- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 10-Q

[x]   Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and
      Exchange Act of 1934 For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1998
[    ] Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities and
     Exchange Act of 1934 For the transition period from to

                        Commission File Number 000-19319

                       Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          Massachusetts                                          04-3039129
          -------------                                          ----------
   (State or other jurisdiction of                            (I.R.S. Employer
    incorporation or organization)                            Identification No.)

             130 Waverly Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4242
          (Address of principal executive offices, including zip code)

                                 (617) 577-6000
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                               YES __X__ NO _____

         Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

Common Stock, par value $.01 per share                      25,313,548
- --------------------------------------            ------------------------------
               Class                              Outstanding at August 10, 1998





Part I. -  Financial Information
      Item 1.   Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

                  Report of Independent Accountants                                                    3

                  Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets -
                           June 30, 1998 and December 31, 1997                                         4

                  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations -
                           Three Months Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997                                   5

                  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations -
                           Six Months Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997                                     6

                  Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows -
                           Six Months Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997                                     7

                  Notes to Condensed Financial Statements                                              8

      Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                           Condition and Results of Operations                                        10

Part II. -  Other Information                                                                        13

Signatures                                                                                           14


                        Report of Independent Accountants

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Vertex Pharmaceuticals 

We have reviewed the condensed consolidated balance sheet of Vertex 
Pharmaceuticals Incorporated as of June 30, 1998, and the related condensed 
consolidated statements of operations and cash flows for the three month and 
six month periods ended June 30, 1998 and 1997. These financial statements 
are the responsibility of the company's management.

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the 
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. A review of interim 
financial information consists principally of applying analytical procedures 
to financial data and making inquiries of persons responsible for financial 
and accounting matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit 
conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the 
objective of which is the expression of an opinion regarding the financial 
statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. 

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that 
should be made to the condensed consolidated financial statements referred to 
above for them to be in conformity with generally accepted accounting 

We have previously audited, in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards, the consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 1997, and the 
related consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity, and cash 
flows for the year then ended (not presented herein); and in our report dated 
February 23, 1998, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated 
financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth in the 
accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 1997, is 
fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated 
balance sheet from which it has been derived.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Boston, Massachusetts
July 22, 1998




                                 (In thousands)

                                                                      June 30,             December 31,
                                                                        1998                    1997
                                                                        ----                    ----

Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                                        $   36,274                $  71,454
     Short-term investments                                              219,864                  208,217
     Prepaid expenses and other current assets                             1,788                    1,952
                                                                      ----------                ---------

           Total current assets                                          257,926                  281,623

Restricted cash                                                            2,316                    2,316
Property and equipment, net                                               13,617                   11,095
Other assets                                                               1,041                      570
                                                                      ----------                ---------

           Total assets                                               $  274,900                $ 295,604
                                                                      ----------                ---------
                                                                      ----------                ---------


Current liabilities:
     Obligations under capital lease and debt                         $    2,678                $   2,510
     Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                 5,998                   10,632
     Deferred revenue                                                        ---                      556
                                                                      ----------                ---------
           Total current liabilities                                       8,676                   13,698
                                                                      ----------                ---------
Obligations under capital leases and debt,
     excluding current portion                                             6,885                    5,905
                                                                      ----------                ---------
           Total liabilities                                              15,561                   19,603
                                                                      ----------                ---------
Stockholders' equity:
     Common stock                                                            253                      252
     Additional paid-in capital                                          393,837                  392,372
     Accumulated other comprehensive income                                  240                      152
     Accumulated deficit                                                (134,991)                (116,775)
                                                                      ----------               ----------
                  Total stockholders' equity                             259,339                  276,001
                                                                      ----------               ----------
           Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                 $  274,900               $  295,604
                                                                      ----------               ----------
                                                                      ----------               ----------

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
               these condensed consolidated financial statements.



