Exhibit 10.11

                                                                6 February, 1997

                             MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT
                               CONTRACT YEAR 1997

This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT is made pursuant to the Memorandum dated 2nd August
1996, signed between the Nakornthai Strip Mill Public Company Limited, Thailand
(hereinafter called "Buyer") and MMTC Limited, New Delhi, India (hereinafter
called "Sellers").

      Legend: "Contract Year" means the period of 12 months commencing on lst
      January in any year and ending on 31st December of the same year. Buyers
      and Sellers have mutually agreed to the following:

1. Price:

The FOB price and unit price applicable to Iron ore fines to be delivered in the
Contract Year 1997 shall be as follows:

                                       Ex-Mormugao/Panjim       Ex-Madras

         Fe Basis                                66%                 66%
                                              -----               -----
         FOB Price (US $ per DMT) :           17.45               17.87
                                              -----               -----
         Unit price (USC per DMTU) :          26.44               27.08
                                              -----               -----
2. Quantity:

The quantity to be delivered during the Contract Year 1997 shall be 80,000
MT~100,000 MT between September 1997 to December 1997.

3. Delivery Schedule:

Seller will give a stem confirmation 2 months in advance before commencement of
each quarter. The exact shipment schedule would be confirmed by the Buyer, 45
days before commencement of each quarter.

4. Shipping:

Seller will, as far as possible, sell the cargo to Buyer on C&F basis making use
of Indian bottoms. In case sea freight offered by Seller is not competitive,
Buyer will be free to contract on FOB basis. Before finalisation of contract of
affreightment (C.O.A), Buyer shall give an opportunity to the Seller to match
the rates so that use of Indian bottoms is maximised. Occasionally, to
accommodate the Buyer, shipments could be effected from Madras Port, when
Mormugao Port is closed for fines shipments. Shipments during September to May
shall be effected from Mormugao / Panjim Port only.


Detailed terms and conditions shall be as per the Sale Contract MMTC/97/IOS/500
Dated 6th February 1997 between the Buyer and Seller.


For Nakornthai Strip Mill Public Co. Ltd.,

                            CONT.NO.MMTC/97/IOS/ 500

BUYER:  M/s Nakornthai Strip Mill Public   SELLER:   MMTC LIMITED,
        Company Limited.                             Core 1, Scope Complex,
        Chonburi Industrial Estate (Bowin)           7, Institutional Area, Lodi
        358 Moo 6, Highway 331, Bowin,                    Road,
        Sriracha, Chonburi 20230 Thailand.           New Delhi - 110 003 (India)
        FAX # 6638 345696, 375                       TLX: 3161045 MMTC IN
        TEL # 6638 345689 -92                        FAX: 4364106 / 4360365
                                                     TEL: 011-4362200

Whereas a Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter called "MOA") dated 2nd August
1996 has been signed between the Nakornthai Strip Mill Public Company Limited,
Thailand (hereinafter called "Buyer") and MMTC Limited, New Delhi, India
(hereinafter called "Seller"), for supply of iron ore from India, with the
provision that the actual tonnage to be delivered shall be mutually agreed at
the time of price negotiation for each Contract Year between Buyer and Seller.

            Legend: "Contract Year" means the period of 12 months commencing on

            January in any year and ending on 31st December of the same year.

Whereas, another Memorandum of Agreement dated 6 February 1997(hereinafter
called "MOA-CY97) has been signed between Buyer and Seller for supply of iron
ore for Contract Year 1997.

This contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, this 6th February
1997, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the
undermentioned goods for their use in Thailand on the terms and conditions
stated below:

CLAUSE 1 NAME OF COMMODITY       : Iron Ore Fines
         COUNTRY OF ORIGIN       : India
         PORT (S) OF LOADING     : Mormugao/Madras
         PORT OF DESTINATION     : SRIRACHA PORT, Thailand Or KaoSichang


Seller shall deliver to Buyer and Buyer shall purchase from Seller, ore in the
annual tonnage which is mentioned in above said MOA, for each of the Contract
Years 1997 through 2001 both inclusive.

The actual tonnage to be delivered shall be mutually agreed at the time of price
negotiation for each year between Seller and Buyer.


            Fe                                 66% Basis 65% Min.
            A12o3                              2% Max.
            Sio2                               3% Max.
            P                                  0.06% Max.
            S                                  0.02%
            Pb                                 Traces
            Zn                                 Traces
            Cu                                 Traces


            MOISTURE                           10% Max
            PHYSICAL    SIZE  :0-10mm
                                         Above    10mm         5% Max.
                                         Below    10mm        95% Min.


