Exhibit 10.12

                               PERSONNEL TRAINING,

                            TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND

                          CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT


                               HYLSA, S.A. DE C.V.


                           NAKORNTHAI STRIP P.C. LTD.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.

                             AND CONSULTING SERVICES

THIS AGREEMENT, made an entered into at Monterrey, N. L. Mexico this day of June
6, 1996, by and between Nakornthai Strip Mill Public Co. Ltd., with an address
at 16 Fl.U.M. Tower Building, 9 Ramakamhaeng Rd, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250,
Thailand (hereinafter referred as NSM) of the first part and HYLSA, S.A. de C.V.
with address a Ave. Munich 101, San Nicolas de los Garza, N.L., Mexico 66452
(hereinafter referred as HYL), as the second part.

WHEREAS, HYL has in operation in Mexico, steelmaking facilities and recently it
has completed a remodelation of said facilities, which now includes a Continuous
Strip Plant (CSP), using a technology developed by SMS Schloemann-Siemag, A.G.

WHEREAS, HYL has developed training programs for its own personnel, in
conjunction with SMS, for the operation and maintenance of its CSP Plant, and
SMS has granted authorization to HYL to provide training services to third
parties that build CSP plants.

WHEREAS, HYL is also duly prepared to provide training, technical assistance and
consulting services in all the steelmaking areas, using its own technology and

WHEREAS, NSM has an ongoing project for the erection of a steel making plant
located in Thailand (hereinafter the PROJECT) in which, among other
installations, are considered a CSP Plant and other facilities similar to those
installations of HYL and requires to be provided training to its personnel, as
well as technical assistance and consulting services, for the proper operation
and maintenance of its CSP Plant and other facilities of its steelmaking plant.

WHEREAS, HYL is willing to cooperate with NSM in the provision of the required
services and as a consequence it has presented to NSM a Technical and Commercial
proposal to provide said services.

WHEREAS, the parties hereto have discussed at length the terms and conditions of
the technical and commercial proposal presented by HYL, covering the services to
provided by HYL, which proposal has been accepted by NSM, subject to the terms
and conditions herein established.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein
stipulated, the parties hereto agree as follows, intending to be legally bound:


1.1.  Upon the payment of the price agreed by the parties hereto in Article 2
      hereunder, HYL shall have the following basic responsibilities:

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.                                  Page 2

      1.1.1. To supply training services.

      1.1.2. To supply technical assistance services during the PROJECT stages.

      1.1.3. To supply consulting services during the PROJECT development.

1.2.  The detail of the scope of the Training, Technical Assistance and
      Consulting that constitute the Object of this Agreement, is duly
      established in Appendices "A" and "B", that signed by the parties hereto,
      form an integral part of this Agreement.

      It is understood that this scope is tentative and is subject to change per
      NSM's requirements and NSM's cooperation with NUCOR. It is NSM's intention
      to utilize HYL's services for other training and consulting requirements
      which may replace some of the listed scope.


2.1.  As a consideration for the supply of Training, Technical Assistance and
      Consulting Services, NSM shall pay to HYL the following fees and rates:

      a)    For Training in Thailand as described in paragraph 1.1 of the
            Appendix "A", Stage 1: 
            Daily rate per calendar day per instructor.
            US$ 660.00 (six hundred and sixty dollars 00/100).

      b)    For training in Mexico for the positions related to the Strip Caster
            and Hot Mill, marked as Category A defined in paragraph 1.1 of the
            Appendix "A": Daily rate per calendar day per trainee US$ 360.00
            (three hundred and sixty dollars 00/1 00).

      c)    For Training in Mexico, for the positions marked as Category B,
            defined in paragraph 1.1 of the Appendix "A": 
            Daily rate per calendar day per trainee. 
            US$ 260.00 (two hundred and sixty dollars 0/100).

      d)    For Technical Assistance and Consulting services as described in
            paragraph 1.2 of the Appendix "A": 
            Monthly fee per man - month. 
            US$20,000.00 (Twenty thousand dollars 00/100) .

      e)    For Know How Transfer a fee of US$ 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand
            dollars 00/100).

2.2.  The prices, fees and rates established in this Article, are net for HYL;
      consequently any tax, duty, levy, convertibility charges, etc. within
      Thailand, shall be borne by NSM.

