Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of
            the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.    )
    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /
    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement
    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section240.14a-11(c) or
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
                                   WISCONSIN POWER AND LIGHT
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
/X/  No fee required.
/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
     and 0-11.
     (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     (5) Total fee paid:
/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
/ /  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
     (1) Amount Previously Paid:
     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     (3) Filing Party:
     (4) Date Filed:

222 WEST WASHINGTON AVENUE     P.O. BOX 2568     MADISON WI 53701-2568    PHONE:
                                 JUNE 17, 1998
                                   1:00 P.M.
    The Annual Meeting of Shareowners of Wisconsin Power and Light Company (the
"Company") will be held at the offices of the Company, 222 West Washington
Avenue, Madison, WI, Room 4A/B on Wednesday, June 17, 1998, at 1:00 P.M. (local
time), for the following purposes:
    (1) To elect (a) five directors for terms expiring at the 2001 Annual
       Meeting of Shareowners, (b) three directors for terms expiring at the
       2000 Annual Meeting of Shareowners, and (c) three directors for terms
       expiring at the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareowners.
    (2) To consider and act upon any other business that may properly come
       before the meeting.
    The Board of Directors of the Company presently knows of no other business
to come before the meeting.
    Only the sole common shareowner, Interstate Energy Corporation (formerly WPL
Holdings, Inc.), and preferred shareowners of record on the books of the Company
at the close of business on May 11, 1998 are entitled to vote at the meeting.
    In the past, the Company has held its annual meeting in conjunction with the
annual meeting of its parent, Interstate Energy Corporation. Beginning this
year, the Company is holding its annual meeting separate from its parent. The
annual meeting of the Company is intended only as a business meeting and will
not involve presentations or refreshments.
    For information purposes only, you will receive under separate cover a copy
of the Interstate Energy Corporation 1997 Annual Report to Shareowners. That
document is sent to you in order that shareowners of the Company may be kept
up-to-date on activities of Interstate Energy Corporation. However, the
Interstate Energy Corporation Annual Report is not intended to be used in
conjunction with the solicitation of proxies with respect to the Company.
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,
                                          EDWARD M. GLEASON
                                          VICE PRESIDENT--TREASURER
                                          AND CORPORATE SECRETARY
Madison, Wisconsin
May 27, 1998

222 WEST WASHINGTON AVENUE     P.O. BOX 2568     MADISON WI 53701-2568    PHONE:
                                  May 27, 1998
                          PROXY STATEMENT RELATING TO
                       1998 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREOWNERS
    The purposes of the meeting are set forth in the accompanying notice. The
enclosed proxy relating to the meeting is solicited on behalf of the Board of
Directors of the Company and the cost of such solicitation will be borne by the
Company. Following the original solicitation of proxies by mail, beginning on or
about May 27, 1998, certain of the officers and regular employees of the Company
may solicit proxies by telephone, telegraph or in person, but without extra
compensation. The Company will pay to banks, brokers, nominees, and other
fiduciaries, their reasonable charges and expenses incurred in forwarding the
proxy material to their principals.
    On April 21, 1998, the merger involving IES Industries Inc. ("IES
Industries") (the former parent of IES Utilities Inc. ("IES")), Interstate Power
Company ("IPC") and WPL Holdings, Inc. was completed (the "Merger"), after which
the name of the Company's parent changed from WPL Holdings, Inc. to Interstate
Energy Corporation ("IEC"). The Company remains a subsidiary of IEC.
                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
    Eleven directors are to be elected at the Company's Annual Meeting of
Shareowners scheduled to be held on June 17, 1998. Joyce L. Hanes, Arnold M.
Nemirow, Jack R. Newman, Judith D. Pyle and David Q. Reed are nominees to hold
office for a term expiring in 2001; Lee Liu, Robert W. Schlutz and Wayne H.
Stoppelmoor are nominees to hold office for a term expiring in 2000; and Alan B.
Arends, Robert D. Ray and Anthony R. Weiler are nominees to hold office for a
term expiring in 1999. All nominees are currently directors of the Company as
well as directors of IEC, IES and IPC. All persons elected as directors will
serve until the Annual Meeting of Shareowners of the Company in the year their
respective term expires, or until their successors have been duly elected and
    Directors will be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the meeting
(assuming a quorum is present). Consequently, any shares not voted at the
meeting, whether due to abstentions, broker non-votes or otherwise, will have no
effect on the election of directors. The proxies solicited may be voted for a
substitute nominee or nominees in the event that any of the nominees shall be
unable to serve, or for good reason will not serve, a contingency not now
    Brief biographies of the director nominees and continuing directors follow.
These biographies include their age (as of December 31, 1997), an account of
their business experience, and the names of publicly-held and certain other
corporations of which they are also directors. Except as otherwise indicated,
each nominee and continuing director has been engaged in his or her present
occupation for at least the past five years.

                           FOR TERMS EXPIRING IN 2001

                   Principal Occupation: Director and Chairman of Midwest Wholesale Inc.
                   Age: 65
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which nominated term of office will expire: 2001

OTHER INFORMATION: Ms. Hanes has been a director of Midwest Wholesale Inc.,
Mason City, Iowa since 1970. She was re-elected Chairman of the Board of that
company in December 1997, having previously served as Chairman from 1986 to
1988. Ms. Hanes has served as a director of IPC since 1982, and of IES and IEC
since the consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: Chairman, President and Chief Executive
                     Officer, Bowater, Inc. (a pulp and paper manufacturer), Greenville,
                     South Carolina.
                   Age: 54
                   Served as a director of the Company since 1994.
                   Annual Meeting at which nominated term of office will expire: 2001

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Nemirow served as President, Chief Executive Officer and
Director of Wausau Paper Mills Company, a pulp and paper manufacturer, from 1990
until joining Bowater, Inc., in September 1994. Mr. Nemirow has served as a
director of IEC since 1991, and of IES and IPC since the consummation of the
Merger. He is a member of the New York Bar.

                   Principal Occupation: Partner of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, an
                     international law firm based in Washington, D.C.
                   Age: 64
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which nominated term of office will expire: 2001

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Newman has been engaged in private practice since 1967
and has been a partner of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius since December 1, 1994. Prior
to joining Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, he was a partner in the law firms Newman &
Holtzinger and Newman, Bouknight & Edgar. He has served as nuclear legal counsel
to IES since 1968. He advises a number of utility companies on nuclear power

matters, including many European and Asian companies. Mr. Newman is a member of
the Bar of the State of New York, the Bar Association of the District of
Columbia, the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the Federal Bar
Association and the Lawyers Committee of the Edison Electric Institute. Mr.
Newman has served as a director of IES since 1994, and of IEC and IPC since the
consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: Vice Chair of The Pyle Group, a financial
                     services company, Madison, Wisconsin.
                   Age: 54
                   Served as a director of the Company since 1994.
                   Annual Meeting at which nominated term of office will expire: 2001

OTHER INFORMATION: Prior to assuming her current position, Ms. Pyle served as
Vice Chair and Senior Vice President of Corporate Marketing of Rayovac
Corporation (a battery and lighting products manufacturer), Madison, Wisconsin.
Ms. Pyle is a director of Firstar Corporation. She is also a member of the Board
of Visitors at the University of Wisconsin School of Human Ecology. Further, Ms.
Pyle is a member of Boards of Directors of the United Way Foundation, Greater
Madison Chamber of Commerce, Madison Art Center, Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance
and the Children's Theatre of Madison, and is a trustee of the White House
Endowment Fund. Ms. Pyle has served as a director of IEC since 1992, and of IES
and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: Independent practitioner of law in Kansas City,
                   Age: 66
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which nominated term of office will expire: 2001

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Reed has been engaged in the private practice of law
since 1960. He is a member of the American Bar Association, the Association of
Trial Lawyers of America, the Missouri Association of Trial Lawyers, the
Missouri Bar and the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association. Mr. Reed has
served as a director of IES (or predecessor companies) since 1967, and of IEC
and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.

                           FOR TERMS EXPIRING IN 2000

                   Principal Occupation: Chairman of the Board of IEC.
                   Age: 64
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 2000

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Liu has served as Chairman of the Board of IEC since the
consummation of the Merger. Mr. Liu was Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of IES Industries and Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer of IES prior to the Merger. Mr. Liu has held a number of
professional, management and executive positions after joining Iowa Electric
Light and Power Company (later known as IES Utilities Inc.) in 1957. He is a
director of HON Industries Inc., an office equipment manufacturer in Muscatine,
Iowa; McLeodUSA Inc., a telecommunications company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa;
Principal Financial Group, an insurance company in Des Moines, Iowa; and Eastman
Chemical Company, a diversified chemical company in Kingsport, Tennessee. He
also serves as a trustee for Mercy Medical Center, a hospital in Cedar Rapids,
Iowa and is a member of the University of Iowa College of Business Board of
Visitors. Mr. Liu has served as a director of IES (or predecessor companies)
since 1981, and of IEC and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: President of Schlutz Enterprises, a diversified
                     farming and retailing business in Columbus Junction, Iowa.
                   Age: 62
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 2000

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Schlutz is a director of PM Agri-Nutritional Group Inc.,
an animal health business in St. Louis, Missouri, and the Iowa Foundation for
Agricultural Advancement. Mr. Schlutz is President of the Iowa State Fair Board
and member of various community organizations. He also served on the National
Advisory Council for the Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation. He is a past
Chairman of the Environmental Protection Commission for the State of Iowa. Mr.
Schlutz has served as a director of IES (or predecessor companies) since 1989,
and of IEC and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.


                   Principal Occupation: Vice Chairman of the Board of IEC.
                   Age: 63
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 2000

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Stoppelmoor has served as Vice Chairman of the Board of
Directors of IEC since the consummation of the Merger. Prior thereto, Mr.
Stoppelmoor had served as Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of
IPC. He retired as President of IPC on October 1, 1996 and as Chief Executive
Officer on January 1, 1997. Mr. Stoppelmoor has served as a director of IPC
since 1986, and of IEC and IES since the consummation of the Merger.
                           FOR TERMS EXPIRING IN 1999

                   Principal Occupation: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alliance
                     Benefit Group Financial Services Corp. (formerly Arends Associates,
                     Inc.) of Albert Lea, Minnesota, an employee benefits company.
                   Age: 64
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 1999

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Arends founded Alliance Benefit Group Financial Services
Corp. in 1983. Mr. Arends has served as a director of IPC since 1993, and of IEC
and IES since the consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: Retired President and Chief Executive Officer
                     of IASD Health Services Inc. (formerly Blue Cross and Blue Shield
                     of Iowa, Western Iowa and South Dakota), an insurance firm in Des
                     Moines, Iowa.
                   Age: 69
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 1999

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Ray served as Governor of the State of Iowa for fourteen
years, and was the United States Delegate to the United Nations in 1984. He is a
director of the Maytag Company, an appliance manufacturer in Newton, Iowa. He
also serves as Chairman of the National Leadership Commission on Health Care
Reform and the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health Care. Mr. Ray is
Chairman of the Board of Governors, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, and a
member of the Iowa Business

Council. Mr. Ray has served as a director of IES (or predecessor companies)
since 1987, and of IEC and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: Senior Vice President, Merchandising, for
                     Heilig-Meyers Company, a national furniture retailer in Richmond,
                   Age: 61
                   Served as a director of the Company since the consummation of the
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 1999

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Weiler was previously Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Chittenden & Eastman Company, a national manufacturer of mattresses
in Burlington, Iowa. He was employed by Chittenden & Eastman in various
management positions from 1960 to 1995. Mr. Weiler joined Heilig-Meyers Company
as Senior Vice President of Merchandising in 1995. Mr. Weiler is Chairman of the
National Home Furnishings Association and a director of the Retail Home
Furnishings Foundation. He is a trustee of NHFA Insurance and a past director of
the Burlington Area Development Corporation, the Burlington Area Chamber of
Commerce and various community organizations. Mr. Weiler has served as a
director of IES (or predecessor companies) since 1991, and of IEC and IPC since
the consummation of the Merger.

                              CONTINUING DIRECTORS

                   Principal Occupation: President and Chief Executive Officer of IEC.
                   Age: 53
                   Served as a director of the Company since 1984.
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 2000

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Davis was elected President of IEC in January 1990, and
was elected President and Chief Executive Officer of IEC effective July 1, 1990.
Mr. Davis joined the Company in August 1978 and was elected President in July
1987. He was elected President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company in
August 1988. Mr. Davis has also served as Chief Executive Officer of IES and IPC
since the consummation of the Merger. He is a director of the Edison Electric
Institute, Amoco Oil Company, Competitive Wisconsin, Inc., PPG Industries, Inc.,
and the Wisconsin Utilities Association. Mr. Davis is also a director and past
chair of the Wisconsin Association of Manufacturers and Commerce, former
director and vice chair of Forward Wisconsin, director and acting chair of the
Electric Power Research Institute, and past director of the Association of
Edison Illuminating Companies and the American Gas Association. Mr. Davis is
also a member of the Iowa Business Council. Mr. Davis has served as a director
of IEC since 1982, and of IES and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: Chief Executive Officer of Nelson Industries,
                     Inc. (a muffler, filter, industrial silencer, and active sound and
                     vibration control technology and manufacturing firm), Stoughton,
                     Wisconsin (a subsidiary of Cummins Engine Company).
                   Age: 66
                   Served as a director of the Company from 1979 to 1990 and since 1994.
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 1999

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Flowers is a director of Digisonix, Inc.; American Family
Mutual Insurance Company; Janesville Sand and Gravel Company; M&I Bank of
Southern Wisconsin; Meriter Health Services, Inc.; Meriter Hospital; the
Wisconsin History Foundation; and University Research Park. Mr. Flowers has
served as a director of IEC since 1981, and of IES and IPC since the
consummation of the Merger.


                   Principal Occupation: President, University of Wisconsin System,
                     Madison, Wisconsin.
                   Age: 56
                   Served as a director of the Company since 1986.
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 1999

OTHER INFORMATION: Ms. Lyall has served as President of the University of
Wisconsin System since April 1992. Prior thereto, she served as Executive Vice
President of the University of Wisconsin System. She also serves on the Board of
Directors of the Kemper National Insurance Companies and the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching. She is a member of a variety of professional
and community organizations, including the American Economic Association;
Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Teaching (President, Board of Trustees);
the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters; the American Red Cross
(Dane County); Competitive Wisconsin, Inc.; and Forward Wisconsin. In addition
to her administrative position, she is a professor of economics at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ms. Lyall has served as a director of IEC since
1994, and of IES and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.

                   Principal Occupation: Special Consultant to the Kikkoman Corporation,
                     Tokyo, Japan, and General Counsel, Secretary and Manager, New
                     Market Development, Kikkoman Foods, Inc. (a food products
                     manufacturer), Walworth, Wisconsin.
                   Age: 67
                   Served as a director of the Company since 1984.
                   Annual Meeting at which current term of office will expire: 2000

OTHER INFORMATION: Mr. Neshek is a director of Kikkoman Foods, Inc.; Midwest
U.S.-Japan Association; Regional Transportation Authority (for southeast
Wisconsin); and Wisconsin-Chiba, Inc. He is a fellow in the American College of
Probate Counsel. Mr. Neshek is a member of the Walworth County Bar Association,
the State Bar of Wisconsin, and the American Judicature Society. Mr. Neshek is
also a member of the Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Commission and a member of its
Executive and Finance Committee. Mr. Neshek is a member of the Wisconsin
International Trade Council (WITCO) and is Chairman of the WITCO International
Education Task Force. Mr. Neshek has served as a director of IEC since 1986, and
of IES and IPC since the consummation of the Merger.
    The Board of Directors of the Company has standing Audit, Compensation and
Personnel, and Nominating and Governance Committees. Information regarding each
of the committees is set forth below.

    As of January 1, 1997, the committee consisted of L. David Carley, R. G.
Flowers, Donald. R. Haldeman, and K. C. Lyall (Chair). Messrs. Carley and
Haldeman retired as directors upon consummation of the Merger. The committee
held two meetings in 1997. Since the effective date of the Merger, the committee
has consisted of J. L. Hanes (Chair), K. C. Lyall, M. E. Neshek, D. Q. Reed and
R. W. Schlutz. The committee recommends to the Board the appointment of
independent auditors; reviews the reports and comments of the independent
auditors; reviews the activities and reports of the Company's internal audit
staff; and, in response to the reports and comments of both the independent
auditors and internal auditors, recommends to the Board any action which the
Audit Committee considers appropriate.
    As of January 1, 1997, the committee consisted of A. M. Nemirow (Chair), M.
E. Neshek, Henry. C. Prange, J. D. Pyle, and Carol. T. Toussaint. Mr. Prange and
Mrs. Toussaint retired as directors upon consummation of the Merger. The
committee held two meetings in 1997. Since the effective date of the Merger, the
committee has consisted of A. M. Nemirow (Chair), A. B. Arends, J. R. Newman, J.
D. Pyle and A. R. Weiler. The committee sets executive compensation policy;
reviews the performance of and approves salaries for officers and certain other
management personnel; reviews and recommends to the Board new or changed
employee benefit plans; reviews major provisions of negotiated employment
contracts, if any; and reviews human resource development programs.
    As of January 1, 1997, the committee consisted of L. D. Carley (Chair), R.
G. Flowers, K. C. Lyall, A. M. Nemirow, H. C. Prange, and J. D. Pyle. The
committee held four meetings in 1997. Since the effective date of the Merger,
the committee has consisted of R. G. Flowers (Chair), A. B. Arends, J. D. Pyle,
R. D. Ray and A. R. Weiler. The committee's responsibilities include
recommending and nominating new members of the Board, recommending committee
assignments and committee chairpersons, evaluating overall Board effectiveness,
preparing an annual report on CEO effectiveness, and considering and developing
recommendations to the Board of Directors on other corporate governance issues.
In making recommendations of nominees for election to the Board, the committee
will consider nominees recommended by shareowners. Any shareowner wishing to
make a recommendation should write the Chief Executive Officer of the Company,
who will forward all recommendations to the committee.
    The Board of Directors held seven meetings during 1997. Only one director
(Mr. Nemirow) attended less than 75% of the aggregate number of meetings of the
Board and Board committees on which he or she served.
                           COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS
    No fees are paid to directors who are officers of the Company, its parent,
IEC, or any of IEC's subsidiaries (presently Mr. Davis, Mr. Liu and Mr.
Stoppelmoor). Non-management directors, each of whom serve on the Boards of the
Company, IEC, IES, IPC and Alliant Industries, Inc. (the holding company for
substantially all non-regulated subsidiaries of IEC ("Alliant Industries")),
receive an annual retainer of $32,800 for service on all five boards. Travel
expenses are paid for each meeting-day attended. All non-management directors
also receive a 25% matching contribution in IEC common stock for limited
optional cash purchases, up to $10,000, of IEC's common stock through IEC's
Shareowner Direct Plan. Matching contributions of $2,500 each for calendar year
1997 were made for the following directors: L. D.

