- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   UNITED STATES
                              WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                                     FORM 10-Q
(Mark One)
                                EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                   For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1998
                                EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
For the transition period from      to          
                         Commission file number: 000-21789
                                 LITHIA MOTORS, INC.
                (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              OREGON                                    93-0572810
  (State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
  incorporation or organization)                       

    360 E. JACKSON STREET, MEDFORD, OREGON               97501
    (Address of principal executive offices)           (Zip Code)

          Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  541-776-6899


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes    X       No        
     ----        ----

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

  Class A Common stock without par value                  5,931,715
  Class B Common stock without par value                  4,110,000
                 (Class)                        (Outstanding at May 11, 1998)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   LITHIA MOTORS, INC.
                                        FORM 10-Q

 PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                          PAGE
 Item 1.   Financial Statements

           Consolidated  Balance  Sheets (Unaudited) - March 31, 1998      2
           and December 31, 1997

           Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)  - Three
           Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997                            3

           Consolidated  Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) - Three
           Months Ended March 31, 1998 and 1997                            4

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)          5

 Item 2.   Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial
           Condition and Results of Operations                             7

 Item 3.   Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk     12


 Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                               12

 Signatures                                                               13


                              PART I-FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                              LITHIA MOTORS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                  CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                      (in thousands)

                                                           March 31,    December 31,
                                                             1998          1997
                                                           ---------    ------------
Current Assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                               $ 14,181      $ 18,454 
    Trade receivables                                         10,541         7,655 
    Notes receivable, current portion                            446           427 
    Inventories, net                                         120,743        89,845 
    Vehicles leased to others, current portion                   648           738 
    Prepaid expenses and other                                 1,388           913 
    Deferred income taxes                                      1,388         1,855 
                                                            --------      --------
        Total Current Assets                                 149,335       119,887 

Property and Equipment, net of accumulated
  depreciation of $3,114 and $2,822                           23,309        16,265 
Vehicles Leased to Others, less current portion                4,336         4,588 
Notes Receivable, less current portion                           257           309 
Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of
  $471 and $293                                               29,628        24,062 
Other Non-Current Assets, net of accumulated
  amortization of $96 and $86                                  1,137         1,415 
                                                            --------      --------
        Total Assets                                        $208,002      $166,526 
                                                            --------      --------
                                                            --------      --------

Current Liabilities:
    Flooring notes payable                                  $ 94,642      $ 82,598 
    Current maturities of long-term debt                       3,322         2,688 
    Current portion of capital leases                            101            99 
    Trade payables                                             3,355         3,874 
    Accrued liabilities                                        8,699         6,758 
                                                            --------      --------
        Total Current Liabilities                            110,119        96,017 

Long-Term Debt, less current maturities                       50,340        24,242 
Long-Term Capital Lease Obligation, less current
  portion                                                      2,289         2,316 
Deferred Revenue                                               2,301         2,519 
Other Long-Term Liabilities                                      591           447 
Deferred Income Taxes                                          2,913         3,108 
                                                            --------      --------
        Total Liabilities                                    168,553       128,649 
                                                            --------      --------
Shareholders' Equity
    Preferred stock - no par value; authorized 15,000
      shares; issued and outstanding; none                       -             -   
    Class A common stock - no par value;
      authorized 100,000 shares; issued and 
      outstanding 2,932 and 2,926                             28,136        28,117 
    Class B common stock
      authorized 25,000 shares; issued and 
      outstanding 4,110 and 4,110                                511           511 
    Additional paid-in capital                                    93            59 
    Retained earnings                                         10,709         9,190 
                                                            --------      --------
       Total Shareholders' Equity                             39,449        37,877 
                                                            --------      --------
       Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity           $208,002      $166,526 
                                                            --------      --------
                                                            --------      --------

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these 
                          consolidated financial statements.