2.3.  NSM agrees to pay to HYL the amounts corresponding to the training
      services as follows:

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.                                  Page 3

      -     A first payment corresponding to 20% of the total fees for training
            in Thailand and 100% of the know-how transfer fee on July 1st, 1996.

      -     The remaining 80% of the total fees for training in Thailand shall
            be paid on a monthly basis. The monthly payments shall be calculated
            as 80% of the actual training services rendered during each month,
            up to complete the total training fees. Any adjustment as may be
            needed to match the total amount payable to HYL shall be made in the
            last month of the training.

      -     The total fees for training in Mexico shall be paid on a monthly
            basis, according to the services rendered.

      -     Reimbursable expenses made in behalf of NSM, will be paid against
            the presentation of corresponding invoices issued by HYL for the
            actual amounts spent, during each month.

2.4.  NSM shall pay to HYL the prices, fees and rates herein established by
      means of an irrevocable and confirmed Letter of Credit issued by a first
      class Thai bank. All costs related to the letter of credit will be borne
      by NSM.

2.5.  The procedure established in the sub-paragraph 2.3 for the payments to HYL
      should be completed, and the payment received by HYL within 30 (thirty)
      calendar days; if for any reason what so ever attributable to NSM, HYL
      does not receive the payment of any of the invoices related to the price
      of the services, provided by HYL under this Agreement within the aforesaid
      period of time, NSM shall pay to HYL moratoria interest at the rate LIBOR,
      plus 4 (four) percent during all the time that an invoice remains unpaid,
      without being this fact considered as an extension of the maturity date.

2.6.  It is expressly agreed between the parties that the prices set forth in
      this Article, shall be firm and not subject to escalation provided that
      this Agreement becomes effective, on or before June 30, 1996 and the
      services are completed within 24 months after the effective date of this

2.7.  It is expressly acknowledged by the parties hereto, that the aforesaid
      prices have been established, taking into consideration the total number
      of trainees, instructors and personnel of HYL that shall provide the
      Training, Technical Assistance and Consulting Services as set forth in the
      Appendices "A" and "B" of this Agreement.

      On the above basis, the parties agree that if the total amount of training
      services actually provided by HYL exceeds 10% over the total value of said
      services established in this Agreement (THE BASE VALUE), HYL will grant to
      NSM a reduction of 20% in the trainees fees and instructors fees applied
      to such marginal amount of services over THE BASE VALUE.

      Similarly, if the total value of training services actually provided by
      HYL is less than 10% below THE BASE VALUE, NSM agrees to pay to HYL an
      increase of 20% in the 

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.                                  Page 4

      trainees fees and instructor fees applied to such marginal amount of
      services below THE BASE VALUE.


3.1.  HYL guarantees that the supply of training services provided by HYL,
      derived of this Agreement, are in accordance to the specifications of the
      Appendix "A".

      In the case that an HYL instructor deployed at site proves not to comply
      with the NSM requirements, HYL shall replace such instructor without any
      charge to NSM.


4.1.  Neither party shall be deemed to be in default of its contractual
      obligations hereunder if and whilst performance thereof is prevented by
      any act of force majeure as consequence of any Government regulations,
      intervention or by circumstances arising out of Acts of God, war (declared
      or not), riots, civil commotion, strikes or lockouts, fire, accident, or
      by any other event or occurrence, which is outside the control of either
      party and such other event or occurrence that substantially prevents the
      performance of this Agreement.

4.2.  Upon the occurrence of any such contingencies, the party suffering
      therefrom shall give the other party, a notice in writing on the cause of
      delay within 14 (fourteen) days after the occurrence of such contingency.
      Such notice shall state the nature of the claimed occurrence and provide
      as much detail of the impacts on its performance, as it is reasonable at
      that time, as well as proof that said contingencies have occurred.

4.3.  In case force majeure lasts continuously, for at least six months, after
      the date of the notice referred to in the previous paragraph, the parties
      shall meet to look for a solution to the problem and in case no agreement
      is reached, any of the parties may terminate this Agreement, in which
      case, NSM shall pay to HYL the proportional part of the services that HYL
      has performed.


