Exhibit 4.09

                          ATTACHMENT TO SECOND PRIORITY
                             LAND MORTGAGE AGREEMENT

THIS ATTACHMENT to the Land Mortgage Agreement is made on 12 March 1998,

      duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the Kingdom of
      Thailand having its registered office at No. 9, UM Tower, 16th Floor,
      Kwaeng Suanluang, Khet Suanluang, Bangkok, Thailand (the "Mortgagor");

(2)   THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, a company duly organized and validly existing
      under the laws of the State of New York, having its registered office at
      450 West 33rd Street, New York, New York, U.S.A., having its branch office
      in Bangkok, Thailand, located at 20 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak,
      Bangkok 10500, acting as the Book-Entry Depositary for the Debentures
      referred to below (the "Mortgagee");


(3)   THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK as collateral agent (the "Collateral Agent").


A.    The Mortgagor and the Thai Lenders entered into a credit facility
      agreement dated 27 September 1995, (the "CFA") whereunder credit
      facilities of Baht 3,300,000,000 and US$ 308,000,000 have been granted;

B.    The Mortgagor intends to procure financing from abroad by having NSM Steel
      Company, Ltd. ("NSM Cayman"), a company incorporated under the laws of the
      Cayman Islands and in which the Mortgagor holds 100 percent of its shares,
      and NSM Steel (Delaware) Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of
      the State of Delaware, the United States, a wholly owned subsidiary of NSM
      Cayman (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Note Issuers"),
      acting as agent of NSM Cayman pursuant to an agency agreement, issue
      US$452,500,000 of indebtedness comprised of (a) US$249,000,000 (aggregate
      principal amount at maturity) of 12% Senior Mortgage Notes Due 2006 (the
      "Senior Notes") which will be issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of
      1 March 1998 (the "Senior Note Indenture", among the Note Issuers, the
      Mortgagor and The Chase Manhattan Bank ("Chase"), as trustee (the "Senior
      Notes Trustee"), (b) the US$203,500,000 (aggregate principal amount at
      maturity) of 12 1/4 Senior Subordinated Mortgage Notes Due 2008 (the
      "Senior Subordinated Notes" and together with the Senior Notes, the
      "Notes"), which will be issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of 1
      March 1998 (the "Senior Subordinated Note Indenture", and together with
      the Senior Note Indenture, the "Indentures") among the Note Issuers and
      Chase, as trustee (the "Senior Subordinated Notes Trustee" and together
      with the Senior Notes Trustee, the "Trustees"), with warrants to purchase
      74,476,809 ordinary shares of the Mortgagor, and (c) a private placement
      consisting of US$53,133,016 (aggregate principal amount at maturity) of 12
      3/4% Subordinated Second Mortgage Debentures Due 2009 (the "Debentures")

      will be issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of 1 March 1998 (the
      "Debenture Indenture"), among the Note Issuers, the Mortgagor and Chase,
      as trustee (the "Debenture Trustee") and 64,417,180 ordinary shares of the

C.    The Mortgagor has entered into an amendment to the CFA (the "CFA
      Amendment") with the Thai Lenders dated 12 March 1998 for the amendment of
      certain terms and provisions to facilitate the Mortgagor's additional
      financing (the CFA and the CFA Amendment, collectively, the "Bank Credit
      Facility"), including but not limited to, an agreement the Mortgagor
      entered into with the Thai Lenders, the Trustees and the Debenture Trustee
      dated 12 March 1998 to set forth arrangements for the Thai Lenders and
      holders of the Notes and the Debentures to share certain collateral (the
      "Security Sharing Agreement"); and

D.    Pursuant to the terms of the Security Sharing Agreement, the Mortgagor,
      the Mortgagee and the Collateral Agent agree to enter into this Attachment
      as security for the Obligations (as defined hereunder).

IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1   Capitalized terms used in this Attachment have the respective meanings
      assigned below unless the context otherwise requires:

1.2   In this Attachment:

      "Attachment" means this Attachment to Land Mortgage Agreement between the
      Mortgagor and the Mortgagee dated 12 March 1998, including all schedules,
      exhibits and other supplements and as modified or amended from time to

      "Land" means the plots of land as described in Exhibit 1 together with all
      buildings and structures located now or at anytime hereafter therein;

      "Land Mortgage Agreement" means the official land mortgage agreement to
      which this Attachment is attached;

      "Land Title Deeds" means such deeds of title to land as have been issued
      by the Land Department of Thailand for the registration of the Land and
      the other particulars related thereto;

      "Mortgaged Amount" means the principal amount of the Mortgage expressed in
      Thai Baht which equals Baht 3,984,976,200. At the Closing Date, the
      Mortgaged Amount will be set at an amount equal to the sum of the
      outstanding Debenture Obligations expressed in US$ converted to Baht at a
      rate of Baht 75 to $1.00.

      "Mortgage Amount Adjustment" means the obligation of the Mortgagor to
      cause the Mortgaged Amount to be increased from time to time at its own
      expense in order to 


      maintain at all applicable times a Mortgaged Amount based on an exchange
      rate of Baht to US$ that is no less than Baht 15 per US$ 1.00 higher than
      the actual exchange rate quoted at the close of business on any business
      day by the Bank of Thailand (by way of example, if the actual exchange
      rate quoted by the Bank of Thailand is Baht 65 per US$ 1.00, the Mortgagor
      would be obliged, subject to the provision set forth in Clause 3, to cause
      the Mortgaged Amounts to be increased to an amount equal to the then
      outstanding Debenture Obligations expressed in US$ converted to Baht at
      rate of Baht 80 to US$ 1.00).

      "Mortgage" means the Land Mortgage Agreement, this Attachment to the Land
      Mortgage Agreement and any schedules, exhibits or other supplements
      hereto, and the encumbrances thereby constituted; and

      "Obligations" means all present and future obligations and liabilities of
      the Mortgagor to the Debenture holders under the Debentures, Debenture
      Indenture and the Security Sharing Agreement.

1.3   Any reference in this Attachment to:

      (i)   any agreement or document shall be read and construed as a reference
            to such agreement or document as the same may have been, or may from
            time to time be, amended, varied, novated or supplemented; and

      (ii)  any party shall be construed so as to include its respective
            successors, permitted assigns and transferees in accordance with its
            respective interests;

1.4   Words denominating the singular include the plural and vice versa.

1.5   Section headings are for reference only.


2.1   As security for the Obligations, the Mortgagor hereby grants to the
      Mortgagee a second priority mortgage and continuing security interest in:

      (a)   the Land; and

      (b)   all of the property, rights, title and interest in respect of any
            and all of the Land (the "Mortgaged Property").

      The Mortgagee hereby accept such Mortgage.

2.2   The Mortgagor agrees that if a novation or assignment of any of the
      Obligations occurs, the Mortgage shall continue to be held as security for
      such novated or assigned obligations and for any such new creditor.


2.3   The Mortgage shall be in addition to, independent of and without prejudice
      to, and shall not be in substitution for, any other rights, security,
      guarantee or indemnity now held or which may hereafter be held by the

2.4   The Mortgage shall be a continuing security and shall remain in force,
      notwithstanding the bankruptcy or other incapacity of the Mortgagor or any
      intermediate satisfaction of the whole or any part of the Obligations
      until such time as the Obligations shall have been fully and finally paid
      and discharged.

2.5   Upon the payment, discharge and performance in full of the Obligations,
      the Mortgagee will, at the request and at the cost and expense of the
      Mortgagor, discharge the Mortgage and return to the Mortgagor the Land
      Title Deeds.


      The Mortgagor hereby agrees to undertake the Mortgage Amount Adjustment
      within two business days of any date on which the exchange rate of Baht to
      US$ upon which the Mortgaged Amount is then based does not exceed the
      actual exchange rate quoted by the Bank of Thailand by at least Baht 10
      per US$ 1.00.


      The Mortgagor agrees to pay interest to the Mortgagee as may accrue on any
      debts incurred to the Mortgagee pursuant to this Attachment at an interest
      rate of 12 3/4% per annum.