            1.The prices per dry metric ton, F.O.B., stowed, sea worthy trimmed
            in US Dollars shall be fixed each Contract Year through mutual

            2.The prices to be applied to Ore to be delivered in each Contract
            Year shall be discussed and determined by the commencement of each
            contract year.


            A)    For Fe Content 

                  In respect of each shipment of iron ore which does not meet
                  the Fe specifications set forth in clause 3 the base price
                  referred to in clause 4 shall be adjusted in accordance with
                  Fe content as determined pursuant to the provisions of clause
                  9 as follows:


                  The base price shall be increased by single prorata of the
                  price as per clause 4 for each 1% Fe above 66%, fraction


                  The base price shall be decreased by single prorata of the
                  price as per clause 4 for each 1% Fe below 66%, fraction
                  prorata up to 65%.

                  The base price shall be decreased by double prorata of the
                  price as per clause 4 for each 1 % Fe below 65%, fraction

            B)    For Silica


                  At the rate of 5(five) US Cents per dry metric tonne for each
                  1.0% Silica below 3%, fraction prorata.


                  At the rate of 5(five) US Cents per dry metric tonne for each
                  1.0% Silica above 3%, fraction prorata.

            C)    For Alumina


                        At the rate of 5 (five) US Cents per dry metric tonne
                        for each 1.0% Alumina below 2%, fraction prorata.


                        At the rate of 5(five) US Cents per dry metric tonne for
                        each 1.0% Alumina above 2%, fraction prorata.


            D)    For other elements

                  If the shipment does not meet any of the chemical
                  specifications other than Fe, Silica and Alumina, provided in
                  clause 3 as finally determined in accordance with the
                  provisions of the clause 9, the base price shall be
                  increased/decreased as follows fraction prorata.

                  i)    For excess Phosphorus 

                        At the rate of 5(five) US Cents per dry metric tonne for
                        each 0.01 % in excess of 0.06%.

                  ii)   For excess Sulphur 

                        At the rate of 5(five) US Cents per dry metric tonne for
                        each 0.01% in excess of 0.02%.

            E)    SIZE PENALTY

                  US$ 0.50 PER MT on natural basis fraction prorata shall be
                  applied to the quantities of fines above 10mm in excess of 5%.

            F)    MOISTURE

                  If free moisture loss at 105 degrees centigrade as finally
                  determined pursuant to the provisions of clause 9 exceed the
                  guaranteed maximum referred to in clause 3, seller shall pay
                  buyer; half of the actual freight attributable to moisture
                  content over 10% up to 11% including 11% and full actual
                  freight attributable to moisture over 11 % for fines.


      An acceptable commercial letter of credit in US Currency will be opened by
      the Buyer in favour of the Seller with the State Bank of India,
      Vasco-da-gama, Post Box No.40, Cable: THISTLE GOA, TLX #.191233 SBI IN,
      FAX #. 083451 (for shipments from Mormugao/Panjim) and State Bank of
      India, Overseas Branch, 39, Rajaji Salai, Post Box No.5081, Madras-600001,
      Cable:OSBRAN Tlx:041-7718 OSBR, 7759 OSOB, 6822 SBOM (for shipments from
      Madras). Letter of Credit will be established covering 100% (with
      tolerance of 10% more) of the goods of shipment with validity of 90 days
      to be extended if necessary. The Letter of Credit would be unrestricted,
      without recourse to drawer, confirmed, irrevocable, in favour of Seller
      reimbursable through T.T. Charges attendant to the opening, amending and
      extending the letter of credit and any other charges levied by the bank
      outside India shall be to the account of the Buyers. All charges levied by
      the Bank in India would be to Seller's account. No confirmation is
      required if the L/C is opened from a first class International Bank like
      Deutch Bank. In case L/C is not opened, Buyer can wire transfer 100% of
      sale value four (4) weeks prior to commencement of laydays. Load port
      results shall be final in all respects. Payment would not be stopped in
      case of clerical errors, spelling mistakes and technical discrepancies in
      the documents.


            Seller shall provide buyer through negotiating and opening banks
            after reimbursement of sale proceeds with the following documents:

            A)    Complete set of "Clean on Board" shipped Bill of Lading made
                  out to order, blank endorsed marked "freight payable as per
                  charter party" notifying at the port of destination.


            B)    Five (5) copies of invoice covering 100% value of the goods
                  (One original and four copies) indicating the contract number,
                  UC number, name of carrying vessel.

