THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT is made as of the third day of December, 1997,
between ALADDIN GAMING, LLC, a Nevada limited-liability company ("Aladdin"), and
NORTHWIND ALADDIN, LLC, a Nevada limited-liability company ("Northwind")
(together, the "Parties").

                                 W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Aladdin is constructing a casino, hotel, theater, and retail
shopping complex in Las Vegas, Nevada (the "Aladdin Project") and requested bids
to construct, own and operate an energy facility in Las Vegas, Nevada, to supply
hot water, chilled water and electricity to the Aladdin Project; and

     WHEREAS, Northwind has been selected by Aladdin to develop and construct
such energy production facility (the "Plant") to serve the energy requirements
of the Aladdin Project and the Parties concurrently are entering into an Energy
Service Agreement pursuant to which Northwind will provide hot water, chilled
water and electricity to the Aladdin Project;

     WHEREAS, Aladdin shall be leasing space to Northwind within the Aladdin
Lands (as defined below) in which the Plant shall be installed and operated; and

     WHEREAS, Aladdin and Northwind desire to set forth in this Agreement the
terms and conditions of their agreement regarding the construction of the Plant.

     NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as

     1.   DEFINITIONS.  As used herein, the following terms shall have the
meanings specified herein and shall apply equally to single and plural forms:

     "Agreement" shall mean this agreement and all Exhibits attached hereto, as
the same may from time to time be amended, restated, modified, or supplemented
and in effect.

     "Aladdin Lands" shall mean the lands owned by Aladdin in Clark County,
Nevada upon which the Aladdin Project shall be constructed and which lands shall
be more particularly described on Exhibit A, which exhibit shall be attached
hereto by Aladdin no later than ten (10) days after a Notice to Proceed is
received by Northwind.

     "Buildings" shall mean the entire casino, hotel, theater, and shopping
buildings to be developed by Aladdin, the Mall Owner and the Sound Asylum Owner
on the Aladdin Lands, including, without limitation, all retail and commercial
sections, parking facilities and common areas and facilities whether located at,
above or below grade.

     "Business Day" shall mean a weekday which is not a statutory legal holiday
in Clark County, Nevada.

     "Codes and Standards" shall mean those codes and standards relating to
design, engineering, construction, workmanship, equipment, and components set
forth in or called for by the Plant Scope or, if ambiguous or not so specified
therein, those codes and standards considered, in accordance with generally
accepted construction management practices, to be applicable to the Work and
such design, construction, workmanship, equipment, and components.

     "Commencement Date" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Energy
Service Agreement.

     "Construction Financing Cost" shall mean all reasonable costs and expenses
to Northwind, including, without limitation, interest, any arrangement fees and
closing fees and all reasonable costs and expenses of counsel for Northwind and
of counsel for the lenders providing such financing, of negotiating, documenting
and closing of financing the construction of the Plant; provided, however, that
to the extent that funds for the construction of the Plant are provided by
Northwind and not borrowed from third parties, for purposes of determining
Construction Financing Cost hereunder it shall be assumed that (a) the portion
of such funds which are provided by Northwind not in excess of forty (40)
percent of the aggregate of all funds borrowed or provided by Northwind to fund
construction of the Plant bear interest at twenty (20) percent per annum, (b)
the portion of such funds which are provided by Northwind in excess of forty
(40) percent of the aggregate of all funds borrowed or provided by Northwind to
fund construction of the Plant bear interest at a rate equal to prime rate as
published in the "Money Rates" section of the WALL STREET JOURNAL from time to
time and (c) a closing fee in respect of the portion of such funds provided by
Northwind referred to in clause (b) preceding equal to one and one-quarter
(1.25) percent was payable.

     "Critical Path Activity" shall mean an activity characterized as a
"critical path activity" in the Plant Schedule.

     "Defects or Deficiencies" shall mean any designs, engineering, materials,
equipment, supplies, or installations which (i) do not conform to the Plant
Scope, Good Engineering Practices, or Plant Plans and Specifications, or are of
inferior workmanship as determined by 


applicable Codes and Standards or (ii) would materially and adversely affect the
ability of Northwind to achieve the Final Completion Deadline.

     "Development Costs" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Energy
Service Agreement.

     "Energy Service Agreement" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
Section 3(a) below.

     "EPC Contract" shall mean the contract described in Section 5(c) hereof, as
the same may be amended, restated, modified, or supplemented, and in effect from
time to time.

     "EPC Contractor" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 5(c)

     "Final Completion" shall mean completion of the Plant in accordance with
and to the extent set forth in the Plant Scope.

     "Final Completion Certificate" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
Section 8(b) below.

     "Final Completion Deadline" shall mean the date which is one month after
the date of Substantial Completion, as such date may be extended from time to
time pursuant to the express provisions hereof.

     "Financial Closing" shall mean the closing of each of (a) the issuance and
sale of ____ Units consisting of (i) ___% Senior Discount Notes due 2009 of
Aladdin Gaming Holdings, LLC, and Aladdin Capital Corp. and (ii) ____ Initial
Warrants and ____ Contingent Warrants to purchase shares of common stock of
Aladdin Enterprise, Inc., yielding gross proceeds of approximately $110,000,000
and (b) closing of the senior secured construction/term loan facilities
consisting of three construction/term loans (i) a $165,000,000 term A loan that
will have a stated maturity of seven (7) years, (ii) a $100,000,000 term B loan
that will have a stated maturity of eight and one half (8.5) years, and (iii) a
$145,000,000 term C loan that will have a stated maturity of ten (10) years.

     "Financing Costs" shall mean all reasonable costs of arranging for,
negotiating, documenting and closing of permanent financing for the Northwind
Facilities, including any arrangement fees and closing fees and all reasonable
costs and expenses of counsel for Northwind and of counsel for the lenders
providing such financing, and shall not include Construction Financing Costs.


     "Force Majeure Event" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Energy
Service Agreement.

     "GMP" shall mean the guaranteed maximum price of the Plant determined by
Northwind based on the price set forth in the EPC Contract(s) [AND ALL OTHER
CONTRACTS], plus a contingency reflective of potential unknowns at the time that
the EPC bids are received, such contingency to be determined in accordance with
Section 9(b)(i) hereof.

     "GMPP" shall mean the guaranteed maximum plant price, which shall consist
of the GMP, Development Costs, Construction Financing Costs, Other Costs, and
Financing Costs, and shall be determined in accordance with Exhibit B, including
the caps for specific elements of the GMPP set forth therein.

     "Good Engineering Practices" shall mean those practices, methods,
equipment, specifications, and standards of safety and performance utilizing
good, safe and prudent engineering practices in connection with the design,
construction, operation, maintenance, repair, and use in similar plants.

     "Government Approval" shall mean any authorization, consent, approval,
license, ruling, permit, tariff, rate, certification, exemption, filing
variance, order, judgment, decree, publication, notices to, declarations of or
with or registration by or with any Government Authority relating to the
ownership, construction, operation, or maintenance of the Plant or to the
execution, delivery or performance of this Agreement.

     "Government Authority" shall mean any Federal, national, state, municipal,
local, territorial, or other governmental department, commission, board, bureau,
agency, regulatory authority, instrumentality, judicial or administrative body,
domestic or foreign.

     "Independent Engineer" shall mean an engineering firm mutually agreed to by
the Parties within ninety (90) days after Northwind receives a Notice to

     "Law" shall mean, as of any relevant date, (a) any statute, law, rule,
regulation, code, ordinance, judgment, decree, writ, order, concession, grant,
franchise, license, agreement, directive, guideline, policy, requirement or
other governmental restriction or any similar form of decision of or
determination by, or any interpretation or administration of any of the
foregoing by, any Government Authority, whether now or hereafter in effect or
(b) any requirements or conditions on or with respect to the issuance,
maintenance, or renewal of any Government Approval or applications therefore
then in effect.

     "Mall" shall mean the parking and retail shopping mall to be built on a
portion of the Aladdin Lands and owned and operated by the Mall Owner.


     "Mall Owner" shall mean Aladdin Bazaar, LLC, a Delaware limited-liability

     "Minor Modification" shall mean a minor modification or adjustment to the
Work that (i) does not involve any increase to the Plant Price, (ii) is not
reasonably likely to affect the ability of Northwind to achieve the Substantial
Completion Deadline and/or the Final Completion Deadline, and (iii) results in
the quality of the Work being provided under this Agreement being of the same or
better quality than as described in the Plant Scope and does not constitute a
material change.

     "Northwind Lease" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 3(c)

     "Notice to Proceed" shall mean a written notice from Aladdin to Northwind
stating that Northwind shall commence the physical construction of the Plant,
and shall not be issued by Aladdin until Aladdin has achieved Financial Closing,
and in any event not earlier than January 1, 1998.

     "Other Costs" shall mean all costs and expenses, incurred after the date of
execution of this Agreement, other than Construction Financing Costs,
Development Costs, Financing Costs, and amounts payable to the EPC Contractor,
incurred by Northwind in construction and completion of the Plant, including,
without limitation, costs of insurance, construction administration costs and
any applicable Tax.

     "Performance Tests" shall mean the tests to demonstrate that the Plant can
produce Services in accordance with the Plant Plans and Specifications, as such
tests are agreed upon by Aladdin and Northwind in connection with the
establishment of the Plant Plans and Specifications.

     "Plant" shall mean the energy production facility to be constructed, owned
and operated by Northwind primarily located within that portion of the Aladdin
Lands to be leased from Aladdin.

     "Plant Plans and Specifications" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
Section 5(c) below.

     "Plant Price" shall mean an amount as determined in accordance with Exhibit
B hereof, and shall be comprised of: (i) the cost paid by Northwind pursuant to
the EPC Contract; (ii) the Construction Financing Cost; (iii) Other Costs; and
(iv) Development Costs, provided that the total of such Development Costs
attributable to internal Northwind costs (such internal Northwind costs to
include the internal costs of Northwind affiliates), including the 


cost of the Project Manager, does not exceed $375,000 without the prior written
approval of Aladdin.

     "Plant Schedule" shall mean the schedule for completion of the Work to be
provided by Northwind to Aladdin as part of the Project Plan.

     "Plant Scope" shall mean the description of the Plant set forth in Exhibit
A to the Energy Service Agreement, which description shall be agreed to by
Aladdin and Northwind prior to Northwind's receipt of a Notice to Proceed.

     "Progress Report" shall mean the monthly report submitted by Northwind to
Aladdin pursuant to Section 6 hereof.

     "Project Manager" shall mean that person or persons appointed and
designated from time to time by Northwind for the purpose of providing
management and daily supervision of all activities relating to the design,
construction and operation of the Plant, as described further in Section 4(a)

     "Project Plan" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 4(b)

     "Reciprocal Easement Agreement" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
Section 3(b) below.

     "Related Agreements" shall mean, collectively, the Energy Service
Agreement, the Reciprocal Easement Agreement and Northwind Lease, as, from time
to time, each may be amended, restated, modified or supplemented and in effect.

     "Scope Change" shall mean any material addition to, deletion from,
suspension of or other modification to the quality, quantity, function or intent
of the Work, including, without limitation, any such addition, deletion,
suspension, or other modification which requires an increase in the Plant Price,
a delay of the Substantial Completion Deadline or the Final Completion Deadline,
and/or a change in the Project Plan or the Plant Plans and Specifications.  A
Minor Modification shall not constitute a Scope Change.

