United States Patent (19)                    (11)  Patent Number:     5,629,508
                                             (45)  Date of Patent:  May 13, 1997


[75] Inventors:     Raymond Findlev, Jr.: Robert Dixon. both of Marietta. GA.

[73] Assignee:      American Card Technology, Inc., Marietta. GA.

[21] Appl. No.: 383,937

[22] Filed:    Feb. 6, 1995

          Related U.S. Application Data

[63] Continuation of Ser. No. 352,837, Dec. 2. 1994. abandoned

[51] Int. CL                                           G06K 5/00
[52] U.S. Cl.                                  235/38 R. 235/380
[58] Field of Search                               235/380. 375.
                        235/382. 492. 487; 283/900, 380/3. 4. 23

         References Cited


4,677,604      6/1937 Selby, III..................235/462
4,709,136      11/1987   Watanabe.................5/38O X
5.065,429      11/1991 Lang.........................380/4
5,.316,993     5/1994, Okuno .....................235/380
5,367,150      11/1994 Kitta et al. ..............235/380
5.,513,169     4/1996 Fite et a1. ..................380/3

Primary Examiner-Donald T. Hajec
Assistant EXAMINER-Thien Minh Le
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Shoemaker and Mattare Ltd.

[57]      ABSTRACT 

The present invention pertains to an electronic data access and retrieval system
comprising at least first and second smart cards, a first card being encoded
with digital data fields representative of predetermined information and a
second card including authorization codes for enabling access to and authorized
retrieval of selected information from digital data fields of the first card.
and includes computer means including display means for displaying the access
data. A method is also disclosed of operating an electronic secured access
verification. display system for displaying an indication of permissible and
non-permissible access to a facility of authorized personnel and for verifying
the identity of such personnel by providing IDENTITY SMART CARDS. one for each
authorized person, and an ACCESS SMART CARD to each authorized operator of the

5 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets

                              AUTHORIZED RACING SYSTEM


U.S. Patent    May 13, 1997   Sheet 1 of 10       5,629,508

                                      FIGURE 1
                              AUTHORIZED RACING SYSTEM

U.S. Patent    May 13, 1997        Sheet 2 of 10       5,629,508


                                      FIGURE 2

U.S. Patent    May 13, 1997   Sheet 3 of 10       5,629,508



                                      FIGURE 3

U.S. Patent         May 13, 1997        Sheet 4 of 10            5,629,508

                                      FIGURE 4

U.S. Patent         May 13, 1997        Sheet 5 of 10            5,629,508

                                     FIGURE 5C
                                    MASTER CARD
                                     FIGURE 5A
                                    ACCESS CARD
                                     FIGURE 5B
                                   IDENTITY CARD

U.S. Patent    May 13, 1997        Sheet 6 of 10            5,629,508
                                      FIGURE 6
                        DISPLAY IDENTITY (LICENSE) CARD DATA

U.S. Patent    May 13, 1997        Sheet 7 of 10            5,629,508

                                      FIGURE 7
                                 ISSUE LICENSE CARD

U.S. Patent    May 13 1997         Sheet 8 of, 10           5,629,508

                                      FIGURE 8
                                ISSUING ACC SS CARDS

U.S. Patent         May 13, 1997   Sheet 9 of 10                 5,629,508

                                      FIGURE 9

U.S. Patent    May 13, 1997        Sheet 10 of 10           5,629,508

                                     FIGURE 10


                           DUAL SMART CARD ACCESS CONTROL
                            ELECTRONIC DATA STORAGE AND
                            RETRIEVAL SYSTEM AND METHODS

This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 08/352.837,
filed on Dec. 2. 1994. now abandoned entitled as set forth above.
A portion of the disclosure of this patent document contains material, which is
subject to copyright or mask work protection. The copyright or mask work owner
has no objection to the facsimile reproduction by anyone of the patent document
or the patent disclosure, as it appears in the Patent and Trademark Office
patent file or records, but otherwise reserves all copyright or mask work rights


 The software utilized in the system and methods of the invention has been 
registered in the U.S. Copyright Office under Copyright Registration No. TX 
3-639-032, which includes "Microsoft Access" under Microsoft License 
Agreement. The registered deposit for this copyright registration is 
available to die public for inspection and copy at the U.S. Copyright Office. 
Applicants and their Assignee hereby incorporate herein by reference said 
copyrighted software (non-patent publication).


