EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT is made as of April 1, 1998, between EARTHLINK 
NETWORK, INC., a Delaware corporation and CHARLES G. BETTY (referred to 
herein as "You") and constitutes an amendment and restatement of that certain 
Employment Agreement between the Company and You dated January 15, 1996.

     WHEREAS, the Company is engaged in the business of developing, 
manufacturing, marketing and distributing Internet connectivity products and 
services; and

     WHEREAS, the Company has determined that in view of Your knowledge, 
expertise and experience in the computer and information services industries, 
Your services as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company 
have been and will be of great value to the Company, and accordingly, the 
Company desires to enter into this Agreement with You on the terms set forth 
herein in order to secure such services; and

     WHEREAS, You desire to serve as the President and Chief Executive 
Officer of the Company on the terms set forth herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of Your employment by the 
Company, the above premises and the mutual agreements hereinafter set forth, 
You and the Company agree as follows: 

     1.   DEFINITIONS.

          (a)  "Cause" shall mean (i) Your commission of any act of fraud or 
     dishonesty relating to and adversely affecting the business affairs of 
     the Company; (ii) Your conviction of any felony in connection with Your 
     employment by the Company; or (iii) Your habitual failure after written 
     notice specifying such failure and a reasonable opportunity to cure such 
     failure to perform Your duties hereunder responsibly.

          (b)  "Change in Control Event" shall mean any of the following 
     events: (a) the execution of an agreement for the sale of all, or a 
     material portion, of the assets of the Company, (b) the execution of an 
     agreement for a merger or recapitalization of the Company, or merger or 
     recapitalization whereby the Company is not the surviving entity; (c) 
     the acquisition, directly or indirectly, of the beneficial ownership of 
     25% or more of the outstanding voting securities of the Company by any 
     "person" (within the meaning of that term as it is used in Section 13(d) 
     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules 
     promulgated thereunder); (d) the failure of the current members of the 
     Company's Board of Directors (the "Board") to constitute a majority of 
     the Board; or (e) a change of control of the Company as determined by 
     the Board of Directors in its sole discretion. Notwithstanding the 
     foregoing, none of Sprint Transactions shall be deemed a "Change in 
     Control Event".

          (c)  "Company" shall mean Earthlink Network, Inc. on the date of 
     this Agreement and until the effective date of the closing of the Sprint 
     Transactions and the surviving corporate entity resulting from the 
     Sprint Transactions with its common stock listed and traded on NASDAQ 
     after the effective date of the closing of the Sprint Transactions.

          (d)  "Sprint Transactions" shall mean the transactions effected 
     pursuant to that certain Investment Agreement, dated as of February 10, 
     1998, among Sprint Corporation, a Kansas corporation, Sprint 
     Communications Company, LP, a Delaware limited partnership, EarthLink 
     Network, Inc., Dolphin, Inc., a Delaware corporation and Dolphin Sub, a 
     Delaware corporation (the "Investment Agreement").

          (e)  "Total Disability" shall mean Your inability, through physical 
     or mental illness or accident, to perform the majority of Your usual 
     duties and responsibilities hereunder (as such duties are constituted on 
     the date of the commencement of such disability) in the manner and to 
     the extent required under this Agreement for a period of at least three 
     hundred sixty-five (365) consecutive days.  Total Disability shall be 
     deemed to have occurred on the first day following the expiration of 
     such three hundred sixty-five (365) day period.


          (a)  The Company agrees to employ You as President and Chief 
     Executive Officer of the Company with the duties and responsibilities 
     generally associated with such positions and such other reasonable 
     additional responsibilities and positions as may be added to Your duties 
     from time to time by the Board of Directors consistent with Your 

          (b)  During Your employment hereunder, You shall (i) diligently 
     follow and implement all management policies and decisions communicated 
     to You by the Board of Directors; and (ii) timely prepare and forward to 
     the Board of Directors all reports and accountings as may be requested 
     of You.