Carley, R. G. Flowers, D. R. Haldeman, K. C. Lyall, A. M. Nemirow, M. E. Neshek,
H. C. Prange, J. D. Pyle, and C. T. Toussaint.
    DIRECTOR'S CHARITABLE AWARD PROGRAM--A Director's Charitable Award Program
is maintained for the members of the Company's Board of Directors beginning
after three years of service. The purpose of the Program is to recognize the
interest of the Company and its directors in supporting worthy institutions, and
to enhance the Company's director benefit program so that the Company is able to
continue to attract and retain directors of the highest caliber. Under the
Program, when a director dies, the Company and/or IEC will donate a total of
$500,000 to one qualified charitable organization, or divide that amount among a
maximum of four qualified charitable organizations, selected by the individual
director. The individual director derives no financial benefit from the Program.
All deductions for charitable contributions are taken by the Company or IEC, and
the donations are funded by the Company or IEC through life insurance policies
on the directors. Over the life of the Program, all costs of donations and
premiums on the life insurance policies, including a return of the Company's
cost of funds, will be recovered through life insurance proceeds on the
directors. The Program, over its life, will not result in any material cost to
the Company or IEC.
    DIRECTOR'S LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAM--IEC maintains a split-dollar Director's
Life Insurance Program for non-employee directors of the Company, beginning
after three years of service, which provides a maximum death benefit of $500,000
to each eligible director. Under the split-dollar arrangement, directors are
provided a death benefit only and do not have any interest in the cash value of
the policies. The Life Insurance Program is structured to pay a portion of the
total death benefit to IEC to reimburse IEC for all costs of the program,
including a return on its funds. The Life Insurance Program, over its life, will
not result in any material cost to the Company.
    DIRECTOR EMERITUS PROGRAM--In connection with the Merger, the Company put in
place a Director Emeritus Program under which directors that retired from the
Board as a result of the Merger are paid the same annual retainer fee as
continuing directors for up to two years after they retire or until they reach
age 71, whichever occurs first. This program is intended to apply only to
directors who retired in connection with the Merger.
    Director nominee Jack R. Newman serves as legal counsel to IEC on nuclear
issues. Mr. Newman's firm, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius has also provided legal
services to IEC related to the Merger.

                         OWNERSHIP OF VOTING SECURITIES
    All of the common stock of the Company is held by IEC. Listed in the
following table are the shares of IEC's common stock owned by the executive
officers listed in the Summary Compensation Table and all directors of the
Company, as well as the number of shares owned by directors and officers as a
group as of April 21, 1998. The directors and executive officers of the Company
as a group owned less than one percent of the outstanding shares of IEC common
stock on that date. To the Company's knowledge, no shareowner beneficially owned
5 percent or more of IEC's outstanding common stock or the Company's preferred
stock as of April 21, 1998. None of the directors or officers of the Company own
any shares of Company preferred stock.

NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                                                          OWNED(1)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------
    A. J. (Nino) Amato.........................................................................       5,810(3)(4)
    Daniel A. Doyle............................................................................       3,603(3)
    William D. Harvey..........................................................................      14,767(3)
    Eliot G. Protsch...........................................................................      14,941(3)
Director Nominees
    Alan B. Arends.............................................................................       1,100
    Joyce L. Hanes.............................................................................       1,868(3)
    Lee Liu....................................................................................      56,617(3)
    Arnold M. Nemirow..........................................................................       9,567
    Jack R. Newman.............................................................................       1,482
    Judith D. Pyle.............................................................................       6,100
    Robert D. Ray..............................................................................       3,193
    David Q. Reed..............................................................................       6,044(3)
    Robert W. Schlutz..........................................................................       3,633
    Wayne H. Stoppelmoor.......................................................................       6,075
    Anthony R. Weiler..........................................................................       4,603(3)
Continuing Directors
    Erroll B. Davis, Jr........................................................................      33,703(3)
    Rockne G. Flowers..........................................................................       9,819
    Katharine C. Lyall.........................................................................       7,194
    Milton E. Neshek...........................................................................      12,195
All Executives and Directors as a Group
    32 people, including those listed above....................................................     282,899

- ---------
(1) Total shares of IEC common stock outstanding as of April 21, 1998 were
(2) Stock ownership of Mr. Davis is shown with continuing directors.
(3) Included in the beneficially owned shares shown are: Indirect ownership
    interests with shared voting and investment powers: Mr. Amato--1,032, Mr.
    Harvey--1,828, Mr. Protsch--552, Mr. Davis--5,603, Ms. Hanes--425, Mr.
    Liu--9,755, Mr. Reed--353 and Mr. Weiler--1,037; and Excercisable stock

    options: Mr. Davis--13,100, Mr. Harvey--4,700, Mr. Protsch--4,700, Mr.
    Amato--3,650 and Mr. Doyle--2,900 (all directors and officers as a
(4) Mr. Amato left the Company following the effective date of the Merger.
    The following Summary Compensation Table sets forth the total compensation
paid by the Company for all services rendered during 1997, 1996, and 1995 to the
Chief Executive Officer and the four other most highly compensated executive
officers (the "named executive officers").
                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                     ANNUAL COMPENSATION             -------------
                                           ----------------------------------------   SECURITIES
                                                                        OTHER         UNDERLYING
           NAME AND                                                     ANNUAL         OPTIONS/        ALL OTHER
- ------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------------  -------------  ----------------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr...........       1997  $  396,000  $   --        $     17,584         13,800      $     53,029
President and CEO                    1996     396,000     146,790          20,625         12,600            58,706
                                     1995     374,913     125,496          16,688         13,100            54,131
William D. Harvey.............       1997     209,000      18,986          14,197          5,100            31,391
Senior Vice President                1996     209,000      82,104          10,227          4,650            27,875
                                     1995     193,654      47,340           5,459          4,700            22,357
Eliot G. Protsch..............       1997     200,200      26,400          10,414          5,100            24,353
Senior Vice President                1996     200,200      81,224           6,968          4,650            23,559
                                     1995     182,000      47,520           3,951          4,700            18,362
Anthony J. Amato(5)...........       1997     160,404      20,262          13,086          5,100            26,418
Senior Vice President                1996     160,404      60,920           8,879          3,550            21,586
                                     1995     148,964      40,046           4,887          3,650            17,156
Daniel A. Doyle...............       1997     157,130      10,139           6,733          3,900            17,121
Vice President--                     1996     149,150      46,865           3,053          2,800            12,180
  Power Production                   1995     140,399      32,465           3,090          2,900            11,155

- ---------
(1) Includes vacation days sold back to the Company. Does not include the
    portion of salary charged to IEC.
(2) Other Annual Compensation for 1997 consists of income tax gross-ups for
    reverse split-dollar life insurance: Mr. Davis--$11,903, Mr. Harvey--$5,289,
    Mr. Protsch--$2,608, Mr. Amato--$4,495, and Mr. Doyle--$3,096; Income tax
    gross-ups on financial counseling benefit: Mr. Davis--$5,681, Mr.
    Harvey--$8,908, Mr. Protsch--$7,806, Mr. Amato--$8,591, and Mr.
(3) Awards made in 1997 were in combination with contingent dividend awards as
    described in the table entitled "Long-Term Incentive Awards in 1997".

(4) All Other Compensation for 1997 consists of: Matching contributions to
    401(k) plan, Mr. Davis-- $11,880, Mr. Harvey--$6,270 Mr. Protsch--$6,006,
    Mr. Amato--$3,895, and Mr. Doyle--$4,714; Financial counseling benefit, Mr.
    Davis--$6,160, Mr. Harvey--$9,659, Mr. Protsch--$9,783, Mr. Amato--$10,766
    and Mr. Doyle--$4,671; Split dollar life insurance premiums, Mr. Davis--
    $22,084, Mr. Harvey--$9,729, Mr. Protsch--$8,296, Mr. Amato--$6,123, and Mr.
    Doyle--$3,969; Reverse split dollar life insurance, Mr. Davis--$12,905, Mr.
    Harvey--$5,733, Mr. Protsch--$3,268, Mr. Amato--$5,634 and Mr.
    Doyle--$3,767. The split dollar and reverse split dollar insurance premiums
    are calculated using the "foregone interest" method.
(5) Mr. Amato left the Company following the effective date of the Merger.
                                 STOCK OPTIONS
    The following table sets forth certain information concerning options
granted during 1997 to the executives named below:
                           OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN 1997

                                                        INDIVIDUAL GRANTS                        POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                                    ----------------------------------------------------------     VALUE AT ASSUMED
                                      NUMBER OF       % OF TOTAL                                ANNUAL RATES OF STOCK
                                     SECURITIES      OPTIONS/SARS                                  APPRECIATION FOR
                                     UNDERLYING       GRANTED TO      EXERCISE OR                   OPTION TERM(2)
                                    OPTIONS/SARS     EMPLOYEES IN     BASE PRICE   EXPIRATION   ----------------------
               NAME                  GRANTED(1)       FISCAL YEAR      ($/SHARE)      DATE          5%         10%
- ----------------------------------  -------------  -----------------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr...............       13,800           17    %      $   28.00       1/2/07   $  243,018  $  615,814
William D. Harvey.................        5,100            6    %          28.00       1/2/07       89,811     227,613
Eliot G. Protsch..................        5,100            6    %          28.00       1/2/07       89,811     227,613
A. J. (Nino) Amato................        3,900            5    %          28.00       1/2/07       68,679     174,057
Daniel A. Doyle...................        3,250            4    %          28.00       1/2/07       57,233     145,048

- ---------
(1) Consists of non-qualified stock options to purchase shares of IEC common
    stock granted pursuant to IEC's Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan. Options
    were granted on January 2, 1997, and will fully vest on January 2, 2000.
    These options were granted with an equal number of contingent dividend
    awards as described in the table entitled "Long-Term Incentive Awards in
    1997" and have exercise prices equal to the fair market value of IEC shares
    on the date of grant. Upon a "change in control" of IEC as defined in the
    Plan or upon retirement, disability or death of the option holder, these
    options shall become immediately exercisable. Upon exercise of an option,
    the executive purchases all or a portion of the shares covered by the option
    by paying the exercise price multiplied by the number of shares as to which
    the option is exercised, either in cash or by surrendering common shares
    already owned by the executive.
(2) The hypothetical potential appreciation shown for the named executives is
    required by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") rules. The
    amounts shown do not represent either the historical or expected future
    performance of the IEC common stock. For example, in order for the named
    executives to realize the potential values set forth in the 5% and 10%
    columns in the table above, the

    price per share of IEC common stock would be $45.61 and $72.65,
    respectively, as of the expiration date of the options.
    The following table provides information for the executives named below
regarding the number and value of unexercised options. No options were
exercisable during 1997.
                     OPTION/SAR VALUES AT DECEMBER 31, 1997

                                                                NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                                               UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED           VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                                  OPTIONS/SARS AT           IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS/SARS AT
                                                                  FISCAL YEAR END                FISCAL YEAR END(1)
                                                           ------------------------------  ------------------------------
                          NAME                               EXERCISABLE    UNEXERCISABLE    EXERCISABLE    UNEXERCISABLE
- ---------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  -------------  ---------------  -------------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr......................................             0          39,500               0      $   174,338
William D. Harvey........................................             0          14,450               0           63,620
Eliot G. Protsch.........................................             0          14,450               0           63,620
A. J. (Nino) Amato.......................................             0          11,000               0           48,950
Daniel A. Doyle..........................................             0           8,950               0           39,619

(1) Based on the closing per share price on December 31, 1997 of IEC common
    stock of $33.125.
    LONG-TERM INCENTIVE AWARDS--The following table provides information
concerning long-term incentive awards made to the executives named below in
                       LONG-TERM INCENTIVE AWARDS IN 1997

                                                                                   ESTIMATED FUTURE PAYOUTS UNDER
                                                 NUMBER OF      PERFORMANCE OR          PRICE-BASED PLANS(2)
                                               SHARES, UNITS     OTHER PERIOD    ----------------------------------
                                              OR OTHER RIGHTS  UNTIL MATURATION   THRESHOLD    TARGET     MAXIMUM
                    NAME                          (#)(1)          OR PAYOUT          ($)         ($)        ($)
- --------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------  ----------
Erroll B. Davis, Jr.........................        13,800            1/2/00         66,240      82,800     144,900
William D. Harvey...........................         5,100            1/2/00         24,480      30,600      53,550
Eliot G. Protsch............................         5,100            1/2/00         24,480      30,600      53,550
A. J. (Nino) Amato..........................         3,900            1/2/00         18,720      23,400      40,950
Daniel A. Doyle.............................         3,250            1/2/00         15,600      19,500      34,125

- ---------
(1) Consists of Performance Units awarded under IEC's Long-Term Equity Incentive
    Plan in combination with stock options (as described in the table entitled
    "Option/SAR Grants in 1997"). These Performance Units are entirely in the
    form of contingent dividends and will be paid if total IEC shareowner return
    over a three-year period ending January 2, 2000 equals or exceeds the median
    return earned by the companies in a peer group of utility holding companies,
    except that there will be no payment if IEC's total return is negative over
    the course of such period. If payable, each participant shall receive an
    amount equal to the accumulated dividends paid on one share of IEC common
    stock during the period of January 2, 1997 through December 31, 2000
    multiplied by the number of Performance Units awarded to the participant,
    and modified by a performance multiplier which ranges from 0 to 1.75 based
    on IEC's total return relative to the peer group.
(2) Assumes, for purposes of illustration only, a $2.00 per share annual
    dividend on shares of IEC common stock for 1998 and 1999.

    In connection with the Merger, Mr. Davis entered into a new employment
agreement with IEC. Under Mr. Davis's agreement, Mr. Davis will serve as the
Chief Executive Officer of IEC until at least the fifth anniversary of the
effective time of the Merger. Mr. Davis will also serve as the Chairman of IEC
following the second anniversary of the Merger. Following the expiration of the
initial term of Mr. Davis's employment agreement, his agreement will
automatically renew for successive one-year terms, unless either Mr. Davis or
IEC gives prior written notice of his or its intent to terminate the agreement.
Mr. Davis will also serve as Chief Executive Officer of each subsidiary of IEC,
including the Company, until at least the third anniversary of the effective
time of the Merger and as a director of such companies during the term of his
employment agreement.
    Mr. Davis's employment agreement provides that he be paid an annual base
salary of not less than $450,000. Mr. Davis also has the opportunity to earn
short-term and long-term incentive compensation (including stock options,
restricted stock and other long-term incentive compensation) in amounts no less
than he was eligible to receive before the effective time of the Merger, as well
as supplemental retirement benefits (including continued participation in the
Company Executive Tenure Compensation Plan) in an amount no less than he was
eligible to receive before the effective time of the Merger, and life insurance
providing a death benefit of three times his annual salary.
    If the employment of Mr. Davis is terminated without cause (as defined in
his employment agreement) or if he terminates his employment for good reason (as
defined in his employment agreement), IEC or its affiliates will continue to
provide the compensation and benefits called for by the employment agreement
through the end of the term of the employment agreement (with incentive
compensation based on the maximum potential awards and with any stock
compensation paid in cash), and all unvested stock compensation will vest
immediately. If Mr. Davis dies or becomes disabled, or terminates his employment
without good reason, during the term of his employment agreement, IEC or its
affiliates will pay to him or his beneficiaries or estate all compensation
earned through the date of death, disability or such termination (including
previously deferred compensation and pro rata incentive compensation based upon
the maximum potential awards). If Mr. Davis is terminated for cause, IEC or its
affiliates will pay his base salary through the date of termination plus any
previously deferred compensation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event
that any payments to Mr. Davis under his employment agreement or otherwise are
subject to the excise tax on excess parachute payments under the Internal
Revenue Code (the "Code"), then the total payments to be made under the
employment agreement will be reduced so that the value of these payments Mr.
Davis is entitled to receive is $1 less than the amount that would subject him
to the 20% excise tax imposed by the Code on certain excess payments, or which
IEC or its affiliates may pay without loss of deduction under the Code.
    IEC also has key executive employment and severance agreements ("KEESAs")
with Mr. Davis and with certain other executive officers of IEC and its
subsidiaries, including Messrs. Harvey, Protsch, Amato and Doyle. The KEESAs
provide that each executive officer that is a party thereto is entitled to
benefits if, within five years after a change in control of IEC (as defined in
the KEESAs), the officer's employment is ended through (i) termination by IEC,
other than by reason of death or disability or for cause (as defined in the
KEESAs), or (ii) termination by the officer due to a breach of the agreement by
IEC or a significant change in the officer's responsibilities, or (iii) in the
case of Mr. Davis's agreement, termination by Mr. Davis following the first
anniversary of the change of control. The consummation of the Merger was deemed
to constitute a change in control of IEC for purposes of the KEESAs. The
benefits provided are: (i) a cash termination payment of one, two or three times
(depending on which executive is involved) the

sum of the officer's annual salary and his average annual bonus during the three
years before the termination and (ii) continuation for up to five years of
equivalent hospital, medical, dental, accident, disability and life insurance
coverage as in effect at the time of termination. Each KEESA provides that if
any portion of the benefits under the KEESA or under any other agreement for the
officer would constitute an excess payment for purposes of the Code, benefits
will be reduced so that the officer will be entitled to receive $1 less than the
maximum amount which he could receive without becoming subject to the 20% excise
tax imposed by the Code on certain excess payments, or which IEC or its
affiliates may pay without loss of deduction under the Code. Mr. Davis's
employment agreement as described above limits benefits paid thereunder to the
extent that duplicate payments would be provided to him under his KEESA. In
connection with the termination of his employment and pursuant to a letter
agreement with IEC, Mr. Amato received benefits totaling $614,771 under his
    During 1997, in connection with a Restricted Stock Agreement, Mr. Davis
converted 0.5567 shares of Alliant Industries stock into 7,754 shares of IEC
common stock and redeemed his remaining 1.1133 shares of Alliant Industries
stock for $421,553 per share. The proceeds of the redemption to Mr. Davis were
used, in part, to repay $315,257 of principal and interest on loans made by IEC
to Mr. Davis for taxes withheld in connection with the vesting of his Alliant
Industries stock. Mr. Davis was charged interest on these loans at the prime
    Salaried employees (including officers) of the Company are eligible to
participate in a Retirement Plan maintained by the Company. All executives named
in the foregoing Summary Compensation Table participated in the plan during
1997. Contributions to the plan are determined actuarially, computed on a
straight-life annuity basis, and cannot be readily calculated as applied to any
individual participant or small group of participants. For purposes of the plan,
compensation means payment for services rendered, including vacation and sick
pay, and is substantially equivalent to the salary amounts reported in the
foregoing Summary Compensation Table. Retirement Plan benefits depend upon
length of plan service (up to a maximum of 30 years), age at retirement, and
amount of compensation (determined in accordance with the plan) and are reduced
by up to 50 percent of Social Security benefits. Credited years of service under
the plan for covered persons named in the foregoing Summary Compensation Table
are as follows: Erroll B. Davis, Jr., 18 years; Eliot G. Protsch, 18 years; A.
J. (Nino) Amato, 11 years; Daniel A. Doyle, 5 years; and William D. Harvey, 10
years. Assuming retirement at age 65, a Retirement Plan participant (in

conjunction with the Unfunded Supplemental Retirement Plan described below)
would be eligible at retirement for a maximum annual retirement benefit as
                             RETIREMENT PLAN TABLE

                                                         ANNUAL BENEFIT AFTER SPECIFIED YEARS IN PLAN*
AVERAGE ANNUAL COMPENSATION                       5         10         15          20          25          30
- --------------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  ----------
$125,000....................................  $  10,132  $  20,265  $  30,397  $   40,529  $   50,662  $   60,794
 150,000....................................     12,424     24,848     37,272      49,696      62,120      74,544
 200,000....................................     17,007     34,015     51,022      68,029      85,037     102,044
 250,000....................................     21,591     43,181     64,772      86,363     107,953     129,544
 300,000....................................     26,174     52,348     78,522     104,696     130,870     157,044
 350,000....................................     30,757     61,515     92,272     123,029     153,787     184,544
 400,000....................................     35,341     70,681    106,022     141,363     176,703     212,044
 450,000....................................     39,924     79,848    119,772     159,696     199,620     239,544
 475,000....................................     42,216     84,431    126,647     168,863     211,078     253,294
 500,000....................................     44,507     89,015    133,722     178,029     222,537     267,044
 525,000....................................     46,799     93,598    140,397     187,196     233,995     280,794
 550,000....................................     49,091     98,181    147,272     196,363     245,453     294,544

