This First Amendment to Lease is dated November 5, 1992, between RREEF WEST-VI,
a California Group Trust, successor in interest to Carroll Ridge Park, a
California General Partnership, (Lessor), whose address is 8949-C Complex Drive,
San Diego, CA 92123, and Elgar Electronics Corporation, a California
Corporation, also known as Elgar Corporation, a California Corporation
("Lessee"), whose address is 9250 Brown Deer Road, San Diego, CA 92121 agree as

1.   RECITALS. This amendment to lease is made with reference to the following
facts and objectives:

          a.   Lessor and Lessee entered into a written lease dated February 1,
               1984 (the "Lease"), in which Lessor leased to Lessee, and Lessee 
               leased from Lessor, premises located in the County of San Diego, 
               State of California, commonly known as 9250 Brown Deer Road, San 
               Diego, CA 92121 (the "leased premises"), and further described as
               approximately 87,314 sq. ft. shown on Exhibit A attached hereto 
               and made a part hereof.

          b.   The term of this Lease expires July 31, 1994.

          c.   The parties desire to amend the existing lease and extend the 
               term of the lease as set forth in Section 2 below.

2. EXTENSION OF TERM. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary otherwise stated
in this Lease, the term of the Lease shall be extended for an additional period
of ten (10) years from and after January 1, 1993, so that the term of the Lease
shall extend to and include December 31, 2002.

3. Section 4.1 and 4.2 of the Lease entitled Monthly Rental and Rental
Adjustment, respectively, are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the

4.1  MINIMUM MONTHLLY RENT. Minimum monthly rent for the extended term shall be
as follows:

     Rent for the period 01/01/93-12/31/93 shall be $43,657.00 monthly. 
     Rent for the period 01/01/94-12/31/94 shall be $45,185.00 monthly. 
     Rent for the period 01/01/95-12/31/95 shall be $46,766.00 monthly 
     Rent for the period 01/01/96-12/31/96 shall be $48,403.00 monthly.
     Rent for the period 01/01/97-12/31/97 shall be $50,097.00 monthly. 
     Rent for the period 01/01/98-12/31/98 shall be $51,851.00 Monthly 
     Rent for the period 01/01/99-12/31/99 shall be $53,666.00 monthly. 
     Rent for the period 01/01/2000-12/31/2000 shall be $55,544.00 monthly. 
     Rent for the period 01/01/2001-12/31/2001 shall be $57,488.00 monthly. 
     Rent for the period 01/01/2002-12/31/2002 shall be $59,500.00 monthly.


Fixed monthly rental shall be payable in advance, without prior notice or
demand and without set-off or deduction, in lawful money of the United
States of America and paid on the first) day of each and every calendar
month during the term hereof.

4.   Section 3.2 of the Lease entitled Option to Renew is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:

     3.2. RENEWAL OPTION. Lessee shall, provided the Lease is in full force and
     effect and Lessee is not in default under any of the other terms and
     conditions of the Lease at the time of notification or commencement, have
     one (1) successive option to renew this Lease for a term of five (5) years,
     for the portion of the leased premises being leased by Lessee as of the
     date the renewal term is to commence, on the same terms and conditions set
     forth in the Lease, except as modified by the terms, covenants and
     conditions as set forth below:

               (a) If Lessee elects to exercise said option, then Lessee shall
          provide Lessor with written notice no earlier than the date which is
          360 days prior to the expiration of the then current term of the Lease
          but no later than the date which is 120 days prior to the expiration
          of the current term of the Lease, and the Annual Rent and Monthly
          Installment in effect at the expiration of the then current term of
          the Lease shall he increased, commencing oil the first day of the new
          renewal term, to reflect the adjusted rental rate as calculated below.
          If Lessee falls to provide such notice, Lessee shall have no further
          or additional right to extend or renew the term of the Lease. The
          notice shall be given in the manner provided in the Lease for the
          giving of notices to Lessor.