          (c)  Your duties and responsibilities hereunder shall be modified 
     and/or excused during reasonable periods of absence due to Your health 
     or disability or vacation, as provided herein.

     3.   TERM.  The term hereof shall commence on the date of this Agreement 
and shall continue for a period of three (3) years and shall be automatically 
extended from year-to-year thereafter unless terminated in accordance with 
Section 6 hereof (the "Term").


          (a)  (1)  You shall be paid a base salary of not less than Three 
          Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) per year (the "Base Salary").  
          The Base Salary shall accrue and be due and payable in equal, or as 
          nearly equal as practicable, 


          semi-monthly installments and the Company may deduct from each such 
          installment all amounts required to be deducted and withheld in 
          accordance with applicable federal and state income, FICA and other 
          withholding tax requirements.

               (2)  The Base Salary shall be reviewed by the Board of 
          Directors at the end of each year of the Term and may be increased 
          from time to time and at any time by the Board of Directors, but 
          shall in no event be reduced or decreased below the highest level 
          attained at any time by You.

               (3)  If the Term shall begin on other than the first business 
          day of a calendar month and if the Term hereof shall terminate on 
          other than the last day of a calendar month, Your compensation for 
          such month shall be prorated according to the number of days during 
          such month that occur within the Term.

          (b)  You shall be entitled to receive an annual bonus in the amount 
     equal to fifty percent (50%) of your Base Salary if the bonus criteria 
     for such annual period are satisfied (the "Bonus Payment").  The Bonus 
     Payment shall be determined on a Company fiscal year basis commencing 
     January 1, 1998.  Bonus Payment criteria for each year of the Term shall 
     be based upon good faith negotiations between You and the Board of 
     Directors.  All Bonus Payments shall paid to You upon the earlier to 
     occur of (i) the last day of February in the year following the year for 
     which such Bonus Payment is computed, or (ii) within five (5) days after 
     a meeting of the Board of Directors considering and taking action with 
     regard to the Bonus Payment, held in the year following the year for 
     which such Bonus Payment is computed.

          (c)  While You are performing the services described in herein, the 
     Company shall, upon Your request, reimburse You for all reasonable and 
     necessary expenses incurred by You in connection with the performance of 
     Your duties of employment hereunder.

          (d)  If the Company now maintains or, while You are rendering 
     services to the Company, establishes an incentive or other compensation 
     plan (however described or denominated) for the corporate, operating or 
     executive officers or other management of the Company, or if the Company 
     now maintains or, while You are rendering services to the Company, 
     establishes any benefit program(s) (however described or denominated) 
     for corporate, operating or executive officers or other management 
     employees of the Company, You shall be eligible to fully participate in 
     each such plan or benefit program.

          (e)  During the Term and any Severance Period, the Company shall 
     provide health, medical, disability and term life insurance to You and 
     your family in accordance with any group plan which it now maintains or 
     which may hereafter be established by the Company.  If the Company does 
     not maintain any group plan providing all of the coverages described 
     above for which You and your family are eligible, the Company shall 
     reimburse You, upon request, for Your insurance policy payments for any 
     such coverages under policies held by You on April 1, 1998 (and under 
     any replacement 


     policies).  In any event, the Company shall reimburse You, upon request, 
     for Your term life insurance policy payments under a policy with a death 
     benefit of $1,000,000 held by You (and under any replacement policies) 
     until the Company shall provide to You a policy or policies with 
     coverages and benefits that are the same as or substantially similar to 
     the coverages and benefits under such term life insurance policy.  The 
     $1,000,000 term life insurance coverages and payments described in this 
     Section 4(e) shall be in addition to the life insurance coverages 
     provided to executive officers of the Company generally.

          (f)  You shall receive not less than four (4) weeks paid vacation 
     during each twelve (12) month period of Your employment.  Such vacation 
     period may be increased from time to time and at any time by the Board 
     of Directors but shall in no event be shortened to less than the longest 
     period attained by You at any time during Your employment.