                      (In thousands, except per share data)

                                                                          Three Months Ended June 30,
                                                                          1998                       1997
                                                                          ----                       ----
     Collaborative and other research and development                  $   3,247                 $  8,320
     Investment income                                                     3,905                    3,835
                                                                       ---------                 --------
           Total revenues                                                  7,152                   12,155
                                                                       ---------                 --------
Costs and expenses:
     Research and development                                             12,631                   10,798
     General and administrative                                            4,164                    2,624
     Interest                                                                159                      145
                                                                       ---------                 --------
           Total costs and expenses                                       16,954                   13,567
                                                                       ---------                 --------
Net loss                                                               $  (9,802)                $ (1,412)
                                                                       ---------                 --------
                                                                       ---------                 --------
Basic and diluted net loss per common share                            $   (0.39)                $  (0.06)
                                                                       ---------                 --------
                                                                       ---------                 --------
Basic and diluted weighted average number of
     common shares outstanding                                            25,289                   24,722
                                                                       ---------                 --------
                                                                       ---------                 --------

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
               these condensed consolidated financial statements.



                    (In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                          Six Months Ended June 30,
                                                                           1998                   1997
                                                                           ----                   ----

     Collaborative and other research and development                  $   6,420                $  12,980
     Investment income                                                     7,901                    6,093
                                                                       ---------                ---------
           Total revenues                                                 14,321                   19,073
                                                                       ---------                ---------
Costs and expenses:
     Research and development                                             24,813                   21,112
     General and administrative                                            7,417                    4,841
     Interest                                                                307                      298
                                                                       ---------                ---------
          Total costs and expenses                                       32,537                    26,251
                                                                       ---------                ---------
Net loss                                                               $ (18,216)               $  (7,178)
                                                                       ---------                ---------
                                                                       ---------                ---------
Basic and diluted net loss per common share                            $   (0.72)               $   (0.31)
                                                                       ---------                ---------
                                                                       ---------                ---------
Basic and diluted weighted average number of
     common shares outstanding                                            25,270                   23,356
                                                                       ---------                ---------
                                                                       ---------                ---------

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
               these condensed consolidated financial statements.



                                 (In thousands)

                                                                          Six months ended June 30,
                                                                         1998                     1997
                                                                         ----                     ----

Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net loss                                                         $ (18,216)                $  (7,178)
     Adjustment to reconcile net loss to
        net cash used by operating activities:
           Depreciation and amortization                                  1,975                     1,644
     Changes in assets and liabilities:
           Prepaid expenses and other
                current assets                                              164                       149
           Accounts payable and accrued
                expenses                                                 (4,634)                    1,251
           Deferred revenue                                                (556)                    1,056
                                                                      ---------                 ---------
                Net cash provided (used) by
                    operating activities                                (21,267)                   (3,078)
                                                                      ---------                 ---------

Cash flows from investing activities:
     Short-term investments                                             (11,559)                   (2,116)
     Expenditures for property and equipment                             (4,497)                   (2,988)
     Other assets                                                          (471)                     (165)
                                                                      ---------                 ---------
           Net cash provided (used) by
                investing activities                                    (16,527)                   (5,269)
                                                                      ---------                 ---------

Cash flows from financing activities:
     Proceeds from public offering of common stock                         ----                   148,810
     Proceeds from private placement of common stock                       ----                    10,000
     Other issuances of common stock                                      1,466                     3,542
     Proceeds from equipment sale/leaseback                               2,511                     1,179
     Repayment of capital lease obligations                              (1,363)                   (1,445)
                                                                      ---------                 ---------
           Net cash provided (used) by
                financing activities                                      2,614                   162,086
                                                                      ---------                 ---------

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                                     --                         (6)
                                                                      ---------                 ---------
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                        (35,180)                  153,733
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                         71,454                    34,851
                                                                      ---------                 ---------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                            $  36,274                 $ 188,584
                                                                      ---------                 ---------
                                                                      ---------                 ---------

                 The accompanying notes are an integral part of
               these condensed consolidated financial statements.




1.       Basis of Presentation

     The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements are 
unaudited and have been prepared by the Company in accordance with generally 
accepted accounting principles.

     Certain information and footnote disclosures normally included in the 
Company's annual financial statements have been condensed or omitted. The 
interim financial statements, in the opinion of management, reflect all 
adjustments (including normal recurring accruals) necessary for a fair 
statement of the results for the interim periods ended June 30, 1998 and 1997.

