Exhibit 10.4

                                 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (this "AGREEMENT"), is made and entered into 
as of this 1st day of November, 1997, by and between COLLEGIS, Inc., a 
Delaware corporation ("EMPLOYER"), with its principal place of business at 
101 Southhall Lane, Suite 400, Maitland, Florida 32751, and Dr. William H. 
Graves, an individual ("EMPLOYEE").

     WHEREAS, Employer is engaged in the business of providing services 
related to computing and information technology throughout the United States 
including, without limitation, the development, use and application of 
Internet technologies and resources in the area of higher education;

     WHEREAS, Employer may form a not-for-profit corporation (the "NEW 
INSTITUTE") to engage in research and development activities in connection 
with the innovation, use and application of distributed learning technologies 
and resources; and

     WHEREAS, Employee desires to be employed by Employer and Employer 
desires to employ Employee pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth 

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements 
contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt 
and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby 
agree as follows:

     1.   EMPLOYMENT; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.  Subject to the terms of this 
Agreement, Employer hereby employs Employee as "Senior Vice President for 
Academic Technology."  In this position, Employee shall report to the 
Executive Committee and President of Employer.

     2.   TERM.  Unless earlier terminated as provided herein, the term of 
this Agreement shall be a period commencing on the date hereof and ending 
October 31, 2002.  If neither party provides notice within thirty (30) days 
prior to the termination of this Agreement, then this Agreement will be 
considered renewed for successive one (1) year periods.  

     3.   DUTIES.  Employee hereby accepts employment and agrees to serve 
Employer on a full-time basis and to perform his duties faithfully, 
diligently and to the best of his ability.  During the term of this 
Agreement, Employee shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him from 
time to time by the Executive Committee and President of Employer.  
Employee's duties shall consist of duties which are typical for an executive 
officer of a business in a similar industry including, without limitation, 
the development of a conceptual strategy and detailed business plan (in 
coordination with the Executive Committee of Employer) for Employer's 
Academic Technology Business Unit (the "Business Unit) and the supervision of 
all marketing, sales and other activities conducted by such Business Unit in 
respect of the Business (as defined in the Stock Option Agreement described 
in SECTION 4(c) below).  In the event Employer forms the New Institute, 

Employee shall be responsible for managing and directing the activities of 
the New Institute, including the supervision of all research and development 
related thereto.  Employee shall have the power to hire, terminate, promote 
and assign titles to employees of Employer employed in connection with the 
operation of the Business Unit, subject to review and approval by the 
President of Employer.  Additionally, Employee shall, as requested, advise 
and consult with the Executive Committee and President of Employer on all 
major issues affecting the future growth and profitability of Employer as it 
pertains to the Business Unit and its conduct of the Business.

     4.   COMPENSATION.  Employer agrees to pay Employee, and Employee agrees 
to accept from Employer, in full payment for Employee's services hereunder, 
compensation consisting of the following:

          (a)   an annual salary of $200,000 payable in accordance with 
payroll practices in effect from time to time for all salaried employees of 

          (b)   aggregate incentive compensation not in excess of $50,000 per 
year (the "INCENTIVE AMOUNT") payable annually in arrears upon completion of 
Employer's annual audit for each year during the term of this Agreement 
(beginning with the audit for the year ended December 31, 1998).  Employer 
and Employee acknowledge and agree that fifty percent (50%) of the Incentive 
Amount shall be payable based on the achievement of certain performance goals 
and objectives to be mutually agreed upon by Employer and Employee and fifty 
percent (50%) of the Incentive Amount shall be payable in accordance with the 
terms and conditions of the COLLEGIS Corporate Profit Incentive Plan as in 
effect from time to time, a copy of which has been delivered to Employee by 
Employer prior to the date hereof; and

          (c)   options to purchase an aggregate amount of 100,000 shares of 
Series B Common Stock of Employer at a per share price of $2.75 (the "STOCK 
OPTIONS").  The Stock Options shall vest at a rate of twenty-five percent 
(25%) per annum and shall otherwise be subject to the terms and conditions 
set forth in that certain Stock Option Agreement dated the date hereof and 
substantially in the form of EXHIBIT A attached hereto.

     5.   BENEFITS.  Employer shall provide to Employee the benefits provided 
to salaried employees of Employer in accordance with the terms and conditions 
set forth in the Employer's employee manual, as amended from time to time in 
Employer's sole and exclusive discretion.

     6.   INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING.  Employer agrees to pay Employee, and 
Employee agrees to accept from Employer, a one-time bonus payment in the 
aggregate amount of $250,000 in the event that:

          (a)   Employer successfully consummates an initial underwritten 
public offering of its capital stock pursuant to a registration statement 
declared effective under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, prior to (i) 
the transfer (whether by sale, merger or otherwise) of a majority of the 
outstanding common stock of Employer or (ii) the sale of all or substantially 
all of the assets of Employer (a "QUALIFIED OFFERING"); and


          (b)   Employee has been continuously employed by Employer pursuant 
to the terms and conditions of this Agreement from the date hereof to and 
including the date of the Qualified Offering and Employee has theretofore 
delivered written notice to the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill of 
his resignation therefrom.

          Any amount payable pursuant to this SECTION 6 shall be paid no 
later than thirty (30) days following the consummation of the Qualified 

     7.   EXPENSES.  Employer agrees to reimburse Employee for his 
out-of-pocket business expenses as may be determined by Employer to be 
reasonably necessary in connection with services rendered by Employee 
pursuant to this Agreement.