          (g)  During each year of Your employment, the Company will pay the 
     full amount of Your and your family's personal travel costs and expenses 
     incurred by You and Your family in traveling to and from Atlanta, 
     Georgia, up to a maximum amount of Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars 
     ($24,000) per year, such amount to be paid to You immediately upon Your 

          (h)  During Your employment, should You elect to move Your 
     residence to California, the Company shall reimburse You for reasonable 
     moving expenses and associated costs plus an amount equal to all taxes 
     which will be incurred by You in connection with such payment, such 
     amounts to be paid to You immediately upon Your request.

     5.   STOCK OPTIONS.

          (a)  Pursuant to a Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement dated 
     February 19, 1998 (the "Option Agreement"), You have been granted 
     options to purchase 150,000 shares of the common stock of the Company at 
     $44.75 per share (the "Option Shares") under the Earthlink Network, Inc. 
     1995 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan").  Upon your exercise of these 
     options in accordance with the Plan and Option Agreement, the Company 
     will pay to you $24.75 with respect to each share of the Option Shares 
     purchased by You.  This provision is intended to provide to You 
     additional compensation for your services tied to your purchase of the 
     Option Shares.  The $24.75 amount payable to You with respect to your 
     purchase of each Option Share is subject to equitable and proportional 
     adjustment in accordance with the adjustment and exchange mechanisms in 
     the Plan with respect to the exchange, number and pricing of the Option 

          (b)  Your options to purchase voting common stock of the Company 
     described in Section 5(a) of this Agreement and as granted by the 
     Company to You from time to time prior to and after the date of this 
     Agreement are hereinafter collectively called the "Stock Options."  In 
     the event a Change in Control Event occurs or the Company terminates 
     Your employment for other than "Cause" or You terminate Your employment 
     for reasons of a breach by the Company of this Agreement, all unvested 
     Stock Options 


     (including the options for the Option Shares) shall immediately vest and 
     be fully exercisable by You.  You shall be given the maximum period 
     permitted under the Company's stock option plans to exercise Your Stock 
     Options after termination of Your employment with the Company.

          (c)  You hereby acknowledge that the Stock Options and the Option 
     Shares are and will be acquired by You for investment purposes with no 
     view to the sale or public distribution thereof.  You further represent 
     and warrant to the Company that You are aware that the Company is 
     relying upon Your investment intent expressed hereinabove, and is 
     issuing the Stock Options and the Option Shares pursuant to an exemption 
     from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as 
     amended ("1933 Act") under Section 4(2) thereof as transactions "not 
     involving any public offering."  You agree that the transfer of the 
     Stock Options and the Option Shares to be issued may be restricted, that 
     a legend in form satisfactory to the Company may be placed on any 
     certificate representing any of the Stock Options and the Option Shares, 
     that stop-transfer orders may be placed against the transfer of any of 
     the Stock Options nor the Option Shares and that neither the Stock 
     Options nor the Option Shares will be and may not be sold or transferred 
     by You unless You shall satisfy the Company with such documentation as 
     the Company in its absolute discretion may request [which may include an 
     opinion of Your counsel acceptable to the Company] that such transfer is 
     in full compliance with the provisions of the 1933 Act, and the Rules and
     Regulations promulgated thereunder, and that such transfer will not 
     constitute or imply any violation of the 1933 Act, or any of the Rules and 
     Regulations promulgated thereunder by either the Company or You.