5.1.  All communications (notices) between the parties hereto in connection with
      this Agreement, shall be legally made, if there are sent by facsimile,
      confirmed by Registered Mail, to the following addresses and facsimile

      16 Fl. U.M. Tower Building
      9 Ramakamhaeng Rd
      Suanluang, Bangkok 10250
      Telefax No._____________

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.                                  Page 5

      Attn:  _________________

      HYLSA, S.A. DE C.V.
      Ave. Munich 101
      San Nicolas de los Garza, N.L.
      Mexico 66452
      Telefax N0. (8) 328-2810
      Attn: Vice-President Operations and Projects HYL

5.2.  Normal correspondence between the parties hereto, shall be addressed and
      transmitted according to the procedure mutually agreed upon by the


6.1.  This Agreement shall be altered, supplemented or modified only by mutual
      consent in writing through the respective authorized representatives of
      NSM and HYL.

6.2.  This Agreement sets forth the full and complete understanding of the
      parties hereto as at the date of signature, with regard to the subject
      matter of this Agreement and supersedes any and all representations that
      have been made and matters that have been agreed, before that date.


7.1.  This Agreement shall be effective (Effective Date), as and when the Letter
      of Credit referred to in Article 11, paragraph 2.4 has been opened and the
      issuing bank communicates to HYL in writing this fact.


8.1.  If there shall be any dispute or difference of opinion between NSM and
      HYL, as to the validity, interpretation or effect of this Agreement, or as
      to any other matter in connection with the Agreement, the same shall be
      resolved amicably if possible, but if this is not possible, the dispute
      shall be referred to arbitration to be held in Zurich, Switzerland in
      accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the
      International Chamber of Commerce of Paris, on the application of either

8.2.  The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in the English language.

8.3.  This Agreement, its administration and performance and all the rights,
      obligations, liabilities and responsibilities of the parties hereto, shall
      be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Switzerland.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.                                  Page 6


9.1.  Any headings preceding the text of any Articles, paragraphs or parts of
      this Agreement, are inserted solely for convenience of reference and are
      not to be considered a part of this Agreement.

9.2.  This Agreement shall be severable, such that the invalidity or
      unenforceability of any portion or provision of this Agreement, shall, in
      no way, affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or
      provision. The balance of the Agreement shall be construed and enforced,
      as if it did not contain such invalid or unenforceable portion or


10.1. No failure or delay on the part of either party, in exercising any power
      or right under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall
      any single or partial exercise of any such right or power, preclude any
      other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or
      power under this Agreement. Any modification or waiver of any provision of
      this Agreement, shall be in writing and signed by the party against whom
      enforcement is sought.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.                                  Page 7

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement, through
their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.

NAKORNTHAI STRIP MILL                         HYLSA, S.A. DE C.V.

 /s/  Chamni Janchai                           /s/  Dr. Raul Quintero
- ------------------------                      -------------------------
Title: Manager Director                       Title: President Technology

 /s/  John W. Shultes                          /s/ [ILLEGIBLE]
- ------------------------                      -------------------------
Witness                                       Witness

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel.                                  Page 8

                                  APPENDIX "A"

                                SCOPE OF SERVICES

                               PERSONNEL TRAINING,

                            TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND

                          CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT


                               HYLSA, S.A. DE C.V.


                         NAKORNTHAI STRIP MILL P.C. LTD.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A


      HYL shall supply to NSM, the following services, in which description is
      included the scope of HYL's responsibilities.

1.1.  HYL shall train NSM's personnel in a two stages program. The Stage 1, is a
      Steelmaking and Process Fundamentals Training to be performed in Thailand
      for 4 groups. The Stage 2, is the Specific Training to be performed in
      Mexico for 3 groups.

      The expected composition of the groups to be trained in Mexico (A, B, and
      C ) is defined in the paragraph 1.1.3.

      1.1.1. Stage 1: Steelmaking and Process Fundamentals

            In this stage, HYL will send 8 instructors for two periods of four
            (4) months each to perform the basic training to the NSM personnel.
            NSM will provide the facilities required for this training, such as,
            but not limited to, classrooms with air conditioned, board, slides
            projector, stationery, safety equipment, etc.

            The basic training consists of 8 general courses for all the
            trainees, at the end of this stage, they will have a general
            knowledge and fundamentals of a steelmaking plant.

