This Lease Agreement is made the 6th day of October, 1989 by and between

Lessor:                            Lessee:

American Finance Group                    Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Exchange Place                            Science & Technology Center
Boston, MA 02109                          Building 701 - 508
                                          P. 0. Box 830
                                          Pittsburgh, PA 15230

In consideration of the exchange of good and valuable consideration, the Parties
hereto, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:


Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth Lessor shall lease to
Lessee and Lessee shall hire from Lessor, the units of personal property
(hereinafter collectively referred to as the ("Equipment" and individually as a
("Unit") described in the Schedule(s) or Purchase Order(s) of Equipment
attached hereto. Any reference to "Lease" shall mean this Lease Agreement, the
Schedule(s) of Equipment and all additional Schedule(s), Attachment(s), Purchase
Order(s) and Supplement(s) hereto and thereto, if any.

No Equipment shall be provided for use to Lessee by virtue of this Agreement
alone. Lessee shall issue a Purchase Order to Lessor designating the Equipment
type, monthly rental charge, required delivery date, invoicing and delivery
addresses, the initial term of the Lease and any other special terms and
conditions not provided for in the Equipment Lease Agreement. Such Purchase
Order shall incorporate this Agreement specifically by reference.


(a)   "Installation Date" shall mean the date designated as such in the Schedule
      of Equipment. The Installation Date shall mean the date the Equipment is
      installed at the designated location, ready for use, acceptable for
      maintenance by the Maintenance Vendor and accepted by Lessee which
      acceptance shall not be unnecessarily delayed except for any reasons not
      within the exclusive control of the Lessee.

(b)   "Commencement Date" shall mean as to any Unit designated on any Schedule
      of Equipment, where the Installation Date for such Unit falls on the first
      day of the month, that date, or where it falls on any other date, the
      first day of the month following such Installation Date.



(a)   The term of this Lease as to any Unit designated on any Schedule of
      Equipment or Purchase Order, shall commence on the Commencement Date for
      such Unit, and shall continue for such number of months thereafter as
      specified in the appropriate Schedule(s) of Equipment or Purchase Order(s)
      ("The Initial Term").

(b)   This Lease may be terminated without cause at the expiration of the
      Initial Term, or any time thereafter, by written notice of termination
      given by either party to the other not less than three (3) months prior to
      the date of termination designated in such notice which date shall be the
      last day of a calendar month. At the conclusion of the Initial Term any
      Unit designated on the respective schedule(s) of Equipment or Purchase
      Order(s) not specifically terminated will continue on a month-to-month
      rental until terminated pursuant to the previous sentence. Lessor may not
      terminate this Lease provided that Lessee is actively using, maintaining,
      storing, possessing or operating the Equipment and is not in default


 (a)  As to all Equipment, the rental payable by Lessee to Lessor will be as set
      forth in the applicable Schedule(s) of Equipment or Purchase Order(s).
      Rental shall begin on the Installation Date and shall be due and payable
      in advance on the first day of each month during the term hereof. If the
      Installation Date does not fall on the first day of a month, the first
      rental payment shall be the pro rata portion of the rental for that
      portion of the month during which the Equipment is installed, calculated
      on a 30-day month basis, and shall be due and payable on such Installation

 (b)  Any payment past due hereunder for more than thirty (30) days shall be
      payable on demand with interest computed from the day payment was due at
      the rate of 1.5% per month, or if such rate shall exceed the maximum rate
      of interest allowed by law, then at such maximum rate.


Lessee will pay any sales, use, privilege, property or excise taxes, however
designated, excluding any tax on Lessor's income or any franchise tax. Lessor
shall not pay and/or bill to Lessee any taxes for which Lessee is responsible
without first giving Lessee an opportunity to review and/or contest the tax
before payment is made. All expenses, charges and penalties associated with such
review or contest shall be Lessee's responsibility.


Lessor shall accept full and exclusive liability for the payment of any and all
contributions or taxes for unemployment insurance, old age or retirement
benefits, pensions, annuities, or other similar benefits for employees of
Lessor; shall accept full and exclusive liability for payment by all of its
subcontractors and supplies of any and all such contributions or taxes; shall
comply with all applicable laws and regulations respecting the assumption of
liability for such taxes or contributions; and shall reimburse Lessee for any
such taxes or contributions which Lessee may be required to pay.


Except as provided herein to the contrary, this Lease is a net lease. Lessee's
agreement to pay all obligations hereunder, including but not limited to rental
installments, shall be absolute and unconditional.