          (d)  If at any time or times after the date hereof, the Company 
     shall determine or be required to register any shares of its capital 
     stock or securities convertible into capital stock under the Securities 
     Act of 1933 whether in connection with a public offering of securities 
     by the Company (a "primary offering"), a public offering of securities 
     by shareholders of the Company (a "secondary offering") or both, the 
     Company will promptly give You written notice thereof.  If within 30 
     days after Your receipt of such notice You request the inclusion of some 
     or all of Your Option Shares or other shares acquired by You pursuant to 
     the Stock Options or otherwise (the "Registrable Securities"), the 
     Company will use its best efforts to effect the registration under the 
     Securities Act of all Registrable Securities which You have requested be 
     registered.  The Company shall pay all costs and expenses associated 
     with the registration of Your Registrable Securities including 
     reasonable fees of legal counsel.  In connection with any registration 
     statement in which You are participating, You agree to furnish the 
     Company with the personal information, opinion letter, indemnifications 
     and other items and materials necessary and/or proper (and that are 
     customarily and generally requested of parties with similar registration 
     rights) in connection with a registration of securities under the 
     Securities Act of 1933.  The manner and content of any such registration 
     statement and of any underwriting or other agreements related thereto, 
     shall be entirely in the control and discretion of the Company.  You 
     agree to cooperate with the Company in the preparation and filing of any 
     registration statement prepared and filed and shall make 


     the customary agreements, representations, warranties and indemnifications 
     to the underwriters and/or the Company with respect to any Registerable 
     Shares included therein.

     6.   TERMINATION.

          (a)  Your employment may be terminated only as follows:

               (1)  For Cause immediately by the Company; or

               (2)  At Your option because of a breach of this Agreement by 
          the Company which is not cured within ten (10) days after written 
          notice of such breach is delivered to the Company; or

               (3)  At Your option upon thirty (30) days prior written notice 
          of termination delivered by You to the Company; or

               (4)  For any reason by the Company upon three (3) months prior 
          written notice of termination delivered to You, except during a 
          period of Your disability that may qualify as the period for 
          qualification for Your termination due to Your Total Disability as 
          set forth in Section 6(a)(6); or

               (5)  By the Company upon Your death; or

               (6)  By the Company because of Your Total Disability upon 
          thirty (30) days prior written notice of termination delivered to 

          (b)  If the Company terminates Your employment for other than 
     "Cause" or the Company shall elect not to extend the Term at the end of 
     the first three (3) years or any yearly extension of the Term or You 
     terminate Your employment for reasons of a breach by the Company of this 

               (1)  You shall continue to be paid the Base Salary in 
          accordance with the payment terms of Section 4(a) for a period of 
          one (1) year from the effective date of such termination (the 
          "Severance Period");

               (2)  You shall receive all earned but unpaid Bonus Payments as 
          well as the Bonus Payments based on the portion of the year that 
          You were employed by the Company in the year in which You were 
          terminated; and

               (3)  The health, medical, life and disability coverages 
          afforded to You and your family by the Company (or payments in lieu 
          thereof) as set forth in Section 4(e) shall be continued for the 
          Severance Period.

          (c)  In the event that Your employment is terminated by the Company 
     due to Your death:


               (1)  Your estate shall continue to be paid the Base Salary for 
          a period of one (1) year from the date of your death;

               (2)  Your estate shall receive all earned but unpaid Bonus 
          Payments as well as all Bonus Payments based on the year in which 
          You died which You would have otherwise received but for the 
          occasion of your death; and

               (3)  Your family will continue to receive the health, medical, 
          life and disability coverages afforded to them by the Company (or 
          payments in lieu thereof) as set forth in Section 4(e) for a period 
          of eighteen (18) months after Your death.

          (d)  In the event that Your employment is terminated by the Company 
     for Cause or You for reasons other than a breach of this Agreement by 
     the Company, the Company will have no obligations to pay You any amount 
     beyond the effective date of such termination whether as Base Salary, 
     Bonus Payment or otherwise or to provide You with any benefits arising 
     hereunder or otherwise except as required by law.