The courses are:

      Course:                 Content
      -------                 -------

         A                    Electric Arc Furnace

         B                    Caster and Refractories

         C                    Tunnel Furnace and Mill

         D                    Pickling and Annealing

         E                    Galvanizing and Finishing Lines

         F                    Instruments and Electric

         G                    Water Treatment/Chemical and Metalographic

         H                    Maintenance

The trainees group will be divided in 8 sub-groups of about 10 to 17 persons.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 2

The expected schedule for this training is as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Subgroup      1       2        3       4       5        6       7        8
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     1          A       H        G       F       E        D       C        B
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     2          B       A        H       G       F        E       D        C
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     3          C       B        A       H       G        F       E        D
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     4          D       C        B       A       H        G       F        E
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     5          E       D        C       B       A        H       G        F
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     6          F       E        D       C       B        A       H        G
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     7          G       F        E       D       C        B       A        H
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     8          H       G        F       E       D        C       B        A
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At this Stage 1, HYL will provide the teaching material to the trainees
containing information regarding the following themes:

AREA                                 THEME

Scrap Preparation

Electric Furnace                     Fundamentals for steelmaking.
                                     Melting Theory.
                                     Main Equipment and auxiliaries.
                                     Raw Materials and consumables.
                                     Material Balances.
                                     Energy Balances.
                                     Melting operation.
                                     Process variables.

Ladle Furnace                        Steel refining theory.
                                     Main equipment and auxiliaries.
                                     Additives and consumables.
                                     Ladle heating and refining operation.
                                     Vacuum degassing operation.
                                     Process variables.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 3

Continuous Caster                    Steel solidification theory.
                                     Heat transfer balances.
                                     Main equipment and auxiliaries.
                                     Primary/secondary cooling.
                                     Additives and consumables.
                                     Casting operation.
                                     Slabs characteristics and defecats.
                                     Process variables.

Refractory Materials                 Chemical and metallographic theory.
                                     Characteristics and classification.
                                     Refractories for melt shop.
                                     Refractories for soaking furnace.
                                     General construction practices.
                                     General maintenance practices.

Tunnel Furnace                       Basic concepts.
                                     Operation practices.

Hot Strip Mill                       Basic concepts.
                                     Mill specifications.
                                     Mill main components.
                                     Mill control.
                                     Coiler control.
                                     Operation practices.
                                     Rolls grinding.

Rolls Grinding Shop                  Rolls assembly.
                                     Adjustments and clearances.
                                     Roll grinding practices.

Moulds shop                          Moulds assembly.
                                     Moulds disassembly.
                                     Adjustments and clearances.
                                     Moulds machining.
                                     Moulds testing lab.

Water Treatment Plant                Direct contact circuit.
                                     Non contact circuit.
                                     Operation practices.

Pickling                             Process basis.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 4

                                     Equipment description.
                                     Acid regeneration plant.
                                     Welding machine.
                                     Trimming equipment.

Annealing                            Process basis.
                                     Equipment description.
                                     Inert gas system.
                                     Process practices.

Galvanizing                          Process basis.
                                     Operation practices.
                                     Practice practices.
                                     Product specifications.
                                     Product finishing practices.

Instruments and Electric             Equipment description.
                                     Electric controls.
                                     Control loops.
                                     Maintenance practices.
                                     Instruments set-up.
                                     Field instruments.

Chemical and Metallurgical           Process basis.
Laboratories                         Equipment description.
                                     Samples preparation.
                                     Physical properties testing.

Maintenance                          Equipment description.
                                     Equipment assembly.
                                     Vibration inspection.
                                     Maintenance standards.

Maintenance Planning and             Maintenance administration.
Control                              System.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 5

                                     Spare parts control.
                                     Preventive Maintenance.
                                     Maintenance practices.
                                     Technical documentation center.

Managerial Knowledge                 Production coordination.
                                     -  Production planning.
                                     -  Refractory maintenance planning.
                                     -  Production scheduling.
                                     -  Raw material coordination.
                                     -  Ladles and tundishes coordination.
                                     -  Production follow-up.

                                     Process analysis.
                                     -  Key variables.
                                     -  Statistical process control.
                                     -  Standard metallurgical practices.
                                     -  Standard procedures.

                                     Practical aspects of meltshop management.
                                     -  Cost basics.
                                     -  Administrative control.
                                     -  Performance indexes.
                                     -  Management information system.

The amount of trainees in each position may vary to fulfill the NSM

      1.1.2. Stage 2: Specific Training in Mexico

            In this Stage 2, NSM will deploy its trainees groups A, B and C to
            Mexico for the practical training, in which the trainees will learn
            directly in the HYL installations the operation and maintenance

            The expected composition of the groups A and B is specified in the
            paragraph 1.1.3. The duration of the Specific Training in Mexico for
            each position will be defined and confirmed later by NSM and HYL.