 It is most advantageous to have an automatic system and methods for identifying
people or personnel and providing secured access to a facility of authorized
personnel upon verifying the identity of such personnel. What is clearly needed
is a means of and methods for providing automatic rapid and positive
verification of persons who previously have been authorized access to secured

 The present invention system and methods have various market applications one
being a race track facility operation having various types of employees and
participants, such as pari-mutuel employees, gaming employees. Jockeys. Animal
owners (thoroughbred. greyhound. etc.) and others, and it is desirous to license
these people so that you can control their respective access to various
respective secured areas of the race track facility.

 Accordingly the present invention provides methods of operating an electronic
secured access verification display system for displaying an indication of
permissible and non-permissible to a facility of authorized personnel and for
verifying the identity of such personnel. comprising the steps of:

     a) Providing a plurality of IDENTITY smart cards one for each authorized
     person each encoded with digital data representative of personal identity
     and including official information and a digitized photograph indicative of
     each authorized person;

     b) Providing an ACCESS smart card to each authorized operator of the system
     each ACCESS card being encoded with control data elements mandatory to
     operate the system to display permissible and non-permissible access to the
     facility of each authorized person having an IDENTITY smart card indicative
     of the identity of each authorized person; and

     c) Inserting into the display system an ACCESS smart card and one of die
     plurality of IDENTITY smart cards to display permissible and 
     non-permissible access to the facility.

Furthermore the following method steps are also incorporated into the invention:

     5    a) upon the occurrence of insertion into the system of both the ACCESS
          card and IDENTITY card electronically reading the ACCESS card and
          determining which fields of data of the IDENTITY card are to be 
          displayed reading such determined fields of data from the IDENTITY 
          card and displaying the determined fields of data of the IDENTITY 
          card along with die digitized photograph;

     10 b) determining if die IDENTITY card inserted into die system is 
        allowed access to the facility by comparing secured area assignment data
        contained in the ACCESS card with secured area assignment dam contained 
        within the IDENTITY card, and

     15 c) displaying permissible access and non-permissible access 
        messages dependent upon verifying both the identity of the IDENTITY card
        holder and the acceptance of the IDENTIT'Y card by the ACCESS card of 
        the authorized operator of the system.
     20 The method invention further includes the step of encoding 
        each ACCESS card with authorization codes for enabling retrieval of 
        selected data field information from the IDENTITY card.
     25 A long-felt need also exists to provide an electronic data 
        access and retrieval system and a method for accessing and retrieving 
        digital data information from persons by authorized operator/officials 
        of a secured access facility and for various other purposes. 
        Accordingly the present invention further provides an electronic data 
        access and retrieval
      30 system comprising:

        At least first and second smart cards a first card being 
        encoded with digital data fields representative of pre-determined 
        information and a second card including authorization codes for 
        enabling retrieval of selected information from die first card;

     35 computer means including display means for displaying accessed 
        data and having at least first and second smart card read/write means 
        operatively connected to the computer means for reading data fields 
        from and writing data fields to the first and second smart cards; and 
        whereby when the first smart card is placed into the first read/write 
        means and the second smart card is placed into the second read/write 
        means, authorized retrieval of at least some of the data fields 
        contained in the first card is enabled and displayed.


