Exhibit (10)(w)


     This Employment and Noncompetition Agreement ("the Agreement") is made 
this 13th day of March, 1998 by and between VAUGHN COMMUNICATIONS, INC., a 
Minnesota corporation, its heirs, assigns, successors, or surviving 
corporation that results from a merger ("Company") and M.  CHARLES REINHART, 
an individual who currently resides in Apple Valley, Minnesota (hereinafter 
referred to as the "Employee").

     WHEREAS, the Employee has served as a key employee of the Company for 
many years and on the date hereof holds the position of Chief Financial 
Officer and Secretary; and

     WHEREAS, the Company desires to retain the services of the Employee in 
order to assure continuity of management and to assist the Company in 
operating the business, and the Employee desires to be retained by the 
Company for such purposes upon the terms and conditions set forth in this 
Agreement; and

     WHEREAS, in consideration of, and as an inducement to, the Company 
agreeing to enter into this Agreement, which the Employee agrees is 
beneficial to him as it provides substantial additional rights to the 
Employee, including but not limited to, the right to receive severance and 
change of control payments, the Employee agrees not to compete with the 
Company in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this 
Agreement; and

     WHEREAS, the Employee acknowledges and agrees that he has been advised 
by the Company to have this Agreement reviewed by legal counsel of his own 
choosing, and that he has consulted and conferred with such legal counsel to 
the extent he deems advisable before signing this Agreement;

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the promises 
and mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement, the Company and the 
Employee agree and contract as follows:

     1.   EMPLOYMENT SERVICES.  The Company hereby employs the Employee to 
serve as Chief Financial Officer with responsibility for financial management 
of the Company's businesses (the "Services").  It is understood that 
regardless of whether the Company shall continue as a separate corporate 
entity or through acquisition, merger or other transaction no longer be a 
separate legal entity, that Employee as to these businesses, shall have the 
duties, responsibilities and authority substantially the same as those of a 
Chief Financial Officer of a business corporation pursuant to the Minnesota 
Business Corporations Act except as may be determined by provisions of this 
Agreement.  It is further understood that the particular businesses of the 
Company managed by Employee as Chief Financial Officer may change from time 
to time, and Company and Employee agree that such changes may occur, as long 
as the duties, responsibilities and authority are substantially equivalent to 
those described herein, or Employee consents in writing to such new duties, 
responsibilities and authority, which consent Employee will not unreasonably 
withhold.  Employee hereby agrees to provide, and to hold himself available 
to provide the Services as his full-time occupation to the exclusion of other 
full or part time services to any other party during the term of this 
Agreement.  The Employee hereby accepts such employment and shall in good 
faith perform, for and on behalf and in the best interests of the Company, 
the Services during the term of this Agreement.

     2.   TERM.  Except as provided in Section 4 hereof the initial term of this
Agreement shall be three (3) years commencing on the effective date hereof,
April 1, 1998 (the "Effective Date"), and thereafter beginning with the third
anniversary of the Effective Date, will 


automatically renew each year on the anniversary of that date for additional 
one (1) year terms, unless 90 days preceding such third anniversary date and 
each subsequent anniversary date for successive one-year terms, either party 
gives written notice to the other of nonrenewal, in which case no further 
automatic extensions shall occur.

     3.   COMPENSATION/BENEFITS.  During the initial and subsequent renewal 
terms of this Agreement, the Employee shall receive compensation from the 
Company for the Services set forth in Section 1 as follows:

          (a)  BASE SALARY COMPENSATION.  In consideration of Employee's
     services, Employee will be paid, during the initial term of this Agreement,
     no less than the following:  $80,000 for calendar year 1998 (the "Salary").
     The Salary will be payable in accordance with the Company's customary
     payroll practices for its executive officers, but not less than monthly. 
     The Employee's Salary shall be reviewed by the Company and the Employee at
     least annually for increase in a manner consistent with general
     compensation changes Company-wide and applicable to the executive officers
     as a group.