     8.   TERMINATION. This Agreement shall terminate upon:  (a) the death of 
Employee; (b) the inability of Employee to perform his duties hereunder by 
reason of disability or incapacity, due to physical or mental illness, for a 
period of sixty (60) days out of any consecutive 120-day period; (c) the 
mutual written consent of Employer and Employee; (d) five (5) days written 
notice of Employer without "cause"; or (e) the written notice of Employer for 
"cause." For purposes of this Agreement, "cause" shall include, without 
limitation, Employee's commission of a felony, fraud, misappropriation or 
embezzlement; failure to materially perform his duties hereunder; dishonest 
conduct in the performance of his duties; incompetence, insubordination, 
gross negligence or violation of any express direction, rule or regulation 
established by Employer from time to time; or breach of any covenant 
contained in this Agreement. 


          (a)   If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8(a), (b) 
or (e), Employee shall not be entitled to receive any compensation or 
benefits from Employer other than compensation accrued and unpaid at the time 
of termination.

          (b)   If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8(c), 
Employee shall be entitled to receive such compensation and benefits from 
Employer as may be specified in a written agreement, if any, between Employer 
and Employee.

          (c)   If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Section 8(d), 
Employee shall be entitled to receive a lump sum payment equal to 
seventy-five percent (75%) of Employee's annual salary then in effect LESS 
any required payroll withholding taxes.  In addition, Employee shall be 
entitled to receive payment in the amount of $250,000 in the event that 
Employer consummates a Qualified Offering within the six-month period 
following such termination.

     10.  ASSIGNMENT.  This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective
successors and permitted assigns.  Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights,
interests or obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any party hereto without
the prior written consent of the other parties; PROVIDED, that Employer may


assign any or all of his rights, interests and obligations under this 
Agreement to any of its affiliates without the consent of Employee. 

     11.  NOTICES.  All notices and other communications hereunder shall be 
in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally or by overnight 
courier service or telecopier, upon receipt, or if mailed by registered or 
certified mail (return receipt requested), postage prepaid, upon receipt or 
refusal.  Notice to either party hereto, if mailed or sent by overnight 
courier service, shall be to the following addresses (or to such other 
address as the recipient party shall designate in writing to the other party):

          IF TO EMPLOYEE:

          Dr. William H. Graves
          P.O. Box 4696
          Chapel Hill, NC  27515 

          IF TO EMPLOYER:

          COLLEGIS, Inc.
          101 Southhall Lane, Suite 340
          Maitland, Florida  32751
          Attn:  Robert Foley, Jr.
          Facsimile:  407/660-2471

          with a copy to:

          Winston & Strawn
          35 West Wacker Drive
          Chicago, Illinois  60601
          Attn:  Stanford J. Goldblatt
          Facsimile:  312/558-5700

     12.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement and the Exhibits hereto 
constitute and contain the entire agreement of the parties and supersede any 
and all prior negotiations, correspondence, agreements, representations and 
understandings among the parties respecting the subject matter hereof.  No 
waiver or amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless reduced to 
writing and executed by the parties hereto.



     14.  COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each 
of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall 
constitute one and the same agreement.

     15.  AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION.  This Agreement may be amended, 
modified or supplemented only by a duly authorized and executed written 
agreement of each of the parties hereto.

     16.  INTERPRETATION.  The section headings contained in this Agreement 
are solely for the purpose of reference, are not part of the agreement of the 
Parties and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this 

     17.  PARTIAL INVALIDITY.  If any provision of this Agreement shall be 
invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, or as applied to any 
circumstance, under the laws of any jurisdiction which may govern for such 
purpose, then such provision shall be deemed to be modified or restricted to 
the extent and in the manner necessary to render the same valid and 
enforceable, either generally or as applied to such circumstance, or shall be 
deemed excised from this Agreement, as the case may require, and this 
Agreement shall be construed and enforced to the maximum extent permitted by 
law as if such provision had been originally incorporated herein as so 
modified or restricted, or as if such provision had not been originally 
incorporated herein, as the case may be.

     18.  OPPORTUNITY TO EMPLOY COUNSEL.  Employee hereby acknowledges 
receipt of this Agreement prior to his employment with Employer and that he 
has had ample time and opportunity to employ legal counsel of his choice 
concerning the terms and conditions of this Agreement and his employment with 

                               [signature page follows]


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Employment Agreement has been duly executed by 
and on behalf of the parties hereto as of the day and year first above 

                                   COLLEGIS, INC.

                                   By:   /s/ Robert C. Bowers
                                   Name: Robert C. Bowers
                                   Title: EVP

                                      /s/ Dr. William H. Graves
                                        Dr. William H. Graves


                                      EXHIBIT A

                            FORM OF STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT

     THIS STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT (this "AGREEMENT"), is made and entered into 
as of this 1st day of November, 1997, by and between COLLEGIS, Inc., a 
Delaware corporation (the "COMPANY"), and William H. Graves (the "HOLDER").

