<PERIOD-TYPE>                   12-MOS
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                          DEC-31-1997
<PERIOD-START>                             JAN-01-1997
<PERIOD-END>                               DEC-31-1997
<CASH>                                           8,204
<SECURITIES>                                         0
<RECEIVABLES>                                   28,276
<ALLOWANCES>                                    11,196
<INVENTORY>                                     92,081
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                               167,622
<PP&E>                                         175,052
<DEPRECIATION>                                  76,882
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                 287,814
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                           60,952
<BONDS>                                        141,300
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                0
<PREFERRED>                                          0
<COMMON>                                           137
<OTHER-SE>                                      75,193
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>                   287,814
<SALES>                                        465,913
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                               515,372<F1>
<CGS>                                          288,408
<TOTAL-COSTS>                                  444,726
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                                 2,041
<LOSS-PROVISION>                                    73
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                              13,718
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                 54,887
<INCOME-TAX>                                    21,337
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                                  0
<DISCONTINUED>                                       0
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      0
<CHANGES>                                      (3,961)<F2>
<NET-INCOME>                                    37,511
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                      .87<F3>
<EPS-DILUTED>                                      .87<F3>
<F1>Includes net royalties of $49.5 million.
<F2>Effective January 1, 1997, the Company changed its method of accounting for
product display fixtures located in its wholesale customers' retail stores,
whereby the costs for such fixtures will be capitalized and amortized over five
years using the straight-line method.  In prior years, these costs had
been expensed as incurred.  The Company believes that this new method will
more closely match the long-term benefit that the product display fixtures
provide with the expected future revenue from such fixtures.  The cumulative
effect of the change in accounting principle, recorded in the first quarter of
1997, is calculated based upon the retroactive effect of applying the new
accounting method to prior year fixture acquisitions.  The cumulative effect
of the change in accounting principle of $4.0 million (after reduction for
income tax expense of $2.7 million) is included in earnings for the year ended
December 31, 1997.  Excluding the cumulative effect of the change in accounting
principle, the effect of the change during 1997 was to increase net earnings by
approximately $6.2 million or $0.14 per share.
<F3>Earnings per share includes the effect of a one-time change in accounting
principle, which was equivalent to $0.09 per share.  Earnings per share,
excluding the effect of the accounting change, was $0.78 per share-basic.
Diluted earnings per share were the same as basic earnings per share.