     "Scope Change Order" shall mean a written order to Northwind issued and
signed by Aladdin authorizing a Scope Change, and an equitable adjustment in one
or more of the Plant Price, the Substantial Completion Deadline, the Final
Completion Deadline, the Project Plan, the Plant Plans and Specifications or any
other amendment to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

     "Services" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Energy Service


     "Sound Asylum Owner" shall mean Aladdin Music, LLC, a Nevada limited-
liability company.

     "Sound Asylum Project" shall mean the hotel, casino and entertainment
complex to be built on a portion of the Aladdin Lands and owned by the Sound
Asylum Owner.

     "Start-up" shall mean the preparation and execution of all activities
required to place the Plant in operation, including without limitation,
precommissioning, commissioning and performance of functional testing.

     "Substantial Completion" shall mean substantial completion of the Plant in
accordance with Section 8(a) hereof.

     "Substantial Completion Certificate" shall have the meaning ascribed
thereto in Section 8(a) below.

     "Substantial Completion Deadline" shall mean the date which is eighteen
(18) months after the date upon which Northwind receives the Notice to Proceed,
provided that Aladdin is willing and able to include all of Northwind's
structural steel in Aladdin's mill order for structural steel and the steel
fabricator will and does deliver Northwind's steel approximately one month after
shop drawings therefor are provided to the steel fabricator; otherwise,
"Substantial Completion Deadline" shall be determined based upon the committed
delivery schedule for Northwind's structural steel agreed upon with the supplier
thereof, but in any event, shall be not later than twenty (20) months after the
date upon which Northwind receives the Notice to Proceed, as such date may be
extended from time to time pursuant to the express provisions hereof.

     "Tax" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Energy Service

     "Unicom Guaranty" shall mean the guaranty appended hereto as Exhibit C,
duly executed and delivered by Unicom Corporation.

     "Work" shall mean, except as otherwise stated herein, all acts or action
required for the design, procurement, engineering, and construction of the Plant
to Final Completion and for the performance of Northwind's obligations as
further described herein, including, but not limited to, (i) designing the
Plant, (ii) constructing the Plant in conformance with applicable Laws and
Government Approvals, (iii) procuring and handling materials, (iv) Start-up and
testing of the Plant, and (v) all other acts as may be necessary to achieve
Final Completion.


     2.   GENERAL TERMS.

          (a)  TERM.  This Agreement shall be effective and binding on the
     Parties as of the date hereof and shall remain in effect until the Parties
     have completed their obligations in accordance with the terms hereof,
     unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

          (b)  PLANT LOCATION AND PURPOSE.  The Plant shall be located on
     Aladdin Lands and shall be constructed, owned and operated by Northwind (or
     its agents, contractors or employees) in accordance with the terms of this
     Agreement in order to provide Services to the Buildings.

          (c)  PURCHASE OF SERVICES.  Services shall be sold by Northwind
     pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Energy Service Agreement and/or
     as otherwise permitted thereby and by the Lease.

          (d)  DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE PLANT.  Except as expressly
     provided to the contrary in this Agreement (i) the design and construction
     of the Plant will be at the sole cost and expense of Northwind and (ii)
     Northwind agrees to perform all Work in accordance with the Agreement as
     shall be necessary to assure Substantial Completion on or before the
     Substantial Completion Deadline and Final Completion on or before the Final
     Completion Deadline.

     be responsible for and will not have control over or charge of construction
     means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety
     precautions and programs in connection with the Work, and Aladdin will not
     be responsible for Northwind's failure to carry out the Work in accordance
     with this Agreement.  Aladdin will not be responsible for or have control
     or charge over the acts or omissions of Northwind (or its agents,
     contractors or employees).  No inspection, or failure to inspect, by
     Aladdin shall be a waiver of Northwind's obligations, or be construed as
     approval or acceptance of the Work or any part thereof.

          (f)  CLAIMS UPON FAILURE OF WORK.  Aladdin assumes no responsibility
     for injury or claims resulting from (i) failure of such Work to comply with
     applicable Laws or Government Approvals or (ii) Defects or Deficiencies. 
     Northwind's performance of the Work shall include the provision of all
     necessary permanent safety devices for the Plant required by applicable
     Government Authorities and applicable Laws or Government Approvals.  Work
     performed hereunder will comply in every respect with all the requirements
     referred to above and the terms of the Agreement.


          (g)  ALADDIN'S ACCESS TO WORK.  Aladdin shall at all times, consistent
     with Northwind's safety requirements, have access to the Work wherever it
     is in preparation and progress and Northwind shall provide for such access;
     provided, however, that Aladdin shall not interfere with or delay
     performance of the Work on account of such access.

          (h)  RESPONSIBILITIES OF NORTHWIND.  Subject to the terms of this
     Agreement, Northwind shall:

               (i)  Prosecute the Work diligently in accordance with the Plant
          Schedule, using only qualified and competent personnel, and complete
          the Work in a manner that meets Good Engineering Practices and is in
          accordance with the provisions of this Agreement;

               (ii)  Perform or cause to be performed the Work, including
          designing, engineering, procuring, constructing, Start-up, and
          performance testing of the Plant in accordance with Good Engineering
          Practices and standards of professional care, skill, diligence and
          competence applicable to engineering, construction and project
          management practices for similar facilities, and all Government
          Approvals so that (a) the Work is performed in accordance with and the
          Plant meets all requirements of applicable Laws and Government
          Approvals and Good Engineering Practices, (b) the Plant is safe and in
          accordance with the Plant Plans and Specifications, (c) consistent
          with a Plant Price estimate of $30 million which has been
          preliminarily identified by Northwind and Aladdin, Northwind designs
          the Plant to minimize, consistent with Good Engineering Practices, the
          amount of operation and maintenance expense, (d) the Plant is free
          from Defects and Deficiencies and (e) the Plant is capable of and does
          comply with all applicable Laws and Government Approvals, including,
          without limitation, environmental Laws and Government Approvals;

               (iii)  Be responsible for all damages, fines and penalties which
          may arise because of Northwind's noncompliance with Laws or Government
          Approvals; provided, however, that Northwind shall be permitted to
          contest any such damages, fines or penalties provided that (i)
          Northwind does so in accordance with acceptable practices therefor and
          (ii) doing so does not materially delay or otherwise adversely affect
          the performance of the Work;

               (iv)  Provide all required safeguards, signs, security services,
          fire protection, and the like, for the protection of the Work site,
          the Work and the 


          Plant and of all persons while on the Work site and other property
          related thereto;

               (v)  Provide and pay for, in Northwind's name as an independent
          contractor and not as an agent for Aladdin, all construction
          materials, equipment, supplies, and facilities, and all contractor and
          subcontractor labor and manufacturing and related services;

               (vi)  Provide or cause to be provided, at Northwind's expense,
          all labor and personnel required in connection with the performance of
          the Work.  All personnel used by Northwind in the performance of the
          Work shall be qualified by training, licenses or certifications, and
          experience, as required to perform their assigned tasks;

               (vii) Replace any of Northwind's personnel performing the Work if
          Aladdin and Northwind mutually agree that such personnel are creating
          a risk to the timely completion of the Work in accordance with the

               (viii)  Protect any and all parallel, converging and intersecting
          electric lines and poles, telephone lines and poles, highways,
          waterways, railroads, sewer lines, natural gas pipelines, drainage
          ditches, culverts and any and all property of others, including, but
          not limited to, the Buildings, from damage as a result of its
          performance of the Work.  In the event that any such property is
          damaged or destroyed in the course of Northwind's performance of the
          Work, Northwind, at its own expense, shall rebuild, restore or replace
          such damaged or destroyed property;

               (ix)  Procure, as required, the appropriate proprietary rights,
          licenses, agreements, and permissions for materials, methods,
          processes and systems incorporated into the Plant;

               (x)  Investigate as soon as reasonably practicable the Aladdin
          Lands and surrounding locations to familiarize itself with and satisfy
          itself with respect to the nature and location of the Work, and the
          general and local conditions with respect to environment,
          transportation, access, waste disposal, handling and storage of
          materials, availability and quality of electric power, availability
          and condition of roads, climatic conditions and seasons, physical
          conditions at the Work site and the surrounding area as a whole,
          topography and ground surface conditions, nature of surface materials
          to be encountered, location of underground utilities, and equipment
          and facilities needed prior to and during 


          performance of all of Northwind's obligations under this Agreement
          (collectively the "Work Site Conditions");

               (xi) Provided that Aladdin shall have provided to Northwind the
          legal description of the portion of the Aladdin Lands upon which the
          Plant is to be located and a survey of such portion of the Aladdin
          Lands and information describing all underground rights of way
          affecting such portion of the Aladdin lands, prior to execution of the
          EPC Coontract, acknowledge and accept the Work Site Conditions and
          agree that neither the Substantial Completion Deadline nor the Final
          Completion Deadline shall be extended as a result of any Work Site
          Conditions unless Section 11 provides for such an extension;

               (xii)  Confirm, by execution of this Agreement, that Northwind
          has knowledge of all of the legal requirements and business practices
          that must be followed in performing the Work and that the Work will be
          in conformance with such requirements and practices and in compliance
          with all Laws and applicable Government Approvals.  All engineering
          services to be provided as part of the Work shall be provided by one
          or more engineers qualified to perform such services in the state in
          which the Plant is to be constructed;

               (xiii)  Concurrently with execution of this Agreement, deliver
          the Unicom Guaranty, duly executed by Unicom Corporation;

               (xiv)  Comply with and not contravene the provisions of any Law
          applicable to Northwind's execution and performance of this Agreement
          and obtain any and all Government Approvals.

               (xv)  Acknowledge that the Aladdin Project is a union site and
          agree not to cause a job action at the site of the Aladdin Project.

          (i)  REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.  Each party (the "Representing
     Party") represents and warrants to the other:

               (i)  that it has the requisite limited-liability company capacity
          to enter into this Agreement and fulfill its obligations hereunder,
          that the execution and delivery by it of this Agreement and the
          performance by it of its obligations hereunder have been duly
          authorized by all requisite action of its members, and by its board of
          directors or other governing body, and that, subject to obtaining any
          applicable Government Approvals and compliance with any applicable
          Laws, the entering into of this Agreement and the fulfillment of its
          obligations hereunder does not contravene any law, statute or
          contractual obligation of the Representing Party; 

               (ii)  that no suit, action or arbitration, or legal,
          administrative or other proceeding is pending or has been threatened
          against the Representing Party that would affect the validity or
          enforceability of this Agreement or the ability of the Representing
          Party to fulfill its commitments hereunder, or that could 


          result in any material adverse change in the business or financial
          condition of the Representing Party; and

               (iii)  the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the
          Agreement shall not result in a breach of any of the terms or
          conditions of, or constitute a default under, any indenture, mortgage,
          deed of trust, or other agreement to which the Representing Party is
          now a party, or violate any judgment, order, writ, injunction, or
          decree of any Government Authority to which the Representing Party is
          a party or by which it or any of its assets is bound.