     The results of operations for the interim periods are not necessarily 
indicative of the results of operations to be expected for the fiscal year, 
although the Company expects to incur a substantial loss for the year ended 
December 31, 1998. These interim financial statements should be read in 
conjunction with the audited financial statements for the year ended December 
31, 1997, which are contained in the Company's 1997 Annual Report to its 
shareholders and in its Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange 

2.   Cash and Cash Equivalents

     For purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Company considers all 
highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less at the date 
of purchase to be cash equivalents. Changes in cash and cash equivalents may 
be affected by shifts in investment portfolio maturities as well as by actual 
net cash receipts or disbursements.

3.   Basic and Diluted Loss per Common Share

     Basic earnings per share is based upon the weighted average number of 
common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share is 
based upon the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during 
the period plus additional weighted average common equivalent shares 
outstanding during the period when the effect is not anti-dilutive. Common 
equivalent shares result from the assumed exercise of outstanding stock 
options, the proceeds of which are then assumed to have been used to 
repurchase outstanding stock using the treasury stock method. Common 
equivalent shares have not been included in the per share calculations as the 
effect would be anti-dilutive. Total potential common equivalent shares 
consist of 4,760,263 stock options outstanding with a weighted average 
exercise price of $22.39 as of June 30, 1998.




4.   Comprehensive Income

The Company has adopted SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive Income", which 
requires that all components of comprehensive income and total comprehensive 
income be reported and that changes be shown in a financial statement 
displayed with the same prominence as other financial statements. The Company 
has elected to disclose this information in its statement of stockholders' 
equity. For the six months ended June 30, 1998 and 1997 total comprehensive 
loss was as follows (in thousands):

                                                                      June 30, 1998                      June 30, 1997
                                                                      -------------                      -------------
Net loss                                                               $  (18,216)                       $  (7,178)

Other comprehensive income (loss):
Unrealized holding gains (losses) on investments                               89                              (42)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                                        --                               (6)
                                                                       ----------                        ---------
Total other comprehensive income (loss)                                        89                              (48)
                                                                       ----------                        ---------

Total comprehensive loss                                               $  (18,127)                       $  (7,226)
                                                                       ----------                        ---------
                                                                       ----------                        ---------

5.   Subsequent Event

In July 1998 the Company earned a $2,000,000 milestone payment from Kissei 
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. on the selection of VX-745 as a lead drug 
development candidate in Vertex's p38 MAP kinase research and development 
program. VX-745, now in preclinical development, has the potential to treat 
inflammatory diseases and neurological diseases.

6.   Recently Issued Accounting Standards

In July 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS No. 
131, "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information", 
which is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1997. The 
interim reporting disclosures are not required in the first year of adoption. 
SFAS 131 specifies revised guidelines for determining an entity's operating 
segments and the type and level of financial information to be disclosed. 
SFAS 131 changes current practice under SFAS No. 14 by establishing a new 
framework on which to base segment reporting. The "management" approach 
expands the required disclosures for each segment. The Company will adopt 
SFAS 131 in the fourth quarter ended December 31, 1998 and has not yet 
determined the impact of such adoption on its segment reporting.

In June 1998, the FASB issued SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative 
Instruments and Hedging Activities". SFAS 133 is effective for all fiscal 
quarters of all fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999. SFAS 133 requires 
that all derivative instruments be recorded on the balance sheet at their 
fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivatives are recorded each period 
in current earnings or other comprehensive income, depending on whether a 
derivative is designated as part of a hedge transaction and, if it is the 
type of hedge transaction. The Company is currently assessing the impact of 
this FASB and does not believe that it will have a material impact on the 
financial statements.


7.   Legal Proceedings

Chiron Corporation ("Chiron") announced on July 30, 1998 that it filed suit 
against the Company and Eli Lilly and Company in the United States District 
Court for the Northern District of California, alleging infringement by the 
defendants of various U.S. patents issued to Chiron. The infringement action 
relates to the defendant's research and development activities in the 
hepatitis C viral protease field and the alleged use of inventions claimed by 
Chiron in connection with that research and development. Chiron has requested 
damages in an unspecified amount, as well as an order permanently enjoining 
the defendants from unlicensed use of Chiron inventions. The Company intends 
to vigorously contest the action based upon its knowledge of the matter to 


This discussion contains forward-looking statements which are subject to 
certain risks and uncertainties that can cause actual results to differ 
materially from those described. Factors that may cause such differences 
include but are not limited to those described in the section of the 
Company's annual report on Form 10-K entitled "Risk Factors." Readers are 
cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements 
which speak only as of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation 
to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements to reflect 
events or circumstances after the date hereof.