               (b) The option period rental rate ("Adjusted Rental Rate") shall
          be the first year rental rate of $43,657.00 multiplied times 95* of
          the factor which has as its denominator the CPI Index (Los
          Angeles/Anaheim/ Riverside, All Urban Consumers) ("Index") for
          September, 1992 and has as its numerator the Index for September,
          2002. The Adjusted Rental Rate will be increased three and one-half
          (3.5%) percent per annum in Years 2-5 of the option term. In no event
          shall the Adjusted Rental Rate be less than the rental rate in effect
          at the expiration of the initial lease term.

               (c) This option is not transferable; the parties hereto
          acknowledge and agree that they intend that the aforesaid option to
          renew this Lease shall be "personal" to Lessee as set forth above and
          that in no event will any assignee or sublessee have any rights to
          exercise the aforesaid option to renew.

5.   Section 6.1 of the Lease entitled Use is deleted in its entirety and 
replaced with the following:

     6.1 USE. The leased premises shall be used and occupied only for
     manufacturing, warehousing and distributing electronic parts and for
     related administrative offices or any other use, which is reasonably
     comparable, and for no other purpose. Lessee shall comply


     with all governmental laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to the 
     use of the leased premises and its occupancy and shall promptly comply with
     all governmental orders and direction for the correction, prevention and 
     abatement of any violations in or upon, or in connection with, the leased 
     premises, all at Lessee's sole cost and expense. Lessee shall not use nor 
     permit the use of the leased premises in any manner that will tend to 
     create waste or a nuisance.


     (a)  Lessee agrees that Lessee, its agents and contractors, licensees, or
     invitees shall not handle, use, manufacture, store or dispose of any
     flammables, explosives, radioactive materials, hazardous wastes or
     materials, petroleum products or derivatives (collectively "Hazardous
     Materials") on, under, or about the leased premises, except in compliance
     with all laws relating to any Hazardous Materials so brought or used or
     kept in or about the leased premises. Annually during t1je lease term,
     Lessee shall provide Lessor with a written list of Hazardous Materials used
     in connection with its manufacturing operations on the leased premises.

     (b)  Lessee shall secure and comply with all permits necessary for Lessee's
     operations on the leased premises. Lessee shall give or post all notices
     required by all applicable laws pertaining to Hazardous Materials. If
     Lessee shall at any time fail to comply with this Paragraph, Lessee shall
     promptly notify Lessor in writing of such noncompliance.

     (c) Lessee shall not store Hazardous Materials on the premises for more
     than 90 days unless such storage is in compliance with applicable laws;
     "hazardous waste" has the meaning given it by the Resource Conservation and
     Recovery Act of 1976, as amended. Lessee and Lessor acknowledge there is an
     existing 550-gallon single-walled underground diesel fuel tank, which shall
     be operated in compliance with all applicable laws. Lessee shall not
     install any other underground storage tanks on the leased premises, and any
     above ground storage tanks shall be operated in compliance with law
     including without limitation any double-containment requirements. Lessee
     shall not dispose of any Hazardous Materials on the leased premises. In
     performing any alterations of the leased premises permitted by the Lease,
     Lessee shall not install any Hazardous Material in the leased premises
     without the specific consent of Lessor attached as an exhibit to this Rider
     which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

     (d) Any increase in the premiums for necessary insurance on the Property,
     which arises from Lessee's use, and/or storage of Hazardous Materials shall
     be solely at Lessee's expense. Lessee shall procure and maintain at its
     sole expense such additional insurance as may be necessary to comply with
     any requirement of any Federal, State or local governmental agency with

     (e) If Lessor, in its sole discretion, reasonably believes that the leased
     premises have become contaminated with Hazardous Materials that must be
     removed under the laws of the state where the leased premises are located,
     as a result of a breach by Lessee under the provisions of this Lease,
     Lessor, in addition to its other rights under this Lease, may enter


     upon the leased premises and obtain samples from the leased premises,
     including without limitation the soil and groundwater under the leased
     premises, for the purposes of analyzing the same to determine whether and
     to what extent the leased premises have become so contaminated provided,
     however, that such action shall not unreasonably disrupt the Lessee's
     operations at the premises. If such testing discloses that, there exists
     contamination for which Lessee is liable under the Lease, and if Lessee
     refused Lessor's prior request to conduct such testing, then Lessee shall
     reimburse Lessor for its reasonable costs of such testing. Lessee may not
     perform any sampling, testing, or drilling to locate any Hazardous
     Materials on the leased premises without Lessor's prior written consent
     unless Lessee is required by law, rule or order.

