Employment Agreement

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

      This Employment Agreement ("Agreement"), is made and entered into by and
between Aladdin Gaming LLC ("Company"), Aladdin Holdings, LLC, ("Aladdin
Holdings") and Cornelius T. Klerk ("Executive").

      WHEREAS, the Company considers it important and in its best interest and
the best interest of its owners to foster the employment of key management
personnel and desires to retain the services of Executive on the terms and
subject to the conditions in this Agreement;

      WHEREAS, the Executive desires to accept employment by the Company to
render services to the Company on the terms and subject to the conditions in
this Agreement;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the following mutual
covenants and agreements, the parties agree as follows:

      1. Employment. The Company hereby employs Executive as Senior Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer of the Aladdin Hotel and Casino and
Executive hereby accepts such employment with the Company for the compensation
and on the terms and subject to the conditions in this Agreement.

      2. Term.

            a. On-Call Period. Beginning July 1, 1997, Company will employ
      Executive in a consulting/on call capacity, which will not interfere with
      Executive's duties and commitments elsewhere and with others. During this
      on call period, the Company will pay Executive as his sole compensation
      five-hundred ($500.00) dollars per month and Executive will be reasonably
      available to confer with the Company on matters related to Executive's
      duties under Section 3 hereof.

            b. Full-Time Period. Following the On-Call Period, the full term of
      the Executive's employment under this Agreement ("Term") shall commence on
      July 14, 1997 ("Commencement Date") and shall continue for four (4) years,
      to and including July 13, 2001, unless earlier terminated as provided in
      this Agreement. (The date of any termination of this Agreement as provided
      herein is the "Termination Date".)


      3. Duties and Responsibilities. During the Term, Executive will serve as
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the Aladdin Hotel and
Casino and will have such authority, responsibilities and duties as are
customarily associated with this position. At all times Executive shall
faithfully and to the best of his abilities perform his duties and
responsibilities hereunder to the reasonable satisfaction of the Board of
Directors. In addition, Executive shall devote his full time, efforts and
attention to the business and affairs of the Company, use his best efforts to
further the interest of the Company and at all times conduct himself in a manner
which reflects credit upon the Company.

      4. Compensation.

            a. Salary. For his services hereunder, the Company shall pay
      Executive a base salary ("Base Salary") of $200,000.00 for each
      consecutive 12-month period during the Term beginning with the
      Commencement Date. (Each such consecutive 12-month period is an
      "Employment Year"). Executive's Base Salary will be prorated for any
      partial Employment Year. The Board of Directors will consider increases in
      the Base Salary no less frequently than annually, commencing at the end of
      the first Employment Year hereunder and will be based upon criteria
      determined by the Board of Directors and applicable to other members of
      the executive management group. Any such increases, however, shall be in
      the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, but there shall be no
      reduction in Base Salary during the Term. The Base Salary shall be payable
      in equal periodic installments subject to customary deductions for social
      security, other taxes and amounts customarily withheld from salaries of
      employees of the Company, all in accordance with the Company's usual and
      customary payroll practices.

            b. Annual Bonus. From and after the Operational Date as defined in
      Section 4(f)(1)(i) hereof, Executive is eligible to receive from the
      Company an annual cash bonus, provided Executive is employed by the
      Company on the date the Board of Directors grants the bonus. The bonus
      will be based on relevant criteria or performance standards as determined
      by the Board of Directors in a bonus plan which will be competitive with
      industry standards.

            c. Benefits. During the Term, Executive shall be entitled to receive
      from the Company such health, pension, retirement and other employee
      benefits as the Company provides to other members of the executive
      management group. During the Term, the Company at its expense will provide
      Executive with term life insurance in the amount of Executive's annual
      Base Salary. During the Term, the Company at its expense will provide
      Executive with long-term disability coverage


      under a group long-term disability plan the Company provides other members
      of the executive management group.

