Exhibit 10.28

                            SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO
                           GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION

This Supplemental Agreement to General Motors Corporation Dealer Sales and
Service Agreement is entered into between Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. and
General Motors Corporation.

WHEREAS Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. is interested in acquiring ownership of
one or more GM Dealerships in selected areas of the United States;

WHEREAS, die parties desire to enter into a positive end productive business
relationship which will accomplish our mutual goals and promote sales of GM
products consistent with GM's brand strategy for its products and focus on total
customer enthusiasm;

WHEREAS, the organization and ownership structure of Hometown Auto Retailers,
Inc. and its retail operating systems are such that the terms of the Dealer
Agreement are not wholly adequate to address the legitimate business needs and
concerns of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. and GM;

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

1.    Purpose of Agreement

      1.1   Purpose of Agreement

            The parties acknowledge that Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. desires
            to purchase the stock or assets of one or more current GM
            Dealerships and to be appointed as the replacement Dealer by the
            appropriate Divisions. The parties further acknowledge that the
            ownership arrangements of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. and the
            operating processes and procedures of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.
            require that the parties supplement the standard terms and
            provisions of the Dealer Agreement to assure that the legitimate
            business needs of GM in regard to the representation of its
            products are satisfied. The parties have agreed to enter into this
            Agreement for that purpose. This agreement shall not apply in any
            respect to Saturn Dealers or dealerships, and Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. agrees that it will not acquire or attempt to
            acquire any Saturn Dealers or dealerships.

      1.2   Definitions.

            For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the
            meaning indicated:

            1.2.1 "Agreement" means this Supplemental Agreement to General
                  Motors Corporation Dealer Sales and Service Agreement.

            1.2.2 "Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc." or "Hometown" means Hometown


                  Auto Retailers, Inc.. and its subsidiary Dealer Companies.

            1.2.3 "Dealer Agreement" means a General Motors Corporation Dealer
                  Sales and Service Agreement, a copy of which is attached
                  hereto as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by reference.
                  It also includes my superseding Dealer Agreements.

            1.2.4 "Dealer Company" or "Dealer" means the business entity owned
                  or controlled by Hometown Auto Retailer, Inc. that is a party
                  to a Dealer Agreement and is defined as the "Dealer" for
                  purposes of the Dealer Agreement.

            1.2.5 "Division" or "Divisions" means one or more of the marketing
                  divisions of GM; Chevrolet, Pontiac-GMC, Oldsmobile, Buick,

            1.2.6 "GM" means General Motors Corporation.

            1.2.7 "GM Dealerships" means a specific, physical location from
                  which Dealership Operations are conducted by a Dealer pursuant
                  to the terms of one or more Dealer Agreements. It does not
                  include Saturn Dealerships.

            1.2.8 "Voting stock" means any stock of Hometown Auto Retailers,
                  Inc. that has voting rights as well as any debt or equity
                  security of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. that is convertible
                  into stock of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. that has voting

2.    Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. Ownership

      2.1   Ownership Structure.

            Each Dealer will be a separate company, distinct from Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. in the form of either a corporation, partnership or
            other business enterprise form acceptable to GM, which is
            capitalized in accordance with the "GM Owned Working Capital
            Agreement". Each of the Dealer Companies will be owned by Hometown
            Auto Retailers, Inc. or may have minority interests held by
            employees of that Dealer Company subject to GM approval.

      2.2   Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. hereby warrants that the
            representations and assurances contained in this Agreement are
            within its authority to make and do not contravene any directive,
            policy or procedure of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.


      2.3   Change in Ownership. Any material change in ownership of any Dealer
            company and any material change in Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. or
            any event described in section 2.4.2(b) shall be considered a change
            in ownership of the Dealer Company under the terms of the dealer
            agreements and all applicable terms of the Dealer Agreement as
            supplemented by this Agreement will apply to any such change.

      2.4   Acquisition of Ownership Interests by Third Party. Given the
            ultimate control Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will have over the
            Dealer Companies, and the Divisions' strong interest in assuring
            that those who own and control their Dealers have interests
            consistent with those of the Divisions, Hometown Auto Retailers,
            Inc. agrees to the following;

            2.4.1 Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will deliver to GM copies of all
            Schedules 13D and 13G, and all amendments thereto and termination's
            thereof, received by Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc., within five (5)
            days of receipt of such Schedules. If Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.
            is aware of any ownership of its stock that should have been
            reported to it on Schedule 13D but that is not reported in a timely
            manner, it will promptly give GM written notice of such ownership,
            with any relevant information about the owner that Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. possesses.