          (b)  CAR.  The Company agrees to provide the Employee with and pay the
     expense for an appropriate car for his business and other use.

          (c)  BONUS.  The Company will continue to offer Employee a bonus
     compensation program substantially in parity with that offered to all other
     senior executives of the Company, and including the use of substantially
     similar percentage of salary, minimum, target and maximum bonus amounts, or
     performance, achievement, and other standards.


          (d)  STOCK OPTIONS.  The Employee shall be entitled to receive such
     stock options as are available and offered from time to time to other
     senior executives of the Company consistent with Company policy.

          (e)  EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT.  The Company agrees to reimburse the
     Employee for all reasonable and necessary business expenses incurred by the
     Employee during the performance of his Services pursuant to this Agreement.
     The Employee agrees to provide to the Company reasonable and customary
     documentation of any expenses for which the Employee seeks reimbursement
     from the Company pursuant to this Agreement.

          (f)  OTHER BENEFITS.  The Employee shall be entitled to participate in
     such compensation and retirement plans and receive such insurance,
     vacation, profit sharing, retirement, and other benefits ("Other Benefits")
     as are available to senior executives of the Company consistent with
     Company policy, provided however, during Employee's employment under this
     Agreement, Employee shall be provided and receive at least such other
     benefits as he is provided and receives as of the Effective Date, or in
     lieu thereof such substitute plans and benefits as provide him with
     substantially equivalent Other Benefits.

     4.   TERMINATION.  This Agreement and the Employee's employment with the
Company may be terminated only on the terms and conditions specified in this
Section upon the prior written notice to the other party as specified below.  In
the event of the termination of this Agreement and the Employee's employment
with the Company, the Employee shall be entitled to compensation in accordance
with the following provisions.

          (a)  TERMINATION BY COMPANY FOR CAUSE.  The Company may terminate this
     Agreement for "Cause," as defined below, immediately upon written notice to


     and upon such termination for Cause, Employee shall cease to provide 
     Services hereunder as directed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors 
     upon receipt of notice of termination, unless the matter must first be 
     determined by arbitration or is subject to cure by the Employee as 
     provided in clause (i) hereof.  "Cause" shall be defined as (i) a breach 
     by the Employee of the noncompetition provisions set forth in Section 5 
     hereof or the restrictions on use of Confidential Information set forth 
     in Section 6 hereof or substandard performance of a material part of the 
     Services as required in Section 1 hereof, as determined by a panel of 
     three arbitrators of the American Arbitration Association in 
     Minneapolis, Minnesota mutually chosen by Employee and Company and after 
     written notice of such alleged breach by Company to Employee and 
     Employee's failure to cure such alleged breach or alleged substandard 
     performance within 30 days thereof (if such alleged breach is subject to 
     cure), or (ii) willful and gross theft by the Employee from the Company, 
     or (iii) conviction of the Employee of any crime punishable as a felony.

     COMPANY.  The Company may terminate this Agreement and the Employee's
     employment with the Company upon ninety (90) days' written notice to the
     Employee.  In the event the Company terminates this Agreement and the
     Employee's employment with the Company under this Section 4(b), or the
     Company does not renew this Agreement at the end of the initial term or any
     renewal term, the Company will pay as a severance consideration payable
     monthly at the rate in effect prior to termination all of the following: 
     (i) all Salary for the unexpired initial or renewal term of the Agreement,
     as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(a)
     above; (ii) the expenses for continued use of a car for the unexpired
     initial or renewal term of the Agreement, as the case may be, in 


