Dated this __ th day of June, 1998

                              Assembly / Final Test
                              Subcontract Agreement


                    This Subcontractor whose name and address
                 are stated in Section Two of the first schedule


                          Fairchild Semiconductor, Inc.
                       whose business registration address
                is stated in Section Three of the first schedule


     THIS AGREEMENT is made the day and year stated in Section One of the First
Schedule hereto between:

1.   The Subcontractor whose name and address are set out in Section Two of the
     First Schedule (hereafter called the "Assembler") of one part; and

2.   Fairchild Semiconductor, Inc. with its address set out in Section Three of
     the First Schedule (hereafter called "FSC" or "Fairchild") of the other


1.   Fairchild is engaged in the business of designing, manufacturing and
     marketing semiconductor devices.

2.   Assembler is engaged in the business of manufacturing various electronic
     components and semiconductor devices.

3.   This assembly agreement is applicable only to the list of packages
     referenced in Section One and Two of the Second Schedule.

4.   The parties mutually desire that the Assembler assemble certain integrated
     circuits designed by Fairchild subject to the terms and conditions below.

5.   The parties also mutually desire that the Assembler provide final test
     service on assembled packages listed in the Second Schedule, Section One.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:


     a)     Assembler shall perform certain semiconductor assembly and final
            test work for Fairchild. The semiconductor devices (hereafter the
            "Devices") shall be assembled and/or tested in a good and
            workmanlike manner in accordance with Assembler's standard
            specifications and Fairchild's specific specifications listed in the
            Third Schedule (hereafter the "Specifications").

     b)     Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Fairchild
            reserves the right to engage any other subcontractor to perform any
            assembly and/or final test work on a per need basis. This agreement
            shall in no way be interpreted or construed to be an exclusive
            dealing with the Assembler.

2.   TERMS


     a)     The term of this Agreement is as stipulated in Section Four of the
            First Schedule. Fairchild will notify Assembler is writing ninety
            (90) days prior to the expiration of this Agreement whether or not
            it desires to renew this Agreement. Should Fairchild desire such a
            renewal, then both parties will enter into a good faith negotiation
            regarding the same. Failure by Fairchild to provide such notice to
            Assembler shall be deemed to be notice by Fairchild that it does not
            desire to renew this Agreement. If Assembler is not notified 90 days
            prior to the expiration of this Agreement, then Assembler should
            make reasonable effort to begin a dialogue with Fairchild concerning
            the plans of both parties.

     b)     Fairchild shall be entitled, in its sole discretion, to renew this
            Agreement for at least one additional year term under the same terms
            and conditions stated herein, by notification to Assembler at least
            ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of this Agreement.


     a)     Assembler shall supply all materials related to the assembly, except
            for the items listed in Section Five of the First Schedule.

            The items listed in Section Five of the First Schedule may be
            updated by the parties from time to time, at the request of
            Fairchild, but at a minimum once per quarter. Fairchild shall mark
            the equipment in such a manner as to serve notice to all third
            parties that such equipment is owned solely by Fairchild.

            Assembler shall not place any contrary marks upon Fairchild
            equipment and shall confirm to any third party Fairchild's ownership
            of such listed equipment.

            Assembler shall cooperate with Fairchild in making any filings or
            registration permitted by applicable law to publish Fairchild's
            ownership of said equipment, including, without limitation, any
            filings or registrations permissible, if any, under the Thailand
            Registration of Machinery Act (No. 2) B.E. 2530 (1987).

            Assembler agrees that Fairchild may, upon reasonable notice, enter
            Assembler's premises to recover said equipment in a non-disruptive
            manner, regardless of whether the Assembler is in default of this
            Agreement. Assembler agrees to cooperate fully with any Fairchild
            efforts to retrieve any and all said equipment. Assembler further
            agrees to maintain said equipment in reasonable working order, with
            reasonable wear and tear excepted.

     b)     Assembler shall ensure that all materials and assembly processes
            used to assemble Fairchild's Devices are free of ODC's (Ozone
            Depleting Chemicals).


     c)     Assembler shall be responsible for supplying the assembly and final
            test facilities and all equipment (unless otherwise set forth in
            this Agreement) and personnel necessary to perform assembly and/or
            test work contemplated hereunder. Unless Assembler has received
            Fairchild's prior written consent otherwise, all assembly and/or
            test work shall be performed at the facility specified in Section
            Two of the First Schedule hereto.

     d)     Fairchild agrees to accept the liability for any unique raw
            materials that the Assembler has purchased for Fairchild's Devices,
            if unused, provided that the Assembler has purchased this inventory
            using Fairchild's 8 period rolling forecast and used reasonable lead
            time provided by the vendor. Any excess to this amount is the
            responsibility of the Assembler.