     (f) Without limiting the above, Lessee shall reimburse, defend, indemnify
     and hold Lessor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses,
     liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including without limitation,
     loss of rental income, loss due to business interruption, and attorneys
     fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with the use,
     manufacture, storage, or disposal of Hazardous Materials by Lessee, its
     agents or contractors on, under or about the leased Premises including,
     without limitation, the costs of any required or necessary investigation,
     repair, cleanup or detoxification and the preparation of any closure or
     other required plans in connection herewith, whether voluntary or compelled
     by governmental authority. The indemnity obligation of Lessee under this
     clause shall survive any termination of the Lease. Lessee shall perform any
     required or necessary investigation, repair, cleanup, or detoxification of
     the leased premises. In such case, Lessor shall have the right to approve
     all plans and consultants, provided the Lessor's approval rights shall not
     supersede any government regulations. Lessee shall provide Lessor on a
     timely basis with (I) copies of all documents, reports, and communications
     with governmental authorities; and (ii) notice and an opportunity to attend
     all meetings with regulatory authorities. Lessee shall comply with all
     notice requirements and Lessor and Lessee agree to cooperate with
     governmental authorities seeking access to the leased premises for purposes
     of sampling or inspection. No disturbance of Lessee's use of the leased
     premises resulting from activities conducted pursuant to this Paragraph
     shall constitute an actual or constructive eviction of Lessee from the
     leased premises.

     (g)  Notwithstanding anything set forth in this Lease, Lessee shall only be
     responsible for contamination of Hazardous Materials or any cleanup
     resulting directly therefrom, resulting directly from matters occurring or
     Hazardous Materials deposited by Lessee (or by contractors, invitees,
     agents or representatives of Lessee) during the Lease term, and any other
     period of time during which Lessee is in actual or constructive occupancy
     of the leased premises. Lessee shall take reasonable precautions to prevent
     the contamination of the Premise with Hazardous Materials by third parties.

     (h) It shall not be unreasonable for Lessor to withhold its consent to any
     proposed assignment or sublease if (i) the proposed assignee's or
     sublessee's anticipated use of the leased premises involves the generation,
     storage, use, treatment or disposal of Hazardous Materials; in a materially
     different manner or magnitude as Lessee's (ii) the proposed


     assignee or sublessee has been required by any prior landlord, lender, or
     governmental authority to take remedial action in connection with Hazardous
     Materials contaminating a property if the contamination resulted from such
     assignee's or sublessee's actions or use of the property in question; or
     (iii) the proposed assignee or sublessee is subject to an enforcement order
     issued by any governmental authority in connection with the use, disposal
     or storage of a Hazardous Material; and with respect to clauses (ii) and
     (iii) , that the circumstances giving rise to such requirement of remedial
     action or such enforcement order and Assignee's response thereto reasonably
     and adversely reflect upon Assignee's capacity to conduct its operations on
     the leased premises in a responsible manner so as to reasonably ensure that
     no such remedial action is required or order is issued with respect to
     Assignee's activities on the leased premises, or if such remedial action is
     required or order is issued, that Assignee will respond thereto in a
     responsible manner.

     (i) If any of Lessee's insurance insures against claims of the type dealt
     with in this Rider shall be considered primary coverage for claims against
     the Property arising out of or under this paragraph.

     (j)  In the event of (i) any transfer of Lessee's interest under this
     Lease; or (ii) the termination of this Lease, by lapse of time or
     otherwise, Lessee shall be solely responsible for compliance with any and
     all then effective federal, state or local laws concerning the presence of
     Hazardous Materials in or on the leased premises, Building, or Property
     (for example, the New Jersey Environmental Cleanup Responsibility Act, the
     Illinois Responsible Property Transfer Act, or similar applicable state
     laws), including but not limited to any reporting or filing requirements
     imposed by such laws.