            2.4.2 If Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. through its Board of
            Directors or through shareholder action proposes or if any person,
            entity or group sends Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. a schedule 13D,
            or any amendment thereto, disclosing (a) a binding agreement to
            acquire or the acquisition of aggregate ownership of more than
            twenty percent (20%) of the voting stock of Hometown Auto Retailers,
            Inc. and (b) Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. through its Board of
            Directors or through shareholder action proposes or if any plans or
            proposals which relate to or would result in the following: (i) the
            acquisition by any person of more than 20% of the voting stock of
            Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. other than for the purposes of
            ordinary passive investment (ii) an extraordinary corporate
            transaction, such as a material merger, reorganization or
            liquidation, involving Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. or a sale Or
            transfer of a material amount of assets of Hometown Auto Retailers,
            Inc. and its subsidiaries; or (iii) any change which together with
            any changes made to the Board of Directors within the preceding
            year, would result in a change in control of the then current board
            of directors of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. or (iv) in the case of
            an entity that produces or controls or is controlled by or is under
            common control with an entity that either produces motor vehicles or
            is a motor vehicle franchisor, the acquisition by any person entity
            or group of more than 20% of the voting stock of Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. and any proposal by any such person, entity or group
            through the Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. Board of Directors or
            shareholders action to change the


            board of directors of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc., then if such
            actions in GM's business judgment could have a material or adverse
            effect on its image or reputation in the GM dealerships or be
            materially incompatible with GM's interests (and upon notice of GM's
            reasons for such judgment, Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agree that
            it will take one of the remedial actions set forth in Section 2.4.3
            below within ninety (90) days of receiving such Schedule 13D or such

            2.4.3 If Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. is obligated under Section
            2.4.2 above to take remedial action, it will (a) transfer to GM or
            its designee, and GM or its designee will acquire the assets,
            properties or business associated with any Dealer Company at fair
            market value as determined in accordance with Section 8 below, or
            (b) provide evidence to the Divisions (reasonably acceptable to GM)
            that such person entity or group no longer has such threshold level
            of ownership interest in Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. or that the
            actions described in Section 2.4.2(b) will not occur.

            2.4.4 Should Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. or Dealer Company enter
            into an agreement to transfer the assets of a Dealer Company to a
            third party, the right of first refusal described in Article 12.3 of
            the Dealer Agreement shall apply to any such transfer.

            2.4.5 Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will describe such provisions of
            this Section in any prospectus it delivers in connection with the
            offer or sale of its stock or any other securities filing as may be
            required by any applicable laws or regulations.

      2.5   Officers and Key Management. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees to
            provide to GM a list of the key management of Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. responsibilities in regard to the control and
            management of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. and each Dealer Company.
            Each Dealer Company shall agree to propose to GM any material
            changes in the key management of the Dealer Company or their
            responsibilities. Such proposal should GM in writing prior to such
            change to the extent practicable and shall include sufficient
            information to permit GM to evaluate the proposed change consistent
            with normal policies and procedures. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.
            will notify GM in writing of any material change in the key
            management of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. or their
            responsibilities. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "key
            management" shall mean CEO, President and Vice Presidents or their
            functional equivalents with respect to each dealer company and
            executive officers, or their functional equivalent with respect to
            Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.

3.    Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. Operating Policies and Procedures

      3.1   GM Brand Strategy. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. acknowledges that


            has a Brand Strategy and has invested significant capital in the
            development of corporate, divisional and brand image. Relevant
            information regarding this strategy has been shared with Hometown
            Auto Retailers, Inc.. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees to
            accommodate GM's Brand Strategy in its Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.
            GM dealership Operations. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will
            incorporate in each of its GM Dealerships the following as a minimum
            in support of the GM Brand Strategy:

                  3.1.1 GM has developed retail and service operating standards
                        for each of its Divisions. At each of its GM
                        Dealerships, Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will
                        implement and use those divisional standards, or higher
                        standards which it may develop, subject to GM's

                  3.1.2 Dealer marketing associations for each of the Divisions
                        are an integral part of GM's Brand Strategy. Hometown
                        Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees that its GM advertising and
                        marketing practices will support and enhance GM and
                        Divisional brand and marketing practices and goals.
                        Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees and each GM Dealer
                        Company shall agree that the GM Dealer Company will
                        participate in the appropriate dealer marketing
                        association or group as provided in Section 11.