            d. Vacation. Executive shall be entitled to two (2) weeks paid
      vacation for each Employment Year, prorated for any partial Employment
      Year. The Board of Directors in its discretion may increase Executive's
      vacation entitlement. The timing and duration of specific vacations will
      take into account the business needs of the Company and will be mutually
      agreed to by the parties. In the event any such vacation is not used by
      Executive in any Employment Year, the Executive has a right to accumulate
      and carry forward such number of unused vacation days from year to year as
      may be consistent with the Company's policy therefor for other members of
      the executive management group, in effect from time to time. Upon
      termination of employment, all unused vacation time shall be paid to

            e. Reimbursement of Expenses. The Company shall pay all reasonable
      expenses incurred by Executive in the performance of his duties and
      responsibilities for the Company. Executive shall submit to the Company
      statements and documentation reflecting such expenses so incurred, with
      such detail, backup and confirmation as the Company may reasonably
      require. Subject to any audit the Company deems necessary, the Company
      shall promptly reimburse Executive the full amount of any such expenses
      incurred by Executive.

            f. Right to Purchase LLC Membership Interest. On the date the
      On-Call Period commences, Executive has the right to purchase a membership
      interest equal to seventy-five hundredths (0.75%) percent of the total
      membership interests of the Company for a total purchase price of $450.00,
      which amount equals 100% of the fair market value of Executive's
      membership interest on the date of purchase (the "Restricted Membership

            (1)   During the Term, the Restricted Membership Interest vests as

                        (i) 25% of the Restricted Membership Interest on the
                  date that the Company opens and begins operating the newly
                  renovated and expanded Aladdin Hotel & Casino (the
                  "Operational Date") and Executive executes and agrees to be
                  bound by the Company's Operating Agreement; and


                        (ii)  25% of the Restricted Membership Interest on each
                  succeeding annual anniversary of the Operational Date to the
                  Termination Date;

            (2)   Upon expiration of the four-year term of this Agreement
                  (provided Executive was employed by the Company at such
                  expiration), any unvested Restricted Membership Interest vests
                  only as follows:

                        (i) if the Company does not continue to employ Executive
                  for reason(s) not constituting Cause as defined in Section
                  5(d)(1-4) hereof or if the Executive does not continue his
                  employment at the request of the Company for reason(s)
                  constituting Good Reason as defined in Section 5(d)(5), then
                  an additional 25% of the Restricted Membership Interest vests;

                        (ii) if the Executive's employment with the Company
                  continues, the 25% of the Restricted Membership Interest
                  continues to vest in accordance with Section 4(f)(1)(ii) above
                  as though there had been no Termination Date.

            (3)   If Executive's employment terminates, the Company has the
                  right to repurchase any unvested portion of the Restricted
                  Membership Interest for the purchase price originally paid by

            (4)   If, after the Operational Date, the Company remains an LLC,
                  has profits from operations but does not make Executive
                  membership distributions sufficient to pay Executive's tax
                  obligations from such profits, then the Company will
                  distribute sufficient cash for Executive to satisfy such
                  obligations, but only to the extent such distributions are not
                  sufficient to meet such tax obligations.

            g. Executive's Put Right. Executive has the right but not the
      obligation to sell his vested Restricted Membership Interest (or shares
      exchanged by such Interest) back to the Company only in the following

            (1)   the Company's IPO has not occurred upon expiration of the
                  original four-year term of this Agreement and Company does not
                  continue to employ Executive for reason(s) not constituting
                  Cause as defined in Section 5(d)(1-4) hereof or the Executive
                  does not continue his employment at the request of the Company
                  for reason(s) constituting


                  Good Reason as defined in Section 5(d)(5). This Put right must
                  be exercised in writing by Executive within thirty (30) days
                  of the expiration of the four-year term hereunder or it shall
                  become void and without further effect.

            (2)   The Company's IPO has not occurred upon Executive becoming
                  100% vested in Restricted Membership Interest. This Put right
                  must be exercised in writing by Executive within 30 days of
                  Executive being 100% vested or it shall become void and
                  without further effect.

            The Put purchase price is the fair market value of such Interest (or
      shares) on the Valuation Date. Under this Agreement, the Valuation Date is
      (i) the expiration of the four-year term of this Agreement, in the event
      of a Put under Section 4(g)(i), or (ii) the date Executive becomes 100%
      vested, in the event of a Put under Section 4(g)(2). In either case of (i)
      or (ii) in the preceding sentence, the fair market value shall be
      determined by an independent appraisal firm mutually agreed to by the
      Company and Executive, with the cost of such appraisal being paid by the
      Company. If Executive exercises the Put hereunder, the Company must
      purchase the Restricted Membership Interest or shares within ninety (90)
      days of Executive's exercise of the Put.