          (j)  INSURANCE.  The respective insurance requirements for Aladdin and
     Northwind are set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto, and shall be
     maintained throughout the term of this Agreement.  The liability of each
     party under this Agreement to the other party shall not be diminished by
     the insurance limitation set forth in said Exhibit D.  All insurance
     policies required by this section shall provide that such policies may not
     be cancelled or terminated without 30 days prior written notice to both
     Aladdin and Northwind.  Each party hereby releases and waives, to the
     extent legally possible for it to do so without invalidating its insurance
     coverages for itself and on behalf of its insurer, the other party hereto
     and its respective officers, directors, agents, members, partners, servants
     and employees from liability for any loss or damage to any or all property
     located on the Aladdin Lands which loss or damage is of the type and within
     the limits covered by the "all-risk" property damage insurance and other
     property / casualty insurance which the parties have agreed to obtain and
     maintain in effect pursuant to this Section 2(j) irrespective of any
     negligence on the part of the released party and its respective officers,
     directors, agents, members, partners, servants, or employees, which may
     have contributed to or caused such loss or damage.  Each party covenants
     that it will, if available, obtain for the benefit of the other party and
     its officers, directors, agents, members, partners, servants and employees,
     a waiver of any right of subrogation which the insurer of such party may
     acquire against such party by virtue of the payment of any such loss
     covered by insurance.  In the event a party is by law, statute or
     governmental regulation unable to obtain a waiver of the right of
     subrogation for the benefit of the other party (and its respective
     officers, directors, agents, members, partners, servants, or employees) or
     its insurance carriers will not give such a waiver or its property /
     casualty insurance will be invalidated by the waiver and release set forth
     in the fourth sentence of this Section 2(j), then during any period of time
     when such waiver is unobtainable, said party shall not have been deemed to
     have released any subrogated claim of its insurance carrier against such
     other party (or its respective officers, directors, agents, members,
     partners, servants, or employees), and during the same period of time, such
     other party shall not have been deemed to have released the party which has
     been unable to obtain such waiver (or such party's respective officers,
     directors, agents, 


     members, partners, servants, or employees) from any claims it or its
     insurance carrier may assert which otherwise would have been released
     pursuant to this Section 2(j).  All policies of insurance provided for in
     Exhibit D shall name Mall Owner and its designated lender(s) as additional

          (k)  CONDEMNATION.  In the event of a condemnation or eminent domain
     taking of all or part of the site upon which the Plant is to be located (a
     "Taking"), Northwind shall, as soon as practicable, determine whether it is
     commercially reasonable and technically feasible in the circumstances for
     Northwind to proceed with construction of the Plant hereunder.  In the
     event that Northwind determines that it is commercially reasonable and
     technically feasible, Northwind will so inform Aladdin and promptly will
     recommence the activities on its part contemplated hereby and this
     Agreement shall remain in force and, to the extent set forth in Section 8.2
     of the Northwind Lease, Northwind shall be entitled to the award or awards
     from such Taking and the Contract Capacity Charges payable under the Energy
     Service Agreement thereafter may be adjusted.  In such event, if necessary,
     equitable adjustments in the Substantial Completion Deadline, the Final
     Completion Deadline, the times for achievement of Critical Path Activities
     and all other time frames applicable to the obligations of the Parties
     hereunder shall be made.  In the event that Northwind determines that it is
     not commercially reasonable or technically feasible in the circumstances to
     proceed with construction of the Plant hereunder, then Northwind shall so
     notify Aladdin and such notice shall also constitute termination of this
     Agreement, effective upon the date when such Taking becomes effective, and,
     to the extent set forth in Section 8.1 of the Northwind Lease, Northwind
     shall be entitled to the award or awards from such Taking.  Notwithstanding
     the foregoing, in the event Northwind and Aladdin disagree as to whether it
     is commercially reasonably and technically feasible in the circumstances
     for Northwind to proceed with construction of the Plant hereunder, then
     Northwind and Aladdin shall promptly meet and use their best efforts to
     resolve such dispute.  If the Parties are unable to resolve such dispute
     within ten (10) days, then the Parties shall refer such dispute to the
     Independent Engineer.  The Independent Engineer's conclusion as to whether
     it is commercially reasonable and technically feasible in the circumstances
     for Northwind to proceed with construction of the Plant hereunder shall be
     accepted by and binding upon the Parties.

          (l)  NO PRESUMPTION.  Wherever in this Agreement it is provided that
     an activity or obligation is at Northwind's sole cost and expense, such
     provision shall not imply or be construed to imply or mean any limitation
     on any right which Northwind may have under the Energy Service Agreement to
     include such cost or expense (or some portion thereof) in charges payable
     to Northwind thereunder.



          (a)  Aladdin and Northwind agree that the following agreements are
     being or will be executed and delivered:  (i) an Energy Service Agreement
     (as executed and as it may be amended, restated, modified, or supplemented
     and in effect from time to time, the "Energy Service Agreement") between
     Aladdin and Northwind pursuant to which Northwind shall provide to the
     Aladdin Project Services produced by the Plant and (ii) a Lease (as
     executed and as it may be amended, restated, modified, or supplemented and
     in effect from time to time, the "Northwind Lease") between Aladdin and
     Northwind for the lease to Northwind of the portion of the Aladdin Lands on
     which the Plant shall be constructed and operated.

          (b)  Aladdin and Northwind acknowledge that they intend to be parties,
     along with the Mall Owner and the Sound Asylum Owner, to a Reciprocal
     Easement Agreement, pursuant to which all such entities shall grant to each
     other easements with respect to their respective interests in the Aladdin
     Lands (such agreement, as executed and as it may be amended, restated,
     modified, or supplemented and in effect from time to time, being herein
     referred to as the "Reciprocal Easement Agreement").  Each of Northwind and
     Aladdin agrees that they shall use their best efforts to cause such
     agreement to be finalized, executed and delivered within one hundred (100)
     days following the date of execution of this Agreement.


          (a)  PROJECT MANAGER.  Northwind shall establish a project
     construction management office in Clark County and shall appoint a project
     manager no later than forty-five (45) days after Northwind receives from
     Aladdin a Notice to Proceed.

               (i)  The Project Manager shall report directly to Northwind and
          shall be responsible for daily supervision of all activities relating
          to the design and construction of the Plant.  The Project Manager will
          have full authority to act for Northwind concerning performance of the
          Work, act as a single point of contact with Aladdin in all matters on
          behalf of Northwind concerning performance of the Work and furnish
          information to Aladdin; provided that no amendment or modification to
          this Agreement shall be effected except by an Amendment in accordance
          with Section 14(f) hereof.

               (ii)  The Project Manager shall conduct biweekly meetings, at a
          time and day mutually acceptable to Northwind and Aladdin, at which
          meetings the Project Manager will (i) provide an update with respect
          to the Work and (ii) 


          answer any questions and address any comments Aladdin may have with
          respect to the Work.  The Project Manager shall consider in good faith
          any and all comments made by Aladdin at such biweekly meetings. 
          Comment or failure by Aladdin to comment at such biweekly meetings
          shall not in any way affect or reduce Northwind's obligations to
          complete the Work in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

               (iii)  The Project Manager (and any replacement Project Manager)
          must be reasonably satisfactory to Aladdin.  If Aladdin believes a
          Project Manager appointed by Northwind to be unsatisfactory, the
          reasons for such belief must be stated in writing to Northwind within
          five (5) Business Days after Aladdin is notified of the name of such
          Project Manager (or any such replacement Project Manager).  Failure by
          Aladdin to object to any such appointment within said five (5)
          Business Day period shall be deemed to be acceptance thereof. 
          Northwind shall not voluntarily change the Project Manager, unless
          such change is for cause, without the prior written consent of
          Aladdin, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. 
          In the event Northwind does change the Project Manager for cause,
          Northwind shall notify Aladdin of such change as soon as reasonably


               (i)  Northwind shall develop a project execution plan (the
          "Project Plan") that shall be comprised of a Plant Schedule and
          estimated Plant testing and Start-up dates.  The Project Plan, which
          shall be based on the Plant Scope, shall include a definition of the
          construction work, major milestones, Critical Path Activities, and
          scheduled date of completion and shall state that the Plant is
          scheduled to commence operation no later than the Final Completion

                    (a)  The Plant Schedule shall identify as Critical Path
               Activities those key milestones to be achieved in order to
               achieve Substantial Completion on or before the Substantial
               Completion Deadline.  The Plant Schedule also shall indicate the
               proposed dates of starting and completion of the Work, including
               dates for fabrication, assembly, installation, testing and
               completion of the Critical Path Activities and other major
               components of the Work.  In preparing the Plant Schedule and in
               order to complete the Work within the time required by this
               Agreement, Northwind will take into consideration and make
               allowance for customary delays and hindrances incident to such
               Work in accordance 


               with generally accepted construction management practices,
               whether growing out of delays of common carriers, delays in
               securing materials or workmen, delays in Northwind securing
               necessary approvals, Northwind delays or otherwise (excluding
               delays for which an extension of time is allowable under Section
               11).  Northwind, in consultation with Aladdin, shall update the
               Plant Schedule to reflect changes necessitated by Sections 9
               and/or 11 hereof.

               (ii)   An initial draft of the Project Plan shall be delivered
          by Northwind to Aladdin for Aladdin's review no later than thirty (30)
          days after receipt by Northwind from Aladdin of a Notice to Proceed. 
          Aladdin agrees to provide any comments regarding the Project Plan to
          Northwind within ten (10) days of receipt thereof.  Aladdin's failure
          to comment in writing within such period shall be deemed to constitute
          Aladdin's acceptance of the Project Plan.   Review, comment or
          acceptance (or the lack thereof) by Aladdin shall not in any way
          affect or reduce Northwind's obligations to complete the Work in
          accordance with the terms of this Agreement.  Northwind agrees to
          consider in good faith any and all comments made by Aladdin.  Within
          ten (10) days of receipt of comments from Aladdin, Northwind and
          Aladdin shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and place to discuss
          Aladdin's comments.  If Northwind has determined that revisions
          suggested by Aladdin are necessary in accordance with Good Engineering
          Practices, Northwind shall so inform Aladdin at the meeting and shall
          amend the Project Plan accordingly.  If Northwind determines that
          revisions are not necessary, Northwind shall so inform Aladdin at the
          meeting, and orally shall explain the reasons why it proposes
          rejecting the revisions.  Within fifteen (15) Business Days after the
          meeting, Northwind shall provide to Aladdin written minutes of the
          meeting, including a clear statement as to why any revisions suggested
          by Aladdin were not made.  Northwind shall confirm the final Project
          Plan within ten (10) days after execution of the EPC Contract(s).

               (iii)  Northwind may make Minor Modifications to the Project
          Plan; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Northwind shall notify Aladdin thereof
          in writing prior to, or if not reasonably practicable, as soon as
          reasonably practicable subsequent to, Northwind's effecting any such
          Northwind-initiated Minor Modification.  All other revisions shall be
          subject to compliance with Section 9 hereof.