                              LITHIA MOTORS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                           (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                         Three months ended March 31,
                                           1998               1997
                                         ---------           --------
   Vehicles                               $124,709           $47,470 
   Service, body, parts and other           21,489             7,234 
                                          --------           -------
        Net Sales                          146,198            54,704 
Cost of sales
   Vehicles                                112,993            42,479 
   Service, body, parts and other           10,481             3,276 
                                          --------           -------
        Cost of Sales                      123,474            45,755 
                                          --------           -------
        Gross profit                        22,724             8,949 
Selling, general and administrative         17,916             6,995 
Depreciation and amortization                  498               169 
                                          --------           -------
        Operating income                     4,310             1,785 
Other income (expense)
    Equity in income of affiliate                9                50 
    Interest income                             54                28 
    Interest expense                        (2,210)             (146)
    Other, net                                 303               147 
                                          --------           -------
                                            (1,844)               79 
                                          --------           -------
Income before income taxes                   2,466             1,864 
Income tax expense                             947               720 
                                          --------           -------
Net income                                $  1,519           $ 1,144 
                                          --------           -------
                                          --------           -------
Basic net income per share                $   0.22           $  0.17
                                          --------           -------
                                          --------           -------
Diluted net income per share              $   0.21           $  0.16 
                                          --------           -------
                                          --------           -------

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these 
                          consolidated financial statements.


                              LITHIA MOTORS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                             CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                                      (in thousands)

                                                                 Three months ended March 31,
                                                                    1998               1997
                                                                 ---------           --------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net income                                                    $  1,519             $ 1,144
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flow
      used in operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization                                720                 475 
         Gain on sale of assets                                        -                  (76)
         Gain on sale of vehicles leased to others                    (45)                 -  
         Deferred income taxes                                       (195)                720 
         Equity in income of affiliate                                 (9)                (50)
         Changes in operating assets and liabilities, net of
           effect of acquisitions:
            Trade and installment contract receivables, net        (2,994)               (632)
            Inventories                                           (19,174)             (5,738)
            Prepaid expenses and other                                162                  53 
            Other noncurrent assets                                   277                (457)
         Increase (decrease) in:
            Trade payables                                           (519)               (996)
            Accrued liabilities                                     1,942                 594 
            Other liabilities                                        (196)             (2,127)
         Proceeds from sale of vehicles leased to others            2,191               1,587 
         Expenditures for vehicles leased to others                (2,046)             (1,851)
                                                                 --------             -------
               Net cash used in operating activities              (18,367)             (7,354)

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Notes receivable issued                                            (54)               (127)
   Principal payments received on notes receivable                     87                  81 
   Capital expenditures                                            (1,195)             (3,761)
   Acquisitions                                                   (15,197)                 -  
                                                                 --------             -------
               Net cash used in investing activities              (16,359)             (3,807)

Cash flows from financing activities:

   Net repayments on notes payable                                     -                 (500)
   Net borrowings on flooring notes payable                         4,793               5,121 
   Principal payments on long-term debt                            (1,010)             (1,945)
   Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                        26,617               2,702 
   Proceeds from issuance of common stock                              53               3,898 
                                                                 --------             -------
               Net cash provided by financing activities           30,453               9,276 
                                                                 --------             -------
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                              (4,273)             (1,885)

Cash and cash equivalents:
   Beginning of period                                             18,454              15,413 
                                                                 --------             -------
   End of period                                                 $ 14,181             $13,528 
                                                                 --------             -------
                                                                 --------             -------

                  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these 
                          consolidated financial statements.


                                LITHIA MOTORS, INC.

The financial information included herein for the three-month periods ended
March 31, 1998 and 1997 is unaudited; however, such information reflects all
adjustments consisting only of normal recurring adjustments which are, in the
opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation of the financial
position, results of operations and cash flows for the interim periods.  The
financial information as of December 31, 1997 is derived from Lithia Motors,
Inc.'s (the Company's) 1997 Annual Report to Shareholders on Form 10-K.  The
interim consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the
consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto included in the
Company's 1997 Annual Report to Shareholders.

The results of operations for the interim periods presented are not necessarily
indicative of the results to be expected for the full year.

Inventories are valued at cost, using the specific identification method for
vehicles and the first-in first-out (FIFO) method of accounting for parts
(collectively, the FIFO method).