     Since its inception in 1989, the Company has been engaged in the 
discovery, development and commercialization of novel, small molecule 
pharmaceuticals for the treatment of major diseases for which there are 
currently limited or no effective treatments. The Company is a leader in the 
use of structure-based drug design, an approach to drug discovery that 
integrates advanced biology, biophysics and chemistry. The company is 
conducting research and development programs to develop pharmaceuticals for 
the treatment of viral diseases, multidrug resistance in cancer, autoimmune 
and inflammatory diseases and neurodegenerative disorders.

     To date, the Company has not received any revenues from the sale of 
pharmaceutical products. The Company's lead product candidate, amprenavir for 
the treatment of HIV infection, is presently undergoing Phase III clinical 
trials. If such clinical trials are concluded successfully and a New Drug 
Application is approved by the FDA and product sales, if any, commence, the 
Company will receive a royalty on sales of amprenavir by its partner Glaxo 
Wellcome plc ("Glaxo Wellcome"). However, there can be no assurance that 
Phase III clinical trials will be completed in a timely fashion, if at all, 
that such trials will be successful, or that any approval will be granted by 
the FDA. The Company has incurred operating losses since its inception and 
expects to incur a loss in 1998. The Company believes that operating losses 
may continue for the next several years even if significant royalties are 
realized on amprenavir sales because the Company is planning to make 
significant investments in research and development for its other potential 
products. The Company expects that losses will fluctuate from quarter to 
quarter and that such fluctuations may be substantial.

Results of Operations

Three Months Ended June 30, 1998 Compared with Three Months Ended June 30, 1997.

     The Company's total revenues decreased to $7,152,000 in the second 
quarter of 1998 from $12,155,000 in the second quarter of 1997. In the second 
quarter of 1998, revenues consisted of $3,002,000 under the Company's 
collaborative agreements, $3,905,000 in investment income and $245,000 in 
government grants and other income. In the second quarter of 1997, the 
Company received $7,822,000 in revenue from its collaborative agreements, 
$3,835,000 in investment income and $498,000 from government grants and other 
revenue. The lower collaborative revenue during the second quarter of 1998 as 
compared to the second quarter of 1997 was principally due to a $2,000,000 
payment in the second quarter of 1997 from Kissei Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 
("Kissei") associated with a clinical trial of amprenavir, Vertex's HIV 
protease inhibitor, and a $3,000,000 payment from Eli Lilly and Company 
("Lilly") in conjunction with the signing of a collaborative agreement on the 
Company's hepatitis C program.

     The Company's total costs and expenses increased to $16,954,000 in the 
second quarter of 1998 from $13,567,000 in the second quarter of 1997. 
Research and development expenses increased to $12,631,000 in the second 
quarter of 1998 from $10,798,000 in the second quarter of 1997 principally 
due to the continued expansion of the Company's research and development 
organization. In addition, general and administrative expenses increased to 
$4,164,000 in the second quarter of 1998 from $2,624,000 in the second 
quarter of 1997. The increase in general and administrative expenses 


reflects the impact of personnel additions and an increase in marketing 
activities particularly associated with the anticipated launch of amprenavir. 
Interest expense increased to $159,000 in the second quarter of 1998 from 
$145,000 in the second quarter of 1997 due to higher levels of equipment 
lease financing during the year. The Company expects that research and 
development as well as general and administrative expenses will continue to 
increase as the Company starts new research projects, advances current 
clinical and preclinical candidates, and expands its marketing and business 
development activities.

     The Company recorded a net loss of $9,802,000 or $0.39 per share in the 
second quarter of 1998 compared to a net loss of $1,412,000 or $0.06 per 
share in the second quarter of 1997.

Six Months Ended June 30, 1998 Compared with Six Months Ended June 30, 1997.

