Exhibit 3.163

                                    JIM EDGAR
                               Secretary of State
                                State of Illinois
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

- ----------------------------------                      -----------------------
        Submit in Duplicate                             This Spec. For Use By  
                                                         Secretary of State    
Payment must be made by Certified                                              
Check, Cashier's Check, Illinois                        Date           1-19-89 
Attorney's Check, Illinois C.P.A.'s                                            
Check or Money Order, Payable to                        License Fee   $    .50 
"Secretary of State"                                    Franchise Tax $  25.00 
                                                        Filing Fee    $  75.00 
         DO NOT SEND CASH                                             -------- 
- ----------------------------------                      Clerk           100.50 

Pursuant to the provisions of "The Business Corporation Act of 1983", the
undersigned incorporator(s) hereby adopt the following Articles of

ARTICLE ONE    The name of the corporation is VEGETARIAN TIMES, INC.
                                              (Shall contain the word 
                                              "corporation", "company", 

                           "limited", or an abbreviation thereof)

ARTICLE TWO The name and address of the initial registered agent and its
registered office are:

Registered Agent
                             Thomas            Robert               Leavens
                             First Name        Middle Name          Last Name

Registered Office
                             500 West Madison                  40th Floor
                             Number            Street         Suite # (A.P.0. 
                                                              Box alone is not

                             Chicago           60606                Cook
                             City              Zip Code             County

ART1CLE THREE The purpose or purposes for which the corporation is organized
                    if not sufficient space to cover the point add one or more 
                    sheets of this size

The purposes for which the Corporation is organized are to engage in the
transaction of any or all lawful activities for which corporations may be
incorporated under the Illinois Business Corporation Act of 1983.

ARTICLE FOUR Paragraph 1: The authorized shares shall be:

                     Class     *Par Value per share  Number of shares authorized
                   Common               n/a                    10,000
                   Preferred           $100                     1,000


                Paragraph 2: The preferences, qualifications, limitations,
                restrictions and the special or relative rights in respect of
                the shares of each class are:
                    if not sufficient space to cover the point add one or more 
                    sheets of this size

The Preferred shares shall be subject to the preferences, qualifications,
limitations, restrictions and the special or relative rights as set forth in the
additional sheets attached hereto:

ARTICLE FIVE  The number of shares to be issued initially, and the consideration
              to be received by the corporation therefor are:

                         *Par Value      Number of shares    Consideration to be
                  Class   per share   proposed to be Issued   received therefor
                  Common    n/a               100            $ 100
                                                       TOTAL $ 100

*     A declaration as to a "par value" is optional. This space may be marked
      "n/a" when no reference to a par value is


The number of directors constituting the initial board of directors of the
corporation is _________, and the names and addresses of the persons who are to
serve as directors until the first annual meeting of shareholders or until their
successors be elected and qualify are:

                                  Name                  Residential Address





            (a)   It is estimated that the value of all property   $ ___________
                  to be owned by the corporation for the
                  following year wherever located will be:

            (b)   It is estimated that the value of the property   $ ___________
                  to be located within the State of Illinois
                  during the following year will be:

            (c)   It is estimated that the gross amount of         $ ___________
                  business which will be transacted by the
                  corporation during the following year will be:

            (d)   It is estimated that the gross amount of         $ ___________
                  business which will be transacted from places
                  of business in the State of Illinois during the
                  following year will be:


Attach a separate sheet of this size for any other provision to be included in
the Articles of Incorporation, e.g., authorizing pre-emptive rights; denying
cumulative voting; regulating internal affairs; voting majority requirements;
fixing a duration other than perpetual; etc.


The undersigned incorporator(s) hereby declare(s), under penalties of
perjury, that the statements made in the foregoing Articles of Incorporation
are true.

Dated January 18, 1989

            Signatures and Names                  Post Office Address

     1. /s/ Paul Obis, Jr.                1. 218 South Elmwood
        -----------------------------        ----------------------------------
                 Signature                                Street

        Paul Obis, Jr.                       Oak Park, IL  60302
        -----------------------------        ----------------------------------
        Name (Please Print)                  City/Town       State        Zip

     2. /s/ Clare Obis                    2. 218 South Elmwood
        -----------------------------        ----------------------------------
                 Signature                                Street

        Clare Obis                           Oak Park, IL  60302
        -----------------------------        ----------------------------------
        Name (Please Print)                  City/Town       State        Zip

     3.                                   3.                     
        -----------------------------        ----------------------------------
                 Signature                                Street

        -----------------------------        ----------------------------------
        Name (Please Print)                  City/Town       State        Zip

(Signatures must be in ink on original document. Carbon copy, xerox or rubber
stamp signatures may only be used on conformed copies.)