The Equipment will be delivered to Lessee at such place as Lessee specifies.
Until such time as the Equipment is placed on Lessee's loading dock, the
machines will be at the risk of the Lessor. Lessee will be responsible for all
costs of any nature including, but not limited to, transportation, local
drayage, rigging, packing, insurance, and installation and disconnect charges
arising out of or in connection with or related to this Lease or the Equipment
both on delivery to Lessee and redelivery to Lessor. Lessor shall not be liable
to Lessee for delays in delivery beyond its reasonable control. Upon termination
of the Agreement, Lessee at its own risk, will return the Equipment, without
undue delay, to Lessor in the same condition as when delivered, ordinary wear
and tear excepted. In the event Lessor has purchased and leased-back Equipment
already installed on Lessee premises, Lessee will pay for disconnection of
Equipment and have Equipment available for return to Lessor at Lessee's loading
dock. While on Lessee's loading dock, the Equipment will be at the risk of the
Lessee provided that Equipment is removed from Lessee's loading dock within
thirty (30) days from receipt of notification to Lessor of availability of
Equipment. Lessee will pay for return transportation (lowest cost safe ground
transportation) to Lessor. The return transportation cost is not to exceed the
standard published rates for the shortest of the original distance from Lessor
to Lessee, had Lessor supplied the Equipment, or from the manufacturer to
Lessee, should the manufacturer supply the Equipment, or from the location from
which the Equipment had actually been shipped to Lessee. Irrespective of any
other provision hereof, Lessee will bear the risk of damage from fire, the
elements or otherwise until delivery of the Equipment to Lessor at Lessee's
loading dock. At such time as they are placed on Lessor's loading dock, the
Equipment will be at the risk of the Lessor.



Lessee, at its own expense, will provide the required electric current and
suitable place of installation for the Equipment with all appropriate facilities
as specified by the Manufacturer.


Any Equipment, cards, disks, tape, paper or other items and supplies not
specified in the Equipment Schedule which are used on or in, consumed or
required by the Equipment will be provided by Lessee at its own expense.


During the term of this Lease, Lessee shall, at its sole expense, keep the
Equipment in good working order and condition and make all necessary adjustments
and repairs thereto and replacements thereof. Lessee shall not use or permit the
Equipment to be used for any purpose for which the Equipment is not designed or
intended. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and except as the
same may be covered by warranties issued by the manufacturer on any of the
Equipment, Lessee shall, during the term of this Lease, at its expense, maintain
in full force and effect a contract with the manufacturer or a Maintenance
Contractor (the "Maintenance Organization") covering maintenance of the
Equipment. Lessee shall furnish Lessor with a copy of such maintenance contract
or warranty upon written request. Lessee may choose to maintain the Equipment in
a manner other than a maintenance contract, i.e., time-and-material repair
authorization. Lessee warrants that, any Equipment, except as precluded by
reasonable wear and tear, leased hereunder, upon return to Lessor, will be
eligible for the manufacturer's maintenance or Lessee will cause (at its own
expense) such repairs and/or adjustments to be made to the Equipment to make it
so eligible.


(a)   The Equipment shall, at all times, be the sole and exclusive property of
      Lessor. Lessee shall have no right or property interest therein, except
      for the right to use the Machines in the normal operation of it's business
      at the Location of Installation, or as otherwise provided herein. The
      Equipment is and shall remain personal property even if installed in or
      attached to real property. Lessor shall be permitted to display notice of
      its ownership on each of the Machines by means of a suitable stencil,
      label or plaque affixed thereto.


      Lessee shall cause the Equipment to be operated in accordance with the
      applicable vendor's or manufacturer's manual of instructions by competent
      and qualified personnel.

(b)   Upon reasonable written notice to Lessee, Lessor or its agents shall
      have, subject to National and Lessee's Security, free access to the
      Equipment at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection and for any
      other purpose pursuant to this Lease.

(c)   Lessee shall keep this Lease and the Equipment free and clear of all liens
      and encumbrances (except those created by Lessor, or anyone acting by,
      through or under Lessee) and Lessee shall not sublease any of the
      Equipment without the prior written consent of Lessor, which consent will
      not be unreasonably withheld, except no consent shall be necessary for a
      sublease to any of Lessee's subsidiaries or corporate affiliates, or to
      the purchaser of Lessee's business using such Equipment, but Lessee shall
      give Lessor notice of any change of location of the Equipment in the event
      that it is moved. No permitted sublease will relieve Lessee of any of its
      obligations hereunder.

