Exhibit 4.16


THIS AGRIEEMENT is made on 12 March 1998


      duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the Kingdom of
      Thailand having its registered office at No. 9, UM Tower, 16th Floor,
      Kwaeng Suanluang, Khet Suanluang, Bangkok, Thailand (the "Pledgor");

(2)   The financial institutions whose names are listed in Exhibit 1 (the "Thai
      corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the
      Kingdom of Thailand having its registered office at No. 1770 New Petchburi
      Road, Bangkok 10320, as Facility Agent for the Thai Lenders (the "Thai
      Facility Agent");

(3)   THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, a company duly organized and validly existing
      under the laws of the State of New York, having its registered office at
      450 West 33d Street, New York, New York, U.S.A., having its branch office
      in Bangkok, Thailand, located at 20 North Sathom Road, Silom, Bangrak,
      Bangkok 10500, acting as the Trustee and the Debenture Trustee (as defined


      THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK as collateral agent (the "Pledgee")


(4)   The Pledgor and the Thai Lenders entered into a credit facility agreement
      dated 27 September 1995, (the "CFA") whereunder credit facilities of Baht
      3,300,000,000 and US$ 308,000,000 have been granted;

A.    The Pledgor intends to procure financing from abroad by having NSM Steel
      Company, Ltd. ("NSM Cayman"), a company incorporated under the laws of the
      Cayman Islands and in which the Pledgor holds 100 percent of its shares,
      and NSM Steel (Delaware) Inc., a company incorporated under the laws of
      the State of Delaware, the United States, a wholly owned subsidiary of NSM
      Cayman (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Note Issuers"),
      acting as agent of NSM Cayman pursuant to an agency agreement, issue
      US$452,500,000 of indebtedness comprised of (a) US$249,000,000 (aggregate
      principal amount at maturity) of 12% Senior Mortgage Notes Due 2006 (the
      "Senior Notes") which will be issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of
      1 March 1998 (the "Senior Note Indenture", among the Note Issuers, the
      Pledgor and The Chase Manhattan Bank ("Chase"), as trustee (the "Senior
      Notes Trustee"), (b) the US$203,500,000 (aggregate principal amount at
      maturity) 12 1/4% Senior Subordinated Mortgage Notes Due 2008 (the

      "Senior Subordinated Notes" and together with the Senior Notes, the
      "Notes"), which will be issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of 1
      March 1998 (the "Senior Subordinated Note Indenture", and together with
      the Senior Note Indenture, the "Indentures") among the Note Issuers and
      Chase, as trustee (the "Senior Subordinated Notes Trustee" and together
      with the Senior Notes Trustee, the "Trustees"), with warrants to purchase
      74,476,809 (Seventy Four Million Four Hundred Seventy Six Thousand Eight
      Hundred and Nine) ordinary shares of the Pledgor, and (c) a private
      placement consisting of US$53,133,016 (aggregate principal amount at
      maturity) 12 3/4% Subordinated Second Mortgage Debentures Due 2009 (the
      "Debentures") which will be issued pursuant to an indenture dated as of 1
      March 1998 (the "Debenture Indenture"), among the Note Issuers, the
      Pledgor and Chase, as trustee (the "Debenture Trustee") and 64,417,180
      ordinary shares of the Pledgor;

C.    The Pledgor has entered into an amendment to the CFA (the " CFA
      Amendment") with the Thai Lenders dated 12 March 1998 for the amendment of
      certain terms and provisions to facilitate the Pledgor's additional
      financing (the CFA and the CFA Amendment, collectively, the "Bank Credit
      Facility"), including but not limited to, an agreement the Pledgor entered
      into with the Thai Lenders, the Trustees and the Indenture dated 12 March
      1998 to set forth arrangements for the Thai Lenders and holders of the
      Notes and the Debentures to share certain collateral (the " Security
      Sharing Agreement"); and

D.    Pursuant to the terms of the Security Sharing Agreement, the Pledgor, the
      Thai Lenders, the Thai Facility Agent, the Trustee, the Debenture Trustee
      and the Pledgee agree to enter into this Agreement as security for the
      Obligations (as defined hereunder).