The Company's total revenues decreased to $14,321,000 for the six months 
ended June 30, 1998 from $19,073,000 for the six months ended June 30, 1997. 
In 1998, the Company's revenues consisted of $5,961,000 in collaborative 
revenues, $7,901,000 in investment income, and $459,000 in government grants 
and other income. In 1997, the Company's revenues consisted of $12,059,000 
earned under the Company's collaborative agreements, $6,093,000 in investment 
income and $921,000 in government grants and other income. The decrease in 
collaborative revenue for the first half of 1998 compared to the same period 
in 1997 was principally due to the Company's receipt in 1997 of $4,000,000 in 
development reimbursements from Kissei for an ongoing clinical trial of the 
Company's HIV protease inhibitor in addition to an upfront payment of 
$3,000,000 by Lilly in conjunction with the signing of a collaborative 
agreement for the Company's Hepatitis C program.

     The Company's total costs increased to $32,537,000 for the six months 
ended June 30, 1998 from $26,251,000 for the six months ended June 30, 1997. 
Research and development expenses increased to $24,813,000 in the first half 
of 1998 from $21,112,000 in the first half of 1997, primarily due to the 
scientific headcount growth in the Company's research and development 
organization as well as growth in development related expenditures for the 
Company's subsidiary Altus Biologics Inc. General and administrative expenses 
increased during the first half of 1998 to $7,417,000 from $4,841,000 in the 
first half of 1997 due primarily to increases in personnel and professional 
expenses, particularly associated with the expected market launch of 
amprenavir and corporate advertising activities. Interest expense was 
$307,000 in the first half of 1998, an increase from $298,000 in the first 
half of 1997 as a result of higher levels of equipment financing during the 

     For the reasons stated above, the Company incurred a net loss of 
$18,216,000 or $0.72 per share in the six months ended June 30, 1998 compared 
to a net loss of $7,178,000 or $0.31 per share in the six months ended June 
30, 1997.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

     The Company's operations have been funded principally through strategic 
collaborative agreements, public offerings and private placements of the 
Company's equity securities, equipment lease financing, government grants and 
investment income. The Company expects to incur increased research and 
development and related supporting expenses and, consequently, may continue 
to experience losses on a quarterly and annual basis as it continues to 
develop existing and future compounds and to conduct clinical trials of 
potential drugs. The Company also expects to incur substantial administrative 
and commercialization expenditures in the future and additional expenses 
related to the filing, prosecution, defense and enforcement of patent and 
other intellectual property rights.

     The Company expects to finance these substantial cash needs with its 
existing cash and investments of approximately $256,138,000 at June 30, 1998, 
together with investment income earned thereon, future payments under its 
existing collaborative agreements, and facilities and equipment financing. To 
the extent that funds from these sources are not sufficient to fund the 
Company's activities, it will be necessary to raise additional funds through 
public offerings or private placements of securities or other methods of 
financing. There can be no assurance that such financing will be available on 


terms, if at all. The Company believes that its existing cash and investments 
should be sufficient to meet its anticipated requirements for at least the 
next two years.

     The Company's aggregate cash and investments decreased by $23,533,000 
during the six months ended June 30, 1998 to $256,138,000. Cash used by 
operations, principally to fund research and development activities, was 
$21,267,000 during the same period. In addition to the net loss of 
approximately $18,216,000, cash was used by operations to significantly 
decrease accounts payable and accrued expenses in the amount of $4,634,000 
which was related to development expenses incurred in 1997 for the Company's 
cancer multidrug resistance, autoimmune disease and inflammation projects. 
The Company also expended $4,497,000 during this period to acquire property 
and equipment, principally for research equipment and facilities. During the 
first half of 1998, the Company entered into equipment lease financing in the 
aggregate amount of $2,511,000 and repaid $1,363,000 of its lease obligations.