     1.   BACKGROUND.  The Company and Holder have entered into that certain 
Employment Agreement dated the date hereof (as amended, restated, 
supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the "EMPLOYMENT 
AGREEMENT") pursuant to which Holder has accepted employment with the 
Company.  As a condition precedent to such employment, the Company and Holder 
have agreed to enter into this Agreement.  On June 19, 1996, the Board of 
Directors of the Company (the "BOARD") adopted and approved the Company's 
1996 Stock Option Plan (the "PLAN"), which has subsequently been amended by 
the Board in order to, among other things, (i) increase the number of shares 
that may be granted thereunder from 1,252,768 to 1,692,336 (in addition to 
300,000 carry-over options) and (ii) provide for the Company's authority, at 
the Board's discretion, to issue stock options thereunder to employees of the 
Company.  This Agreement (a) is being entered into as of the date hereof, 
which is the date on which the Company granted a stock option (the "STOCK 
OPTION") to the Holder pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Employment 
Agreement and (b) documents the relative rights, privileges, powers, duties, 
responsibilities and obligations of the parties hereto with respect to the 
Stock Option.  The Stock Option is issued, and this Agreement is entered 
into, in accordance with the terms of the Plan and the provisions of the 
Plan, including, but not limited to, Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 
20 thereof, are hereby incorporated in this Agreement by reference.  The 
Stock Option is not intended to be an Incentive Stock Option (as defined in 
the Plan).

     2.   DEFINITIONS.  In addition to the other terms defined herein, when 
used herein, the following capitalized terms shall have the following 

          "BUSINESS" means the business of providing information technology
outsourcing services, facilities management services, Internet-Registered
Trademark- access, distance learning services, systems integration, consulting
and professional services relating to information technology to the


administrative and academic departments of colleges, community colleges, 
medical institutes (other than hospitals in their health care providing 
capacity), graduate schools, universities and other institutions of higher 
learning and any other business in which the Company or any Subsidiary may 
engage while the Holder is employed by, or has a relationship with, the 
Company or any Subsidiary.

          "EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 1 hereof.

          "EXERCISE PRICE" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 3.1 hereof.

          "EXPIRATION DATE" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 3.2 hereof.

          "FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE" means (a) a sale or transfer of all or 
substantially all the assets of the Company on a consolidated basis in any 
transaction or series of related transactions (other than sales in the 
ordinary course of business), or (b) any merger, consolidation or 
reorganization to which the Company is a party, except for a merger, 
consolidation or reorganization in which, after giving effect to such merger, 
consolidation or reorganization, the holders of the Company's outstanding 
capital stock (on a fully-diluted basis) immediately prior to the merger, 
consolidation or reorganization will own immediately following the merger, 
consolidation or reorganization the outstanding capital stock (on a fully 
diluted basis) of the surviving or resulting corporation or entity having the 
voting power (under ordinary circumstances) to elect a majority of the board 
of directors of the surviving or resulting corporation or entity.

          "INDEPENDENT AUDITOR" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 7.2(d) 

          "IPO" means the Company's first underwritten public offering of its 
capital stock pursuant to a registration statement declared effective under 
the Securities Act.

          "LIQUIDATION" means the dissolution, liquidation or winding-up of 
the Company, whether voluntary or involuntary.

          "MARKET VALUE" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 7.2(d) hereof.

          "NEW INSTITUTE" means a not-for-profit corporation that may be 
formed by the Company to engage  in research and development activities in 
connection with the innovation, use and application of distributed learning 
technologies and resources.

          "OPTION SHARES" means 100,000 shares of Series B Common Stock, subject
to adjustment as set forth in SECTION 3.7 hereof; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that upon
the closing of an IPO, the Stock Option shall be exercisable for the same number
of shares of Series C Common Stock as the number of shares of Series B Common
Stock that would have been issuable upon exercise of the


Stock Option if an IPO had not occurred and all references herein to Series B 
Common Stock shall thereafter be deemed to be references to Series C Common 

          "ORIGINAL COST" means, with respect to each Purchased Option Share, 
the price per share actually paid by the Holder upon the purchase of such 
Purchased Option Share, such amount to be adjusted proportionately in the 
event the Purchased Option Shares are subdivided into a greater number 
(whether by stock split, stock dividend or otherwise) or combined into a 
lesser number (whether by reverse stock split or otherwise) at any time or 
from time to time after the purchase of such Purchased Option Shares.

          "PERMITTED TRANSFEREES" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 7.3 

          "PERSON" means any individual, corporation, partnership, limited 
liability company, firm, joint venture, association, joint-stock company, 
trust, unincorporated organization, governmental or regulatory body or other 

          "PURCHASED OPTION SHARES" means (a) the Option Shares purchased by 
the Holder hereunder, (b) any shares of Series C Common Stock issued upon 
conversion of any Purchased Option Shares and (c) any shares of capital stock 
of the Company issued as a dividend or other distribution with respect to or 
in replacement of other Purchased Option Shares (including, but not limited 
to, any shares of capital stock of the Company issued in connection with a 
stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split or similar event).

          "REPRESENTATIVE" means the executor(s) or administrator(s) of the 
Holder's estate or, if the Holder is incompetent, the Holder's guardian(s).

          "RESTRICTED PERIOD" means the period commencing on the date hereof 
and ending eighteen (18) months after the termination of the Employment 

          "RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 6.6 

          "SECURITIES ACT" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or 
any similar federal law then in force.

          "SERIES B COMMON STOCK" means the Series B Common Stock, par value 
$0.01 per share, of the Company.