                  3.1.3 Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will not, and will not
                        permit any Dealer Company to jointly advertise or market
                        any of their non-GM automotive operations in conjunction
                        with its approved GM Dealership Operations (it being
                        understood that the advertising example attached hereto
                        as Exhibit C will be permissible).

4.    Acquisition of GM Dealerships

      4.1   In consideration for the representations, covenants and commitments
            contained herein, and assuming compliance with the normal
            requirements of General Motors regarding transfer of assets and
            appointment as a dealer, General Motors will permit the acquisition
            of up to five (5) General Motors Dealerships during the period
            commencing from the date of this Agreement and ending 24 months
            thereafter. If GM requests Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. to consider
            purchasing certain GM dealerships, such dealerships are to be
            included in the number of acquisitions. If there is a material
            dispute between any GM affiliate and Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.,
            then GM may elect not to approve any public companies dealerships
            until the dispute is resolved (even if the pre-approved number has
            not been met).

      4.2   Following the 24 month period, each Dealer company in which


            Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. has an investment must be in
            compliance with the terms of the General Motors Policies for Changes
            in GM Dealership Ownership/Management bulletin of September 19, 1994
            (a copy of which has already been provided) including any revisions
            or replacements of that bulletin, in order to be approved for
            additional acquisitions General Motors Dealerships.

      4.3   Multiple Dealer Policy. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. recognizes
            that customers benefit from competition in the marketplace and agree
            that any proposal to acquire additional GM dealerships shall be
            subject to the terms of General Motors Multiple Dealer
            Investor/Multiple Dealer Operator policies as set forth in NAO
            Bulletin 94-11, including any revisions of replacements to the

      4.4   GM and Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agree that Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. will not attempt to acquire more than 50% of the GM
            dealerships, by franchise line in a GM defined Multiple Dealer Area.
            GM will provide upon Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. request the
            number of GM dealerships, by line, in the Multiple Dealer Area and
            the maximum number of dealerships Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. may
            acquire in that Multiple Dealer Area.

      4.5   Evaluation of Operations. GM will conduct semi annual evaluation
            meetings with the management of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. and
            the Dealer Operators of each GM Dealer Company to review the
            performance of each GM Dealer Company. In the event GM advises
            Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. for any two consecutive evaluation
            periods that the performance of a GM dealership is not meeting the
            sales volume, Customer Satisfaction or Branding requirements of GM,
            an addition to other available remedies, GM will have the right to
            demand a change in the management of the dealer company not meeting
            those requirements. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will make the
            management changes at any deficient dealership within not more than
            six (6) months after notice of the deficiencies.

5.    Dealership Operations

      5.1   Dealership Operations. Each Dealer Company shall be a distinct and
            complete business entity which shall include complete Dealership
            Operations as that term is defined in the Dealer Agreement
            including, but not limited to, sales, service, parts, and used car
            operations. This requirement will not preclude certain centralized
            functions provided that they are consistent with GM's Channel
            Strategy, and that such centralized functions are reviewed with and
            approved by GM, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
            However, no sales, service or parts operations may be combined with
            any non-GM representation and all GM Dealerships will have
            reasonable used car operations.