               (iv)   In the event Northwind fails to achieve one or more
          Critical Path Activities in accordance with the Plant Schedule and
          Aladdin reasonably 


          and in good faith concludes that Northwind's failure to achieve such
          Critical Path Activity(ies) when and as set forth in the Plant
          Schedule is reasonably likely to prevent Northwind's ability to
          achieve Substantial Completion on or before the Substantial Completion
          Deadline and/or Final Completion on or before the Final Completion
          Deadline, Aladdin may, but shall not be obligated to, give Northwind
          notice of such conclusion and the basis for such conclusion.  Within
          five (5) days of receipt of such notice, Northwind shall submit to
          Aladdin Northwind's proposal to improve performance of the Work to
          assure Northwind's ability to achieve Substantial Completion on or
          before the Substantial Completion Deadline and/or Final Completion on
          or before the Final Completion Deadline for approval by Aladdin.  If
          within a reasonable period of time, as reasonably determined by
          Aladdin, Northwind does not improve performance to meet the Critical
          Path Activities, Aladdin may require an increase in Northwind's labor
          force, the number of shifts, overtime operations, additional days of
          work per week, and/or an increase in the amount of construction
          equipment, all costs of which shall be borne solely by Northwind. 
          Neither such notice by Aladdin nor Aladdin's failure to issue such
          notice shall relieve Northwind of its obligation to achieve
          Substantial Completion on or before the Substantial Completion
          Deadline and/or Final Completion on or before the Final Completion
          Deadline.  In the event Northwind fails to comply with Aladdin's
          instructions and Aladdin continues to believe, reasonably and in good
          faith, that because of such failure Northwind will not be able to
          achieve Substantial Completion on or before the Substantial Completion
          Deadline or Final Completion on or before the Final Completion
          Deadline, then Northwind shall be considered in default of this
          Agreement in accordance with Section 10(a) hereof and Aladdin may
          exercise its rights as set forth in Section 10(b) hereof. 

     5.   PLANT DESIGN.

          (a)  PLANT OVERSIGHT.  Subject to the terms of this Agreement,
     Northwind shall oversee, administer and approve the design, construction
     and operation of the Plant. 

          (b)  SCOPE.  Northwind and Aladdin will jointly develop and agree upon
     the Plant Scope.  The Plant Scope will include a detailed description of
     the major components of the Plant (including energy transfer stations and
     the communications systems), respectively, and the details of the specific
     energy requirements of Aladdin and, together with the performance standards
     set forth in Exhibit A to the Energy 


     Service Agreement, prescribe the agreed upon performance and operating
     characteristics of the Plant.


               (i)    In consultation with Aladdin, Northwind shall prepare a
          request for proposals ("RFP") from engineering, procurement and
          construction ("EPC") contractors to design and build the Plant.  As
          part of such RFP preparation process, Aladdin shall, with the aid of a
          qualified engineering company, provide to Northwind within forty-five
          (45) days of execution of this Agreement all site interfaces,
          including an overall site plan, information on site soil conditions,
          overall Aladdin Complex arrangement drawings, underground rights of
          way, electrical connection requirements, hot and chilled water
          connection locations and all architectural requirements for the
          exterior of the Plant and maintenance buildings.  Aladdin shall also
          provide, within forty-five (45) days of execution of this Agreement,
          specifications and related documentation for the energy transfer
          stations ("ETSs") to be included as part of the Plant, which
          specifications shall be reasonably acceptable to Northwind in its
          reasonable business judgment (taking into account the Substantial
          Completion Deadline).  Once the RFP is complete (and provided that
          Aladdin has provided to Northwind the specifications and related
          documentation for the ETSs within forty-five (45) days of execution of
          this Agreement), Northwind shall solicit bids from at least three (3)
          qualified EPC contractors (except as to structural steel, which
          Northwind may purchase from Aladdin's supplier) and provided, however,
          that if in good faith and after consultation with its engineers and
          suppliers, Northwind determines that achievement of the Substantial
          Completion Deadline cannot be met unless a sole source contractor
          (including a sole source provider of structural steel other than
          Aladdin's supplier) is promptly engaged to construct the Plant, then
          Northwind shall so notify Aladdin and, unless Aladdin agrees to an
          equitable extension of the Substantial Completion Deadline, Northwind
          may dispense with submitting the RFP to multiple bidders and may
          proceed to negotiate and enter into an EPC Contract with a contractor
          of its choosing which contractor and EPC Contract shall be acceptable
          to Aladdin (such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld). 
          Northwind shall consider in good faith any EPC contractor suggested by
          Aladdin.  From such bids as may be received and are acceptable to
          Aladdin and Northwind, Northwind shall retain a qualified EPC
          contractor (the "EPC Contractor") to design and build the Plant and
          shall enter into a contract with the EPC Contractor (the "EPC
          Contract") pursuant to which the EPC Contractor shall design and build
          the Plant in accordance with this Agreement.  If based on bids
          received from the EPC contractors it appears that the Plant Price is
          likely to exceed $40 million, then Northwind shall have the right to
          terminate this Agreement without liability unless within ninety (90)
          days after receipt of bids from the prospective EPC contractors either
          (i) Aladdin and Northwind, using good faith efforts, are able to
          effect changes to the Project Scope or otherwise to effect 


          changes which result in a projected Plant Price of less than $40
          million or (ii) Aladdin agrees to pay, in cash, the amount of the
          Plant Price in excess of $40 million, such payment to be made prior to
          the execution of the EPC Contract, provided that any amount so paid by
          Aladdin shall not be included in Total Project Investment for purposes
          of and as defined in the Energy Service Agreement.  If this Agreement
          is terminated as provided in this Section, Aladdin shall pay to
          Northwind those costs and expenses described in the final sentence of
          Section 10(e) hereof; if this Agreement is not terminated, delays
          occasioned by clause (i) above shall extend the Substantial Completion
          Deadline and the Final Completion Deadline as appropriate.  The EPC
          Contractor, together with Northwind, shall prepare design development
          plans and specifications for the Plant (the "Plant Plans and
          Specifications") consistent with the Plant Scope and mindful of the
          preliminary Plant Price estimate of $ 30 million.  Copies of the Plant
          Plans and Specifications shall be delivered to Aladdin for Aladdin's
          review no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days after Northwind
          receives from Aladdin a Notice to Proceed.  Aladdin agrees to provide
          any comments regarding the Plant Plans and Specifications within ten
          (10) days of receipt thereof.  Aladdin's failure to comment in writing
          within such period shall be deemed to constitute Aladdin's acceptance
          of the Plant Plans and Specifications.   Review, comment or acceptance
          (or the lack thereof) by Aladdin shall not in any way affect or reduce
          Northwind's obligations to complete the Work in accordance with the
          terms of this Agreement.  Northwind agrees to consider in good faith
          any and all comments made by Aladdin.  Within ten (10) days of receipt
          of comments from Aladdin, Northwind and Aladdin shall meet at a
          mutually acceptable time and place to discuss Aladdin's comments.  If
          Northwind has determined that revisions suggested by Aladdin are
          necessary in accordance with Good Engineering Practices, Northwind
          shall so inform Aladdin at the meeting and shall amend the Plant Plans
          and Specifications accordingly.  If Northwind determines that
          revisions are not necessary, Northwind shall so inform Aladdin at the
          meeting, and orally shall explain the reasons why it proposes
          rejecting the revisions.  Within fifteen (15) Business Days after the
          meeting, Northwind shall provide to Aladdin written minutes of the
          meeting, including a clear statement as to why any revisions suggested
          by Aladdin were not made.

               (ii)   Sixty (60) days following Northwind's finalizing the
          Plant Plans and Specifications pursuant to clause (c)(i) above,
          Northwind shall have detailed design drawings prepared, five (5)
          copies of which shall be provided to Aladdin for Aladdin's review.  
          Aladdin agrees to provide any comments regarding the detailed design
          drawings within ten (10) days of receipt thereof.  


          Aladdin's failure to comment in writing within such period shall be
          deemed to constitute Aladdin's acceptance of the detailed design
          drawings.   Review, comment or acceptance (or the lack thereof) by
          Aladdin shall not in any way affect or reduce Northwind's obligations
          to complete the Work in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 
          Northwind agrees to consider in good faith any and all comments made
          by Aladdin.  Within ten (10) days of receipt of comments from Aladdin,
          Northwind and Aladdin shall meet at a mutually acceptable time and
          place to discuss Aladdin's comments.  If Northwind has determined that
          revisions suggested by Aladdin are necessary in accordance with Good
          Engineering Practices, Northwind shall so inform Aladdin at the
          meeting and shall amend the detailed design drawings and accordingly. 
          If Northwind determines that revisions are not necessary, Northwind
          shall so inform Aladdin at the meeting, and orally shall explain the
          reasons why it proposes rejecting the revisions.  Within fifteen (15)
          Business Days after the meeting, Northwind shall provide to Aladdin
          written minutes of the meeting, including a clear statement as to why
          any revisions suggested by Aladdin were not made.

               (iii)  Two hundred and forty (240) days following Northwind's
          finalizing the Plant Plans and Specifications pursuant to clause
          (c)(i) above, Northwind shall have detailed operation manuals
          prepared, five (5) copies of which shall be provided to Aladdin for
          Aladdin's review.   Aladdin agrees to provide any comments regarding
          the detailed operation manuals within ten (10) days of receipt
          thereof.  Aladdin's failure to comment in writing within such period
          shall be deemed to constitute Aladdin's acceptance of the detailed
          operation manuals.   Review, comment or acceptance (or the lack
          thereof) by Aladdin shall not in any way affect or reduce Northwind's
          obligations to complete the Work in accordance with the terms of this
          Agreement.  Northwind agrees to consider in good faith any and all
          comments made by Aladdin.  Within ten (10) days of receipt of comments
          from Aladdin, Northwind and Aladdin shall meet at a mutually
          acceptable time and place to discuss Aladdin's comments.  If Northwind
          has determined that revisions suggested by Aladdin are necessary in
          accordance with Good Engineering Practices, Northwind shall so inform
          Aladdin at the meeting and shall amend the detailed operation manuals
          accordingly.  If Northwind determines that revisions are not
          necessary, Northwind shall so inform Aladdin at the meeting, and
          orally shall explain the reasons why it proposes rejecting the
          revisions.  Within fifteen (15) Business Days after the meeting,
          Northwind shall provide to Aladdin written minutes of the meeting,
          including a clear statement as to why any revisions suggested by
          Aladdin were not made.


               (iv)    Northwind may make Minor Modifications to the Plant
          Plans and Specifications; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Northwind shall
          notify Aladdin thereof in writing prior to or, if not reasonably
          practicable, as soon as reasonably practicable after Northwind's
          effecting any such Northwind-initiated Minor Modification.  All other
          revisions shall be subject to Section 9 hereof.