- ---------
 *  Average annual compensation is based upon the average of the highest 36
    consecutive months of compensation. The Retirement Plan benefits shown above
    are net of estimated Social Security benefits and do not reflect any
    deductions for other amounts. The annual retirement benefits payable are
    subject to certain maximum limitations (in general, $150,000 for 1996 and
    $160,000 for 1997) under the Code. Under the Retirement Plan and a
    supplemental survivors income plan, if a Retirement Plan participant dies
    prior to retirement, the designated survivor of the participant is entitled
    to a monthly income benefit equal to approximately 50 percent (100 percent
    in the case of certain executive officers and key management employees) of
    the monthly retirement benefit which would have been payable to the
    participant under the Retirement Plan if the participant had remained
    employed by the Company until eligible for normal retirement.
    UNFUNDED SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN--The Company maintains an Unfunded
Supplemental Retirement Plan which provides funds for payment of retirement
benefits above the limitations on payments from qualified pension plans in those
cases where an employee's retirement benefits exceed the qualified plan limits.
Additionally, the plan provides for payments of supplemental retirement benefits
to employees holding the position of Vice President or higher, who have been
granted additional months of service by the Board of Directors for purposes of
computing retirement benefits.
Unfunded Executive Tenure Compensation Plan to provide incentive for key
executives to remain in the service of the Company by providing additional
compensation which is payable only if the executive remains with the Company
until retirement (or other termination if approved by the Board of Directors).
In the case of the Chief Executive Officer only, in the event that the Chief
Executive Officer (1) is terminated under his employment agreement with IEC (the
"Employment Agreement") other than for cause, death or disability (as those
terms are defined in the Employment Agreement), (2) terminates his employment
under the Employment Agreement for good reason (as such term is defined in the
Employment Agreement), or

(3) is terminated as a result of a failure of the Employment Agreement to be
renewed automatically pursuant to its terms (regardless of the reason for such
non-renewal), then for purposes of the plan, the Chief Executive Officer shall
be deemed to have retired at age 65 and shall be entitled to benefits under the
plan. Participants in the plan must be designated by the Chief Executive Officer
of the Company and approved by its Board of Directors. Mr. Davis was the only
active participant in the plan as of December 31, 1997. The plan provides for
monthly payments to a participant after retirement (at or after age 65, or with
Board approval, prior to age 65) for 120 months. The payments will be equal to
25 percent of the participant's highest average salary for any consecutive
36-month period. If a participant dies prior to retirement or before 120
payments have been made, the participant's beneficiary will receive monthly
payments equal to 50 percent of such amount for 120 months in the case of death
before retirement, or if the participant dies after retirement, 50 percent of
such amount for the balance of the 120 months. Annual benefits of $112,500 would
be payable to Mr. Davis upon retirement, assuming he continues in the Company's
service until retirement at the same salary as was in effect on December 31,
    SUPPLEMENTAL EXECUTIVE RETIREMENT PLAN--The Company maintains an unfunded
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan to provide incentive for key executives
to remain in the service of the Company by providing additional compensation
which is payable only if the executive remains with the Company until
retirement, disability or death. Participants in the plan must be approved by
the Compensation and Personnel Committee of the Board. The plan provides for
payments of 60% of the participant's average annual earnings (base salary and
bonus) for the highest paid three years out of the last ten years of the
participant's employment. The normal retirement date under the plan is age 65 or
the date the participant has completed 10 years of employment, whichever is
later. If a participant retires prior to age 62, the 60% payment under the plan
is reduced by 3% per year for each year the participant's retirement date
precedes his/her normal retirement date. Benefit payments under the plan will be
made for a maximum of 18 years, with a minimum of 12 years of payments if the
participant dies after retirement. Messrs. Davis, Harvey, Protsch, and Doyle are
participants in this plan. The following table shows payments under the plan,
assuming a minimum of 10 years of service at retirement age.

                                                                                             LESS THAN 10     THAN 10
AVERAGE COMPENSATION                                                                             YEARS         YEARS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ----------
$125,000..................................................................................     $       0     $   75,000
 150,000..................................................................................             0         90,000
 200,000..................................................................................             0        120,000
 250,000..................................................................................             0        150,000
 300,000..................................................................................             0        180,000
 350,000..................................................................................             0        210,000
 400,000..................................................................................             0        240,000
 450,000..................................................................................             0        270,000
 500,000..................................................................................             0        300,000
 550,000..................................................................................             0        330,000

    KEY EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN--The Company maintains an unfunded
Key Employee Deferred Compensation Plan under which participants may defer up to
100% of base salary or incentive

compensation. The Company matches up to 50% of the employee deferral (plus
401(k) contributions up to 6% of pay, less 401(k) matching contributions). The
deferrals and matching contributions receive an

annual return equal to the A-utility bond rate with a minimum return no less
than the prime interest rate published in the Wall Street Journal. Payments from
the plan may be made in lump sums or installments at the election of the
participant. Participants are selected by the CEO of Alliant Services Company.
Messrs. Davis, Harvey, Protsch and Doyle participate in this plan.
    TO OUR SHAREOWNERS:  The Compensation and Personnel Committee (the
"Committee") of the Board of Directors is comprised of five independent,
non-employee directors who have no "interlocking" relationships, as defined by
the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). The Committee assesses the
effectiveness and competitiveness of, approves the design of, and administers
executive compensation programs within a consistent total compensation framework
for the Company. The Committee also reviews and approves all salary arrangements
and other remuneration for executives, evaluates executive performance, and
considers related matters. To support the Committee in carrying out its mission,
an independent consultant is engaged to provide assistance to the Committee.
    The Committee is committed to implementing a total compensation program for
executives which furthers the Company's mission. The Committee, therefore,
adheres to the following compensation policies which are intended to facilitate
the achievement of the Company's business strategies.
    - Total compensation should enhance the Company's ability to attract,
      retain, and encourage the development of exceptionally knowledgeable and
      experienced executives, upon whom, in large part, the successful operation
      and management of the Company depends.
    - Base salary levels should be targeted at a competitive market range paid
      to executives of comparable companies. Specifically, the Committee targets
      the median (50th percentile) of equally weighted data from utility and
      general industry companies.
    - Incentive compensation programs should strengthen the relationship between
      pay and performance by emphasizing variable, at-risk compensation that is
      consistent with meeting predetermined Company, subsidiary, and individual
      performance goals. In addition, incentive levels will be targeted at the
      median (50th percentile) of equally weighted data from utility and general
      industry companies.
    The Committee relates total compensation levels for the Company's senior
executives to the compensation paid to executives of comparable companies.
Utility executives' pay is compared to that of executives with similar
responsibilities at utilities and/or non-utilities (general industries) in both
the Midwest and national markets, as well as to companies with similar revenue
levels and employment levels.
    The Committee has determined that total executive compensation, including
that for Mr. Davis, is in line with competitive salaries of the comparison
groups of companies.
    The current elements of the Company's executive compensation program are
base salary, short-term (annual) incentives and long-term (equity) incentives.
These elements are addressed separately below. In determining each component of
compensation, the Committee considers all elements of an executive's total
compensation package, including benefit and perquisite programs.

    The Committee annually reviews each executive's base salary. Base salaries
are targeted at a competitive market range when comparing both utility and
non-utility (general industry) data. Base salaries are adjusted annually by the
Committee to recognize changes in the market, varying levels of responsibility,
prior experience, and breadth of knowledge. Increases to base salaries are
driven primarily by market adjustments. Individual performance factors are not
considered by the Committee in setting base salaries. Base pay adjustments are
tied to market changes in appropriate salary levels and will minimize
across-the-board increases. During 1997, all executive salaries were reviewed
for market comparability using utility and general industry data contained in
compensation surveys published by Edison Electric Institute, American Gas
Association and several compensation consulting firms. Any recommended changes
will be effective for 1998. Market ranges will be reviewed annually.
    The goal of short-term (annual) incentive programs is to promote the
Committee's pay-for-performance philosophy by providing executives with direct
financial incentives in the form of annual cash or stock based bonuses to
achieve corporate, subsidiary, and individual performance goals. Annual bonus
opportunities allow the Committee to communicate specific goals that are of
primary importance during the coming year and motivate executives to achieve
these goals. The Committee on an annual basis reviews and approves the program's
performance goals and the relative weight assigned to each goal as well as
targeted and maximum award levels. A description of the Company's short-term
incentive program available during 1997 to executive officers follows.
Management Incentive Plan (the "Company MIP") covered utility executives and in
1997 was based on achieving annual targets in several areas of overall corporate
performance that include profitability, operations and maintenance expense
control, reduction in lost time accidents, and individual/team performance.
Target and maximum bonus awards were set at the median of the utility market
levels. Targets were considered by the Committee to be achievable, but require
above-average performance from each of the executives. Actual payment of
bonuses, as a percentage of annual salary, is determined by the level of
performance achieved in each category. Weighting factors are applied to the
percentage achievement under each category to determine overall performance. If
the threshold performance level is not reached, there is no bonus payment
associated with that particular category. Once the designated maximum
performance is reached, there is no additional payment. The actual percentage of
salary paid as a bonus, within the allowable range, is equal to the weighted
average percent achievement for all the performance categories. For example, if
the overall weighted performance achievement is 70%, the executive will receive
70% of his or her maximum allowable bonus award. Potential Company MIP awards
for executives range from 0 to 40 percent of annual salary. The Company MIP does
not allow for discretion in bonus determinations. In 1997 there was no payout
for performance against the corporate targets. Executives received awards under
the Company MIP for achievements against individual performance goals. Awards
for 1997 under the Company MIP made to top executives (other than to Mr. Davis
who participates in the IEC Management Incentive Plan) are shown in the Summary
Compensation Table.
    IEC MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE PLAN--In 1997, Mr. Davis was covered by IEC's
Management Incentive Plan (the "IEC MIP"). Awards under the IEC MIP in 1997 were
based on Company, Heartland Development Corporation ("HDC" and now known as
Alliant Industries) and individual performance

achievement in relation to predetermined goals. For each Plan year, the IEC
Compensation and Personnel Committee (which is comprised of the same members as
the Committee) determines the performance apportionment for Mr. Davis. In 1997
that apportionment was 50% for Company performance, 25% for HDC performance and
25% for individual performance. Company performance is measured based on the
overall percentage achievement factor of the corporate goals established for the
Company MIP. HDC performance is measured based on the overall percentage
achievement of the 1997 financial performance goals from the HDC plan.
Individual performance is measured based on the achievement of certain specific
goals, which included strategy development and implementation, established for
Mr. Davis by the IEC Committee. The 1997 IEC MIP award range for Mr. Davis was
from 0 to 70 percent of annual salary. The actual payment of bonuses as a
percentage of annual salary is determined as described for the Company MIP. In
1997, the IEC MIP provided a payment to Mr. Davis as a result of the HDC
financial performance component, and for achievement of the personal goals. For
1997 performance, Mr. Davis' annual bonus payment represented 22 percent of his
base salary. Under the IEC MIP, Mr. Davis was awarded $100,800 solely in
connection with 1997 performance as discussed above. None of Mr. Davis's award
for 1997 under the IEC MIP related to Company performance.
    The Committee strongly believes compensation for senior executives should
include long-term, at-risk pay to strengthen the alignment of shareowner and
management. In this regard, IEC's Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan allows for
grants of stock options, restricted stock, and performance units/shares with
respect to IEC's common stock. The Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan is
administered by the IEC Compensation and Personnel Committee. The Committee
believes the Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan balances the Company's existing
compensation programs by emphasizing compensation based on the long-term
successful performance of the Company from the perspective of the shareowners of
IEC. Stock options provide a reward that is directly tied to the benefit
shareowners of IEC receive from increases in the price of IEC's common stock.
The payout from the performance units is based on IEC's continued payment of
dividends, a significant component of investment returns for utilities, and the
relative total return to shareowners compared to other comparable investments.
Thus, the two components of the Long-Term Equity Incentive Plan, i.e., stock
options and performance units, provide incentives for management to produce
superior shareowner returns on both an absolute and relative basis. During 1997
the IEC Compensation and Personnel Committee made a grant of stock options and
performance units to Messrs Davis, Amato, Doyle, Protsch and Harvey. All option
grants were made at the fair market value of IEC common stock on the date the
grants were approved (January 2, 1997). The options vest after three years and
have a ten-year term from the date of the grant. Executives were also granted
performance units which will accumulate all of the dividends paid on one share
of IEC's common stock over a three-year period. One performance unit was granted
for each option received by the executive. Accrued dividends are not reinvested
in IEC's common stock, nor is any interest paid on accrued dividends.
Performance units will be paid out in cash or in shares of IEC's common stock.
The payment will be modified by a performance multiplier which ranges from 0 to
1.75 based on the three year average of IEC's total shareowner return relative
to a utility holding company peer group. If IEC's total shareowner return for
the three year period is negative, the performance unit payout will be zero. In
determining actual award levels, the IEC Committee was primarily concerned with
providing a competitive total compensation level to officers. As such, award
levels (including the awards made to Mr. Davis) were based on a competitive
analysis of similarly-sized utility companies that took into consideration the
market level of long-term incentives, as well as the competitiveness of the
total compensation package. Award ranges, as well as individual award

levels, were then established based on responsibility level and market
competitiveness. No corporate or individual performance measures were reviewed
in connection with the awards of options and performance units. Award levels
were targeted to the median of the range of such awards paid by comparable
companies. In addition, the IEC Compensation and Personnel Committee did not
consider the amounts of options or performance units already outstanding or
previously granted when making awards for 1997.
    Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code generally limits the corporate
deduction for compensation paid to executive officers named in the proxy
statement to $1 million unless such compensation is based upon performance
objectives meeting certain regulatory criteria or is otherwise excluded from the
limitation. The Committee has carefully considered the impact of this tax code
provision. Based on the Committee's commitment to link compensation with
performance as described in this report, the Committee currently intends to
qualify compensation paid to the Company's executive officers for deductibility
by the Company under Section 162(m).
    The Committee believes the existing executive compensation policies and
programs provide the appropriate level of competitive compensation for the
Company's executives. In addition, the Committee believes that the long and
short term performance incentives effectively align the interests of executives
and ultimate shareowners toward a successful future for the Company.
                                       COMPENSATION AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE
                                       Arnold M. Nemirow (Chair)
                                       Alan B. Arends
                                       Jack R. Newman
                                       Judith D. Pyle
                                       Anthony R. Weiler

    The Company's directors, its executive officers, and certain other officers
are required to report their ownership of IEC's common stock and Company
preferred stock and any changes in that ownership to the SEC. To the best of the
Company's knowledge, all required filings in 1997 were properly made in a timely
fashion. In making the above statements, the Company has relied on the
representations of the persons involved and on copies of their reports filed
with the SEC.
    VOTING--The outstanding voting securities of the Company on the record date
stated below consisted of 13,236,601 shares of common stock (owned solely by
IEC) and 1,049,225 shares of preferred stock, in seven series (representing
599,630 votes). Only shareowners of the Company of record on its books at the
close of business on May 11, 1998, are entitled to vote at the meeting. Each
share of Company common stock is entitled to one vote per share. Each share of
Company preferred stock, with the exception of the 6.50% Series, is entitled to
one vote per share. The 6.50% Series of Company preferred stock is entitled to
1/4 vote per share. Shareowners may vote their shares either in person or by
proxy. The giving of proxies by shareowners will not effect their right to vote
their shares if they attend the meeting and desire to vote in person. Presence
at the meeting of a shareowner who signed a proxy, however, does not itself
revoke the proxy. A proxy may be revoked by the person giving it, at any time
prior to the time it is voted, by advising the Secretary of the Company prior to
such voting. A proxy may also be revoked by a shareowner who duly executes
another proxy bearing a later date but prior to the voting. All shares
represented by effective proxies on the enclosed form, received by the Company,
will be voted at the meeting or any adjourned session of the meeting, all in
accordance with the terms of such proxies.
    PROPOSALS OF SHAREOWNERS--Under the rules of the SEC, any shareowner
proposal intended to be presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareowners must
be received at the principal office of the Company no later than January 27,
1999, in order to be eligible to be considered for inclusion in the Company's
proxy materials relating to that meeting.
    INDEPENDENT AUDITORS--The Board of Directors has appointed Arthur Andersen
LLP as the Company's independent auditors for 1998. Arthur Andersen LLP acted as
independent auditors for the Company in 1997. Representatives of Arthur Andersen
LLP are expected to be present at the meeting with the opportunity to make a
statement if they so desire. Such representatives are also expected to be
available to respond to appropriate questions.
    OTHER BUSINESS--The meeting is being held for the purposes set forth in the
notice accompanying this proxy statement. The Board of Directors of the Company
knows of no business to be transacted at the meeting other than that set forth
in the notice. However, if any other business should properly be presented to
the meeting, the proxies will be voted in respect thereof in accordance with the
judgment of the person or persons voting the proxies.
                                          By Order of the Board of Directors
                                          Edward M. Gleason
                                          Vice President - Treasurer
                                          and Corporate Secretary

                                                                      APPENDIX A
                                 ANNUAL REPORT
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1997

CONTENTS                                                                    PAGE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----
The Company...............................................................   A-2
Selected Financial Data...................................................   A-3
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
  Operations..............................................................   A-3
Report of Independent Public Accountants..................................  A-21
Consolidated Financial Statements:
  Consolidated Statements of Income.......................................  A-22
  Consolidated Balance Sheets.............................................  A-23
  Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows...................................  A-25
  Consolidated Statements of Capitalization...............................  A-26
  Consolidated Statements of Common Shareowners' Investment...............  A-27
  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements..............................  A-28
Shareowner Information....................................................  A-44
Executive Officers........................................................  A-44


                                  THE COMPANY
    In April 1998, WPL Holdings, Inc. (WPLH), IES Industries Inc. (IES) and
Interstate Power Company (IPC) completed a three-way merger (Merger) forming
Interstate Energy Corporation (Merged Company). In connection with the Merger,
IES was merged with and into WPLH forming the Merged Company and IPC became a
subsidiary of the Merged Company. The Merged Company operates as a registered
public utility holding company and is subject to regulation by the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of
1935 (PUHCA), Following the Merger, the holding companies for the nonregulated
businesses of the former WPLH and IES (Heartland Development Corporation (HDC)
and IES Diversified Inc. (Diversified), respectively) were merged, and the
resulting entity was renamed Alliant Industries, Inc. (Industries). As a result
of the Merger, the first tier subsidiaries of the Merged Company consist of:
Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WP&L), IES Utilities Inc. (IESU), IPC,
Industries, and Alliant Services Company (a regulatory service company required
under PUHCA and SEC regulation). For additional information regarding the terms
of the Merger, see Note 2 of the "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements."
    WP&L, incorporated in Wisconsin in 1917 as the Eastern Wisconsin Electric
Company, is a public utility predominately engaged in the transmission and
distribution of electric energy and the generation and bulk purchase of electric
energy for sale. WP&L also transports, distributes and sells natural gas
purchased from gas suppliers. Nearly all of WP&L's customers are located in
south and central Wisconsin. WP&L operates in municipalities pursuant to permits
of indefinite duration which are regulated by Wisconsin law. At December 31,
1997, WP&L supplied electric and gas service to approximately 393,000 and
155,000 customers, respectively. WP&L also has approximately 32,000 water
customers. The water operations are immaterial to WP&L overall. In 1997, 1996
and 1995 WP&L had no single customer for which electric and/or gas sales
accounted for 10% or more of WP&L's consolidated revenues.
    WP&L owns all of the outstanding capital stock of South Beloit Water, Gas
and Electric Company (South Beloit), a public utility supplying electric, gas
and water service, principally in Winnebago County, Illinois, which was
incorporated in 1908.
    WP&L also owns varying interest in several other subsidiaries and
investments which are not material to WP&L's operations.
    WP&L provides electricity in a service territory of approximately 16,000
square miles in 35 counties in southern and central Wisconsin and four counties
in northern Illinois. As of December 31, 1997, WP&L provided retail electric
service to approximately 393,000 customers in 615 cities, villages and towns,
and wholesale service to 25 municipal utilities, one privately owned utility,
three rural electric cooperatives, one Native American nation and to the
Wisconsin Public Power, Inc. system for the provision of retail service to 14
    Electric operations represented 79.8% of WP&L's total operating revenues and
90.5% of WP&L's total operating income for the year ended December 31, 1997.
    Electric sales are seasonal to some extent with the yearly peak normally
occurring in the summer months. WP&L also experiences a smaller winter peak in
December or January. The maximum net hourly peak load on the electric system was
2,253 megawatts and occurred on July 16, 1997.