            Fairchild's liability for such raw material shall be subject to
            right of setoff against any amounts owed by Assembler to Fairchild

            Fairchild's shall be liable under this Paragraph only to the extent
            Assembler can deliver such raw materials to Fairchild free and clear
            of all liens and encumbrances of others.


     a)     For information and planning purposes, Fairchild will provide
            Assembler with a eight (8) period rolling forecast (hereafter the
            "Forecast") with quantities by package type as shown in Section One
            of the Second Schedule.

     b)     A new Forecast shall be due during the last week of each period
            (Fairchild's fiscal year calendar) and Assembler shall respond to
            the Forecast with a one hundred percent (100%) firm assembly
            commitment for the first period within five (5) working days as long
            as the immediate period forecast is not higher than that committed
            in the previous period.

     c)     Based on the Forecast provided by Fairchild, Assembler shall ensure
            that the proportionate weekly capacity is available to enable linear
            loading of Fairchild's orders. Fairchild shall make reasonable
            effort to ensure linear loading to the Assembler.

     d)     If Assembler starts factory program material more than thirty (30)
            days ahead of customers request data, then the Assembly assumes
            liability for the total value of the product unless the starts are
            authorized by Fairchild.



     a)     The prices to be paid by Fairchild for devices assembled and/or
            tested pursuant to this agreement shall be mutually agreed to by
            both Assembler and Fairchild. A Pricing Agreement shall be
            documented noting effectivity date, and signed by representatives of
            both the Assembler and Fairchild. A Pricing Agreement shall be
            incorporated in this agreement into by reference in Section Two,
            Second Schedule, and will be expressed in U.S. Dollars. Prices shall
            be negotiated on an annual basis, as a minimum. Updates on a
            quarterly basis shall be permitted when mutually agreed upon between
            Assembler and Fairchild. Yields used in determining the pricing
            shall be reviewed on an annual basis, as a minimum.

     b)     All prices are to be expressed in terms of unit pricing that include
            all the materials supplied by the Assembler unless otherwise
            specified. Pricing shall reflect whether product is to be standard
            packed in tubes or packed utilizing tape and reel.

     c)     Unit pricing that is reduced contingent on specific minimum volumes
            shall be documented on the Pricing Agreement. Failure by Fairchild
            to meet the minimum quantity volumes required shall result in a
            quarterly penalty payment. Penalty payment shall be calculated as in
            the example provided below:

            //    Volume Price Break        500KU per week
            //    Actual Volume Load        400KU per week
            //    Penalty Payment           1.3MU times (base price less 
                                            volume price)

     d)     Prices agreed by both Assembler and Fairchild shall be effective
            throughout the term of this contract except as updated quarterly by
            mutual agreement between the Assembler and Fairchild. Any cost
            improvement or steps taken by Fairchild to reduce the existing price
            shall be incorporated into the Pricing Agreement in the quarter
            immediately following the identification and acceptance of reduction
            by the Assembler. Any cost reduction generated by the Assembler
            through improved utilization or efficiency of equipment and/or
            operators being employed shall benefit the Assembler exclusively
            until the next contractual pricing agreement is incorporated.

     e)     New products introduced by Fairchild for the Assembler to assemble
            and/or final test shall be priced through mutual agreement between
            Fairchild and Assembler. Pricing of new products shall follow the
            format mutually agreed to in the Pricing Agreement by both Assembler
            and Fairchild.



     a)     Payment to Assembler by Fairchild shall be made on a Net Thirty (30)
            Days basis from the date of invoice, if not specified otherwise in
            Section Three of the Second Schedule.

     b)     All payments shall be made in United States dollars (US$) unless
            specified otherwise in Section Three of the Second Schedule.

     c)     Assembler shall purchase die from Fairchild at those prices defined
            by the Transfer Price File while the Assembler remains on buy-sell
            agreement with Fairchild. Invoices for said die shall be due and
            payable by Assembler on a Net Thirty (30) Days basis and paid in
            United States dollars.

            Assembler's payment obligations shall be secured by a security
            interest in the die being purchased from Fairchild hereunder, until
            all obligations of Assembler hereunder have been satisfied in full.