IT IS AGREED as follows:


1.1.  Except as otherwise provided herein, words and expressions in this
      Agreement shall have the same respective meanings as described in the Bank
      Credit Facility, the Indentures, the Debenture Indenture and the Security
      Sharing Agreement:

      "Collateral" means the Instruments and all rights, entitlements, benefits
      and proceeds that may now or hereafter be, or required to be, pledged in
      favor of the Pledgee for the benefit of the Thai Lenders, the Trustees and
      the Debenture Trustee pursuant to this Agreement;

      " Enforcement Notice" means notice of an Event of Default as defined under
      the Bank Credit Facility, the Indentures and Debenture Indenture in the
      form attached as Exhibit 3;

      "Instrument" means any instrument representing, or document of title to, a
      Permitted Investment;

                                                                          Page 2

      "Obligations" means all present and future obligations and liabilities of
      the Pledgor under the Bank Credit Facility, the Notes, the Indentures, the
      Debentures, the Debenture Indenture and the Security Sharing Agreement.

      "Pledge" means, in respect of each Instrument, the pledge of that
      Instrument created by or pursuant to this Agreement; and

1.2.  Any reference in this Agreement to:

            (i)   any agreement or document shall be read and construed as a
                  reference to such agreement or document as the same may have
                  been or may from time to time be, amended, varied, novated or
                  supplemented; and

            (ii)  any party shall be construed so as to include its respective
                  successors, permitted assigns and transferees in accordance
                  with its respective interests;

1.3.  Words denominating the singular include the plural and vice versa.

1.4.  Section headings are for reference only.

2.    PLEDGE

2.1.  To secure the due and punctual payment and performance by the Pledgor of
      the Obligations, the Pledgor hereby:

      (a)   pledges to the Pledgee as a first security interest for the benefit
            of the Thai Lenders and the holders of the Notes and a second
            security interest for the benefit of the holders of the Debentures
            (i) all Instruments, (ii) all rights, entitlements and benefits of
            the Pledgor in respect of such Instruments, (iii) all rights of the
            Pledgor to withdraw monies from the Permitted Investments and (iv)
            all proceeds of such Instruments and Permitted Investments; and

      (b)   undertakes at each time when any Instruments and permitted
            Investments are issued to immediately:

            (i)   deliver the Instrument to the Collateral Agent;

            (ii)  endorse on such Instrument the following: "This Instrument is
                  pledged pursuant to the Pledge of Thai Permitted Investments
                  dated 12 March 1998 between the Pledgor, the Thai Facility
                  Agent, the Trustee, the Debenture Trustee and the Pledgee
                  named therein and the terms and conditions thereof shall apply
                  to this Instrument", and execute such endorsement;

            (iii) give notice to the issuer of such Instrument in the form set
                  out in Part A of Exhibit 2 hereto and use reasonable efforts
                  to procure that as soon as practicable the issuer of such
                  Instrument acknowledge such notice in the

                                                                          Page 3

                  form set out in Part B of Exhibit 2, or in such other form as
                  may be reasonably acceptable to the Pledgee; and

            (iv)  complete all other actions and deliver any other document
                  which the Pledgee may reasonably require to perfect the
                  pledging by the Pledgor under this Agreement and each Pledge;

      (c)   in the event that the Pledgor invests in any instrument which does
            not qualify as a Permitted Investment (as defined in the Indentures
            and the Debenture Indenture), the Pledgor agrees, if requested by
            the Thai Lenders, the Trustees, the Debenture Trustees or the
            Pledgee, as the case may be, to promptly execute and deliver to the
            Pledgee an agreement substantially in the form of this Agreement
            pledging such instrument to the Pledgee.