     45 The inventive method of the above-referenced accessing and retrieving
        digital data information system comprises die steps of:

     50 a) encoding a first smart card with digital data fields representative
        of predetermined information.

     b) Encoding a second smart card with authorization codes for enabling
        authorized retrieval of selected data field information from die first

     c) Electronically reading the authorization codes from die second 
        smart card and retrieving selected information from digital data 
        fields contained in the first smart card, and

     d) Displaying the selected information.

     60 The foregoing and other objects, features and advantages of 
        the invention will be apparent from the following more detailed 
        description of preferred embodiments and methods of the invention as 
        illustrated in die accompanying drawings.

     65    Fore the sake of brevity, a brief Summary of the Invention system and
           methods is presented hereinbefore and is not presented separately.


 FIG. 1 shows a preferred embodiment of the system invention applicable to an
authorized racing track operation.

 FIG. 2 depicts the FIG. 1 system, which cannot be operatively enabled without
the use of an ACCESS card.

 FIG. 3 illustrates a FIG. 1 system operation display message, which occurs when
an unauthorized ACCESS card is used with an authorized card.

 FIG. 4 shows a system embodiment applicable to an authorized Driver's License
information access and retrieval operation.

 FIG. 5A, 5B, 5C graphically depict in exemplary form an ACCESS smart card A. an
INDENTITY (License) SMART card B. and a 
 MASTER smart card C, each of which incorporate firmware shown a A1 B1 and C1.

 FIG. 6 is a flow chart diagram showing a system operation to display IDENTITY
card data.

 FIG. 7 is a flow chart diagram showing a system operation for issuing IDENT1TY
(License) cards.

 FIG. 8 is a flow chart diagram showing a system operation to issue ACCESS

 FIG. 9 depicts, in graphic form a dual-card ACCESS smart card issuing station.

 FIG. 10 depicts in graphic form a dual-card IDENTITY smart card issue/update
station the updating function being almost 
 identical to that of FIG. 7 except the system checks that the identity card has
been written to.


 The dual-card inventive concept of ACCESS cards and IDENTITY (license) cards
are utilized in tandem to supply the functionality of the system.
 FIG. 1 shows a preferred embodiment of the system invention applicable to an
authorized racing track operation. Wherein 
 computer 10 includes a display 20, ACCESS card reader 30 for ACCESS card A is
connected via communication link (line) to computer 10 via a parallel port
means, and IDENTITY card reader 40 for IDENTITY card B is connected via
communication Link/line 60 to computer 10 via the parallel port means.
 The system of a preferred embodiment constructed in accordance with the present
invention and methods, and described with reference to the respective drawings,
can be constructed from the following Table, which lists examples of the
depicted components:

                                      TABLE A

COMPONENT                          DESCRIPTION

PC COMPUTERSTATION 10              Gateway 2000
                                   having two RS-232
                                   Serial Ports and a
                                   Parallel Port
Two 9600P Smart Card               New Datacom 9600P 
Readers 30 and 40
ACCESS Smart Card A                Smart Card with
                                   Motorola SC-21 chip
INDENTITY Smart Card B             Smart Card with
                                   Motorola SC-11 chip

 The invention system and methods utilize smart card technology components,
which may be defined as a card component that incorporates an integrated circuit

     Therein (IC chip) as set forth above with respect to ACCESS smart card A
     and IDENTITY smart card B. An accepted industry-wide definition of a "smart
     card" is a credit card size device/component containing an embedded
     microprocessor chip that 
   5 stores information for retrieval, which information has previously 
     been written therein. The ACCESS card A is the key to writing and 
     reading all information gored in the IDENTITY card B. Without a 
     suitable ACCESS card. Updated information cannot be stored in the 
     IDENTITY card and existing information is inaccessible. 

  10 ACCESS cards are tailored to die information requirements of the 
     individual issuing the IDENTITY cards and each operator of the system 
     has an ACCESS card which determines which fields that operator is able 
     to write to and 
  15 read from the IDENTITY card such card issuing procedures being described
     in further detail hereinafter along with a MASTER card feature.