     accordance with the provisions of Section 3(b) above; (iii) a bonus 
     equal to one-fortyeighth (1/48) of the sum of the bonus payouts made in 
     the preceding three (3) years plus bonus due at the end of the year in 
     which termination occurs, estimated during the year and adjusted at year 
     end, times the number of months remaining in the unexpired initial or 
     renewal term of the Agreement, as the case may be; (iv) as a lump sum, 
     all expense reimbursements due the Employee or submitted by the Employee 
     to the Company within 30 days after the notice of termination in 
     accordance with the provisions of Section 3(e) above; (v) continuance of 
     medical insurance coverage in force on the date of termination (or 
     comparable medical insurance coverage if the Company is not able to 
     continue the Employee's coverage under the Company's medical insurance 
     plan in force on the date of termination) until the later of the date 
     the Employee is provided medical insurance by a new employer, one year 
     after the date of termination or the unexpired initial or renewal term 
     of the Agreement, as the case may be; and (vi) in the event the payment 
     provided in Section 4(b)(i) above is less than one year's salary, a 
     severance payment which, when added to 4(b)(i) above, will pay out one 
     year's salary at the salary rate in effect on the date of termination.

          (c)  TERMINATION BY EMPLOYEE FOR GOOD REASON.  The Employee may
     terminate this Agreement and his employment with the Company for "Good
     Reasons," as defined below, upon ninety (90) days' written notice to the
     Company.  In the event Employee terminates this Agreement and his
     employment with the Company for "Good Reason," the Company will pay monthly
     at the rate paid prior to termination all of the following:  (i) all Salary
     for the unexpired initial or renewal term of the Agreement, as the case may
     be, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(a) above; (ii) the
     expenses for continued use 


     of the car for the unexpired initial or renewal term of the Agreement, 
     as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(b) 
     above; (iii) a bonus in accordance with the provisions of Section 
     4(b)(iii) above; (iv) all expense reimbursements due the Employee or 
     submitted by the Employee to the Company within 30 days after the notice 
     of termination in accordance with the provisions of Section 3(e) above; 
     (v) continuance of medical insurance coverage in accordance with the 
     provisions of Section 4(b)(v) above; and (vi) a severance payment in 
     accordance with the provisions of Section 4(b)(vi) above.  As used 
     herein, "Good Reason" shall be defined as:  (vi) a diminishment of 
     Employee's responsibilities, duties and authority as provided in this 
     Agreement; (vii) a reduction in the Employee's Salary or Bonus as 
     provided this Agreement; (viii) the failure by the Company to provide 
     Employee with all plans, programs or other benefits of the Company in 
     accordance with Section 3(b), (d), (e) and (f); (ix) relocation of 
     Employee's office outside of the seven (7) county Minneapolis/St. Paul 
     metropolitan area; (x) failure of any successors, assigns, or surviving 
     corporation or entity to assume and faithfully perform all of the 
     obligations of the Company under this Agreement as provided in Section 
     8(h) hereof; or (xi) the Company commission of any other material breach 
     of this Agreement, which is not remedied by the Company in a reasonable 
     period (but not less than ninety (90) days) after its receipt of written 
     notice thereof from Employee.

          (d)  TERMINATION FOR DISABILITY OF EMPLOYEE.  In the event that the
     Employee becomes totally disabled, the Company may terminate this Agreement
     and the Employee's employment with the Company, and the Employee shall
     receive all of the Compensation and Benefits described in Section 3 hereof
     for one hundred eighty (180) days after notice of termination is delivered
     to Employee.


          (e)  TERMINATION FOR DEATH OF EMPLOYEE.  In the event of the death of
     the Employee, this Agreement will automatically terminate, and no
     compensation will be paid from the date of death except that expense
     reimbursements and earned but unpaid bonus compensation will be paid to the
     Employee's estate.

     may terminate this Agreement and his employment with the Company upon
     ninety (90) days' written notice to the Company.  Compensation provided
     under Section 3 above will cease upon such termination.

     PROVISIONS.  The termination of this Agreement and the Employee's
     employment with the Company, by either party hereto, shall not affect the
     prohibition on competition by Employee set forth in Section 5 hereof or the
     confidentiality obligation of the Employee set forth in Section 6 hereof.