            Assembler hereby grants to Fairchild a security interest in all die
            purchased from Fairchild and in all proceeds thereof until the
            purchase price for the die, and all obligations of Assembler
            hereunder have been satisfied in full.


     a)     Assembler shall use its best efforts to ship Devices (assembly only
            or assembly and test) in the turnaround times indicated below:

                                       Assembly       Assembly and Test
                                       --------       -----------------
                       50%              4.0 Days          8.0 Days
                       98%              7.0 Days          14.0 Days

     b)     The Turnaround Time shall mean the elapsed number of calendar days
            from the date of the Die or assembled unit shipment arrives at the
            Airport of Assembler's manufacturing location, or date the die is
            requested to be built, whichever is later, and the date assembled
            and/or tested Devices are shipped out of the same Airport.
            Turn-around Time shall include Sundays and Holidays at Assembler's

8.   YIELD

     a)     Assembler shall use its best efforts to meet the Assembly / Test
            Yields defined in Section Four of the Second Schedule.

     b)     Assembly yield shall be measured by acceptable assembled Devices
            shipped versus the number of good die the Assembler received and


            shall be assessed over a thirty (30) day time period on a per
            package and per lead count basis. Should the yield performance fall
            five percent (5%) below that specified in Section Four of the Second
            Schedule, Assembler shall submit a specific explanation to Fairchild
            for review and the cost of indemnification shall be mutually
            determined and agreed upon between Fairchild and Assembler on a case
            to case basis, unless otherwise specified in Section Four of the
            Second Schedule.

     c)     Should the yield performance fall below minimum contract yield that
            is specified in Section Four of the Second Schedule on a lot to lot
            basis, Assembler shall notify Fairchild immediately. A specific
            explanation in the standard report format shall be submitted to
            Fairchild for review within the next seven (7) days.

     d)     For assembly of untested Devices only, Fairchild will perform "First
            Test" testing on the Devices received from the Assembler at
            Fairchild's test location and will report the test results to
            Assembler on a weekly basis, or as and when the need arises, to
            assist Assembler in monitoring its assembly performance.

     e)     Assembler shall calculate yield variance as defined by Attachment A
            of the Second Schedule Section Four every period (per Fairchild
            Fiscal Year Calendar). Yields may be adjusted each quarter if
            mutually agreed to by both assembler and Fairchild. A reclaim
            process shall be implemented by Assembler to reduce the amount of
            negative variance claimed against Fairchild for E2PROM products. The
            reclaim procedure shall be as defined in Attachment B of the Second
            Schedule Section Four attached herein.

     f)     Yield variance claims by the Assembler shall be as defined of the
            Second Schedule, Attachment A and are subject to the concurrence and
            approval of Fairchild.

     g)     Fairchild reserves the right to reprocess finished goods in an
            effort to maximize utilization of its inventories. Procedures and
            pricing of reprocessed materials is defined in the Second Schedule
            Section Four, under Attachment C.

     h)     Fairchild shall have the right to terminate this Agreement should
            Assembler be unable to meet agreed upon yield levels within ninety
            (90) days of notification from Fairchild.


     a)     Fairchild shall sell die and/or assembled units to Assembler for
            assembly and/or test work as long as Assembler remains on buy-sell
            agreement with Fairchild.


     b)     Assembler shall not use uncommitted die for assembly prior to
            receiving specific loading instructions from Fairchild or its
            designated receiving location.


     a)     All shipments of die and material to and from FSC and Assembler
            shall be under FOB shipping point terms. FSC and Assembler agree
            that freight an handling costs shall be covered per First Schedule
            Attachment B.

     b)     All shipments of assembled and/or tested Devices from Assembler to a
            Fairchild location specified in Section 5 of the Second Schedule
            will be on FOB term. If Assembler is paying freight on behalf of
            Fairchild then manual billing should be done on a monthly basis.

     c)     Assembler is required to use the freight forwarder specified by
            Fairchild for shipment of assembled Devices. Assembler shall ensure
            that all export controls and licenses are in place between
            Assembler's location and Fairchild's regional warehouses and
            shipments made directly to Fairchild's customers per Fairchild's

     d)     FSC shall be responsible for freight and transportation costs plus
            handling charges from FSC's plants or the plants of FSC's
            subcontractor (from where the dies, consigned equipment or material
            are shipped) to the Bangkok International Airport or other port of
            entry. Assembler shall be responsible for any inland transportation
            costs within Thailand after clearing Thai customs, plus any handling
            charges, from the Bangkok International Airport or other port of
            entry to Assembler's plant.


     a)     Fairchild's acceptance or rejection of assembled and/or tested
            Devices shall be based on the Specifications. Fairchild shall have
            the right to reject isolated lots or groups of lots assembled and/or
            tested Devices at its incoming or designated receiving location.