          "SERIES C COMMON STOCK" means the Series C Common Stock, par value 
$0.01 per share, of the Company.

          "STOCK OPTION" has the meaning set forth in SECTION 1 hereof.


          "STOCK SALE" means any sale or issuance of shares of the capital 
stock of the Company by the holders thereof or the Company, if after giving 
effect to such sale or issuance the holders of the Company's capital stock 
(on a fully diluted basis) prior to such sale or issuance do not own 
immediately following such sale or issuance outstanding capital stock of the 
Company (on a fully diluted basis) having the voting power (under ordinary 
circumstances) to elect a majority of the Board.

          "SUBSIDIARY" means any corporation, association or other business 
entity of which securities or other ownership interest representing more than 
fifty percent (50%) of the ordinary voting power of such corporation, 
association or other business entity are, at the time as of which any 
determination is being made, owned or controlled by the Company or one or 
more Subsidiaries of the Company or the Company and one or more Subsidiaries 
of the Company.

          "TERMINATION DATE" means the date on which the Employment Agreement 
terminates for any reason.

          "UNPURCHASED OPTION SHARES" means all Option Shares (whether or not 
available for purchase by the Holder pursuant to SECTION 3.3 hereof) which 
have not yet been purchased pursuant to this Agreement.


          3.1   GRANT OF THE OPTION.  Upon the terms and conditions 
hereinafter set forth, the Company hereby grants to the Holder an option to 
purchase the Option Shares for a purchase price of $2.75 per share, subject 
to adjustment as set forth in SECTION 3.7 hereof (the "EXERCISE PRICE").

          3.2   PROCEDURES FOR EXERCISE.  Subject to the Stock Option 
becoming vested and exercisable pursuant to SECTION 3.3 hereof, the Holder, 
during his lifetime, may exercise the Stock Option, in whole or in part, at 
any time prior to the earlier of (a) 5:00 p.m. (Orlando time) on October 31, 
2004 if such date falls on a day on which national banks are open for 
business or, if such date falls on a day which is not a business day, on the 
next succeeding business day (the "EXPIRATION DATE") and (b) the Stock 
Option's earlier termination pursuant to the terms set forth herein.  In 
order to exercise the Stock Option, the Holder (or, in the event of the 
Holder's death or permanent disability, his Representative) shall give to the 
Company a written notice specifying the number of Option Shares to be 
purchased, accompanied by payment in full of the entire Exercise Price for 
such Option Shares in cash or other immediately available funds payable to 
the order of the Company.


          3.3   VESTING SCHEDULE.  One-fourth of the Option Shares shall 
become vested and exercisable on each of the first, second, third and fourth 
anniversaries of the date hereof; PROVIDED, however, that if a Fundamental 
Change or Stock Sale occurs at any time prior to the earlier of the 
Expiration Date or the termination of the Stock Option pursuant to the terms 
hereof, the Stock Option will become fully vested and exercisable for all of 
the Option Shares immediately prior to the consummation of such Fundamental 
Change or Stock Sale, as the case may be; PROVIDED further, however, that if 
the Holder's employment with the Company is terminated pursuant to Section 
8(a) or (b) of the Employment Agreement at any time prior to the earlier of 
the Expiration Date or the termination of the Stock Option pursuant to the 
terms hereof, the Stock Option shall become fully vested and exercisable for 
all of the Option Shares on the Termination Date.

          3.4   FRACTIONAL SHARES.  Fractional shares will not be issued upon 
the exercise of the Stock Option but in any case where the Holder would, 
except for the provisions of this SECTION 3.4, be entitled under the terms of 
this Agreement to receive a fractional share upon the complete exercise of 
the Stock Option, the Company will, upon the exercise of the Stock Option for 
the largest number of whole shares then called for, pay a sum in cash equal 
to the excess of the value of such fractional share (determined in such 
reasonable manner and in good faith by the Board or an authorized committee 
thereof) over the proportional part of the Exercise Price represented by such 
fractional share.

          3.5   TERMINATION EVENTS. (a) If the Holder's employment with the 
Company terminates pursuant to Section 8(a) or (b) of the Employment 
Agreement while the Stock Option is outstanding and unexercised, in whole or 
in part, the Stock Option shall terminate and cease to be exercisable with 
respect to any Unpurchased Option Shares on the first anniversary of the 
Termination Date.

                (b) If the Holder's employment with the Company terminates 
for any reason (other than pursuant to Section 8(a) or (b) of the Employment 
Agreement) while the Stock Option is outstanding and unexercised, in whole or 
in part, the Stock Option shall terminate and cease to be exercisable (i) 
with respect to any Unpurchased Option Shares which have not become vested 
and exercisable hereunder as of such Termination Date, and (ii) with respect 
to any Unpurchased Option Shares which have become vested and exercisable 
hereunder as of the Termination Date, on the first anniversary of such 
Termination Date.


                (c) In the event of a Liquidation, the Stock Option shall 
terminate for all Unpurchased Option Shares at the close of business on the 
business day on which banks are open for business immediately prior to the 
effective date of such Liquidation.  Upon the consummation of a Fundamental 
Change or a Stock Sale, the Stock Option shall terminate for all Unpurchased 
Option Shares.

                (d) The Company shall use its reasonable best efforts to give 
notice to the Holder not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the 
consummation of a Fundamental Change, a Stock Sale or a Liquidation.