                                          March 31, 1998         December 31, 1997
                                          --------------         -----------------
 New and demonstrator vehicles                $ 88,146                  $ 63,457 
 Used vehicles                                  22,432                    21,524
 Parts and accessories                          10,165                     4,864
                                              --------                  --------
                                              $120,743                  $ 89,845
                                              --------                  --------
                                              --------                  --------

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information is as follows:

                                                   Three Months Ended March 31,
                                                     1998                1997
                                                   ---------           --------
 Cash paid during the period for income
 taxes                                              $    650             $   99
 Cash paid during the period for interest              1,614                243
 Property acquired through debt                            -              1,424

Beginning December 31, 1997, basic earnings per share (EPS) and diluted EPS are
computed using the methods prescribed by Statement of Financial Accounting
Standard No. 128, EARNINGS PER SHARE (SFAS 128). Basic EPS is calculated using
the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period and
diluted EPS is computed using the weighted average number of common shares and
dilutive common equivalent shares outstanding.   Prior period amounts have been
restated to conform with the presentation requirements of SFAS 128.


Following is a reconciliation of basic EPS and diluted EPS:

Three Months Ended March 31,              1998                                            1997
- ----------------------------              ------------------------------------            --------------------------------
                                                                         Per                                        Per
                                                                        Share                                      Share
BASIC EPS                                 Income            Shares      Amount            Income      Shares       Amount
- ---------                                 ------------------------------------            --------------------------------
Income available to Common
  Shareholders                            $ 1,519            7,036     $ 0.22             $ 1,144      6,907       $ 0.17 
                                                                       ------                                      ------
                                                                       ------                                      ------
- -----------
Effect of dilutive stock options                 -             335                             -         314
                                          ------------------------                        ------------------
Income available to Common
  Shareholders                            $ 1,519            7,371    $ 0.21              $ 1,144      7,221       $ 0.16 
                                                                       ------                                      ------
                                                                       ------                                      ------

The following table sets forth the total purchase price, cash paid, debt
incurred and the net investment for acquisitions made by the Company in the
first quarter of 1998:

                                             TOTAL            CASH               DEBT                     NET
NAME                          MONTH           PAID            PAID             INCURRED              INVESTMENT(1)
- -----------------------     --------        -------           ------           --------              -------------
Quality Nissan Jeep(2)       January        $ 8,404           $7,097             $1,307                   $4,405
Reno Volkswagen             February          1,400              411                989                      293
Medford Nissan, BMW         February          3,231              546              2,685                    2,326
Haddad Jeep                   March           4,912            1,528              3,384                    2,063
                                            -------           ------             ------                   ------
   Total                                    $17,947           $9,582             $8,365                   $9,087
                                            -------           ------             ------                   ------
                                            -------           ------             ------                   ------

(1) Net investment consists of the amount of goodwill, working capital, any 
    notes issued to the seller and other initial investments.
(2) Excludes real property purchased for $5,560. 

The above acquisitions were accounted for under the purchase method of
accounting.  Pro forma results of operations, both individually and in
aggregate, are not material for the above acquisitions and therefore have not
been included herein.

In May 1998, the Company announced the sale of 3.0 million newly issued shares
of its Class A Common Stock in a public offering at a price of $14.50 per share.
Net proceeds from the sale were $41.0 million.



This Form 10-Q contains forward-looking statements.  These statements are
necessarily subject to risk and uncertainty.  Actual results could differ
materially from those projected in these forward looking statements as a result
of certain risks including those set forth in the Company's offering prospectus
dated May 1, 1998 and in its 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K.  These risk
factors include, but are not limited to, the cyclical nature of automobile
sales, the intense competition in the automobile retail industry and the
Company's ability to negotiate profitable acquisitions and secure manufacturer
approvals for such acquisitions.

Lithia Motors is a leading automotive retailer offering a total of 21 brands in
22 locations in the western United States.  The Company currently operates 12
dealerships in California, 7 in Oregon and 3 in Nevada. The Company sells new
and used cars and light trucks, sells replacement parts, provides vehicle
maintenance, warranty, paint and repair services, and arranges related financing
and insurance for its automotive customers.  Since December 1996 when the
Company completed its initial public offering, Lithia has acquired
17 dealerships and is actively pursuing additional acquisitions.