NOTE: If a corporation acts as incorporator, the name of the corporation and the
state of incorporation shall be shown and the execution shall be by its
President or Vice-President and verified by him, and attested by its Secretary
or an Assistant Secretary.


                                   JAN 19 1989

                                    JIM EDGAR
                               Secretary of State

                                 Form BCA-2.10

File No. ____________


                           ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION

                                 FEE SCHEDULE

The following fees are required to be paid at the time of issuing the
Certificate of Incorporation: FILING FEE $75.00; INITIAL LICENSE FEE of 1/20th
of 1% of the Consideration to be received or initial issued shares (See Art. 5).
MINIMUM 50; INITIAL FRANCHISE TAX of 1/10 of 1% of the consideration to be
received for initial issued shares (see Art. 5). MINIMUM $25.00.

                            EXAMPLES OF TOTAL DUE

                         Consideration to       TOTAL   
                           be Received           Due*
                          up to $1,000         $100.50
                            $  5,000           $102.50
                            $ 10,000           $105.00
                            $ 25,000           $112.50
                            $ 50,000           $150.00
                            $100,000           $225.0O
               includes Filing Fee + License Fee + Franchise Tax

                                   RETURN TO:

                             Corporation Department
                               Secretary of State
                          Springfield, Illinois 62756
                           Telephone: (217) 782-6961


                   Continuation of Article Four Paragraph 2

A.    The holders of preferred stock shall not be entitled to vote, except as
      hereinafter provided and except as otherwise provided by law. Furthermore,
      no reclassification of the shares of the Corporation or reorganization of
      the Corporation in any manner provided by law shall be valid unless:

      (a)   all of the holders of preferred shares, voting as a class, approve;

      (b)   provision is made for payment of any and all aggregate declared but
            unpaid dividends then in arrears to the holders of preferred shares
            in cash or property.

B.    The preferred shares shall entitle the holders thereof to receive out of
      the surplus of the Corporation a non-cumulative dividend at the rate of
      10% per annum, payable annually, before any dividend shall be set apart or
      paid on any common shares for such years; and the remainder, if any, of
      the surplus or net earnings applicable to the payment of dividends shall
      be distributed as dividends among the holders of the common shares, as and
      when the Board of Directors shall determine. In no event shall any holder
      of any common shares receive any dividends unless the aforesaid 10%
      dividends have been paid on each preferred share.

C.    In case of any liquidation or distribution of assets of the Corporation,
      the holders of preferred shares shall be paid the par amounts of such
      preferred shares plus an additional 5% of the par amount, together with
      any and all aggregate declared, but unpaid, dividends then in arrears to
      the holders of preferred shares, before any amount shall be payable to the
      holders of the common shares; and after the payment of all of the
      aforesaid amounts to all the holders of the preferred shares, the balance
      of the assets and funds of the Corporation, if any, shall be distributed
      wholly among the holders of the common shares.

      The terms "liquidation" or "distribution" in this paragraph C shall
      include without limitation any winding up or liquidation of the
      Corporation, any bankruptcy or reorganization of the Corporation (whether
      private or by State, Federal or other law), any merger or consolidation of
      the Corporation with any other corporation, corporations or other entity
      or entities (other than a merger that constitutes a mere change in the
      state of incorporation), the sale, bulk sale, lease, exchange or
      disposition of assets of the Corporation not in

      the usual course of business, or any reduction of the capital of the
      Corporation resulting in any distribution of its assets to its
      shareholders other than preferred shareholders.

D.    The Corporation shall have the right to redeem all of the preferred stock,
      or any number of the shares thereof, issued and outstanding at any time by
      paying to the holders thereof a sum equal to the par value of the
      preferred shares plus an additional 5% of that par value.

      In the case of the redemption of a part only of the preferred stock at the
      time outstanding, the Corporation shall select pro rata the shares to be
      redeemed. Notice of the Corporation's election to redeem any preferred
      stock shall be given by mailing a copy of such notice, postage prepaid,
      not less than 20 days nor more than 40 days prior to the date designated
      therein as the date of such redemption, to the holders of record of the
      preferred stock to be redeemed, addressed to them at their respective
      addresses appearing on the books of the Corporation.