(d)   Lessee shall promptly notify Lessor of all details concerning any damage
      to, or loss of, the Equipment arising out of any event or occurrence
      whatsoever, including but not limited to, the alleged or apparent improper
      manufacture, functioning or operation of the Equipment.


Lessor warrants that it has good title to the Equipment and/or the full right to
lease same to Lessee. Notwithstanding any assignment by Lessor, Lessee shall
have the uninterrupted right to the quiet possession and exclusive unlimited
usage of the Equipment subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this
Lease provided that Lessee shall not be in default hereunder.


During the term of this Lease, Lessee shall at its sole cost and expense
maintain in full force and effect "all risk" extended coverage fire and casualty
insurance on the Equipment with policy limits of at least the remaining
replacement value of the Equipment, naming Lessor as an additional insured.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, Lessor acknowledges that Lessee may be
self-insured for purposes of this Agreement. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that
such self-insurance shall in no way limit or relieve Lessee of its obligations



(a)   From and after any Installation Date, and until redelivery to Lessor,
      Lessee shall be responsible for and hereby assumes the entire risk of
      loss, damage or destruction with respect to the installed Units resulting
      from any cause whatsoever other than acts or omissions of Lessor.

(b)   In the event any Units are materially damaged, Lessee shall promptly
      notify Lessor. If such damaged Unit can be repaired Lessee shall promptly
      effect the same at its own cost and expense, unless caused by Lessor's
      acts or omissions.

(c)   Unless caused by Lessor's acts or omissions, if any Unit shall be damaged
      beyond repair or is lost, stolen, destroyed or, in the opinion of the
      manufacturer or the Maintenance Organization, be rendered permanently
      unusable or not economically repairable (any such occurrence hereinafter
      referred to as an "Event of Loss"), then this Lease shall continue in full
      force, and effect without any abatement of rental. Lessee shall promptly
      notify Lessor of the same and, at Lessee's expense, promptly replace the
      affected Unit with a like Unit, in good condition and otherwise acceptable
      to Lessor, and having a fair market value equal to that of the replaced
      Unit prior to its being so affected, free and clear of any liens. Any such
      replacement Unit shall be the property of Lessor and for the purpose of
      this Lease be deemed to be the Unit which it replaced and thereupon shall
      be subject to the terms of this Lease.


Lessor hereby assigns to Lessee during the term of this Lease, so long as Lessee
is not in default hereunder, whatever claims and rights including warranty of
the Unit(s) which Lessor may have against the manufacturer(s) and
subcontractor(s) of the manufacturer or any vendors. Lessee will not assert any
claim of any nature whatsoever against Lessor based on any of the foregoing
matters. To the extent that any claims or rights of Lessor to the Unit(s) will
not be assigned or made available to Lessee, Lessor will use reasonable efforts
at Lessee's cost to enforce such claims or rights, and Lessor agrees that it
will not take any action to prejudice any warranties which Lessor may have
against the manufacturer(s), subcontractors of the manufacturer(s), or any
vendors with respect to the Unit(s) covered by this Lease.

If any such warranty shall be enforceable by Lessee in its own name, Lessee
shall, upon receipt of written request from Lessor, so long as this Agreement is
in force, take all reasonable action requested by Lessor to enforce any such
warranty which is enforceable by Lessee in its own name: provided, however, that
Lessee shall not be obligated to commence any suit or action or resort to
litigation to enforce any such warranty unless Lessor shall pay all expenses in
connection therewith.





Lessee hereby agrees to assume liability for, and does hereby agree to
indemnify, protect, save and keep harmless Lessor and its respective successors,
assigns, legal representatives, agents and servants, from and against, any and
all liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, claims, actions,
suits, costs, expenses or disbursements (including reasonable legal fees and
expenses) of any kind and nature whatsoever which may be imposed on, incurred by
or asserted against Lessor or any of its respective successors, assigns, legal
representatives, agents and servants (whether or not also indemnified against by
the manufacturer(s) or any other person), in any way relating to or arising out
of Lessee's acts or omissions or possession and use of the Equipment or any
accidents in connection therewith; provided, however, that Lessee shall not be
required to indemnify Lessor or its respective successors, assigns, legal
representatives, agents and servants, for loss or liability in respect to any
item of Equipment arising from acts or events which occur after possession of
such item of Equipment has been returned to Lessor or loss or liability
resulting from the negligence or active willful misconduct of the party
otherwise to be indemnified hereunder. Lessee agrees that Lessor shall not be
liable to Lessee for any liability, claim, loss, damage or expense of any kind
or nature arising in strict liability or caused directly or indirectly by the
inadequacy of the Equipment for any purpose or any deficiency or defect therein
or the use or maintenance thereof or any repairs, servicing or adjustments
thereto or any delay in providing or a failure to provide any thereof or any
interruption or loss of service or use thereof or any loss of business, unless
caused by Lessor's acts or omissions.