          5.   NONCOMPETITION.

               (a)  NONCOMPETE.  Employee agrees that, during the term of this
          Agreement and his employment with the Company and the five (5) year
          period following the termination of this Agreement and his employment
          with the Company, the Employee will not directly or indirectly, alone
          or as partner, officer, director, advisor, consultant, or employee of
          any other company or entity, engage in any, commercial activity in
          competition with any part of the Company's business (which currently
          involves videotape duplication, compact disc replication and
          duplication and diskette duplication services to corporations,
          publishers, religious and educational companies and other
          institutional entities and the manufacture and 


          sale of gift products and collectibles to retailers) in those 
          states in which the Company conducted business during the term of 
          this Agreement or as of the date of such termination of this 
          Agreement and his employment with the Company, or with any part of 
          the Company's contemplated business with respect to which the 
          Employee has Confidential Information as defined below and governed 
          by Section 6 hereof.  In addition, the Employee recognizes that the 
          Company's work force constitutes an important and vital aspect of 
          its business.  The Employee agrees that during the term of this 
          Agreement and his employment with the Company and for the five (5) 
          year period following the expiration or termination of this 
          Agreement and his employment with the Company (whether terminated 
          early, whether for cause or not for cause), he shall not solicit, 
          or assist anyone else in the solicitation of any of the Company's 
          then current employees to terminate their employment with the 
          Company and to become employed by any other business enterprise.

               (b)  NONCOMPLIANCE.  The Company shall not be required to make
          payments to the Employee pursuant to Sections 4(b) or 4(c) while the
          Company has, in its sole discretion, a good faith basis to believe
          that the Employee is competing with the Company in violation of
          Section 5(a).  Any payments due during the period of competition
          mentioned above shall be made to the Company to be held by the Company
          in a segregated account and not paid over to the Employee until the
          earlier of the date the Employee resumes compliance (whether
          voluntarily, by court order or otherwise) with the noncompete
          provision set forth in Section 5(a) or the expiration date of the
          noncompete provision set forth in Section 5(a).  No interest shall
          accrue on payments held by the Company pursuant 


          to this Section 5(b). Good faith compliance with the payment 
          provisions of this Section 5(b) by any party to this Agreement 
          shall not be construed as a breach of this Agreement by such party.

               (c)  REMEDIES.  It is agreed that it would be difficult or
          impossible to ascertain the measure of damages to the Company
          resulting from any breach of Section 5(a), and that injury to the
          Company from any such breach may be irremediable, and that money
          damages therefor may be an inadequate remedy.  Notwithstanding
          anything to the contrary in this Agreement, in the event of a breach
          or threatened breach by the Employee of the provisions of Section
          5(a), the Company shall be entitled to specific performance of Section
          5(a) and may seek a temporary or permanent injunction to enjoin the
          Employee from breaching Section 5(a), in addition to any other rights
          or remedies that the Company may have available under applicable law
          for such breach or threatened breach, including the recovery of

          6.   CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  The Employee will not, during or
     following the termination of this Agreement and his employment with the
     Company, for any reason use or disclose, other than in connection with
     rendering of Services hereunder on behalf of the Company, any Confidential
     Information to any person not employed by the Company or not authorized by
     the Company to receive such Confidential Information, without the prior
     written consent of the Company.  "Confidential Information" means
     information that is proprietary to the Company or proprietary to others and
     entrusted to the Company.  Confidential Information includes, but is not
     limited to, customer lists, information relating to business plans and to
     business that is conducted or anticipated to be conducted, and to 


     past or current or anticipated products.  Confidential Information also 
     includes, without limitation, information concerning research, 
     development, purchasing, accounting, computer software, selling, and 
     services.  The Employee will use reasonable and prudent care in 
     following written Company procedures or instructions furnished to 
     Employee to safeguard and protect and prevent the unauthorized use and 
     disclosure of Confidential Information.  The obligations under this 
     Section 6 will not apply to (i) any Confidential Information that is now 
     or becomes available to the public through no breach of the Employees' 
     obligation of confidentiality; or (ii) the Employee's disclosure of any 
     Confidential Information required by law or judicial or administrative 
     process.  Subject to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
     1934, nothing herein shall create a contractual restriction of 
     Employee's ability to sell, purchase, or effect transactions in the 
     Company's securities.