     b)     Fairchild will notify Assembler of any rejection that exceeds AQL
            Limits per Specifications and reject samples shall be promptly
            shipped to Assembler for verification upon Assembler's request.

     c)     Assembler shall have fourteen (14) days to reply to Fairchild's
            notification and upon agreeing that the rejection is caused by
            assembly workmanship deficiency the rejected lots if reworkable
            shall be returned to Assembler for rework and Assembler will pay all


            associated freight costs. If rejected lots are non-reworkable,
            Fairchild is entitled at a minimum, to debit Assembler's account the
            dollar amount in the Assembler's original invoice for the defective
            assembled Devices, unless otherwise specified in Section Four of the
            Second Schedule.

     d)     Fairchild shall have the right, at its expense, to employ one or
            more inspectors, or professional or technical personnel or its
            designees, with access to Assembler's facility to inspect the
            processes, materials and Fairchild's Devices and to perform quality
            audit. The quality Inspector is authorized to shutdown, in his or
            her sole reasonable discretion, the Assembler's manufacturing
            activities for Fairchild, upon discovering any discrepancies against
            the Specifications.


     a)     Assembler shall advise Fairchild in writing at least fourteen (14)
            days prior to making any proposed changes with respect to direct
            materials, suppliers, manufacturing processes and/or assembly
            location. Fairchild reserves the right in its absolute discretion to
            accept or reject such proposed changes. Upon obtaining the
            conceptual acceptance of the proposed changes from Fairchild,
            Assembler shall perform and provide the relevant reliability data
            and/or build qualification lots per Fairchild's requests at
            Assembler's expense. Proposed changes shall be implemented on a
            cut-off date mutually determined by both parties upon obtaining
            final approval from Fairchild.

     b)     Assembler agrees to use its best efforts to implement all reasonable
            proposals for improvement of specifications suggested by Fairchild.

     c)     Assembler shall use its best efforts to participate in quality and
            yield enhancement programs as suggested by Fairchild.

     d)     Assembler shall not be required to implement any change where the
            cost is shown to exceed the benefit anticipated unless mutually
            agreed to by both parties.


     a)     Assembler shall provide the manufacturing data necessary as agreed
            to between Assembler and Fairchild. It shall include the amount at
            die and package level of Assembler's diebank, WIP, and stagnant
            inventories. Assembler shall be able to provide Fairchild on a
            weekly basis, a summary of shipping activity and die receipts.
            Assembler shall also provide Fairchild weekly reports regarding
            assembly and test yields, as well as cycletimes for both assembly
            only and assembled / tested products at the package level. Assembler
            shall also provide 


            Fairchild with any other information Fairchild reasonably requests.
            The format for stated data shall be as mutually determined between
            Assembler and Fairchild.

     b)     Wherever possible, Assembler agrees to allow Fairchild to establish
            a computer-link with the Assembler's computer system to enable quick
            access to data related to Fairchild's Devices only.

     c)     Assembler shall provide period-end inventory records to FSC. Data to
            include all die, raw materials, and tested / untested assembled
            products sold to assembler in anticipation of finished goods
            receipt. Inventories shall include al stagnant inventories, such as
            engineering holds and binstock. Inventories shall include materials
            (assembled, untested) received from other subcontractors on behalf
            of FSC, and be so designated. Details of the inventory shall be at
            the chip / package level as required. FSC reserves the right to
            audit such reports, as deemed necessary.


     a)     Assembler shall ensure that no manufacturing lot shall consist of
            more than one die lot. At Assembler's discretion, large die lots can
            be broken down into smaller manufacturing lots.

     b)     Assembler shall assign a unique manufacturing lot number to each
            assembly lot to maintain tractability. The lot number shall appear
            on the Lot Traveller together with Fairchild's Device code.


     Fairchild may at its discretion, request all rejected die and rejected
     assembled and/or tested Devices be returned by the Assembler, or otherwise
     to destroyed by the Assembler. Such destruction, if desired, shall be
     witnessed by Fairchild personnel or alternatively, Fairchild may request
     the Assembler to issue a letter of assurance to that effect. Fairchild
     shall pay for freight for such returns.