            h. Company's Call Right. If, prior to the date of the Company's IPO,
      the Company terminates Executive for Cause as defined in Section 5(d)
      hereof (including Executive quitting without Good Reason under Section
      5(d)(5)), then the Company shall have the right but not the obligation to
      purchase any vested Restricted Membership Interest (or shares exchanged by
      such Interest) within thirty (30) days of the Termination Date at a price
      equal to two (2) times the price Executive originally paid the Company for
      such Restricted Membership Interest. The Call right must be exercised in
      writing by the Company within thirty (30) days of the Termination Date or
      it shall become void and without further effect. If the Company exercises
      the Call hereunder, Executive must tender such Interest or shares and
      otherwise complete the transaction hereunder within thirty (30) days of
      the Company's exercise of the Call.

            i. Auto Allowance. During the Term, the Company shall pay Executive
      an auto allowance of $500.00 per month.

      5. Termination. This Agreement shall terminate in accordance with the
following provisions:


            a. Expiration of the Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance
      with the provisions hereof, this Agreement shall terminate upon expiration
      of the four-year term as provided in Section 2.

            b. Death. If the Executive dies during the Term, this Agreement
      shall terminate, with the Termination Date being the date of the
      Executive's death.

            c. Disability. If the Executive has been absent from service to the
      Company as required in this Agreement for a period of ninety (90) days or
      more during any one-hundred eighty (180) day period during the Term as a
      result of any physical or mental disability, the Company has the right to
      terminate this Agreement, the Termination Date being ten (10) days after
      notice thereof is given to Executive.

            d. Termination by Company for Cause. The Company has the right to
      terminate this Agreement for Cause as defined herein, such termination to
      be effective immediately upon notice thereof from the Company to
      Executive. For purposes of this Agreement, Cause shall mean Executive's
      (1) conviction of any felony; (2) embezzlement or misappropriation of
      money or property of the Company; (3) denial, rejection, suspension or
      revocation of any gaming license or permit; (4) Executive's material
      breach of Section 6 hereof which material breach has an adverse impact on
      the Company; (5) Executive quits his employment with the Company without
      Good Reason. Good Reason is defined as (i) the assignment to Executive of
      duties materially inconsistent with his position and title without his
      consent, or (ii) a material reduction in Executive's duties, authorities
      and responsibilities without his consent, or (iii) a reduction by the
      Company in Executive's Base Salary, in effect immediately prior to such
      reduction, without his consent, provided Executive gives the Company
      written notice specifying such assignment or reduction and the Company has
      not cured or abated such assignment or reduction within 20 days

            e. Termination by Company Without Cause (Termination by Executive
      With Good Reason). Subject to Section 5(f), the Company has the right to
      terminate this Agreement without Cause (and the Executive has the right to
      terminate this Agreement for Good Reason as defined in Section 5(d)
      hereof) by giving the other party written notice thereof and the Company
      shall provide Executive with the benefits set forth in Section 8(e). A
      termination under this Section 5(e) includes Executive's termination
      without Cause following a Change of Control. For purposes of this
      Agreement, a Change of Control shall be deemed to occur only if any two of
      the three directors who are serving on the Board of


      Directors of the Company as representatives of the Sommer Family Trust or
      related entities on the date of the execution of this Agreement cease to
      be directors of the Company.

            f. Special Right of Company to Terminate this Agreement. If, within
      twelve (12) months from the Commencement Date, substantially complete
      project financing sufficient for substantially full renovation and
      construction for the Aladdin Hotel & Casino Redevelopment and Expansion
      Project as set forth in the presentation to GW Vegas prepared by Westwood
      Capital LLC and dated July, 1996 (or as subsequently modified) and as
      finally approved by the Clark County Commission, has not been secured, the
      Company shall have the right but not the obligation to terminate Executive
      and this Agreement and Executive shall only be entitled to the benefits in
      Section 8(f) hereof.