The following table sets forth selected condensed financial data expressed as a
percentage of total sales for the periods indicated for the average automotive
dealer in the United States. 

                                         YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,   
 AVERAGE U.S. DEALERSHIP             ----------------------------- 
 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DATA:            1996          1995
         New vehicles                     57.7 %         58.6 %
         Used vehicles                    30.4           29.0
         Parts and service, other         11.9           12.4
                                         -----          -----
                  Total sales            100.0 %        100.0 %
 Gross profit                             12.9           12.9
 Total dealership expense                 11.3           11.5
 Income before taxes                       1.5 %          1.4 %



The following table sets forth selected condensed financial data for the
Company, expressed as a percentage of total sales for the periods indicated

                                                 THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                  1998                  1997
                                                 ------                ------
 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS DATA:                                                  
 New vehicles                                      51.2 %               45.4 %
 Used vehicles                                     34.1                 41.4    
 Parts and service                                 10.0                  8.3    
        Finance, insurance and other                4.7                  4.9    
                                                  -----                -----
      Total sales                                 100.0                100.0
 Gross profit                                      15.5                 16.4    
 Selling, general and administrative               12.2                 12.8    
 Depreciation and amortization                      0.3                  0.3    
                                                  -----                -----
 Operating income                                   3.0                  3.3    
 Other income (expense), net                       (1.3)                 0.1    
                                                  -----                -----
 Income before taxes                                1.7 %                3.4 %
                                                  -----                -----
                                                  -----                -----


1998 COMPARED TO 1997 
SALES.  Net sales for the Company increased $91.5 million, or 167 percent, to
$146.2 million for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 from $54.7 million for the
comparable period of 1997.  The Company's sales mix shifted more to new vehicle
sales, with 51.2 percent of total sales generated from new vehicle sales, 34.1
percent from used vehicle sales and 14.7 percent from other operating income. 
Same store sales growth was 9.9 percent with a 10.4 percent increase in vehicle
sales and a 5.9 percent increase in other revenue, which includes service,
parts, finance fees and insurance, the Company's highest margin products.
     NEW VEHICLE SALES. The Company sells 21 domestic and imported brands
ranging from economy to luxury cars, as well as sport utility vehicles, minivans
and light trucks. Revenue from new vehicle sales increased 202 percent to $74.9
million for the quarter ended March 31, 1998 compared to $24.8 million for the
comparable quarter of 1997.  This increase was achieved by a 186 percent
increase in units sold to 3,422 from 1,197 in the first quarter of 1997 and a
5.5 percent increase in the average selling price to $21,890 from $20,743.  New
vehicle sales represented 51.2 percent of total sales in the first quarter of
1998 compared to 45.4 percent in the comparable quarter of 1997. The increases
are primarily attributable to a 9.9% overall same store growth rate, the
inclusion of 15 locations in California and Nevada acquired since March 1997 and
incentives from manufacturers for new vehicle sales.

The Company purchases substantially all of its new car inventory directly from
manufacturers who allocate new vehicles to dealerships based on the amount of
vehicles sold by the dealership and by the dealership's market area. The Company
will also exchange vehicles with other dealers to accommodate customer demand
and to balance inventory. 


     USED VEHICLE SALES.  The Company offers a variety of makes and models of
used cars and light trucks of varying model years and prices. Used vehicle sales
are an important part of the Company's overall profitability.  Revenue from
retail used vehicle sales increased 118 percent to $38.3 million for the quarter
ended March 31, 1998 from $17.6 million for the comparable quarter of 1997. 
Retail used unit volume increased 109 percent to 3,027 units from 1,450 units
and the average unit price increased 4.4 percent to $12,649 from $12,112.  The
increases are primarily attributable to a 9.9% overall same store growth rate
and the inclusion of 15 locations in California and Nevada acquired since March
     OTHER.  The Company derives additional revenue from the sale of parts and
accessories, maintenance and repair services, auto body work and finance and
insurance ("F&I") transactions.  Other operating revenue increased 197 percent
to $21.5 million during the first quarter of 1998, from $7.2 million during the
comparable period of 1997.  This increase is primarily due to a 5.9% same store
growth rate in such revenue and the inclusion of 15 new locations in California
and Nevada since March 1997.  To a limited extent, revenues from the parts and
service department are countercyclical to new car sales as owners repair
existing vehicles rather than buy new vehicles. The Company believes this helps
mitigate the affects of a downturn in the new vehicle sales cycle. 