            C)    Copy of telegram or telex advising shipment according to
                  clause 12 of this contract.

            D)    Certificate of Quality and Certificate of Weight of contracted
                  goods in five copies(One original and four copies) each issued
                  by qualified assayer at loading port. Certificate of quality
                  to show actual result of the test of chemical composition and
                  all other tests called for in this contract.

            E)    Weight Certificate (One original and four copies) for issued
                  by qualified surveyor at loading port

            Above documents to be distributed as under:

            To the negotiating bank (original), A.3 (original), B.3 (One
            original and two copies), C.3 copies, D.3 copies(One original and
            two copies), E.3 (One original and two copies).

            To be sent to the Buyers at port of destination. A.2 non-negotiable
            copies, B.2 copies, C.2 copies, D.2 copies, E.2 copies(all
            nonnegotiable copies).


            Upon completion of loading of the cargo a surveyor duly appointed by
            the seller (in the presence of Captain of the vessel) would
            ascertain by draft survey for the quantity of fines at loading port
            in accordance with the international practice and will issue a
            weight certificate which shall be final. The final dry weight shall
            be calculated by deducting the moisture content determined as per
            sampling and analysis certificate issued by the assayer at loading


            A)    A sample will be drawn according to International rules and
                  practices at the loading port at the time of loading by one of
                  the following analysts appointed by the Sellers and approved
                  by the Buyers.

                  i)    M/s S.G.S. India Ltd.,
                  ii)   M/s Mitra S. K. Pvt.Ltd.,
                  iii)  M/s Itlab Pvt. Ltd.

            B)    One sample so drawn will be divided into four parts sealed
                  conjointly with the Buyer's representative if appointed. The
                  Buyers have the right to appoint their representative at their
                  own expense to supervise sampling.

            C)    The first sample will be used for analysis, the second and
                  third sample will be kept with the sellers and the buyers or
                  their representative respectively and the fourth sample will
                  be kept with the sampling firm. The certificates will also
                  contain a report on mechanical composition of the ore. Loading
                  port result would be final for all purposes.



      1.    Seller shall furnish Buyer for approval thereof with a provisional
            quarterly shipping programme for each Contract Year not later than
            sixty (60) days before the commencement of the contract year.

      2.    Seller shall notify Buyer of a definite quarterly shipping programme
            which includes provisional monthly programme not later than
            forty-five (45) days before the commencement of each quarter.

            Such definite quarterly shipping programme, however, shall not
            deviate much from the provisional quarterly shipping programme
            indicated in accordance with Paragraph (1) hereinabove.

      3.    Seller shall notify Buyer of a monthly shipping programme not later
            than forty-five (45) days before the commencement of each month.

            However, such monthly shipping programme shall be, in principle, on
            even spread basis of a definite quarterly shipping programme
            indicated in accordance with Paragraph (2) hereinabove.


      1.    Vessels to carry ore under this contract shall be chartered and
            allocated by Buyer (or Seller depending upon competitiveness).

      2.    The vessels' holds shall be clean and free of foreign materials
            which might result in admixture and/or contamination of Ore.

      3.    Buyer shall advise Seller of the vessels' allocation programme for
            each month of the quarter not later than forty-five (45) days before
            the commencement of each quarter based on the definite shipping
            programme notified by Seller in accordance with Paragraph (2) of
            Clause (10). Such allocation programme shall include the number of
            vessels, rough quantity to be loaded and approximate arrival
            position, namely, early or mid or end of the month.

      4.    Buyer shall notify seller of monthly vessels' allocation programme
            together with the name of vessel, the quantity to be loaded (ten) 10
            percent more or less at ship's option, the Expected Time of Arrival
            of each vessel at the loading port and estimated loaded draft not
            later than thirty (30) days before the commencement of each month to
            get Seller's confirmation to be given promptly. Buyer shall also
            notify Seller of details of vessel including GA plan, air draft etc.

      5.    While furnishing allocation programme and nominations under
            Paragraph (3) and (4) above, Buyer shall make best efforts to ensure
            that vessels arrive at evenly spaced intervals.

      6.    Buyer shall declare to Seller laydays of 7 - 10 days spread for each
            vessel not later than twenty (20) days prior to the ETA of each
            vessel at the loading port.

      7.    Buyer shall arrange that the vessel's crew open and close the
            hatches and remove and replace the hatch beams as necessary for the
            loading at vessel's risk and expense.

      8.    In the event of any change being made in the vessel's allocation
            programme, Buyer shall advise Seller for their confirmation each
            time such change takes place at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
            arrival of the vessel.


