THIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT (this "AGREEMENT") is made as of February 26, 
1998, by and between 99 CENTS Only Stores, a California corporation (the 
"COMPANY") and Norman Ravich , an individual ("CONSULTANT").


     A.   Consultant currently serves as a director of Universal 
International, Inc., a Minnesota corporation ("UNIVERSAL"), and possesses 
extensive experience in all phases of the business operations of Universal.

     B.   The Company proposes to make a tender offer to acquire all of the 
issued and outstanding shares of Common Stock of Universal  (the "OFFER"), 
and the Company desires to retain Consultant to provide advisory services to 
the Company in connection with the Offer, and thereafter to provide sales, 
management and operations consulting services in connection with the 
operation of the business of Universal following the completion of the Offer 
(collectively, the "SERVICES"), and Consultant desires to provide the 
Services pursuant to this Agreement.  

     C.   It is a condition to the willingness of the Company to make the 
Offer that Consultant agree to provide the Services to the Company pursuant 
to this Agreement, and as an inducement to the Company to make the Offer, 
consultant has agreed to provide the Services to the Company pursuant to this 


     NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, and the 
terms, conditions and covenants contained herein, the Company and Consultant 
agree as follows:

     1.   CONSULTING SERVICES.  The Company hereby retains Consultant to 
provide, and Consultant agrees to provide, his services as a consultant to 
the Company and to render when requested pursuant to the terms of this 
Agreement the Services.  

services and duties as a consultant shall be to provide the Services in the 
form of advice and consultation with the Board of Directors of the Company, 
its President and other senior executive officers.  The Company understands 
that Consultant will be concurrently engaged in other business and personal 
ventures, and therefore agrees to provide Consultant with at least five (5) 
business days' notice of the need for any Services hereunder; PROVIDED that 
Services may be provided upon shorter notice with the consent of Consultant.  
The actual working hours during which Consultant shall be required to provide 
Services hereunder shall be mutually agreed upon between Consultant and the 

Board of Directors, but in no event shall Consultant be required to provide 
Services in excess of sixteen (16) hours during any calendar month hereunder. 
The Services may be provided at such location, or by such means (including 
telephonic or other electronic means of transmission) as Consultant shall 
reasonably determine to be appropriate.  The Company acknowledges and agrees 
that the Services provided by Consultant hereunder are non-exclusive; 
consequently, subject to Consultant's compliance at all times with the 
provisions of Sections 5 of this Agreement, in the course of Consultant's 
business activities, Consultant may perform services similar to the Services 
(including services as an employee) for any other Person.

     3.   TERM.  The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the date 
hereof and shall continue for a period of ninety days from the date hereof. 


          4.1  COMPENSATION.  In consideration of Consultant's agreeing to 
provide the Services, the Company shall, effective as of the date of this 
Agreement, grant to Consultant  an option in the form attached to the 
Stockholder Support Agreement to which this Agreement is attached as Exhibit 
A (the "Consultant Option").  The Company agrees that the Consultant Option 
is granted to Consultant in consideration of Consultant agreeing to enter 
into this Agreement and to make himself available to perform the Services, 
and shall be fully earned by Consultant regardless of whether the Company 
shall utilize Consultant to perform any Services hereunder.

          4.2  OTHER COMPENSATION.  All compensation derived by Consultant 
from other employment or activities not proscribed by the terms of this 
Agreement shall inure solely to the benefit of Consultant.  

          4.3  EXPENSES.  Any and all reasonable travel, entertainment and 
out of pocket expenses incurred by Consultant on behalf of the Company in 
connection with rendering the Services contemplated by this Agreement shall 
be fully reimbursed to Consultant within ten (10) days of the submission of a 
request for reimbursement by Consultant to the Company accompanied by 
appropriate documentation in accordance with the Company's then-current 
expense reimbursement policies.

     5.   CONFIDENTIALITY AND TRADE SECRETS.  Consultant shall not, at any 
time during the term of this Agreement, exploit, use for any purpose not 
specifically related to the Services or disclose to any Person any 
confidential information, including price lists, pricing information, 
customer lists, customer names, financial information, trade secrets, 
know-how, unprinted or printed data or any related intangible property 
developed during or prior to the term of this Agreement, belonging to, used 
by, or developed by or for the benefit of the Company or Universal 
(collectively "Trade Secrets"); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any such information 
that may be obtained by a reasonably diligent businessman from readily 
available and public sources of information shall not be deemed to be Trade 
Secrets, unless such information was first published in breach of this 
Agreement or any other confidentiality agreement entered into between 
Consultant and the 



termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall turn over to the Company all 
property, writings or documents then in his possession or custody belonging 
to or relating to the affairs of the Company or Universal, or comprising or 
relating to any Trade Secrets.


          7.1  Consultant is entering into this Agreement as an independent 
contractor, and no employment relationship, partnership, joint venture, or 
other association shall be deemed to be created by this Agreement.  

          7.2  This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of 
the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns; PROVIDED, 
that Consultant's duties and obligations hereunder may not be delegated or 
assigned by him in any manner.

          7.3  This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, 
all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same 

          7.4  The internal substantive laws (and not the choice of law 
rules) of the State of Minnesota shall govern the validity and interpretation 
of this Agreement and the performance by the parties hereto of their 
respective duties and obligations hereunder.  

          7.5  Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be 
interpreted in such a manner as to make the provision valid and enforceable 
under the applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be or 
become invalid or prohibited under any applicable law, such provision shall 
be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity only, without 
thereby invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining 
provisions of this Agreement.

          7.6  The obligations of Consultant under Section 5 and Section 6 of 
this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement and/or the 
cessation of the provision of Services by Consultant regardless of the reason 
or cause therefor.  

          7.7  No modifications, extensions, or waiver of any provisions 
hereof or any release of any right hereunder shall be valid, unless the same 
is in writing and is consented to by all parties hereto.

          7.8  This Agreement embodies the entire understanding of the 
parties hereto and no change may be made in it except in writing signed by 
both parties.

          7.9  All notices and communications provided for hereunder shall be 
in writing 


and shall be given by personal delivery or by registered or certified mail to 
the following business addresses or to such other address as either party 
shall designate in writing to the other.

               If to the Company:

               99 CENTS Only Stores
               4000 East Union Pacific Avenue
               City of Commerce, CA 90023
               Attn: Andy Farina

               If to Consultant:

               Norman Ravich 

          7.10 Captions and paragraphs headings used herein are for 
convenience only and are not a part of this Agreement and shall not be used 
in construing it.

          7.11 Whenever the term "Person" is used in this Agreement, the term 
shall mean and include any individual, partnership, trust, corporation, joint 
venture, association, government, government bureau or agency, foreign or 
domestic, or other entity of whatever kind or nature.  Whenever the singular 
is used herein and where required by the context, the same shall include the 
plural, and the neuter gender shall include the masculine and feminine 


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this 
Agreement effective on the day and year first hereinabove set forth.

                         99 CENTS ONLY STORES

                         By: /s/ David Gold
                         Its: Chairman of the Board

                         /s/ Norman Ravich
                         Norman Ravich