    WP&L's electric generating facilities include: four coal-fired generating
stations (including nine units; four jointly-owned), seven natural-gas-fired
peaking units, eight hydro-electric plants (two jointly owned), one gas-fired
steam generating plant and one nuclear power plant.
    As of December 31, 1997, WP&L provided retail natural gas service to
approximately 155,000 customers in 243 cities, villages and towns in 22 counties
in southern and central Wisconsin and one county in northern Illinois. Gas
operations represented 19.6% of WP&L's total operating revenues and 9.8% of
WP&L's total operating income for the year ended December 31, 1997.
    WP&L's gas sales follow a seasonal pattern. There is an annual base load of
gas used for heating, cooking, water heating and other purposes, with a large
peak occurring during the heating season.
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA

                                                                     1997       1996       1995       1994       1993
                                                                   ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                                       (IN MILLIONS)
Operating revenues...............................................  $     795  $     759  $     690  $     688  $     644
Net income available for common stock............................  $      68  $      79  $      75  $      68  $      60
Cash dividends declared on common stock..........................  $      58  $      66  $      57  $      56  $      54
Total assets (at December 31)....................................  $   1,665  $   1,678  $   1,641  $   1,585  $   1,551
Long-term obligations, net (at December 31)......................  $     420  $     371  $     376  $     394  $     393

    In April 1998, WPL Holdings, Inc. (WPLH), IES Industries Inc. (IES) and
Interstate Power Company (IPC) completed a three-way merger (Merger) forming
Interstate Energy Corporation (Merged Company). In connection with the Merger,
IES was merged with and into WPLH forming the Merged Company and IPC became a
subsidiary of the Merged Company. The Merged Company operates as a registered
public utility holding company and is subject to regulation by the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of
1935 (PUHCA). Following the Merger, the holding companies for the nonregulated
businesses of the former WPLH and IES (Heartland Development Corporation (HDC)
and IES Diversified Inc. (Diversified), respectively) were merged, and the
resulting entity was renamed Alliant Industries, Inc. (Industries). As a result
of the Merger, the first tier subsidiaries of the Merged Company consist of:
Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WP&L), IES Utilities Inc. (IESU), IPC,
Industries, and Alliant Services Company (a regulatory service company required
under PUHCA and SEC regulation). For additional information regarding the terms
of the Merger, see Note 2 of the "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements."
    The Merged Company currently anticipates cost savings resulting from the
Merger of approximately $749 million over a ten-year period, net of transaction
costs and costs to achieve the savings of approximately $78 million.
Approximately $22 million of these costs had been incurred through December 31,
1997. Upon consummation of the Merger, the Merged Company estimates it will
expense approximately $40 million of additional merger-related costs (e.g.,
required payments to or for financial advisors,

employee retirements and separations, attorneys, accountants, etc.). The
estimate of potential cost savings constitutes a forward-looking statement and
actual results may differ materially from this estimate. The estimate is
necessarily based upon various assumptions that involve judgments with respect
to, among other things, future national and regional economic and competitive
conditions, technological developments, inflation rates, regulatory treatments,
weather conditions, financial market conditions, future business decisions and
other uncertainties. No assurance can be given that the entire amount of
estimated cost savings will actually be realized. In addition, the allocation
between WPLH, IES and IPC and their customers of the estimated cost savings of
approximately $749 million over ten years resulting from the Merger, net of
costs incurred to achieve such savings, will be subject to regulatory review and
    As part of the approval process for the Merger, WP&L has agreed to various
rate freezes not to exceed four years commencing on the effective date of the
Merger (see "Liquidity and Capital Resources--Rates and Regulatory Matters" for
a further discussion).
    Assuming capture of the anticipated merger-related synergies and no
significant legislative or regulatory changes affecting WP&L, WP&L does not
expect the merger-related electric and natural gas price freezes to have a
material adverse effect on its financial position or results of operations.
                           FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS
    Statements contained in this Annual Report of WP&L (including MD&A) that are
not of historical fact are forward-looking statements intended to qualify for
the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation
Reform Act of 1995. From time to time, WP&L (including its consolidated
subsidiaries) may make other forward-looking statements within the meaning of
the federal securities laws that involve judgments, assumptions and other
uncertainties beyond the control of WP&L. These forward-looking statements may
include, among others, statements concerning revenue and cost trends, cost
recovery, cost reduction strategies and anticipated outcomes, pricing
strategies, changes in the utility industry, planned capital expenditures,
financing needs and availability, statements of WP&L's expectations, beliefs,
future plans and strategies, anticipated events or trends and similar comments
concerning matters that are not historical facts. Investors and other users of
the forward-looking statements are cautioned that such statements are not a
guarantee of future performance of WP&L and that such forward-looking statements
are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ
materially from those expressed in, or implied by, such statements. Some, but
not all, of the risks and uncertainties include weather effects on sales and
revenues, competitive factors, general economic conditions in WP&L's service
territory, federal and state regulatory or government actions, the operations of
the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (Kewaunee), the ability of the Merged Company
to successfully integrate the operations of WPLH, IES and IPC and changes in the
rate of inflation.
                            UTILITY INDUSTRY OUTLOOK
    WP&L competes in an ever-changing utility industry. Set forth below is an
overview of this evolving marketplace.
    Electric energy generation, transmission, and distribution are in a period
of fundamental change in the manner in which customers obtain, and energy
suppliers provide, energy services. As legislative, regulatory, economic and
technological changes occur, electric utilities are faced with increasing
pressure to become more competitive. Such competitive pressures could result in
loss of customers and an

incurrence of stranded costs (i.e., assets and other costs rendered
unrecoverable as the result of competitive pricing). To the extent stranded
costs cannot be recovered from customers, they would be borne by security
    WP&L realized 98% of its electric utility revenues in 1997 in Wisconsin and
2% in Illinois. Approximately 75% of the electric revenues in 1997 were
regulated by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) while the other
25% were regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). WP&L
realized 96% of its gas utility revenues in 1997 in Wisconsin and 4% in
    WP&L is subject to regulation by the FERC. The National Energy Policy Act of
1992 addresses several matters designed to promote competition in the electric
wholesale power generation market. In 1996, FERC issued final rules (FERC Orders
888 and 889) requiring electric utilities to open their transmission lines to
other wholesale buyers and sellers of electricity. In March 1997, FERC issued
orders on rehearing for Orders 888 and 889 (Orders 888-A and 889-A). In response
to FERC Orders 888 and 888-A, WP&L has on file with the FERC pro forma open
access transmission tariffs. In response to FERC Orders 889 and 889-A, WP&L is
participating in a regional Open Access Same-Time Information System. WP&L
cannot predict the long-term consequences of these rules on its results of
operations or financial condition.
    FERC Order 888 permits utilities to seek recovery of legitimate, prudent and
verifiable stranded costs associated with providing open access and transmission
services. FERC does not have jurisdiction over retail distribution and,
consequently, the final FERC rules do not provide for the recovery of stranded
costs resulting from retail competition. The various states retain jurisdiction
over the question of whether to permit retail competition, the terms of such
retail competition, and the recovery of any portion of stranded costs that are
ultimately determined to have resulted from retail competition.
    WP&L is subject to regulation by the PSCW. The PSCW's inquiries into the
future structure of the natural gas and electric utility industries are ongoing.
The stated goal of the PSCW in the natural gas docket is "to accommodate
competition but not create it." The PSCW has followed a measured approach to
restructuring the natural gas industry in Wisconsin. The PSCW has determined
that customer classes will be deregulated (i.e., the gas utility would no longer
have an obligation to procure gas commodity for customers, but would still have
a delivery obligation) in a step-wise manner, after each class has been
demonstrated to have a sufficient number of gas suppliers available. In 1997, a
number of working groups were established by the PSCW and these working groups
are addressing numerous subjects which need to be resolved before deregulation
may proceed.
    The short-term goals of the electric restructuring process are to ensure
reliability of the state's electric system and development of a robust wholesale
electric market. The longer-term goal is to establish prerequisite safeguards to
protect customers prior to allowing retail customer choice. The PSCW is
following a timetable to make this latter determination on allowing customer
choice in 1999-2000.
    On September 26, 1996, the PSCW issued an order which establishes the
minimum standards for a Wisconsin Independent System Operator (ISO). The
standards will be applied by the PSCW in Advance Plan proceedings, merger review
cases, transmission construction cases and other proceedings as appropriate. The
order provides that the standards will be reviewed and revised as necessary in
light of ongoing

regional and national events, such as FERC requirements or policy, regional
institutions, or relevant actions of neighboring states. In approving the
Merger, the PSCW gave the merger partners a choice of either filing their own
ISO proposal, giving notice of their intent to join a regional ISO or spinning
off existing transmission assets and operations into a separate independent
transmission company. IESU, IPC and WP&L developed an ISO proposal of their own.
However, the PSCW did not believe it met the PSCW's ISO guidelines. IESU, IPC
and WP&L subsequently asked the PSCW to permit them to join the Midwest ISO, a
regional ISO that has been filed with FERC. The member companies of the ISO
would retain ownership of the facilities, but the ISO would assume control of
the facilities, set rates for access and assure fair treatment for all companies
seeking access. Various other proposals for ISOs, which are being monitored by
the merger partners, have been proposed by other entities.
    In addition to the ISO proceedings, the PSCW has issued an order outlining
its policies and principles for Public Benefits (low-income assistance, energy
efficiency, renewable generation and environmental research and development)
including funding levels, administration of the funds and how funds should be
collected from customers. The PSCW has proposed increasing funding levels
through utility rates by $50 to $75 million statewide. Legislation to implement
this proposal is being developed and likely will be introduced in 1998.
    The PSCW has also initiated a Service Quality administrative rulemaking
process to establish measurement and reporting requirements for reliability of
service, call center answering times, safety, tree trimming, generation,
transmission and distribution inspection and maintenance plans, etc. A hearing
was held on these issues in March 1998.
    South Beloit is subject to regulation by the Illinois Commerce Commission.
The State of Illinois has passed electric deregulation legislation requiring
customer choice of electric supplier for all customers by May 1, 2002.
    WP&L complies with the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 71 (SFAS 71) "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of
Regulation." SFAS 71 provides that rate-regulated public utilities record
certain costs and credits allowed in the ratemaking process in different periods
than for nonregulated entities. These are deferred as regulatory assets or
regulatory liabilities and are recognized in the consolidated statements of
income at the time they are reflected in rates. If a portion of WP&L's
operations becomes no longer subject to the provisions of SFAS 71 as a result of
competitive restructurings or otherwise, a write-down of related regulatory
assets and possibly other charges would be required, unless some form of
transition cost recovery is established by the appropriate regulatory body that
would meet the requirements under generally accepted accounting principles for
continued accounting as regulatory assets during such recovery period. In
addition, WP&L would be required to determine any impairment of other assets and
write-down any impaired assets to their fair value. Management believes WP&L
meets the requirements of SFAS 71.
    WP&L cannot currently predict the long-term consequences of the competitive
and restructuring issues described above on its results of operations or
financial condition. The major objective is to allow WP&L to better prepare for
a competitive, deregulated utility industry. The strategy for dealing with these

emerging issues includes seeking growth opportunities, continuing to offer
quality customer service, ongoing cost reductions and productivity enhancements.
                 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS--1997 COMPARED WITH 1996
    WP&L reported consolidated net income available for common stock of $67.9
million for 1997, as compared to $79.2 million for 1996. The decrease in
earnings in 1997 was primarily due to lower gas and electric margins, higher
depreciation expense and the recognition of a gain on the sale of a combustion
turbine in 1996.
    Gas and electric margins were down $4.2 and $2.0 million, respectively, in
1997 as compared to 1996. The decrease in gas margin was primarily due to lower
weather-driven sales to residential customers as well as a 2.2% average retail
gas rate decrease which went into effect on April 29, 1997. The lower electric
margin was the result of a 2.4% average retail electric rate decrease effective
April 29, 1997, as well as higher purchased power expense due to an extended
outage at Kewaunee. Sales to other utilities and continued economic strength in
WP&L's service territory partially offset the impact of the decline in margin.
In addition, income in 1997 was lower than 1996 due to increased expenses for
plant maintenance, depreciation and interest.

                                  REVENUES AND COSTS
                                                                         KWHS SOLD                           CUSTOMERS AT
                                    (IN THOUSANDS)                     (IN THOUSANDS)                          YEAR END
                                 --------------------               --------------------                 --------------------
                                   1997       1996                    1997       1996                      1997       1996
                                 ---------  ---------    CHANGE     ---------  ---------     CHANGE      ---------  ---------
                                                       -----------                        -------------
Residential....................  $ 199,633  $ 201,690          (1%) 2,973,932  2,979,826       --          343,637    336,933
Commercial.....................    107,132    105,319           2%  1,877,640  1,814,324            3%      46,823     45,669
Industrial.....................    152,073    143,734           6%  4,255,637  3,985,672            7%         855        815
Sales for resale...............    160,917    131,836          22%  5,823,521  5,245,812           11%         122         90
Other..........................     14,388      6,903         108%     61,330     57,757            6%       1,753      1,730
                                 ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------                 ---------  ---------
  Total........................    634,143    589,482           8%  14,992,060 14,083,391           6%     393,190    385,237
                                                                    ---------  ---------                 ---------  ---------
                                                                    ---------  ---------                 ---------  ---------
Electric Production Fuels......    116,812    114,470           2%
Purchased Power................    125,438     81,108          55%
                                 ---------  ---------
  Margin.......................  $ 391,893  $ 393,904          (1%)
                                 ---------  ---------         ---
                                 ---------  ---------         ---

Residential....................            2%
Commercial.....................            3%
Industrial.....................            5%
Sales for resale...............           36%
Other..........................            1%
  Total........................            2%
Electric Production Fuels......
Purchased Power................

    Electric revenues increased $44.7 million, or 8%, in 1997 as compared with
1996. Continued customer growth, economic strength in the service area and
increased sales to other utilities offset the impact of cooler summer weather
and warmer weather during the winter months of 1997. Revenues were also affected
by an average retail rate decrease of 2.4% effective April 29, 1997. Other
revenues increased in 1997 compared with 1996 due to increases in conservation
services. Refer to the "Liquidity and Capital Resources--Rates and Regulatory
Matters" section below for further discussion of these rate modifications.
    Despite higher electric revenues, electric margin decreased $2.0 million, or
1%, as compared with 1996. The decline in margin reflects the impact of the
shutdown at Kewaunee throughout most of the first half of 1997 for steam
generator tube repairs as well as several temporary, routine outages at WP&L's

fired plants through the first five months of 1997. These outages caused a
greater reliance on more costly purchased power to meet customer requirements.
The PSCW ordered a temporary customer surcharge effective April 29, 1997 through
July 1, 1997, to allow WP&L to recover a portion of the higher purchased power
costs associated with the Kewaunee outage. Refer to the "Liquidity and Capital
Resources--Capital Requirements" section below for further discussion of the
Kewaunee plant outage. The Kewaunee outage and increased sales to other
utilities resulted in a 55% increase in the cost of purchased power.
    For a discussion of electric capacity and reliability refer to "Other
Matters--Power Supply" section below.

                                       REVENUES AND COSTS
                                                                             THERMS SOLD                        CUSTOMERS AT
                                         (IN THOUSANDS)                     (IN THOUSANDS)                        YEAR END
                                      --------------------               --------------------               --------------------
                                        1997       1996                    1997       1996                    1997       1996
                                      ---------  ---------    CHANGE     ---------  ---------    CHANGE     ---------  ---------
                                                            -----------                        -----------
Residential.........................  $  84,513  $  90,382          (6%)   127,704    142,974         (11%)   137,827    133,580
Commercial..........................     45,456     46,703          (3%)    85,917     91,665          (6%)    16,653     16,083
Industrial..........................      8,378     11,410         (27%)    17,144     19,974         (14%)       488        529
Transportation and other............     17,536     17,132           2%    175,943    185,671          (5%)       358        252
                                      ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------
  Total.............................    155,883    165,627          (6%)   406,708    440,284          (8%)   155,326    150,444
                                                                         ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------
                                                                         ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------
Purchased Gas.......................     99,267    104,830          (5%)
                                      ---------  ---------
  Margin............................  $  56,616  $  60,797          (7%)
                                      ---------  ---------
                                      ---------  ---------

Residential.........................            3%
Commercial..........................            4%
Industrial..........................           (8%)
Transportation and other............           42%
  Total.............................            3%
Purchased Gas.......................

    Gas revenues decreased $9.7 million, or 6%, in 1997 as compared with 1996.
The decline in revenues and margin reflected an average retail rate decrease of
2.2%, effective April 29, 1997, and lower sales. Therm sales declined by 8% due
to warmer weather in the winter months of 1997. This decrease was directly
reflected in the decline in revenues and corresponding $4.2 million, or 7%,
decrease in margin. WP&L realized favorable contributions to gas margin of $0.6
million and $1.1 million for 1997 and 1996, respectively, through its gas
incentive program. Refer to the "Liquidity and Capital Resources--Rates and
Regulatory Matters" section below for further discussion of this adjustment
    Other operation expense decreased $8.9 million due to a reduction in
conservation expense of $8.8 million resulting from the retail rate order,
effective April 29, 1997. Partially offsetting this decrease was an additional
$3.0 million of operating expense in the fourth quarter of 1997, associated with
an early retirement program for eligible bargaining unit employees.
    Maintenance expense increased $1.6 million as a result of higher plant
maintenance expenses at Kewaunee and several of WP&L's coal-fired plants, as
discussed above under "Electric Operations."
    Depreciation and amortization expense increased $19.4 million due to higher
depreciation rates approved by the PSCW, effective January 1, 1997, and property
additions. The increases approved by the

PSCW included higher depreciation expense for Kewaunee, based on the use of an
accelerated plant end-of-life, increased contributions to the nuclear
decommissioning trust fund and other items. (See "Liquidity and Capital
Resources--Capital Requirements" for additional information).
    Interest expense and other increased $4.4 million primarily due to the
recognition in 1996 of a gain on the sale of a combustion turbine.
    The decrease in income taxes between periods reflects lower taxable income
and an adjustment of prior period taxes.
                 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS--1996 COMPARED WITH 1995
    WP&L reported consolidated net income available for common stock of $79.2
million in 1996 as compared to $75.3 million in 1995. The increase in earnings
in 1996 primarily reflects continued customer growth in the service territory
and increased power marketing activity which contributed to a $9 million
increase in electric margin in 1996 as compared with 1995. Gas margins also
increased due primarily to higher weather-driven sales. (See "Electric
Operations" and "Gas Operations" below). In addition, a $3.4 million after-tax
gain on the sale of a combustion turbine was recognized during 1996. These
events were partially offset by higher plant maintenance and depreciation
expenses in 1996.