                (e) Notwithstanding subsections (a), (b), (c) or (d) above, 
if the Holder (or a Permitted Transferee, if applicable) violates SECTIONS 6, 
7 or 8 hereof, the Stock Option shall, at the option of the Board, terminate 
and cease to be exercisable as of and after the time of such violation.

          3.6   CERTAIN RULES  For purposes of this Agreement, (a) employment 
of the Holder by any Subsidiary shall be deemed employment by the Company, 
(b) a transfer of the Holder's employment, without any intervening period, 
from the Company to any Subsidiary or vice versa, from such Subsidiary to 
another, shall not be deemed a termination of the Holder's employment and (c) 
the term "employment" as used in this Agreement shall also be deemed to 
include the Company's engagement of the Holder as a director, officer, 
consultant, independent contractor or otherwise.  Nothing contained in the 
Plan or this Agreement shall confer upon the Holder any right with respect to 
the continuation of the Holder's employment by, or relationship with, the 
Company or any Subsidiary or interfere in any way with the right of the 
Company or any Subsidiary at any time to terminate such employment or 
relationship or to increase or decrease the compensation of the Holder.

          3.7   ANTIDILUTION PROVISIONS.  In the event of (a) any stock
dividend, stock split, combination, or exchange of shares of Series B Common
Stock or any recapitalization or similar change in capitalization affecting
shares of Series B Common Stock or (b) the closing of an IPO and the related
conversion of Series B Common Stock into Series C Common Stock, the number and
kind of shares that are subject to the Stock Option and the Exercise Price may
be proportionately and appropriately adjusted, without any change in the
aggregate Exercise Price to be paid for all Option Shares upon full exercise of
the Stock Option.  Any adjustments under this SECTION 3.7 will


be made by the Board, whose determination as to what adjustments, if any, 
will be made and the extent thereof will be final, binding and conclusive.

     4.   REPRESENTATIONS OF THE HOLDER.  The Holder represents and warrants 
to the Company as follows:

          (a)   the Holder will acquire the Option Shares, to the extent that 
the Stock Option becomes exercisable pursuant to the terms hereof and the 
Holder exercises the Stock Option, in whole or in part, solely for investment 
for the Holder's own account and not with a view to the resale or 
distribution of all or any part thereof;

          (b)   the Holder understands that (i) the Holder may purchase the 
Option Shares only to the extent that the Stock Option becomes exercisable 
pursuant to SECTION 3.3 hereof, (ii) it is possible that the Stock Option 
will not become exercisable for any of the Option Shares, (iii) none of the 
Company or any Subsidiary is obligated to continue the Holder's employment 
other than pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Employment Agreement, 
and (iv) none of the Option Shares have been registered under the Securities 
Act of 1933, as amended (the "SECURITIES ACT"), and the Holder may have to 
hold the Option Shares, to the extent they become Purchased Option Shares 
hereunder, for an indefinite period unless the offer and sale thereof is 
subsequently registered under the Securities Act (and the Company is under no 
obligation to so register any Purchased Option Shares) or an exemption is 
available therefrom; and

          (c)   the Holder's permanent residence is at the address specified 
on the signature page hereof.

     5.   REPRESENTATIONS OF THE COMPANY.  The Company represents and 
warrants to the Holder that (a) the Company is a corporation validly 
existing, and in good standing under the laws of the State of Delaware, (b) 
this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed, and delivered by the 
Company and has received all necessary approvals from the Company's existing 
shareholders and the Board, (c) the Company has the requisite power and 
authority to issue the Option Shares and to perform its obligations under 
this Agreement, and (d) the execution, delivery, and performance of this 
Agreement by the Company do not and will not violate or result in a default 
under the Company's certificate of incorporation or by-laws or any material 
agreement or instrument to which the Company is a party or by which it or any 
of its property is bound.



          6.1   NON-COMPETE.  During the Restricted Period, the Holder shall 
not, in the United States or any other place where the Company, New Institute 
or any Subsidiary, whether such Subsidiary is now existing or hereafter 
formed, conducts the Business or any part thereof, directly or indirectly, 
(i) engage in the Business (other than on behalf of and at the written 
request of the Company and or any Subsidiary); (ii) enter the employ of, or 
render any services to, any Person (other than the Company or any Subsidiary) 
engaged in the Business; or (iii) become interested in any such person in any 
capacity, including, without limitation, as an individual, partner, member, 
manager, shareholder, creditor, officer, director, principal, agent or 
trustee; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that, the foregoing notwithstanding, the Holder 
may own, directly or indirectly, solely as an investment, securities of any 
publicly-traded person if the Holder is not a controlling person of, or a 
member of a group which controls, such person and the Holder does not, 
directly or indirectly, own 5 % or more of any class of securities of such 
person.  Nothing contained herein shall prevent Holder from being employed 
by, teaching at or providing consulting services (individually and not as an 
employee, partner or owner of a professional consulting company) to, any 
entity so long as (i) Holder does not thereby or in connection therewith 
violate the terms of subsections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 or 6.5 hereof and (ii) either 
(A) such entity is not providing or making available services or products 
similar to or competitive with services or products included in the Business 
to any third party in exchange for payment in any form or (B) such 
employment, teaching or consulting services are not competitive with services 
included in the Business. Without limiting the foregoing, nothing contained 
herein shall prevent Holder from participating in any symposiums, conferences 
or similar forums (collectively, "CONFERENCES") pertaining to the Business so 
long as (i) Holder does not thereby or in connection therewith violate the 
terms of subsections 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 or 6.5 hereof, (ii) Holder's affiliation 
with the Company and New Institute is disclosed in any program literature or 
materials relating to the forum in a manner reasonably satisfactory to the 
Company, (iii) the Conferences are not sponsored or promoted by any entity 
that is a competitor of the Company or New Institute, (iv) such participation 
does not materially interfere with Holder's ability to perform his duties 
pursuant to the this Agreement and (v) Holder's compensation for such 
participation is limited to the reimbursement of his incidental expenses and 
an honorarium or fee that is reasonable and customary for events of such kind.


