This Reference Trust Agreement dated March 13, 1998
between DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC., as Depositor, and The Chase
Manhattan Bank, as Trustee, sets forth certain provisions in
full and incorporates other provisions by reference to the
document entitled "Sears Equity Investment Trust, Trust Inden-
ture and Agreement" dated January 22, 1991, as amended on March
16, 1993, July 18, 1995 and December 30, 1997  (the "Basic
Agreement").  Such provisions as are incorporated by reference
constitute a single instrument (the "Indenture").

                       WITNESSETH THAT:

          In consideration of the premises and of the mutual
agreements herein contained, the Depositor and the Trustee
agree as follows:



          Subject to the provisions of Part II hereof, all the
provisions contained in the Basic Agreement are herein incorpo-
rated by reference in their entirety and shall be deemed to be
a part of this instrument as fully and to the same extent as
though said provisions had been set forth in full in this in-
strument except that the Basic Agreement is hereby amended in
the following manner:

          A.   Article I, Section 1.01, paragraph (29) defining
     "Trustee" shall be amended as follows:

     "'Trustee' shall mean The Chase Manhattan Bank,
          or any successor trustee appointed as here-
          inafter provided."

          B.   Reference to United States Trust Company of New
     York in its capacity as Trustee is replaced by The Chase
     Manhattan Bank throughout the Basic Agreement.


          C.   Article III, Section 3.01 shall be amended to
     add ", license fees of Standard & Poor's Corporation" im-
     mediately prior to the words "and other out-of-pocket or-
     ganizational expenses" in the first sentence of such sec-

          D.   Article VI, Section 6.05, shall be amended to
     delete the clause beginning "if the Depositor" and ending
     with, in the same sentence, "the Unit Holders" and insert
     in place thereof "upon the determination of the Depositor
     to remove the Trustee for any reason, either with or with-
     out cause, including but not limited to a determination by
     the Depositor that the Trustee has materially failed to
     perform its duties under this Indenture and the interest
     of Unit Holders has been substantially impaired as a re-

          E.   The Distribution Agency Agreement is amended to
     be applicable to the Dean Witter Select Equity Trust,
     Standard & Poor's Platinum Portfolio, Select Strategy
     Stocks Series.



          The following special terms and conditions are hereby
agreed to:

          A.   The Trust is denominated Dean Witter Select Eq-
     uity Trust, Standard & Poor's Platinum Portfolio, Select
     Strategy Stocks - March 1998 (the "Trust").

          B.   The publicly traded stocks listed in Schedule A
     hereto are those which, subject to the terms of this In-
     denture, have been or are to be deposited in trust under
     this Indenture.

          C.   The term, "Depositor" shall mean Dean Witter
     Reynolds Inc.

          D.   The aggregate number of Units referred to in
     Sections 2.03 and 9.01 of the Basic Agreement is 25,000
     for the Trust.

          E.   A Unit is hereby declared initially equal to
     1/25,000th for the Trust.


          F.   The term "In-Kind Distribution Date" shall mean
     May 28, 1999.

          G.   The term "Record Dates" shall mean September 1,
     1998 and June 18, 1999 and such other date as the Deposi-
     tor may direct.

          H.   The term "Distribution Dates" shall mean Septem-
     ber 15, 1998 and on or about June 25, 1999  and such other
     date as the Depositor may direct.

          I.   The term "Termination Date" shall mean June 18,

          J.   The Depositor's Annual Portfolio Supervision Fee
     shall be a maximum of $0.25 per 100 Units.

          K.   The Trustee's annual fee as defined in Sec-
     tion 6.04 of the Indenture shall be $.92 per 100 Units if
     the greatest number of Units outstanding during the period
     is 10,000,000 or more; $.98 per 100 Units if the greatest
     number of Units outstanding during the period is between
     5,000,000 and 9,999,999; and $1.04 per 100 Units if the
     greatest number of Units outstanding during the period is
     4,999,999 or less.

          L.   For a Unit Holder to receive "in-kind" distribu-
     tion during the life of the Trust other than in connection
     with a rollover, such Unit Holder must tender at least
     25,000 Units for redemption.  On the In-Kind Date there is
     no minimum amount of Units that a Unit Holder must tender
     in order to receive an "in-kind" distribution.

          M.   Paragraph (b)(ii) of Section 9.03 is amended to
     provide that the period during which the Trustee shall
     liquidate the Trust Securities shall not exceed 14 busi-
     ness days commencing on the first business day following
     the In-Kind Date.


          (Signatures and acknowledgments on separate pages)


          The Schedule of Portfolio Securities in the prospec-
tus included in this Registration Statement is hereby incorpo-
rated by reference herein as Schedule A hereto.