                                  REVENUES AND COSTS
                                                                           KWHS SOLD                           CUSTOMERS AT
                                    (IN THOUSANDS)                       (IN THOUSANDS)                          YEAR END
                                 --------------------                 --------------------                 --------------------
                                   1996       1995                      1996       1995                      1996       1995
                                 ---------  ---------     CHANGE      ---------  ---------     CHANGE      ---------  ---------
                                                       -------------                        -------------
Residential....................  $ 201,690  $ 199,850            1%   2,979,826  2,937,825            1%     336,933    329,643
Commercial.....................    105,319    102,129            3%   1,814,324  1,773,406            2%      45,669     44,730
Industrial.....................    143,734    140,562            2%   3,985,672  3,872,520            3%         815        795
Sales for resale...............    131,836     97,350           35%   5,245,812  3,109,385           69%          90         48
Other..........................      6,903      6,433            7%      57,757     54,042            7%       1,730      1,294
                                 ---------  ---------                 ---------  ---------                 ---------  ---------
  Total........................    589,482    546,324            8%   14,083,391 11,747,178          20%     385,237    376,510
                                                                      ---------  ---------                 ---------  ---------
                                                                      ---------  ---------                 ---------  ---------
Electric Production Fuels......    114,470    116,488           (2%)
Purchased Power................     81,108     44,940           80%
                                 ---------  ---------
  Margin.......................  $ 393,904  $ 384,896            2%
                                 ---------  ---------
                                 ---------  ---------

Residential....................            2%
Commercial.....................            2%
Industrial.....................            3%
Sales for resale...............           88%
Other..........................           34%
  Total........................            2%
Electric Production Fuels......
Purchased Power................

    Electric margin increased $9.0 million, or 2%, during 1996 compared with
1995 primarily due to higher sales to commercial and industrial customers as
well as other utilities combined with reduced costs per kWh for electric
production fuels and purchased power. Although fuel and purchased power costs
declined on a per kWh basis, purchased power expense increased by 80%. This
increase was due to WP&L's higher level of sales to other utilities as well as a
$5.0 million increase in purchased power related to purchases of replacement
power during the extended 1996 refueling outage at Kewaunee. Partially

offsetting increased purchased power costs were slightly lower delivered coal
and nuclear fuel costs per kWh.

                                       REVENUES AND COSTS
                                                                             THERMS SOLD                        CUSTOMERS AT
                                         (IN THOUSANDS)                     (IN THOUSANDS)                        YEAR END
                                      --------------------               --------------------               --------------------
                                        1996       1995                    1996       1995                    1996       1995
                                      ---------  ---------    CHANGE     ---------  ---------    CHANGE     ---------  ---------
                                                            -----------                        -----------
Residential.........................  $  90,382  $  70,382          28%    142,974    126,903          13%    133,580    129,576
Commercial..........................     46,703     35,411          32%     91,665     82,448          11%     16,083     15,724
Industrial..........................     11,410     17,984         (37%)    19,974     21,435          (7%)       529        566
Transportation and other............     17,132     15,388          11%    185,671    168,702          10%        252        227
                                      ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------
  Total.............................    165,627    139,165          19%    440,284    399,488          10%    150,444    146,093
                                                                         ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------
                                                                         ---------  ---------               ---------  ---------
Purchased Gas.......................    104,830     84,002          25%
                                      ---------  ---------
  Margin............................  $  60,797  $  55,163          10%
                                      ---------  ---------
                                      ---------  ---------

Residential.........................            3%
Commercial..........................            2%
Industrial..........................           (7%)
Transportation and other............           11%
  Total.............................            3%
Purchased Gas.......................

    Gas margins increased $5.6 million, or 10%, during 1996 compared with 1995
primarily as a result of higher sales. Therm sales increased 10% due to a
combination of colder weather during the first five months of 1996 as compared
to 1995, and customer growth of 3%. The 19% increase in gas revenues reflects
not only the higher therm sales but also the pass through of higher natural gas
costs to WP&L's customers. WP&L realized favorable contributions to gas margins
of $1.1 million and $0.8 million for 1996 and 1995, respectively, due to
favorable gas procurement activities. Refer to the "Liquidity and Capital
Resources--Rates and Regulatory Matters" section below for further discussion of
this adjustment mechanism.
    Maintenance expense increased $4.4 million due to higher plant maintenance
and the extended 1996 refueling outage at Kewaunee (See "Liquidity and Capital
Resources--Capital Requirements" section below).
    Depreciation expense increased $3.8 million as a result of property
additions and greater amortization of contributions in aid of construction (a
reduction of expense) in 1995.
    Interest expense was lower in 1996 compared to 1995 by $2.3 million as a
result of less short-term debt outstanding and a slight decrease in interest
rates. Other income increased $4.1 million due to a $5.7 million gain on the
sale of a combustion turbine.
    Income taxes increased for 1996 as a result of higher taxable income. The
effective tax rate was 39.5% and 36.7% for 1996 and 1995, respectively. The
lower rate in 1995 was the result of prior years' tax contingencies resolved
favorably in 1995 and increased non-deductible Merger expenses in 1996.

    Cash flows from operating activities at WP&L decreased to $149 million in
1997 compared with $188 million in 1996 primarily due to a reduction in net
income and the change in working capital. Cash flows used for financing
decreased to $0.4 million in 1997 as compared to $77.4 million in 1996 resulting
from a net increase in the amount of long-term debt outstanding during 1997.
Cash flows used for investing activities were significantly lower in 1996 as
compared with 1997 and 1995 due to the proceeds received in 1996 from the sale
of other property and equipment. Times interest earned before income taxes for
WP&L for 1997, 1996 and 1995 was 4.47, 5.33 and 4.67, respectively.
    The capital requirements of WP&L will be primarily attributable to its
construction program and its debt maturities. WP&L anticipates that future
capital requirements will be met by cash generated from operations and external
financing. The level of cash generated from operations is partially dependent
upon economic conditions, legislative activities, environmental matters and
timely regulatory recovery of utility costs. WP&L's liquidity and capital
resources will be affected by costs associated with environmental and regulatory
issues. Emerging competition in the utility industry could also impact WP&L's
liquidity and capital resources, as discussed previously in the "Utility
Industry Outlook" section.
    Access to the long-term and short-term capital and credit markets, and costs
of external financing, are dependent on creditworthiness. The debt ratings of
WP&L are as follows:

                                                      (AS OF      STANDARD & POOR'S
                                                     3/26/98)      (AS OF 3/2/98)
                                                   -------------  -----------------
Secured long-term debt...........................       Aa2              AA
Corporate credit rating (a)......................       N/A              AA-
Unsecured long-term debt.........................       Aa3              A+

- ------------------------
    (a) The "Corporate credit rating" is the overall rating of the parent
       company and is used by Standard & Poor's but not by Moody's. Effective
       with the Merger, WP&L will participate in a utility money pool which will
       be funded, as needed, by the Merged Company through the issuance of
       commercial paper. This utility money pool will replace the commercial
       paper program previously in effect at WP&L.
The following material long-term debt financing activities took place at WP&L in
    - On April 28, 1997, WP&L entered into an interest rate forward contract to
      hedge interest rate risk related to the anticipated issuance of $105
      million of long-term debt securities. The securities were issued on June
      30, 1997 (7.00% interest rate, maturing in 2007) and the forward contract
      was settled which resulted in a cash payment of $3.8 million by WP&L. This
      payment is being recognized as an adjustment to interest expense over the
      life of the new debt securities to approximate the interest rate implicit
      in the forward contract.
    - WP&L utilized the net proceeds from the issuance of the $105 million of
      debt securities described above to repay maturing short-term debt, finance
      utility construction expenditures and to repay at maturity $55 million of
      WP&L's First Mortgage Bonds, Series Z, 6.125%.

    Other than periodic sinking fund requirements which will not require
additional cash expenditures, WP&L has $10.8 million of long-term debt that will
mature prior to December 31, 2002. Depending upon market conditions, it is
currently anticipated that a majority of the maturing debt will be refinanced
with the issuance of long-term securities. WP&L currently has no authority from
the PSCW or the SEC to issue additional long-term debt but is evaluating its
future financing needs and will make the necessary regulatory filings as needed.
    Under the most restrictive terms of its indentures, WP&L could have issued
at least $276 million of long-term debt at December 31, 1997. In addition, at
December 31, 1997, WP&L could have issued 2,700,775 additional shares of
Cumulative Preferred Stock.
    For interim financing, WP&L is authorized by the PSCW to issue $138 million
of short-term debt and at December 31, 1997 had $81 million outstanding. In
addition to providing for ongoing working capital needs, this availability of
short-term financing provides WP&L flexibility in the issuance of long-term
securities. The level of short-term borrowing fluctuates based on seasonal
corporate needs, the timing of long-term financing, and capital market
conditions. To maintain flexibility in its capital structure and to take
advantage of favorable short-term rates, WP&L also uses the proceeds from the
sale of accounts receivable and unbilled revenues to finance a portion of its
long-term cash needs. WP&L anticipates that short-term debt will continue to be
available at reasonable costs due to current ratings by independent utility
analysts and rating services.
    WP&L had bank lines of credit of $70 million at December 31, 1997 available
to support its borrowings of which none of this amount was utilized at December
31, 1997. Commitment fees are paid to maintain these lines and there are no
conditions which restrict the unused lines of credit. From time to time, WP&L
may borrow from banks and other financial institutions in lieu of commercial
paper, and has agreements with several financial institutions for such
borrowings. There are no commitment fees associated with these agreements and
there were no borrowings outstanding under these agreements at December 31,
    Given the above financing flexibility available to WP&L, management believes
it has the necessary financing capabilities in place to adequately finance its
capital requirements for the foreseeable future.
    Capital expenditure and investment and financing plans are subject to
continual review and change. The capital expenditure and investment programs may
be revised significantly as a result of many considerations, including changes
in economic conditions, variations in actual sales and load growth compared to
forecasts, requirements of environmental, nuclear and other regulatory
authorities, acquisition opportunities, the availability of alternate energy and
purchased power sources, the ability to obtain adequate and timely rate relief,
escalations in construction costs and conservation and energy efficiency
    WP&L's levels of utility construction and acquisition expenditures are
projected to be $133 million in 1998, $136 million in 1999, $138 million in
2000, $141 million in 2001 and $144 million in 2002. WP&L anticipates funding
the large majority of its utility construction and acquisition expenditures
during 1998-2002 through internally generated funds, supplemented by external
financings as needed. With this objective in place, WP&L financed 73% of its
construction expenditures during 1997 from internal sources.

    Kewaunee, a 535-megawatt (nameplate capacity) pressurized water reactor
plant, is operated by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (WPSC) and is jointly
owned by WPSC (41.2%), WP&L (41.0%), and Madison Gas & Electric Company (MG&E)
(17.8%). The Kewaunee operating license expires in 2013.
    Kewaunee returned to service on June 12, 1997 after having been out of
service since September 21, 1996 for refueling, routine maintenance, and repair
of the two steam generators. The original Kewaunee steam generator tubes are
susceptible to corrosion. Tubes are repaired by inserting sleeves (tubes within
tubes) in the original steam generator tubes. The most recent repair was
undertaken when previously repaired tubes failed. The repair consisted of
removing old sleeves and inserting new slightly longer sleeves which cover the
areas of concern in the original steam generator tubes. The new sleeves will be
inspected during the next refueling and maintenance outage which is scheduled
for the Fall of 1998. As of this filing, Kewaunee had remained in continuous
operation since the plant was returned to service with the exception of a
one-week outage for replacement of a reactor coolant pump seal. Kewaunee is
operating at 97% of rated capacity because certain steam generator tubes have
been removed from service rather than repaired.
    In accordance with PSCW authorization, WP&L had deferred $3.1 million at
December 31, 1997, associated with Kewaunee steam generator repair costs. In
March 1998, the PSCW approved recovery of these costs through a customer
surcharge effective April 1, 1998 through May 31, 1998.
    The total cost of replacing the two steam generators would be approximately
$89.0 million of which WP&L's share would be $36.5 million. Because of work
already completed, the elapsed time from placing a firm order for steam
generators to receiving delivery has been shortened to approximately 22 months.
    The owners of Kewaunee have differing views on the desirability of
proceeding with the steam generator replacement project. Although the new
resleeving repair technology may allow the plant to remain in service for an
extended period of time, WPSC favors replacement at the earliest possible date
because of reliability and cost concerns related to steam generator repairs.
WP&L and MG&E have been unwilling to support replacement. In March 1996, WPSC
filed an application with the PSCW for permission to replace the Kewaunee steam
generators. This application was approved in April 1998. The issues related to
the continued operation and future ownership still need to be resolved before
steam generator replacement can proceed. The joint owners continue to analyze
and discuss other options related to the future of Kewaunee including various
ownership transfer alternatives. If it should become necessary to retire
Kewaunee permanently, WP&L would replace the Kewaunee generation through a
combination of purchased power, increased generation at existing WP&L generating
units and new generating unit additions, if necessary.
    The PSCW has directed the owners of Kewaunee to develop depreciation and
decommissioning cost levels based on an expected plant end-of-life of 2002
versus a license end-of-life of 2013. This was prompted by the uncertainty
regarding the expected useful life of the plant without steam generator
replacement. At December 31, 1997, the net carrying amount of WP&L's investment
in Kewaunee was approximately $45.7 million. The current cost of WP&L's share of
the estimated costs to decommission Kewaunee is $181.3 million and exceeds the
trust assets at December 31, 1997 by $68.9 million. The costs of decommissioning
are assumed to escalate at an annual rate of 5.83%. WP&L's retail customers in
the Wisconsin jurisdiction are responsible for approximately 80% of WP&L's share
of Kewaunee costs.

    As a result of accelerating the recovery of WP&L's share of Kewaunee related
costs, depreciation expense and decommissioning funding will increase
approximately $3.0 million (from $4.8 million to $7.8 million) and $5.4 million
(from $10.7 million to $16.1 million), respectively, on an annualized basis.
During 1997, $6.5 million of depreciation expense related to unrecovered plant
investment was recognized compared to $4.8 million which was recognized in 1996.
During 1997, decommissioning expense associated with funding increased to $14.3
million from $10.7 million in 1996. The $14.3 million represents a combination
of the annual funding levels in accordance with UR-109 through April 29, 1997
and UR-110 post-April 29, 1997. Customer rates, which became effective in
Wisconsin on April 29, 1997, are designed to recover the accelerated Kewaunee
depreciation and decommissioning costs.
    Refer to the "Other Matters--Environmental" section for a discussion of
various issues impacting WP&L's future capital requirements.
    In November 1997, as part of its merger approval, FERC accepted a proposal
by WP&L which provides for a four-year freeze on wholesale electric prices
beginning with the effective date of the Merger.
    In connection with its approval of the Merger, the PSCW accepted a WP&L
proposal to freeze rates for four years following the date of the Merger. A
re-opening of an investigation into WP&L's rates during the rate freeze period,
for both cost increases and decreases, may occur only for single events that are
not Merger-related and have a revenue requirement impact of $4.5 million or
    In rate order UR-110, the PSCW approved new rates effective April 29, 1997
through 1998. On average, WP&L's retail electric rates declined by 2.4% and
retail gas rates declined by 2.2%. Other items included in the rate order were:
authorization of a surcharge to collect replacement power costs while Kewaunee
remained out of service for the period effective April 29, 1997 through July 1,
1997; authorization of an increase in the return on equity to 11.7% from 11.5%;
reinstatement of the electric fuel adjustment clause; continuation of a modified
gas performance based ratemaking incentive mechanism; and a modified SO(2)
incentive. In addition, the PSCW ordered that it must approve the payment of
dividends by WP&L to its parent company that are in excess of the level
forecasted in the rate order ($58.3 million), if such dividends would reduce
WP&L's average common equity ratio below 52.00% of total capitalization. Based
on a 13-month average for 1997, WP&L's common equity ratio was 52.56%.
    The retail electric rates are based in part on forecasted fuel and purchase
power costs. Under PSCW rules, Wisconsin utilities can seek emergency rate
increases if these costs are more than three percent higher than the estimated
costs used to establish rates. In WP&L's case, actual fuel costs since May 1997
have been higher than estimated and are expected to remain well above the
estimated levels in 1998. As a result, WP&L has asked the PSCW to approve a rate
increase. It is expected that the PSCW will issue a decision in the second
quarter of 1998. Any increase approved by the PSCW will be implemented on a
prospective basis.
    The gas performance incentive was modified to eliminate the maximum gain or
loss to be recognized by WP&L. Previously, this incentive was limited to $1.1
million to WP&L. The incentive includes a sharing mechanism, whereby 40% of all
gains and losses relative to current commodity prices as well as other
benchmarks are recognized by WP&L rather than refunded to or recovered from

                                 OTHER MATTERS
YEAR 2000
    WP&L utilizes software, embedded systems and related technologies throughout
its business that will be affected by the date change in the Year 2000. An
internal task force has been assembled to review and develop the full scope,
work plan and cost estimates to ensure that WP&L's systems continue to meet its
internal and customer needs.
    Phase I of the project, which encompassed a review of the necessary software
modifications that will need to be made to WP&L's financial and customer
systems, has been completed. WP&L currently estimates that the remaining costs
to be incurred on this phase of the project will be approximately $2 million to
$5 million in the aggregate.
    The task force has also begun Phase II of the project which is an extensive
review of WP&L's embedded systems for Year 2000 conversion issues. The task
force has inventoried critical embedded operating systems and is working with
the system vendors to ascertain Year 2000 compliance of these systems. The task
force is also developing detailed plans for testing and remediating critical
systems (i.e., systems whose failure could affect employee safety or business
    As part of an awareness effort, WP&L has also notified its utility customers
of its Year 2000 project efforts. Key suppliers are also being contacted to
confirm their Year 2000 readiness plans. Efforts are also underway to develop
contingency plans for critical embedded operating systems. WP&L is currently
unable to estimate the costs to be incurred on this phase of the project but
does believe that the costs will be significant. An estimate of the expenses to
be incurred on this phase of the project is expected to be available by the
third quarter of 1998.
    The goal of WP&L is to have all the material Year 2000 conversions made
sufficiently in advance of December 31, 1999 to allow for unanticipated issues.
At this time, management is unable to determine if the Year 2000 issue will have
a material adverse effect on WP&L's financial position or results of operations.
    In April 1998, WP&L filed a request with the PSCW requesting deferral
treatment of all Year 2000 costs, provided that such costs exceed $4.5 million.
Currently, management cannot predict the action the PSCW may take regarding this
    WP&L and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 965,
reached agreement on a new three-year collective bargaining contract on June 14,
1996. At the end of 1997, the contract covered approximately 69% of the total
employees at WP&L.
    WP&L has historically had only limited involvement with derivative financial
instruments and has not used them for trading purposes. They have been used to
manage well-defined interest rate and commodity price risks. WP&L historically
has entered into interest rate swap agreements to reduce the impact of changes
in interest rates on its floating-rate long-term debt, short-term debt and the
sales of its accounts receivable. The total notional amount of interest rate
swaps outstanding was $40 million at December 31, 1997. WP&L has used swaps,
futures and options to hedge the price risks associated with the purchase and

sale of stored gas at WP&L. On April 28, 1997, WP&L entered into an interest
rate forward contract to hedge interest rate risk related to the anticipated
issuance of $105 million of long-term debt securities. See Note 8 of the "Notes
to Consolidated Financial Statements" for additional information.
    Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 130 (SFAS 130), Reporting
Comprehensive Income, was issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board
(FASB) in the second quarter of 1997. SFAS 130 establishes standards for
reporting of comprehensive income and its components in a full set of general
purpose financial statements. SFAS 130 will require reporting a total for
comprehensive income which includes: (a) unrealized holding gains/losses on
securities classified as available-for-sale under SFAS 115, (b) foreign currency
translation adjustments accounted for under SFAS 52, and (c) minimum pension
liability adjustments made pursuant to SFAS 87. SFAS 130 is effective for
periods beginning after December 15, 1997.
    Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131 (SFAS 131), Disclosures
About Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information, was issued by the FASB
in the second quarter of 1997. SFAS 131 requires disclosures for each business
segment in a manner consistent with how management disaggregates and evaluates
the company, with the addition of quarterly disclosure requirements and a finer
partitioning of geographic disclosures. SFAS 131 is effective for periods
beginning after December 15, 1997.
    The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission has questioned certain
of the current accounting practices of the electric utility industry, including
WP&L, regarding the recognition, measurement and classification of
decommissioning costs for nuclear generating stations in financial statements of
electric utilities. In response to these questions, the FASB is reviewing the
accounting for closure and removal costs, including decommissioning of nuclear
power plants. If current electric utility industry accounting practices for
nuclear power plant decommissioning are changed, the annual provision for
decommissioning could increase relative to 1997, and the estimated cost for
decommissioning could be recorded as a liability (rather than as accumulated
depreciation), with recognition of an increase in the cost of the related
nuclear power plant. Assuming no significant regulatory shift, WP&L does not
believe that such changes, if required, would have an adverse effect on its
financial position or results of operations due to its ability to recover
decommissioning costs through rates.
    WP&L does not expect the effects of inflation at current levels to have a
significant effect on its financial position or results of operations.
    The pollution abatement programs of WP&L are subject to continuing review
and are revised from time to time due to changes in environmental regulations,
changes in construction plans and escalation of construction costs. While WP&L
cannot precisely forecast the effect of future environmental regulations on its
operations, it has taken steps to anticipate the future while also meeting the
requirements of current environmental regulations.