            The composition of the third group C will be also defined later.
            However, the positions for this group will be within those specified
            in paragraph 1.1.3. The number of trainees for this group will be
            about 40 persons.

            During this stage, the trainee will observe and participate in the
            execution of activities in accordance to the position for which he
            is designated.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 6

            At this stage, HYL will provide additional teaching material to
            complete the whole set of, in accordance to the scope of each

            Periodically, HYL will evaluate the trainees performance and will
            inform NSM of the observations and trainee notes.

            The training will be performed in English.

            The development of the training will be made following the
            requirements of the training methodology described in paragraph 2.0
            of this Appendix "A".

      1.1.3. Typical Group Composition

            In the following are indicated the positions of the personnel for
            the common areas of work in a steelmaking plant. The duration shown
            is the expected training time for each position for the Specific
            Training. The categories A and B shown in the positions, corresponds
            to the categories of training; A for the positions of CSP Plant and
            B for the other positions.

      a) Meltshop Services

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------
      Services General foreman      B              1                   1.0
      Materials coordinator         B              1                   0.5
      Ladle & tundish coord.        B              1                   1.5
      Refractory supervisor         B              2                   2.0

      b) Meltshop

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------
      Meltshop general foreman      B              1                   1.0

      Furnaces supervisor           B              1                   1.0

      EAF operator                  B              2                   1.0

      Ladle Furnace operator        B              2                   2.0

      c) CSP Plant

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------
      Casting Operation

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 7

      Caster general foreman        A              1                   2.0

      Caster supervisor             A              2                   0.5

      Mould Operator                A              2                   0.5

      Main pulpit operator          A              2                   0.5

      Ladle operator                B              2                   0.5

      Process engineer              A              1                   2.5

      Crane operator                B              2                   0.5

      Mould & segments supervisor   A              2                   0.5

      Tunnel Furnace

      Operator                      B              2                   1.5

      Hot Strip Mill Operation

      Supervisor                    A              1                   2.0

      Mill process engineer         A              1                   2.0

      Mill operator                 A              2                   2.0

      Coiler operator               A              2                   2.0

      Grinder operator              A              1                   1.0

      Quality control               A              1                   2.0

      Bearings assembly operator    A              1                   1.5

      Water Treatment Plant

      Operator                      B              1                   1.5

      d) Pickling line

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------
      Inlet end operator            B              2                   2.0

      Outlet end operator           B              2                   2.0

      Acid treatment operator       B              2                   2.0

      Welder operator               B              2                   2.0

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 8

      e) Annealing

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------
      General operator              B              2                   2.0

      Furnace operator              B              2                   2.0

      f) Painting Line

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------
      Inlet end operator            B              2                   2.0

      Outlet end operator           B              2                   2.0

      Furnace operator              B              2                   2.0

      g) Maintenance

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------

      Mechanical technician         A              1                   2.0

      Hydraulics technician         A              1                   2.0

      Electric technician           A              1                   2.0

      Instruments                   A              2                   2.0

      CSP Plant

      Mechanical technician         A              2                   2.0

      Hydraulics technician         A              1                   2.0

      Electric technician           A              2                   2.0

      Instruments                   A              2                   2.0

      Mould and segment fitter      A              3                   2.0

      Maintenance engineer          A              1                   2.0

      Finishing Lines

      Mechanical technician         B              2                   1.5

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                       Page 9

      Hydraulics technician         B              1                   1.0

      Electric technician           B              1                   1.5

      Instruments                   B              2                   2.0

      h) Maintenance planning & control

      Position                  Category    No. of Trainees         Duration
      --------                  --------    ---------------         --------
      Planner & Programmer          B              2                   2.0

      Spare parts coordinator       B              1                   2.0

1.2.  HYL shall supply to NSM Technical Assistance and Consulting services to
      support, when written requested by NSM, in the following, but not limited
      to, areas of participation:

      1.2.1. Consulting

            a) Organization definition.

            b) Management information system design.

            c) Personnel information system design.

            d) Costs information system design.

            e) Definition of operative system.

            f) Product commercialization

            g) Conceptual and Basic Engineering for Painting Line Facilities and
               other finishing units as requested by NSM.

      1.2.2. Technical Assistance

            a) Commissioning and Start-up (hot and cold).

            b) Support during the learning curve.

            c) Quality control.