               (a)  PAYMENT.  The Company and the Employee recognize that the
          possibility of a "Change of Control" of the Company exists and that
          such possibility, and the uncertainty and questions which it may raise
          among management of the Company, may result in the departure or
          distraction of the Employee to the detriment of the Company and its
          stockholders.  In order to induce the Employee to stay in the employ
          of the Company in the event that the Company determines to pursue a
          Change of Control of the Company and to use his best efforts to bring
          about such a Change of Control, the Company agrees to pay the Employee
          the following:  (i) $100,000 in one lump sum payment which shall be
          paid contemporaneously with the consummation of such Change of 


          Control transaction; provided, however, the Employee is employed by 
          the Company at the time of consummation of such Change of Control 
          and (ii) an additional $100,000 in one lump sum payment which shall 
          be paid on the date one year after consummation of such Change of 
          Control; provided, however, that either (iii) the Employee has been 
          employed by the Company (or its successor entity) during all of 
          such one year period or (iv) the Employee's employment with the 
          Company (or its successor entity) was terminated during such one 
          year period by the Company (or its successor entity) without Cause 
          pursuant to Section 4(b) or by the Employee for Good Reasons 
          pursuant to Section 4(c). The amounts payable under this Section 
          7(a) shall be payable to the Employee, at the option of the 
          Company, in cash, or by cashier's or certified check or by wire 

               (b)  CHANGE OF CONTROL.  For purposes of this Agreement, a
          "Change of Control" shall mean any one of the following: (i) any
          "person" (as such term is used in Sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934) is or becomes the "beneficial owner"
          (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934),
          directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company representing 20%
          or more of the combined voting power (with respect to the election of
          directors) of the Company's then outstanding securities; (ii) at any
          time after the execution of this Agreement, the individuals who as of
          the date of the execution of this Agreement constitute the Board (and
          any new director whose election to the Board or nomination for
          election to the Board by the Company's stockholders was approved by a
          vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the directors then still in
          office) cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the Board;


          the consummation of a merger or consolidation of the Company
          with or into any other corporation, other than a merger or
          consolidation which would result in the voting securities of the
          Company outstanding immediately prior thereto continuing to represent
          (either by remaining outstanding or by being converted into voting
          securities of the surviving entity) more than 70% of the combined
          voting power (with respect to the election of directors) of the
          securities of the Company or of such surviving entity outstanding
          immediately after such merger or consolidation; or (iv) the
          consummation of a plan of complete liquidation of the Company or of an
          agreement for the sale or disposition by the Company of all or
          substantially all of the Company's business or assets.


          (a)  MODIFICATION.  This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and
     understandings between the parties relating to the subject matter herein. 
     No modification, termination or attempted waiver of any provision of this
     Agreement shall be valid unless in writing signed by the party against whom
     enforcement is sought.

          (b)  ENFORCEABILITY AND SEVERABILITY.  If any term of this Agreement
     is adjudicated to be void, voidable, invalid or unenforceable for any
     reason, such term shall be automatically severed from all other terms of
     this Agreement, which will continue in full force and effect.  In the event
     any term is adjudicated to be overbroad as written, such term shall be
     automatically amended to narrow its application to the extent necessary to
     make such term enforceable, and such term shall be enforced as so amended..

          (c)  GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement and all remedies at law or in
     equity shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the
     State of Minnesota.