Upon prior written notice to Lessor, Lessee may, at its own expense, make
alterations in or add attachments to the Equipment, provided such alterations or
attachments do not interfere with the normal and satisfactory operation or
maintenance of the Equipment or with Lessee's ability to obtain and maintain the
maintenance agreement as required herein. The manufacturer or other organization
selected by Lessee and approved in writing by Lessor to maintain the Equipment
("Maintenance Organization") may incorporate engineering changes or make
temporary alterations and attachments. Upon termination, at the option of
Lessee, Lessee shall, at its own expense, remove such alterations and
attachments (except engineering changes) and restore the Equipment to its
original condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. All consents under this
provision shall not be unreasonably withheld.


(a)   The following shall be deemed events of default with respect to an
      Equipment Schedule or Purchase Order written pursuant to this Lease: (i)
      Lessee fails to pay any installment or rent or other charge within twenty
      (20) days after receipt of written notice of a delinquent payment; (ii)
      Lessee attempts to remove, sell, transfer, assign, encumber, or sublet any
      of the Equipment, except as expressly permitted herein; (iii) Lessee fails
      to observe or perform any of the other obligations required to be observed
      or performed by Lessee hereunder within thirty (30) days after receipt of
      written notice of such failure, or, if more than thirty (30) days are
      reasonably required, Lessee fails to commence to diligently perform such
      obligations within such thirty (30) days; (iv) Lessee ceases doing
      business as a going concern; makes an assignment for the benefit of
      creditors; admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they become
      due; files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy; is adjudicated a bankrupt
      or an insolvent; files a petition seeking for itself any reorganization,
      arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution or
      similar arrangement under any present or future statute, law or regulation
      or files an answer admitting the material allegations of a petition filed
      against it in any such proceeding; consents to or acquiesces in the
      appointment of a trustee, receiver, or liquidator of it or of all or any
      substantial part of its assets or properties, or if it or its shareholders
      shall take any action to effect its dissolution or liquidation; (v) within
      sixty (60) days after the commencement of any proceedings against Lessee
      seeking reorganization, arrangement, readjustment, liquidation,
      dissolution or similar relief under any present or future statute, law or
      regulation such proceedings shall not have been dismissed, or if within
      sixty (60) days after the appointment without Lessee's consent or
      acquiescence of any trustee, receiver or liquidator of it or of all or any
      substantial part of its assets and properties, such appointment shall not
      be vacated.


(b)   If any of the foregoing events of default, (but only to the extent of the
      defaulting Equipment Schedule or Purchase Order), shall take place, Lessor
      may at its option do any or all of the following: (i) by notice to Lessee,
      terminate this Lease as to all or any of the Equipment; (ii) whether or
      not this Lease is terminated as to all or any of the Equipment, take
      possession of any or all of the Equipment wherever situated; (iii) sell,
      dispose of, hold, use or lease any Equipment as Lessor in its sole
      discretion may decide, without any duty to account to Lessee, except as
      may be required by applicable law; (iv) by notice to Lessee, declare
      immediately due and payable all monies to be paid by Lessee during the
      Initial Term or, if the Initial Term of this Lease has then expired,
      declare immediately due and payable all monies to be paid during any
      additional Lease term then in effect, the Lessee shall thereupon be
      obligated to pay such monies (discounted to the date of payment at the
      actual rate at which the defaulted Equipment Schedule was discounted or,
      if not discounted the interest rate implied in the Schedule) to Lessor
      immediately. Lessee shall in any event remain fully liable for reasonable
      damages as provided by law and for all costs and expenses incurred by
      Lessor on account of such default including all court costs and reasonable
      attorney's fees.

