first quartile of performance for funds in the group. Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? The outperformance of the Fund during the year can be largely attributed to our high relative weighting in equities. During 1997, the equity portion of the Fund benefited from our emphasis on large, high quality growth companies and our overweights in the health care, retail, financial, and energy sectors. The bond market provided a favorable environment for the fixed income portion of the Fund. In light of our view that interest rates may decline further, we have reduced our holdings of mortgage-backed securities which can suffer in a falling interest rate environment as a PAUL D. KAPLAN result of refinancing. Corporate bonds Senior Vice President and Partner remain unattractive, particularly if Wellington Management Company, LLP the economy slows. PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 7/22/96 - 12/31/97 GROWTH OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN CLASS A WHICH INCLUDES SALES CHARGE Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1998? $15,743 The asset allocation at the end of the year was 58% stocks, 39% bonds and 3% cash. We recently reduced the equity $13,000 weighting of the Portfolio from a high of nearly 70% due to our belief that the relative value of stocks versus $11,529 bonds is narrowing. While we continue to believe that in the longer-term equities deserve to be emphasized, bonds have become more attractive in today's market environment. We believe strongly that inflation remains on a downward path. The world-wide competitive environment, the strengthening US dollar, falling commodity prices, and a general slowing in the world's economies make the likelihood of an upward move in the inflation rate remote. We continue to keep cash balances at a minimum. - -- Advisers Fund -- S&P 500 -- Lehman Govt/Corp $9,450 starting value $10,000 $10,000 ANNUALIZED RETURNS (INCEPTION 7/22/96) NON SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED 1 YEAR(1) SINCE INCEPT.(1) 1 YEAR(2) SINCE INCEPT.(2) Advisers "A" 23.30% 24.72% 16.52% 19.92% Advisers "B" 22.44% 23.90% 17.44% 21.37% S&P 500 33.35% 36.93% Lehman 9.76% 10.36% Govt/Corp THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE ADVISERS FUND. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $13,626 ON 12/31/97 ($13,226 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND PORTFOLIO MANAGER Q. HOW DID THE FUND PERFORM? The Hartford Bond Income Strategy Fund outperformed its Lipper peer group average for the year ended December 31, 1997, producing a total return of 10.8% versus 10.1% for the Lipper Corporate Debt "BBB" Rated Mutual Fund average. Q. WHY DID THE FUND PERFORM THIS WAY? - Longer portfolio average maturity and ALISON D. GRANGER, CFA duration position for most of 1997. Senior Vice President Since mid-April, the Fund's duration The Hartford Investment ranged between 10% and 20% longer than Management Company (HIMCO) the benchmark index. Long-term Treasury yields declined more than 100 basis points from then through year-end, resulting in a price rally which benefited the fund. - A higher average credit quality than our peers. At mid-year we increased the Fund's allocation to Treasuries, Aa and Aaa-rated corporates, discount mortgages and cash to a combined 50% of the total portfolio due to our concerns that credit risk was inadequately priced. This contributed to the Fund's outperformance during the second half of the year. - A reallocation of some of the Fund's high yield holdings to non-Asian Emerging Market debt during the fourth quarter. When Emerging Market fixed income debt experienced extreme volatility beginning in October and November, we viewed this repricing of credit risk as a buying opportunity, especially relative to the valuation of domestic high-yield debt. We sold some of the Fund's most fully- valued high-yield holdings and used the proceeds to purchase Brady bonds and PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW Emerging Market sovereign global debt. 7/22/96 - 12/31/97 This reallocation yielded GROWTH OF A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN outperformance from mid-November CLASS A WHICH INCLUDES SALES CHARGE through year-end. $11,529 Q. WHAT IS YOUR OUTLOOK FOR 1998? $11,187 High inflation-adjusted Treasury yields, the perceived safety of US investments amidst recent global volatility, and the continually improving deficit situation, all contribute to our expectation that over the course of 1998, Treasury yields will continue to decline. As such, the duration of the Fund remains longer than that of our benchmark index. We continue to hold a higher-than-average percentage of The Hartford Bond Income Strategy Fund in Treasury securities, as we believe that the corporate market, on average, will continue to be threatened with underperformance throughout 1998 due to changing global economic and individual company fundamentals, as well as increased supply. Having said this, opportunities in the corporate market remain in carefully chosen credits which we will work closely with our analysts to identify. We believe that opportunities remain in certain areas of the mortgage market, such as discount 15-year passthroughs, and have maintained an overweight in these securities. Finally, we view the total return potential of Emerging Market debt to be attractive, recognizing that significant volatility could be experienced over the near-term. - -- BOND INCOME STRATEGY -- LEHMAN GOVT/CORP $9,550 starting value $10,000 starting value ANNUALIZED RETURNS (INCEPTION 7/22/96) NON SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED SALES CHARGE ADJUSTED 1 YEAR(1) SINCE INCEPT.(1) 1 YEAR(2) SINCE INCEPT.(2) Bond "A" 10.80% 11.58% 5.81% 8.08% Bond "B" 9.96% 10.75% 4.96% 8.09% Lehman 9.76% 10.36% Govt/Corp THE CHART REPRESENTS A HYPOTHETICAL INVESTMENT IN THE BOND INCOME STRATEGY. PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT GUARANTEE FUTURE RESULTS. THE VALUE OF SHARES WILL FLUCTUATE SO THAT WHEN REDEEMED, SHARES MAY BE WORTH MORE OR LESS THAN THEIR ORIGINAL COST. (1) PERFORMANCE RESULTS DO NOT REFLECT SALES CHARGE. (2) THE INITIAL INVESTMENT IN CLASS A AND B SHARES REFLECTS THE MAXIMUM SALES CHARGE AND CDSC, RESPECTIVELY. A $10,000 INVESTMENT IN THE FUND'S CLASS B SHARES AT INCEPTION ON 7/22/96 WOULD HAVE BEEN VALUED AT $11,588 ON 12/31/97 ($11,188 WITH A REDEMPTION AT THE END OF THE PERIOD.) THE HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT VALUE --------- ------------ COMMERCIAL PAPER -- 80.5% A.H. Robbins Company, Inc. $ 750,000 5.60% due 02/12/98 $ 745,100 Abbey National, North America 800,000 5.60% due 01/22/98............... 797,387 Bankers Trust Corp. 750,000 5.72% due 06/17/98............... 730,099 Bradford & Bingley Building Society 750,000 5.57% due 01/09/98............... 749,072 Cafco 750,000 5.65% due 02/17/98............... 744,468 Caterpillar Financial Services 800,000 5.55% due 02/27/98............... 792,970 Countrywide Home Loan 750,000 5.75% due 03/06/98............... 742,333 du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co. 750,000 5.67% due 03/05/98............... 742,558 Eaton Corp. 750,000 5.76% due 03/26/98............... 739,920 Electronic Data Systems Corp. 750,000 5.53% due 01/27/98............... 747,005 Finova Capital Corp. 800,000 5.72% due 01/14/98............... 798,348 Ford Motor Credit Corp. 590,000 5.59% due 01/27/98............... 587,618 General Electric Capital Corp. 750,000 5.70% due 02/02/98............... 746,200 Goldman Sachs Group, L.P. (The) 750,000 5.68% due 04/06/98............... 738,758 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. 750,000 5.54% due 01/05/98............... 749,538 J.P. Morgan & Co., Inc. 750,000 5.67% due 03/23/98............... 740,432 National Rural Utilities 750,000 5.65% due 03/13/98............... 741,643 Nationwide Building Society 750,000 5.67% due 02/13/98............... 744,921 Old Line Funding Corp. 750,000 5.82% due 02/05/98............... 745,756 PHH Corp. 750,000 5.75% due 03/16/98............... 741,135 Procter & Gamble Company (The) 750,000 5.63% due 03/09/98............... 742,141 Provence de Quebec 750,000 5.65% due 02/26/98............... 743,408 Sears, Roebuck Acceptance Corp. 750,000 5.53% due 01/15/98............... 748,387 Sharp Electronics Corp. 750,000 5.82% due 01/30/98............... 746,483 Smith Barney Holdings, Inc. 800,000 5.53% due 01/13/98............... 798,525 Stanley Works (The) 750,000 5.58% due 02/12/98............... 745,118 Sumitomo Bank, Ltd., NY Branch 750,000 5.68% due 02/09/98............... 745,385 Svenska Handelsbanken, Inc. 750,000 5.52% due 01/07/98............... 749,310 Toronto-Dominion Holdings USA, Inc. 750,000 5.59% due 01/26/98............... 747,089 Westpac Capital Corp. 750,000 5.58% due 01/12/98............... 748,721 Wood Street Funding Corp. 750,000 5.58% due 01/20/98............... 747,791 Xerox Credit Corp. 750,000 5.65% due 03/19/98............... 740,937 ------------ Total commercial paper............. $ 23,868,556 ------------ ------------ PRINCIPAL AMOUNT VALUE --------- ------------ NON-CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE NOTES -- 17.0% Associates Corporation of North America $ 250,000 7.25% due 05/15/98............... $ 251,203 First USA Bank 750,000 6.158% due 10/22/98.............. 752,414 General Motors Acceptance Corp. 780,000 5.753% due 04/17/98.............. 780,063 IBM Credit Corp. 750,000 5.812% due 06/05/98.............. 749,799 Lehman Brothers Holdings 750,000 5.916% 01/13/99.................. 750,000 Morgan Stanley Group, Inc. 500,000 5.825% due 05/18/98.............. 500,000 NationsBank Corp. 500,000 6.066% due 06/02/98.............. 500,416 Triangle Funding Ltd. 750,000 5.75% due 11/15/98............... 750,000 ------------ Total non-convertible corporate notes............................ $ 5,033,895 ------------ ------------ REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 2.3% 701,000 Interest in $86,953,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.50%, to be repurchased at $701,253 on 01/02/98 (Collateralized by $86,953,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.375% - 11.625% due 02/11/01 - 08/08/15)........................ $ 701,000 ------------ ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total commercial paper (cost $23,868,556).... 80.5 % $ 23,868,556 Total non-convertible corporate notes (cost $5,033,895)................................ 17.0 5,033,895 Total repurchase agreement (cost $701,000)... 2.3 701,000 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (total cost $29,603,451*).................. 99.8 29,603,451 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 1.4 408,887 Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. (1.1) (314,190) Other liabilities............................ (0.1) (32,931) ------ ------------ Net assets (applicable to $1.00 per share based on 29,665,217 shares outstanding).... 100.0 % $ 29,665,217 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; 800,000,000 shares authorized; 29,665,217 shares outstanding... $ 29,665 Paid-in surplus...................................... 29,635,552 ------------ Net assets at value.................................. $ 29,665,217 ------------ ------------ Class A Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, $0.001 par value; 500,000,000 shares authorized (Net assets $22,578,404)................................ 22,578,404 ------------ ------------ Net asset value and offering price per share..................................... $ 1.00 ----- ----- Class B Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, $0.001 par value; 200,000,000 shares authorized (Net assets $4,448,938)................................. 4,448,938 ------------ ------------ Net asset value and offering price per share..................................... $ 1.00 ----- ----- Class Y Shares of beneficial interest outstanding, $0.001 par value; 100,000,000 shares authorized (Net assets $2,637,875)................................. 2,637,875 ------------ ------------ Net asset value and offering price per share.................................... $ 1.00 ----- ----- * Aggregate cost for federal income tax purposes. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 9 THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES -- 1.7% California Infrastructure Pacific Gas & Electric, Series 1997-1 Class A6 $ 400,000 6.32% due 09/25/05.......... $ 401,875 California Infrastructure Southern California Edison Series, 1997-1 Class A5 250,000 6.28% due 09/25/05.......... 251,178 ------------- Total asset-backed securities.................. $ 653,053 ------------- ------------- COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES -- 0.2% NationsBank Corp., Series 1997-CTL1, Class A1 81,664 7.421% due 06/22/24......... $ 83,910 ------------- ------------- NON-CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE BONDS & NOTES -- 47.0% AEROSPACE -- 0.6% Wyman-Gordon Company Senior Notes 250,000 8.00% due 12/15/07.......... $ 251,875 ------------- CABLE -- 3.8% Bell Cablemedia PLC 750,000 0.00% due 09/15/05.......... 666,094 Cablevision Systems Senior Notes 200,000 7.875% due 12/15/07......... 204,000 Lenfest Communications, Inc. 100,000 8.375% due 11/01/05......... 103,125 Tele-Communications, Inc. Medium-Term Note 500,000 6.58% due 02/15/05.......... 535,237 ------------- 1,508,456 ------------- CHEMICALS -- 1.5% du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co............................ 300,000 6.75% due 09/01/07.......... 310,026 Terra Industries, Inc. 250,000 10.50% due 06/15/05......... 268,750 ------------- 578,776 ------------- COLLEGES -- 2.3% Massachusetts Institute of Technology 800,000 7.25% due 11/02/96.......... 901,746 ------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 0.9% Gulf Canada Resources Ltd. 100,000 9.625% due 07/01/05......... 108,500 Lasmo (USA), Inc. 250,000 6.75% due 12/15/07.......... 251,698 ------------- 360,198 ------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 12.6% Abbey National PLC 500,000 6.69% due 10/17/05.......... 503,954 Bayerische Landesbank (NY) 500,000 6.375% due 10/15/05......... 502,521 Citicorp 500,000 7.125% due 05/15/06......... 518,691 Ford Motor Credit Corp. 500,000 6.125% due 01/09/06......... 488,265 Landeskreditbank Baden-Wurttemberg 750,000 7.625% due 02/01/23......... 850,594 Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc. 150,000 8.875% due 03/01/02......... 162,640 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.* 500,000 7.625% due 11/15/23......... 545,947 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- NON-CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE BONDS & NOTES -- (CONTINUED) FINANCIAL SERVICES -- (CONTINUED) Phoenix Home Life Insurance Co.* $ 500,000 6.95% due 12/01/06.......... $ 509,415 Societe Generale (NY) 250,000 9.875% due 07/15/03......... 289,657 Swiss Bank Corporation (NY) 200,000 7.375% due 06/15/17......... 214,482 Westinghouse Credit Corp. 300,000 8.875% due 06/14/14......... 328,097 ------------- 4,914,263 ------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 0.7% Ralcorp Holdings, Inc. 250,000 8.75% due 09/15/04.......... 283,570 ------------- FUNERAL/CEMETERY SERVICES -- 0.3% Loewen Group International, Inc. 100,000 8.25% due 10/15/03.......... 106,422 ------------- HEALTH CARE -- 0.3% Tenet Healthcare Corp. 100,000 8.00% due 01/15/05.......... 102,000 ------------- HOME BUILDING -- 0.4% U.S. Home Corp. 150,000 7.95% due 03/01/01.......... 152,218 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 0.3% Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. 100,000 7.40% due 02/01/04.......... 103,309 ------------- PACKAGING & CONTAINERS -- 0.6% Domtar, Inc. 125,000 9.50% due 08/01/16.......... 138,559 Owens-Illinois, Inc. Senior Note 100,000 8.10% due 05/15/07.......... 106,389 ------------- 244,948 ------------- REAL ESTATE -- 0.7% Duke Realty LP 250,000 7.25% due 09/22/02.......... 257,763 ------------- RETAIL -- 4.4% K Mart Corp. 100,000 7.55% due 07/27/04.......... 100,504 K Mart Corp. 100,000 7.75% due 10/01/12.......... 96,000 K Mart Corp. 275,000 7.95% due 02/01/23.......... 263,313 K Mart Corp. 100,000 7.84% due 01/02/02.......... 101,776 Profitt's Inc. 200,000 8.125% due 05/15/04......... 208,000 Specialty Retailers, Inc. 250,000 8.50% due 07/15/05.......... 255,000 Stop & Shop Companies, Inc. 625,000 9.75% due 02/01/02.......... 698,004 ------------- 1,722,597 ------------- SHIPBUILDING -- 0.3% Newport News Shipbuilding Co.* 100,000 8.625% due 12/01/06......... 105,125 ------------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 10 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- NON-CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE BONDS & NOTES -- (CONTINUED) TECHNOLOGY -- 0.3% Advanced Micro Devices $ 125,000 11.00% due 08/01/03......... $ 133,750 ------------- TELECOMMUNICATIONS -- 3.6% BellSouth Capital Funding 500,000 7.12% due 07/15/97.......... 524,399 Rogers Cantel, Inc. 100,000 9.375% due 06/01/08......... 105,000 Rogers Cantel, Inc. 200,000 8.30% due 10/01/07.......... 198,500 TCI Communications, Inc. 200,000 7.875% due 02/15/26......... 214,629 USW-1, Series A2 1997* 50,000 0.00% due 02/01/17.......... 13,960 Viacom, Inc. 250,000 7.75% due 06/01/05.......... 255,046 Viacom, Inc. 100,000 6.75% due 01/15/03.......... 98,087 ------------- 1,409,621 ------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 6.4% CSX Corp.* 200,000 7.25% due 05/01/04.......... 207,478 Continental Airlines, Inc. 300,000 9.50% due 12/15/01.......... 315,000 Continental Airlines, Inc. 1997-1* 750,000 7.461% due 04/01/13......... 790,665 Interpool, Inc.* 300,000 7.35% due 08/01/07.......... 300,161 Norfolk Southern Corp. 200,000 7.80% due 05/15/27.......... 225,619 United Air Lines, Inc. 500,000 9.75% due 08/15/21.......... 646,777 ------------- 2,485,700 ------------- UTILITIES -- 7.0% AES Corp. Senior Subordinated Note 200,000 8.375% due 08/15/07......... 199,500 CMS Energy Corp. 200,000 8.125% due 05/15/02......... 205,887 Calpine Corp. 100,000 8.75% due 07/15/07.......... 102,000 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. 200,000 7.88% due 11/01/17.......... 210,093 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. 250,000 7.13% due 07/01/07.......... 264,009 El Paso Electric Co. 200,000 9.40% due 05/01/11.......... 225,000 El Paso Electric Co. 100,000 8.25% due 02/01/03.......... 105,250 Long Island Lighting Co. 200,000 8.90% due 07/15/19.......... 213,009 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 300,000 7.05% due 03/01/24.......... 317,778 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 250,000 7.25% due 03/01/26.......... 260,038 Public Service Electric & Gas Co., MBIA-Insured 125,000 7.00% due 09/01/24.......... 128,043 Public Service Electric & Gas Co., MBIA-Insured 250,000 6.75% due 01/01/16.......... 253,422 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- UTILITIES -- (CONTINUED) Southern Investments UK PLC $ 250,000 6.80% due 12/01/06.......... $ 251,967 ------------- 2,735,996 ------------- Total non-convertible corporate bonds & notes..... $ 18,358,333 ------------- ------------- ENHANCED EQUIPMENT TRUST CERTIFICATES -- 0.6% Norwest Airlines Corp. Trust Series 2 92,615 11.30% due 06/21/14......... 120,179 NWA Trust Series D 100,000 13.875% due 06/21/08........ 121,251 ------------- Total enhanced equipment trust certificates................ $ 241,430 ------------- ------------- FOREIGN/YANKEE BONDS & NOTES -- 11.3% FOREIGN CORPORATIONS -- 1.7% Industrial Finance Corp. (Thailand) 700,000 7.75% due 08/04/07.......... $ 665,000 ------------- FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS -- 9.6% Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior SNC 100,000 7.25% due 02/02/04.......... 