      5.2   GM Channel Strategy. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. further
            stipulates and agrees that if hometown Auto Retailers, Inc., GM, and
            the public are to realize the potential benefits that Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. represents to be the result of the acquisitions
            proposed by Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc., then an integral
            component of the participation by Hometown Auto Retailer, Inc. and
            Dealer Company is their agreement that all GM Dealerships shall
            fully comply with General Motors Channel Strategy including proper
            divisional representation alignment and facilities that are properly
            located and that are in compliance with appropriate divisional image
            programs. The Channel Strategy is set forth in a memorandum dated
            October 5, 1995, from Ronald L. Zarrella to all GM dealers, and in
            the written statement of the strategy as it relates to each of
            Dealer Company, copies of which will be provided to Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. and each Dealer Company. Hometown Auto Retailers,
            Inc. agrees and each Dealer Company shall agree that within 12
            months of the acquisition of any GM Dealership that is not
            consistent with the Channel Strategy, Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.
            and Dealer Company will have complied with the Channel Strategy for
            that location. Notwithstanding the above, GM will consider
            reasonable requests from Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. for an
            extension if Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. is making reasonable
            progress and is unable to comply with the Channel Strategy for
            reasons beyond Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. control. If Hometown
            Auto Retailers, Inc. and Dealer Company fail to do so within the
            time provided, then Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will cause Dealer
            Company and Dealer Company will agree to terminate the
            representation of such products as reasonably required by GM to
            comply with the Channel Strategy. If such termination is required,
            GM will compensate Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. the of sum $1,000
            for each unit of GM retail planning guide for each Dealer Agreement
            so terminated.

      5.3   Exclusive Representation. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agree, and
            each Dealer Company shall agree that all GM Dealerships shall be
            used solely for the exclusive representation of GM products and
            related services and in no event shall be used for the display, sale
            or promotion or warranty service of any new vehicle other than those
            of General Motors Corporation (provided that if Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. acquires a GM Dealership having a sales and service
            agreement with a competitive automobile manufacturer or importer and
            related sales and service operations at the same facility, at GM's
            request Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. shall cause the competitive
            sales and service operations to be relocated within one year of
            acquisition). Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc., agrees and each Dealer
            Company shall agree that should a Dealer Company cease to provide
            exclusive representation of GM products, based on the proper
            franchise alignment as determined by the Channel Strategy, then that
            shall constitute


            good cause in and of itself for the termination of the Dealer
            Agreement then in effect with such Dealer Company and Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. shall cause Dealer Company to and Dealer Company
            shall voluntarily terminate the Dealer Agreements then in effect.

      5.4   Image Compliance. Any Dealer Company acquired by Hometown Auto
            Retailers, Inc. shall be brought into compliance with applicable
            Divisional facility image requirements. Any new construction or
            significant interior or exterior remodeling of any GM Dealerships
            shall incorporate the appropriate divisional image program and
            shall be subject to approval by the appropriate Division before such
            construction is undertaken.

      5.5   Corporate Name and Tradenames. The corporate name, any tradename or
            d/b/a of each GM Dealer Company must include the names of those GM
            Divisions represented by such Dealer Company.

      5.6   Dealer Company Advertising. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees
            that the advertising of each of the GM Dealer companies will
            maintain and support the GM brand strategy. Newspaper, radio,
            television and any other form of advertising will not combine GM
            brands or non GM brands, unless GM has approved combined operations
            and will clearly identify each GM dealership as a separate entity at
            its approved location (it being understood that the advertising
            example attached hereto as Exhibit C will be permissible).

6.    Dealer Operator

      6.1   Appointment of Dealer Operator. For purposes of the Dealer
            Agreement, including Paragraph Third and Article 2 and for each GM
            Dealership, Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. shall appoint an
            individual who shall act as Executive Manager of that GM Dealership
            only and who shall be considered as Dealer Operator for purposes of
            the Dealer Agreement. The Divisions will rely upon the personal
            qualifications and management skills of Dealer Operator. Hometown
            Auto Retailers, Inc. hereby represents that Dealer Operator will
            have complete managerial authority to make all decisions, and enter
            into any and all necessary business commitments required in the
            normal course of conducting Dealership Operations on behalf of
            Dealer Company and may take all actions normally required of a
            Dealer Operator pursuant to Paragraph Third and Article 2 of the
            Dealer Agreement. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. will not revoke,
            modify or amend such authority without the prior written approval of
            the applicable Division (except as provided in Section 6.3 below).
            Because of the unique structure of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.,
            the 15% ownership requirement contained in Article 2 shall not apply
            to Dealer Operator.


      6.2   Removal of Dealer Operator. Except as provided in Section 6.3 below,
            the removal or withdrawal of Dealer Operator without Divisions'
            prior written consent shall constitute grounds for termination of
            the Dealer Agreements. However, the Divisions recognize that
            employment responsibilities of the Dealer Operator with Dealer
            Company may change, making it impractical for the Dealer Operator to
            continue to fulfill his/her responsibilities as Dealer Operator. In
            that case, or in the event Dealer Operator leaves the employ of the
            Dealer Company, Dealer Company shall have the opportunity to propose
            a replacement Dealer Operator. The Divisions will not unreasonably
            withhold approval of any such proposal, provided the proposed
            replacement has the skills and qualifications to act as Dealer
            Operator pursuant to the standard policies and procedures of GM.