All consents given by Lessor pursuant to this Rider shall be in writing and
shall be attached as amendments to this  Rider 

7.   Section 8.1 of the Lease entitled Liability Insurance is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:

     8.1 LIABILITY INSURANCE. Lessee shall, during the entire term hereof, at
     its sole cost and expense, obtain and keep in full force and effect a
     policy of Combined Single Limit, Bodily Injury and Property Damage
     Insurance with respect to the leased premises, the sidewalks in front of
     the leased premises, and the business operated by Lessee and any subtenants
     of Lessee in the, leased Premises in which the limits of Public liability
     shall be not less than $3,000,000 per occurrence, with an annual aggregate
     of $3,000,000. The policy shall contain cross liability endorsements and
     shall insure performance by Lessee of the indemnity provisions of this
     Section 8. The policy shall name Lessee as insured and Lessor, any person,
     firms or corporations designated by Lessor as an additional insured, and
     shall contain a clause that the insurer will not cancel or change the
     insurance without first giving the Lessor thirty (30) days prior written
     notice. The insurance shall be in an insurance company approved by Lessor,
     with general policy holder's rating of not less than "A" and financial
     ratings of not less than Class X, as rated in the most current available
     Best Rating Guide, and which are qualified to do business in the state of 


     California, and a copy of the policy or a certificate of insurance shall be
     delivered to Lessor. Not more frequently than each five (5) years, if, in
     the reasonable opinion of Lessor, the amount of liability insurance
     required hereunder is inadequate, Lessee shall increase said insurance
     coverage as required by Lessor, but in no event by more than $2,000,000 in
     each five year period. If Lessee installs and uses a boiler 017 the leased
     premises, it shall obtain boiler broad form insurance in a reasonable
     amount in the name of Lessor and Lessee.

8.   Section 8.2 of the Lease entitled Property Insurance is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:

     8.2 PROPERTY INSURANCE. Lessee shall, during the entire term hereof ' at
     its sole cost and expense, obtain and keep in full force and effect a
     policy or policies of insurance covering loss or damage to the leased
     premises, in the amount equal to the actual replacement cost of the
     insurable portion of the leased premises at the time of loss, against all
     perils included within the classification of fire, extended coverage,
     vandalism, malicious mischief, special extended perils (all risk) and
     sprinkler leakage. Said insurance shall be in an insurance company approved
     by Lessor, with general policy holder's rating of not less than "A" and
     financial ratings of not less than Class X, as rated in the most current
     available Best Rating Guide, and which are qualified to do business in the
     state of California, and shall provide for payment of loss thereunder to
     Lessor or to the holder of a first mortgage or deed of trust encumbering
     Lessor's interest in the leased premises or any portion thereof. If Lessee
     shall fail to procure and maintain said insurance, Lessor may, but shall
     not be required to, procure and maintain the same, but at the expense of
     Lessee; bills for above premiums shall be rendered by Lessor to Lessee, and
     shall be due from, and payable by Lessee when rendered, and the amount
     thereof shall be deemed to be, and be paid as, additional rent.

9.   IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LEASED PREMISES. Lessor will undertake the following
improvements to the leased premises:

     (a) Lessor will slurry seal the entire parking lot at the leased premises
     one time and one time only and concurrently will repair one time and one
     time only, as required, in the exercise of Lessor's sole and absolute
     discretion, any portion of the parking lot at the leased premises requiring
     repair, within twenty-four (24) months of execution of this First Amendment
     to Lease upon sixty (60) days written notice from Lessee.

     (b) The carpeting on the ground floor will be removed and replaced with
     similar quality carpet at any time within the next twenty-four (24) months
     upon sixty (60) days written notice from Lessee.

     (c) The office area will be repainted with one (1) coat of building
     standard paint one time during the lease term upon sixty (60) days written
     notice from Lessee.