    WP&L has current or previous ownership interests in 14 properties previously
associated with the production of gas at manufactured gas plants (MGP) for which
it may be liable for investigation, remediation and monitoring costs relating to
the sites.
    WP&L is working pursuant to the requirements of various federal and state
agencies to investigate, mitigate, prevent and remediate, where necessary, the
environmental impacts to property, including natural resources, at and around
the sites in order to protect public health and the environment. WP&L believes
it has completed the remediaton at various sites, although it is still in the
process of obtaining final approval from the applicable environmental agencies
for some of these sites.
    WP&L has recorded an environmental liability of $9.2 million at December 31,
1997 related to the MGP sites; such amount is based on the best current estimate
of the amount to be incurred for investigation, remediation and monitoring costs
for those sites where the investigation process has been or is substantially
completed, and the minimum of the estimated cost range for those sites where the
investigation is in its earlier stages. It is possible that future cost
estimates will be greater than the current estimates as the investigation
process proceeds and as additional facts become known.
    WP&L completed a comprehensive review of its MGP liability in the third
quarter of 1997. This review resulted in a $65 million reduction in the recorded
MGP liability, largely due to the approval by the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources (WDNR) of less costly containment and control strategies as an
alternative to excavation processes at various sites. See Note 11 c. of the
"Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" for additional information.
    Under the current rate making treatment approved by the PSCW, the MGP
expenditures, net of any insurance proceeds, are deferred and collected from gas
customers over a five-year period after new rates are implemented. As a result,
a regulatory asset of $16.3 million at December 31, 1997, has been recorded
which reflects the probable future rate recovery. Considering the current rate
treatment, and assuming no material change therein, WP&L believes that the
clean-up costs incurred for these MGP sites will not have a material adverse
effect on its financial position or results of operations.
    The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (Act) require emission reductions of
sulfur dioxide (SO(2)), nitrogen oxides (NO(x)) and other air pollutants to
achieve reductions of atmospheric chemicals believed to cause acid rain. WP&L
has met the provisions of Phase I of the Act and is in the process of meeting
the requirements of Phase II of the Act (effective in the year 2000). The Act
also governs SO(2) allowances, which are defined as an authorization for an
owner to emit one ton of SO(2) into the atmosphere. WP&L is reviewing its
options to ensure it will have sufficient allowances to offset its emissions in
the future. WP&L believes that the potential costs of complying with these
provisions of Title IV of the Act will not have a material adverse impact on its
financial position or results of operations.
    The Act and other federal laws also require the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) to study and regulate, if necessary, additional issues
that potentially affect the electric utility industry, including emissions
relating to ozone transport, mercury and particulate control as well as
modifications to the Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) rules. In July 1997, the EPA
issued final rules that would tighten the National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS) for ozone and particulate matter emissions. WP&L is currently reviewing
the rules to determine what impact they may have on operations.
    In October 1997, the EPA issued a proposed rule to require 22 states,
including Wisconsin, to modify their State Implementation Plans (SIPs) to
address the ozone transport issue. The proposed rule would require WP&L to
reduce its NO(x) emissions at all of its plants to .15 lbs/mmbtu. WP&L cannot

predict the final outcome of this proposal but believes that, under the terms of
the proposed rule, it would be required to install controls at its plants and
that the costs related thereto would be significant.
    A global treaty has been negotiated that could require reductions of
greenhouse gas emissions from utility plants. Negotiators left significant
implementation and compliance questions open to resolution at meetings to be
held starting in November 1998. At this time, WP&L is unable to predict whether
Congress will ratify the treaty. Given the uncertainty of the treaty
ratification and the ultimate terms of the final regulations, WP&L cannot
currently estimate the impact the implementation of the treaty would have on its
    The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (NWPA) assigned responsibility to the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a facility for the ultimate
disposition of high level waste and spent nuclear fuel and authorized the DOE to
enter into contracts with parties for the disposal of such material beginning in
January 1998. WP&L entered into such contract and has made the agreed payments
to the Nuclear Waste Fund (NWF) held by the U.S. Treasury. WP&L was subsequently
notified by the DOE that it was not able to begin acceptance of spent nuclear
fuel by January 31, 1998. Furthermore, DOE has experienced significant delays in
its efforts and material acceptance is now expected to occur no earlier than
2010 with the possibility of further delay being likely. WP&L is evaluating and
pursuing multiple options, including litigation and legislation to protect its
customers and its contractual and statutory rights that are diminished by delays
in the DOE program.
    The NWPA assigns responsibility for interim storage of spent nuclear fuel to
generators of such spent nuclear fuel, such as WP&L. In accordance with this
responsibility, WP&L has been storing spent nuclear fuel on site at Kewaunee
since plant operations began. With minor modifications, Kewaunee would have
sufficient fuel storage capacity to the end of the license life in 2013.
Legislation is being considered on the federal level to provide for the
establishment of an interim storage facility as early as 2002.
    The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 mandates that
each state must take responsibility for the storage of low-level radioactive
waste produced within its borders. Wisconsin is a member of the six-state
Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact (Compact) which is
responsible for development of any new disposal capability within the Compact
member states. In June 1997, the Compact commissioners voted to discontinue work
on a proposed waste disposal facility in the State of Ohio because the expected
cost of such a facility was comparably higher than other options currently
available. Dwindling waste volumes and continued access to existing disposal
facilities were also reasons cited for the decision. A disposal facility located
near Barnwell, South Carolina continues to accept the low-level waste and the
waste produced at Kewaunee is currently shipped to such site, thereby minimizing
the amount of low-level waste stored on-site. In addition, given technological
advances, waste compaction and the reduction in the amount of waste generated,
Kewaunee has on-site storage capability sufficient to store low-level waste
expected to be generated over at least the next ten years, with continuing
access to the Barnwell disposal facility extending that on-site storage
capability indefinitely.
    The National Energy Policy Act of 1992 requires owners of nuclear power
plants to pay a special assessment into a "Uranium Enrichment Decontamination
and Decommissioning Fund." The assessment is based upon prior nuclear fuel
purchases. WP&L is recovering these costs from its customers and at December 31,
1997 had a regulatory asset and a liability of $5.9 million and $5.1 million
recorded, respectively.

    The power supply concerns of 1997 have raised awareness of the electric
system reliability challenges
facing Wisconsin and the Midwest region. WP&L was among an 11-member group of
Wisconsin energy suppliers that, on October 1, 1997, recommended to the Governor
of Wisconsin a series of recommendations to improve electric reliability in the
state. The recommendations included additional transmission system capacity to
substantially increase Wisconsin's ability to import electricity from other
states in the region and additional power plant capacity in eastern Wisconsin.
As a result, WP&L and other Wisconsin-based utilities are advocating faster PSCW
approval of needed transmission projects.
    On September 24, 1997, the PSCW ordered WP&L and two other Wisconsin
utilities to arrange for additional electric capacity to help maintain reliable
service for their customers. In response to this order, WP&L has issued a
Request for Proposal (RFP) for contracts to provide WP&L with an additional 150
megawatts of electric capacity beginning as early as June 1, 1999. WP&L
anticipates its RFP will result in a purchased power arrangement with a contract
period of three to eight years and contract extension or "rollover" options.
WP&L expects to award the contract at the end of the second quarter of 1998.
    Utility officials noted that it will take time to get new transmission and
power plant projects approved and built. While utility officials fully expect to
meet customer demands in 1998 and 1999, problems still could arise if there are
unexpected power plant outages, transmission system outages or extended periods
of extremely hot weather.
    The following unaudited consolidated quarterly data of WP&L, in the opinion
of management, include adjustments which are normal and recurring in nature
necessary for the fair presentation of the results of operations and financial
position. The quarterly amounts were affected by, among other items, rate
activities, seasonal weather conditions and changes in sales and operating
expenses. Refer to "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
and Results of Operations" for a discussion of these items. Net income in both
the first and second quarter of 1997 was lower than the first and second quarter
of 1996 primarily due to lower electric and gas margins. The lower margins
resulted from warmer weather and several temporary plant outages during the
first five months of 1997. In addition, a $3.4 million after-tax gain was
recognized on the sale of a combustion turbine in the second quarter of 1996.
Net income in the fourth quarter of 1997 was higher than the fourth quarter of
1996 due to increased electric margin and reduced maintenance expense. Electric
margin improved in the fourth quarter of 1997 compared with the same period in
1996 due to higher sales and reduced fuel costs per kwh. Maintenance costs were
lower in the fourth quarter of 1997 compared with the same period in 1996
primarily due to

increased expenses in the fourth quarter of 1996 associated with the outage of
Kewaunee as previously discussed.

                                                                                                       NET INCOME
                                                                            OPERATING    OPERATING   AVAILABLE FOR
                                                                             REVENUES     INCOME      COMMON STOCK
                                                                            ----------  -----------  --------------
                                                                                        (IN THOUSANDS)
March 31..................................................................  $  231,005   $  43,275     $   22,523
June 30...................................................................     176,065      20,694         10,216
September 30..............................................................     180,192      33,769         14,409
December 31...............................................................     207,455      41,371         20,776
March 31..................................................................  $  221,234   $  59,808     $   31,950
June 30...................................................................     166,117      33,670         19,538
September 30..............................................................     165,536      32,175         15,152
December 31...............................................................     206,388      32,235         12,535


    To the Shareowners of Wisconsin Power and Light Company:
    We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and statements
of capitalization of Wisconsin Power and Light Company (a Wisconsin corporation)
and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the related consolidated
statements of income, cash flows and common shareowners' investment for each of
the three years in the period ended December 31, 1997. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audits.
    We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
    In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects, the financial position of Wisconsin Power and Light
Company and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, and the results of
its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 1997, in conformity with generally accepted accounting
Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
January 30, 1998

                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                  1997        1996        1995
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
  Electric...................................................................  $  634,143  $  589,482  $  546,324
  Gas........................................................................     155,883     165,627     139,165
  Water                                                                             4,691       4,166       4,183
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                                                  794,717     759,275     689,672
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
  Electric production fuels..................................................     116,812     114,470     116,488
  Purchased power............................................................     125,438      81,108      44,940
  Purchased gas..............................................................      99,267     104,830      84,002
  Other operation............................................................     131,398     140,339     139,322
  Maintenance................................................................      48,058      46,492      42,043
  Depreciation and amortization..............................................     104,297      84,942      81,164
  Taxes other than income....................................................      30,338      29,206      28,335
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                                                  655,608     601,387     536,294
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
OPERATING INCOME.............................................................     139,109     157,888     153,378
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
  Interest expense...........................................................      32,607      31,472      33,821
  Allowance for funds used during construction...............................      (2,775)     (3,208)     (2,088)
  Miscellaneous, net.........................................................      (3,796)     (6,669)     (2,613)
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                                                   26,036      21,595      29,120
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES...................................................     113,073     136,293     124,258
INCOME TAXES.................................................................      41,839      53,808      45,606
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
NET INCOME...................................................................      71,234      82,485      78,652
PREFERRED DIVIDEND REQUIREMENT...............................................       3,310       3,310       3,310
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
NET INCOME AVAILABLE FOR COMMON STOCK........................................  $   67,924  $   79,175  $   75,342
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

                          CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                               DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                            1997          1996
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Plant in service
    Electric..........................................................................  $  1,790,641  $  1,729,311
    Gas...............................................................................       237,856       227,809
    Water.............................................................................        24,864        23,905
    Common............................................................................       195,815       152,093
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                        2,249,176...     2,133,118
  Less--accumulated provision for depreciation........................................     1,065,726       967,436
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                           1,183,450     1,165,682
  Construction work in progress.......................................................        42,312        55,519
  Nuclear fuel, net...................................................................        19,046        19,368
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                           1,244,808     1,240,569
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
OTHER PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, NET.....................................................           684         1,397
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Nuclear decommissioning trust funds.................................................       112,356        90,671
  Other investments...................................................................        14,877        15,354
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             127,233       106,025
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Cash and equivalents................................................................         2,492         4,167
  Accounts receivable and unbilled revenue............................................        37,534        34,220
  Coal, at average cost...............................................................        18,857        15,841
  Materials and supplies, at average cost.............................................        19,274        19,915
  Gas in storage, at average cost.....................................................        12,504         9,992
  Prepaid gross receipts tax..........................................................        22,153        19,389
  Prepayments and other...............................................................         4,824         2,664
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             117,638       106,188
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Regulatory assets...................................................................        91,314       160,877
  Other...............................................................................        82,927        62,758
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             174,241       223,635
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
TOTAL ASSETS..........................................................................  $  1,664,604  $  1,677,814
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                        ------------  ------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                               DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                            1997          1996
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Common shareowners' investment......................................................  $    585,739  $    576,158
  Preferred stock not mandatorily redeemable..........................................        59,963        59,963
  Long-term debt, net.................................................................       354,540       258,659
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                           1,000,242       894,780
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Current maturities of long-term debt................................................         8,899        55,000
  Variable rate demand bonds..........................................................        56,975        56,975
  Short-term debt.....................................................................        81,000        69,500
  Accounts payable and accruals.......................................................        85,617        92,719
  Accrued payroll and vacation........................................................        12,221        11,687
  Accrued taxes.......................................................................       --              3,616
  Accrued interest....................................................................         6,317         7,504
  Other...............................................................................        25,162        34,425
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             276,191       331,426
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Accumulated deferred income taxes...................................................       251,709       244,817
  Accumulated deferred investment tax credits.........................................        35,039        36,931
  Accrued environmental remediation costs.............................................         9,238        74,075
  Deferred credits and other..........................................................        92,185        95,785
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             388,171       451,608
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
TOTAL CAPITALIZATION AND LIABILITIES..................................................  $  1,664,604  $  1,677,814
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                        ------------  ------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                1997         1996         1995
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
  Net income...............................................................  $    71,234  $    82,485  $    78,652
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash generated from operating
      Depreciation and amortization........................................      104,297       84,942       81,164
      Deferred income taxes................................................        4,957        8,217       10,716
      Investment tax credit restored.......................................       (1,892)      (1,911)      (1,916)
      Amortization of nuclear fuel.........................................        4,444        6,057        7,787
      Allowance for equity funds used during construction..................       (2,033)      (2,270)      (1,425)
      (Gain) loss on disposition of other property and equipment...........          710       (5,676)     --
    Changes in assets and liabilities:
      Net accounts receivable and unbilled revenue.........................       (3,314)        (250)     (12,281)
      Inventories..........................................................       (4,887)      (4,193)       3,079
      Prepayments and other................................................       (4,924)        (863)       1,121
      Accounts payable and accruals........................................       (7,755)      10,896       13,203
      Accrued taxes........................................................       (3,616)      (4,179)         496
      Other, net...........................................................       (8,528)      14,874       15,674
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net cash from (used for) operating activities......................      148,693      188,129      196,270
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
      Common stock cash dividends..........................................      (58,343)     (66,087)     (56,778)
      Preferred stock dividends............................................       (3,310)      (3,310)      (3,310)
      Retirement of first mortgage bonds...................................      (55,000)      (5,000)     (18,000)
      Issuance of long-term debt...........................................      105,000      --           --
      Net change in short-term debt........................................       11,500       (3,000)      22,000
      Other, net...........................................................         (221)     --           --
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net cash from (used for) financing activities......................         (374)     (77,397)     (56,088)
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
      Proceeds from sale of other property and equipment...................      --            36,264      --
      Additions to utility plant, excluding AFUDC..........................     (116,457)    (120,732)     (99,746)
      Additions to nuclear fuel............................................       (4,123)      (6,558)      (7,258)
      Allowance for borrowed funds used during construction................         (742)        (938)        (663)
      Dedicated decommissioning trust funds................................      (21,685)     (17,314)     (21,566)
      Other, net...........................................................       (6,987)      (1,958)      (8,512)
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
        Net cash from (used for) investing activities......................     (149,994)    (111,236)    (137,745)
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND EQUIVALENTS............................       (1,675)        (504)       2,437
CASH AND EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR..................................        4,167        4,671        2,234
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
CASH AND EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR........................................  $     2,492  $     4,167  $     4,671
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
                                                                             -----------  -----------  -----------
    Interest on debt.......................................................  $    32,778  $    28,786  $    30,841
    Income taxes...........................................................  $    37,407  $    48,622  $    37,968

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


                                                                                               DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                            1997          1996
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                         (IN THOUSANDS EXCEPT FOR
                                                                                               SHARE DATA)
  Common stock $5 par value, authorized 18,000,000 shares, issued and outstanding--
    13,236,601 shares.................................................................  $     66,183  $     66,183
  Premium on capital stock............................................................       197,423       197,423
  Capital surplus.....................................................................         1,747         1,747
  Reinvested earnings.................................................................       320,386       310,805
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             585,739       576,158
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Cumulative, without par value, authorized 3,750,000 shares, maximum aggregate state
    value $150,000,000:
    Preferred stock without mandatory redemption, $100 stated value--
      4.50% series, 99,970 shares outstanding.........................................         9,997         9,997
      4.80% series, 74,912 shares outstanding.........................................         7,491         7,491
      4.96% series, 64,979 shares outstanding.........................................         6,498         6,498
      4.40% series, 29,957 shares outstanding.........................................         2,996         2,996
      4.76% series, 29,947 shares outstanding.........................................         2,995         2,995
      6.20% series, 150,000 shares outstanding........................................        15,000        15,000
  Cumulative, without par value, $25 stated value--
        6.50% series, 599,460 shares outstanding......................................        14,986        14,986
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                              59,963        59,963
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  First mortgage bonds:
      Series L, 6.25%, due 1998.......................................................         8,899         8,899
      1984 Series A, variable rate, due 2014 (3.80% at 12/31/97)......................         8,500         8,500
      1988 Series A, variable rate, due 2015 (3.80% at 12/31/97)......................        14,600        14,600
      1990 Series V, 9.3%, due 2025...................................................        27,000        27,000
      1991 Series A, variable rate, due 2015 (5.05% at 12/31/97)......................        16,000        16,000
      1991 Series B, variable rate, due 2005 (5.05% at 12/31/97)......................        16,000        16,000
      1991 Series C, variable rate, due 2000 (5.05% at 12/31/97)......................         1,000         1,000
      1991 Series D, variable rate, due 2000 (5.05% at 12/31/97)......................           875           875
      1992 Series W, 8.6%, due 2027...................................................        90,000        90,000
      1992 Series X, 7.75%, due 2004..................................................        62,000        62,000
      1992 Series Y, 7.6%, due 2005...................................................        72,000        72,000
      1992 Series Z, 6.125%, repaid 1997..............................................       --             55,000
  Debentures, 7%, due 2007............................................................       105,000       --
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             421,874       371,874
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
  Current maturities..................................................................        (8,899)      (55,000)
  Variable rate demand bonds..........................................................       (56,975)      (56,975)
  Unamortized discount and premium, net...............................................        (1,460)       (1,240)
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                             354,540       258,659
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
TOTAL CAPITALIZATION..................................................................  $  1,000,242  $    894,780
                                                                                        ------------  ------------
                                                                                        ------------  ------------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