     7.   CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  You acknowledge that the nature of Your 
engagement by the Company is such that You shall have access to information 
of a confidential and/or trade secret nature which has great value to the 
Company and which constitutes a substantial basis and foundation upon which 
the business of the Company is based.  Such information includes financial, 
manufacturing and marketing data, plans and methods, computer software 
program technology, i.e., process, formulas, research or development and test 
results, functional or technical specifications for creating or writing code 
or for enhancing debugging or otherwise writing or modifying code relating to 
software developed by the Company, techniques, processes, formulas, 
developmental or experimental work, work in process, methods, trade secrets 
(including, without limitation, customer lists and lists of customer 
sources), and any other information relating to the products, services, 
customers, sales or business affairs of the Company, which has value and is 
treated as secret and/or confidential by the Company (the "Confidential 
Information").  The Company has and will also have access to Confidential 
Information of its clients ("Clients" means any persons for whom the Company 
performs services or from whom the Company or You obtains information). 
Confidential Information includes not only information disclosed by the 
Company or its clients to You in the course of Your employment, but also 
information developed or learned by You during the course of Your employment 
with the Company. Confidential Information is to be broadly defined.  
Confidential Information includes all information that has or could have 
commercial value or other utility in the business in which the Company or 
Clients are engaged or in which they contemplate engaging.  Confidential 
Information also includes all information of which the unauthorized 
disclosure could be detrimental to the interests of the Company or clients, 
whether or not such information is identified as Confidential Information by 
the Company or Clients.  You agree to keep all such Confidential Information 
in confidence during the term of this Agreement and at any time thereafter 
and shall not use, disclose, publish or otherwise disseminate any of such 
Confidential Information to any other person, except to the extent such 
disclosure is (i) necessary to the performance of this Agreement and in 
furtherance of the Company's best interests, 


(ii) required by applicable law, (iii) lawfully obtainable from other 
sources, (iv) authorized in writing by the Company, (v) no longer qualifies 
as a trade secret or confidential information under applicable law, or (vi) 
necessary to enforce this Agreement.  Upon termination of Your employment 
with the Company, You shall deliver to the Company all documents, records, 
notebooks, work papers, and all similar material containing Confidential 
Information, whether prepared by You, the Company or anyone else.

     8.   INVENTIONS AND PATENTS.  Except as may be limited by Section 2870 
of the California Labor Code, all inventions, designs, improvements, patents, 
copyrights and discoveries conceived by You during the term of this Agreement 
which are useful in or directly or indirectly relate to the business of the 
Company or to any experimental work carried on by the Company, shall be the 
property of the Company. You agree to promptly and fully disclose to the 
Company all such inventions, designs, improvements, patents, copyrights and 
discoveries (whether developed individually or with other persons) and at the 
Company's expense, to take all steps necessary and reasonably required to 
assure the Company's ownership thereof and to assist the Company in 
protecting or defending the Company's proprietary rights therein.

     You acknowledge hereby receipt of written notice from the Company that 
this Agreement (to the extent it requires an assignment or offer to assign 
rights to any invention of Yours) does not apply fully to an invention which 
qualifies fully under California Labor Code Section 2870.

     9.   NON-COMPETITION.  In order to protect the Confidential Information, 
You agree that during the term of Your employment, and for a period of one 
(1) year thereafter, You will not, directly or indirectly, whether as an 
owner, partner, shareholder, agent, employee, creditor, or otherwise, 
promote, participate or engage in any activity or other business competitive 
with the Company's business in California if such activity or other business 
involves any use by You of any of the Confidential Information.

     10.  NON-SOLICITATION OF CUSTOMERS.  You agree that for a period of one 
(1) year after the termination of Your employment with the Company, You will 
not, on Your own behalf or on behalf of an other individual, association or 
entity, call on any of the customers of the Company for the purpose of 
soliciting or inducing any of such customers to acquire (or providing to any 
of such customers) any product or service provided by the Company, nor will 
You in any way, directly or indirectly, as agent or otherwise, in any other 
manner solicit, influence or encourage such customers to take away or to 
divert or direct their business away from the Company to You or to any other 
person or entity by or with which You are employed, associated, affiliated or 
otherwise related.

     11.  NONINTERFERENCE WITH EMPLOYEES.  In order to protect the 
Confidential Information, You agree that during the term hereof and for a 
period of one (1) year thereafter, You will not, directly or indirectly, 
induce or entice or hire any employee of the Company with access to or 
possession of Confidential Information, to leave such employment or cause 
anyone else to leave such employment.