      9.    Buyer shall arrange that the Master of the vessel gives to the
            Regional Office, the MMTC Ltd., Goa/Madras, as the case may be,
            three notices of the ETA of the vessel at the loading port; the
            first notice to be given five (5) days prior to the ETA of the
            vessel along with the stowage plan, the second to be given
            forty-eight (48) hours prior to the ETA and the third to be given
            twenty-four (24) hours prior to the ETA. In the last notice, the
            Master shall advise the approximate quantity of ore required to be
            loaded within the tolerance agreed for the vessel.


            A)    Seller shall deliver to Buyer in bulk, seaworthy trimmed,
                  alongside Seller's wharf vessel being always afloat to maximum
                  permissible draft, when fully loaded at the place of loading.

            B)    Seller shall load ore aboard the vessel at the following rates
                  per weather working day of twenty four (24) consecutive hours
                  Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays included.

                  Normally, the shipping or iron ore fines will be done from the
                  port of Mormugao/Panjim, but occasionally, ore fines could be
                  shipped from Madras, specially during the rainy seasons, to
                  accommodate the Buyer.

            For Mormugao Port:

            Loading at Berth No.9 or Transhipper Vessels will be at the option
            of the Seller

            (1) At Berth No.9: Marmugao Outer Harbour:

            For vessels of or over 30000 DWT up to 35000 DWT       15,000 WMT 
            For vessels over 35,000 DWT                            20,000 WMT
            (II) Loading rate by Transhipper vessel
            For vessel of or over 30000 DWT up to 35000 DWF        10,000 WMT
            For vessels over 35000 DWT                             12,000 WMT
            Seller will have the option to load the vessels from Panjim Port
            (Near Marmugao) using transhipper vessel (T.V)
            For Madras Outer Harbour.
            For vessels of or over 30000 DWT up to 35000 DWT       15,000 WMT 
            For vessels over 35,000 DWT up to 40000 DWT            20,000 WMT 
            For vessels over 40000 DWT up to 50,000 DWT            30,500 WMT 
            For vessels over 50000 DWT up to 80,000 DWT            35,600 WMT
            C)    Notice of readiness to load shall be tendered with clean
                  holds, hatch open and ready in all respect to load at any time
                  after vessel has arrived at loading port whether in berth or
                  not. If the vessel is not in free pratique on arrival at the
                  berth due to causes attributable to the vessel, then a new
                  notice of readiness shall be tendered.

                  Laytime for loading shall commence 12 running hours after
                  tendering of notice of readiness unless used, in which case,
                  actual time used to count. In case loading has to be


                  due to reasons of responsibility of the vessel, such time lost
                  shall not count as laytime. Stoppage of loading due to
                  breakdown of the ore loading plant shall not be counted as

            D)    DEMURRAGE/DESPATCH

                  Demurrage/despatch at the loading port shall be calculated in
                  accordance with following schedule:

     Size of vessel          Demurrage per 24 hours day
     --------------          (prorata or part)

     Up to 35,000 DWT           US$ 3,000
     Over 35,000 DWT            US$ 5,000

            Despatch rate will be half of the demurrage rate. Any time
            necessarily required by a vessel with draft, when fully loaded up to
            permissible draft, at the place of loading, at the port of Mormugao
            / Panjim / Madras, after completion of loading, the wait for the
            tide before sailing from seller's wharf shall be counted as time
            used in calculating demurrage / despatch money.


            Seller shall, upon completion of loading, advise Buyer within one
            working day by cable/telex/fax of the contract number, name of
            vessel, name of commodity, approximate invoice value, gross weight
            and loading date.


            To be covered by Buyer from the time ore is loaded on board the
            vessel. For this purpose Seller shall advise buyer by
            cable/telex/fax before the loading of the vessel starts and
            immediately after completion of the loading of the particulars as
            called for in Clause 13 of this contract.


            If at any time during the existence of this contract either party is
            unable to perform whole or in part any obligation under this
            contract, because of war, hostility, military operation of any
            character, civil commotions, sabotage, quarantine restriction, acts
            of Government, fire, floods, explosions, epidemics, strikes or other
            labour trouble affecting either or all aspects of mining,
            transportation of ore, port/shipment operations etc, embargoes, then
            the date of fulfillment of any obligation shall be postponed during
            the time when such circumstances are operative.