3.1.  The enforcement of Pledges shall be in accordance with the Security
      Sharing Agreement.

3.2.  In accordance with the Security Sharing Agreement, following the receipt
      of a Notice of Actionable Default (as defined therein) and in compliance
      with Section 4 of the Security Sharing Agreement, the issuance of an
      Enforcement Notice shall cause each Pledge constituted by or pursuant to
      this Agreement to become immediately enforceable by any means in
      accordance with applicable law.

3.3.  The proceeds derived from the enforcement of any Pledge shall be applied
      towards settlement of the Obligations in accordance with the Security
      Sharing Agreement, the Bank Credit Facility, the Indentures and the
      Debenture Indenture. In the event that such proceeds are insufficient to
      pay or set off all amounts to which the Thai Lenders, the Trustees, or the
      Debenture Trustees are entitled, the Pledgor shall be liable for the


4.1.  This Agreement and each Pledge created by or pursuant hereto shall be in
      addition to, independent of, without prejudice to, and shall not be in
      substitution for or merge with any other rights, security, guarantee,
      indemnity or suretyship now held or which may hereafter be held by the
      Thai Lenders, the Trustees or, as the case may be, the Debenture Trustee
      (as a second priority lien) for the due payment and performance by the
      Pledgor of the Obligations.

4.2.  This Agreement and each Pledge created by or pursuant hereto shall be a
      continuing security and shall remain in full force and effect
      notwithstanding the liquidation, bankruptcy or other incapacity of the
      Pledgor or any amalgamation or reconstruction of the Pledgor or any change
      in the constitution thereof or any settlement of account, intervening
      payment or the extinction of any or all indebtedness by whatever reason
      (other than by full performance and discharge of the Obligations) or other
      matter or thing whatsoever.

                                                                          Page 4

4.3.  If after the date of this Agreement:

      (a)   any settlement or discharge of any or all of the Obligations of the
            Pledgor is nullified for any reason whatsoever, and/or

      (b)   an order or judgment is made against the Thai Lenders, the Trustees,
            the Debenture Trustee, the holders of the Notes or the holders of
            the Debentures, under Section 237 of the Civil and Commercial Code
            of Thailand (or any modification or re-enactment thereof) or under
            any of Section 113, 114 and 115 of the Bankruptcy Act of Thailand
            (or any modification or re-enactment thereof) directing the Thai
            Lenders, the Trustees, the Debenture Trustee, the holders the Notes
            or the holders of the Debentures to pay any sum received or held by
            it from the Pledgor or any other person to settle all or part of the
            debt of the Pledgor to an official receiver, a liquidator or a
            creditor of the Pledgor.

then the returned moneys, losses, damages, costs and expenses of the Thai
Lenders, the Trustees, the Debenture Trustee, the holders of the Notes or the
holders of the Debentures arising as a result of such nullified settlement or
discharge, and/or (as the case may be) the sum paid by it pursuant to such order
or judgment shall be recoverable from the Pledgor on demand.


      As provided in the Indentures and the Debenture Indenture, as the case may
      be, the Pledgor is authorized to continue to control investment decisions
      with respect to Permitted Investments until an Enforcement Notice has been
      issued. At such time, the Pledgee shall control investment decisions with
      respect to Permitted Investments and realize upon its security interest.


6.1.  The Pledgor shall, at any time at the reasonable request of the Pledgee
      and at the cost and expense of the Pledgor, promptly sign, seal, execute
      and deliver such deeds, instruments, notices and documents, (including
      further legal or other transfers or assignments) and do such acts and
      things as may reasonably be required by the Pledgee for the purpose of
      maintaining, perfecting, protecting, defending, enforcing or securing the
      obligations of the Pledgor under this Agreement and the encumbrances
      arising under or constituted by or pursuant to this Agreement (or
      purported to be created by or constituted by or pursuant to this
      Agreement) or in respect of each Instrument (whether in existence at the
      date hereof or acquired after the date hereof) or for facilitating the
      exercise or, as the case may be, realization thereof and the exercise of
      all other powers, authorities and discretion vested in the Pledgee.