92,812 KFW International Finance, Inc. 250,000 7.00% due 03/01/13.......... 266,140 Provence de Quebec 300,000 7.125% due 02/09/24......... 310,050 Republic de Argentina Par Bonds 1,325,000 4.25% due 03/31/23.......... 968,078 Republic of Columbia 200,000 7.625% due 02/15/07......... 188,068 Republic of Panama 200,000 8.875% due 09/30/27......... 188,000 Republic of Venezuela 500,000 9.25% due 09/15/27.......... 448,125 The Russian Federation* 600,000 10.00% due 06/26/07......... 554,625 United Mexican States Discount Bond 300,000 6.6172% due 12/31/19........ 277,125 United Mexican States Discount Bond 500,000 6.6925% due 12/31/19........ 461,875 ------------- 3,754,898 ------------- Total foreign/yankee bonds & notes....................... $ 4,419,898 ------------- ------------- U.S. TREASURIES & FEDERAL AGENCIES -- 36.1% U.S. TREASURY BONDS -- 2.5% 430,000 6.375% due 08/15/27......... 453,381 435,000 6.625% due 02/15/27......... 472,111 30,000 7.875% due 02/15/21......... 36,834 ------------- 962,326 ------------- U.S. TREASURY INFLATION-INDEXED SECURITIES -- 0.9% 351,071 3.625% due 07/15/02......... 352,570 ------------- U.S. TREASURY NOTES -- 17.1% 940,000 5.625% due 11/30/98 - 02/15/06.................... 938,129 530,000 5.875% due 10/31/98 - 09/30/02.................... 531,247 200,000 6.125% due 11/15/27......... 205,500 1,200,000 6.25% due 06/30/98 - 07/31/98.................... 1,204,876 170,000 6.375% due 03/31/01......... 173,187 700,000 6.50% due 05/31/01 - 05/15/05.................... 720,938 120,000 6.625% due 07/31/01......... 123,413 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 11 THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- U.S. TREASURIES & FEDERAL AGENCIES -- (CONTINUED) U.S. TREASURY NOTES -- (CONTINUED) $ 750,000 6.875% due 08/31/99......... $ 764,062 340,000 7.00% due 07/15/06......... 367,094 250,000 7.25% due 05/15/04......... 269,844 650,000 7.50% due 10/31/99 - 11/15/24.................... 686,610 610,000 7.875% due 11/15/04......... 681,866 ------------- 6,666,766 ------------- U.S. TREASURY STRIPS -- 0.4% 300,000 0.00% due 02/15/08.......... 166,071 ------------- FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION -- 12.2% 4,600,000 6.00% due 01/01/12......... 4,525,250 248,750 6.50% due 12/01/27......... 245,485 ------------- 4,770,735 ------------- U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES -- 3.0% Israel Aid (State of) 1,200,000 4.875% due 09/15/98......... 1,191,761 ------------- Total U.S. treasuries & federal agencies............ $ 14,110,229 ------------- ------------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 13.2% COMMERCIAL PAPER -- 0.3% Lucent Technologies, Inc. 100,000 5.76% due 01/20/98.......... $ 99,696 ------------- REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS -- 12.9% 1,500,000 Interest in $86,953,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 5.85%, to be repurchased at $1,500,488 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $86,953,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.375%-11.625% due 02/11/01-08/08/15).......... 1,500,000 1,754,000 Interest in $86,953,000 repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.50%, to be repurchased at $1,754,633 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $86,953,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.375%-11.625% due 02/11/01-08/08/15).......... 1,754,000 1,800,000 Interest in $86,953,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 5.70%, to be repurchased at $1,800,570 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $86,953,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.375%-11.625% due 02/11/01-08/08/15).......... 1,800,000 ------------- 5,054,000 ------------- Total short-term securities... $ 5,153,696 ------------- ------------- MARKET VALUE ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total asset-backed securities (cost $649,777).................................. 1.7% $ 653,053 Total commercial mortgage-backed securities (cost $83,278)............................. 0.2 83,910 Total non-convertible corporate bonds & notes (cost $17,572,756)......................... 47.0 18,358,333 Total enhanced equipment trust certificates (cost $231,918)............................ 0.6 241,430 Total foreign/yankee bonds & notes (cost $4,295,722)................................ 11.3 4,419,898 Total U.S. treasuries & federal agencies (cost $14,016,135)......................... 36.1 14,110,229 Total short-term securities (cost $5,153,696)................................ 13.2] 5,153,696 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (total cost $42,003,282)................... 110.1 43,020,549 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 2.1 845,855 Payable for securities purchased............. (12.1) (4,730,243) Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. 0.0 (10,584) Other liabilities............................ (0.1) (35,495) ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0% $ 39,090,082 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; 300,000,000 shares authorized; 3,684,476 shares outstanding.... $ 3,684 Paid-in surplus...................................... 37,927,952 Accumulated undistributed net investment income...... 50,902 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 90,277 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 1,017,267 ------------ Net assets........................................... $ 39,090,082 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($28,589,201 DIVIDED BY 2,694,475 shares outstanding) (175,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 10.61 ------ ------ Maximum offering price per share ($10.61 DIVIDED BY 95.5%)......................... $ 11.11 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($5,745,252 DIVIDED BY 542,978 shares outstanding) (75,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 10.58 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($4,755,629 DIVIDED BY 447,023 shares outstanding) (50,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 10.64 ------ ------ * Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. As of December 31, 1997, the market value of these securities amounted to $3,027,376, or 7.7% of net assets. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 12 THE HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 MARKET SHARES VALUE ----------- ------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 57.3% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 0.8% 20,000 Boeing Co. (The).............. $ 978,750 *8,155 Raytheon Co. Class A.......... 402,134 ------------- 1,380,884 ------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 1.8% *27,450 Cisco Systems, Inc............ 1,530,338 20,000 Ericsson (L.M.) Telephone ADR......................... 746,250 11,000 Lucent Technologies, Inc...... 878,625 ------------- 3,155,213 ------------- COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 3.0% *14,000 Adaptec, Inc.................. 519,750 *41,400 EMC Corp...................... 1,135,912 21,000 International Business Machines Corp............... 2,195,813 20,500 Xerox Corp.................... 1,513,156 ------------- 5,364,631 ------------- CONSUMER DURABLES -- 0.3% 14,500 General Motors Corp. Class H........................... 535,594 ------------- CONSUMER NON-DURABLES -- 3.4% 17,000 Estee Lauder Companies Class A........................... 874,437 17,000 Gillette Co. (The)............ 1,707,438 31,000 Kimberly-Clark Corp........... 1,528,687 24,800 Procter & Gamble Co. (The).... 1,979,350 ------------- 6,089,912 ------------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 2.3% 28,000 Hertz Corp. (The) Class A..... 1,127,000 40,800 McDonald's Corporation........ 1,948,200 *43,000 Mirage Resorts, Inc........... 978,250 ------------- 4,053,450 ------------- ELECTRONICS -- 3.7% *29,000 Analog Devices, Inc........... 802,937 61,000 General Electric Co........... 4,475,875 18,200 Intel Corp.................... 1,278,550 ------------- 6,557,362 ------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 3.9% 14,500 Chevron Corp.................. 1,116,500 19,200 Exxon Corp.................... 1,174,800 35,800 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. ADR......................... 1,939,913 28,000 Santa Fe International Corporation................. 1,139,250 18,600 Schlumberger Ltd.............. 1,497,300 ------------- 6,867,763 ------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 11.5% 23,000 Allstate Corporation (The).... 2,090,125 22,200 American Express Co........... 1,963,500 12,500 American International Group, Inc......................... 1,359,375 15,000 Associates First Capital Corp........................ 1,066,875 18,000 BankAmerica Corporation....... 1,314,000 16,500 Citicorp...................... 2,086,219 23,000 First Union Corporation....... 1,178,750 22,900 Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc......................... 1,707,481 31,200 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc...... 2,275,650 27,000 State Street Corp............. 1,571,063 42,000 Travelers Group Inc........... 2,262,750 13,500 U.S. Bancorp.................. 1,511,156 ------------- 20,386,944 ------------- MARKET SHARES VALUE ----------- ------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 2.9% 22,000 Coca-Cola Company (The)....... $ 1,465,750 30,000 Nabisco Holdings Corporation................. 1,453,125 27,000 PepsiCo, Inc.................. 983,813 20,800 Unilever NV-New York Shares... 1,298,700 ------------- 5,201,388 ------------- HEALTH CARE -- 8.8% 17,500 Abbott Laboratories........... 1,147,344 20,500 American Home Products Corporation and Subsidiaries................ 1,568,250 *35,000 Bergen Brunswig Corporation... 1,474,375 25,000 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp........................ 740,625 25,000 Johnson & Johnson............. 1,646,875 12,500 Merck & Co., Inc.............. 1,328,125 23,000 Pfizer, Inc................... 1,714,937 35,900 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc....... 1,314,837 *50,000 Phycor, Inc................... 1,350,000 30,000 Service Corporation International............... 1,108,125 *22,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp......... 728,750 12,000 Warner-Lambert Co............. 1,488,000 ------------- 15,610,243 ------------- MANUFACTURING -- 1.0% 15,400 Caterpillar, Inc.............. 747,862 15,000 Perkin-Elmer Corporation (The)....................... 1,065,938 ------------- 1,813,800 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 2.6% *11,800 Clear Channel Communications, Inc......................... 937,362 45,000 Gannett Co., Inc.............. 2,781,563 10,000 Walt Disney Company (The)..... 990,625 ------------- 4,709,550 ------------- RETAIL -- 4.2% 27,400 CVS Corporation............... 1,755,312 33,000 Gap, Inc. (The)............... 1,169,438 30,000 Home Depot, Inc. (The)........ 1,766,250 70,000 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.......... 2,760,625 ------------- 7,451,625 ------------- SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 3.2% 13,000 Automatic Data Processing, Inc......................... 797,875 *16,000 Computer Sciences Corp........ 1,336,000 34,500 First Data Corp............... 1,009,125 *10,000 Microsoft Corp................ 1,292,500 *32,000 PeopleSoft, Inc............... 1,248,000 ------------- 5,683,500 ------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 1.4% 52,500 Southwest Airlines Co......... 1,292,812 20,800 Union Pacific Corp............ 1,298,700 ------------- 2,591,512 ------------- UTILITIES -- 2.5% 20,000 Duke Energy Corporation....... 1,107,500 33,000 SBC Communications, Inc....... 2,417,250 *31,000 WorldCom, Inc................. 937,750 ------------- 4,462,500 ------------- Total common stocks........... $ 101,915,871 ------------- ------------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 13 THE HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- NON-CONVERTIBLE CORPORATE BONDS -- 1.7% FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 0.9% BankAmerica Corp. $ 500,000 7.875% due 12/01/02......... $ 533,571 Finova Capital Corp. 500,000 6.39% due 10/08/02.......... 501,879 Heller Financial 500,000 6.382% due 11/10/00......... 500,037 ------------- 1,535,487 ------------- INDUSTRIAL -- 0.8% E.W. Scripps Company 500,000 6.375% due 10/15/02......... 502,407 ICI Wilmington 500,000 6.95% due 09/15/04.......... 514,053 Williams Companies, Inc. 500,000 6.50% due 11/15/02.......... 502,340 ------------- 1,518,800 ------------- Total non-convertible corporate bonds............. $ 3,054,287 ------------- ------------- U.S. TREASURIES & FEDERAL AGENCIES -- 36.4% U.S. TREASURY BONDS -- 7.2% 10,300,000 6.25% due 08/15/23......... 10,615,438 1,950,000 7.25% due 05/15/16......... 2,219,954 ------------- 12,835,392 ------------- U.S. TREASURY NOTES -- 28.1% 12,950,000 5.75% due 09/30/99 - 08/15/03.................... 12,964,253 4,650,000 6.25% due 05/31/00......... 4,708,125 8,550,000 6.375% due 08/15/02......... 8,771,770 7,000,000 6.50% due 08/15/05......... 7,304,066 6,000,000 7.25% due 05/15/04......... 6,476,250 6,000,000 7.50% due 02/15/05......... 6,592,500 3,000,000 7.75% due 12/31/99......... 3,117,189 ------------- 49,934,153 ------------- FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION -- 0.1% Pass-Throughs 220,215 6.50% due 05/01/26......... 217,600 ------------- GOVERNMENT NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION -- 1.0% Pass-Throughs 216,321 6.50% due 04/15/26......... 213,954 1,485,771 7.00% due 07/15/23 - 04/15/26.................... 1,500,238 ------------- 1,714,192 ------------- Total U.S. treasuries & federal agencies............ $ 64,701,337 ------------- ------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 5.1% REPURCHASE AGREEMENT $ 8,988,000 Interest in $1,102,287,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.6119%, to be repurchased at $8,991,302 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $629,353,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 5.625%-7.50% due 03/31/98-02/15/05, $204,399,000 U.S. Treasury Bills 0.00% due 05/21/98-06/04/98, $159,248,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.50%-11.25% due 08/15/01-02/15/20 and $109,287,000 U.S. Treasury Strips (principal) 0.00% due 02/15/09)................... $ 8,988,000 ------------- ------------- DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $86,733,641)....... 57.3% $ 101,915,871 Total non-convertible corporate bonds (cost $3,026,441)................................ 1.7 3,054,287 Total U.S. treasuries & federal agencies (cost $63,400,801)......................... 36.4 64,701,337 Total short-term securities (cost $8,988,000)................................ 5.1 8,988,000 ------ ------------- Total investment in securities (total cost $162,148,883).................. 100.5 178,659,495 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 2.0 3,502,053 Payable for securities purchased............. (2.4) (4,274,538) Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. (0.1) (82,370) Other liabilities............................ 0.0 (64,166) ------ ------------- Net assets................................... 100.0% $ 177,740,474 ------ ------------- ------ ------------- SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; 400,000,000 shares authorized; 13,258,302 shares outstanding... $ 13,258 Paid-in surplus...................................... 161,724,774 Accumulated undistributed net investment income...... 74,337 Distribution in excess of net realized gain on investments........................................ (582,507) Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 16,510,612 ------------- Net assets........................................... $ 177,740,474 ------------- ------------- Class A Net asset value per share ($98,633,468 DIVIDED BY 7,352,918 shares outstanding) (200,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 13.41 ------ ------ Maximum offering price ($13.41 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)..................................... $ 14.19 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($39,333,958 DIVIDED BY 2,951,097 shares outstanding) (100,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 13.33 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($39,773,048 DIVIDED BY 2,954,287 shares outstanding) (100,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 13.46 ------ ------ * Non-income producing during period. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 14 THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 MARKET SHARES VALUE ----------- ------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 95.0% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 2.6% 15,100 Northrop Grumman Corp......... $ 1,736,500 *523 Raytheon Co. Class A.......... 25,786 17,400 United Technologies Corporation................. 1,266,938 ------------- 3,029,224 ------------- COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 1.1% 17,200 Xerox Corp.................... 1,269,575 ------------- CONSUMER DURABLES -- 1.4% 11,800 General Motors Corporation.... 715,375 10,100 Genuine Parts Company......... 342,769 9,500 TRW, Inc...................... 507,062 ------------- 1,565,206 ------------- CONSUMER NON-DURABLES -- 4.0% 18,500 Clorox Company (The).......... 1,462,656 79,800 Dial Corp..................... 1,660,838 30,300 Kimberly-Clark Corp........... 1,494,169 ------------- 4,617,663 ------------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 1.5% 27,400 Eastman Kodak Company......... 1,666,263 ------------- ELECTRONICS -- 5.3% 22,400 AMP, Inc...................... 940,800 60,800 General Electric Co........... 4,461,200 15,200 Johnson Controls, Inc......... 725,800 ------------- 6,127,800 ------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 7.3% 18,200 Ashland, Inc.................. 977,113 25,300 Chevron Corp.................. 1,948,100 5,800 Exxon Corp.................... 354,887 9,300 Pennzoil Co................... 621,356 19,000 Phillips Petroleum Co......... 923,875 39,500 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. ADR......................... 2,140,406 43,500 USX-Marathon Group............ 1,468,125 ------------- 8,433,862 ------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 18.0% 27,600 Allstate Corporation (The).... 2,508,150 35,000 Citicorp...................... 4,425,312 48,700 Federal National Mortgage Association................. 2,778,944 19,900 Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc......................... 1,483,794 38,700 Pacific Century Financial Corp........................ 957,825 40,300 Peoples Heritage Financial Group Inc................... 1,853,800 9,500 Pinnacle West Capital Corp.... 402,562 42,000 U.S. Bancorp.................. 4,701,375 19,000 Wachovia Corporation.......... 1,541,375 ------------- 20,653,137 ------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 7.0% 29,250 Flowers Industries, Inc....... 601,453 30,600 General Mills, Inc............ 2,191,725 44,300 Interstate Bakeries........... 1,655,713 46,500 McCormick & Company, Inc...... 1,302,000 51,000 Philip Morris Companies, Inc......................... 2,310,937 ------------- 8,061,828 ------------- HEALTH CARE -- 11.1% 19,900 Abbott Laboratories........... 1,304,694 SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE ------------- HEALTH CARE -- (CONTINUED) 23,200 American Home Products Corp. and Subsidiaries............ $ 1,774,800 28,800 Bard (C.R.), Inc.............. 901,800 14,200 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co....... 1,343,675 15,200 Merck & Co., Inc.............. 1,615,000 74,900 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc....... 2,743,212 24,600 Warner-Lambert Co............. 3,050,400 ------------- 12,733,581 ------------- INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 5.5% 10,300 Aluminum Company of America... 724,863 12,700 BOC Group PLC SA ADR.......... 418,306 8,200 BetzDearborn, Inc............. 500,713 11,600 Calgon Carbon Corp............ 124,700 23,300 du Pont (E.I.) de Nemours & Co.......................... 1,399,456 4,300 Eastman Chemical Co........... 256,119 *8,500 Georgia-Pacific (Timber Group)...................... 192,844 8,500 Georgia-Pacific Corporation... 516,375 22,800 International Paper Co........ 983,250 2,500 Nalco Chemical Co............. 98,906 20,000 RPM, Inc. (Ohio).............. 305,000 15,000 Temple-Inland, Inc............ 784,687 ------------- 6,305,219 ------------- MANUFACTURING -- 2.2% 13,800 Cooper Industries, Inc........ 676,200 10,200 Deere & Company............... 594,787 16,000 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co............ 1,313,000 ------------- 2,583,987 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 1.6% 1,400 Cognizant Corp................ 62,388 28,900 Gannett Co., Inc.............. 1,786,381 ------------- 1,848,769 ------------- REAL ESTATE -- 2.8% *6,400 AMB Property Corporation...... 160,800 *11,900 Kimco Realty Corporation (REIT)...................... 419,475 18,600 Liberty Property Trust (SBI) (REIT)...................... 531,263 12,800 Nationwide Health Properties, Inc. (REIT)................. 326,400 *27,700 Security Capital Pacific Inc. (REIT)...................... 671,725 900 Charles E. Smith Residential Realty, Inc................. 31,950 22,700 Spieker Properties, Inc. (REIT)...................... 973,262 6,800 Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. (REIT)...................... 117,300 ------------- 3,232,175 ------------- RETAIL -- 3.1% 21,200 May Department Stores Company (The)....................... 1,116,975 40,000 J.C. Penney Company, Inc...... 2,412,500 ------------- 3,529,475 ------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 1.0% 17,600 Union Pacific Corp............ 1,098,900 ------------- UTILITIES -- 18.8% 3,900 AT&T Corp..................... 238,875 18,800 Ameritech Corp................ 1,513,400 22,967 Bell Atlantic Corp............ 2,089,997 34,700 BellSouth Corp................ 1,954,044 9,500 CINergy Corp.................. 363,969 19,300 DPL, Inc...................... 554,875 25,900 Duke Energy Corporation....... 1,434,213 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 15 THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE ------------- COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) UTILITIES -- (CONTINUED) 10,800 Endesa SA ADR................. $ 196,425 11,800 GPU, Inc...................... 497,075 34,700 MCN Energy Group, Inc......... 1,401,012 15,500 NIPSCO Industries, Inc........ 766,281 25,300 National Power PLC SA ADR..... 1,002,512 10,100 New Century Energies, Inc..... 484,169 18,500 New England Electric System... 790,875 17,500 Northern States Power Company..................... 1,019,375 4,700 Pacific Enterprises........... 176,837 15,600 PowerGen PLC SA ADR........... 828,750 24,900 SBC Communications, Inc....... 1,823,925 16,500 SCANA Corp.................... 493,969 49,900 Southern Company (The)........ 1,291,162 23,300 Sprint Corp................... 1,365,963 31,500 Texas Utilities Co............ 1,309,219 ------------- 21,596,922 ------------- WASTE MANAGEMENT -- 0.7% 5,500 Browning-Ferris Industries, Inc......................... 203,500 20,300 Waste Management, Inc......... 558,250 ------------- 761,750 ------------- Total common stocks........... $ 109,115,336 ------------- ------------- CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS -- 3.6% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 1.0% 19,700 Loral Space & Communications, Ltd.**...................... 1,204,163 ------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 0.5% 6,000 WorldCom, Inc. Depository Shares...................... 630,000 ------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 1.7% 29,700 Sun Company................... 1,065,487 15,700 Unocal Corporation............ 873,313 ------------- 1,938,800 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 0.3% 5,400 American Radio Systems Corporation**............... 346,275 ------------- SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 0.1% 800 Microsoft Corporation......... 71,900 ------------- Total convertible preferred stocks...................... $ 4,191,138 ------------- ------------- NO. OF WARRANTS ----------- WARRANTS REAL ESTATE -- 0.0% 984 Security Capital Corp. Warrants, expire September 18, 1998... $ 5,166 ------------- ------------- PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 1.7% REPURCHASE AGREEMENT $ 1,940,000 Interest in $1,102,287,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.6119%, to be repurchased at $1,940,713 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $629,353,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 5.625% - 7.50% due 03/31/98 - 02/15/05, $204,399,000 U.S. Treasury Bills 0.00% due 05/21/98 - 06/04/98, $159,248,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.50% - 11.25% due 08/15/01 - 02/15/20 and $109,287,000 U.S. Treasury Strips (principal) 0.00% due 02/15/09)................... $ 1,940,000 ------------- ------------- DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $100,135,030)...... 95.0% $ 109,115,336 Total convertible preferred stocks (cost $4,037,361)................................ 3.6 4,191,138 Total warrants (cost $0)..................... 0.0 5,166 Total short-term securities (cost $1,940,000)................................ 1.7 1,940,000 -------- ------------- Total investment in securities (total cost $106,112,391).................. 100.3 115,251,640 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 1.9 2,151,699 Payable for securities purchased............. (2.1) (2,456,736) Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. 0.0 (36,312) Other liabilities............................ (0.1) (66,670) -------- ------------- Net assets................................... 100.0% $ 114,843,621 -------- ------------- -------- ------------- SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital Stock, par value $.001 per share; 300,000,000 shares authorized; 7,814,635 shares outstanding...... $ 7,815 Paid-in surplus........................................ 105,713,654 Accumulated undistributed net investment income........ 45,193 Distribution in excess of net realized gain on investments.......................................... (62,290) Unrealized appreciation of investments................. 9,139,249 ------------- Net assets............................................. $ 114,843,621 ------------- ------------- Class A Net asset value per share ($67,861,201 DIVIDED BY 4,608,573 shares outstanding) (175,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 14.72 ----------- ----------- Maximum offering price ($14.72 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)..................................... $ 15.58 ----------- ----------- Class B Net asset value per share ($33,741,207 DIVIDED BY 2,309,603 shares outstanding) (75,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 14.61 ----------- ----------- Class Y Net asset value per share ($13,241,213 DIVIDED BY 896,459 shares outstanding) (50,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 14.77 ----------- ----------- * Non-income producing during period. ** Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. As of December 31, 1997, the market value of these securities amounted to $1,550,438, or 1.4% of net assets. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 16 THE HARTFORD STOCK FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 MARKET SHARES VALUE ----------- ------------- COMMON STOCKS -- 89.4% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 1.0% 15,000 Boeing Co. (The).............. $ 734,063 *6,749 Raytheon Co. Class A.......... 332,800 ------------- 1,066,863 ------------- COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 2.8% *19,500 Cisco Systems, Inc............ 1,087,125 18,000 Ericsson (L.M.) Telephone ADR......................... 671,625 15,000 Lucent Technologies, Inc...... 1,198,125 ------------- 2,956,875 ------------- COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 4.3% *16,000 Adaptec, Inc.................. 594,000 *28,000 EMC Corporation............... 768,250 16,000 International Business Machines Corp............... 1,673,000 20,600 Xerox Corp.................... 1,520,538 ------------- 4,555,788 ------------- CONSUMER DURABLES -- 0.4% 12,000 General Motors Corporation Class H..................... 443,250 ------------- CONSUMER NON-DURABLES -- 4.7% 12,000 Estee Lauder Companies Class A........................... 617,250 14,000 Gillette Co. (The)............ 1,406,125 31,000 Kimberly-Clark Corp........... 1,528,688 18,000 Procter & Gamble Company (The)....................... 1,436,625 ------------- 4,988,688 ------------- CONSUMER SERVICES -- 3.7% 26,000 Hertz Corporation (The) Class A........................... 1,046,500 36,000 McDonald's Corporation........ 1,719,000 *50,000 Mirage Resorts, Inc........... 1,137,500 ------------- 3,903,000 ------------- ELECTRONICS -- 5.3% *22,000 Analog Devices, Inc........... 609,125 50,000 General Electric Co........... 3,668,750 20,000 Intel Corp.................... 1,405,000 ------------- 5,682,875 ------------- ENERGY & SERVICES -- 5.2% 10,300 Chevron Corp.................. 793,100 14,000 Exxon Corp.................... 856,625 32,000 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. ADR......................... 1,734,000 27,000 Santa Fe International Corporation................. 1,098,562 13,000 Schlumberger Ltd.............. 1,046,500 ------------- 5,528,787 ------------- FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 18.6% 21,000 Allstate Corporation (The).... 1,908,375 20,000 American Express Co........... 1,785,000 12,500 American International Group, Inc......................... 1,359,375 14,000 Associates First Capital Corp. Class A..................... 995,750 20,000 BankAmerica Corporation....... 1,460,000 18,000 Citicorp...................... 2,275,875 30,000 First Union Corporation....... 1,537,500 21,000 Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc......................... 1,565,813 30,000 Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc...... 2,188,125 26,000 State Street Corp............. 1,512,875 38,849 Travelers Group Inc........... 2,092,989 10,000 U.S. Bancorp.................. 1,119,375 ------------- 19,801,052 ------------- SHARES MARKET ----------- VALUE ------------- FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 4.5% 22,000 Coca-Cola Company (The)....... $ 1,465,750 25,000 Nabisco Holdings Corporation................. 1,210,938 31,000 PepsiCo, Inc.................. 1,129,562 16,000 Unilever NV-New York Shares... 999,000 ------------- 4,805,250 ------------- HEALTH CARE -- 14.8% 22,000 Abbott Laboratories........... 1,442,375 18,000 American Home Products Corporation and Subsidiaries................ 1,377,000 *22,000 Bergen Brunswig Corporation Class A..................... 926,750 30,000 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp........................ 888,750 25,000 Johnson & Johnson............. 1,646,875 19,000 Merck & Co., Inc.............. 2,018,750 27,000 Pfizer, Inc................... 2,013,188 37,000 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc....... 1,355,125 *40,000 Phycor, Inc................... 1,080,000 25,000 Service Corporation International............... 923,438 *18,000 Tenet Healthcare Corp......... 596,250 12,100 Warner-Lambert Co............. 1,500,400 ------------- 15,768,901 ------------- MANUFACTURING -- 1.4% 12,800 Caterpillar, Inc.............. 621,600 13,000 Perkin-Elmer Corporation (The)....................... 923,812 ------------- 1,545,412 ------------- MEDIA & SERVICES -- 4.5% *13,200 Clear Channel Communications, Inc......................... 1,048,575 45,000 Gannett Co., Inc.............. 2,781,562 10,000 Walt Disney Company (The)..... 990,625 ------------- 4,820,762 ------------- RETAIL -- 7.3% 26,000 CVS Corporation............... 1,665,625 38,000 Gap, Inc. (The)............... 1,346,625 40,000 Home Depot, Inc. (The)........ 2,355,000 60,000 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.......... 2,366,250 ------------- 7,733,500 ------------- SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 5.3% 11,000 Automatic Data Processing, Inc......................... 675,125 *12,300 Computer Sciences Corp........ 1,027,050 35,000 First Data Corp............... 1,023,750 *15,000 Microsoft Corp................ 1,938,750 *24,000 PeopleSoft, Inc............... 936,000 ------------- 5,600,675 ------------- TRANSPORTATION -- 2.1% 40,500 Southwest Airlines Co......... 997,312 20,000 Union Pacific Corp............ 1,248,750 ------------- 2,246,062 ------------- UTILITIES -- 3.5% 20,000 Duke Energy Corporation....... 1,107,500 25,000 SBC Communications, Inc....... 1,831,250 *28,000 WorldCom, Inc................. 847,000 ------------- 3,785,750 ------------- Total common stocks........... $ 95,233,490 ------------- ------------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 17 THE HARTFORD STOCK FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ----------- ------------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 13.7% REPURCHASE AGREEMENT $14,668,000 Interest in $1,102,287,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.6119%, to be repurchased at $14,673,388 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $629,353,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 5.625% - 7.50% due 03/31/98 - 02/15/05, $204,399,000 U.S. Treasury Bills 0.00% due 05/21/98 - 06/04/98, $159,248,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.50% - 11.25% due 08/15/01 - 02/15/20 and $109,287,000 U.S. Treasury Strips (principal) 0.00% due 02/15/09)................... $ 14,668,000 ------------- ------------- DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $86,509,370)....... 89.4% $ 95,233,490 Total short-term securities (cost $14,668,000)............................... 13.7 14,668,000 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (total cost $101,177,370).................. 103.1 109,901,490 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 2.5 2,637,126 Payable for securities purchased............. (5.5) (5,831,318) Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. (0.1) (82,438) Other liabilities............................ 0.0 (57,730) ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0% $106,567,130 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ MARKET VALUE ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; 300,000,000 shares authorized; 7,051,298 shares outstanding.... $ 7,051 Paid-in surplus...................................... 98,453,497 Distribution in excess of net realized gain on investments........................................ (617,538) Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 8,724,120 ------------ Net assets........................................... $106,567,130 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($65,762,930 DIVIDED BY 4,337,980 shares outstanding) (175,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 15.16 --------- --------- Maximum offering price per share ($15.16 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)......................... $ 16.04 --------- --------- Class B Net asset value per share ($35,294,083 DIVIDED BY 2,351,930 shares outstanding) (75,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 15.01 --------- --------- Class Y Net asset value per share ($5,510,117 DIVIDED BY 361,388 shares outstanding) (50,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 15.25 --------- --------- * Non-income producing during period. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 18 THE HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 MARKET SHARES VALUE ------- ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- 94.2% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 4.1% 130,000 Boeing Company (The).......... $ 6,361,875 120,000 Precision Castparts Corp...... 7,237,500 *150,000 Tracor, Inc................... 4,556,250 ------------ 18,155,625 ------------ BUSINESS SERVICES -- 6.8% *195,000 Cendant Corporation........... 6,703,125 70,000 Chicago Bridge & Iron Company NV.......................... 1,137,500 *180,000 Chicago Miniature Lamp, Inc......................... 6,075,000 *325,000 Euronet Services, Inc......... 2,518,750 *28,900 Howmet International, Inc..... 431,693 *155,000 ImageMAX...................... 1,569,375 *200,000 Kent Electronics Corp......... 5,025,000 *316,200 U.S. Office Products Company..................... 6,205,425 ------------ 29,665,868 ------------ CLOSED END INVESTMENT COMPANY -- 0.4% 245,000 Morgan Stanley Asia-Pacific Fund........................ 1,822,187 ------------ COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 1.9% 10,000 ECI Telecommunications........ 255,000 *155,000 Elsag Bailey Process Auto NV.......................... 2,557,500 *35,000 Scitex Corp., Ltd............. 422,187 *308,700 Videoserver, Inc.............. 4,900,613 ------------ 8,135,300 ------------ COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 5.5% *34,200 Adaptec, Inc.................. 1,269,675 *247,600 Discreet Logic, Inc........... 5,431,725 *120,000 Eidos PLC SA.................. 1,470,000 *78,800 Electronics for Imaging, Inc......................... 1,310,050 *110,000 Security Dynamics Technologies, Inc........... 3,932,500 100,000 Sensormatic Electronic........ 1,643,750 *249,700 Splash Technology Holdings, Inc......................... 5,618,250 *255,200 Titan Corporation (The)....... 1,595,000 *120,000 Western Digital Corporation... 1,927,500 ------------ 24,198,450 ------------ CONSUMER SERVICES -- 5.5% *145,300 Cheesecake Factory, Inc. (The)....................... 4,431,650 150,000 International Game Technology.................. 3,787,500 *150,000 Papa John's International, Inc......................... 5,231,250 *160,000 Sun International Hotels Ltd......................... 6,020,000 *83,000 Ugly Duckling Corporation..... 705,500 *182,500 WMS Industries, Inc........... 3,855,313 ------------ 24,031,213 ------------ ELECTRONICS -- 9.2% *107,200 Applied Micro Circuits Corporation................. 1,326,600 *285,000 Clare (C.P.) Corporation...... 3,705,000 *115,000 Cable Design Technologies Corporation................. 4,470,625 *220,000 CMF Technologies, Inc......... 3,382,500 *182,900 Credence Systems Corporation................. 5,418,413 *230,000 Komag, Inc.................... 3,421,250 *111,500 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation................. 5,282,313 130,000 Philips Electronics NV NY Shares...................... 7,865,000 *140,000 Silicon Valley Group, Inc..... 3,167,500 *110,000 Taiwan Semiconductor ADR...... 2,000,625 ------------ 40,039,826 ------------ ENERGY & SERVICES -- 4.2% 90,000 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation................. 5,461,875 *486,000 Arakis Energy Corporation..... 1,002,375 80,000 ENSCO International, Inc...... 2,680,000 *150,000 J Ray McDermott SA............ 6,450,000 60,000 Transocean Offshore, Inc...... 2,891,250 ------------ 18,485,500 ------------ SHARES MARKET ------- VALUE ------------ FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 6.7% 235,900 Commercial Banks Latin America ADR......................... $ 3,302,600 *278,200 FIRSTPLUS Financial Group, Inc......................... 10,675,925 32,000 Legg Mason Inc................ 1,790,000 *100,000 Local Finance Corporation**... 