     (d) Lessee agrees to fully cooperate with Lessor in providing access to the
     leased premises during normal business hours for construction of the agreed
     upon improvements


     at the leased premises. Lessor shall use reasonable efforts not to
     unreasonably interfere with Lessee's business at, the Leased premises while
     constructing the agreed upon improvements at the leased premises. Lessee
     agrees to hold Lessor harmless and indemnify Lessor from any and all claims
     for damages to goods, equipment, personal injury or for inconvenience or
     interruption of Lessee's business arising out of the construction of the
     agreed upon improvements at the leased premises. Lessee agrees to execute
     upon presentment from Lessor a written acknowledgment confirming that all
     of agreed upon improvements to the leased premises have been satisfactorily
     completed by Lessor.

10.  Section 18.1(a) of the Lease is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the

     18.1(a) DEFAULT. The failure by Lessee to make any payment of rent or any
     other payment required to be made by Lessee hereunder, as and when due when
     such failure shall continue for a period of three (3) days after written
     notice thereof from Lessor to Lessee. In the event that Lessor serves
     Lessee with a Notice to Pay Rent or Quit pursuant to applicable Unlawful
     Detainer statutes such Notice to Pay Rent or Quit shall also constitute the
     notice required by this subparagraph.

11.  Section 22.4 of the Lease is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the

     to induce Lessor to enter into this First Amendment to Lease, Lessee agrees
     that it shall promptly furnish Lessor, from time to time, but in no event
     more frequently than twice per calendar year, within twenty (20) days of
     Lessor's written request, with a mid-year report and an annual report,
     which shall be accurate in all material respects, reflecting Lessee's
     current financial condition and, at the election of Lessor, an interim
     report and annual report, which shall be accurate in all material respects,
     of the Guarantor, Dobson Park Industries plc. Lessor agrees to hold said
     financial statements and reports in confidence except that the Lessor
     specifically reserves the right to provide the same to any potential
     purchaser of the leased premises or any potential or then existing lender
     of Lessor.

12.  Section 22.8 of the Lease is deleted in its entirety and replaced by the

     22.8 NOTICES. Except as otherwise required by law, any notice, information,
     request or reply ("Notice" for purposes of this Section 22.8 only) required
     or permitted to be given under the provisions of this Lease shall be in
     writing and shall be given or served either personally or by mail. If given
     or served by mail, such Notice shall be deemed sufficiently given if (a)
     deposited in the United States Mail, Certified, Return Receipt Requested,
     Postage Prepaid; or (b) sent by Federal Express Mail or other similar
     overnight service, provided proof of service is available. Any Notice given
     or served by mail shall be deemed delivered twenty-four (24) hours after
     deposit in the mail. The Notice address for Lessor shall be 8949-c Complex
     Drive, San Diego, California 92.123. The Notice address for the Lessee
     shall be the -leased premises. A copy of all Notices required or permitted
     to be given to Lessor hereunder shall he concurrently transmitted to


     such party or parties at such addresses as Lessor may from time to time
     hereafter designate by written notice to Lessee.