          6.2   CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.  At all times during and after the 
Restricted Period, the Holder shall keep secret and retain in strictest 
confidence, and shall not use for the benefit of himself or others, or 
disclose, except as may be required in connection with any judicial or 
administrative proceeding or inquiry, to any person or entity, other than an 
officer or director of the Company (or of any Subsidiary) or a person or 
entity to whom disclosure is reasonably necessary or appropriate in 
connection with the performance by the Holder of the Holder's duties as an 
employee or director of the Company (or of New Institute or any Subsidiary) 
any Confidential Information (as hereinafter defined) obtained by the Holder 
while in the employ of, or providing services for, the Company (or New 
Institute or any Subsidiary thereof) or any predecessor of any such entity 
with respect to the Business or its assets.  For purposes of this Agreement, 
"CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" includes, without limitation, information relating 
to the properties, accounts, books, records, suppliers, intellectual 
property, trade secrets, contracts, business relationship and service models, 
pricing policies, methods, algorithms and relation information, operational 
methods, marketing plans or strategies, business acquisition plans and new 
personnel acquisition plans of the Company (or of New Institute or any 
Subsidiary) or any predecessor of any such entity; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that 
Confidential Information shall not include any information known or available 
to the public (other than as a result of unauthorized disclosure by the 
Holder or any of his agents or representatives).

          6.3   PROPERTY OF THE BUSINESS.  All memoranda, notes, lists, 
records and other documents or papers (and all copies thereof), including 
such items stored in computer memories, or microfiche or by any other means, 
made or compiled by or on behalf of the Holder, or made available to the 
Holder relating to the Business, are and shall be the Company's property and 
shall be delivered to the Company promptly upon the termination of Employment 
Agreement or at any other time on request.

          6.4   EMPLOYEES OF THE BUSINESS.  During the Restricted Period, the 
Holder shall not, directly or indirectly, hire or solicit (other than on 
behalf of the Company and in accordance with this Agreement) any employee of 
the Company, New Institute or any Subsidiary (or any person who was an 
employee thereof on or after the date hereof) or encourage any such employee 
to leave such employment.


          6.5   CONSULTANTS OF THE BUSINESS.  During the Restricted Period, 
the Holder shall not, directly or indirectly, hire or solicit (other than on 
behalf of the Company) any consultant then under contract with or otherwise 
engaged by the Company, New Institute or any Subsidiary unless the engagement 
is unrelated to the Business or encourage such consultant to terminate such 

          6.6   RIGHTS AND REMEDIES UPON BREACH.  If the Holder breaches, or 
threatens to commit a breach of, any of the provisions of this SECTION 6 (the 
"RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS"), the Company shall have the following rights and 
remedies, each of which shall be independent of the others and severally 
enforceable, and each of which is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any 
other rights and remedies available to the Company under law or in equity:

                    6.6.1     SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE.  The right and remedy to
                have the Restrictive Covenants specifically enforced by any
                court of competent jurisdiction, it being agreed that any
                breach or threatened breach of the Restrictive Covenants would
                cause irreparable injury to the Company and that money damages
                would not provide an adequate remedy to the Company.

                    6.6.2     ACCOUNTING.  The right and remedy to require the
                Holder to account for and pay over to the Company, all
                compensation, monies, accruals, increments and other benefits
                derived or received by the Holder as the result of any
                transaction constituting a breach of the Restrictive Covenants.

                    6.6.3     DAMAGES.  The right and remedy to require the
                Holder to reimburse the Company for all reasonable
                out-of-pocket costs and expenses (including, but not limited
                to, attorneys' and accountants' fees and disbursements)
                incurred by the Company in connection with, or with respect to,
                such breach or breaches.  In the event a court of competent
                jurisdiction ultimately determines that the Holder has not
                breached the Restrictive Covenants, the Company will reimburse
                the Holder for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs and expenses
                (including, but not limited to, reasonable Attorneys' and
                accountants' fees and disbursements) incurred by the Holder


                in connection with, or with respect to, the defense of any such
                alleged breach or breaches.

          6.7   SEVERABILITY OF COVENANTS.  The Holder acknowledges and 
agrees that the Restrictive Covenants are reasonable and valid in duration 
and geographical scope and in all other respects.  If any court determines 
that any of the Restrictive Covenants, or any part thereof, is invalid or 
unenforceable, the remainder of the Restrictive Covenants shall not be 
affected thereby and shall be given full effect without regard to the invalid 

          6.8   REFORMATION.  If any court determines that any of the 
Restrictive Covenants, or any part thereof, is unenforceable because of the 
duration or geographical scope of such provisions, such court shall have the 
power to reform the duration or scope of such provision, as the case may be, 
and such provision shall then be enforceable as reformed.