1,162,500 102,400 NAC Re Corp................... 4,998,400 39,700 Pioneer Group, Inc. (The)..... 1,116,563 40,000 Providian Financial Corporation................. 1,807,500 *140,000 Unibanco GDR.................. 4,506,250 ------------ 29,359,738 ------------ FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 0.5% *100,000 General Cigar Holdings, Inc......................... 2,131,250 ------------ FOREIGN SECURITIES -- 2.5% 204,000 Ace Koeki Co.................. 392,244 *450,000 Corporation Geo Sa de C.V. Class B..................... 2,767,514 *218,600 Hurricane Hydrocarbons Class A........................... 1,695,617 *296,700 Research In Motion............ 1,451,343 3,200 Union Bank of Switzerland..... 4,633,639 ------------ 10,940,357 ------------ HEALTH CARE -- 15.4% 90,000 Allergan, Inc................. 3,020,625 *215,000 Atria Communities, Inc........ 3,681,875 *208,000 Biogen, Inc................... 7,566,000 *99,000 Boston Scientific Corporation................. 4,541,625 170,000 Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation................. 5,036,250 *230,000 Endosonics Corporation........ 2,472,500 *220,000 FPA Medical Management, Inc......................... 4,097,500 *80,000 Genzyme Corp.................. 2,220,000 *29,900 Heska Corporation............. 370,013 170,000 ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc...... 8,298,125 *115,000 IDX Systems Corporation....... 4,255,000 *326,900 PerSeptive Biosystems, Inc.... 4,127,113 174,600 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc....... 6,394,725 *224,500 Phycor, Inc................... 6,061,500 *210,000 Vencor, Inc................... 5,131,875 ------------ 67,274,726 ------------ INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 3.8% *250,000 American Pad & Paper Company of Delaware, Inc............ 2,406,250 *250,000 Gaylord Container Corporation................. 1,437,500 88,300 IMC Global, Inc............... 2,891,825 *210,000 Oregon Metallurgical Corporation................. 7,008,750 *105,000 Titanium Metals Corp.......... 3,031,875 ------------ 16,776,200 ------------ MEDIA & SERVICES -- 3.8% *70,000 America Online, Inc........... 6,243,125 125,000 Comcast Corporation Class A... 3,945,313 *160,000 Hearst-Argyle Television, Inc......................... 4,760,000 *107,000 Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Class B..................... 1,678,563 ------------ 16,627,001 ------------ REAL ESTATE -- 1.5% *195,800 Imperial Credit Commercial.... 2,863,575 *150,000 Security Capital Pacific Inc. (REIT)...................... 3,637,500 ------------ 6,501,075 ------------ RETAIL -- 4.9% *195,000 Finish Line, Inc. (The)....... 2,559,375 135,000 Gap, Inc. (The)............... 4,784,063 *206,300 Hot Topic, Inc................ 4,693,325 *750,000 PETsMART, Inc................. 5,437,500 *85,800 Saks Holdings, Inc............ 1,774,988 *250,000 Track'n Trail, Inc............ 2,218,750 ------------ 21,468,001 ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 19 THE HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 SHARES MARKET ------- VALUE ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 8.8% *237,100 Award Software International, Inc......................... $ 1,778,250 *56,000 Ceridian Corporation.......... 2,565,500 100,000 Computer Task Group, Inc...... 3,556,250 *32,300 DST Systems, Inc.............. 1,378,806 *495,000 Learning Company, Inc. (The)....................... 7,950,937 *100,000 Paymentech, Inc............... 1,475,000 *190,000 Peerless Systems Corp......... 2,446,250 *180,000 Pegasystems, Inc.............. 3,633,750 *550,000 Rational Software Corporation................. 6,256,250 *175,000 Simulation Sciences, Inc...... 2,800,000 *50,000 Smallworldwide PLC ADR........ 1,093,750 *387,000 System Software Associates, Inc......................... 3,386,250 ------------ 38,320,993 ------------ TRANSPORTATION -- 2.8% *210,000 C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc......................... 4,698,750 *270,000 Jevic Transportation, Inc..... 4,353,750 155,000 Werner Enterprises, Inc....... 3,177,500 ------------ 12,230,000 ------------ UTILITIES -- 3.5% *135,500 Calpine Corp.................. 2,015,563 220,000 MCI Communications Corporation................. 9,418,750 *130,600 WorldCom, Inc................. 3,950,650 ------------ 15,384,963 ------------ WASTE MANAGEMENT -- 2.4% *135,000 Republic Industries, Inc...... 3,147,187 270,000 Waste Management, Inc......... 7,425,000 ------------ 10,572,187 ------------ Total common stocks........... $412,120,460 ------------ ------------ CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCK -- 0.4% CONSUMER SERVICES -- 0.4% *193,536 SGW Holdings Corporation***... $ 1,700,000 ------------ ------------ PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 5.4% REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 5.3% $23,227,000 Interest in $1,102,287,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.6119%, to be repurchased at $23,235,532 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $629,353,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 5.625% - 7.50% due 03/31/98 - 02/15/05, $204,399,000 U.S. Treasury Bills 0.00% due 05/21/98 - 06/04/98, $159,248,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.50% - 11.25% due 08/15/01 - 02/15/20 and $109,287,000 U.S. Treasury Strips (principal) 0.00% due 02/15/09)................... $ 23,227,000 ------------ PRINCIPAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE ------- ------------ U.S. TREASURY BILLS -- 0.1% $400,000 5.13% due 02/19/98............ $ 397,207 175,000 5.13% due 03/12/98............ 173,259 ------------ 570,466 ------------ Total short-term securities... $ 23,797,466 ------------ ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $408,549,487)...... 94.2 % $ 412,120,460 Total convertible preferred stock (cost $2,000,001)................................ 0.4 1,700,000 Total short-term securities (cost $23,797,467)............................... 5.4 23,797,466 ------ ------------- Total investment in securities (total cost $434,346,955).................. 100.0 437,617,926 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 2.3 10,243,296 Payable for securities purchased............. (2.1) (9,110,946) Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. (0.2) (828,063) Other liabilities............................ 0.0 (236,297) ------ ------------- Net assets................................... 100.0 % $ 437,685,916 ------ ------------- ------ ------------- SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; 300,000,000 shares authorized; 22,062,844 shares outstanding... $ 22,063 Paid-in surplus...................................... 430,260,619 Undistributed net investment income.................. 64,234 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 4,132,264 Unrealized appreciation of investments............... 3,270,971 Unrealized depreciation of forward foreign currency contracts (see Note 2)............................. (35,449) Unrealized depreciation on translation of other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies....... (28,786) ------------- Net assets........................................... $ 437,685,916 ------------- ------------- Class A Net asset value per share ($233,600,759 DIVIDED BY 11,736,073 shares outstanding) (175,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 19.90 ------ ------ Maximum offering price ($19.90 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)..................................... $ 21.06 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($174,392,269 DIVIDED BY 8,845,951 shares outstanding) (75,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 19.71 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($29,692,888 DIVIDED BY 1,480,820 shares outstanding) (50,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 20.05 ------ ------ * Non-income producing during period. ** Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. As of December 31, 1997, the market value of these securities amounted to $1,162,500, or .3% of net assets. *** Restricted security (see Note 2). FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING AT DECEMBER 31, 1997 TOTAL AGGREGATE DELIVERY UNREALIZED DESCRIPTION MARKET VALUE FACE VALUE DATE DEPRECIATION - ------------------------------ ------------ ---------- --------- ------------- Brazilian Real (Sell) $27,035,449 $27,000,000 03/20/98 $ (35,449) ------------- $ (35,449) ------------- ------------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 20 THE HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 MARKET SHARES VALUE ---------- ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- 92.2% AEROSPACE & DEFENSE -- 1.5% 9,200 Precision Castparts Corporation.... $ 554,875 ------------ BUSINESS SERVICES -- 6.2% *17,600 Chicago Miniature Lamp, Inc........ 594,000 *66,700 Howmet International, Inc.......... 996,331 *39,100 US Office Products Company......... 767,338 ------------ 2,357,669 ------------ COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT -- 9.8% *34,800 Corsair Communications, Inc........ 565,500 39,200 ECI Telecommunications............. 999,600 *71,100 EIS International, Inc............. 391,050 *36,700 Excel Switching Corp............... 656,013 *5,670 Gilat Satellite Network............ 162,303 *2,100 MMC Networks, Inc.................. 35,700 *5,000 Natural MicroSystems Corp.......... 232,500 *16,700 RCN Corporation.................... 571,975 *15,990 Transwitch Corporation............. 119,925 ------------ 3,734,566 ------------ COMPUTERS & OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- 1.9% *14,500 Electronics for Imaging, Inc....... 241,063 9,100 Symbol Technologies, Inc........... 343,525 *8,000 Western Digital Corp............... 128,500 ------------ 713,088 ------------ CONSUMER SERVICES -- 0.8% *10,400 Cheesecake Factory, Inc. (The)..... 317,200 ------------ ELECTRONICS -- 7.5% *35,000 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation...................... 297,500 *11,200 International Manufacturing Services, Inc. Class A........... 81,200 *7,000 LAM Research Corporation........... 204,750 *9,200 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation...................... 435,850 7,000 Philips Electronics NV NY Shares... 423,500 *15,000 PMC-Sierra, Inc.................... 465,000 *4,000 QLogic Corp........................ 118,000 *6,000 SCI Systems, Inc................... 261,375 *26,000 Unitrode Corp...................... 559,000 ------------ 2,846,175 ------------ ENERGY & SERVICES -- 4.0% 11,900 Coflexip ADR....................... 660,450 *19,000 Noble Drilling Corporation......... 581,875 10,000 Pogo Producing Co.................. 295,000 ------------ 1,537,325 ------------ FINANCIAL SERVICES -- 18.9% 20,000 Ambac Financial Group, Inc......... 920,000 11,400 Finova Group, Inc. (The)........... 566,438 *46,500 FIRSTPLUS Financial Group, Inc..... 1,784,438 *9,300 ITLA Capital Corporation........... 179,025 *35,200 Imperial Credit Industries, Inc.... 721,600 *4,590 Investment Technology Group, Inc.............................. 128,520 13,000 Jefferies Group, Inc............... 532,188 15,866 Legg Mason Inc..................... 887,504 *38,300 Long Beach Financial Corporation... 445,237 *9,200 Long Island Bancorp, Inc........... 456,550 7,455 Reinsurance Group of America, Inc.............................. 317,303 17,315 Resource Bancshares Mortgage Group, Inc.............................. 282,442 ------------ 7,221,245 ------------ SHARES MARKET ---------- VALUE ------------ FOOD, BEVERAGE & TOBACCO -- 1.8% *20,400 General Cigar Holdings, Inc. Class A................................ $ 434,775 *4,000 Il Fornaio America Corp............ 59,500 *3,670 Robert Mondavi Corporation (The) Class A.......................... 178,913 ------------ 673,188 ------------ HEALTH CARE -- 11.2% 20,500 Allergan, Inc...................... 688,031 *18,000 Covance, Inc....................... 357,750 *31,500 Endosonics Corporation............. 338,625 *10,800 Heska Corporation.................. 133,650 8,500 ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc........... 414,906 *18,490 IDX Systems Corporation............ 684,130 13,200 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc............ 483,450 *26,500 Phycor, Inc........................ 715,500 *49,500 Roberts Pharmaceutical Corporation...................... 473,344 ------------ 4,289,386 ------------ INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS -- 2.8% *42,000 American Pad & Paper Company of Delaware, Inc.................... 404,250 *20,000 Oregon Metallurgical Corporation... 667,500 ------------ 1,071,750 ------------ MANUFACTURING -- 1.4% *49,000 Miller Industries, Inc............. 526,750 ------------ MEDIA & SERVICES -- 1.3% *12,200 ADC Telecommunications, Inc........ 509,350 ------------ RETAIL -- 5.0% *5,500 CompUSA, Inc....................... 170,500 *19,000 Eagle Hardware & Garden, Inc....... 368,125 *21,600 Finish Line, Inc. (The) Class A.... 283,500 *14,100 Gadzooks, Inc...................... 296,100 *8,600 International Home Foods, Inc...... 240,800 *76,100 PETsMART, Inc...................... 551,725 ------------ 1,910,750 ------------ SOFTWARE & SERVICES -- 14.6% *23,000 Award Software International, Inc.............................. 172,500 *5,800 Ceridian Corporation............... 265,712 *22,000 Cognos Corporation................. 506,000 *14,500 Electronic Arts Inc................ 548,281 *13,000 Geotel Communications Corp......... 203,125 *47,000 Learning Company, Inc. (The)....... 754,938 *19,000 Peerless Systems Corp.............. 244,625 *10,000 Safeguard Scientifics, Inc......... 313,750 *25,100 Security Dynamics Technologies, Inc.............................. 897,325 *39,600 Simulation Sciences, Inc........... 633,600 *10,900 Splash Technology Holdings, Inc.... 245,250 *48,500 System Software Associates, Inc.... 424,375 *24,500 Xylan Corporation.................. 370,563 ------------ 5,580,044 ------------ TRANSPORTATION -- 2.6% *8,000 Jevic Transportation, Inc.......... 129,000 *20,100 M.S. Carriers, Inc................. 499,988 *900 Robinson (C.H.) Worldwide, Inc..... 20,138 4,000 Teekay Shipping Corporation........ 134,250 10,100 Werner Enterprises, Inc............ 207,050 ------------ 990,426 ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 21 THE HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 SHARES MARKET ---------- VALUE ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) UTILITIES -- 0.9% *16,000 Calpine Corporation................ $ 238,000 *6,000 Tel-Save Holdings, Inc............. 119,250 ------------ 357,250 ------------ Total common stocks................ $ 35,191,037 ------------ ------------ CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCK -- 0.2% CONSUMER SERVICES -- 0.2% *8,612 SGW Holdings Corporation**......... $ 75,646 ------------ ------------ PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ---------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 6.0% U.S. TREASURY BILLS -- 0.1% $ 20,000 4.97% due 01/08/98................. $ 19,981 30,000 5.84% due 05/28/98................. 29,324 ------------ 49,305 ------------ REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 5.9% 2,239,000 Interest in $1,102,287,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.6119%, to be repurchased at $2,239,822 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $629,353,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 5.625% - 7.50% due 03/31/98 - 02/15/05, $204,399,000 U.S. Treasury Bills 0.00% due 05/21/98 - 06/04/98, $159,248,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.50% - 11.25% due 08/15/01 - 02/15/20 and $109,287,000 U.S. Treasury Strips (principal) 0.00% due 02/15/09).................... 2,239,000 ------------ Total short-term securities........ $ 2,288,305 ------------ ------------ MARKET VALUE ----------- DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $35,277,878)....... 92.2 % $35,191,037 Total convertible preferred stock (cost $88,997)................................... 0.2 75,646 Total short-term securities (cost $2,288,305)................................ 6.0 2,288,305 ------ ----------- Total investment in securities (total cost $37,655,180)................... 98.4 37,554,988 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 4.1 1,563,372 Payable for securities purchased............. (1.6) (615,950) Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. (0.8) (312,636) Other liabilities............................ (0.1) (42,543) ------ ----------- Net assets................................... 100.0% $38,147,231 ------ ----------- ------ ----------- SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; 300,000,000 shares authorized; 3,140,637 shares outstanding.... $ 3,141 Paid-in surplus...................................... 37,844,770 Accumulated undistributed net realized gain on investments........................................ 399,512 Unrealized depreciation of investments............... (100,192) ----------- Net assets........................................... $38,147,231 ----------- ----------- Class A Net asset value per share ($19,390,641 DIVIDED BY 1,595,140 shares outstanding) (175,000,000 shares authorized)............ $ 12.16 ------ ------ Maximum offering price ($12.16 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)..................................... $ 12.87 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($9,694,186 DIVIDED BY 805,383 shares outstanding) (75,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 12.04 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($9,062,404 DIVIDED BY 740,114 shares outstanding) (50,000,000 shares authorized)............. $ 12.24 ------ ------ * Non-income producing during period. ** Restricted security (see Note 2). THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 22 THE HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS DECEMBER 31, 1997 MARKET SHARES VALUE -------- ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- 84.0% ARGENTINA -- 0.8% 15,000 Banco Galicia y Buenos Aires SA de CV.................... $ 96,018 3,800 Telefonica de Argentina SA ADR......................... 141,550 ------------ 237,568 ------------ AUSTRALIA -- 2.4% 7,500 Amcor Ltd..................... 32,985 29,000 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd........... 191,600 23,666 Boral Ltd..................... 59,829 12,283 Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd......................... 114,045 28,000 CSR Ltd....................... 94,868 52,501 Goodman Fielder Ltd........... 83,467 *5,099 ICI Australia Ltd.***......... 35,715 19,000 News Corporation Ltd.......... 104,857 ------------ 717,366 ------------ AUSTRIA -- 0.3% 610 OMV AG........................ 84,382 ------------ BRAZIL -- 2.0% 3,900 Aracruz Celulose SA........... 56,063 400 Cemig SA...................... 17,380 1,341,900 Cia Energetica de Brazilia.... 58,304 *30,700 Cia Riograndese Mineracao..... 37,824 700 Electrobras On ADR............ 17,406 548,000 Petroleo Brasileiro........... 128,159 380 Telebras SA ADR............... 44,246 219,000 Tele de Sao Paulo SA.......... 58,279 1,641,000 Telecomunicacoes Brasileiras SA.......................... 166,891 ------------ 584,552 ------------ CANADA -- 2.4% 4,300 Alcan Aluminum Ltd............ 118,391 6,600 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.................... 205,700 1,900 Canadian National Railway Co.......................... 89,775 8,600 Canadian Pacific Ltd.......... 234,350 2,500 Canwest Global Communications Corp. Class A (non-voting)........ 