13.  The following paragraph shall be added to the end of Section 15 of the

     15.4 CONTEST OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES. Lessee shall have the right, at its
     own cost and expense, to seek to have reviewed, reduced, equalized or
     abated any real property taxes payable hereunder, but Lessee shall pay
     under protest prior to it becoming delinquent any such real property taxes
     or installments thereof during such time as Lessee is contesting or
     Protesting the same or seeking to have the same reviewed, reduced,
     equalized or abated; provided, however, that Lessee shall take such steps
     as may be required to perfect the contest, including, but without
     limitation, payment of the real property taxes under protest prior to an
     appeal of an adverse determination of the contest. Lessee shall also pay
     any interest and/or penalties which may have accrued on the real property
     taxes contested as well as any other item or real property taxes shown on
     the same tax bill which could not be paid pending the contest. If necessary
     to enable Lessee to prosecute any contest, review or proceedings, Lessor,
     without any obligation to incur "out of pocket" costs or expenses, shall
     join with Lessee and execute any and all documents, applications,
     petitions, instruments or complaints necessary for any such protest,
     contest, review or other proceedings reasonably desired or conducted by
     Lessee. Upon final determination of any such contest, review or proceedings
     (and if the real property taxes have not already been paid under protest by
     Lessee), Lessee shall pay the real property taxes as they are finally
     determined and all penalties, interest, costs and expenses which may
     thereupon be due or have resulted therefrom. Lessee shall indemnify and
     hold Lessor and the property of Lessor, including the leased premises, free
     and harmless from any liability, loss or damage (including reasonable
     attorneys' fees) resulting from any real property taxes, assessments or
     other charges required by this Section to be paid by Lessee and from all
     interest, penalties and other sums imposed thereon from any sales or other
     proceedings to enforce collection of any such real property taxes,
     assessments or other charges. Any refund received by Lessor as a result of
     the Lessee's contest of the 1993 assessed value shall be refunded to Lessee
     upon receipt by Lessor. Subject to all of the terms and conditions herein
     above, Lessee and Lessor agree that Lessee shall contest the real property
     taxes during the calendar year 1993.

14.  Section 22.15 of the Lease entitled Subordination is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:

     Section 24, at Lessor's option, shall be subordinate to any ground lease,
     mortgage, deed of trust, or any other hypothecation for security now or
     hereafter placed upon the real property of which the leased premises are a
     part and to any and all advances made on the security thereof and to all
     renewals, modifications, consolidations, replacements and extensions
     thereof. Notwithstanding such subordination, Lessee's right to quiet
     possession of the leased premises pursuant to this Lease shall not be
     disturbed if Lessee is not in default and so long as Lessee shall pay the
     rent and observe and perform


     all of the provisions of this Lease, unless this Lease is otherwise
     terminated pursuant to its terms. If any mortgagee, trustee or ground
     lessor shall elect to have this Lease prior to the lien of its mortgage,
     deed of trust or ground lease, and shall give written notice thereof to
     Lessee, this Lease shall be deemed prior to such mortgage, deed of trust or
     ground lease, whether this Lease is dated prior or subsequent to the date
     of said mortgage, deed of trust or ground lease or the. date of recording
     thereof. Lessor agrees, upon request by Lessee, to use best efforts to
     obtain a commercially reasonable non-disturbance agreement from any such
     mortgagee beneficiary of a deed of trust or lessor of Lessor. Lessee agrees
     to execute any documents not inconsistent with this Lease required to
     effectuate such subordination or to make this Lease prior to the lien of
     any ground lease, mortgage or written deed of trust, as the case may be,
     within tell (10) days after written demand. Failure of Lessee to execute
     any statements or instruments necessary or desirable to effectuate this
     Section 22.15 with-in ten (10) days after written request by Lessor to do
     so shall constitute a material default under this Lease.

     In the event any Proceedings are brought for foreclosure, or in the event
     of the exercise of the Power of sale under any mortgage or deed of trust
     made by Lessor covering the leased premises, or should the lease in which
     Lessor is the lessee be terminated, Lessee shall attorn to the Purchaser or
     lessor under such lease upon any foreclosure, sale or lease termination and
     recognize the purchaser or lessor as Lessor under this Lease, provided that
     the purchaser or lessor shall acquire and accept the leased premises
     subject to this Lease. Upon failure by Lessee to execute any statements or
     instruments necessary or desirable to effect the foregoing provisions of
     this Section 22.15 within ten (10) days after written request to do so by
     Lessor, in addition to any other rights or remedies of Lessor hereunder,
     Lessee hereby irrevocably appoints Lessor as its attorney-in-fact with the
     full power and authority to execute and deliver in the name of Lessee any
     of the statements or instruments set forth in this Section 22.15.