     12.  EXTENSION OF PERIODS.  In the event that Your employment with the 
Company is terminated for any reason other than by You based on a breach of 
this Agreement by the 


Company, the Company may extend the one (1) year periods described in 
Sections 9, 10 and 11 on a month-to-month basis for a period of up to an 
additional one (1) year period, upon payment to You of an amount equal to one 
twelfth (1/12) of Your Base Salary per month on the last day of each such 
month.  The Company shall give You notice of the duration of such extension, 
if any, within seven (7) days of the termination of Your employment by the 

     13.  REMEDIES.  The parties hereto agree that the services to be 
rendered by You pursuant to this Agreement, and the rights and privileges 
granted to the Company pursuant to this Agreement, are of a special, unique, 
extraordinary and intellectual character, which gives them a peculiar value, 
the loss of which cannot be reasonably or adequately compensated in damages 
in any action at law, and that a breach by You of any of the terms of this 
Agreement will cause the Company great and irreparable injury and damage.  
You hereby expressly agree that the Company shall be entitled to the remedies 
of injunction, specific performance and other equitable relief to prevent a 
breach of this Agreement by You.  This Section 13 shall not be construed as a 
waiver of any other rights or remedies which the Company may have for damages 
or otherwise.

     14.  SEVERABILITY.  In case any one or more of the provisions of this 
Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or 
unenforceable in any respect, the same shall not affect any other provision 
of this Agreement, but this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid 
or illegal or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.

     15.  ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the 
hereunder may not be assigned by either party hereto without the prior 
written consent of the other party hereto.

     16.  NOTICES.  Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, any 
notice required or permitted to be given to You pursuant to this Agreement 
shall be given in writing, and personally delivered or mailed to You by 
certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address set forth below Your 
signature on this Agreement or at such other address as You shall designate 
by written notice to the Company given in accordance with this Section 16, 
and any notice required or permitted to be given to the Company shall be 
given in writing, and personally delivered or mailed to the Company by 
certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the Company at the 
address set forth under the signature of the Chief Executive Officer of the 
Company or his designee on this Agreement or at such other address as the 
Company shall designate by written notice to You given in accordance with 
this Section 16.  Any notice complying with this Section 16 shall be deemed 
received upon actual receipt by the addressee. 

     17.  WAIVER.  The waiver by either party hereto of any breach of this 
Agreement by the other party hereto shall not be effective unless in writing, 
and no such waiver shall operate or be construed as the waiver of the same or 
another breach on a subsequent occasion. 

     18.  GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement and the rights of the parties 
hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of 
the State of California.


     19.  BENEFICIARY.  All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement 
shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the 
parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs, executors, 
administrators and permitted assigns.

     20.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement embodies the entire agreement of 
the parties hereto relating to Your employment by the Company in the capacity 
herein stated and, except as specifically provided herein, no provisions of 
any employee manual, personnel policies, Company directives or other 
agreement or document shall be deemed to modify the terms of this Agreement.  
No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or binding upon 
You or the Company unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto.  
All prior understandings and agreements relating to You employment by the 
Company, in whatever capacity, are hereby expressly terminated.

     21.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  The terms, conditions and existence of this 
Agreement shall be confidential.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, You and the Company have executed and delivered this 
Agreement as of the date first shown above. 

   YOU:                                     THE COMPANY:                       
   CHARLES G. BETTY                         EARTHLINK NETWORK, INC.             
   /s/ CHARLES G. BETTY                     By: /s/ SKY DAYTON                  
   Address:  3100 New York Drive            Printed Name:  Sky Dayton
             --------------------------                  -----------------------
                                            Title:  Chairman
             Pasadena, California 91107           ------------------------------
                                            Address:  3100 New York Drive, 
                                                      Suite 201
                                                      Pasadena, California 91107