45,000 ------------ 693,216 ------------ CHILE -- 0.2% 2,500 Embotelladora Andina ADR Class B........................... 48,594 ------------ CHINA -- 0.1% *1,800 China Southern Airlines ADR... 23,738 ------------ DENMARK -- 1.7% 6,800 Unidanmark AS A Shares (Reg.)...................... 499,532 ------------ FINLAND -- 2.2% 12,400 Kesko......................... 196,287 21,000 Metsa-Serla OYJ Class B Shares...................... 163,897 1,600 Nokia OYJ Class A Shares...... 113,709 2,146 Nokia Corp. SA ADR............ 150,220 1,900 Rauma OYJ..................... 29,658 ------------ 653,771 ------------ FRANCE -- 8.5% 4,690 Assurance Generale de France...................... 248,616 5,365 Banque Nationale de Paris***.................... 285,290 1,450 Compagnie de Saint Gobain..... 206,080 1,400 Credit Commerciale de France...................... 95,996 5,161 Havas SA...................... 371,470 SHARES MARKET -------- VALUE ------------ FRANCE -- (CONTINUED) 1,460 Peugeot Citroen SA............ $ 184,203 9,051 Rhone-Poulenc SA Class A...... 405,619 1,412 Societe Generale Class A...... 192,465 2,750 Societe Nationale Elf Acquitaine.................. 319,987 1,620 Total SA Class B Shares....... 176,384 ------------ 2,486,110 ------------ GERMANY -- 6.0% 14,300 Bayer AG...................... 530,869 3,850 Degussa AG.................... 190,568 4,050 Deutsche Lufthansa AG (Reg.)...................... 76,133 790 Karstadt AG................... 273,286 830 M.A.N. AG..................... 239,808 720 Mannesmann AG................. 361,593 *4,350 Metallgesellschaft AG......... 79,595 ------------ 1,751,852 ------------ HONG KONG -- 1.1% 29,000 Hutchison Whampoa Ltd......... 181,899 21,000 Hysan Development Co. Ltd..... 41,874 22,000 New World Development Co. Ltd......................... 76,094 2,000 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd......................... 13,939 138,000 Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp................ 17,989 ------------ 331,795 ------------ INDIA -- 0.4% 1,600 Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. ADR***...................... 43,200 500 Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd. GDR......................... 12,813 3,000 State Bank of India GDR***.... 52,125 ------------ 108,138 ------------ INDONESIA -- 0.1% 135,000 PT Kalbe Farma (Foreign Reg.)....................... 23,954 ------------ ITALY -- 2.7% 9,250 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A....................... 72,724 12,300 Instituto Banco San Paolo Tori........................ 117,574 5,500 Instituto Banco San Paolo Tori***..................... 52,573 84,489 Telecom Italia S.p.A.......... 540,004 ------------ 782,875 ------------ JAPAN -- 15.7% 23,000 Aisin Seiki Co. Ltd........... 238,807 15,000 Bank of Toyko-Mitsubishi Ltd......................... 207,659 15,000 Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd...... 51,915 17,000 Eisai Co. Ltd................. 260,188 20,000 Exedy Corporation............. 152,129 5,000 Fuji Machine Manufacturing Co.......................... 121,134 15,000 Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd......................... 131,517 7,000 Fukuda Denshi................. 71,604 14,000 Hitachi Ltd................... 100,138 58,000 JGC Corp...................... 122,672 5,300 Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd......... 270,256 11,000 Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd....... 134,517 2,700 Matsumotokiyoshi.............. 103,829 17,000 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.......................... 249,729 *100,000 Mazda Motor Corporation....... 238,423 1,000 Meiwa Estate Co. Ltd.......... 7,529 5,000 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd......................... 126,133 20,000 NGK Spark Plug Co. Ltd........ 113,828 7,500 Namco Ltd..................... 218,618 4,000 Nomura Securities Co. Ltd..... 53,530 THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 23 THE HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 SHARES MARKET -------- VALUE ------------ COMMON STOCKS -- (CONTINUED) JAPAN -- (CONTINUED) 40,000 Okumura Corp.................. $ 95,369 1,400 Otsuka Kago Ltd............... 50,607 1,000 Rohm Company Ltd.............. 102,291 47,000 Sakura Bank Ltd............... 134,832 10,000 Sanwa Bank Ltd................ 101,521 100 Sawako Corporation............ 661 5,800 Shimachu Co. Ltd.............. 91,447 2,000 Sony Corporation.............. 178,433 8,400 Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc................. 310,104 5,700 Square Co. Ltd................ 158,697 46,000 Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd......................... 194,938 20,000 Toyo Ink Manfacturing Co. Ltd......................... 35,379 28,000 Yamato Kogyo Co. Ltd.......... 169,050 ------------ 4,597,484 ------------ MALAYSIA -- 0.0% 10,000 Renong Berhad................. 4,624 9,000 Sime Darby Berhad............. 8,648 ------------ 13,272 ------------ MEXICO -- 1.3% 6,100 Grupo Televisa SA Series CPO......................... 118,672 44,000 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SA de CV Class A.................. 208,407 1,600 Panamerican Beverages Inc. Class A..................... 52,200 ------------ 379,279 ------------ NETHERLANDS -- 3.1% 720 AKZO Nobel NV................. 124,166 9,766 ING Groep NV.................. 411,408 4,767 Polygram NV................... 228,094 2,400 Unilever NV-CVA............... 147,985 ------------ 911,653 ------------ NEW ZEALAND -- 0.6% 7,964 Air New Zealand Ltd. Class B........................... 15,954 34,765 Brierley Investment Ltd....... 24,829 25,000 Carter Holt Harvey Ltd........ 38,614 2,200 Telecom Corp. New Zealand ADR......................... 85,250 ------------ 164,647 ------------ NORWAY -- 1.1% 19,350 Saga Petroleum AS A Shares.... 333,341 ------------ PHILIPPINES -- 0.5% 27,000 Manila Electric Co. Class B... 90,679 10,000 Metropolitan Bank & Trust..... 68,298 ------------ 158,977 ------------ SINGAPORE -- 1.1% 18,500 Keppel Corp. Ltd.............. 53,141 37,000 Keppel Fels Ltd............... 103,208 26,000 Keppel Land Ltd............... 35,800 34,000 Overseas Union Bank Ltd. (Foreign Reg.).............. 130,153 ------------ 322,302 ------------ SPAIN -- 2.4% 3,885 Banco Popular Espanol......... 271,464 2,800 Banco de Santander SA......... 93,508 SHARES MARKET -------- VALUE ------------ SPAIN -- (CONTINUED) 13,000 Endesa SA ADR................. $ 230,718 1,300 Telefonica de Espana SA....... 118,381 ------------ 714,071 ------------ SWEDEN -- 3.9% *95,900 Nordbanken Holding AB......... 542,691 13,060 Pharmacia & Upjohn, Inc. SDR......................... 480,633 4,800 Sparbanken Sverige AB A Shares...................... 109,196 ------------ 1,132,520 ------------ SWITZERLAND -- 4.8% *1,040 CIBA Speciality Chemicals AG.......................... 124,068 500 Holderbank Finanical Glarus B........................... 408,625 229 Nestle SA (Reg.).............. 343,684 54 Roche Holdings AG Genuss...... 537,019 ------------ 1,413,396 ------------ THAILAND -- 0.1% 20,662 Land & House Co., Ltd. (Foreign Reg.).............. 4,120 930 Siam City Cement Co. (Foreign Reg.)....................... 966 400 Siam Commercial Bank (Foreign Reg.)....................... 457 11,700 Thai Farmers Bank (Foreign Reg.)....................... 21,262 ------------ 26,805 ------------ UNITED KINGDOM -- 18.5% 3,626 Allied Irish Bank PLC......... 35,052 25,750 Associated British Foods PLC......................... 306,469 58,000 BTR PLC....................... 177,983 9,000 Bank of Scotland.............. 81,595 20,100 Bass PLC...................... 309,559 *15,000 Billiton PLC.................. 38,317 *24,800 Billiton PLC***............... 63,352 19,299 BOC Group PLC................. 319,610 24,100 British Petroleum Co. PLC..... 317,432 19,200 Burmah Castrol PLC............ 333,925 36,600 Carlton Communications PLC.... 281,837 78,565 Cookson Group PLC............. 252,724 32,000 Diageo PLC.................... 294,066 13,300 HSBC Holdings PLC............. 343,795 16,000 Johnson Matthey PLC........... 142,558 19,111 PowerGen PLC.................. 249,990 47,730 Rank Group PLC................ 273,891 18,722 Reckitt & Colman PLC.......... 294,344 21,538 Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group....................... 216,176 20,100 Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC......................... 257,305 114,539 Smurfit (Jefferson) Group PLC......................... 318,502 14,600 Zeneca Group PLC.............. 514,090 ------------ 5,422,572 ------------ Total common stocks........... $ 24,617,762 ------------ ------------ NON-CONVERTIBLE PREFERRED STOCKS -- 1.0% GERMANY -- 1.0% 1,520 Hornbach Holding AG (non-voting)................ $ 104,825 *4,020 Prosieben Media AG............ 184,451 ------------ Total non-convertible preferred stocks............ $ 289,276 ------------ ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 24 NOMINAL MARKET AMOUNT VALUE -------- ------------ PURCHASED OPTIONS -- 0.0% 150,000 Brazilian Real Foreign Currency (Put), strike price $1.17, expire January 16, 1998............ $ 300 ------------ ------------ PRINCIPAL AMOUNT -------- SHORT-TERM SECURITIES -- 17.7% U.S. TREASURY BILLS -- 1.1% $ 75,000 5.29% due 03/05/98.......... $ 74,324 100,000 5.14% due 02/26/98.......... 99,200 60,000 4.94% due 01/02/98.......... 59,992 100,000 5.15% due 02/12/98.......... 99,400 ------------ 332,916 ------------ REPURCHASE AGREEMENT -- 16.6% 4,862,000 Interest in $1,102,287,000 joint repurchase agreement with State Street Bank dated 12/31/97 at 6.6119%, to be repurchased at $4,863,786 on 01/02/98; (Collateralized by $629,353,000 U.S. Treasury Notes 5.625% - 7.50% due 03/31/98 - 02/15/05, $204,399,000 U.S. Treasury Bills 0.00% due 05/21/98 - 06/04/98, $159,248,000 U.S. Treasury Bonds 8.50% - 11.25% due 08/15/01 - 02/15/20 and $109,287,000 U.S. Treasury Strips (principal) 0.00% due 02/15/09)................... 4,862,000 ------------ Total short-term securities... $ 5,194,916 ------------ ------------ DIVERSIFICATION OF NET ASSETS: Total common stocks (cost $25,368,958)....... 84.0 % $ 24,617,762 Total non-convertible preferred stocks (cost $305,827)............................ 1.0 289,276 Total purchased options (cost $885) 0.0 300 Total short-term securities (cost $5,194,916)................................ 17.7 5,194,916 ------ ------------ Total investment in securities (total cost $30,870,586)................... 102.7 30,102,254 Cash, receivables and other assets........... 2.0 603,864 Payable for securities purchased............. (4.5) (1,322,888) Payable for Fund shares redeemed............. (0.0) (5,256) Other liabilities............................ (0.2) (66,901) ------ ------------ Net assets................................... 100.0 % $ 29,311,073 ------ ------------ ------ ------------ MARKET VALUE ------------ SUMMARY OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Capital stock, par value $.001 per share; 300,000,000 shares authorized; 2,774,446 shares outstanding.... $ 2,774 Paid-in surplus...................................... 30,801,492 Distribution in excess of net investment income...... (107,688) Distribution in excess of net realized gain on investments........................................ (631,644) Unrealized depreciation of investments............... (767,747) Unrealized appreciation of futures contracts**....... 42,532 Unrealized depreciation of forward foreign currency contracts (see Note 2)............................. (24,762) Unrealized depreciation of purchased options......... (585) Unrealized depreciation on translation of other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies....... (3,299) ------------ Net assets........................................... $ 29,311,073 ------------ ------------ Class A Net asset value per share ($15,701,031 DIVIDED BY 1,484,383 shares outstanding) (175,000,000 shares authorized)............ $10.58 ------ ------ Maximum offering price ($10.58 DIVIDED BY 94.5%)..................................... $11.20 ------ ------ Class B Net asset value per share ($7,188,021 DIVIDED BY 685,217 shares outstanding) (75,000,000 shares authorized)............. $10.49 ------ ------ Class Y Net asset value per share ($6,422,021 DIVIDED BY 604,846 shares outstanding) (50,000,000 shares authorized)............. $10.62 ------ ------ * Non-income producing during period. ** The Fund had 2 March TSE 35 Index futures contracts, 4 March ALL ORDS Index futures contracts, 5 January IBEX Index futures contracts, 4 January OMX Stock Index futures contracts, 2 March MIB 30 Index futures contracts, 1 March DTB DAX Index futures contract, 2 March LIF FTSE 100 Index futures contracts, 3 March MATIF CAC 40 Index futures contracts, and 2 January HKFE-HSI Index futures contracts open as of December 31, 1997. These contracts had a value of $40,500 as of December 31, 1997. *** Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration, normally to qualified institutional buyers. As of December 31, 1997, the market value of these securities amounted to $532,255, or 1.8% of net assets. FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS OUTSTANDING AT DECEMBER 31, 1997 UNREALIZED TOTAL AGGREGATE DELIVERY APPRECIATION DESCRIPTION MARKET VALUE FACE VALUE DATE (DEPRECIATION) - ------------------------------ ------------- ----------- --------- ------------- Australian Dollar (Buy) $ 165,177 $ 165,783 03/31/98 $ (606) British Pounds (Buy) 859,611 864,691 03/20/98 (5,080) British Pounds (Sell) 429,805 430,588 03/20/98 783 Canadian Dollar (Buy) 252,837 255,035 03/19/98 (2,198) French Franc (Buy) 296,533 298,249 03/31/98 (1,716) German Deutschemark (Buy) 468,781 477,067 03/19/98 (8,286) German Deutschemark (Sell) 241,343 244,387 03/19/98 3,044 Italian Lira (Buy) 269,703 274,134 03/20/98 (4,431) Spanish Peseta (Buy) 233,769 237,590 01/16/98 (3,821) Swedish Krona (Buy) 122,044 124,495 01/23/98 (2,451) ------------- $ (24,762) ------------- ------------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 25 The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME MONEY STRATEGY MARKET FUND FUND ------------- ------------ INVESTMENT INCOME: Dividends.............. $ -- $ -- Interest............... 1,227,574 1,617,763 Less: foreign tax withheld.............. -- -- ------------- ------------ Total investment income.............. 1,227,574 1,617,763 ------------- ------------ EXPENSES: Investment advisory fees.................. 108,150 153,486 Transfer agent fees.... 47,592 47,683 Distribution fees Class A.............. 56,637 61,999 Class B.............. 11,455 14,074 Custodian fees......... 5,600 6,200 Accounting fees........ 12,501 13,505 Registration and filing fees.................. 15,547 17,792 Board of directors fees.................. 1,829 1,829 Audit fees............. 7,316 7,318 Legal fees............. 7,960 7,962 Amortization of deferred organizational costs................. 7,535 7,535 Other expenses......... 5,872 5,873 ------------- ------------ Total expenses (before waivers and reimbursements)..... 287,994 345,256 Expense waivers and reimbursements........ (70,901) (47,166) ------------- ------------ Total expenses, net.... 217,093 298,090 ------------- ------------ Net investment income (loss)................ 1,010,481 1,319,673 ------------- ------------ NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS: Net realized gain (loss) on investments........... -- 533,521 Net realized loss on forward foreign currency contracts.... -- -- Net realized (loss) gain on futures contracts............. -- -- Net realized (loss) gain on foreign currency transactions.......... -- -- Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments........... -- 857,991 Net unrealized appreciation of futures contracts..... -- -- Net unrealized depreciation of foward foreign currency contracts............. -- -- Net unrealized depreciation of purchased options..... -- -- Net unrealized depreciation on translation of other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies............ -- -- ------------- ------------ Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments........ -- 1,391,512 ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations............ $ 1,010,481 $ 2,711,185 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 26 THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD CAPITAL SMALL THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND THE HARTFORD APPRECIATION COMPANY INTERNATIONAL ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND STOCK FUND FUND COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ -------------------- INVESTMENT INCOME: Dividends.............. $ 747,707 $ 1,160,643 $ 468,274 $ 444,910 $ 46,278 $ 260,482 Interest............... 1,941,715 70,488 130,993 527,518 99,300 167,046 Less: foreign tax withheld.............. (6,791) (2,621) (3,940) (6,626) (265) (34,713) -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- Total investment income.............. 2,682,631 1,228,510 595,327 965,802 145,313 392,815 -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- EXPENSES: Investment advisory fees.................. 675,902 326,978 316,618 1,183,411 146,564 133,737 Transfer agent fees.... 140,520 85,367 82,788 298,681 29,800 28,169 Distribution fees Class A.............. 127,828 77,517 77,250 255,204 30,404 29,226 Class B.............. 143,093 128,600 128,466 515,814 26,356 25,922 Custodian fees......... 10,300 12,000 11,000 12,000 16,500 88,000 Accounting fees........ 48,842 23,225 21,082 78,932 9,166 11,347 Registration and filing fees.................. 100,697 68,391 62,180 288,320 23,878 20,618 Board of directors fees.................. 6,999 3,398 3,084 11,548 1,341 1,221 Audit fees............. 27,998 13,591 12,337 46,191 5,364 4,885 Legal fees............. 30,461 14,787 13,426 50,257 5,836 5,315 Amortization of deferred organizational costs................. 7,535 7,535 7,535 7,535 7,535 7,535 Other expenses......... 20,348 10,264 9,387 33,085 4,504 4,170 -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- Total expenses (before waivers and reimbursements)..... 1,340,523 771,653 745,153 2,780,978 307,248 360,145 Expense waivers and reimbursements........ (128,081) (93,290) (85,728) (325,718) (58,906) (97,686) -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- Total expenses, net.... 1,212,442 678,363 659,425 2,455,260 248,342 262,459 -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- Net investment income (loss)................ 1,470,189 550,147 (64,098) (1,489,458) (103,029) 130,356 -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- NET REALIZED AND UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENTS: Net realized gain (loss) on investments........... 258,915 916,848 (354,110) 19,463,919 2,029,539 (332,106) Net realized loss on forward foreign currency contracts.... -- -- -- -- -- (81,598) Net realized (loss) gain on futures contracts............. -- -- -- (101,919) 36,145 116,069 Net realized (loss) gain on foreign currency transactions.......... -- -- -- (4,918) 1,130 (13,258) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments........... 15,479,132 8,681,047 8,234,272 2,427,937 (252,464) (988,744) Net unrealized appreciation of futures contracts..... -- -- -- -- -- 36,459 Net unrealized depreciation of foward foreign currency contracts............. -- -- -- (35,449) -- (25,300) Net unrealized depreciation of purchased options..... -- -- -- -- -- (585) Net unrealized depreciation on translation of other assets and liabilities in foreign currencies............ -- -- -- (28,970) -- (3,235) -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments........ 