GROSS PROFIT.  Gross profit increased 154 percent to $22.7 million for the first
quarter of 1998, compared with $8.9 million for the first quarter of 1997,
primarily due to increased revenues as indicated above. The gross profit margin
achieved by the Company on new vehicle sales during the first quarter of 1998
was 10.4 percent compared to 12.3 percent in the first quarter of 1997.  This
compares favorably with the average gross profit margin of 6.5% realized by
franchised automobile dealers in the United States on sales of new vehicles in
1996. The Company sells used vehicles to retail customers and, in the case of
vehicles in poor condition or vehicles which have not sold within a specified
period of time, to other dealers and to wholesalers.  Sales to other dealers and
to wholesalers are frequently at, or close to, cost and therefore affect the
Company's overall gross profit margin on used vehicle sales.  Excluding
wholesale transactions, the Company's gross profit margin on used vehicle sales
during the first quarter of 1998 was 10.9 percent compared to 10.9 percent in
the first quarter of 1997, as compared to the industry average for 1996 of
11.0%.  Total gross profit margin decreased to 15.5 percent in the first quarter
of 1998 compared to 16.4 percent in the first quarter of 1997.  The decrease in
gross profit margins was primarily a result of the acquisition of several new
dealerships during 1997 and early 1998, which were generating gross margins
lower than those of the Company.  The Company's gross profit margin continues to
exceed the average U.S. dealership gross profit margin of 12.9% for the eleven
months ended November, 30, 1997.

SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE.  The Company's selling, general and
administrative ("SG&A") expense increased 156 percent to $17.9 million (12.3
percent of total sales) for the three months ended March 31, 1998 compared to
$7.0 million (12.8 percent of total sales) for the comparable period of 1997.
The increase in SG&A was due primarily to increased selling, or variable,
expense related to the increase in sales and the number of total locations.  The
decrease in SG&A as a percent of total sales is a result of economies of scale
gained as the fixed expenses are spread over a larger revenue base.


DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION.  Depreciation and amortization expense increased
195 percent to $498,000 in the first quarter of 1998 compared to $169,000 in the
first quarter of 1997, primarily as a result of increased property and equipment
and goodwill related to acquisitions in 1997 and 1998.  Depreciation and
amortization was 0.3 percent of sales in the first quarter of 1998 and 1997. 
These figures exclude depreciation related to leased vehicles included in cost
of sales.

INTEREST EXPENSE.  Interest expense increased to $2.2 million for the 
three-month period ended March 31, 1998 from $146,000 for the comparable 
period of 1997, primarily as a result of increased flooring notes payable 
related to increased inventories.

INCOME TAX EXPENSE.  The Company's effective tax rate for the quarter ended
March 31, 1998 was 38.4 percent compared to 38.6 percent for the quarter ended
March 31, 1997.  The Company's effective tax rate may be effected by the
purchase of new stores in jurisdictions with tax rates either higher or lower
than the current estimated rate.

NET INCOME.  Net income was $1.5 million (1.0 percent of total sales) for the
three months ended March 31, 1998 compared to $1.1 million (2.1 percent of total
sales) for the comparable period of 1997, as a result of the individual line
item changes discussed above.

The Company's principal needs for capital resources are for acquisitions,
capital expenditures and increased working capital requirements. Historically,
the Company has relied primarily upon internally generated cash flows from
operations, borrowings under its credit facility and the proceeds from its
initial public offering to finance its operations and expansion.   In May 1998,
the Company closed an offering of 3.0 million newly issued shares of its Class A
Common Stock for net proceeds of $41.0 million.  The proceeds have been used to
pay down the Company's lines of credit until needed for future acquisitions.