      6. Executive's Covenants: The Executive acknowledges that the Company has
a substantial, legitimate and continuing interest in the protection of its
business relationships with others including without limitation current and
prospective employees, consultants, advisors, customers, vendors, suppliers,
partners or joint venturers, and financing sources, and in the protection of its
Confidential Information, and has invested substantial sums, time and effort and
will continue to invest substantial sums, time and effort to develop, maintain
and protect such relationships and Information. Accordingly, Executive covenants
and agrees as follows:

            a. Confidentiality. During the Term and thereafter, Executive shall
      keep secret and retain in strictest confidence and shall not, without the
      prior written consent of the Company, furnish, make available or disclose
      to any third party or use for the benefit of himself or any third party
      any Confidential Information. Confidential Information is information
      related to or concerning the Company and its businesses which is
      confidential, proprietary or not generally known to and cannot be readily
      ascertained through proper means by persons or entities (including the
      Company's present or future competitors), who can obtain any type of value
      from its disclosure or use. Confidential Information includes all secret,
      confidential or proprietary information, knowledge or data relating to the
      Company, such as, without limitation, finances and financing methods,
      sources, proposals or plans; operational methods; marketing or development
      proposals, plans or strategies; pricing strategies; business or property
      acquisition or development proposals or plans; new personnel acquisition
      proposals or plans; customer lists and any descriptions or data concerning
      current or prospective customers; provided, however, while employed by the
      Company and in furtherance of the business and for the benefit of the
      Company, Executive may provide Confidential Information as


      appropriate to attorneys, accountants, financial institutions and other
      persons or entities engaged in business with the Company.

            b. Non-Competition. Executive covenants and agrees that he will not
      compete with the Company, its affiliates or subsidiaries at any time
      during the Term, or for one (1) year from the Termination Date upon a
      Termination by the Company for Cause under Section 5(d) (including
      Executive quitting without Good Reason under Section 5(d)(5)). Under this
      paragraph, Executive agrees that he will not, directly or indirectly,
      whether as employee, owner, partner, agent, director, officer, consultant,
      independent consultant or stockholder (except as the beneficial owner of
      not more than 2% of the outstanding shares of a corporation, any of the
      capital stock of which is listed on any national or regional securities
      exchange or quoted in the daily listing of over-the-counter market
      securities and, in each case, in which the Executive does not undertake
      any management or operational or advisory role) or in any other capacity,
      for his own account or for the benefit of any other person or entity,
      establish, engage, work for or be connected in any manner with any person
      or entity which is, at the time, engaged in a business which is in
      competition with the business of the Company (or any of its subsidiaries
      or affiliates); it being understood that for purposes of this Section
      6(b), the business of owning, managing, operating or financing a casino or
      similar gaming activities in Clark County, Nevada, shall be deemed to be
      business in which the Company is engaged; provided, however, nothing
      herein prohibits Executive from working for a competing business outside
      Clark County, Nevada, so long as Executive's work does not involve
      competition with the business of the Company in Clark County, Nevada.

            c. Employees of the Company. For one (1) year following the
      Termination Date, Executive shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, or
      cause others to solicit, for employment by any person or entity other than
      the Company, any employee of the Company or encourage any such employee to
      leave employment with the Company.

            d. Property of the Company. Executive acknowledges and agrees that
      all memoranda, notes, lists, records and other documents or papers,
      including copies thereof, containing or reflecting Confidential
      Information (whether or not such items are kept or stored in computer
      memories, microfiche, hard copy or any other manner) made or compiled by
      Executive or made available to Executive are and remain the property of
      the Company ("Company Property") and shall be delivered to the Company
      promptly upon any termination of this Agreement under


      Section 5 hereof. Executive shall retain no copies of Company Property
      following the Termination Date.

            e. Reasonableness and Severability of Covenants. The Executive
      acknowledges and agrees that the Executive's Covenants herein are
      necessary for the protection of the Company's legitimate interests, are
      reasonable and valid in duration and geographical scope, and in all other
      respects. If any court determines that any of the Executive Covenants, or
      any part thereof, is invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the
      Restrictive Covenants shall not thereby be affected and shall be given
      full effect without regard to the invalid portions.

            f. Blue-Pencilling. If any court determines that any of the
      Executive Covenants, or any part thereof, is unenforceable because of the
      duration or geographical scope of such provision, such court shall have
      the power to reduce the duration or scope of such provision, as the case
      may be, and, in its reduced form, such provision shall then be

      7. Non-Disparagement. Each of the parties agrees that after the
Termination Date, neither shall, publicly or privately, disparage or make any
statements (written or oral) that could impugn the integrity, acumen (business
or otherwise), ethics or business practices, of the other, except in each case,
to the extent (but solely to the extent) necessary (i) in any judicial or
arbitral action to enforce the provisions of this Agreement or (ii) in
connection with any judicial or administrative proceeding to the extent required
by applicable law.