      1.2.3. Services

            a) Laboratories operation (raw materials, process control, finished

            b) Data base for maintenance planning and control.

            c) Maintenance planning and control system operation.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 10

1.3. Other Services

      HYL will provide as part of its scope of supply to the trainees in Mexico:

      a)    Lunch from Monday to Friday in theHYL cafeteria at no extra charge
            for NSM.

      b)    Sport and recreational facilities.

            HYL shall provide to the trainees, access to the sports center of
            its associated NOVA de Monterrey, Recreation Center. The personal
            sporting gear is not included and each trainee should have his own.

      c)    HYL shall provide a suitable office, air conditioned, with clerical,
            fax and telephone services for the NSM personnel coordinator. All
            charges resulting from long distance calls and facsimile will be
            covered by NSM.


      For the NSM's personnel training, HYL will follow the training methodology
      normally used for its own personnel training.

      This method is described in the Appendix B attached to this Agreement.

2.1.  HYL shall develop and implement a comprehensive syllabus for training
      NSM's personnel within the scope of this Agreement.

2.2.  The training programs for each stage and area as specified in paragraph
      1.1 of this Appendix, shall be worked out by HYL, in consultation and with
      the approval of NSM, for each group of trainees.

2.3.  The training shall be given both theoretical and practical, as per
      approved programs. HYL will periodically evaluate the performance of the
      trainees. At the end of each part of specialized training activities, HYL
      shall send NSM a report containing all data regarding the progress of each
      trainee and any comments thereof.

2.4.  HYL shall prepare with NSM a training program based on their organization
      chart, which shall be defined not later than June 30, 1996.

2.5.  The official training language shall be English.


3.1.  All participants in this training program are required to take part from
      the first day of training to the last one.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 11

3.2.  Changes of schedules of programs and leave permissions of trainees should
      have HYL's consent, previous to its occurrence.

3.3.  HYL may, at any time, ask NSM to withdraw any person from HYL premises and
      training program for justified reasons.

      Any fault of a participant to abide by HYL regulations during the training
      period will be sufficient reason for requesting NSM to withdraw such
      participant. Of special importance are the safety and security rules.

3.4.  In case of unjustified absence of a trainee of the training program,
      either during the whole day or part thereof, HYL is entitled to charge for
      its services as a trained day.

3.5.  HYL will not be held responsible to NSM or any other institution or person
      for any accident or sickness suffered by any trainee during its training
      period, either inside or outside HYL's premises.

3.6.  NSM will communicate the composition of the trainees groups before the
      training period in Mexico starts, communicating to HYL the information as
      per sub-article 5.2 of the Agreement.

      HYL will not allow any substitutions once the training program of a given
      group has started.

3.7.  HYL shall supply NSM trainees in Mexico with all teaching materials.

      All instruction material to be supplied to the trainees will be in English
      language and shall only be used for activities related to the services
      under this contract and can not be used for other purposes unless an
      authorization in writing is granted by HYL.

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Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 12


      According to the NSM requirements, the following chart shows an Estimated
      Schedule for the training. In due time, the detailed schedules of work for
      each position of the trainees will be prepared. The detailed programs will
      be discussed and agreed upon with the NSM training coordinator at site.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           1996                             1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group A
Thailand     8
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group A
in Mexico   80
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group B
Thailand     8
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group B
in Mexico   80
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group C
in                                [SHADING OMITTED]
Thailand     8
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group C
in Mexico   40
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group D
Thailand     8
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First Heat
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First Slab
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First Coil
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 13


      For the services to be rendered by HYL within the scope of supply
      described in Paragraph 1 of this Appendix "A", and in addition to the fees
      and rates specified in Article 2 of this Agreement, the following terms
      and conditions shall apply.

4.1.  Working Period

      The rates and fees defined in Article 2 of this Agreement are based in a
      normal working time of 45 hours per week in 5 days per week, and subject
      to the site regulations.

      4.1.1. Overtime

            If for reasons connected with the execution of services at site, by
            the HYL's personnel referred to under paragraph 1 of this Appendix
            "A", overtime and/or holiday work, or night work, or work in excess
            of the normal working time is required, the NSM shall pay for said
            HYL's personnel, where applicable, in addition to the Daily Rates
            and Fees specified in Article 2 of this Agreement and based on
            Normal Hourly Rates and Fees as defined hereunder:

            Normal Hourly Rate=      Daily Rate

            Normal Hourly Fee=       Daily Rate

            The following extras:

   The Normal Hourly Rate and Fee plus 50% (fifty
                     percent) for overtime until 10 p.m. on working days.