                            SHAREOWNERS' INVESTMENT
                                 (IN THOUSANDS)

                                                                                    YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,
                                                                                  1997        1996        1995
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
  Balance at beginning and end of year.......................................  $   66,183  $   66,183  $   66,183
  Balance at beginning and end of year.......................................     197,423     197,423     197,423
  Balance at beginning and end of year.......................................       1,747       1,747       1,747
  Balance at beginning of year...............................................     310,805     297,717     279,153
    Income before preferred dividends........................................      71,234      82,485      78,652
    Cash dividends on preferred stock........................................      (3,310)     (3,310)     (3,310)
    Cash dividends to parent on common stock.................................     (58,343)    (66,087)    (56,778)
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
  Balance at end of year.....................................................     320,386     310,805     297,717
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
TOTAL COMMON SHAREOWNERS' INVESTMENT.........................................  $  585,739  $  576,158  $  563,070
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------
                                                                               ----------  ----------  ----------

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

    Wisconsin Power and Light Company (WP&L) is a subsidiary of WPL Holdings,
Inc. (WPLH). WP&L is a public utility engaged principally in the generation,
transmission, distribution and sale of electric energy and the purchase,
distribution, transportation and sale of natural gas primarily in the state of
Wisconsin. Nearly all of WP&L's retail customers are located in south and
central Wisconsin. WP&L's principal consolidated subsidiary is South Beloit
Water, Gas and Electric Company.
    Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior years financial
statements to conform with the current year presentation.
    WP&L's financial records are maintained in accordance with the uniform
system of accounts prescribed by its regulators. The Public Service Commission
of Wisconsin (PSCW) and the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) have jurisdiction
over retail electric and gas revenues. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) has jurisdiction over wholesale electric revenues.
    The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.
    WP&L considers all short-term liquid investments with a maturity of three
months or less to be cash equivalents.
    Utility plant and other property and equipment are recorded at original
cost. Utility plant costs include financing costs that are capitalized using the
FERC method for allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC). The AFUDC
capitalization rates for 1997, 1996 and 1995 were 6.22%, 10.23% and 6.68%,
respectively. These capitalized costs are recovered in rates as the cost of the
utility plant is depreciated.
    Normal repairs, maintenance and minor items of utility plant and other
property and equipment are expensed. Ordinary utility plant retirements,
including removal costs less salvage value, are charged to accumulated
depreciation upon removal from utility plant accounts, and no gain or loss is

Upon retirement or sale of other property and equipment, the cost and related
accumulated depreciation are removed from the accounts and any gain or loss is
included in other income and deductions.
    WP&L uses the straight-line method of depreciation. For utility plant,
straight-line depreciation is computed on the average balance of depreciable
property at individual straight-line regulatory-approved rates that consider the
estimated useful life and removal cost or salvage value as follows:

                                                                        1997       1996       1995
                                                                      ---------  ---------  ---------
Electric............................................................       3.6%       3.3%       3.3%
Gas.................................................................       3.8%       3.7%       3.7%
Water...............................................................       2.7%       2.6%       2.5%
Common..............................................................      11.9%       8.1%       7.9%

    Depreciation expense related to WP&L's share of the decommissioning of the
Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (Kewaunee) is discussed in Note 11 "Commitments and
Contingencies." WP&L implemented higher depreciation rates effective January 1,
    Estimated useful lives related to other property and equipment are from 4 to
12 years for equipment and 31.5 to 40 years for buildings.
    Nuclear fuel is recorded at its original cost and is amortized to expense
based upon the quantity of heat produced for the generation of electricity. This
accumulated amortization assumes spent nuclear fuel will have no residual value.
Estimated future disposal costs of such fuel are expensed based on kilowatthours
    Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71 (SFAS 71), "Accounting
for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," provides that rate-regulated
public utilities, such as WP&L, record certain costs and credits allowed in the
ratemaking process in different periods than for unregulated entities. These are
deferred as regulatory assets or regulatory liabilities and are recognized in
the consolidated statements of income at the time they are reflected in rates.
If a portion of WP&L's operations becomes no longer subject to the provisions of
SFAS 71 as a result of competitive restructuring or otherwise, a write-down of
related regulatory assets would be required, unless some form of transition cost
recovery is established by the appropriate regulatory body that would meet the
requirements under generally accepted accounting principles for continued
accounting as regulatory assets during such recovery period. In addition, WP&L
would be required to determine any impairment to other assets and write-down

assets to their fair value. As of December 31, 1997 and 1996, regulatory-created
assets include the following:

                                                                               1997       1996
                                                                             ---------  ---------
Environmental remediation costs (Note 11)..................................  $    16.3  $    81.4
Tax related................................................................       52.2       57.2
Jurisdictional plant differences...........................................        7.9        7.6
Decontamination and decommissioning costs of
 federal enrichment facilities.............................................        5.9        6.1
Other......................................................................        9.0        8.6
                                                                             ---------  ---------
                                                                             $    91.3  $   160.9
                                                                             ---------  ---------
                                                                             ---------  ---------

    As of December 31, 1997 and 1996, WP&L had recorded regulatory-related
liabilities of $39.6 and $33.9, respectively. These liabilities are primarily
tax related.
    WP&L accrues revenues for services provided but not yet billed at month-end.
    WP&L follows the liability method of accounting for deferred income taxes,
which requires the establishment of deferred tax assets and liabilities, as
appropriate, for all temporary differences between the tax basis of assets and
liabilities and the amounts reported in the financial statements using currently
enacted tax rates as shown in Note 6.
    Investment tax credits are accounted for on a deferred basis and reflected
in income ratably over the life of the related utility plant.
    On November 10, 1995, WPLH, IES Industries Inc. (IES), and Interstate Power
Company (IPC) entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger, as amended (Merger
Agreement), providing for: a) IPC becoming a subsidiary of WPLH, and b) the
merger of IES with and into WPLH, which merger will result in the combination of
IES and WPLH as a single holding company (collectively, the Proposed Merger).
The new holding company will be named Interstate Energy Corporation (Merged
Company). The Proposed Merger, which will be accounted for as a pooling of
interests and is intended to be tax-free for federal income tax purposes, has
been approved by the respective Boards of Directors, shareowners, state
regulatory agencies and most of the federal agencies. It is still subject to
approval by the Securities and

Exchange Commission (SEC). The companies expect to receive SEC approval in the
second quarter of 1998.
    The summary below contains selected unaudited pro forma financial data for
the year ended December 31, 1997. The financial data should be read in
conjunction with the historical consolidated financial statements and related
notes thereto of WPLH and in conjunction with the unaudited pro forma combined
financial statements and related notes of the Merged Company included in the
Form 10-K Annual Report of WPLH. The pro forma combined earnings per share
reflect the issuance of shares associated with the exchange ratios discussed

                                                 WPLH          IES           IPC                       PRO FORMA
                                                 (AS           (AS           (AS         PRO FORMA      COMBINED
                                              REPORTED)     REPORTED)     REPORTED)     ADJUSTMENTS   (UNAUDITED)
                                             ------------  ------------  ------------  -------------  ------------
Operating revenues.........................   $    919.3    $    930.7    $    331.8     $   118.8     $  2,300.6
Income from continuing operations..........   $     61.3    $     66.3    $     26.7     $  --         $    154.3
Earnings per share from continuing
  operations (basic and diluted)...........   $     1.99    $     2.18    $     2.74     $  --         $     2.02
Assets at December 31, 1997................   $  1,861.8    $  2,457.2    $    638.7     ($    6.0)    $  4,951.7
Long-term obligations, net at December 31,
  1997.....................................   $    526.0    $    882.4    $    195.9     $  --         $  1,604.3

    Under the terms of the Merger Agreement, the outstanding shares of WPLH's
common stock will remain unchanged and outstanding as shares of the Merged
Company's common stock, each outstanding share of IES common stock will be
converted to 1.14 shares of the Merged Company's common stock and each share of
IPC common stock will be converted to 1.11 shares of the Merged Company's common
stock. It is anticipated that the Merged Company will retain WPLH's common share
dividend payment level as of the effective time of the merger. On January 16,
1998, the Board of Directors of WPLH declared a quarterly dividend of $0.50 per
share. This represents an annual rate of $2.00 per share.
    IES is a holding company headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and is the
parent company of IES Utilities Inc. (IESU) and IES Diversified Inc.
(Diversified). IESU supplies electric and gas service to approximately 339,000
and 178,000 customers, respectively, in Iowa. Diversified and its principal
subsidiaries are primarily engaged in the energy-related, transportation and
real estate development businesses. IPC, an operating public utility
headquartered in Dubuque, Iowa, supplies electric and gas service to
approximately 166,000 and 50,000 customers, respectively, in northeast Iowa,
northwest Illinois and southern Minnesota.
    The Merged Company will be the parent company of WP&L, IESU and IPC and will
be registered under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, as amended
(1935 Act). The Merger Agreement provides that these operating utility companies
will continue to operate as separate entities for a minimum of three years
beyond the effective date of the Proposed Merger. In addition, the non-utility
operations of WPLH and IES will be combined shortly after the effective date of
the Proposed Merger under one entity

to manage the diversified operations of the Merged Company. The corporate
headquarters of the Merged Company will be in Madison, Wisconsin.
    WP&L participates with other Wisconsin utilities in the construction and
operation of several jointly-owned utility generating plants. Each of the
respective owners is responsible for the financing of its portion of the
construction costs. Kilowatthour generation and operating expenses are divided
on the same basis of ownership with each owner reflecting its respective costs
in its consolidated statements of income. The chart below represents WP&L's
proportionate share of such plants as reflected in the consolidated balance
sheets at December 31, 1997 and 1996.

                                                                                          1997                       1996
                                                                         ---------------------------------------  -----------
                                                               PLANT                   ACCUMULATED
                                OWNERSHIP      INSERVICE        MW        PLANT IN    PROVISION FOR                PLANT IN
                               INTEREST %        DATE        CAPACITY      SERVICE    DEPRECIATION      CWIP        SERVICE
                              -------------  -------------  -----------  -----------  -------------  -----------  -----------
Columbia Energy Center......         46.2     1975 & 1978        1,023    $   161.4     $    89.2     $     0.8    $   161.8
Edgewater Unit 4............         68.2             1969         330         51.5          29.5           1.0         50.8
Edgewater Unit 5............         75.0             1985         380        229.4          79.8           0.1        228.8
Kewaunee Nuclear
 Power Plant................         41.0             1974         535        132.0          86.6           0.3        131.2
                                                                         -----------       ------           ---   -----------
Total.......................                                              $   574.3     $   285.1     $     2.2    $   572.6
                                                                         -----------       ------           ---   -----------
                                                                         -----------       ------           ---   -----------

                              PROVISION FOR
                              DEPRECIATION      CWIP
                              -------------  -----------
Columbia Energy Center......    $    86.4     $     1.6
Edgewater Unit 4............         28.0           0.7
Edgewater Unit 5............         73.7           0.0
Kewaunee Nuclear
 Power Plant................         80.6           0.8
                                   ------           ---
Total.......................    $   268.7     $     3.1
                                   ------           ---
                                   ------           ---

    WP&L has a contract with a financial organization to sell, with limited
recourse, certain accounts receivable and unbilled revenues. These receivables
include customer receivables, sales to other public utilities and billings to
the co-owners of the jointly-owned electric generating plants that WP&L
operates. The contract allows WP&L to sell up to $150.0 of receivables at any
time. Expenses related to the sale of receivables are paid to the financial
organization under this contract, and include, along with various other fees, a
monthly discount charge on the outstanding balance of receivables sold that
approximated a 5.83% annual rate during 1997. These costs are recovered in
retail utility rates as an operating expense. All billing and collection
functions remain the responsibility of WP&L. The contract expires August 16,
1998, unless extended by mutual agreement.
    As of December 31, 1997 and 1996, the balance of sold accounts receivable
that had not been collected totaled $91.0 and $86.5, respectively. During 1997,
the monthly proceeds from the sale of

accounts receivable averaged $92.1, compared with $86.6 in 1996. As of December
31, 1997, the amount of sold receivables subject to recourse was $8.2.
    WP&L does not have any significant concentrations of credit risk in the
December 31, 1997 and 1996 utility accounts receivable balances.
    In June 1996, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS
No. 125, "Accounting for Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and
Extinguishments of Liabilities," which establishes standards for asset and
liability recognition when transfers occur. This statement, effective January 1,
1997, specifies conditions when control has been surrendered which determines if
sale treatment of the receivables would be allowed. This standard has not had
any impact on WP&L's financial position or results of operations.
    WP&L has noncontributory, defined benefit retirement plans covering
substantially all employees. The benefits are based upon years of service and
levels of compensation. The projected unit credit actuarial cost method was used
to compute net pension costs and the accumulated and projected benefit
obligations. WP&L's policy is to fund the pension cost at an amount that is at
least equal to the minimum funding requirements mandated by the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), and that does not
exceed the maximum tax deductible amount for the year.

    The following table sets forth the funded status of the plans and amounts
recognized in WP&L's consolidated balance sheets at December 31, 1997 and 1996:

                                                                                              1997        1996
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
Accumulated benefit obligation
  Vested benefits........................................................................  ($   173.4) ($   161.0)
  Non-vested benefits....................................................................        (6.1)       (3.3)
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
    Total................................................................................      (179.5)     (164.3)
Projected benefit obligation.............................................................      (205.1)     (189.6)
Plan assets at fair value................................................................       244.4       218.9
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
  Plan assets in excess of projected benefit obligation..................................        39.3        29.3
Unrecognized net transition asset........................................................       (12.0)      (14.5)
Unrecognized prior service cost..........................................................         7.8         3.7
Unrecognized net loss....................................................................         0.8        15.0
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
  Prepaid pension costs..................................................................  $     35.9  $     33.5
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
Assumed rate of return on plan assets....................................................        9.00%       9.00%
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
Discount rate of projected benefit obligation............................................        7.25%       7.50%
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
Range of assumed rate increases for future compensation levels...........................   3.50-4.50%  3.50-4.50%
                                                                                           ----------  ----------
                                                                                           ----------  ----------

    The net pension cost (benefit) recognized in the consolidated statements of
income for 1997, 1996 and 1995 included the following components:

                                                                                              1997       1996       1995
                                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
Service cost..............................................................................  $     4.8  $     5.1  $     3.9
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation.............................................       13.8       13.6       12.9
Actual return on assets...................................................................      (36.2)     (25.0)     (31.6)
Amortization and deferrals................................................................       15.1        5.5       15.1
                                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
  Net pension cost (benefit)..............................................................  ($    2.5) ($    0.8) $     0.3
                                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                                            ---------  ---------  ---------

    During 1997, WP&L expensed $1.3 for an early retirement program for eligible
bargaining unit employees.
    WP&L accrues for the expected cost of postretirement health-care and life
insurance benefits during the employees' years of service based on actuarial
methodologies that closely parallel pension accounting

requirements. WP&L elected delayed recognition of the transition obligation in
accordance with current accounting principles and is amortizing the discounted
present value of the transition obligation to expense over 20 years. For WP&L,
the cost of providing postretirement benefits, including the transition
obligation, is being recovered in retail rates under current regulatory
practices. WP&L's policy is to fund the postretirement cost at an amount that is
at least equal to the minimum funding requirements mandated by ERISA and that
does not exceed the maximum tax deductible amount for the year.
    The following table sets forth the funded status of the plans and amounts
recognized in WP&L's consolidated balance sheets at December 31, 1997 and 1996:

                                                                                                   1997       1996
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
Accumulated benefit obligation
  Retirees.....................................................................................  ($   31.4) ($   32.2)
  Fully eligible active plan participants......................................................       (4.4)      (5.0)
  Other active plan participants...............................................................      (11.3)      (9.4)
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
    Total......................................................................................      (47.1)     (46.6)
Plan assets at fair value......................................................................       16.1       13.8
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
Accumulated benefit obligation in excess of plan assets........................................      (31.0)     (32.8)
Unrecognized transition obligation.............................................................       21.0       23.5
Unrecognized prior service cost................................................................       (0.3)      (0.3)
Unrecognized net gain..........................................................................       (8.3)      (5.0)
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
  Accrued postretirement benefits liability....................................................  ($   18.6) ($   14.6)
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
Assumed rate of return on plan assets..........................................................       9.00%      9.00%
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
Discount rate of projected benefit obligation..................................................       7.25%      7.50%
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
Medical cost trend on paid charges:
  Initial trend rate...........................................................................       8.00%      9.00%
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
  Ultimate trend rate..........................................................................       5.00%      5.00%
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------
                                                                                                 ---------  ---------


    The net postretirement benefits cost recognized in the consolidated
statements of income for 1997, 1996 and 1995 included the following components:

                                                                                                1997       1996       1995
                                                                                              ---------  ---------  ---------
Service cost................................................................................  $     1.8  $     1.8  $     1.5
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation...............................................        3.3        3.4        3.6
Actual return on assets.....................................................................       (1.9)      (1.3)      (2.1)
Amortization of transition obligation.......................................................        1.5        1.5        1.5
Amortization and deferrals..................................................................        0.5        0.3        1.3
                                                                                                    ---        ---        ---
  Net postretirement benefits cost..........................................................  $     5.2  $     5.7  $     5.8
                                                                                                    ---        ---        ---
                                                                                                    ---        ---        ---

    Increasing the assumed health-care cost trend rate by one percentage point
in each year would increase the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation as
of December 31, 1997 by $2.7 and the aggregate of the service and interest cost
components of the net periodic postretirement benefit cost for the year by $0.4.
    During 1997, WP&L expensed $1.7 for an early retirement program for eligible
bargaining unit employees.
    The following table reconciles the statutory federal income tax rate to the
effective income tax rate on continuing operations:

                                                                                          1997       1996       1995
                                                                                        ---------  ---------  ---------
Statutory federal income tax rate.....................................................       35.0%      35.0%      35.0%
State income taxes, net of federal benefit............................................        5.7        6.1        5.0
Investment tax credits restored.......................................................       (1.7)      (1.4)      (1.5)
Amortization of excess deferred taxes.................................................       (1.3)      (1.3)      (1.4)
Adjustment of prior period taxes......................................................       (2.1)        --         --
Other differences, net................................................................        1.4        1.1       (0.4)
                                                                                        ---------  ---------  ---------
Effective income tax..................................................................       37.0%      39.5%      36.7%
                                                                                        ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                                        ---------  ---------  ---------


    The breakdown of income tax expense as reflected in the consolidated
statements of income is as follows:

                                                                                             1997       1996       1995
                                                                                           ---------  ---------  ---------
Current federal..........................................................................  $    32.3  $    37.9  $    29.8
Current state............................................................................        6.5        9.6        7.0
Deferred.................................................................................        4.9        8.2       10.7
Investment tax credit restored...........................................................       (1.9)      (1.9)      (1.9)
                                                                                           ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                                           $    41.8  $    53.8  $    45.6
                                                                                           ---------  ---------  ---------
                                                                                           ---------  ---------  ---------