          (d)  PREVAILING PARTY.  The prevailing party in any suit, proceeding
     or hearing shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing party all
     costs that the prevailing party has incurred as a result of the suit,
     proceeding, or hearing, including, without limitation, reasonable
     attorneys' fees, filing fees, arbitrator's fees, expert witness fees,
     travels costs, and all other reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the
     enforcement of this Agreement.  In the event that neither party shall
     prevail on all of its claims or all of its defenses, then such costs and
     expenses shall be allocated and awarded between the parties as determined
     by the arbitrator or the court.

          (e)  NOTICES.  Any Notice or other communication required or permitted
     under this Agreement shall, in order to be effective, be in writing and be
     given by personal service or by prepaid, certified United States Mail or
     Federal Express Courier, return receipt requested, addressed to the
     applicable party at the address for such party set forth on the signature
     page of this Agreement.  Notice by service is effective upon service and
     notice by mail or courier is effective upon mailing.  Either party may
     change the address to which notices for such party are to be sent by so
     notifying the other party in the manner set forth above.

          (f)  CAPTIONS.  The captions and headings contained in this Agreement
     are for convenience only and do not define, limit, construe, or give full
     notice of the contents of the provisions of this Agreement.

          (g)  ARBITRATION.  Any controversy or claim arising out of this
     Agreement, or any breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in
     accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American
     Arbitration Association and judgment upon the award may be entered in any
     court having jurisdiction.  Any such arbitration shall be in the State 


     of Minnesota in the seven-county Twin Cities' metropolitan area.  In the 
     event the Company shall dispute and submit to arbitration hereunder the
     Employee's claims regarding the renewal of this Agreement pursuant to
     Section 2 hereof, or the termination of this Agreement pursuant to Section
     4 hereof, or the amounts to be received by the Employee under Section 4
     hereof, and the Company shall withhold from Employee the payments or
     benefits provided under Section 4 hereof, the Company shall continue to
     provide Employee with all compensation and benefits, at his then current
     level, until an award in arbitration is rendered, and upon request by the
     Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Employee shall be obligated to
     continue his employment, perform any services for, and be present at the
     Company.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, any party to this Agreement may
     seek and obtain injunctive or other appropriate equitable relief from a
     court of competent jurisdiction to prevent or end a violation of this
     Agreement that would cause irreparable harm to such party and for which it
     would be difficult or impossible to determine damages that would arise from
     such violation or the continuance thereof; provided, however, that the
     substance of any dispute is to be resolved through arbitration as provided
     in this Section 8(g) and that the course of equitable relief may include an
     order compelling such arbitration.

          (h)  SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS.  This Agreement shall be binding upon the
     Company, its successors and assigns, and any corporation or entity with
     which the Company may be merged or by which its assets, stock, operations,
     business, ownership or control are acquired, and any such corporation or
     entity, as a condition to the completion of such transaction with the
     Company, shall absolutely, unconditionally and expressly in writing assume
     all of the Company's obligations to faithfully perform this Agreement, and


     the Employee shall be provided with a copy of such written assumption
     agreement.  This Agreement shall not be assignable by the Employee without
     the prior written consent of the Company.  All obligations and agreements
     of the Employee under this Agreement shall be binding upon and enforceable
     against the Employee and his executors, representatives, heirs, successors
     or permitted assignees.

          (i)  ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF REPRESENTATION.  The Company and the Employee
     hereby acknowledge that Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett, P.A. ("GPM")
     represents the Company only, and no other person or entity a party to this
     Agreement.  The Company and the Employee hereby acknowledge that the
     Employee, as an individual, has chosen either to represent himself, or has
     reviewed this Agreement with legal counsel other than GPM.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed
effective as of the date first set forth above.


By /S/ E.D. Willette                        /S/ M. Charles Reinhart
  --------------------------                ------------------------
Its CEO                                     M.  Charles Reinhart
   ------------------                       8664 - 143 Street Court
5050 West 78th Street                       Apple Valley, MN 55124
Minneapolis, MN 55435