   The Normal Hourly Rate and Fee plus 100% (one hundred
                     percent) for overtime work from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., on
                     working days.

                        The aforesaid 100% shall apply for all work performed on

4.2.  Holidays

      Holidays are defined as all Thailand official labor holidays plus
      Christmas day and Easter day.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 14

4.3.  Vacations

      4.3.1. The HYL personnel deployed at site is entitled to 2 days of
             vacation for each month spent at site in performance of the
             services. This vacation shall be charged to NSM as worked days.

      4.3.2. The HYL personnel deployed at site shall be entitled to travel to
             Monterrey, Mexico for an 8 day vacation period each 4 months of 
             stay in Thailand.

4.4.  Traveling and Travel Expenses

      For the services that HYL shall perform within Thailand during the
      different stages of the PROJECT, NSM shall be responsible for the

      a)    To bear the cost of Business Class round trip air ticket from
            Monterrey, Mexico to Bangkok, Thailand, for each of the HYL's

      b)    To pay HYL US$ 500.00 (five hundred dollars) per round trip per
            person for traveling expenses.

      c)    To bear the cost of Business Class round trip air ticket from
            Bangkok, Thailand to Monterrey, Mexico for each of the HYL's
            personnel entitled for a vacation travel as per paragraph 4.3.2.

4.5.  Accommodation

      NSM will provide and bear the cost of individual living accommodations
      (tourist class hotel or department) with adequate facilities, air
      conditioning, baths, sufficiently furnished including bed clothing,
      laundry service and three meals a day per person.

4.6.  Local Transportation

      NSM shall provide local transportation within Thailand.

4.7.  Other NSM Responsibilities

      a)    To provide adequate first aid medical facilities.

      b)    Besides the aforesaid first medical aid, NSM shall provide, free of
            charge to the HYL's personnel, medical assistance, medicines,
            hospital treatment, etc. within Thailand; in case that the illness
            or accident is such, that requires specialized medical treatment,
            NSM shall be bound to send the HYL's personnel to the nearest First
            Class hospital in order to obtain the best possible medical
            treatment; in such case, HYL shall borne the cost of said
            specialized medical treatment, including the transportation of the

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 15

            Notwithstanding the above responsibility, HYL shall indemnify and
            hold NSM harmless from any and all claims, liabilities and causes of
            action, for the death of any of the HYL's personnel arising out of,
            or in connection with, the performance of the services in Thailand
            under this Agreement.

      c)    To provide reasonable office facilities at the NSM's plant,
            including adequate furnishing, air conditioning, secretarial
            services and telephone and fax access for official communications.

4.8.  Taxes

      As established in paragraph 2.6 of this Agreement, all the fees and costs
      payable to HYL and/or the HYL's personnel shall be net and therefore free
      of any taxes, duties, levies, convertibility charges, etc. within

4.9.  Sickness, Accident and Disability of HYL's Personnel

      In case of temporary disability (i.e. up to 30 days) of the HYL's
      personnel, involved in the implementation of the services as per paragraph
      1 of Appendix A while rendering the services at Site, the Rates and Fees
      provided for under Article 2 of the Agreement will be due throughout the
      entire period of disability as above.

      In the event that the disability is expected to last longer than thirty
      days, the disabled person, if the medical authorities agree that
      transportation is possible, may be sent to Mexico.


      NSM is responsible to provide, but not limited to, the following:

5.1.  NSM shall have a major medical expenses insurance, covering all the
      trainees in Mexico, or notify in writing to HYL, that NSM shall bear the
      medical expenses incurred by the trainees not covered by the medical
      service provided by HYL.

5.2.  NSM shall provide in due time, the following information for each of the
      trainees that will travel to Mexico. The purpose of this information is
      for the entry visa arrangements.




      Date of birth:

      Place of birth:

      Passport No:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 16

      Place of issue:

      Date of issue:

      Passport expiration date:


      Hiring date:

      Activity in the company:

      Activity in Mexico:               Training

      Activity duration in Mexico:      4 months

      City of residence in Mexico:      Monterrey, N.L.