5.    OBLIGATIONS The Mortgage constitutes a continuing security for all of the
      following whether now existing or hereafter incurred:

      (1)   the prompt  payment by the  Mortgagor  when due and payable of the
            Obligations; and

      (2)   the prompt payment by the Mortgagor when due and payable, of all
            interest, compensation, indemnities, penalties, and all other
            accessory debts from time to time owing by it in respect of the


      The Land Title Deeds shall be delivered to and retained by the Collateral
      Agent upon execution of the Mortgage. All other certificates and
      instruments relating to the Mortgage coming into existence from time to
      time shall be delivered to the Mortgagee promptly upon the receipt thereof
      by the Mortgagor.



7.1   The enforcement of the Mortgage and the distribution of proceeds realized
      thereon shall be in accordance with the procedures set forth in the
      Security Sharing Agreement.

7.2   As per the Security Sharing Agreement, the Mortgagee will act to enforce
      the Mortgage on behalf of the Mortgagee upon receipt of (i) a Notice of
      Actionable Default (as defined in the Security Sharing Agreement) and (ii)
      written instruction from the Required Holders (as defined in the Security
      Sharing Agreement). Upon receipt of the above, the Mortgagee may proceed
      to seek a court order declaring the Mortgagor in default of its
      Obligations and that the Mortgaged Property shall be sold at public
      auction or take any other action permitted by law or as mutually agreed by
      the parties.

7.3   The Mortgagee may select to sell any or all of the Land to be enforced as
      it deems appropriate.

7.4   As per the Security Sharing Agreement, the net proceeds derived from a
      sale of any or all of the Mortgaged Property shall be applied towards
      settlement of the Obligations. If such proceeds or the value of the Land
      in case of foreclosure are insufficient to pay or set off all amounts to
      which the Mortgagee are entitled, the Mortgagor shall remain liable for
      the deficiency. All such proceeds shall be distributed in accordance with
      the Security Sharing Agreement.

7.5   If the Mortgage is enforced, the Mortgaged Amount stated herein shall not
      prejudice the right of the Mortgagee to apply all of the net proceeds
      derived from a sale of any or all of the Mortgaged Property, whether or
      not such proceeds or value exceeds the Maximum Amount, towards settlement
      of the Obligations.

7.6   If the Mortgagee enforces the mortgage or forecloses the Mortgaged
      Property and tax liabilities of any kind (including but not limited to
      customs duty, value added tax and transfer fees) related to the Mortgaged
      Property arise for which the Mortgagee are liable, the Mortgagor shall
      immediately pay such tax liabilities and all related penalties and
      expenses and/or reimburse the Mortgagee for said amounts if paid by the


      The Mortgagor hereby further covenants and agrees with the Mortgagee as

      (1)   To comply with all applicable laws, announcements, decrees, and
            regulations of the Government of Thailand and all the subdivisions
            thereof for the time being in force except where such failure to
            comply would not have a material effect on the business or general
            condition of the Mortgagor and with all further laws, announcements,
            decrees or regulations subsequently issued from time to time which
            may affect the Mortgaged Property except where such failure to
            comply would not have a material effect on the business or general
            condition of the Mortgagor.


      (2)   Not to do or permit or consent to be done or omit anything with the
            knowledge that the consequence thereof may in any material way cause
            the Mortgaged Property to deteriorate or lessen in value in any
            material respect or cause any policy of insurance effected in
            pursuance of the provisions of the mortgage or the Land Mortgage
            Agreement to be cancelled or the amount of any premium payable for
            any such policy of insurance to be materially increased.

      (3)   Not to grant any rights to any person, such as to let, give
            habitation or allow a third party to construct or do any act on the
            Mortgaged Property, except as otherwise agreed with the Mortgagee or
            except as to any such right as would not in the good faith judgment
            of the Mortgagee have a material adverse affect on the value of the
            Mortgaged Property.

      (4)   Not to make or permit to be made without the written consent of the
            Mortgagee any material structural alteration or addition to the
            buildings and improvements for the time being forming part of the
            Mortgaged Property, the consent for which shall not be unreasonably
            withheld except for the Phase II Construction and the Phase III
            Construction (as defined in the Offering Memorandum) or such other
            structural alteration or addition as would not, in the good faith
            judgment of the Mortgagor, have a material adverse affect on the
            value of the Mortgaged Property.