    The temporary differences that resulted in accumulated deferred income tax
(assets) and liabilities as of December 31, 1997 and 1996, are as follows:

                                                                               1997       1996
                                                                             ---------  ---------
Property related...........................................................  $   287.2  $   276.1
Investment tax credit related..............................................      (23.5)     (19.9)
Decommissioning related....................................................      (16.0)     (14.5)
Other......................................................................        4.0        3.1
                                                                             ---------  ---------
                                                                             $   251.7  $   244.8
                                                                             ---------  ---------
                                                                             ---------  ---------

    WP&L and its subsidiaries maintain committed bank lines of credit, most of
which are at the bank prime rates, to obtain short-term borrowing flexibility,
including pledging lines of credit as security for any commercial paper
outstanding. Amounts available under these lines of credit totaled $70.0 as of
December 31, 1997. Information regarding short-term debt and lines of credit is
as follows:

                                                                                1997        1996        1995
                                                                             ----------  ----------  ----------
As of year end--
  Lines of credit borrowings...............................................          --          --          --
  Commercial paper outstanding.............................................  $     81.0  $     59.5  $     56.5
  Notes payable outstanding................................................          --  $     10.0  $     16.0
  Discount rates on commercial paper.......................................   5.48-5.90%  5.35-5.65%  5.73-5.77%
  Interest rates on notes payable..........................................         N/A        5.95%  5.80-5.83%
For the year ended--
  Maximum month-end amount of short-term debt..............................  $     81.0  $     69.5  $     80.0
  Average amount of short-term debt (based on daily outstanding
    balances)..............................................................  $     49.2  $     33.9  $     48.8
  Average interest rate on short-term debt.................................        5.64%       5.86%       5.90%


    WP&L has only limited involvement with derivative financial instruments and
does not use them for trading purposes. They are used to manage well-defined
interest rate and commodity price risks.
    INTEREST RATE SWAPS AND FORWARD CONTRACTS:  WP&L enters into interest rate
swap agreements to reduce the impact of changes in interest rates on its
floating-rate debt and fees associated with the sale of its accounts receivable.
The notional principal amount of interest rate swaps outstanding as of December
31, 1997, was $40.0. Average variable rates are based on rates implied in the
forward yield curve at the reporting date. The average pay and receive rates
associated with these agreements are 4.11% and 3.61%, respectively. The swap
agreements have contract maturities from three months to two years. It is not
WP&L's intent to terminate these contracts; however, the total cost to WP&L if
it had terminated all of the agreements existing at December 31, 1997, would
have been $0.2.
    In 1995, WP&L entered into an interest rate forward contract related to the
anticipated issuance of $60.0 of long-term debt securities. The securities were
not issued in 1996 and the forward contract was closed which resulted in a gain
of $0.8 to WP&L. The gain was deferred and was recognized as an adjustment to
interest expense over the life of the debt securities issued during 1997 as
discussed in Note 10(b).
    On April 28, 1997, WP&L entered into an interest rate forward contract to
hedge interest rate risk related to the anticipated issuance of $105.0 of
long-term debt securities. The securities were issued in June 1997 and the
forward contract was settled which resulted in a cash payment of $3.8 by WP&L.
This payment was recognized as an adjustment to interest expense over the life
of the new debt securities to approximate the interest rate implicit in the
forward contract.
    GAS SWAPS:  WP&L uses gas commodity swaps to reduce the impact of price
fluctuations on gas purchased and injected into storage during the summer months
and withdrawn and sold at current market prices during the winter months. The
notional amount of gas commodity swaps outstanding as of December 31, 1997 was
4.8 million dekatherms. Variances between underlying commodity prices and
financial contracts on these agreements are deferred and recognized as increases
or decreases in the cost of gas at the time the storage gas is sold. It is not
WP&L's intent to terminate these contracts; however, the total cost to WP&L if
it had terminated all of the agreements existing at December 31, 1997, would
have been a gain of $1.0.

    The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair value
of each class of financial instruments:
    CURRENT ASSETS AND CURRENT LIABILITIES--  The carrying amount approximates
fair value due to the short maturities of these financial instruments.
    NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING TRUST FUNDS--  As of December 31, 1997 and 1996, the
investments in the nuclear decommissioning trust fund are carried at fair value,
as reported by the trustee. The balance as shown on the consolidated balance
sheets included a net unrealized gain of $16.4 and $9.4 as of December 31, 1997
and 1996, respectively.
    PREFERRED STOCK OF WP&L--  Based on quoted market prices for the same or
similar issues.
    LONG-TERM DEBT--  Based upon the market yield of similar securities and
quoted market prices on the current rates for debt of the same remaining
maturities. The estimated fair values of financial instruments at December 31,
1997 and 1996:

                                                                                    1997                    1996
                                                                           ----------------------  ----------------------
                                                                            CARRYING      FAIR      CARRYING      FAIR
                                                                              VALUE       VALUE       VALUE       VALUE
                                                                           -----------  ---------  -----------  ---------
Nuclear decommissioning trust funds......................................   $   112.4   $   112.4   $    90.7   $    90.7
Preferred stock..........................................................        60.0        51.7        60.0        47.7
Long-term debt, including current portion................................       420.4       449.3       370.6       387.0

    Since WP&L is subject to regulation, any gains or losses related to the
difference between the carrying amount and the fair value of WP&L's nuclear
decommissioning trust funds and long-term debt may not be realized by its
    A retail rate order effective April 29, 1997, requires WP&L to maintain a
utility common equity level of 52.00% of total utility capitalization. In
addition, the PSCW ordered that it must approve the payment of dividends by WP&L
to its parent that are in excess of the level forecasted in the rate order
($58.3), if such dividends would reduce WP&L's average common equity ratio below
52.00% of total capitalization. Based on a 13-month average for 1997, WP&L's
common equity ratio was 52.56%.

    Substantially, all of WP&L's utility plant is secured by its first mortgage
bonds. Current maturities of long-term debt of WP&L are as follows: $8.9 in
1998, $0.0 in 1999, $1.9 in 2000, $0.0 in 2001 and $0.0 in 2002.
    In June 1997, WP&L issued $105.0 of 7.00% Debentures due June 15, 2007.
Approximately $50.0 of the net proceeds was used to repay maturing short-term
debt and finance utility construction expenditures. The balance of the proceeds
was used to retire the $55.0 of WP&L's First Mortgage Bonds, Series Z, 6.125%,
due July 15, 1997.
    To ensure an adequate supply of coal, WP&L has entered into certain
long-term coal contracts. These contracts include a demand or take-or-pay clause
under which payments are required if contracted quantities are not purchased.
Purchase obligations on these coal and related rail contracts total
approximately 12.5 million tons through December 31, 2002. WP&L's management
believes it will meet minimum coal and rail purchase obligations under the
contracts. Minimum purchase obligations on these contracts over the next five
years are estimated to be $36.0 in 1998, $29.0 in 1999, $9.0 in 2000, $9.0 in
2001 and $4.0 in 2002.
    Under firm purchased power and gas contracts, WP&L is obligated as follows:

                                                                                 POWER       GAS
                                                                               ---------  ---------
1998.........................................................................  $    72.0  $    37.0
1999.........................................................................       76.3       32.7
2000.........................................................................       86.5       27.1
2001.........................................................................       38.1       22.4
2002.........................................................................       28.0       18.0
Thereafter...................................................................       58.0       29.6

    WP&L has a current or previous ownership interest in 11 properties,
consisting of 14 individual sites, associated in the past with the production of
manufactured gas. Some of these sites contain coal tar waste products which may
present an environmental hazard. WP&L owns six of these sites, three are
currently owned by municipalities and the remaining five are all or partially
owned by private companies.

    WP&L conducted a comprehensive review in the third quarter of 1997 of its
liability at each of the 14 sites. This comprehensive review considered several
recent significant developments and resulted in a reduction in the estimate of
the probable liability for cleanup. At December 31, 1997 the liability is $9.2.
In addition, management believes it is possible, but not likely, that an
additional $3.2 of remediation costs may be incurred. In 1996, the Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) approved less costly containment and
control strategies as an alternative to excavation processes at two sites. The
decline in the liability of approximately $65.0 from December 31, 1996 to
December 31, 1997, is due to the successful implementation of these strategies
at those two sites and several additional sites. Further reductions in the
liability resulted from WP&L receiving an additional close out letter from the
DNR, bringing the total number of sites with close out letters to four.
    The cleanup estimate discussed above includes the costs of feasibility
studies, data collection, soil and groundwater remediation activities, and
ongoing monitoring activities through 2027. The estimate is based on a number of
factors including the estimated extent and volume of contaminated soil and/or
groundwater. Changes in the estimate are reasonably possible in the near term.
    Changes in the liability do not immediately impact the earnings of WP&L.
Under the current rate making treatment approved by the PSCW, the costs expended
in the environmental remediation of these sites, net of any insurance proceeds,
are deferred and collected from gas customers over a five year period after new
rates are implemented. Although no assurance can be given, management currently
believes future costs will also be recovered in rates. The associated regulatory
asset is $16.3 as of December 31, 1997.
    The current cost of WP&L's share of the estimated costs to decommission
Kewaunee ($181.3), assuming early retirement, exceeds the trust assets at
December 31, 1997 ($112.4) by $68.9. The costs of decommissioning are assumed to
escalate at an annual rate of 5.83%.
    As required by the PSCW and FERC, WP&L makes annual contributions to
qualified and nonqualified external trust funds to provide for decommissioning
of Kewaunee. The Company's annual contribution is $14.3 for 1997 and $10.7 for
1996 and 1995. These amounts are fully recovered in rates. The after-tax income
of the external trust funds was $3.2, $2.7 and $2.8 for 1997, 1996 and 1995,
    Decommissioning costs, which include the annual contribution to external
trust funds and earnings on the assets of these trusts, are recorded as
depreciation expense in the consolidated statements of income with the
cumulative amount included in the accumulated provision for depreciation on the
consolidated balance sheets. As of December 31, 1997, the total decommissioning
costs included in the accumulated provision for depreciation were $112.4.
    Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) is responsible for the ultimate storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel
removed from nuclear reactors. Interim storage

space for spent nuclear fuel is currently provided at Kewaunee. Currently there
is on-site storage capacity for spent fuel through the year 2001. An investment
of approximately $2.5 could provide additional storage sufficient to meet spent
fuel storage needs until the expiration of the current operating license.
    The following summarizes WP&L's investment in nuclear fuel at December 31,
1997 and 1996:

                                                                               1997       1996
                                                                             ---------  ---------
Original cost of nuclear fuel..............................................  $   169.6  $   166.4
Less--Accumulated amortization.............................................      150.5      147.0
                                                                             ---------  ---------
  Nuclear fuel, net........................................................  $    19.1  $    19.4
                                                                             ---------  ---------
                                                                             ---------  ---------

    WP&L has a 41% ownership interest in Kewaunee. Kewaunee resumed operations
on June 12, 1997 after being out of service since September 21, 1996 for
refueling and repairs to the steam generator tubes. The joint owners continue to
analyze and discuss other options related to the future of Kewaunee, including
various ownership transfer alternatives.
    The Price Anderson Act provides for the payment of funds for public
liability claims arising from a nuclear incident. Accordingly, in the event of a
nuclear incident, WP&L, as a 41% owner of Kewaunee, is subject to an overall
assessment of approximately $32.5 per incident, not to exceed $4.1 payable in
any given year.
    Through its membership in Nuclear Mutual Limited and Nuclear Electric
Insurance Limited, WP&L has obtained property damage and decontamination
insurance totaling $1.8 billion for loss from damage at Kewaunee. In addition,
WP&L maintains outage and replacement power insurance coverage totaling $101.4
in the event an outage exceeds 21 weeks.
    Plans for the construction and financing of future additions to utility
plant can be found elsewhere in this report under "Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

    The following table sets forth certain information relating to WP&L's
consolidated continuing operations:

                                                                                   1997       1996       1995
                                                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------
Operation information:
Customer revenues--
  Electric.....................................................................  $   634.1  $   589.5  $   546.3
    Gas........................................................................      155.9      165.6      139.2
    Water......................................................................        4.7        4.2        4.2
  Operating income (loss)--
    Electric...................................................................  $   125.9  $   136.3  $   134.2
    Gas........................................................................       13.7       18.9       17.0
  Water and other (a)..........................................................       (0.5)       2.7        2.2
Investment information:
  Identifiable assets, including allocated common plant at December 31--
    Electric...................................................................  $ 1,245.2  $ 1,225.3  $ 1,226.8
    Gas........................................................................      193.6      262.1      250.6
    Water......................................................................       22.4       21.4       20.1
    Assets not allocated.......................................................      203.4      169.0      143.6
Other information:
  Construction, decommissioning and nuclear fuel--
    Electric...................................................................  $   123.8  $   125.9  $   122.3
    Gas........................................................................       15.3       18.0       16.9
    Water......................................................................        2.1        1.7        2.1
  Depreciation expense--
    Electric...................................................................  $    91.2  $    74.5  $    71.4
    Gas........................................................................       12.3        9.8        9.6
    Water......................................................................        0.8        0.7        0.2

- ------------------------
(a) Certain reclassifications have been made to the 1995 and 1996 figures to
    conform with the 1997 presentation.
    In April 1998, the Proposed Merger involving WPLH, IES and IPC was
consummated and WPLH and its consolidated subsidiaries was renamed Interstate
Energy Corporation. For information regarding the terms of the Proposed Merger
and selected unaudited pro forma financial data of Interstate Energy
Corporation, see Note 2.

                             SHAREOWNER INFORMATION
    The 4.50% series of preferred stock is listed on the American Stock
Exchange, with the trading symbol of Wis Pr. All other series of preferred stock
are traded on the over-the-counter market. Seventy-four percent of the Company's
individual preferred shareowners are Wisconsin residents.
    Preferred stock dividends paid per share for each quarter during 1997 were
as follows:

SERIES                   DIVIDEND
- -----------------------  ---------
4.40%..................  $  1.1000
4.50%..................  $  1.1250
4.76%..................  $  1.1900
4.80%..................  $  1.2000

SERIES                   DIVIDEND
- -----------------------  ---------
4.96%..................  $  1.2400
6.20%..................  $  1.5500
6.50%..................  $  0.4025

    As authorized by the Wisconsin Power and Light Company Board of Directors,
dividend record and payment dates normally are as follows:

RECORD DATE                             PAYMENT DATE
- -------------------------------------  ---------------
February 28..........................  March 15
May 31...............................  June 15
August 31............................  September 15
November 30..........................  December 15

       Interstate Energy Corporation
       Shareowner Services
       P. O. Box 2568
       Madison, WI 53701-2568
    A copy of Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
will be provided without charge upon request. Requests may be directed to
Shareowner Services at the above address.
    ERROLL B. DAVIS, JR., 53, was elected President and Chief Executive Officer
effective August 1988 and has been a board member since April 1984. Mr. Davis
was elected President of WPL Holdings, Inc. in January 1990 and Chief Executive
Officer of WPL Holdings, Inc. in July 1990. He has served as a director of WPL
Holdings, Inc. since March 1998.

    A.J. (NINO) AMATO, 46, was elected Senior Vice President effective October
1993. He previously served as Vice President-Marketing and Strategic Planning
from 1992 to 1993.
    WILLIAM D. HARVEY, 48, was elected Senior Vice President effective October
1993. He previously served as Vice President-Natural Gas and General Counsel
from 1992 to 1993.
    ELIOT G. PROTSCH, 44, was elected Senior Vice President effective October
1993. He previously served as Vice President-Customer Services and Sales from
1992 to 1993.
    DANIEL A. DOYLE, 39, was elected Vice President-Power Production effective
April 1996. He previously served as Vice President-Finance, Controller and
Treasurer from 1994 to 1996, as Controller and Treasurer from 1993 to 1994 and
Controller from 1992 to 1993.
    BARBARA J. SWAN, 46, was elected Vice President-General Counsel effective
December 1994. She previously served as General Counsel from 1993 to 1994 and
Associate General Counsel from 1987 to 1993.
    PAMELA J. WEGNER, 50, was elected Vice President-Information Services and
Administration effective October 1994. Prior to joining the Company, she was the
Administrator of the Division of Finance and Program Management in the Wisconsin
Department of Administration from 1987 to 1994.
    KIM K. ZUHLKE, 44, was elected Vice President-Customer Services and Sales
effective October 1993. He previously served as Director of Marketing and Sales
Services from 1991 to 1993.
    JOSEPH E. SHEFCHEK, 41, was elected Assistant Vice President-Environmental
Affairs and Research effective December 1994. He previously served as Director
of Environmental Affairs and Research from 1991 to 1994.
    EDWARD M. GLEASON, 57, was elected Controller, Treasurer, and Corporate
Secretary of WP&L effective May 1996. He previously served as Corporate
Secretary of WP&L from 1993 to 1996 and Vice President-Finance and Treasurer of
WP&L from 1986 to 1993. He has also served as Vice President - Treasurer and
Corporate Secretary of WPL Holdings, Inc. since 1993. Mr. Gleason functions as
principal financial officer of WPL Holdings, Inc. and WP&L.
    SUSAN J. KOSMO, 51, was elected Assistant Controller effective September
1995. She previously served as Trust Investments and Investor Relations
Supervisor from 1992 to 1995.
    DAVID A. RAMOS, 41, was elected Assistant Controller effective January 1995.
He previously served as Manager of Budgets, Rates and Cost Accounting from 1994
to 1995 and Manager of Budgets and Rates from 1992 to 1994.
    STEVEN F. PRICE, 45, was elected Assistant Corporate Secretary effective
April 1992 at WPL Holdings, Inc. and WP&L and Assistant Treasurer effective
April 1992 at WPL Holdings, Inc.
    ROBERT A. RUSCH, 35, was elected Assistant Treasurer effective September
1995. He previously served as Financial Analyst from 1989 to 1995.
    NOTE: None of the executive officers listed above is related to any member
of the Board of Directors or nominee for director.
    Executive officers have no definite terms of office and serve at the
pleasure of the Board of Directors.



The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" the election of all listed 
nominees.  If no specification is given, the proxies will vote FOR the election 
of all listed nominees.  To vote in accordance with the Board of Directors' 
recommendations, just sign on the reverse side without checking any boxes.


   Nominees for term ending in:
   2001                 2000                    1999
   ----                 ----                    ----
   Joyce L. Hanes       Lee Liu                 Alan B. Arends
   Arnold M. Nemirow    Robert W. Schlutz       Robert D. Ray
   Jack R. Newman       Wayne H. Stoppelmoor    Anthony R. Weiler
   Judith D. Pyle
   David Q. Reed

               WITHHOLD        FOR ALL
FOR ALL        FOR ALL        EXCEPT (*)
 / /             / /             / /

(*) To withhold authority to vote for any individual
    strike a line through the nominee's name to the left and
    mark an (X) in the "FOR ALL EXCEPT" box.



The undersigned appoints William D. Harvey and Edward M. Gleason, or either 
of them, attorneys and proxies, with the power of substitution to vote all 
shares of stock of Wisconsin Power and Light Company (the "Company") held of 
record in the name of the undersigned at the close of business on May 6, 
1998, at the 1998 Annual Meeting of Shareowners to be held at the office of 
the Company, 222 West Washington Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin, on June 17, 1998 
at 1:00 p.m. and at all adjournments thereof, upon all matters that properly 
come before the meeting, including the matters described in the Company's 
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareowners dated May 22, 1998 and accompanying 
Proxy Statement, subject to any directions on the reverse side of this card.

Dated:________________________________, 1998



Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.  When signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, trustee, guardian, etc., give full title as such.
In the case of JOINT HOLDERS, all should sign.