5.3.  NSM will assist HYL in obtaining the Thailand visa for the personnel
      deployed at site.

5.4.  NSM will see to it that all its trainees sent to HYL's works or elsewhere
      shall fully comply with the Laws, Rules, Regulations, Customs, etc., in
      force at Mexico.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix A                      Page 17

                                  APPENDIX "B"

                              TRAINING METHODOLOGY

                               PERSONNEL TRAINING,

                            TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND

                          CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT


                               HYLSA, S.A. DE C.V.


                         NAKORNTHAI STRIP MILL P.C. LTD.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Agreement for Training of NSM Personnel: Appendix B


In the following, it is described the method used for the training of personnel.
This method covers the necessary steps or stages of the training, starting from
the definition of training requirements up to Hands On training. In the
following are described the main aspects of the method.


The general structure of the training, covers four main aspects:

1)    Program definition in accordance to the training needs.

2)    Basic training: this part covers the basic knowledge of equipment, process
      and procedures.

3)    Practical training: this part covers a direct contact of the trainee with
      the equipment and the development of operative skills.

4)    Control Process: this aspect controls the trainee progress and assures
      that the Know-How is properly transferred.

This scheme is shown in Figure No. 1.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NSM Agreement: Appendix B                                                Page 19


To assure that the training is effective, the following method is used (Figure
No. 2):


      Initial Evaluation:

      At this step, an evaluation is made to know what is the knowledge of the

      Program Definition:

      With the information obtained of the initial evaluation, a program
      containing the topics that require more attention is prepared.

      In the scheme of the figure No. 3 is shown in detail this stage.

      In the scheme of the figures No. 4 and 5, is shown in detail this stage.


      Classroom and homework:

      General explanations of the topic are given in the classroom. Homework is
      normally asked during this stage.

      Field knowledge:

      Combined with the classrooms, visits and explanations at site are carried


      For specific themes, frequently the workshop sessions are made for deep

      Instructor Evaluation:

      At the end of the Basic Training, the instructor makes a final evaluation
      of the trainee, and decides if he or she continues to the next training

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NSM Agreement: Appendix B                                                Page 20


      Cold simulation and/or shadow training:

      The trainee directly observes the operation or maintenance activities
      together with the operator of the equipment, and affirms his knowledge of
      the matter. In some cases, simulators are run for the training.

      Foreman evaluation:

      At this stage, the foreman responsible for the activities in the plant
      evaluates the trainee and makes a decision as to whether he is ready to
      continue to the next stage.

      Hands On training stage:

      If the foreman evaluation is approved, then the trainee, under foreman and
      operator supervision, executes the operation or maintenance activities of
      the trainee position.


      Final evaluation:

      An evaluation of his performance and a written report and for each
      trainee, is made is delivered to the customer training responsible.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NSM Agreement: Appendix B                                                Page 21

Training Structure..
                               Program adequate to
                                 specific needs.

                                 Basic Training.
                             Essential knowledge of
                        Equipment, Process and Procedures

                                Know-How transfer

                                Practical Process
                        - Direct contact with operations
                        - Development of operative skills

                                   Figure No 1

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NSM Agreement: Appendix B                                                Page 22

Execution Method

          Design                             Control Process

         Initial              Instructor         Foreman                Final
        Evaluation            Evaluation         Evaluation           Evaluation

                      Basic Training

              Homework                          Practical Process

                            Workshop                 Cold
              Field                                   +                 Hands on
            Knowledge                                Shade              Training

                                   Figure No 2

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NSM Agreement: Appendix B                                                Page 23

Design Elements...

      Initial                                      Training
     Evaluation                                    Program
        of                                        Definition
     Concepts:                                  -No. of Persons
     -Metallurgical                             -Syllabus
     -Process                                   -Schedule

Not applied for personnel with
experience in similar equipment

                                   Figure No 3

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NSM Agreement: Appendix B                                                Page 24

Basic Training ...

                 Provides the fundamental requirements to reach
                              to Practical Training

                                        Teaching Material
                        and               -Information document
                      Homework            -Work books

                                        Teaching Material
                      Field           and support information
                     Knowledge       -Plant equipment 
                                     -Methods & operations procedures
                                     -Man - Machine interface
                                        Teaching Material
                       Workshop           For each topic:
                                          -Results analysis
                                          -Events Discussions

                                  Figure No.4

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NSM Agreement: Appendix B                                                Page 25