(c)   The waiver by Lessor or Lessee of any breach of any obligation of Lessee
      shall not be deemed a waiver of such obligation or of any subsequent
      breach of the same or any other obligation. The subsequent acceptance of
      rental payments hereunder by Lessor shall not be deemed a waiver of any
      prior existing breach at the time of acceptance of such rental payments.
      The rights afforded Lessor under this paragraph shall not be deemed to be
      exclusive, but shall be in addition to any rights or remedies provided by

(d)   In the event Lessee shall fail to perform any of its obligations
      hereunder, then Lessor, in addition to all of its rights and remedies
      hereunder, may perform the same at the cost and expense of Lessee, but
      shall not be obligated to do so. In any such event, Lessee shall promptly
      upon written demand reimburse Lessor for any such costs and expenses
      incurred by Lessor together with interest computed at the rate of 1.5% per
      month until the date such reimbursement is made; provided, however, that
      if such rate exceeds the maximum rate of interest allowed by applicable
      law, then said interest shall be computed at such maximum rate.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties
hereto and their respective successors and (to the extent specified in any
assignment) assigns. Lessee, however shall not assign this Agreement or sublet
any Equipment without first obtaining the prior written consent of Lessor, which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, no consent need be sought for an


assignment to Lessee's corporate, parent, subsidiary, or affiliate, or the
purchaser of the business located where the Equipment is installed. Lessee
acknowledges that the terms and conditions of this Agreement have been fixed in
anticipation of the possible assignment of Lessor's rights under this Agreement
and in and to the Equipment as collateral security or otherwise to one or more
third party(s) ("Assignee" herein) which will rely upon and be entitled to the
benefit of the provisions of this Agreement. Lessee agrees with Lessor and any
such Assignee to recognize in writing any such assignment within fifteen (15)
days after receipt of written notice thereof and to pay thereafter all sums due
to Lessor hereunder directly to such Assignee as directed by it notwithstanding
any defense, set-off or counterclaim whatsoever (whether arising from a breach
of this Agreement) that Lessee may from time to time have against Lessor.
Lessee, nevertheless, reserves its rights to have recourse directly against
Lessor on account of any such defense, set-off or counterclaim. Upon such
assignment, the Assignee shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges,
indemnifications, remedies and protections afforded to Lessor under this
Agreement as if named in this Agreement wherever Lessor is named herein. Any
such assignment shall be subject to Lessee's rights to the use and possession of
the Equipment so long as Lessee is not in default hereunder.


(a)   This Lease shall not be binding upon Lessor unless signed on its behalf by
      a duly authorized officer. This Lease shall be deemed to have been made
      and delivered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and shall be governed in
      all respects by the laws of such Commonwealth.

(b)   This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between Lessee and Lessor with
      respect to the Equipment referenced in the Machine Schedules or Purchase
      Orders written pursuant to this Lease and no covenant, condition or other
      term or provision hereof may be waived or modified orally.

(c)   All notices, consents or requests desired or required to be given
      hereunder may be given electronically and promptly thereafter shall be
      confirmed in writing and shall be delivered in person or sent by
      registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid,
      or overnite courier to the address of the other party set forth on the
      first page hereof or to such other address as such party shall have
      designated by proper notice.

(d)   This Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of parties
      hereto and their respective successors and assigns (as may be permitted

(e)   Section headings are for convenience only and shall not be construed as
      part of this Lease.


(f)   Wherever the approval or consent of either party is required hereunder,
      such approval or consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

(g)   In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Lease and the terms
      of any Equipment Schedule(s), Attachment(s) or Purchase Order(s) hereto or
      thereto, the terms of such Schedule(s), Attachment(s) or Purchase Order(s)
      will prevail. The preprinted terms and conditions appearing on the reverse
      side of the Purchase Order shall not apply to this Agreement.

(h)   There shall be only one original of this Lease including any Equipment
      Schedule(s), Attachment(s) or Purchase Order(s). Such documents shall be
      marked "original" and all other counterpart documents will be marked
      "duplicate original." All such markings shall be initialed by Lessor and
      Lessee as follows:

           Lessor /s/ [Illegible]              Lessee /s/ [Illegible]
                  ---------------                     ---------------

                              "DUPLICATE ORIGINAL"

           Lessor                              Lessee
                  ---------------                     ---------------

To the extent that a security interest is created by Lessor utilizing these
Lease documents, then such security interest shall be perfected utilizing
documents marked "original" only.

Accepted by:                         Accepted by:


By:  /s/ [Illegible]                 By: /s/ J.A. Pickett
     ----------------------              --------------------------------

Title: Vice President                Title: J.A. Pickett, Manager
       --------------------                 -----------------------------
                                            Computer Systems Acquisition

Date: October 6, 1989                Date: October 6, 1989
     ----------------------                ------------------------------