15,738,047 9,597,895 7,880,162 21,720,600 1,814,350 (1,292,298) -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations............ $17,208,236 $ 10,148,042 $ 7,816,064 $20,231,142 $ 1,711,321 $ (1,161,942) -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 27 The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997 THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME MONEY STRATEGY MARKET FUND FUND ------------- ------------ OPERATIONS: Net investment income (loss)................ $ 1,010,481 $ 1,319,673 Net realized gain (loss) on investments........... -- 533,521 Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments........... -- 857,991 ------------- ------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations..... 1,010,481 2,711,185 DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS: From net investment income Class A.............. (883,567) (1,122,490) Class B.............. (45,518) (71,146) Class Y.............. (81,396) (89,767) From net realized gain on investments Class A.............. -- (412,671) Class B.............. -- (67,122) Class Y.............. -- (56,419) CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: Class A.............. 11,824,783 16,849,692 Class B.............. 4,448,938 5,587,371 Class Y.............. 2,637,595 4,707,315 ------------- ------------ Total increase in net assets................ 18,911,316 28,035,948 NET ASSETS: Beginning of year...... 10,753,901 11,054,134 ------------- ------------ End of year............ $ 29,665,217 $ 39,090,082 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 28 THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD CAPITAL THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND THE HARTFORD APPRECIATION SMALL INTERNATIONAL ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND STOCK FUND FUND COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------------ OPERATIONS: Net investment income (loss)................ $ 1,470,189 $ 550,147 $ (64,098) $ (1,489,458) $ (103,029) $ 130,356 Net realized gain (loss) on investments........... 258,915 916,848 (354,110) 19,357,082 2,066,814 (310,893) Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments........... 15,479,132 8,681,047 8,234,272 2,363,518 (252,464) (981,405) ------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------------ Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations..... 17,208,236 10,148,042 7,816,064 20,231,142 1,711,321 (1,161,942) DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS: From net investment income Class A.............. (691,617) (320,941) -- -- -- (75,930) Class B.............. (165,238) (96,584) -- -- -- (24,517) Class Y.............. (544,413) (79,474) -- -- -- (43,020) From net realized gain on investments Class A.............. (472,440) (590,306) (127,319) (7,591,824) (776,601) (232,598) Class B.............. (191,894) (301,354) (69,023) (5,559,834) (409,953) (104,930) Class Y.............. (207,612) (119,013) (10,592) (945,726) (378,670) (96,796) CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: Class A.............. 77,673,780 56,433,030 54,239,596 218,285,331 14,144,489 12,377,118 Class B.............. 35,889,333 30,624,501 31,831,398 175,024,238 10,086,337 7,530,956 Class Y.............. 33,363,110 12,297,437 5,315,662 28,218,005 8,783,283 6,622,568 ------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------------ Total increase in net assets................ 161,861,245 107,995,338 98,995,786 427,661,332 33,160,206 24,790,909 NET ASSETS: Beginning of year...... 15,879,229 6,848,283 7,571,344 10,024,584 4,987,025 4,520,164 ------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------------ End of year............ $ 177,740,474 $ 114,843,621 $ 106,567,130 $437,685,916 $38,147,231 $ 29,311,073 ------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- --------------- ------------ ------------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 29 The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS FOR THE PERIOD FROM JULY 1, 1996 (INCEPTION) TO DECEMBER 31, 1996 THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD MONEY BOND INCOME MARKET FUND STRATEGY FUND ----------------- --------------- OPERATIONS: Net investment income (loss)................ $ 206,204 $ 265,341 Net realized gain on investments........... -- 159,623 Net unrealized appreciation of investments........... -- 159,276 ----------------- --------------- Net increase in net assets resulting from operations............ 206,204 584,240 DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS: From net investment income Class A.............. (206,198) (255,221) Class B.............. -- (1,518) Class Y.............. (6) (129) From net realized gain on investments Class A.............. -- (59,781) Class B.............. -- (686) Class Y.............. -- (29) CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: Class A.............. 10,753,621 10,658,828 Class B.............. -- 123,373 Class Y.............. 280 5,057 ----------------- --------------- Total increase in net assets................ 10,753,901 11,054,134 NET ASSETS: Beginning of period.... -- -- ----------------- --------------- End of period.......... $10,753,901 $11,054,134 ----------------- --------------- ----------------- --------------- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 30 THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD CAPITAL THE HARTFORD THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND THE HARTFORD APPRECIATION THE HARTFORD SMALL INTERNATIONAL ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND STOCK FUND FUND COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------ ------------------ OPERATIONS: Net investment income (loss)................ $ 109,562 $ 35,337 $ 12,598 $ (18,413) $ (10,563) $ 7,547 Net realized gain on investments........... 34,690 34,697 8,296 734,669 323,041 50,234 Net unrealized appreciation of investments........... 1,031,480 458,202 489,848 843,218 152,272 227,544 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------ ------------------ Net increase in net assets resulting from operations............ 1,175,732 528,236 510,742 1,559,474 464,750 285,325 DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS: From net investment income Class A.............. (98,048) (32,275) (10,931) -- -- (25,685) Class B.............. (9,994) (3,872) (2,242) -- -- (963) Class Y.............. (270) (226) (117) -- -- (446) From net realized gain on investments Class A.............. -- (9,096) -- (261,732) (292,131) (11,118) Class B.............. -- (1,043) -- (25,075) (14,827) (408) Class Y.............. -- (55) -- (3,191) (4,569) (165) CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: Class A.............. 13,268,744 5,603,131 5,779,861 7,789,947 4,503,579 4,049,578 Class B.............. 1,509,188 727,849 1,249,897 858,773 255,112 160,933 Class Y.............. 33,877 35,634 44,134 106,388 75,111 63,113 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------ ------------------ Total increase in net assets................ 15,879,229 6,848,283 7,571,344 10,024,584 4,987,025 4,520,164 NET ASSETS: Beginning of period.... -- -- -- -- -- -- ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------ ------------------ End of period.......... $15,879,229 $6,848,283 $7,571,344 $10,024,584 $4,987,025 $4,520,164 ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------ ------------------ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 31 The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 1997 1. ORGANIZATION: The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. (the Company) is an open-end management investment company comprised of eight diversified portfolios (each a "Fund" or together the "Funds"). The Funds are The Hartford Money Market Fund, The Hartford Bond Income Strategy Fund, The Hartford Advisers Fund, The Hartford Dividend and Growth Fund, The Hartford Stock Fund, The Hartford Capital Appreciation Fund, The Hartford Small Company Fund, and The Hartford International Opportunities Fund. The Company is organized under the laws of the State of Maryland and is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a diversified open-end management investment company. The Funds and their investment objectives are listed below: The Hartford Money Market Fund -- Seeks maximum current income consistent with liquidity and (Money Market Fund) preservation of capital. The Hartford Bond Income Strategy Fund -- Seeks a high level of current income consistent with a (Bond Income Strategy Fund) competitive total return, as compared to bond funds with similar investment objectives and policies, by investing primarily in debt securities. The Hartford Advisers Fund -- Seeks maximum long-term total rate of return by investing in (Advisers Fund) common stocks and other equity securities, bonds and other debt securities and money market instruments. The Hartford Dividend and Growth Fund -- Seeks a high level of current income consistent with growth (Dividend and Growth Fund) of capital by investing primarily in equity securities. The Hartford Stock Fund -- Seeks long-term growth of capital, with income as a secondary (Stock Fund) consideration, by investing primarily in equity securities. The Hartford Capital Appreciation Fund -- Seeks growth of capital by investing primarily in equity (Capital Appreciation Fund) securities selected on the basis of potential for capital appreciation. The Hartford Small Company Fund -- Seeks growth of capital by investing primarily in equity (Small Company Fund) securities selected on the basis of potential for capital appreciation. The Hartford International -- Seeks growth of capital by investing primarily in equity Opportunities Fund (International securities issued by non-U.S. companies. Opportunities Fund) The Company consists of eight series of portfolios, each of which is divided into Class A, Class B, and Class Y shares. Class A shares are sold with a front-end load sales charge of up to 5.50%. Class B shares are sold with a contingent deferred sales charge which is assessed on the lesser of the net asset value of the shares at the time of redemption or the original purchase price, and declines from 5.00% to zero depending on the period of time the shares are held. Class Y shares are sold to eligible institutional investors without a sales charge. All classes of shares have identical voting, redemption, dividend, liquidation and other rights and the same terms and conditions, except that each class may have different expenses which may affect performance. 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: The following is a summary of significant accounting policies of the Funds, which are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the investment company industry: a) SECURITY TRANSACTIONS--Security transactions are recorded on the trade date (date the order to buy or sell is executed). Security gains and losses are determined on the basis of identified cost. b) SECURITY VALUATION--Debt securities (other than short-term obligations) are valued on the basis of valuations furnished by an unaffiliated pricing service which determines valuations for normal institutional size trading units of debt securities. Mortgage securities are valued at the bid price. Short-term securities held in the Money Market Fund are valued at amortized cost or original cost plus accrued interest receivable, both of which approximate market value. In the Bond Income Strategy, Advisers, Dividend and Growth, Stock, Capital Appreciation, Small Company and International Opportunities Funds, short-term investments purchased with a maturity of 60 days or less are valued at 32 amortized cost, which approximates market value. Short-term investments purchased with a maturity of more than 60 days are valued based on market quotations until the remaining days to maturity become less than 61 days. From that time until maturity, the investments are valued at amortized cost. Equity securities are valued at the last sales price reported on the principal securities exchanges on which such securities are traded (domestic or foreign), or on the principal over-the-counter market on which such securities are traded, as of the close of business on the day the securities are being valued. If no sale occurred on a particular day, then such securities are valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices. Securities quoted in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars at the prevailing exchange rates at the end of each business day. Options are valued at the last sales price; if no sale occurred on such day, then options are valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices. Securities for which market quotations are not readily available and all other assets are valued in good faith at their fair values as determined by, or under the direction of, the Funds' Board of Directors. c) FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION--The accounting records of the Funds are maintained in U.S. dollars. All assets and liabilities initially expressed in foreign currencies are converted into U.S. dollars at the prevailing exchange rates. Purchases and sales of investment securities, dividend and interest income and certain expenses are translated at the rates of exchange prevailing on the respective dates of such transactions. The Funds do not isolate that portion of the results of operations resulting from changes in foreign exchange rates on investments from the fluctuations arising from changes in the market prices of securities held. Such fluctuations are included with the net realized and unrealized gain or loss on investments in the accompanying financial statements. Net realized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from sales of portfolio securities, sales of foreign currencies, and the difference between asset and liability amounts initially stated in foreign currencies and the U.S. dollar value of the amounts actually received or paid. Net unrealized foreign exchange gains or losses arise from changes in the value of other assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period, resulting from changes in the exchange rates. d) REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS--A repurchase agreement is an agreement by which the seller of a security agrees to repurchase the security sold at a mutually agreed upon time and price. At the time the Funds enter into a repurchase agreement, the value of the underlying collateral security(ies), including accrued interest, will be equal to or exceed the value of the repurchase agreement and, in the case of repurchase agreements exceeding one day, the value of the underlying security(ies), including accrued interest, is required during the term of the agreement to be equal to or exceed the value of the repurchase agreement. Securities which serve to collateralize the repurchase agreement are held by each Fund's custodian in book entry or physical form in the custodial account of the Fund. Repurchase agreements are valued at cost plus accrued interest receivable. In June 1996, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 125, ACCOUNTING FOR TRANSFERS AND SERVICING OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND EXTINGUISHMENTS OF LIABILITIES. This Statement provides consistent standards for distinguishing transfers of financial assets that are sales from transfers that are secured borrowings. Under the provisions of SFAS No. 125, transfers of certain financial assets, such as repurchase agreements, are required to be accounted for as sales if control, as defined, over those assets has been surrendered by the transferor. The Statement also requires collateral under repurchase agreements and securities lending transactions to be separately classified by the debtor and recognized as an asset by the creditor in the respective financial statements if certain conditions are met. SFAS No. 125 is effective for transfers of financial assets occurring after December 31, 1996, except for certain transfers for which the effective date has been delayed to January 1, 1998 by SFAS No. 127, DEFERRAL OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF FASB STATEMENT NO. 125, issued by the FASB in December 1996. Management does not believe the adoption of this new accounting standard will have a material impact on the financial position or future results of operations of the Funds. e) JOINT TRADING ACCOUNT--Pursuant to an exemptive order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Funds may transfer uninvested cash balances into a joint trading account managed by The Hartford Investment Management Company (HIMCO) or Wellington Management Company, LLP (Wellington). These balances may be invested in one or more repurchase agreements and/or short-term money market instruments. 