  20 For each secured area access, a plurality of IDENTITY smart cards 
     are issued one for each authorized person. And each is encoded with 
     digital data representative of personal identity and including 
     official information and a digitized photograph indicative of each 
     authorized person. Also, a photograph of the authorized person can be 
     imprinted on or affixed to the face of an IDENTITY card.

  25 An ACCESS smart card is issued to each authorized operator of the system
     station located at the secured access area and each ACCESS card is encoded
     with control data elements mandatory to operate the system station to

  30 permissible and non-permissible access to the secured area of each
     authorized person having an IDENTITYY card indicative of the identity of
     each authorized person. The ACCESS card A importantly includes
     authorization codes for enabling retrieval of selected information from a
     compatible IDENTITY card B.

  35 When the ACCESS card is inserted into read/write component 30 and the
     IDENTITY card B is inserted into INDENTITY read/write component 40. and
     these cards are compatible with each other as to accessible fields of data,

  40 authorized information is read from the IDENTITY card and displayed on
     display means 20. Depending on the type of accessible fields of data
     information, or profile, of an individual's ACCESS card. The user/holder of
     the ACCESS card can be limited to the fields of data that are to be written

  45 or read from the IDENTITY card. The controlling "profile" resides in the
     ACCESS card. Thus as shown in FIG. 1, compatible ACCESS and IDENTITY cards
     have been inserted into the respective readers and the system is enabled to
     retrieve selected information from the IDENTITY card

  50 that is displayed on display means 20.
      One of die features of the system invention pertains to having an ACCESS
     card encoded with control data elements mandatory to operate the system
     station to display permissible and non-permissible access to a secured
     area. These

  55 control data elements of the card's operating system that reside in the
     ACCESS card are encoded data containing information on how to read and
     write to the IDENTITY card which also allows activation of a set of
     instructions that can reside in the ACCESS card, in the hardware, in the

  60 software in the computer 10, or any combination thereof. A different ACCESS
     card will be able to read different data fields in an IDENTITY card if it
     is programmed to do so.

     Now with respect to FIG. 2, for each system operation a first attempt is
     made to mad the ACCESS card, and. if no

  65 ACCESS card is inserted into the ACCESS card reader 30, then system
     operation is not enabled, thus, the information contained in the IDENTITY
     card cannot be read and

Displayed, and a display message of "insert ACCESS card" occurs on the display.
With the inventive system the authorized operator of the computer 10 station
located at the entrance to a secured s area is able to peruse personal or
history data contained in the signed, data fields of the IDENTITY smart card. In
the racing track application the authorized operator can view information
encoded on the IDENTITY card, which could include information as to the various
states in which the holder of the IDENTITY card is licensed, as well as any
penalty information that that person has received in regard to racing, and other
information including date of birth. Height, weight, address of the IDENTITY
card holder.
 FIG. 3 depicts a FIG. 1 system operation display message, which occurs when an
unauthorized ACCESS card is used with an authorized. IDENTITY card. Accordingly,
when the ACCESS card and IDENTITY card conflict not matching correct fields, an
error message appears describing the mismatch and only inserting the matching
cards allows activation of the system station.

 FIG. 4 shows a system embodiment applicable to an authorized Driver's License
information access and retrieval operation. Another application of the present
system and method. Thus, by changing and appropriately programming an ACCESS
card means. The entire Card Operating System can be changed without any hardware
modifications, which affords easy functionality and added capabilities.

 Now with respect to FIG. 5, an exemplary showing of smart cards utilized in the
present system and methods each of the cards incorporate firmware Al. B1, and
Cl, respectively for the ACCESS. IDENTITY and MASTER cards, the Later of which
will be described hereinafter.