At March 31, 1998 the Company had working capital of $39.2 million, which
included  $14.2 million of cash.  The $4.3 million decrease in cash since
December 31, 1997 is primarily a result of $18.4 million used in operations,
primarily for the purchase of inventories, $1.2 million used for the purchase of
property and equipment and $15.2 million used for acquisitions, offset by $26.6
million from the issuance of long-term debt and $4.8 million net borrowing on
flooring lines.  The current ratio at March 31, 1998 was 1.4:1 compared to 1.2:1
at December 31, 1997.
The Company's credit facility with a syndicate of banks, with U.S. Bank N.A. as
agent, provides for aggregate borrowings of $175 million (the "Credit
Facility").  The Credit Facility consists of (i) a $110 million revolving line
of credit to finance new and used vehicle inventory (the "Flooring Line"),
(ii) a $30 million revolving line of credit for acquisitions (the "Acquisition
Line"), (iii) a $10 million revolving line of credit for leased vehicles (the
"Lease Line"), (iv) a $10 million revolving line of credit for equipment (the
"Equipment Line"), and (v) a $15 million commitment for real estate acquisitions
(the "Real Estate Line").
The Credit Facility has a maturity date of October 1, 1998.  At that time, the
Company has the right to elect to convert outstanding loans under the
Acquisition Line and the Equipment Line to a term loan payable over 5 years. 


Amounts outstanding at March 31, 1998 were as follows (in thousands):

 Flooring Line                                     $  94,642
 Acquisition Line                                     30,000
 Lease Line                                            4,559
 Equipment and Real Estate Lines                       6,432
    Total                                          $ 135,633

Loans under the Credit Facility bear interest at LIBOR (London Interbank Offered
Rate) plus 150 to 275 basis points, equivalent to 7.25 percent to 8.75 percent
at March 31, 1998.

The Credit Facility contains financial covenants requiring the Company to
maintain compliance with, among other things, specified ratios of (i) minimum
net worth; (ii) total liabilities to net worth; (iii) funded debt to cash flow;
(iv) fixed charge coverage; and (v) maximum allowable capital expenditures.  The
Company is currently in compliance with all such financial covenants.

Since December 1996 when the Company completed its initial public offering, the
Company has acquired 17 dealerships.  The aggregate net investment by the
Company was approximately $48.6 million (excluding borrowings on its credit
lines to finance acquired vehicle inventories and equipment and the purchase of
any real estate).

Historically, the Company's sales have been lower in the first and fourth
quarters of each year largely due to consumer purchasing patterns during the
holiday season, inclement weather and the reduced number of business days during
the holiday season. As a result, financial performance for the Company is
generally lower during the first and fourth quarters than during the other
quarters of each fiscal year. Management believes that interest rates, levels of
consumer debt, consumer buying patterns and confidence, as well as general
economic conditions, also contribute to fluctuations in sales and operating
results. The timing of acquisitions may cause substantial fluctuations of
operating results from quarter to quarter. 



                            PART II - OTHER INFORMATION 


(a) Exhibits
The exhibits filed as a part of this report are listed below.
     10   Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Business Assets between Boyland
          Auto Group dba Boyland Toyota, Dorian Boyland and Lithia Motors, Inc.,
          previously filed as Exhibit 10.34.1 to the Company's Registration
          Statement No. 333-47525 on Form S-1 dated May 1, 1998 and is
          incorporated herein by reference.
     27   Financial Data Schedule

(b) Reports on Form 8-K
There were no reports on Form 8-K filed during the quarter ended March 31, 1998.



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date:   May 11, 1998                    LITHIA MOTORS, INC.

                              By /s/ SIDNEY B. DEBOER
                                 Sidney B. DeBoer
                                 Chairman of the Board,                   
                                 Chief Executive Officer and Secretary
                                 (Principal Executive Officer) 

                              By /s/ BRIAN R. NEILL
                                 Brian R. Neill 
                                 Senior Vice President and                  
                                 Chief Financial Officer
                                 (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer)