      (5)   To notify the Mortgagee in writing immediately on receipt of any
            written notice, order or similar matter materially and adversely
            affecting or likely so to affect the Mortgaged Property, sent to the
            Mortgagor by a competent governmental authority and send the same or
            a copy thereof to the Mortgagees, and on demand by the Mortgagee to
            supply to the Mortgagee all material information within the
            possession of the Mortgagor relating to the matters mentioned or
            dealt with in such notice, order or other similar matter and upon
            the grant or issue of any material permission, consent, license or
            other document affecting the Mortgaged Property granted by any
            competent governmental authority, to hand such document to the
            Mortgagee to be kept with the deeds and documents of title relating
            to the Mortgaged Property.

      (6)   To use the Mortgaged Property only for the purposes of the
            Mortgagor's business.

      (7)   To keep the Mortgaged Property in good repair and permit the
            Mortgagees or their representatives upon 24 hours notice and during
            normal working hours to enter the Mortgaged Property to examine the
            condition thereof.


9.1   Any act performed by the Mortgagor in violation of this Attachment shall
      not bind the Mortgagee shall have the right to deny such act of the
      Mortgagor and the Mortgagee shall also have the right to immediately
      enforce the Mortgaged Property in case the Mortgagor has defaulted under
      this Attachment.


9.2   No delay in exercising or omission to exercise any right, power or remedy
      available to the Mortgagee, upon any failure by the Mortgagor to observe
      or perform any of its obligations under the Land Mortgage Agreement and
      this Attachment shall impair such right, power or remedy or be construed
      as a waiver thereof or as acquiescence in respect of any such failure nor
      shall any acquiescence in any such failure affect or impair any right,
      power or remedy of the Mortgagee in respect of any other or later failure
      by the Mortgagor to observe or perform any of the Mortgagor's obligations
      hereunder and under the Land Mortgage Agreement.

9.3   All rights herein shall be in addition to and without prejudice to all and
      any rights granted by law.


      All fees, costs and all reasonable expenses related to the Mortgage, the
      registration of the Mortgage and the removal thereof and the enforcement
      of the Mortgage shall be borne by the Mortgagor.

11.   LAW

      This Attachment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
      laws of the Kingdom of Thailand.


      The terms of this Attachment may be waived, altered or amended only by an
      instrument in writing duly executed by the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee in
      accordance with Section 17 of the Security Sharing Agreement.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Attachment in triplicate by
their duly authorized representatives in the presence of witnesses on the date
first above written with one copy to be kept by the Land Department, one copy
for the Mortgagor and one copy for the Mortgagee.

as Mortgagor

By:/s/  Sawasdi Horrungruang

Under Power of Attorney
dated _______________

as Depositary


Under Power of Attorney
dated ________________

as Collateral Agent

Under Power of Attorney
dated ________________

- -------------------------------

- -------------------------------


                                    EXHIBIT I

                        Description of Land and Buildings

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 No.   Title Deed No.   Land No.    Survey Page No.             Area
                                                        Rai     Ngan     Wah
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1.        68083         129            1682           82       1       69
  2.        72240          18            1826           52       1       13
  3.        72242          15            1825           36       1       31
  4.        72243          16            1830           11       2       87
  5.        72246          14            1824           26       3       57
  6.        77402         123            1676           18       1       55
  7.        77403         125            1677           37       -       16
  8.        77404         124            1678           19       1       48
  9.        77405         126            1679           32       -       74
 10.        77406         127            1680           51       1       93
 11.        77407         128            1681            9       2       15
 12.        78239         122            1675           22       -       49
 13.        78240          13            1683           16       2       13
 14.        78241          12            1684           16       2       17
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 No.   Nor.Sor. 3 Kor   Land No.    Survey Page No.             Area
             No.                                        Rai     Ngan     Wah
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1.      255              97           5               46       3       76
  2.      125 (737)        40           (37) 25         11       -       90
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All plots of Land and Buildings above are located at Tambol Bowin, Amphur
Sriracha Chonburi Province.
