INDEMNITY AGREEMENT

     This agreement is made as of the ____ day of _____________, 19__, 
between Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the 
"Corporation"), and the undersigned ("Agent"), with reference to the 
following facts:


     A.  The Agent is currently serving as an Officer of the Corporation and 
         the Corporation wishes the Agent to continue in such capacity.
         The Agent is willing under certain circumstances, to continue in such

     B.  The Corporation and the Agent are of the belief that the indemnities 
         available under the Corporation's bylaws and available insurance may 
         not be adequate to protect the Agent against the risks associated with
         the Agent's service to the Corporation.


     In order to induce the Agent to continue to serve as an Officer of the 
Corporation and in consideration for his continued service, the Corporation 
hereby agrees to indemnify the Agent as follows:

         1.  The Corporation will pay on behalf of the Agent, and his         
             executors, administrators or assigns, any amount which he 
             is or becomes legally obligated to pay because of any claim or 
             claims made against him because of any act or omission or 
             neglect or breach of duty, including any actual or alleged 
             error or misstatement or misleading statement, which he commits 
             or suffers while acting in his capacity as an Officer of the 
             Corporation and solely because of his being an Officer. The 
             payments which the Corporation will be obligated to make 
             hereunder shall include, inter alia, damages, judgments, 
             settlements and costs, cost of investigation (excluding 
             salaries of officers or employees of the Corporation) and costs 
             of defense of legal actions, claims or proceedings and appeals 
             therefrom, and costs of attachment or similar bonds; provided 
             however, that the Corporation shall not be obligated to pay 
             fines or obligations or fees imposed by law or otherwise made 
             any payments hereunder which it is prohibited by applicable law 
             from paying as indemnity or for any other reason.

         2.  If a Claim under this Agreement is not paid by the Corporation, 
             or on its behalf, within ninety days after a written claim has 
             been received by the Corporation, the claimant may at any time 
             thereafter bring suit against the Corporation to recover the 
             unpaid amount of the claim and if successful in whole or in 
             part, the claimant shall be entitled to be paid also the 
             expense of prosecuting such claim.

         3.  In the event of payment under this Agreement, the Corporation    
             shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to all of the 
             rights of recovery of the Agent, who shall execute all papers 
             required and shall do everything that may be necessary to secure 
             such rights, including the execution of such documents necessary
             to enable the Corporation effectively to bring suit to enforce
             such rights.

         4.  The Corporation shall not be liable under this Agreement to make 
             any payment in connection with any claim made against the Agent:

             (a)  for which payment is actually made to the Agent under a 
                  valid and collective insurance policy, except in respect of 
                  any excess beyond the amount of payment under such 

             (b)  for which the Agent is entitled to indemnity and/or payment 
                  by reason of having given notice of any circumstance which 
                  might give rise to a claim under any policy of insurance, 
                  the terms of which have expired prior to the effective date 
                  of this Agreement;

             (c)  for which the Agent is indemnified by the Corporation 
                  otherwise than pursuant to this Agreement;

             (d)  based upon or attributable to the Agent gaining in fact any 
                  personal profit or advantage to which he was not legally 

             (e)  for an accounting of profits made from the purchase or sale 
                  by the Agent of securities of the Corporation within the 
                  meaning of Section 16(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 
                  1934 and amendments thereto or similar provisions of any 
                  state statutory law or common law; or

             (f)  brought about or contributed to by the dishonesty of the 
                  Agent seeking payment hereunder; however, notwithstanding 
                  the foregoing, the Agent shall be protected under this 
                  Agreement as to any claims upon which suit may be brought 
                  against him by reason of any alleged dishonesty on his 
                  part, unless a judgment or other final adjudication thereof 
                  adverse to the Agent shall establish that he committed (i) 
                  acts of active and deliberate dishonesty (ii) with actual 
                  dishonest purpose and intent, which acts were material to 
                  the cause of action so adjudicated.

         5.  No costs, charges or expense for which indemnity shall be sought 
             hereunder shall be incurred without the Corporation's consent, 
             which consent shall not be unseasonably withheld.

         6.  The Agent, as a condition precedent to his right to be 
             indemnified under this Agreement, shall give the Corporation 
             notice in writing as soon as practicable for any claim made 
             against him for which indemnity will or could be sought under 
             this Agreement. Notice to the Corporation shall be directed to 
             the Corporation at its Corporate Headquarters, attention: The 
             Corporate Secretary (or such address as to the Corporation shall 
             designate in writing to the Agent); notice shall be deemed 
             received if sent by prepaid mail properly addressed, the date of 
             such notice being the date postmarked. In addition, the Agent 
             shall give the Corporation such information and cooperation as 
             it may reasonably require and as shall be within the Agent's 

         7.  Costs and expenses (including attorney's fees) incurred by the 
             Agent in defending or investigating any action, suit, proceeding 
             or investigation shall be paid by the Corporation in advance of 
             the final disposition of such matter, if the Agent shall 
             undertake in writing to repay any such advances in the event 
             that it is ultimately determined that the Agent is not entitled 
             to indemnification under the terms of this Agreement. 
             Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of this 
             Agreement, no advance shall be made by the Corporation if a 
             determination is reasonably and promptly made by the board of 
             directors by a majority vote of a quorum of disinterested 
             directors, or (if such a quorum is not obtainable or, even if 
             obtainable, a quorum of disinterested directors so directs) by 
             independent legal counsel, that, based upon the facts known to 
             the board of counsel at the time such determination is made, (a) 
             the Agent 

             acted in bad faith or deliberately breached his duty to the 
             corporation or its stockholders, and (b) as a result of such 
             actions by the Agent, it is more likely than not that it will
             ultimately be determined that the Agent is not entitled to 
             indemnification under the terms of this Agreement.

         8.  Nothing herein shall be deemed to diminish or otherwise restrict 
             the Agent's right to indemnification under any provision of the 
             certificate of incorporation or bylaws of the Corporation or 
             under Delaware law.

         9.  This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance 
             with Delaware law.

        10.  This Agreement shall be binding upon all successors and assigns 
             of the Corporation (including any transferee of all or 
             substantially all of its assets and any successor by merger or 
             operation of law) and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, 
             personal representatives and estate of the Agent.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be 
duly executed and signed as of the day and year first above written.

                                          FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES, INC.

                                          By: ________________________________