               (v)    The review and approval by Aladdin of the Plant Plans and
          Specifications shall not relieve Northwind of any of its duties,
          liabilities or obligations under this Agreement or any Related


          The EPC Contractor retained by Northwind shall construct the Plant in
     accordance with the Plant Plans and Specifications.  Northwind shall
     provide monthly construction progress reports to Aladdin, in a form
     reasonably satisfactory to Aladdin (which reports shall be provided on the
     fifth (5th) day of each calendar month and shall include, with respect to
     the prior month, a work progress statement and a schedule report showing
     project milestones and critical path activity and shall also include a
     schedule report showing future project milestones and critical path
     activity and the future construction schedule).  A representative of
     Aladdin may attend (but not actively participate in) construction meetings
     between the EPC Contractor and Northwind (or the Project Manager).  If
     Aladdin believes that the Plant is not being constructed in a manner
     consistent with the Plant Plans and Specifications (as the same may be
     modified from time to time in accordance with the terms of Section 5
     above), or has any additional comments with respect to the construction of
     the Plant, Aladdin shall inform Northwind (or the Project Manager) of such
     belief or additional comments at the biweekly meetings conducted by the
     Project Manager pursuant to Section 4(a) hereof.  Northwind shall consider
     promptly and in good faith any and all comments made by Aladdin.  Northwind
     shall determine whether corrective measures are necessary in response to
     Aladdin's comments using a reasonable standard applicable to construction
     practices for energy producing facilities similar to the Plant, taking into
     account Codes and Standards, Good Engineering Practices and the Plant Plans
     and Specifications.  If Northwind agrees with Aladdin, Northwind shall so
     inform Aladdin at the earliest possible biweekly meeting, and shall take
     (or cause to be taken) appropriate corrective measures.  If Northwind,
     after consultation with the EPC Contractor, does not agree with Aladdin, 
     Northwind shall so inform Aladdin at the earliest possible biweekly meeting
     and shall provide a clear written statement explaining Northwind's
     disagreement in the next monthly construction progress report to be
     provided by Northwind to Aladdin pursuant to Section 6 hereof.  Comments by
     Aladdin (or the absence thereof) with respect to the construction of the
     Plant shall not in any way affect or reduce 


     Northwind's obligations to complete the Work in accordance with the
     provisions of this Agreement.


          (a)  IN GENERAL.  Northwind shall perform all quality control and
     inspection activities related to the Work as required by Northwind's
     Quality Control and Inspection Program (as defined below), this Agreement
     and Good Engineering Practices.  Northwind shall inspect and test the Work
     on a continuing basis.  Northwind shall correct all Defaults or
     Deficiencies in a reasonable time.  All Defects or Deficiencies identified
     by such inspection or testing shall be the subject of a monthly report to
     Aladdin.  The report shall describe in detail (i) all Defects or
     Deficiencies identified which are reasonably likely to have an adverse
     impact on the Plant Schedule, (ii) all corrections, all Work that was
     re-performed and related services rendered during the immediately preceding
     month and (iii) all Defects not then corrected or re-performed.  

          (b)  QUALITY CONTROL AND INSPECTION PROGRAM.  Within one hundred (100)
     days of receipt by Northwind of the Notice to Proceed, Northwind shall
     prepare and deliver to Aladdin a formal program for inspecting and testing
     the Work ("Quality Control and Inspection Program"). The person responsible
     for implementing the Quality Control and Inspection Program shall be
     identified by Northwind to Aladdin.  The Quality Control and Inspection
     Program must be adequate to meet all the quality control and inspection
     needs of the Work.  Aladdin agrees to provide its comments within thirty
     (30) days of receipt of such program.  Aladdin's failure to comment within
     such period shall be deemed to constitute Aladdin's approval.  Review,
     comment or acceptance (or the lack thereof) by Aladdin shall not in any way
     affect or reduce Northwind's obligations to complete the Work in accordance
     with the terms of this Agreement.  Northwind agrees to consider in good
     faith any and all comments made by Aladdin.  Within ten (10) days of
     receipt of comments from Aladdin, Northwind and Aladdin shall meet at a
     mutually acceptable time and place to discuss Aladdin's comments.  If
     Northwind has determined that revisions suggested by Aladdin are necessary
     in accordance with Good Engineering Practices, Northwind shall so inform
     Aladdin orally at the meeting and shall amend the Quality Control and
     Inspection Program accordingly.  If Northwind determines that revisions are
     not necessary, Northwind shall so inform Aladdin orally at the meeting, and
     shall orally explain the reasons why it proposes rejecting the revisions. 
     Within fifteen (15) Business Days after the meeting, Northwind shall
     provide to Aladdin written minutes of the meeting, including a clear
     statement as to why any revisions suggested by Aladdin were not made.


          (c)  INSPECTION RIGHTS.  Aladdin shall have the right to inspect all
     Work performed and witness all tests hereunder, and Northwind shall arrange
     such inspection, upon reasonable notice from Aladdin; provided, however,
     that Aladdin's inspection shall not interfere with or delay performance of
     the Work.  Aladdin shall have the right to comment to Northwind, in
     writing, at any time, regarding any portion of the Work, including, without
     limitation, any design, engineering, materials, equipment, installation,
     tools, or supplies, which in Aladdin's reasonable judgment does not conform
     to this Agreement, the Work or the Plant Plans and Specifications, or which
     contains Defects or Deficiencies.  Aladdin shall inform Northwind (or the
     Project Manager) of such belief or additional comments at the biweekly
     meetings conducted by the Project Manager pursuant to Section 4(a) hereof. 
     Northwind shall consider promptly and in good faith any and all comments
     made by Aladdin.  Northwind shall determine whether corrective measures are
     necessary in response to Aladdin's comments using a reasonable standard
     applicable to construction practices for energy producing facilities
     similar to the Plant, taking into account Codes and Standards, Good
     Engineering Practices and the Plant Plans and Specifications.  If Northwind
     agrees with Aladdin, Northwind shall so inform Aladdin at the earliest
     possible biweekly meeting, and shall take (or cause to be taken)
     appropriate corrective measures.  If Northwind, after consultation with the
     Design and Specifications Engineer, does not agree with Aladdin,  Northwind
     shall so inform Aladdin at the earliest possible biweekly meeting and shall
     provide a clear written statement explaining Northwind's disagreement in
     the next monthly construction progress report to be provided by Northwind
     to Aladdin pursuant to Section 6 hereof.  Comments by Aladdin (or the
     absence thereof) with respect to the construction of the Plant shall not in
     any way affect or reduce Northwind's obligations to complete the Work in
     accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

          (d)  EFFECT OF WAIVER OF INSPECTION RIGHTS.  If Aladdin shall waive or
     fail to exercise its right to inspect and witness any test as herein
     provided, Northwind in no way shall be relieved of liability for the
     quality, character, proper operation, and performance of the Work, nor
     shall the rights of Aladdin set forth in this Agreement be prejudiced or
     affected.  Nor shall any witness of any test or inspection by Aladdin or
     any failure to witness any test or inspection be construed as an approval
     or acceptance of the Work.

     8.   COMPLETION.

          (a)  SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION.  Upon a determination by Northwind that
     the Plant has been substantially completed in accordance with the Plant
     Plans and Specifications, which shall only be when (i) the Plant has
     demonstrated performance in 


     accordance with the design requirements, all applicable Laws and Government
     Approvals, the Quality Control and Inspection Program, and the Performance
     Tests,  and Northwind has so certified to Aladdin, (ii) Northwind has
     further certified to Aladdin that the Plant has been designed and
     constructed and is operating in accordance with the Work and this Agreement
     and (iii) Northwind has performed all obligations under this Agreement to
     be then performed by Northwind, Northwind shall deliver to Aladdin a
     certificate of substantial completion (the "Substantial Completion
     Certificate"), which shall be in the form agreed to,  initialed by the
     Parties and attached hereto as Exhibit E by not later than thirty (30) days
     after Notice to Proceed is received by Northwind.  If Aladdin believes, at
     the time of such certification by Northwind, that the Plant has not reached
     Substantial Completion, then, within ten (10) Business Days after Aladdin
     receives the Substantial Completion Certificate, Aladdin shall provide
     Northwind with written notice clearly setting forth the basis for Aladdin's
     belief.  Any portions of the Plant to which timely objection is not made by
     Aladdin shall be considered substantially complete.  Failure by Aladdin to
     deliver any notice within said ten (10) Business Day period shall be deemed
     to be acceptance of the Plant as substantially complete.  If Aladdin
     delivers a notice as aforesaid, Northwind shall determine whether it agrees
     with such notice, and if Northwind does so agree, Northwind shall complete
     the Plant in the manner required by the terms of this Agreement diligently
     and in good faith.  If Northwind does not agree with Aladdin's notice,
     Northwind shall so inform Aladdin and Northwind and Aladdin promptly shall
     confer and exert their best efforts in good faith to reach a reasonable and
     equitable resolution of the issue.  If Northwind and Aladdin are unable to
     resolve the issue within five (5) Business Days, then the matter shall be
     referred to the Independent Engineer, and the Parties agree to accept the
     Independent Engineer's determination as binding, and act accordingly.

          (b)  FINAL COMPLETION.  In order to achieve Final Completion,
     Northwind must have: (i) achieved Substantial Completion, (ii) corrected
     all conditions constituting Defects and Deficiencies identified in writing
     by Aladdin to Northwind, (iii) performed all other obligations of Northwind
     under this Agreement to be then performed, in a manner reasonably
     satisfactory to Aladdin, and (iv) delivered to Aladdin a certificate of
     final completion (the "Final Completion Certificate"), which shall be  in
     the form agreed to by the Parties, initialed by the Parties and attached
     hereto as Exhibit F by not later than thirty (30) days after Notice to
     Proceed is received by Northwind.  If Aladdin believes, at the time of such
     certification by Northwind, that the Plant has not reached Final
     Completion, then within ten (10) Business Days of Aladdin's receipt of the
     Final Completion Certificate, Aladdin shall provide Northwind with written
     notice clearly setting forth the basis for Aladdin's belief.  Any portions
     of the Plant to which timely objection is not made by Aladdin shall be 


     considered to have reached Final Completion.  Failure by Aladdin to deliver
     any notice within such ten (10) Business Day period shall be deemed
     acknowledgment by Aladdin that Final Completion has occurred.  If Aladdin
     delivers a notice to Northwind as aforesaid, Northwind shall determine
     whether it agrees with Aladdin's notice.  If Northwind agrees with
     Aladdin's notice, Northwind shall take the actions necessary to bring the
     Plant to Final Completion.  In the event Northwind contests Aladdin's
     notification that Final Completion has not been achieved, Aladdin and
     Northwind shall promptly confer and exert their best efforts in good faith
     to reach a reasonable and equitable resolution of the issue.  If Aladdin
     and Northwind are unable to resolve the issue within five (5) Business
     Days, the matter shall be referred to the Independent Engineer.  The
     Parties agree to accept the determination made by the Independent Engineer
     with respect to whether Final Completion has been achieved and to act

     subject to the terms of this Agreement, Northwind guarantees that
     Substantial Completion shall occur not later than the Substantial
     Completion Deadline, as it may be extended time to time pursuant to this
     Agreement, and further guarantees that Final Completion shall not occur
     later than the Final Completion Deadline, as it may be extended from time
     to time pursuant to this Agreement.  Northwind will design the Plant,
     specify and procure equipment and schedule its activities taking into
     account good and generally accepted construction management practices and
     take all reasonably necessary measures to complete the Plant on or before
     the Substantial Completion Deadline.