          6.9   TERMINATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.  The provisions of this 
SECTION 6 shall survive (a) the exercise or expiration of the Stock Option 
and (b) the termination of the Employment Agreement.


          7.1   DISPOSITION OF PURCHASED-OPTION SHARES.  Except (a) in 
connection with a Fundamental Change or a Stock Sale or (b) in compliance 
with SECTION 7.2 of this Agreement or as permitted by SECTION 7.3 of this 
Agreement, the Holder will not transfer, sell, convey, exchange or otherwise 
dispose of (herein referred to as a "disposition" or "to dispose of") any 
Purchased Option Shares.

          7.2   REPURCHASE OPTION.(a) In the event the Employment Agreement 
is terminated for any reason, the Purchased Option Shares (including any 
Purchased Option Shares then held by any Permitted Transferee) will be 
subject to repurchase pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this 

                (b) If the Employment Agreement is terminated by the Company 
for "Cause" (as defined in the Employment Agreement), the purchase price per 
share for each Purchased Option Share (the "REPURCHASE PRICE") will be equal 
to the lesser of (A) the Original Cost and (B) the Market Value. 

                (c) If the Employment Agreement is terminated for any reason 
other than for Cause, the Repurchase Price will be equal to the Market Value.


                (d) For purposes of this Agreement, "MARKET VALUE" means, 
with respect to each Purchase Option Share, such Purchase Option Share's fair 
value determined pursuant to this SECTION 7.2.  Within thirty (30) days after 
the Termination Date, the Board shall determine the fair value of each 
Purchased Option Share and notify the Holder thereof (the "VALUATION 
NOTICE").  If the Holder does not notify the Company, in writing, of the 
Holder's objection to such fair value within fifteen (15) days of the date of 
the Valuation Notice, then such fair value, as determined by the Board, shall 
be the Market Value.  If the Holder notifies the Company, in writing, of the 
Holder's objection to such fair value determination within fifteen (15) days 
of the date of the Valuation Notice, then the Company and the Holder will 
each select an independent auditor of national standing (an "INDEPENDENT 
AUDITOR") within ten (10) days after the Company's receipt of such written 
objection and such Independent Auditors will select a third Independent 
Auditor within ten (10) days after their selection, which third Independent 
Auditor must agree to determine the fair value of each Purchased Option 
Share.  The fair value as determined by the third Independent Auditor shall 
be the Market Value.  The Holder will pay one hundred percent (100%) of the 
fees and expenses for the Independent Auditors if the fair value, as 
ultimately determined by the third Independent Auditor, is equal to, or 
greater than, ninety percent (90%) of the fair value determined by the Board; 
otherwise, the Company will pay one hundred percent (100%) of such fees and 
expenses.  The Market Value of each Purchased Option Share, as ultimately 
determined pursuant to this SECTION 7.2, shall be conclusive and binding on 
the parties hereto.

                (e) The Company may elect to purchase all or any portion of 
the Purchased Option Shares subject to repurchase by delivering written 
notice (the "REPURCHASE NOTICE") to the Holder within ninety (90) days after 
the later of (i) the Termination Date and (ii) the date on which the Holder 
purchased the Purchased Option Shares.  The Repurchase Notice will set forth 
the number of Purchased Option Shares to be acquired from the Holder and the 
time and place for the closing of the transaction, which will be within 
thirty (30) days after the date of the Repurchase Notice.  The Company will 
pay for the Purchased Option Shares to be purchased pursuant to the 
Repurchase Option by delivery of a check or wire transfer in the aggregate 
amount of the total purchase price.  The Company will be entitled to receive 
customary representations and warranties from the Holder regarding ownership 
of the Purchased Option Shares.


                (f) In the event the Company does not deliver the Repurchase 
Notice to the Holder in accordance with SECTION 7.2(e), the provisions of 
this SECTION 7.2 shall terminate and be of no further force or effect.

          7.3   PERMITTED TRANSFERS.  The Holder may transfer Purchased 
Option Shares (a) in connection with a Fundamental Change or a Stock Sale or 
(b) to any Permitted Transferee who agrees in a writing delivered to the 
Company (i) that, upon termination of the Employment Agreement, such 
Purchased Option Shares shall be subject to, and such Permitted Transferee 
shall be bound by, the Repurchase Option in the same manner as the Holder and 
(ii) to otherwise be bound by the terms of this Agreement in the same manner 
as the Holder as if an original party hereto.  For purposes of this 
Agreement, "PERMITTED TRANSFEREES" means the spouse or lineal descendants of 
the Holder; any trust for the benefit of the Holder or the benefit of the 
spouse or lineal descendants of the Holder; any corporation, limited 
liability company, or partnership in which the Holder, the spouse and the 
lineal descendants of the Holder are the direct and beneficial owners of all 
of the equity interests (provided the Holder, spouse and lineal descendants 
agree in writing to remain the direct and beneficial owners of all such 
equity interests); and the personal representative of the Holder upon the 
Holder's death for purposes of administration of the Holder's estate or upon 
the Holder's incompetency for purposes of the protection and management of 
the assets of the Holder.

          7.4   PLEDGES.  The Holder will not pledge or otherwise grant a 
security interest in any Purchased Option Shares without the Company's prior 
written consent. 