FIG. 6 provides disclosure of a flow chart diagram showing a system operation to
display IDENTITY card dam as shown. An ACCESS card is inserted and an IDENTITY
card is inserted the ACCESS card is interrogated to be compatible or 
non-compatible with the inserted IDENTITY and, if compatible field definitions
and assignment and authorization code fields are read from the ACCESS card, an
access decision is made and. if allowed selected information from the digital
data fields of the IDENTITY card are displayed.

Various advantages are created and are available within the invention system and
methods, some of which are as follows. ACCESS control cards permit or deny
access to the data contained within an IDENTITY card. These parameters arc
established by the person who owns and/or administers the system Dual-card
access control allows an administrator graduations of authority to thereby
provide various levels of security and access to various operators, employees,
etc. An individual's ACCESS card allows variable levels of security. This is
permits access to certain data stored on the card defined by die administrator.
For example a security guard may only see a picture for positive ID
(identification) of an IDENTITIY card bolder and determines whether the
individual card holder has permission to enter an area However, the supervisor
of a security guard may have a differently encoded ACCESS card with a higher
level of security, which would allow the supervisor to view on the display not
only the picture of the IDENTITY card holder and access permitted. But also a
display may be obtained of all IDENTITY card holder's personal data, such as
address. Phone, rulings, etc. which are on file in the IDENTITY card data fields
all of this occurring when die supervisor places

     His particularly programmed ACCESS card into the invention system. Such
     capacity therefore, satisfies various issues as to personal privacy and
     this feature of the invention can thus provide a plurality of different
     ACCESS cards each one

  5  of which may contain different levels of security access to the information
     contained within an IDENTITY card carried or worn by persons, employees,
      The invention system also allows the communication of messages through the
     system on a one-to-one or group basis.

  10 and a message list can specify which messages are to be displayed when an
     individual's IDENTITY card is inserted into the respective reader
      From the foregoing, one can clearly imagine various other applications of
     the system and methods provided herein.

  15 such as licensing professionals providing medical histories inclusive of
     allergy perimeters for each cardholder, patron tracking, and any other kind
     of licensing or personal history data information.

  20 FIG. 7 is a flow chart diagram showing a system operation for issuing
     IDENTITY (License) cards. As shown therein, an ACCESS card is used to issue
     a license card and upon insertion of both cards a password is entered and,
     if the password is 

  25 acceptable, a query is made for "Are fields writable?" and, if so, a
     decision is made as to the acceptance of the IDENTITY card and if OK, data
     fields of information are written to the IDENTITY card such being checked
     for any errors or problems; and, if yes the error is displayed; and if no,
     a display results and the operation is terminated.

  30 FIG. 8 depicts a flow chart diagram showing a system operation to issue
     ACCESS cards and. as shown, a MASTER card is utilized. The MASTER card
     contains information on how to program the ACCESS card and, without a
     MASTER card, no ACCESS cards can be issued.

  35 Accordingly both the MASTER and ACCESS cards are inserted an appropriate
     password is entered a decision is made as to the acceptance of the ACCESS
     card and if not, a display error occurs, and if the ACCESS card is accepted
     then data fields including authorization codes are written to

  40 the ACCESS card, whereafter the written fields arc checked for error and,
     if yes, the error is displayed and, if no problems are found, the display
     renders a successful message.

      FIG. 9 depicts, in graphic form, a dual-card ACCESS

  45 smart card issuing station within which a system function of FIG. 8 is
     accomplished. As shown in FIG. 9. the MASTER card and ACCESS card are
     inserted, into their respective reader components A and B. which are
     respectively connected to the COM1 and COM2 serial ports of computer 10.

  50 AP/Verifier included in computer 10 represents "Application programming
     Interface/Verifier" which constitutes software residing in the PC computer
     10 for the Card Operating System.
     FIG. 10 depicts in graphic form a dual-card IDENTITY

  55 card issue/update station the updating function being almost identical to
     issuing IDENTITY cards, except that the depicted system checks that the
     IDENTITY card has been written to.
      The disclosure set forth hereinabove with reference to the

  60 drawings and the incorporation by reference to the copyrighted system
     program will enable any person Skilled in the to which this invention
     pertains to assemble and operate the system in accordance with the
     inventive methods provided herein. It should also be obvious to one skilled
     in the

  65 art that even though communications links/lines 50 and 60 have been
     depicted as wired lines various other communication link equivalence could
     be utilized.