      6.3   Replacement Dealer Operator. Dealer Company shall make every effort
            to obtain the consent of the Divisions to a proposed replacement
            Dealer Operator prior to the removal or withdrawal of the approved
            Dealer Operator. if that is not practical, Dealer Company shall
            notify Division in writing within 10 days following the removal or
            withdrawal of the approved Dealer Operator. Within 30 days of that
            removal or withdrawal, Dealer Company will submit to Division a plan
            and appropriate applications to replace Dealer Operator with a
            qualified replacement acceptable to Division. The replacement Dealer
            Operator must assume his/her responsibilities no later than 90 days
            following the withdrawal of the approved Dealer Operator. Hometown
            Auto Retailers, Inc. shall be permitted to appoint a temporary
            general manager to manage the GM Dealership during the interim
            period while the Dealer Operator is being replaced.

7.    Dispute Resolution. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees not to join any
      legal or administrative action a seller of a General Motors dealership may
      take against General Motors in the event General Motors declines to
      approve a proposed transfer to Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc.. Hometown
      Auto Retailers, Inc. and GM stipulate and agree and each Dealer Company
      shall stipulate and agree that the dispute resolution process attached
      hereto as Exhibit D, or any replacement process offered to all GM Dealers,
      shall be the exclusive source of resolution of any dispute regarding the
      Dealer Agreements and this Agreement including, but not limited to,
      involuntary termination of the Dealer Agreements and/or approval of
      Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. for additional Investment in or ownership of
      GM Dealerships. The parties further agree that the Chevrolet dealer
      dispute resolution process will be used for the resolution of the matter,
      regardless of the GM Division involved.

8.    Right to Purchase or Lease. In the event of any termination of the Dealer
      Agreement or any transaction or event that would, in effect, discontinue
      Dealership Operations from that GM Dealership, or a transfer of assets,
      properties or business to GM or a GM designee pursuant to Section 2.4.3,
      Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees and each Dealer Company shall agree
      to provide GM with: (a) the right to


      purchase the dealership assets, properties or business for fair market
      value based on automotive use, and (b) an assignment of any existing lease
      or lease options that are available, subject in each case to any legal or
      contractual obligations existing at such time through the process attached
      hereto as Exhibit B, that Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. shall assure GM or
      its delegate of quiet possession of the dealership facilities for a period
      of not less than five years if the right to have any existing lease or
      lease option assigned as set forth above is exercised with respect to such
      facilities within ten years of the execution of this Agreement. If,
      however, Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. enters into a financing arrangement
      with respect to GM's option as described in this Section 8 would be
      subordinated to the interests of any lender in connection with any default
      by Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. under the terms of the financing
      arrangement other than a default due to the discontinuance of dealership
      operations from such facilities. The Parties agree that GM may exercise
      its rights under this Section 8 with respect to some or all of the
      dealership facilities to which it may apply at any given time, and that
      failure to exercise such rights as to one facility shall not affect GM's
      rights as to other facilities.

9.    Electronic Funds Transfer. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees that each
      Dealer Company will use Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for settlement of
      the dealership obligations to GM and that GM will have a right of offset
      for any unpaid debit balances for any Dealer Company at the time the
      indebtedness is due and will have the right to collect those amounts from
      the account of the Dealer Company that owes the debt or the account of any
      other Dealer Company.

10.   Compliance with Policies and Procedures. Each Dealer Company must comply
      with all terms of the Dealer Agreement and all GM policies applicable to
      Dealer company's Dealership Operations. Those procedures include policies
      precluding joint advertising and prohibiting sales of GM auction vehicles
      from other than the purchasing GM Dealership. Except as specifically
      provided herein, all Dealership Operations shall be conducted consistent
      with requirements for other GM dealerships.

11.   Membership in Dealer Marketing Group. Each GM Dealer Company will join its
      respective dealer marketing group and area marketing group including
      membership financial support and will participate as a regular member in
      meetings and marketing activities.