6.2.  Pledgee shall, without prejudice to other rights, powers and privileges
      under this Agreement, be entitled (but shall be under no obligation), at
      any time and as often as it may reasonably consider to be necessary, to
      take any such action and/or to demand additional documents and instruments
      from a third party (in which case,

                                                                          Page 5

      the Pledgor undertakes to use its best endeavors to procure such documents
      or instruments from such third party) for the purpose of protecting the
      rights constituted by this Agreement.

6.3.  The Pledgor hereby agrees to indemnify the Pledgee on demand against any
      and all costs, losses, expenses or liabilities incurred by or imposed on
      the Thai Facility Agent, the Thai Lenders, the Trustees, the Debenture
      Trustee or the Pledgee in connection with actions taken concerning the
      perfection and/or protection of the rights and/or security interest
      referred to in this Clause 6.3.


      Except as otherwise permitted hereunder, the Pledgor shall not file or
      suffer to be on file, or authorize or permit to be filed or to be on file,
      in any jurisdiction, any other encumbrance with respect to the Permitted
      Investment in which the Pledgee is not named as the sole first secured
      party for the benefit of the Thai Lenders and the Trustees or as the sole
      second secured party for the benefit of the Debenture Trustee. The Pledgor
      shall permit representatives of the Pledgee upon reasonable notice, at any
      time during normal business hours to inspect and make abstracts from its
      books and records pertaining to the Permitted Investments.


8.1.  Any receipt, release or discharge of the assignment provided by, or of any
      liability arising under, Permitted Investments may be given by the Pledgee
      alone and shall not release or discharge the Pledgor from any liability
      for the same or any other moneys which may exist independently of this
      Agreement. Where such receipt, release or discharge relates only to part
      of the Permitted Investment, such receipt, release or discharge shall not
      prejudice or affect the pledge hereby created in relation to the remainder
      of the Permitted Investment.

8.2.  The Pledgee may in its discretion grant time or other indulgence, or make
      any other arrangement variation or release, with the Pledgor or any other
      person (whether or not party hereto and whether or not jointly liable with
      the Pledgor) in respect of all the obligations or of any other security
      therefor or guarantee in respect thereof without prejudice either to the
      assignment constituted by or pursuant to this Agreement or to the
      liability of the Pledgor for the Obligations.

8.3.  The rights, powers and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative
      and are not, nor are they to be construed as, exclusive of any rights,
      powers and remedies provided by law.

8.4.  No failure on the part of the Pledgee to exercise, or delay on its or
      their part in exercising any of the rights, powers and remedies provided
      for by this Agreement or by law shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor
      shall any single or partial waiver of any such rights, powers or remedies
      preclude any further or other exercise of such rights, power or

                                                                          Page 6


      The Pledgee shall, at the request and cost of the Pledgor, at any, time
      after the Pledgor's Obligations have been repaid in promptly release and
      discharge the Pledgor from its obligations under this Agreement and any
      Pledge and shall deliver any Instrument in its possession at such time to
      the possession of the Pledgor.


      T958249741his Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit
      of the parties hereto and their respective successors, assignees and
      transferees, provided that the Pledgor may not assign or transfer all or
      any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement.


      If at any time any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement or any
      Pledge becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect under any
      law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions
      of this Agreement and such Pledge shall not in any way be affected or
      impaired thereby.


      Any notice or communication under or in connection with this Agreement
      shall be given in accordance with Clause 12 of the Security Sharing
      Agreement and the provisions of such agreement shall apply hereto mutatis

13.   LAW

      This Agreement and each Pledge shall be governed by and construed in
      accordance with the laws of Thailand.