15.  Section 24 of the Lease entitled Right of First Refusal is deleted in its
entirety and replaced with the following:

     24. RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. Notwithstanding any other provision of the
     Lease to the contrary, Lessee shall have no right to exercise its Right of
     First Refusal, and Lessee's exercise of said Right of First Refusal may be
     nullified by Lessor and deemed of no further force or effect whatsoever, if
     Lessee shall be in default of any monetary obligation or material
     non-monetary obligation under the terms of the Lease (or would be in such
     default under the Lease but for the passage of time or giving of notice, or
     both) as of the date that Lessor first notifies Lessee in writing of the
     price and/or terms on which Lessor will Transfer the leased premises. If
     Lessor desires to exchange, sell, ground lease, option or otherwise
     transfer, excluding encumbrances, ("Transfer") or agree to Transfer all or
     any part of the leased premises, Lessor shall first notify Lessee in
     writing of the price and/or terms on which Lessor will Transfer. If Lessee,
     within fifteen (15) business days after Lessor's notice has been delivered
     indicates in writing its agreement to acquire the leased premises, on the
     terms stated in Lessor's notice, Lessor shall Transfer the leased premises
     to Lessee for the price and/or on the terms stated in Lessors notice,
     except that


     in the event of an exchange, Lessee may elect to pay Lessor the equity
     value of Lessor's leased premises rather than exchange for "like kind"
     property; provided that Lessee will reasonably cooperate with Lessor in any
     exchange if it is at no added cost or expense to Lessee. If Lessee does not
     indicate its agreement in writing within said fifteen (15) business days;
     Lessor shall have the right to Transfer the leased premises to any
     purchaser, tenant or on the same terms as stated in the notice. In the
     event of a proposed Transfer of the leased premises, if Lessor does not
     enter into a binding contract and escrow to Transfer within six (6) months
     from the date Lessor's notice is delivered to Lessee, or in any event, if
     Lessor does not actually Transfer the leased premises within nine (9)
     months after Lessor's notice is delivered to Lessee, any further
     transaction shall be deemed a new determination by Lessor to Transfer the
     leased premises and the Provisions of this right of first refusal shall be
     applicable. If Lessor receives an offer with respect to a Transfer of the
     leased premises with-in said six (6) month period which is on price or
     financial terms different from those set forth in Lessor's notice to
     Lessee, before accepting such offer, Lessor shall first notify Lessee in
     writing of the terms of the offer. If Lessee, within fifteen (15) business
     days after Lessor's notice of such different terms has been delivered,
     indicates in writing its agreement to accept the transfer of the leased
     premises, Lessor shall Transfer the leased premises to Lessee for the price
     and on the terms stated in the notice. If Lessee does not indicate its
     agreement within said fifteen (15) business days, Lessor shall have the
     r1qht to Transfer the leased premises to the Purchaser on the terms of the
     notice Provided such Transfer is completed within the nine (9) month period
     mentioned above.

     This Right of First Refusal is not transferable; the parties hereto
     acknowledge and agree that they intend that the aforesaid Right of First
     Refusal to purchase the leased premises shall be "Personal" to Lessee as
     set forth above and that in no event will any assignee or sublessee have
     any rights to exercise the aforesaid Right of First Refusal.

16.  The following shall be added to the end of Section 9 of the Lease:

     9. ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to
     the contrary, all manufacturing equipment and trade fixtures installed by
     Lessee shall become the property of Lessee upon expiration of or sooner
     termination of this Lease.

17.  Section 12 of the Lease entitled Surrender upon Termination is deleted in
its entirety and replaced with the following:

     12. SURRENDER UPON TERMINATION. On the last day of the term hereof, or on
     any sooner termination, Lessee shall surrender the leased premises to
     Lessor in the same condition as when received, ordinary wear and tear
     excepted, clean and free of debris. Lessee shall repair any damage to the
     leased premises occasioned by the installation or removal of Lessee's trade
     fixtures, furnishings and equipment. Notwithstanding anything to the
     contrary otherwise stated in this Lease, Lessee shall leave the air lines,
     power panels, electrical distribution systems, lighting fixtures, space
     heaters, air conditioning, plumbing and fencing on the leased premises in
     good operating condition, given the age


     of the improvements.

