This schedule contains summary financial information extracted from the 
Company's consolidated balance sheets as of 3/30/1996, 6/30/1996, and 9/30/1996,
and the related consolidated statements of operations for the quarters ended 
3/30/1996, 6/30/1996, and 9/30/1996 and the notes thereto, and is qualified in 
its entirety by reference to such consolidated financial statements and notes.
<PERIOD-TYPE>                   3-MOS                   6-MOS                   9-MOS
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                          DEC-31-1996             DEC-31-1996             DEC-31-1996
<PERIOD-END>                               MAR-31-1996             JUN-30-1996             SEP-30-1996
<CASH>                                          21,008                 107,003                  33,849
<SECURITIES>                                    40,972                 100,595                  53,389
<RECEIVABLES>                                    9,227                   9,397                  15,523
<ALLOWANCES>                                         0                       0                       0
<INVENTORY>                                      3,540                   3,294                   7,743
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                                75,274                 220,706                 111,423
<PP&E>                                          19,253                  20,822                  22,907
<DEPRECIATION>                                   1,630                   1,908                   2,283
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                 146,973                 300,198                 334,556
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                           16,568                  19,208                  44,872
<BONDS>                                          6,471                       0                       0
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                0                       0                       0
<PREFERRED>                                          0                       0                       0
<COMMON>                                       217,354                 369,219                 371,406
<OTHER-SE>                                   (103,222)                (98,257)                (92,050)
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>                   146,973                 300,198                 334,556
<SALES>                                              0                       0                       0
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                                18,587                  37,386                  63,307
<CGS>                                            3,623                   7,422                  12,553
<TOTAL-COSTS>                                   14,762                  29,813                  38,581
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                                   113                       0                       0
<LOSS-PROVISION>                                     0                       0                       0
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                                 294                     518                 (4,060)
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                  4,327                   9,465                  16,233
<INCOME-TAX>                                       270                     800                   1,762
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                              4,057                   8,665                  14,471
<DISCONTINUED>                                       0                       0                       0
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      0                       0                       0
<CHANGES>                                            0                       0                       0
<NET-INCOME>                                     4,057                   8,665                  14,471
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                     0.13                    0.27                    0.42
<EPS-DILUTED>                                     0.11                    0.23                    0.37