      The terms of this Attachment may be waived, altered or amended only by an
      instrument in writing duly executed by the Pledgor and the Pledgee in
      accordance with Section 17 of the Security Sharing Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly

                                                                          Page 7

as Pledgor

By  /s/ Sawasdi Horrungruang
Title:  Chairman


as Thai Facility Agent for the Thai Lenders


as the Trustees and Debenture Trustee


as Pledgee


                                                                          Page 8

                                    EXHIBIT I

                                The Thai Lenders

1.    The Industrial Finance Corporation of Thailand
2.    Thai Farmers Bank Public Company Limited
3.    Siam City Bank Public Company Limited
4.    The Government Savings Bank
5.    First Bangkok City Bank Public Company Limited
6.    Nakornthon Bank Public Company Limited
7.    SCF Finance and Securities Public Company Limited
8.    Siam City Credit Finance and Securities Public Company Limited

                                                                          Page 9

                                    EXHIBIT 2

                                     Part A

                                Notice of Pledge

To: [Issuer of the Instruments]

Dear Sirs,

We refer to the instruments as listed in the attached (the "Instrument(s)").

We hereby give you notice that pursuant to the Pledge of permitted Investments
dated 12 March 1998 (the "Pledge of Permitted Investments") between Nakomthai
Strip Mill Public Company Limited (the "Pledgor"), the Thai Lenders, the
Trustees, the Debenture Trustee and the Collateral Agent, as Pledgee, the
Pledgor has pledged to the Pledgee for the benefit of the Thai Lenders, the
Trustees and the Debenture Trustee, the Instruments and all rights, entitlements
and benefits of the Pledgor in respect of such Instrument, including its right
to withdraw monies.

Terms and expressions defined in the Pledge of Permitted Investments shall have
the same meaning when used herein.

Please acknowledge receipt of this notice in the form-n of acknowledgment
attached hereto (the "Acknowledgment") by signing and returning a copy of the
Acknowledgment to the Collateral Agent at The Chase Manhattan Bank, Bubhajit
Building, 20 North Sathom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 and another copy
to the Pledgor.


By: _______________________________________________


                                                                         Page 10

We confirm our agreement with the foregoing.

As Collateral Agent, and for on behalf of the
Thai Lenders, the Trustees and the Debenture Trustee

By: _____________________________________
Attachment:  Acknowledgment of notice of pledge

                                                                         Page 11

                                     Part B

                Acknowledgment of Pledge of Permitted Investments

To:   THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK 20 North Sathom Road
      Silom, Bangrak
      Bangkok 10500

      No. 9, UM Tower, 16 th Floor
      Kwaeng Suanluang, Khet Suanluang

We hereby acknowledge receipt of a notice of pledge of which this is a copy.

Yours sincerely,

                                                                         Page 12

                                    EXHIBIT 3

                           Form of Enforcement Notice

      No. 9, UM Tower, 16th Floor
      Kwaeng Suanluang, Khet Suanluang


Dear Sirs,

We refer to:

      (a)   the instruments as listed in the attached (the "Instruments");

      (b)   the Pledge of Pennitted Investments Agreement dated 12 March 1998
            (the "Pledge of Permitted Investments") between Nakomthai Strip Mill
            Public Company Limited (the " Pledgor"), the Thai Lenders, Trustees,
            the Debenture Trustee and the Collateral Agent (as therein defined);

      (c)   the notice of pledge dated [*] given to the issuers of the
            Instruments by the Pledgor and confirmed by the Collateral Agent in
            respect of the Pledge of Permitted Investors.

Words and expressions defined in the Pledge of Permitted Investments (whether
expressly therein or by cross-reference to another document) and used herein
shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meanings when used

We hereby notify you that we have received Notice of an Actionable Default and
that we have been directed to deliver this Enforcement Notice in accordance with
the provisions of Section 4 of the Sharing Agreement.

We hereby confirm that this Enforcement Notice is delivered pursuant to and for
the purposes of Clause 3.2 of the Pledge of Permitted Investments and in
accordance with the terms thereof, each pledge constituted by or pursuant to the
Pledge of Permitted Investments is immediately enforceable in accordance with
applicable law.

                                                                         Page 13

This Enforcement Notice and the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder
shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Thailand.

Your faithfully,
As Collateral Agent, for and on behalf of
the Thai Lenders, the Trustees and the Debenture Trustees

By: ________________________________

                                                                         Page 14