18.  BROKER'S FEE. Upon execution of this First Amendment to Lease by both
parties and upon execution of the Continuing Lease Guaranty by Dobson Park
Industries, p1c, Lessor shall pay to Sande/Hanchett, Inc., a California
Corporation a commission equal to four percent (4%) of the total lease
consideration for the first five (5) years of the extended term and two percent
(2%) of the total lease consideration for the second five (5) years of the
extended term and pay to CB Commercial, licensed real estate broker(s), a fee
set forth in a separate agreement between Lessor and said broker(s) for
brokerage services rendered by said broker(s) to Lessor in this transaction.

19.  EFFECTIVENESS OF LEASE. Except as set forth in this First Amendment to
Lease, all the provisions of the Lease shall remain unchanged and in full force
and effect.

20.  Section 8.4 of the Lease entitled Indemnification of Lessor is deleted in
its entirety and replaced with the following:

     8.4 INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION. Lessor shall not be liable and Lessee hereby
     waives all claims against Lessor for any damage to any property or any
     injury to any person in or about the leased premises by or from any cause
     whatsoever, (including without limiting the foregoing, rain or water
     leakage of any character from the roof, windows, walls, basement, pipes,
     plumbing works or appliances, the leased premises not being in good
     condition or repair, gas, fire, oil, electricity or theft); except that
     Lessor will indemnify and hold Lessee harmless from such claims to the
     extent caused by the negligent or willful] act of Lessor, or its agents,
     employees or contractors. Lessee shall defend, indemnify, and save Lessor
     harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, lawsuits, damages,
     liability, and expense, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees
     arising from: (a) the act, neglect, fault, or omission to meet the
     standards imposed by any duty with respect to the loss, damage, or injury
     by Lessee, its agents, servants, employees, contractors, customers or
     invitees; (b) the conduct or management of any work or thing whatsoever
     done by the Lessee in or about the leased premises or from transactions of
     the, Lessee concerning the leased premises; (c) Lessee's failure to comply
     with any and ail government laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to
     the use of all the leased premises and its occupancy; or (d) any breach or
     default on the part of the Lessee -in the performance of any covenant or
     agreement on the part of the Lessee to be performed pursuant to the Lease.
     The provisions of this Section shall survive the, termination of this Lease
     with respect to any claims or liability occurring prior to such

21.  LIMITATION OF LESSOR'S LIABILITY. Notwithstanding any other provision of
the Lease to the contrary, redress for any claims against Lessor under this
Lease shall only be made against Lessor's interest in the property to which the
leased premises are a part. The obligations of Lessor under this Lease shall not
be personally binding on, nor shall any resort be had to the private properties
of, any of its trustees or board of directors and officers, as the case may be,
the general partners thereof or any beneficiaries, stockholders, employees or
agents of Lessor, or the


investment manager.

22.  CORPORATE AUTHORITY. If Lessee is a corporation, Lessee represents and
warrants that this First Amendment to Lease and the undersigned's execution of
this First Amendment to Lease has been duly authorized and approved by the
corporation's Board of Directors. The undersigned officers and representatives
of the corporation executing this First Amendment to Lease on behalf of the
corporation represent and warrant that they are officers of the corporation with
authority to execute this First Amendment to Lease on behalf of the Corporation.

LESSOR:                                    LESSEE:

A California Group Trust                   A California Corporation, also
                                           known as Elgar Corporation,
BY:  RREEF Management Company,
      a California Corporation             BY:/s/Christopher W. Kelford
BY:/s/ Geolf Biehl                            Christopher W. Kelford, Treasurer
   Geolf Biehl, District Manager           Date:  November 6, 1992

Date:  December 7, 1992              
                                           By:/s/Kenneth Kilpatrick
By:/s/Douglas Mejia                           Kenneth Kilpatrick, President
   Douglas Mejia, Vice President,          Date:  November 6, 1992
   Director of Properties

Date:  December 8, 1992

By:/s/Michael D. Roos
   Michael D. Roos, Vice President,
   Portfolio Manager

Date:  December 15, 1992