          (d)  CONTINGENCY PLAN.  Northwind shall have a contingency plan that
     conforms with Codes and Standards and Good Engineering Practices which
     provides for the rental by Northwind of transportable boiler and chiller
     plants to ensure delivery of hot and chilled water in accordance with the
     Energy Service Agreement if completion of the Plant is delayed for any
     reason and (i) such delay is expected to prevent Northwind from commencing
     the delivery of the Chilled Water Services and/or the Hot Water Services in
     accordance with the terms of the Energy Service Agreement, and (ii) Aladdin
     would otherwise be capable of receiving and using the Services if the Plant
     had been completed.  In the event of such a delay, the contingency plan
     shall be instituted by Northwind at Northwind's sole cost, except that (1)
     implementation of the Contingency Plan in order to provide Initial Services
     (as defined in the Energy Service Agreement) to the Customer during the
     period from the Initial Services Date through but not including the
     Substantial Completion Deadline shall be at Aladdin's sole cost and
     expense, and (2) if such delay is caused by an 


     event described in Section 11 hereof or by the acts or omissions of
     Aladdin, the Mall Owner or the Sound Asylum Owner, then the Contingency
     Plan will be implemented at Aladdin's sole cost.  Northwind shall implement
     the contingency plan to ensure that there is no delay and/or lapse in the
     delivery of hot and chilled water.  If Aladdin determines, in its sole
     discretion, that Northwind is failing to implement the contingency plan in
     a timely manner, and Northwind's failure to implement the contingency plan
     is not caused by a breach by Aladdin of its obligations under this
     Agreement or the acts of the Mall Owner or the Sound Asylum Owner, Aladdin
     may implement the contingency plan, and Northwind agrees that it will pay
     all the costs thereof except as otherwise set forth above in this Section

     9.   SCOPE CHANGES.

     It is understood and agreed that the Work shall be subject to further
     refinement, correction and detailing by the Parties from time to time, and
     that Northwind shall receive no additional compensation for such
     refinement, correction or detailing that does not constitute Scope Changes.

          (b)  SCOPE CHANGES.  

               (i)    From time to time prior to completion of the Work,
          Northwind shall have the right, without obtaining the prior approval
          of Aladdin, to effect Scope Changes (each, a "Northwind Allowed Scope
          Change" and collectively, "Northwind Allowed Scope Changes"), on and
          subject to the following conditions and limitations, and the cost of
          all such Northwind Allowed Scope Changes shall be included in the
          Plant Price:

               (a)  Each Northwind Allowed Scope Change shall be expected by
               Northwind, in good faith and in accordance with Good Engineering
               Practices, to enhance the reliability, efficiency or longevity of
               the Plant or to have a beneficial effect on the operation or
               maintenance of the Plant;

               (b)  It cannot reasonably be expected by Northwind that such
               Northwind Allowed Scope Change will delay Substantial Completion
               beyond the Substantial Completion Deadline or Final Completion
               beyond the Final Completion Deadline;


               (c)  The Northwind Allowed Scope Change shall be compatible with
               the Plant Scope;

               (d)  Northwind shall notify Aladdin in detail of the Northwind
               Allowed Scope Change as soon as reasonably practicable, and in
               any event, prior to performance of the work contemplated thereby;

               (e)  The additional cost of the Work attributable to (i) any
               single Northwind Allowed Scope Change shall not exceed fifty (50)
               percent of the Available Pool (as hereinafter defined) and (ii)
               all Northwind Allowed Scope Changes in the aggregate shall not
               exceed one hundred (100) percent of the Available Pool.

          For purposes of this Section 9(b), the term "Available Pool" shall
          mean, as of any date of determination, the excess of (i) the GMP and
          Other Costs plus a reasonable contingency amount for discretionary
          changes by Aladdin (which amount shall be established by Northwind and
          provided to Aladdin within thirty (30) days after execution of the EPC
          Contract(s)), such contingency amount to be reasonably acceptable to
          Aladdin, as increased by the Cost of Scope Changes theretofore
          approved by Aladdin over (ii) the estimated total cost of the Work as
          reflected in Northwind's forecast therefor prepared not more than
          thirty (30) days preceding the date of authorization of such Northwind
          Approved Scope Change, which forecast shall reflect all costs
          theretofore incurred, the cost of then unperformed portions of the
          Work for which contracts exist and a good faith estimate, in
          accordance with applicable Codes and Standards, of the costs of all
          portions of the Work, if any, for which Northwind has not made
          contractual arrangements.

               (ii) Aladdin may order Scope Changes to the Work, in which event
          one or more of the Plant Price, the Substantial Completion Deadline,
          the Final Completion Deadline, the Project Plan, the Plant Plans and
          Specifications and other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall
          be adjusted accordingly, if and to the extent necessary.  All Scope
          Changes (but not Northwind Allowed Scope Changes) shall be authorized
          by a Scope Change Order.  


               (i)  In addition to the right of Northwind to effect Northwind
          Allowed Scope Changes, as soon as Northwind becomes aware of any
          circumstance which Northwind has reason to believe may necessitate a


          Change, Northwind shall issue to Aladdin a written notice thereof (a
          "Scope Change Order Notice").  All Scope Change Order Notices shall
          include documentation sufficient to enable Aladdin to determine:  (i)
          the factors necessitating the possibility of a Scope Change; (ii) the
          impact which the Scope Change is likely to have on the Plant Price;
          (iii) the impact which the Scope Change is likely to have on
          scheduling and the Substantial and Final Completion Deadlines; and
          (iv) such other information which Aladdin may reasonably request in
          connection with evaluating such Scope Change.

               (ii) If Aladdin desires to make a Scope Change (other than
          pursuant to a Scope Change Order Notice), Aladdin  shall submit a
          written proposal requesting a Scope Change (a "Scope Change Order
          Request") to Northwind.

                    (a)  Northwind shall promptly review the Scope Change Order
               Request and notify Aladdin in writing of its preliminary good
               faith view of the options for implementing the proposed Scope
               Change and of Northwind's good faith estimate of the effect, if
               any, each option would have on the Plant Price, the Substantial
               and Final Completion Deadlines, the Project Plan, and the Plant
               Plans and Specifications.

                    (b)  After receipt of Northwind's preliminary estimates,
               Aladdin shall inform Northwind, within five (5) Business Days,
               whether Northwind shall provide cost, schedule and performance
               level guarantee impacts to Aladdin for the Scope Changes proposed
               by Aladdin.  Northwind's costs for preparing such guarantee
               impacts shall not exceed a price mutually agreed upon by the
               Parties prior to Northwind's undertaking such analysis.  Aladdin
               may, but shall not be obligated to, issue a Scope Change Order
               covering such proposed Scope Change, in which event the contents
               of Northwind's notice of impacts described in this Section
               9(c)(ii)(b) shall be binding on Northwind, and Northwind's
               reasonable costs in preparing such notice of impacts, subject to
               the maximum price agreed to by the Parties, shall be included in
               any Plant Price change.

                    (c)   In the event Aladdin disagrees with Northwind's
               statement of the cost, schedule and performance level guarantee
               impacts of such proposed Scope Change, and Northwind has
               estimated that the proposed Scope Change would increase the Plant
               Price by $100,000 or more, Aladdin and Northwind shall promptly
               confer and exert their best efforts in good faith to agree upon
               the cost, schedule and performance 


               level guarantee impacts of the proposed Scope Change.  If Aladdin
               and Northwind are unable to agree on the cost, schedule or
               performance level guarantee impacts of the proposed Scope Change,
               and if the difference is (1) a difference in the Parties'
               estimates of the costs of the proposed Scope Change and such
               difference is greater than $10,000 or (2) a difference in the
               Parties' estimate of the effect on the schedule or the
               performance level guarantee impacts of the proposed Scope Change,
               then the Parties shall refer the issue to the Independent
               Engineer. The Independent Engineer's estimate of the cost,
               schedule or performance level impacts of the proposed Scope
               Change (as applicable) shall be accepted by the Parties.  In the
               event Aladdin disagrees with Northwind's statement of the cost of
               such proposed Scope Change, and Northwind has estimated that the
               proposed Scope Change would increase the Plant Price by less than
               $100,000 in the specific instance or by less than $250,000 when
               aggregated with all other Scope Changes under this Section 9(c),
               Aladdin may proceed with issuance of the Scope Change Order and
               the dispute shall be resolved as provided in this Agreement.

                    (d)  In the event Aladdin declines to issue the Scope Change
               Order, Northwind's reasonable costs in preparing the cost,
               schedule and performance level guarantee impacts, subject to the
               maximum price therefor agreed to by the Parties pursuant to
               Section 9(c)(ii)(b), shall be added to the Plant Price.

                    (e)  The cost of Scope Changes initiated by Aladdin, the
               costs of which shall be included in the Plant Price, shall not
               exceed five (5) percent of the GMP established pursuant to
               Exhibit B.

                    (f)  Any reasonable delays in Substantial Completion or
               Final Completion of the Plant arising by reason of investigation
               of any Scope Change proposed by Aladdin that are reasonably
               consistent with Northwind's preliminary good faith view, as set
               forth in Section 9(c)(ii)(a)hereof, shall extend the Substantial
               Completion Deadline or the Final Completion Deadline accordingly.

          (d)  SCOPE CHANGES DUE TO NORTHWIND ERROR.  Notwithstanding anything
     in this section to the contrary, no Scope Change Order shall be issued and
     no adjustment of the Plant Price, the Substantial and Final Completion
     Deadlines, the Project Plan, or the Plant Plans and Specifications shall be
     made in connection with any correction 


     of errors, omission, deficiencies or improper or defective work on the part
     of Northwind or any of its subcontractors in the performance of the Work.

     in the Plant Plans and Specifications or the Work which is necessitated by
     a change in applicable Law that became effective after the date of this
     Agreement or a Force Majeure Event and is not a Minor Modification shall be
     treated as a Scope Change under Section 9(b) hereof which Aladdin shall not
     have the right to approve and Northwind shall implement without obtaining
     Aladdin's approval, provided that (i) Northwind shall notify Aladdin in
     detail thereof as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event prior to
     performance of the work contemplated thereby, (ii) Northwind otherwise
     complies with the requirements of Section 9(b)(i)(c) hereof with respect to
     such Scope Change, (iii) Northwind's determination that such change in the
     Plant Plans or Specifications or the Work is necessary and Northwind's
     implementation of such change both shall be made in good faith and in
     accordance with Good Engineering Practices; provided, however, that this
     Section 9(e) shall not apply to any change in any applicable Law resulting
     directly or indirectly from the negligent acts, errors or omissions of


          (a)  NORTHWIND EVENTS OF DEFAULT.  Northwind shall be in default of
     its obligations pursuant to this Agreement should any of the following
     events or conditions arise or exist and Northwind shall fail to remedy the
     same within ten (10) days, or, if such remedy cannot reasonably be
     completed within ten (10) days, Northwind shall fail promptly to provide
     Aladdin with evidence reasonably satisfactory to Aladdin that such default
     can be cured by Northwind in a time period reasonably satisfactory to
     Aladdin and promptly to commence and diligently pursue and conclude
     remedial action within such agreed period:

               (i)    Admitted abandonment of the Plant by Northwind or failure
          to prosecute the Plant with reasonable diligence after notice from
          Aladdin stating that it believes that Northwind has abandoned the

               (ii)    Northwind assigns or transfers this Agreement or its
          right or interest herein, except as expressly permitted under Section
          14(e) of this Agreement;

               (iii)   Northwind fails, neglects, refuses, or, other than
          because of a Force Majeure Event, is unable at any time during the
          course of the performance of the Work, to provide sufficient material,
          equipment, services, or labor to perform the Work in accordance with
          this Agreement;


               (iv)   Any representation or warranty made by Northwind was
          materially incorrect when made and as a result thereof it reasonably
          is expected that Northwind will be unable to observe and perform its
          material obligations hereunder and such inability will not be cured
          within a reasonable period of time;

               (v)    Northwind defaults, in any material respect, in its
          observance of or performance under any material provision of this
          Agreement (provided that such failure does not arise when Northwind
          has refused to proceed with a proposed Scope Change when Northwind is
          not obligated at that time to proceed with such proposed Scope