33 THE HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 f) FUTURES, OPTIONS ON FUTURES AND OPTIONS TRANSACTIONS--The Funds enter into futures contracts to retain their cash balance and yet be exposed to the market, thereby providing the liquidity necessary to accommodate redemptions while at the same time providing shareholders with the investment return of a fully invested portfolio. A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a security for a set price on a future date. When the Funds enter into such contracts, they are required to deposit with their custodian an amount of "initial margin" of cash or U.S. Treasury Bills. Subsequent payments, called maintenance margin, to and from the broker-dealer, are made on a daily basis as the price of the underlying debt security fluctuates, making the long and short positions in the futures contract more or less valuable (i.e., mark-to-market), which results in an unrealized gain or loss to the Funds. The market value of a traded futures contract is the last sale price. In the absence of a last sale price, the last offering price is used. In the absence of either of these prices, fair value is determined according to procedures established by the Funds' Board of Directors. The variation margin on futures contracts is included in cash, receivables and other assets or other liabilities, as applicable, in each Fund's Statement of Net Assets. At any time prior to the expiration of the futures contract, the Funds may close the position by taking an opposite position which would operate to terminate the position in the futures contract. A final determination of maintenance margin is then made, additional cash is required to be paid by or released to the Funds and the Funds realize a gain or loss. The premium paid by the Fund for the purchase of a call or put option is included in the Fund's Statement of Net Assets as an investment and subsequently "marked-to-market" to reflect the current market value of the option as of the end of the reporting period. If an option which the Fund has purchased expires on its stipulated expiration date, the Fund realizes a loss in the amount of the cost of the option. If the Fund enters into a closing transaction, it realizes a gain or loss, depending on whether the proceeds from the closing sale are greater or less than the cost of the option. If the Fund exercises a put option, it realizes a gain or loss from the sale of the underlying security, and the proceeds from such sale will be decreased by the premium originally paid. If the Fund exercises a call option, the cost of the security which the Fund purchases upon exercise will be increased by the premium originally paid to buy the call. g) FEDERAL INCOME TAXES--For federal income tax purposes, the Funds intend to continue to qualify as regulated investment companies under Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code by distributing substantially all of their taxable net investment income and net realized capital gains to their shareholders or otherwise complying with the requirements for regulated investment companies. Accordingly, no provision for federal income taxes has been made in the accompanying financial statements. h) FUND SHARE VALUATION AND DISTRIBUTIONS TO SHAREHOLDERS--Orders for the Fund's shares are executed in accordance with the investment instructions of the shareholders. Dividend income is accrued as of the ex-dividend date. Interest income and expenses are accrued on a daily basis. The net asset value of each Fund's shares is determined as of the close of each business day of the New York Stock Exchange (the Exchange). The net asset value per share is determined separately for each class of each Fund by dividing the Fund's net assets attributable to that class by the number of shares of the class outstanding. Orders for the purchase of a Fund's shares received prior to the close of the Exchange on any day on which the Fund is open for business are priced at the per-share net asset value determined as of the close of the Exchange. Orders received after the close of the Exchange, or on a day on which the Exchange and/or the Fund is not open for business, are priced at the next-determined per-share net asset value. Each Fund intends to distribute substantially all of its net investment income and net realized capital gains to shareholders no less frequently than once a year. Normally, dividends from net investment income of the Stock, Capital Appreciation, Small Company and International Opportunities Funds will be declared and paid annually; dividends from net investment income of the Advisers and the Dividend and Growth Funds will be declared and paid quarterly; dividends from net investment income of the Bond Income Strategy Fund will be declared and paid monthly and dividends from net investment income of the Money Market Fund will be declared daily and paid monthly. Dividends from the Money Market Fund are not paid on shares until the day following the date on which the shares are issued. Unless shareholders specify otherwise, all distributions will be automatically reinvested in additional full or fractional shares of each Fund. 34 Distributions from net investment income and net realized capital gains are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations which may differ from generally accepted accounting principles. These differences include the treatment of non-taxable dividends, expiring capital loss carryforwards, foreign currency gains and losses, losses deferred due to wash sales and excise tax regulations. Permanent book and federal income tax basis differences relating to shareholder distributions will result in reclassifications to certain of the Funds' capital accounts (see Note 8). i) FORWARD FOREIGN CURRENCY CONTRACTS--As of December 31, 1997, the Capital Appreciation and International Opportunities Funds had entered into forward foreign currency contracts that obligate the Funds to repurchase/replace or sell currencies at specified future dates. The Funds enter into forward foreign currency contracts to hedge against adverse fluctuations in exchange rates between currencies. Forward foreign currency contracts involve elements of market risk in excess of the amount reflected in the Statement of Net Assets. In addition, risks may arise upon entering into these contracts from the potential inability of counterparties to meet the terms of the contract and from unanticipated movement in the value of foreign currencies relative to the U.S. dollar. j) DEFERRED ORGANIZATIONAL COSTS--Costs incurred by the Funds in connection with their organization have been deferred and are being amortized on a straight-line basis over five years. The unamortized deferred organizational costs of each Fund as of December 31, 1997 are included in cash, receivables and other assets in each Fund's Statement of Net Assets. k) USE OF ESTIMATES--The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as of the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenses during the period. Operating results in the future could vary from the amounts derived from management's estimates. l) RESTRICTED SECURITIES--Each Fund is permitted to invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities, except for the Money Market Fund, which may invest up to 10% in such securities. "Illiquid Securities" are those that may not be sold or disposed of in the ordinary course of business, at approximately the price used to determine a Fund's net asset value per share. Each Fund may also purchase certain restricted securities, commonly known as Rule 144A securities, that can be resold to institutions and which may be determined to be liquid pursuant to policies and guidelines established by the Funds' Board of Directors. As of December 31, 1997, the Funds held the following restricted securities (excluding 144A issues): PERCENTAGE ACQUISITION ACQUISITION OF FUND'S FUND SECURITY DATE COST MARKET VALUE NET ASSETS - ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ---------- Capital Appreciation Fund SGW Holdings Corporation................ 8/14/97 $ 2,000,001 $ 1,700,000 0.4% Small Company Fund SGW Holdings Corporation................ 8/14/97 $88,996 $75,646 0.2% 3. EXPENSES: a) INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT AND ADVISORY AGREEMENTS--Hartford Investment Financial Services Company (HIFSCO), an indirect majority-owned subsidiary of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The Hartford), serves as investment manager to each Fund pursuant to an Investment Management Agreement dated March 3, 1997. As investment manager, HIFSCO has overall investment supervisory responsibility for each Fund. In addition HIFSCO provides administrative personnel, services, equipment and facilities and office space for the proper operation of the Company. HIFSCO has contracted with Wellington for the provision of day-to-day investment management services to the Advisers, Dividend and Growth, Stock, Capital Appreciation, Small Company and International Opportunities Funds in accordance with each Fund's investment objective and policies. In addition, HIFSCO has contracted with The Hartford Investment Management Company (HIMCO), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Hartford, for the provision of day-to-day investment management and other services to the Money Market and Bond Income Strategy Funds. Each Fund pays a fee to HIFSCO, a portion of which may be used to compensate Wellington or HIMCO. 35 THE HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 The schedule below reflects the rates of compensation paid to HIFSCO for services rendered: MONEY MARKET FUND AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .50% On next $500 million .45% Over $1 billion .40% BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .65% On next $500 million .55% Over $1 billion .50% ADVISERS AND DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUNDS AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .75% On next $500 million .65% Over $1 billion .60% STOCK AND CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUNDS AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .80% On next $500 million .70% Over $1 billion .65% SMALL COMPANY AND INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUNDS AVERAGE DAILY NET ASSETS ANNUAL FEE - ------------------------------------ ------------ On first $500 million .85% On next $500 million .75% Over $1 billion .70% b) DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE PLAN FOR CLASS A AND B SHARES--Hartford Securities Distribution Company, Inc. (HSD, or the Distributor), an indirect majority-owned subsidiary of The Hartford, is the principal underwriter and distributor of the Funds. HSD is solely engaged in distribution activities which include marketing, distribution and clearing of shares through broker-dealers, financing distribution costs, supervising the activities of the transfer agent and maintaining financial books and records. During the year ended December 31, 1997, HSD earned $18,438,468 in front-end load sales charges on the sale of fund shares and received $90,860 from the proceeds of imposed contingent deferred sales charges. The Funds have adopted Distribution and Service Plans in accordance with Rule 12b-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, to compensate the Distributor for the distribution of Class A and Class B shares and servicing the accounts of Class A and Class B shareholders. The Class A plan provides for periodic payments to broker-dealers who provide services to accounts that hold Class A shares and for promotional and other sales related costs. The Distributor is compensated at an annual rate that may not exceed 0.35% of the average daily net asset value of Class A shares of each Fund, some or all of which may be remitted to broker-dealers. Up to 0.25% of the fee may be used for shareholder servicing expenses with the remainder used for distribution expenses. The Class A Rule 12b-1 fee for each Fund has been voluntarily capped at 0.30% through December 31, 1997. The cap may be removed at any time after this date. Some or all of the 12b-1 fee for Class B shares may be paid to broker-dealers for distribution and/or shareholder 36 account services. Under the Plan, the Fund pays the Distributor 1.00% of the average daily net assets of Class B shares that are outstanding for 8 years or less, 0.25% of which is intended as a fee for services provided to existing shareholders with the remainder used for distribution expenses. c) OPERATING EXPENSES--Allocable expenses incurred by the Funds are allocated to each Fund in proportion to the average daily net assets of each Fund, except where allocation of certain expenses is more fairly made directly to the Fund. The Hartford has voluntarily agreed to limit the total operating expenses of the Class A, B and Y shares of all the Funds, exclusive of taxes, interest, brokerage commissions, certain distribution expenses and extraordinary expenses as follows: FUND CLASS A CLASS B CLASS Y ----------------------------------------- ------- ------- ------- Money Market Fund........................ 1.00% 1.70% 0.55% Bond Income Strategy Fund................ 1.25% 1.95% 0.80% Advisers Fund............................ 1.40% 2.10% 0.95% Dividend and Growth Fund................. 1.40% 2.10% 0.95% Stock Fund............................... 1.45% 2.15% 1.00% Capital Appreciation Fund................ 1.45% 2.15% 1.00% Small Company Fund....................... 1.45% 2.15% 1.00% International Opportunities Fund......... 1.65% 2.35% 1.20% Such voluntary and temporary fee waivers and expense limitation arrangements may be terminated by The Hartford at any time without notice. d) OTHER RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS--The Hartford and its subsidiaries provide facilities and office equipment, as well as perform certain other services, including fund accounting and financial reporting, to the Funds. Certain officers of the Funds are directors and/or officers of HIFSCO, HIMCO, HSD and/or The Hartford or its subsidiaries. No officer of the Fund receives any compensation directly from the Funds. 4. AFFILIATE HOLDINGS: a) As of December 31, 1997, affiliates of the Hartford had ownership of shares in the Funds as follows: FUND CLASS A CLASS B CLASS Y - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------- --------- Money Market Fund....................................................................... 8,650,500 2,029,058 135 Bond Income Strategy Fund............................................................... 2,142,021 289,732 192,639 Advisers Fund........................................................................... 1,026,316 486 489 Dividend and Growth Fund................................................................ 2,440 10,257 294,849 Stock Fund.............................................................................. 3,726 1,972 294,988 Capital Appreciation Fund............................................................... 1,536 510 319,451 Small Company Fund...................................................................... 6,580 294,419 38,610 International Opportunities Fund........................................................ 0 127,349 183,810 5. INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS: For the year ended December 31, 1997, aggregate purchases and sales of investment securities (excluding short-term investments) were as follows: COST OF PROCEEDS FROM FUND PURCHASES SALES - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ Bond Income Strategy Fund............................................................. $ 76,048,476 $ 50,155,096 Advisers Fund......................................................................... 172,269,340 32,985,829 Dividend and Growth Fund.............................................................. 109,587,943 12,545,365 Stock Fund............................................................................ 96,997,931 16,395,017 Capital Appreciation Fund............................................................. 553,872,662 171,781,925 Small Company Fund.................................................................... 69,680,124 40,885,567 International Opportunities Fund...................................................... 30,044,525 7,654,713 37 THE HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 6. TAX COST AND UNREALIZED APPRECIATION (DEPRECIATION) OF INVESTMENTS: As of December 31, 1997, the aggregate gross unrealized appreciation and depreciation of all investments, based on cost for federal income tax purposes, was as follows: AGGREGATE GROSS AGGREGATE GROSS NET UNREALIZED UNREALIZED UNREALIZED APPRECIATION FUND TAX COST APPRECIATION DEPRECIATION (DEPRECIATION) - ----------------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------------- Bond Income Strategy Fund............................ $ 42,023,051 $ 1,075,460 $ (77,962) $ 997,498 Advisers Fund........................................ 162,323,415 17,847,687 (1,511,607) 16,336,080 Dividend and Growth Fund............................. 106,130,851 10,923,121 (1,802,332) 9,120,789 Stock Fund........................................... 101,288,230 10,476,612 (1,863,352) 8,613,260 Capital Appreciation Fund............................ 434,364,574 36,564,824 (33,311,472) 3,253,352 Small Company Fund................................... 37,762,080 2,500,743 (2,707,835) (207,092) International Opportunities Fund..................... 30,946,016 1,722,347 (2,566,109) (843,762) 7. CAPITAL SHARE TRANSACTIONS: The following information is for the year ending December 31, 1997: MONEY MARKET BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND --------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- CLASS A Shares sold............. 38,230,951 $38,230,951 2,153,365 $ 22,403,019 6,154,830 $78,925,158 4,527,342 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 872,366 872,366 145,580 1,522,249 87,579 1,135,044 62,376 Shares redeemed......... (27,278,534) (27,278,534) (668,900) (7,075,576) (184,092) (2,386,422) (512,573) ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- Net increase............ 11,824,783 $11,824,783 1,630,045 $ 16,849,692 6,058,317 $77,673,780 4,077,145 ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL OPPORTUNITIES STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND FUND --------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- CLASS A Shares sold............. 4,284,826 $61,336,237 11,903,386 $236,230,545 1,563,737 $19,638,094 1,404,244 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 8,399 122,981 387,629 7,293,278 66,524 768,836 28,770 Shares redeemed......... (499,124) (7,219,622) (1,230,817) (25,238,492) (472,607) (6,262,441) (349,105) ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- Net increase............ 3,794,101 $54,239,596 11,060,198 $218,285,331 1,157,654 $14,144,489 1,083,909 ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- MONEY MARKET BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND --------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- CLASS B Shares sold............. 5,870,708 $ 5,870,708 612,657 $ 6,438,050 2,882,743 $36,730,437 2,538,636 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 44,356 44,356 11,668 122,715 26,867 346,972 27,298 Shares redeemed......... (1,466,126) (1,466,126) (93,401) (973,394) (94,146) (1,188,076) (320,322) ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- Net increase............ 4,448,938 $ 4,448,938 530,924 $ 5,587,371 2,815,464 $35,889,333 2,245,612 ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- AMOUNT ------------ CLASS A Shares sold............. $ 62,564,218 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 889,158 Shares redeemed......... (7,020,346) ------------ Net increase............ $ 56,433,030 ------------ ------------ AMOUNT ------------ CLASS A Shares sold............. $ 15,957,135 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 299,574 Shares redeemed......... (3,879,591) ------------ Net increase............ $ 12,377,118 ------------ ------------ AMOUNT ------------ CLASS B Shares sold............. $ 34,876,647 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 385,513 Shares redeemed......... (4,637,659) ------------ Net increase............ $ 30,624,501 ------------ ------------ 38 INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL OPPORTUNITIES STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND FUND --------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- CLASS B Shares sold............. 2,451,215 $34,862,504 8,639,143 $172,632,683 788,063 $10,175,219 689,420 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 4,573 66,285 284,109 5,301,745 34,763 398,035 12,211 Shares redeemed......... (212,892) (3,097,391) (144,046) (2,910,190) (40,102) (486,917) (31,621) ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- Net increase............ 2,242,896 $31,831,398 8,779,206 $175,024,238 782,724 $10,086,337 670,010 ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- MONEY MARKET BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND --------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- CLASS Y Shares sold............. 5,724,039 $ 5,724,039 476,540 $ 5,016,788 3,224,923 $36,739,860 931,473 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 81,393 81,393 13,863 146,182 58,225 752,023 13,922 Shares redeemed......... (3,167,837) (3,167,837) (43,885) (455,655) (331,924) (4,128,773) (52,079) ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- Net increase............ 2,637,595 $ 2,637,595 446,518 $ 4,707,315 2,951,224 $33,363,110 893,316 ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL OPPORTUNITIES STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND FUND --------------------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------- ------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- CLASS Y Shares sold............. 357,092 $ 5,308,377 1,565,763 $ 30,037,701 805,629 $ 9,682,345 671,155 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 718 10,592 49,948 945,864 32,532 378,667 13,375 Shares redeemed......... (270) (3,307) (142,907) (2,765,560) (104,804) (1,277,729) (85,615) ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- Net increase............ 357,540 $ 5,315,662 1,472,804 $ 28,218,005 733,357 $ 8,783,283 598,915 ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- AMOUNT ------------ CLASS B Shares sold............. $ 7,753,696 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 125,757 Shares redeemed......... (348,497) ------------ Net increase............ $ 7,530,956 ------------ ------------ AMOUNT ------------ CLASS Y Shares sold............. $ 12,795,139 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 198,485 Shares redeemed......... (696,187) ------------ Net increase............ $ 12,297,437 ------------ ------------ AMOUNT ------------ CLASS Y Shares sold............. $ 7,458,393 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.......... 139,815 Shares redeemed......... (975,640) ------------ Net increase............ $ 6,622,568 ------------ ------------ The following information is for the period from July 1, 1996 (inception) to December 31, 1996: MONEY BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND MARKET FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS A Shares sold.................... 10,742,496 $10,742,496 1,033,915 $10,347,528 1,286,188 $13,174,231 528,490 $5,568,935 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 206,091 206,091 30,839 314,647 8,674 97,406 3,550 41,188 Shares redeemed................ (194,966) (194,966) (324) (3,347) (261) (2,893) (612) (6,992) ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 10,753,621 $10,753,621 1,064,430 $10,658,828 1,294,601 $13,268,744 531,428 $5,603,131 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- 39 THE HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS -- (CONTINUED) DECEMBER 31, 1997 CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS A Shares sold.................... 544,300 $ 5,784,608 658,540 $ 7,560,478 410,929 $ 4,223,877 397,759 $4,020,902 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 927 10,897 19,716 260,446 27,530 290,714 3,456 36,538 Shares redeemed................ (1,348) (15,644) (2,381) (30,977) (972) (11,012) (741) (7,862) ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 543,879 $ 5,779,861 675,875 $ 7,789,947 437,487 $ 4,503,579 400,474 $4,049,578 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- MONEY BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND MARKET FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS B Shares sold.................... -- $ -- 12,400 $ 126,990 135,067 $ 1,502,853 63,586 $ 723,176 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. -- -- 215 2,203 890 9,972 405 4,673 Shares redeemed................ -- -- (561) (5,820) (324) (3,637) -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... -- $ -- 12,054 $ 123,373 135,633 $ 1,509,188 63,991 $ 727,849 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS B Shares sold.................... 109,160 $ 1,251,332 64,875 $ 834,147 22,152 $ 250,555 15,077 $ 159,562 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 189 2,215 1,881 24,777 1,387 14,601 130 1,371 Shares redeemed................ (315) (3,650) (11) (151) (880) (10,044) -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 109,034 $ 1,249,897 66,745 $ 858,773 22,659 $ 255,112 15,207 $ 160,933 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- MONEY BOND INCOME DIVIDEND AND MARKET FUND STRATEGY FUND ADVISERS FUND GROWTH FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS Y Shares sold.................... 276 $ 276 490 $ 4,900 3,039 $ 33,608 3,119 $ 35,353 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 4 4 15 157 24 269 24 281 Shares redeemed................ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 280 $ 280 505 $ 5,057 3,063 $ 33,877 3,143 $ 35,634 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK FUND APPRECIATION FUND SMALL COMPANY FUND OPPORTUNITIES FUND ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT SHARES AMOUNT ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- CLASS Y Shares sold.................... 3,838 $ 44,018 7,775 $ 103,199 6,324 $ 70,546 5,873 $ 62,502 Shares issued on reinvestment of distributions.............. 10 116 241 3,189 432 4,565 58 611 Shares redeemed................ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- Net increase................... 3,848 $ 44,134 8,016 $ 106,388 6,756 $ 75,111 5,931 $ 63,113 ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- --------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- 40 8. RECLASSIFICATION OF CAPITAL ACCOUNTS: In accordance with AICPA Statement of Position 93-2, DETERMINATION, DISCLOSURE, AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT PRESENTATION OF INCOME, CAPITAL GAIN, AND RETURN OF CAPITAL DISTRIBUTIONS BY INVESTMENT COMPANIES, the Funds have recorded several reclassifications in their capital accounts. These reclassifications had no impact on the net asset value per share of the Funds and are designed generally to present accumulated undistributed (distribution in excess of) net investment income and net realized gain on investments on a tax basis which is considered to be more informative to the shareholder. As of December 31, 1997, the Funds recorded the following reclassifications to increase (decrease) the accounts listed below. ACCUMULATED ACCUMULATED UNDISTRIBUTED UNDISTRIBUTED (DISTRIBUTION IN (DISTRIBUTION EXCESS OF) IN EXCESS OF) NET REALIZED NET INVESTMENT GAIN PAID-IN INCOME ON INVESTMENTS SURPLUS -------------- -------------------- ------- Bond Income Strategy Fund....................................................... $ 4,342 $ (4,342) $ -- Advisers Fund................................................................... 3,640 (3,640) -- Dividend and Growth Fund........................................................ (6,895) 7,032 (137) Stock Fund...................................................................... 64,098 (64,098) -- Capital Appreciation Fund....................................................... 1,553,692 (1,553,692) -- Small Company Fund.............................................................. 103,029 (103,029) -- International Opportunities Fund................................................ (92,840) 92,840 -- 9. TAX INFORMATION NOTICE (UNAUDITED): For the year ended December 31, 1997, the following funds distributed long-term capital gains dividends as follows: Advisers Fund................................................................... $ 198,812 Dividend and Growth Fund........................................................ 49,443 Stock Fund...................................................................... 98,356 For federal income tax purposes, the following percentages of ordinary income dividends paid by the following funds during the year ended December 31, 1997 qualify for the dividends received deduction for corporate shareholders: Advisers Fund................................................................... 28.53% Dividend and Growth Fund........................................................ 58.09% Stock Fund...................................................................... 100.00% Capital Appreciation Fund....................................................... 1.41% Small Company Fund.............................................................. 2.21% 41 The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS -- SELECTED PER-SHARE DATA(A) -- ------------------------------------------ NET REALIZED AND DISTRIBUTIONS NET ASSET UNREALIZED DISTRIBUTIONS FROM NET VALUE AT NET GAIN (LOSS) TOTAL FROM FROM NET REALIZED BEGINNING INVESTMENT ON INVESTMENT INVESTMENT GAIN ON OF PERIOD INCOME INVESTMENTS OPERATIONS INCOME INVESTMENTS --------- ---------- ------------ ----------- ---------- ------------- THE HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ $1.00 $ 0.05 $ 0.00 $ 0.05 $(0.05) $ 0.00 Class B................ 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 (0.01) 0.00 Class Y................ 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 (0.05) 0.00 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 (0.02) 0.00 Class Y................ 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 (0.02) 0.00 THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 10.26 0.57 0.50 1.07 (0.56) (0.16) Class B................ 10.25 0.53 0.46 0.99 (0.50) (0.16) Class Y................ 10.27 0.58 0.54 1.12 (0.59) (0.16) July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.26 0.31 0.57 (0.25) (0.06) Class B................ 10.00 0.20 0.34 0.54 (0.23) (0.06) Class Y................ 10.00 0.28 0.31 0.59 (0.26) (0.06) THE HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 11.08 0.16 2.41 2.57 (0.17) (0.07) Class B................ 11.05 0.16 2.31 2.47 (0.12) (0.07) Class Y................ 11.10 0.31 2.32 2.63 (0.20) (0.07) July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.09 1.07 1.16 (0.08) 0.00 Class B................ 10.00 0.02 1.11 1.13 (0.08) 0.00 Class Y................ 10.00 0.03 1.16 1.19 (0.09) 0.00 THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 11.45 0.13 3.40 3.53 (0.12) (0.14) Class B................ 11.40 0.13 3.30 3.43 (0.08) (0.14) Class Y................ 11.46 0.21 3.39 3.60 (0.15) (0.14) July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.07 1.46 1.53 (0.06) (0.02) Class B................ 10.00 0.01 1.48 1.49 (0.07) (0.02) Class Y................ 10.00 0.02 1.53 1.55 (0.07) (0.02) THE HARTFORD STOCK FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 11.53 0.00 3.66 3.66 0.00 (0.03) Class B................ 11.50 (0.02) 3.56 3.54 0.00 (0.03) Class Y................ 11.55 0.03 3.70 3.73 0.00 (0.03) July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.02 1.53 1.55 (0.02) 0.00 Class B................ 10.00 0.00 1.52 1.52 (0.02) 0.00 Class Y................ 10.00 0.01 1.57 1.58 (0.03) 0.00 THE HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 13.36 (0.03) 7.34 7.31 0.00 (0.77) Class B................ 13.32 (0.06) 7.22 7.16 0.00 (0.77) Class Y................ 13.38 (0.03) 7.47 7.44 0.00 (0.77) July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 (0.03) 3.80 3.77 0.00 (0.41) Class B................ 10.00 (0.02) 3.75 3.73 0.00 (0.41) Class Y................ 10.00 0.00 3.79 3.79 0.00 (0.41) THE HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 10.68 (0.02) 2.05 2.03 0.00 (0.55) Class B................ 10.65 (0.03) 1.97 1.94 0.00 (0.55) Class Y................ 10.71 (0.01) 2.09 2.08 0.00 (0.55) July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 (0.02) 1.42 1.40 0.00 (0.72) Class B................ 10.00 (0.02) 1.39 1.37 0.00 (0.72) Class Y................ 10.00 0.00 1.43 1.43 0.00 (0.72) THE HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 10.72 0.09 (0.01) 0.08 (0.05) (0.17) Class B................ 10.69 0.07 (0.06) 0.01 (0.04) (0.17) Class Y................ 10.73 0.15 (0.02) 0.13 (0.07) (0.17) July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 10.00 0.02 0.79 0.81 (0.06) (0.03) Class B................ 10.00 (0.01) 0.80 0.79 (0.07) (0.03) Class Y................ 10.00 0.00 0.84 0.84 (0.08) (0.03) (a) Information presented relates to a share of capital stock outstanding throughout the indicated period. (b) Annualized. (c) Does not include sales charges. (d) Not annualized. (e) Portfolio turnover and average commission rates are calculated on the basis of the Fund as a whole without distinguishing between the classes of shares issued. THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 42 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RATIOS AND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA - -- - -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RATIO OF NET ASSETS EXPENSES TO NET INCREASE NET ASSET AT END OF AVERAGE (DECREASE) VALUE AT PERIOD NET ASSETS TOTAL IN NET ASSET END TOTAL (IN BEFORE WAIVERS DISTRIBUTIONS VALUE OF PERIOD RETURN(C) THOUSANDS) AND REIMBURSEMENTS ---------- ------------ --------- ------- ----------- ------------------ THE HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ $(0.05) $ 0.00 $1.00 4.73 % $22,578 1.23% Class B................ (0.01) 0.00 1.00 1.45 (d) 4,449 3.63(b) Class Y................ (0.05) 0.00 1.00 5.23 2,638 0.82 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.02) 0.00 1.00 2.01 (d) 10,754 2.70(b) Class Y................ (0.02) 0.00 1.00 2.34 (d) 0.3 3,496.38(b) THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ (0.72) 0.35 10.61 10.80 28,589 1.44 Class B................ (0.66) 0.33 10.58 9.96 5,745 2.19 Class Y................ (0.75) 0.37 10.64 11.30 4,756 1.01 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.31) 0.26 10.26 5.73 (d) 10,925 2.72(b) Class B................ (0.29) 0.25 10.25 5.38 (d) 124 22.36(b) Class Y................ (0.32) 0.27 10.27 5.95 (d) 5 185.34(b) THE HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ (0.24) 2.33 13.41 23.30 98,633 1.55 Class B................ (0.19) 2.28 13.33 22.44 39,334 2.31 Class Y................ (0.27) 2.36 13.46 23.80 39,773 1.03 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.08) 1.08 11.08 11.56(d) 14,347 2.94(b) Class B................ (0.08) 1.05 11.05 11.28(d) 1,499 6.71(b) Class Y................ (0.09) 1.10 11.10 11.88(d) 34 144.82(b) THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ (0.26) 3.27 14.72 30.99 67,861 1.59 Class B................ (0.22) 3.21 14.61 30.20 33,741 2.34 Class Y................ (0.29) 3.31 14.77 31.59 13,241 1.09 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.08) 1.45 11.45 15.29(d) 6,083 4.12(b) Class B................ (0.09) 1.40 11.40 14.82(d) 730 12.97(b) Class Y................ (0.09) 1.46 11.46 15.49(d) 36 141.53(b) THE HARTFORD STOCK FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ (0.03) 3.63 15.16 31.78 65,763 1.64 Class B................ (0.03) 3.51 15.01 30.82 35,294 2.38 Class Y................ (0.03) 3.70 15.25 32.33 5,510 1.11 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.02) 1.53 11.53 15.50(d) 6,273 3.96(b) Class B................ (0.02) 1.50 11.50 15.20(d) 1,254 7.76(b) Class Y................ (0.03) 1.55 11.55 15.80(d) 44 133.50(b) THE HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ (0.77) 6.54 19.90 55.11 233,601 1.64 Class B................ (0.77) 6.39 19.71 54.15 174,392 2.38 Class Y................ (0.77) 6.67 20.05 56.00 29,693 1.13 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.41) 3.36 13.36 37.75(d) 9,028 4.10(b) Class B................ (0.41) 3.32 13.32 37.35(d) 889 9.05(b) Class Y................ (0.41) 3.38 13.38 37.95(d) 107 93.64(b) THE HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ (0.55) 1.48 12.16 19.28 19,391 1.77 Class B................ (0.55) 1.39 12.04 18.49 9,694 2.53 Class Y................ (0.55) 1.53 12.24 19.69 9,062 1.30 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.72) 0.68 10.68 14.11(d) 4,673 4.24(b) Class B................ (0.72) 0.65 10.65 13.81(d) 241 20.03(b) Class Y................ (0.72) 0.71 10.71 14.41(d) 72 115.33(b) THE HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ (0.22) (0.14) 10.58 0.84 15,701 2.25 Class B................ (0.21) (0.20) 10.49 0.12 7,188 3.03 Class Y................ (0.24) (0.11) 10.62 1.31 6,422 1.76 July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ (0.09) 0.72 10.72 8.14 (d) 4,294 5.35(b) Class B................ (0.10) 0.69 10.69 7.86 (d) 163 32.61(b) Class Y................ (0.11) 0.73 10.73 8.36 (d) 64 126.52(b) RATIO OF EXPENSES TO RATIO OF NET AVERAGE INVESTMENT AVERAGE NET ASSETS INCOME (LOSS) PORTFOLIO COMMISSION AFTER WAIVERS AND TO AVERAGE TURNOVER RATE REIMBURSEMENTS NET ASSETS RATE(E) PAID(E) ----------------- ------------- --------- ---------- THE HARTFORD MONEY MARKET FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.00% 4.67% N/A N/A Class B................ 1.70(b) 3.92(b) -- -- Class Y................ 0.55 5.13 -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.00(b) 4.49(b) N/A N/A Class Y................ 0.55(b) 4.56(b) -- -- THE HARTFORD BOND INCOME STRATEGY FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.25 5.59 220.45% N/A Class B................ 1.95 4.85 -- -- Class Y................ 0.80 5.98 -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.25(b) 5.72(b) 75.52 N/A Class B................ 1.95(b) 5.22(b) -- -- Class Y................ 0.80(b) 6.17(b) -- -- THE HARTFORD ADVISERS FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.40 1.54 38.62 $0.0429 Class B................ 2.10 0.80 -- -- Class Y................ 0.95 2.08 -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.40(b) 2.13(b) 19.75 0.0297 Class B................ 2.10(b) 1.24(b) -- -- Class Y................ 0.95(b) 2.75(b) -- -- THE HARTFORD DIVIDEND AND GROWTH FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.40 1.42 28.75 0.0449 Class B................ 2.10 0.69 -- -- Class Y................ 0.95 1.83 -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.40(b) 1.95(b) 29.80 0.0306 Class B................ 2.10(b) 0.82(b) -- -- Class Y................ 0.95(b) 2.41(b) -- -- THE HARTFORD STOCK FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.45 0.06 42.83 0.0419 Class B................ 2.15 (0.66) -- -- Class Y................ 1.00 0.53 -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.45(b) 0.71(b) 11.87 0.0281 Class B................ 2.15(b) (0.12)(b) -- -- Class Y................ 1.00(b) 1.37(b) -- -- THE HARTFORD CAPITAL APPRECIATION FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.45 (0.80) 119.61 0.0430 Class B................ 2.15 (1.46) -- -- Class Y................ 1.00 (0.35) -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.45(b) (0.70)(b) 149.99 0.0381 Class B................ 2.15(b) (1.53)(b) -- -- Class Y................ 1.00(b) 0.04(b) -- -- THE HARTFORD SMALL COMPANY FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.45 (0.61) 255.37 0.0434 Class B................ 2.15 (1.30) -- -- Class Y................ 1.00 (0.14) -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.45(b) (0.60)(b) 69.92 0.0313 Class B................ 2.15(b) (1.30)(b) -- -- Class Y................ 1.00(b) 0.03(b) -- -- THE HARTFORD INTERNATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FUND For the Year Ended December 31, 1997 Class A................ 1.65 0.88 59.16 0.0070 Class B................ 2.35 (0.05) -- -- Class Y................ 1.20 1.33 -- -- July 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996 Class A................ 1.65(b) 0.51(b) 21.51 0.0175 Class B................ 2.35(b) (0.86)(b) -- -- Class Y................ 1.20(b) 0.57(b) -- -- THE ACCOMPANYING NOTES ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENT. 43 Report of Independent Public Accountants - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO THE SHAREHOLDERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE HARTFORD MUTUAL FUNDS, INC.: We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets of The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. (a Maryland Corporation) (consisting of The Hartford Money Market, The Hartford Bond Income Strategy, The Hartford Advisers, The Hartford Dividend and Growth, The Hartford Stock, The Hartford Capital Appreciation, The Hartford Small Company and The Hartford International Opportunities Funds) (the Funds) as of December 31, 1997, and the related statement of operations for the year then ended and the statements of changes in net assets and the financial highlights for the year then ended and the period from July 1, 1996 (inception) to December 31, 1996. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds' management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of December 31, 1997, by correspondence with the custodian bank. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of each of the respective Funds comprising The Hartford Mutual Funds, Inc. as of December 31, 1997, the results of their operations for the year then ended and the changes in their net assets and the financial highlights for the year then ended and the period from July 1, 1996 (inception) to December 31, 1996, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Hartford, Connecticut February 16, 1998 ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP 44