 Thus it is apparent that there has been provided in accordance with the system
invention and methods an electronic data access and retrieval system and a
method of accessing and retrieving digital data information which is applicable
to the operation of an electronic secured access verification display system and
that fully satisfies the objectives and advantages set forth above. It is also
further apparent that system operations for issuing IDENTITY cards. ACCESS cards
and dual-card ACCESS or IENDTITY smart card issuing stations have been shown and

 While the invention system has been described in conjunction with specific
embodiments thereof. It is evident that many alternatives, modifications,
variations and applications will be apparent to those skilled in the art in
light of the foregoing description. Accordingly it is intended to embrace all
such alternatives modifications and variations which fall within the spirit and
scope of the appended system and method claim
     We Claim:
 1. An electronic data access and retrieval system comprising:

    At least first and second smart cards a first card being encoded with
     digital data fields representative of predetermined information and a
     second card including authorization codes for enabling access to and
     authorized retrieval of selected information from said digital data fields
     of said first card;

    Computer means including display means for displaying the accessed data and
     having at least first and second smart card read/write means operatively
     connected to said computer means for reading data fields from and writing
     data fields to said first and second smart cards;

    Whereby when the said first smart card is placed into said first read/write
     means and the said second smart card is placed into said second read/write
     means access to and authorized retrieval of at least some of the data
     fields contained in the said first card is enabled and displayed.

 2. A method of accessing and retrieving digital data information comprising the
steps of.

 a) Encoding a first smart card with digital data fields representative of
    predetermined information;

 b) Encoding a second smart card with authorization codes for enabling
    access to and authorized retrieval of selected data field information from
    said digital data fields of said first card,

 c) Electronically reading said authorization codes from said second smart
    card and retrieving said selected information from said digital data fields
    contained in said first smart card; and

 d) Displaying the said selected information.

      3. Method of operating an electronic secured access verification display
     system for displaying an indication of permissible and non-permissible
     access to a facility of

 5 authorized personnel and for verifying the identity of such personnel
comprising the steps of.

      a) Providing a plurality of IDENTITY smart cards one for each authorized
     person each encoded with digital data representative of personal identity
     and including official

10 information and a digitized photograph indicative of said each authorized

      b) Providing an ACCESS smart card to each authorized operator of said
     system each ACCESS card being

15 encoded with control data elements mandatory to operate said system to
display permissible and non-permissible access to said facility of each
authorized person having an IDENTITY smart card indicative of the identity of
said each authorized person;

c) Inserting into said display system an ACCESS smart card and one of said
plurality of IDENTITY smart cards to display permissible and non-permissible
access to said facility.

4. The method as defined in claim 3 further including the steps of:

25 a) upon the occurrence of insertion into said system of both said ACCESS card
and said IDENTITY card electronically reading the said ACCESS card and determing
which fields of data of the said IDENTITY card

30 are authorized to be displayed reading such determined and authorized fields
of data from said IDENTITY card and displaying the determined fields of data of
said IDENTITY card along with said digitized photograph;

b) Determining if the said IDENTITY card inserted into said system is allowed
access to said facility by comparing secured area assignment data contained in
said ACCESS card with secured area assignment data contained within said

40 c) displaying permissible access and non-permissible access messages
dependent upon verifying both the identity of the IDENTITY card holder and the
acceptance of the said IDENTITY card by said ACCESS card

45 of said authorized operator of the said system 5. The method as defined in
claim 3 further including the step of encoding each 50. ACCESS card with
authorization codes for enabling retrieval of selected data field information
from the said IDENTITY card.