               (vi)   Unicom Corporation repudiates or disavows its obligations
          under the Unicom Guaranty;

               (vii)  Northwind fails to comply with any Law or Government
          Approval applicable to the Work or to Northwind's performance of its
          obligations under this Agreement;

               (viii) Unless otherwise permitted pursuant to this Agreement, a
          material change or deviation in the Project Plan or Plant Plans and
          Specifications shall be made or authorized by Northwind without the
          prior approval of Aladdin; or

               (ix)   The failure by Northwind to provide the Project Plan or
          Plant Plans and Specifications to Aladdin in accordance with this

     a Northwind Event of Default has occurred, Aladdin may terminate this
     Agreement by written notice to Northwind of the termination hereof.  Upon
     such termination, Aladdin shall demand performance of the Unicom Guaranty
     and, unless within three (3) Business Days of such demand Unicom
     Corporation, the Guarantor, informs Aladdin in writing that Unicom
     Corporation shall perform the obligations of Northwind as set forth in this
     Agreement, Aladdin may cause the obligations of Northwind pursuant to this
     Agreement to be performed at the sole expense of Unicom Corporation in
     accordance with the terms of the Unicom Guaranty.  In the event Unicom
     Corporation elects to perform the obligations of Northwind, Unicom
     Corporation shall perform the Work and shall meet the Substantial
     Completion Deadline and the Final Completion Deadline in accordance with
     the terms of this Agreement, and shall have the right to perform
     Northwind's obligations under the Related Agreements 


     pursuant to the terms thereof.  In the event Aladdin shall cause the
     obligations of Northwind pursuant to this Agreement to be performed at
     Unicom Corporation's sole expense, Northwind promptly shall withdraw from
     the Work site and transfer its rights, title and interest in the Plant and
     the Plant Plans and Specifications to Aladdin.  In addition, Northwind
     promptly shall assign to Aladdin such of its contracts, including but not
     limited to warranties and guarantees, related to the Plant and the Work as
     Aladdin may request, and promptly remove such materials, equipment, tools,
     and instruments used by, and any debris or waste materials generated by,
     Northwind in the performance of the Work as Aladdin may direct, and Aladdin
     may take possession of any and all designs, materials, equipment, tools,
     and facilities of Northwind which are on the Work site.  If Aladdin
     exercises such option, (i) Aladdin shall assume the obligations of
     Northwind under any contracts assigned to Aladdin pursuant to this section
     which are not in default by Northwind, (ii) upon completion of the Plant,
     Aladdin shall pay to Northwind an amount equal to the Plant Price less the
     cost to Aladdin to complete the Plant, provided that such amount does not
     exceed an amount equal to (x) the amount actually spent to date by
     Northwind in accordance with the terms of this Agreement plus (y) all
     amounts which Northwind is then contractually obligated to pay in respect
     of equipment and materials previously delivered to the Plant Site and labor
     and services previously performed in connection with the construction of
     the Plant, or which Aladdin subsequently elects, in its sole discretion, to
     accept from Northwind's suppliers pursuant to Northwind's purchase
     commitments therefor, and provided further that the payment amount shall
     not provide for any return on Northwind's investment in the Plant and (iii)
     the Energy Service Agreement and the Northwind Lease shall concurrently
     terminate.  Aladdin shall have the right to have the Work finished without
     incurring any liability to Northwind or assuming any liabilities incurred
     by Northwind.

          (c)  ALADDIN EVENTS OF DEFAULT.  Aladdin shall be in default of its
     obligations pursuant to this Agreement should any of the following events
     or conditions arise or exist and Aladdin shall fail to remedy the same
     within ten (10) days, or Aladdin shall fail promptly to provide Northwind
     with evidence reasonably satisfactory to Northwind that such default can be
     cured by Aladdin in a time period reasonably satisfactory to Northwind and
     promptly to commence and diligently pursue and conclude remedial action
     within such agreed period:

               (i)    The Notice to Proceed shall not have been received by
          Northwind by May 1, 1998;

               (ii)   Abandonment of the Aladdin Project by Aladdin after May
          1, 1998;


               (iii)  Aladdin assigns or transfers this Agreement or its right
          or interest herein, except as expressly permitted by Section 14(e)
          hereof; or

               (iv)   Any representation or warranty made by Aladdin in Section
          2(i) hereof was materially incorrect when made and as a result thereof
          it is reasonably expected that Aladdin will be unable to perform its
          material obligations hereunder, and such inability will not be cured
          within a reasonable period of time.

     Aladdin Event of Default has occurred pursuant to Section 10(c) of this
     Agreement, Northwind may terminate this Agreement by written notice to
     Aladdin of such termination.  If Northwind terminates this Agreement
     because an Aladdin Event of Default has occurred pursuant to Section 10(c)
     of this Agreement, Aladdin shall be liable for and shall pay to Northwind
     all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by Northwind in connection with
     Northwind's obligations under this Agreement for the time period from and
     including the date hereof to the effective date of such termination and all
     third party engineering and consulting costs and expenses incurred prior to
     the date hereof through the effective date of termination.  If Northwind
     terminates this Agreement because an Aladdin Event of Default has occurred
     pursuant to Section 10(c)(ii), (iii) or (iv) of this Agreement, Aladdin
     shall also pay to Northwind a twenty (20) percent return on the unfinanced
     portion of such costs and expenses, such portion not to exceed forty (40)
     percent of the total of such costs and expenses.

          (e)  Northwind shall be permitted to terminate this Agreement at any
     time after March 1, 1998 if Aladdin shall not have acquired fee title to
     the Aladdin Lands by such date or if the Financial Closing shall not have
     occurred by such date.  Either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement at
     any time after January 31, 1998 if the Energy Service Agreement, in
     substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit G (with such changes as
     the Parties may agree upon) has not been executed by such date, provided
     that such Party has acted in good faith to execute the Energy Service
     Agreement by such date.  Any termination of this Agreement pursuant to this
     Section 10(e) shall be in writing and shall be effective when given (unless
     such termination expressly provides for effectiveness at a later date, in
     which case such termination shall be effective on the stated date).  If
     this Agreement is so terminated, Aladdin shall be liable for and shall pay
     to Northwind all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by Northwind in
     connection with Northwind's obligations under this Agreement for the time
     period from and including the date hereof to the effective date of such
     termination and all third party engineering and consulting costs and
     expenses incurred prior to the date hereof through the effective date of
     such termination.


          (f)  CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES DISCLAIMER.  Notwithstanding anything to
     the contrary contained in this Agreement, neither Party shall be liable to
     the other Party, whether in contract, tort, negligence, indemnity, strict
     liability, or otherwise, for any special, indirect, incidental, or
     consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the Work, or the
     performance, non-performance or breach of this Agreement.  

     11.  FORCE MAJEURE EVENT.  If either Aladdin or Northwind shall be actually
delayed in or is prevented from performing any of its obligations hereunder due
to a Force Majeure Event, including an "Unforeseen Site Condition" as defined
below, and to the extent such delay in or prevention of performance could not be
avoided or mitigated by any reasonable method, the party claiming such delay or
prevention shall be excused from performing its obligations hereunder for the
period of delay or interruption caused by such Force Majeure Event.

          (i)  Within 72 hours after a party becomes aware or should, with due
     diligence, have become aware of the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event,
     such party shall deliver to the other a notice of such event stating the
     nature thereof.  Within seven (7) days of such notice, the party claiming
     the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event shall deliver to the other party a
     notice describing the anticipated impact of such delay on the performance
     or the party's obligations hereunder, and within ten (10) days following
     the end of such Force Majeure Event shall provide a written notice of
     extension of performance of such party's obligations.  Such notice shall
     describe in detail the event causing the delay, the precise effect thereof
     on the performance of such party's obligations, the length of delay, and
     the measures taken or to be taken to minimize such delay.  In the event
     that a Party receiving a notice of delay caused by a Force Majeure Event
     disagrees with such notice, the Parties shall promptly meet and attempt to
     resolve such dispute.  If the Parties are not able to resolve such dispute
     within five (5) Business Days, then the dispute shall be resolved pursuant
     to Section 13 hereof.

          (ii)  If after a Force Majeure Event has caused Northwind to suspend
     or delay performance of the Work, Northwind has failed to take such action
     as Aladdin could and would lawfully and reasonably initiate to remove or
     relieve either the cause thereof or its direct or indirect effects, Aladdin
     may, in its sole discretion and, after notice to Northwind, initiate, at
     Aladdin's sole expense, such reasonable measures as will be designed to
     remove or relieve such Force Majeure Event or its direct or indirect
     effects and thereafter require Northwind to resume full or partial
     performance of the Work.


For purposes of this Section 11, "Unforeseen Site Conditions" shall mean
conditions, not caused by Northwind (including, but not limited to, Northwind's
agents, subcontractors or any other contractor affiliated with Northwind),
existing as of the date upon which Northwind receives the Notice to Proceed, or
thereafter caused by Aladdin or third parties unrelated to Northwind, which,
notwithstanding Northwind's investigation of the Site (and provided that
Northwind's investigation of the Site is in accordance with Good Engineering
Practices), was not disclosed or discovered prior to the execution of the EPC

     12.  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  Northwind and Aladdin each agree to treat
in confidence all information regarding this Agreement and the performance by
the parties of their obligations hereunder and all information which either
Northwind or Aladdin will have obtained from the other party in contemplation of
entering into, or in the performance of, this Agreement and not make any use of
any of such information for any purpose other than complying with its
obligations under this Agreement and the Related Agreements.  Such information
will not be communicated to any person other than Northwind or Aladdin and their
respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, attorneys, and
professional consultants, except to the extent disclosure of such information:

          1.   is required by law or governmental authority;

          2.   is made by a Party pursuant to litigation in which such Party is
               a party; or

          3.   is made to any lender or prospective lender to such party
               (PROVIDED such lender or prospective lender agrees in writing to
               keep such information confidential on the terms set forth in this
               Section 12).

          If either party is required to disclose confidential information
pursuant to clause (a) above, such party will take reasonable steps to limit the
extent of the disclosure and to make such disclosure confidential under the
circumstances and will, to the extent it reasonably can do so in the
circumstances, afford the other party hereto notice of such request for
disclosure so as to permit such other party to seek an appropriate protective
order or other means by which such information may be maintained in confidence
pursuant to such disclosure.  Information provided by a party hereunder will
remain the sole property of the party providing such information.  The
obligation of each party to treat in confidence, and not to use, information
which it will have obtained from the other party will not apply to any
information which (x) is or becomes available to such party from a source not
otherwise under obligations of confidentiality with respect thereto, other than
the party providing such information, or (y) is or becomes available to the
public other than as a result of disclosure by such party or its agents in
breach of this Section 12.


     13.  DISPUTE RESOLUTION.  If a dispute between the parties arises
concerning the design or construction of the Plant, the parties may jointly
request that such dispute be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the
provisions of the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration
Association, as in effect at the time.  If the parties do not agree to submit
such dispute to arbitration and are not otherwise able to resolve such dispute,
either party may bring such dispute to any court of competent jurisdiction for
resolution.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, neither party hereto shall seek
resolution of a dispute in a manner that delays or hinders the orderly and
continuous construction of the Plant.  Notwithstanding any litigation or any
dispute or controversy, and regardless of the basis thereof or grounds therefor,
Northwind agrees that it will, for so long as the Agreement has not been
terminated, diligently prosecute the Work to Final Completion, all in accordance
with the terms of this Agreement.