          7.5   LEGENDS. (a) The Company will cause each certificate or other 
instrument representing Purchased Option Shares to be stamped or otherwise 
imprinted, throughout the term of the applicability of this SECTION 7, with a 
legend in substantially the following form:

          (b)   Until (i) the Purchased Option Shares represented by such 
certificate are effectively registered under the Securities Act (and the 
Company, absent an express written


agreement to the contrary, is under no obligation at any time to so register 
any of such Purchased Option Shares), or (ii) the holder of such securities 
delivers to the Company a written opinion of counsel, which counsel and 
opinion are reasonably acceptable to the Company, to the effect that such 
legend is no longer necessary, the Company shall be entitled to cause each 
certificate representing Purchased Option Shares to be stamped or otherwise 
imprinted with a legend in substantially the following form:

SHARES.  The provisions of this SECTION 7 shall survive (a) the exercise or 
expiration of the Stock Option and (b) the termination of the Employment 
Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the provisions of SECTION 7.2 shall 
terminate in accordance with their terms and all of the provisions of this 
SECTION 7 shall terminate and be of no further force or effect immediately 
upon the consummation of an IPO, a Stock Sale or a Fundamental Change.



          Subject to the provisions of the Plan and SECTION 8.2 hereof, this 
Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, be enforceable by and binding upon, 
the respective successors and assigns of the Company and the Holder and their 
respective successors, assigns, trustees, custodians, personal or legal 
representatives, executors, administrators, heirs, distributees, devisees and 

          8.2   LIMITATION ON ALIENATION.  Except as expressly set forth 
herein, the Holder shall not dispose of the Stock Option and rights and 
privileges set forth herein, the Option Shares and the Purchased Option 
Shares without the prior written consent of the Company.

          8.3   GOVERNING LAW.  This Agreement shall be governed by and 
construed in accordance with the internal law of, and not the law of 
conflicts of, the State of Delaware applicable to contracts entered into and 
to be wholly performed in Delaware.

          8.4   WAIVERS.  The waiver by either party of any right hereunder or
of any failure to perform or breach by the other party shall not be deemed a
waiver of any other right hereunder 


or of any other failure or breach by the other party, whether of the same or 
a similar nature or otherwise.  No waiver shall be deemed to have occurred 
unless set forth in a writing executed by or on behalf of the waiving party.  
No such written waiver shall be deemed a continuing waiver unless 
specifically stated therein, and each such waiver shall operate only as to 
the specific term or condition waived and shall not constitute a waiver of 
such term or condition for the future or as to any act other than that 
specifically waived.

          8.5   NOTICES.  All notices and communications that are required or
permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
been duly given when delivered personally or upon dispatch by any form of mail
or private express carrier providing for receipted delivery, postage or charges
prepaid, as follows:

                If to the Company, to:
                    COLLEGIS, Inc.
                    2300 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 340
                    Maitland, Florida 32751
                    Attention: Mr. Robert Foley

     If to the Holder, to the address set forth on the signature page hereto; or
to such other address as may be specified in a confirming notice given by one
party to the other

          8.6   SEVERABILITY.  If for any reason any term or provision of this
Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, all other valid terms and
provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect, and all of the terms
and provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to be severable in nature.

          8.7   COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in several
counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

          8.8   AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may be amended or canceled by mutual
agreement of the parties in writing without the consent of any other person or
entity and, so long as the Holder lives, no person or entity, other than the
parties, shall have any rights under or interest in this Agreement or the
subject matter hereof.

          8.9   ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement and the Plan constitute the
entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes all prior oral or written
understandings between the parties, relating to the Option Shares and the
Purchased Option Shares.  The Holder acknowledges


that he has received a copy of the Plan and in the event that any provision 
of this Agreement is inconsistent with any provision of the Plan, the 
provisions of the Plan shall be controlling.

          8.10  EXHIBITS AND SCHEDULES.  All exhibits and schedules hereto are
an integral part of this Agreement.

          8.11  NO ATTACHMENT.  Except as required by law, no right to receive
Option Shares under this Agreement shall be subject to anticipation,
commutation, alienation, sale, assignment, encumbrance, charge, pledge, or
hypothecation or to execution, attachment, levy, or similar process or
assignment by operation of law, and any attempt, voluntary or involuntary, to
effect any such action shall be null, void and of no effect.

          8.12  NO RIGHTS AS SHAREHOLDER.  The Holder will not have any of the
rights of a Shareholder with respect to the Option Shares except to the extent
that such Option Shares are actually issued pursuant to exercise of the Stock
Option.  The existence of the Stock Option shall not affect in any way the right
or power of the Company or its shareholders to make or authorize any or all
adjustments, recapitalizations, reorganizations, or other changes to the
Company's capital structure or its business, or to effect any sale, merger or
consolidation of the Company, nor create any preemptive right on behalf of the
holder of the Stock Option to acquire any capital stock of the Company or
securities or indebtedness convertible into or exchangeable for capital stock of
the Company.

                               [signature page follows]


          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this 
Stock Option Agreement as of the date first above written.

                                            COLLEGIS, INC.

                                            By: /s/ Robert C. Bowers
                                            Name: Robert C. Bowers
                                            Title: Chief Financial Officer

                                            /s/ William H. Graves
                                            Dr. William H. Graves

                                            P.O. Box 4696
                                            Chapel Hills, NC  27515