12.   Capital Standards. Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. agrees and Dealer Company
      shall agree that Dealer Company shall maintain, at all times, sufficient
      working capital to meet or exceed the minimum net working capital
      standards for the Dealer Company as determined from time to time by GM
      consistent with its normal practices and procedures. Hometown Auto
      Retailers, Inc. and Dealer Company shall provide such documentation as
      reasonably requested by GM to assure compliance with that requirement.
      Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. shall submit an annual consolidated balance
      sheet for the combined GM Dealership operations of Hometown Auto
      Retailers, Inc.


13.   Discontinuance of Representation. In the event that Hometown Auto
      Retailers, Inc. determines, voluntarily or otherwise to discontinue
      representation in any given Multiple Dealer Area, Hometown Auto Retailers,
      Inc. shall grant the right to GM to acquire at fair market value as
      determined in accordance with Exhibit B the right to representation of the
      Divisions previously represented by any Dealer Company in that Multiple
      Dealer Area. GM shall also have the option to acquire the fixed assets
      and/or the Dealership Facilities in that Multiple Dealer Area in
      accordance with section 8. The terms and conditions for the exercise of
      such rights shall be set forth in appropriate and customary documents.
      Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. has received GM's standard option agreements
      modified for this Agreement.

14.   Supplement to Dealer Agreement. The parties agree that each Dealer Company
      shall be required to execute an addendum to the Dealer Agreements binding
      the Dealer Company to the applicable portions of this Agreement. For each
      Dealer Company, this Agreement shall supplement the terms of the Dealer
      Agreements in accordance with Article 17.11 of the Dealer Agreements.

15.   Further Modifications. In the event that the policies of GM with regard to
      Dealerships owned or controlled in whole or in part by public shareholders
      should be modified, the parties agree to review such modifications to
      determine whether modification to this Agreement is appropriate.

16.   No Third Party Rights. Nothing in this Agreement or the Dealer Agreement
      shall be construed to confer any rights upon any person not a party hereto
      or thereto, nor shall it create in any party an interest as a third party
      beneficiary of this Agreement or the Dealer Agreement. Hometown Auto
      Retailers, Inc. and Dealer Company hereby agree to indemnify and hold
      harmless GM, its directors, officers, employees, subsidiaries, agents and
      representatives from and against all claims, actions, damages, expenses,
      costs and liability, including attorneys fees, arising from or in
      connection with any action by a third-party in its capacity as a
      stockholder of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. relating to this Agreement
      other than through a derivative stockholder suit authorized by the Board
      of Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. provided that Hometown Auto Retailers,
      Inc. shall have the right to assume the defense and control any such
      actions or suits and that GM shall not settle any such actions or suits
      without Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. consent (such consent not to be
      unreasonably withheld). Notwithstanding the above, GM may choose, at its
      own expense, to manage and control its own defense in any such action.

17.   Modification of Dealer Agreement. This Agreement is intended to modify and
      adapt certain provisions of the Dealer Agreement and is intended to be
      incorporated as part of the Dealer Agreement for each Dealer Company. In
      the event that any provisions of this Agreement are in conflict with other
      provisions of the standard Dealer Agreement, the provisions contained in
      this Agreement shall govern. Except as expressly provided in this
      Agreement the terms of the Dealer Agreements remain unchanged and apply


18.   Confidentiality. Each party agrees not to disclose the content of this
      Agreement to non-affiliated entities and to treat the Agreement with the
      same degree of confidentiality as it treats its own confidential documents
      of the same nature, except as expressly provided by Article 2.3.5 of this
      Agreement or unless authorized by the other party, required by law,
      pertinent to judicial or administrative proceedings or to proceedings
      under the Dispute Resolution Process.

19.   Duration of Agreement. This Agreement remains in effect so long as
      Hometown Auto Retailers, Inc. or any successor thereto, directly or
      indirectly holds or has an agreement to hold an ownership interest in any
      GM Dealer Company.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement this 20th day of
July, 1998.


By: /s/ William C. Muller            By: /s/ E. K. Roggenkamp
   ----------------------            ------------------------------
    V. Pres                          E. K. Roggenkamp, III
   ----------------------            General Manager
   ----------------------            North American Operations
   ----------------------            Dealer Network Investment and Development