     14.  GENERAL.

          (a)  NO PARTNERSHIP.  Northwind is an independent contractor and this
     Agreement shall not be construed to create a partnership, agency, joint
     venture, lease, license, or any other relationship between Aladdin and
     Northwind save as expressly contemplated herein and solely for the limited
     purposes noted.

          (b)  REMEDIES AND LIMITATIONS.  Remedies of the parties outlined or
     referred herein are not intended to be exclusive and shall be in addition
     to any other remedies at law or in equity which may be available to an
     aggrieved party, except as limited by this Agreement.  

          (c)  NOTICES.  Notices shall be delivered under this Agreement in the
     same manner as set forth in Section 10.1 of the Energy Service Agreement.

          (d)  APPROVALS AND OBJECTIONS.  In cases where either party in any
     part of this Agreement is given the right or option to review, approve or
     object to any matter, provide a notice or attend a meeting, the exercise of
     (or failure to exercise) such right or option shall not relieve Aladdin or
     Northwind from their respective obligations and duties under this Agreement
     or any Related Agreement.

          (e)  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and
     shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors
     and assigns.  Neither Party shall assign its interest or delegate its
     duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other
     party (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) except that either
     Party may assign its interest hereunder in connection with a concurrent
     assignment of its interest in the Energy Service Agreement 


     made in accordance with the provisions of such agreement, provided that
     such assignment hereunder is being made to the same entity to which
     assignment is being made under the Energy Service Agreement.  In the event
     of such assignment, the assignee shall have the same notice, cure and
     assumption rights under this Agreement as is provided to such assignee
     under Section 10.2(a)(ii) of the Energy Service Agreement.

          (f)  ENTIRE AGREEMENT; AMENDMENTS.  This Agreement and the Exhibits
     referred to herein and the Related Agreements and the documents delivered
     pursuant hereto and thereto contain the entire understanding of the parties
     hereto with regard to the subject matter contained herein or therein, and
     supersede all prior agreements or understandings between or among any of
     the parties hereto.  This Agreement will not be amended, restated,
     modified, or supplemented except by a written instrument signed by an
     authorized representative of each of the parties hereto.

          (g)  INTERPRETATION.  Article titles and headings to sections herein
     are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not intended to be a
     part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

          (h)  WAIVERS.  Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived,
     or the time for its performance may be extended, by the party or parties
     entitled to the benefit thereof.  Any such waiver will be validly and
     sufficiently authorized for the purposes of this Agreement if, as to any
     party, it is authorized in writing by an authorized representative of such
     party.  The failure of any party hereto to enforce at any time any
     provision of this Agreement will not be construed to be a waiver of such
     provision, nor in any way to affect the validity of this Agreement or any
     part hereof or the right of any party thereafter to enforce each and every
     such provision.  No waiver of any breach of this Agreement will be held to
     constitute a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.

          (i)  EXPENSES.  Each party hereto will pay all costs and expenses
     incident to its negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and, except
     as set forth herein, to its performance and compliance with all agreements
     and conditions contained herein on its part to be performed or complied
     with, including the fees, expenses and disbursements of its counsel and


          (j)  PARTIAL INVALIDITY.  Wherever possible, each provision hereof
     will be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under
     applicable law, but in case any one or more of the provisions contained
     herein will, for any reason, be held to be invalid, illegal or
     unenforceable in any respect, such provision will be ineffective to the
     extent, but only to the extent, of such invalidity, illegality or
     unenforceability without invalidating the remainder of such invalid,
     illegal or unenforceable provision or provisions or any other provisions
     hereof, unless such a construction would be unreasonable.  Upon any such
     determination that any term or other provision hereof is invalid, illegal
     or unenforceable, the parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to
     modify this Agreement so as to affect the original intent of the parties as
     closely as possible in an acceptable manner, to the end that the
     transactions contemplated hereby are fulfilled to the extent possible in
     the circumstances.

          (k)  OPERATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. Aladdin and Northwind desire that
     this Agreement operate between them fairly and reasonably, and agree to
     cooperate and to communicate with each other concerning the terms hereof
     and concerning matters relating to the Plant during the term of this

          (l)  EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in one
     or more counterparts, each of which will be considered an original
     instrument, but all of which will be considered one and the same agreement,
     and will become binding when one or more counterparts have been signed by
     each of the parties hereto and delivered to Aladdin and Northwind.

          (m)  GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement will be governed by and construed
     in accordance with the internal laws and decisions of the State of Nevada.

          (n)  TIME.  Time is of the essence hereof.

[Balance of page intentionally left blank; signature page follows.]


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as
of the date set forth above.

By:  UTT Las Vegas, Inc., its manager

By:  /s/ Donald Petkus                       By:  /s/ Ronald Dictrow
     ----------------------                     -----------------------------
     Name:  Donald Petkus                       Name:  Ronald Dictrow
     Title: President                           Title: Exec. Vice President


          Aladdin Holdings, LLC, a Nevada limited liability company ("AH")
hereby (i) executes the Development Agreement to which this signature page is
attached for the purpose of confirming that it is jointly and severally liable
with Aladdin until the earlier of  (i) Financial Closing or (ii) the acquisition
of fee title to the Aladdin Lands by Aladdin, to Northwind for payment due to
Northwind under Sections 5(c)(i), 10(d) and 10(e) of such Development Agreement
on account of an Aladdin Event of Default under Section 10(c) of such
Development Agreement or under Section 5(c)(i) or Section 10(e) pursuant to the
terms thereof and (ii) represents and warrants to Northwind, as an inducement to
Northwind to execute such Development Agreement, that as of the date hereof, AH
is the sole and exclusive owner of fee title to the Aladdin Lands (as defined in
the Northwind Lease) and all improvements thereto free and clear of all liens,
claims, encumbrances, and rights of others, other than (i) a deed of trust (a
copy of which is attached hereto) securing the note (a copy of which is attached
hereto) in the initial amount of $65 million and (ii) matters attached hereto in
Attachment A.

Dated:  December 3, 1997

                         ALADDIN HOLDINGS, LLC

                         By:  Aladdin Management Corporation

                         By:  /s/ Ronald Dictrow
                                Ronald Dictrow
                         Title: Treasurer 

                                      EXHIBIT A
                             DESCRIPTION OF ALADDIN LANDS

                                      EXHIBIT B
                                PLANT PRICE AND GMPP 

                                      EXHIBIT C
                                   UNICOM GUARANTY

                                      EXHIBIT D

1.   Northwind will maintain:

     (i)    Workers' compensation insurance, with limits of liability at least
            equal to the statutory requirements therefor;

     (ii)   Employer's liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000;

     (iii)  Comprehensive general liability insurance against liability for
            injury to or death of any person or damage to property in
            connection with the use, operation or condition of the Plant of not
            less that $2,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and
            annual aggregate;

     (iv)   "All-risk" property insurance covering the Plant to the extent of
            the full replacement cost thereof and, during construction of the
            Plant, "all-risk builder's risk" insurance covering the Plant to
            the extent of the full replacement thereof;

     (v)    During any and all periods of construction of the Plant, Northwind
            shall cause its general contractors (including all contractors who
            contract directly with Northwind) to obtain (i) commercial general
            liability insurance with a minimum limit of liability of $5,000,000
            combined single limit for bodily injury, personal injury and
            property damage and include Aladdin and Aladdin's lenders as
            additional insureds and (ii) workers' compensation insurance, with
            limits of liability at least equal to the statutory requirements
            therefor and employer's liability insurance of not less than
            $1,000,000; and

     (vi )  Excess liability umbrella coverage of at least $50,000,000.

2.   Aladdin shall maintain:

     (i)    Workers' compensation insurance, with limits of liability at least
            equal to the statutory requirements therefor;

     (ii)   Employer's liability insurance of not less than $1,000,000;

     (iii)  Comprehensive general liability (including public liability and
            property damage) insurance coverage covering occurrences, accidents
            and incidents on the Aladdin Lands that (1) occur from and after
            the date hereof (regardless of when the claim is filed) and (2)
            result in bodily injury, personal injury or death to any person or
            entity and/or damage or destruction of property.  Said insurance
            shall have a combined single limit of liability per occurrence of
            not less than $1,000,000 on a primary basis and not less than
            $50,000,000 on an excess/umbrella basis, or such greater amounts as
            are typical for similar casino-hotel projects in Las Vegas; and

     (iv)   "All-risk" property insurance covering the Aladdin Lands and
            improvements thereon to the extent of the full replacement cost

Each party hereto agrees that the insurance described above to be provided by
the other party may be provided by and through blanket coverages which may be
provided in whole or in part through a policy or policies covering other
liabilities and locations of the party obligated to provide such insurance and
its affiliates.

                                      EXHIBIT E

                                      EXHIBIT F

                                      EXHIBIT G
                               ENERGY SERVICE AGREEMENT

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS


     1.     Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

     2.     General Terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
            (a)     Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
            (b)     Plant Location and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
            (c)     Purchase of Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
            (d)     Design and Construction of the Plant . . . . . . . . . . .8
            (e)     Aladdin Not Responsible for Acts of Northwind. . . . . . .8
            (f)     Claims Upon Failure of Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
            (g)     Aladdin's Access to Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
            (h)     Responsibilities of Northwind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
            (i)     Representations and Warranties . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
            (j)     Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
            (k)     Condemnation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

     3.     Additional Agreements and Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

     4.     Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
            (a)     Project Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
            (b)     Project Execution Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

     5.     Plant Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
            (a)     Plant Oversight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
            (b)     Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
            (c)     Plant Plans and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

     6.     Plant Construction; Construction Reports and Meetings. . . . . . 21

     7.     Quality Control and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
            (a)     In General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
            (b)     Quality Control and Inspection Program . . . . . . . . . 22
            (c)     Inspection Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
            (d)     Effect of Waiver of Inspection Rights. . . . . . . . . . 24

     8.     Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
            (a)     Substantial Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
            (b)     Final Completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
            (c)     Timely Completion of the Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
            (d)     Contingency Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

     9.     Scope Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
            (a)     Further Refinement, Corrections and Detailing Not Scope
                      Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
            (b)     Scope Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
            (c)     Procedure for Scope Changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
            (d)     Scope Changes Due to Northwind Error . . . . . . . . . . 30
            (e)     Scope Changes Due to Change in Law . . . . . . . . . . . 30

     10.    Default; Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
            (a)     Northwind Events of Default. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
            (b)     Termination Option and Other Remedies for Northwind 
                      Default. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
            (c)     Aladdin Events of Default. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
            (d)     Termination Option and Other Remedies for Aladdin 
                      Default. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
            (f)     Consequential Damages Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

     11.    Force Majeure Event. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

     12.    Confidential Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

     13.    Dispute Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

     14.    General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
            (a)     No Partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
            (b)     Remedies and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
            (c)     Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
            (d)     Approvals and Objections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
            (e)     Successors and Assigns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
            (f)     Entire Agreement; Amendments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
            (g)     Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
            (h)     Waivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
            (i)     Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
            (j)     Partial Invalidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
            (k)     Operation of this Agreement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
            (l)     Execution in Counterparts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
            (m)     Governing Law. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
            (n)     Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39