            Any waiver/extension of time in respect of the delivery of any
            installment or part of the goods shall not be deemed to be
            waiver/extension of time in respect of the remaining deliveries. If
            operation of such circumstances exceeds three months, either party
            will have the right to refuse further performance of the contract in
            which case neither party shall have the right to claim eventual
            damages. The party which is unable to fulfill its obligations under
            the present contract must within 15 days of occurrence of any of the
            causes mentioned in this clause shall inform the other party of the
            existence of the termination of the circumstances preventing the
            performance of the contract. Certificate issued by a Chamber of
            Commerce or any other competent authority connected with the cause
            in the country of the Seller or the Buyer shall be sufficient proof
            of the


            existence of the above circumstances and their duration.
            Non-availability of material will not be an excuse to the Sellers
            for not performing their obligations under this contract.


            Any dispute between Seller & Buyer which cannot be settled by mutual
            accord shall be referred to arbitration.

            Arbitration shall be conducted on the basis of the Rules of
            Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of
            Commerce, Paris. The court of Arbitration will consist of three
            members, one appointee by each party within 1 (one) month and the
            third selected by the two arbitrators so appointed within 2 (two)
            weeks. If the party fails to name its arbitrator within the
            designated time, or if the two arbitrators are unable within 2 (two)
            weeks to agree on a third arbitrator, the arbitrator or arbitrators
            in question shall be appointed in accordance with the Provisions of
            the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of International Chamber
            of Commerce.

            The venue of the Court of Arbitration shall be Singapore.

            The arbitration award shall be enforceable by the courts of the
            country of India or Thailand, as the case may be.

            The award shall indicate how to distribute arbitrators' fees and
            arbitration expenses between the parties.

            The Court of Arbitration shall make its award exclusively on the
            basis of this Contract.


            It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the buyer and
            MMTC that MMTC is entering into this agreement solely in its own
            behalf and not on behalf of any other person or entity. In
            particular it is expressly understood and agreed that the Government
            of India is not a party to this agreement and has no liabilities,
            obligations or rights hereunder. It is expressly understood and
            agreed that MMTC is an independent legal entity with power and
            authority to enter into contracts solely on its own behalf under the
            applicable laws of India and general principles of contract law. The
            Buyer expressly agrees, acknowledges and understands that MMTC is
            not an agent, representative or delegate of the Government of India.
            It is further understood and agreed that the Government of India is
            not and shall not be liable for any acts, omissions, commissions,
            breaches or other wrongs arising out of the contract.

            Accordingly, (The parties) hereby expressly waives, releases and
            foregoes any and all actions or claims including cross-claims,
            impleader claims or counterclaims against the Government of India
            arising out of this contract and convenants not to sue the
            Government of India as to any manner, claim, cause of action or
            thing whatsoever arising of or under this contract.


            The Title with respect to each shipment shall pass from Seller to
            the Buyers when Seller receives reimbursement of the proceeds from
            the opening bank through the negotiating bank against the relative
            shipping documents as set forth in Clause 7 after completion of
            loading on board the vessel at Mormugao/Panjim/Madras, with effect
            retrospective to the time of delivery of ore. In


            case of advance wire transfer of 100% sale value, title for such
            shipment shall pass from Seller to the Buyer on completion of

            All Risk of loss, damage or destruction to the goods shall pass from
            Seller to Buyer when goods pass ship's rail at the loading port, as
            they are progressively loaded into the vessel.


            In the event of partial loss of cargo, the Bill of Lading weight and
            the analysis carried out by Buyer on the cargo discharged shall be
            treated as final and shall form the basis of final invoicing and
            payment. In the event of total loss of cargo, the analysis and the
            weight as determined at the Loading port shall be treated as final
            and shall be used for final invoicing and payment.


            Any amendment or modification to this contract shall be made in
            writing and subject to confirmation by the contracting parties.


            All communications referred to in this contract shall be in writing
            and will be sent by registered airmail and/or by telex, cable, fax,
            on the address as follows:

                  MMTC LIMITED,
                  Core no.1, Scope Complex,
                  7, Institutional area, Lodi Road,
                  New Delhi-110 003.

                  TELEX : 031-61045 MMTC IN
                  FAX: 4364106/4360365

                  MMTC LIMITED
                  POST BOX # 37,
                  VASCO-DA-GAMA-403 802 FAX # 91 0834573283
                  TLX # 191 201 CABLE: EM2MT1CI

                  IN witness whereof this contract is made in duplicate at
                  Thailand, on this 6th February 1997 and the duly authorised
                  representatives of the Seller and the Buyer having signed on
                  this day.

                             Retained one copy each.

BUYER  /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]                              SELLER /s/ [ILLEGIBLE] 

BANGKOK THAILAND.                                   NEW DELHI