      8. Effect of Termination. The following provisions shall apply in the
event of the termination of this Agreement as provided in Section 5 above, and
neither party shall have any further liability or obligation to the other,
except as provided herein:

            a. Expiration of Term. Upon expiration of the four (4) year term
      under Section 5(a) hereof, this Agreement shall terminate and be of no
      further force and effect, except as provided in Sections 4(f), 4(g), 6(a),
      6(c), 6(d), 6(e), 6(f) and 7; provided that Executive shall be entitled to
      such salary, bonus and benefits then accrued or vested to the Termination
      Date, and any expense reimbursement amounts accrued to the Termination

            b. Death. Upon termination of this Agreement as provided in Section
      5(b) hereof, this Agreement shall terminate and be of no further force and
      effect except as provided in Sections 4(f) and 4(g)(2); provided further
      that the Company shall pay to Executive's estate any salary, bonus and
      benefits then accrued or vested


      to the Termination Date, and any expense reimbursement amounts accrued to
      the Termination Date;

            c. Disability. Upon termination of this Agreement as provided in
      Section 5(c) hereof, this Agreement shall terminate and be of no further
      force and effect, except as provided in Sections 4(f), 4(g)(2), 6(a),
      6(c), 6(d), 6(e), 6(f) and 7; provided that Executive shall be entitled to
      such salary, bonus and benefits then accrued or vested to the Termination
      Date, and any expense reimbursement amounts accrued to the Termination

            d. Termination by Company for Cause. Upon termination of this
      Agreement as provided in Section 5(d) hereof, this Agreement shall
      terminate and be of no further force and effect, except as provided in
      Sections 4(f), 4(h), 6 and 7; provided that Executive shall be entitled to
      such salary, bonus and benefits then accrued or vested to the Termination
      Date, and any expense reimbursement amounts accrued to the Termination

            e. Termination by the Company Without Cause. Upon termination of
      this Agreement as provided in Section 5(e), this Agreement shall terminate
      and be of no further force and effect, except as provided in Sections 6
      and 7; provided further that Executive shall be entitled to such salary,
      bonus and benefits to which Executive would have been entitled for the
      remainder of the four-year term or twelve (12) months, whichever is
      longer, as if there had been no earlier termination.

            f. Termination By Special Right of the Company. Upon termination of
      this Agreement as provided in Section 5(f), this Agreement shall terminate
      and be of no further force and effect, except as provided in Sections
      6(a), 6(c), 6(d), 6(e), 6(f) and 7; provided further that Executive shall
      be entitled to such salary, bonus and benefits then accrued or vested to
      the Termination Date, any expense reimbursement amounts accrued to the
      Termination Date, and additional benefits as follows: Company paid COBRA
      premiums for twelve (12) months and Base Salary for twelve (12) months,
      payable in lump sum less customary deductions.

      9. General Provisions.

            a. Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor any right or interest
      hereunder shall be assignable by the Executive or the Company without the
      prior written consent of the other; provided, that (i) in the event of the
      Executive's Death during the Term, the Executive's estate and his heirs,
      executors, administrators,


      legatees and distributees shall have the rights and obligations set forth
      herein, as provided herein, and (ii) nothing contained in this Agreement
      shall limit or restrict the Company's ability (A) to merge or consolidate
      or effect any similar transaction with any other entity, irrespective of
      whether the Company is the surviving entity (including a split up, spin
      off or similar type transaction), provided, that one or more of such
      surviving entities shall continue to be bound by the provisions hereof
      binding upon the Company; (B) to assign this Agreement in conjunction with
      a sale of all or substantially all of the Company's assets; or (C) an
      assignment of this Agreement to an affiliate controlled by or under common
      control with Company.

            b. Binding Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and
      inure to the benefit of, the Executive and the Company and their
      respective heirs, executors, administrators, legatees and distributees,
      successors and permitted assigns.

            c. Guarantee. Aladdin Holdings hereby unconditionally and
      irrevocably guarantees to Executive the performance of all payment
      obligations of the Company, its successors and assigns with respect to the
      Agreement; provided, however, that (i) such guarantee shall become void
      and without further effect, and (ii) Aladdin Holdings shall cease being a
      party to this Agreement, as of the date, if any, of the Funding, defined
      as substantially complete project financing sufficient for substantially
      full renovation and construction for the Aladdin Hotel and Casino
      Redevelopment and Expansion project as set forth in the presentation to GW
      Vegas prepared by Westwood Capital LLC and dated July 1996 (or as
      subsequently modified) and as finally approved by the Clark County

            d. Amendment of Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified or
      amended except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.