     The Company has plans to expand its business development operation in 
the U.K. to include a research and devleopment site. The Company expects that 
the expansion of the U.K. operations to include research and development 
staff and facilities will have a significant impact on expenditures going 
forward. The Company expects that in general, research and development as 
well as general and administrative expenses will continue to increase as the 
Company starts new research projects, advances current clinical and 
preclinical candidates, and expands its marketing and business development 

     The Company adopted requirements relating to comprehensive income in 
accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 130 
("SFAS 130"), "Reporting Comprehensive Income". This Statement requires that 
total comprehensive income be reported and that changes be shown in a 
financial statement displayed with the same prominence as other financial 

     In July 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued 
SFAS No. 131, "Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related 
Information", which is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 
15, 1997. The interim reporting disclosures are not required in the first 
year of adoption. SFAS 131 specifies revised guidelines for determining an 
entity's operating segments and the type and level of financial information 
to be disclosed. SFAS 131 changes current practice under SFAS No. 14 by 
establishing a new framework on which to base segment reporting. The 
"management" approach expands the required disclosures for each segment. The 
Company will adopt SFAS 131 in the fourth quarter ended December 31, 1998 and 
has not yet determined the impact of such adoption on its segment reporting.

     In June 1998, the FASB issued SFAS No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative 
Instruments and Hedging Activities". SFAS 133 is effective for all fiscal 
quarters of all fiscal years beginning after June 15, 1999. SFAS 133 requires 
that all derivative instruments be recorded on the balance sheet at their 
fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivatives are recorded each period 
in current earnings or other comprehensive income, depending on whether a 
derivative is designated as part of a hedge transaction and, if it is the 
type of hedge transaction. The Company is currently assessing the impact of 
this FASB and does not believe that it will have a material impact on the 
financial statements.

     The Company is currently assessing the potential impact of the year 2000 
on the processing of date-sensitive information by the Company's computerized 
information systems and products purchased by the Company. The Company 
believes that its internal information systems are either year 2000 compliant 
or will be so prior to the year 2000 without incurring material costs. There 
can be no assurance, however, that the Company will not experience unexpected 
costs and delays in achieving year 2000 compliance for its internal 
information systems and current products, which could result in a material 
adverse effect on the Company's future results of operations.


                                    PART II.

                                OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings:

     Chiron Corporation ("Chiron") announced on July 30, 1998 that it filed 
suit against Vertex and Eli Lilly and Company in the United States District 
Court for the Northern District of California, alleging infringement by the 
defendants of various U.S. patents issued to Chiron. The infringement action 
relates to the defendant's research and development activities in the 
hepatitis C viral protease field and the alleged use of inventions claimed by 
Chiron in connection with that research and development. Chiron has requested 
damages in an unspecified amount, as well as an order permanently enjoining 
the defendants from unlicensed use of Chiron inventions. The Company intends 
to vigorously contest the action based upon its knowledge of the matter to 

Item 2.  Changes in Securities:


Item 3.  Defaults Upon Senior Securities:


Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders:

     The Company's Annual Meeting of Stockholders was held on May 27, 1998. 
The stockholders elected Joshua S. Boger, Charles A. Sanders and Elaine S. 
Ullian to the class of directors whose term expires in 2001. The tabulation 
of votes with respect to the election of such directors is as follows:

                              Total Vote For:            Total Vote Withheld:
                              ---------------            --------------------

Joshua S. Boger                 19,201,672                   70,034
Charles A. Sanders              19,206,558                   65,148
Elaine S. Ullian                19,200,422                   71,284

The stockholders approved an amendment to the Company's 1996 Stock and Option 
Plan, authorizing the addition of 1,250,000 shares to that Plan, with 
13,038,706 shares voted in favor, 6,082,295 shares voted against, 96,424 
shares abstaining, and 54,281 broker non-votes.

     In addition, the stockholders approved the appointment of 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the Company's independent accountants for the 
1998 fiscal year by a vote of 19,237,785 shares in favor, 26,475 shares 
against, and 7,446 shares abstaining.

Item 5.  Other Information:

Item 6.  Exhibits:

                  27   Financial Data Schedule. (Exhibit 27 is submitted as an
                       exhibit only in the electronic format of this Quarterly
                       Report on Form 10-Q submitted to the Securities and
                       Exchange Commission.)

                  99   Letter of Independent Accountants

                  Reports on Form 8-K:



         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         VERTEX PHARMACEUTICALS INCORPORATED

Date:  August 14, 1998                   /s/ Thomas G. Auchincloss
                                         Thomas G. Auchincloss, Jr.
                                         Vice President of Finance and Treasurer
                                         (Principal Financial Officer)

Date:  August 14, 1998                   /s/ Hans D. van Houte
                                         Hans D. van Houte
                                         (Principal Accounting Officer)