            e. Severability. If, for any reason, any provision of this Agreement
      is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or lack of
      enforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement not
      so determined to be invalid or unenforceable, and each such other
      provision shall, to the full extent consistent with applicable law,
      continue in full force and effect, irrespective of such invalid or
      unenforceable provision.

            f. Effect of Prior Agreements. This Agreement contains the entire
      understanding between the parties hereto respecting the Executive's
      employment by the Company, and supersedes any prior understandings or
      agreements between the parties hereto.


            g. Indemnification. The Company shall indemnify and hold Executive
      harmless to the full extent permitted by Chapter 78 of the Nevada Revised
      Statutes against costs, expenses, liabilities and losses, including
      reasonable attorney's fees and disbursements of counsel, incurred or
      suffered by him in connection with his serves as an employee of the
      Company during the Term of this Agreement.

            h. Notices. For the purpose of this Agreement, notices and all other
      communications provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and
      shall be deemed to have been duly given (i) when delivered, if sent by
      telecopy or by hand, (ii) one business day after sending, if sent by
      reputable overnight courier service, such as Federal Express, or (iii)
      three business days after being mailed, if sent by United States certified
      or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid. Notices
      shall be sent by one of the methods described above; provided, that any
      notice sent by telecopy shall also be sent by any other method permitted
      above. Notices shall be sent:

                  If to the Executive: Cornelius T. Klerk
                                       440 Wedgewood Drive
                                       Henderson, NV 89014

                  with a copy to:

                  If to the Company: Aladdin Holdings LLC
                                     280 Park Avenue
                                     New York, NY 100170
                                     Attn: Ron Dictrow

      directed to the attention of the Board of Directors with copies to the
      Chairman thereof; or to such other address as either party may have
      furnished to the other in writing in accordance herewith, except that
      notice of change of address shall be effective only upon receipt.

            i. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in several
      counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of
      which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


            j. Indulgences, Etc. Neither the failure nor any delay on the part
      of either party to exercise any right, remedy, power or privilege under
      this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or
      partial exercise of any right, remedy, power or privilege preclude any
      other or further exercise of the same or of any other right, remedy, power
      or privilege, nor shall any waiver of any right, remedy, power or
      privilege with respect to any occurrence be construed as a waiver of such
      right, remedy, power or privilege with respect to any other occurrence.

            k. Binding Arbitration. Except for an action by the company for
      injunctive or other equitable relief, any dispute or controversy arising
      under or in connection to this Employment Agreement shall be resolved
      through binding arbitration, conducted in Las Vegas, Nevada, in accordance
      with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Judgment may be
      entered on the arbitration award in any court of competent jurisdiction.

            l. Headings. The headings of sections and paragraphs herein are
      included solely for convenience of reference and shall not control the
      meaning or interpretation of any of the provisions of this Agreement.

            m. Neutral Construction: Each party to this Agreement has had the
      opportunity to retain counsel, and to review and participate in the
      drafting of this Agreement, and, accordingly, the normal rule of
      construction to the effect that any ambiguities are to be resolved against
      the drafting parties will not be employed or used in any interpretation or
      enforcement of this Agreement.

            n. Gaming Law. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, the
      parties hereto agree and acknowledge that they are subject to and that
      they shall comply in all respects with the gaming laws of the State of
      Nevada including the Nevada Gaming Control Act and the rules and
      regulations promulgated by the Nevada Gaming Commission and the State
      Gaming Control Board. To the extent anything in this Agreement is
      inconsistent with any gaming laws or regulations, the gaming laws and
      regulations shall control.


            o. Governing Law. This Agreement has been executed and delivered in
      the State of Nevada, and its validity, interpretation, performance, and
      enforcement shall be governed by the laws of such state, without regard to
      principals of conflicts of laws.

EXECUTION DATE                                    ALADDIN GAMING LLC

______________________, 1997                      By: /s/ Jack Sommer
                                                  Its: President

                                                  ALADDIN HOLDINGS, LLC

                                                  By: /s/ Jack Sommer
                                                  Its: President

                                                  /s/ Cornelius T. Klerk
                                                  Cornelius T. Klerk, Executive