     Assembler shall comply with all applicable U.S. Import and Export Laws and
     Regulations. Assembler shall meet such requirements, like Country of Origin
     marking on each package as requested by Fairchild, in order to ensure full
     compliance with such Laws. The provisions of this Section 16 shall survive
     the termination of this Agreement and continue indefinitely.



     a)     The assembled and/or tested Devices sold by Assembler to Fairchild
            shall be in good condition, free of defects in material and
            workmanship (except with regard to die supplied by Fairchild to
            which Assembler warrants only workmanship) for a period of twelve
            (12) months after the date of acceptance by Fairchild.

     b)     In the event of assembled and/or tested Device failure proven by way
            of failure analysis to have been caused by defects in workmanship,
            Assembler shall, issue credit for at a minimum, the dollars amount
            of the assemblers original invoice of the relevant Devices to
            Fairchild, or assemble similar Devices for Fairchild at no charge.

     c)     Assembler shall have no obligation under any warranty set forth
            above in the event that;

            //   the Devices have failed as a result of normal wear and tear,
                 catastrophe or fault or negligence of Fairchild or its

            //   the Devices have been modified by Fairchild or its customers in
                 a way which affects the performance of the Devices;

            //   the Devices have not been stored, maintained, or used by
                 Fairchild or its customers in accordance with Fairchild's
                 standard operating and/or maintenance instructions.


     Fairchild will be responsible for insurance coverage for all consigned
     materials and equipment in-transit to Assembler and in-house with


     Fairchild shall at its cost and expense defend any claim or action brought
     against the Assembler based upon a claim that any Device assembled
     hereunder by Assembler for Fairchild in accordance with the Fairchild's
     specifications, infringes any U.S., Japanese, or European Union patent,
     copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right, and Fairchild
     will pay any settlements entered into on behalf of, or damages awarded
     against Assembler, provided that Fairchild is given full control of such
     defense and settlement, Assembler provides all reasonable assistance in
     connection therewith as requested by Fairchild, at Fairchild's cost and
     expense and Assembler provides written notice to Fairchild within a
     reasonable time after becoming aware of such claim or action.



     a)     Default by Assembler: the occurrence of any of the following events,
            if not cured within the periods set forth herein, shall be an Event
            of Default by the Assembler hereunder: (1) Assembler fails to make
            any payment due to Fairchild hereunder within fourteen (14) days of
            its due date, or ten (10) days after receipt of notice of
            non-payment from Fairchild, whichever is later; (2) Assembler,
            without the consent of Fairchild, removes, sells, transfers, or
            encumbers (voluntarily or involuntarily) any of the Fairchild
            Equipment detailed in Attachment A, as identified by Section Five of
            the First Schedule, or attempts to do any of the foregoing; (3)
            Assembler fails to perform any of its remaining obligations
            hereunder including, without limitation, the failure to meet the
            Assembly/Test Yields set forth in Section Four of the Second
            Schedule, or the continuing breach of any of the representations of
            warranties of Assembler hereunder if not cured within ten (10) days
            after receipt of notice of non-compliance from Fairchild; (4)
            Assembler is in default under the terms of any indebtedness for
            borrowed money when due (whether at maturity or otherwise) or fails
            to perform any material covenant or condition on its part which
            failure causes the acceleration of such indebtedness; (5) Assembler
            sells, leases, or disposes of any portion of its assets, which in
            Fairchild's reasonable judgment could adversely affect Assembler's
            performance hereunder, except when such action occurs in the normal
            course of its business, or the loss, the uninsured destruction, or
            the attachment of such assets; (6) Assembler ceases doing business
            as a going concern, makes an assignment for the benefit of
            creditors, admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they
            become due, files a petition of bankruptcy, is declared bankrupt,
            becomes insolvent, goes into liquidation or receivership, or loses
            legal control of its business; (7) Assembler merges or consolidates
            with any other entity, which in Fairchild's judgment could adversely
            affect Assembler's performance hereunder, or makes a material change
            in the senior management of the Assembler; (8) Fairchild reasonably
            believes that the Assembler will not in the future be able to meet
            each and every one of its material obligations under this Agreement;
            or (9) there shall occur a material adverse change in the financial
            or business condition of the Assembler.

     b)     Default by Fairchild: the occurrence of any of the following shall
            be an Event of Default by Fairchild hereunder: (1) Fairchild fails
            to perform any of its obligations hereunder, and such failure
            continues for a period of 30 days after Fairchild's receipt of
            written notice of such failure; or (2) Fairchild ceases doing
            business as a going concern, makes an assignment for the benefit of
            its creditors, admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as
            they become due, files a petition as to its bankruptcy, is declared
            bankrupt, becomes insolvent, goes into liquidation or receivership,
            or loses legal control of its business


     c)     Termination:

            1)   upon the occurrence of an Event of Default which is not cured
                 within any applicable cure or grace period, set forth below, or
                 thirty days (30) of receipt of written notice, if no cure or
                 grace period is mentioned, the non-defaulting party shall have
                 the right to immediately terminate this Agreement by providing
                 written notice to the defaulting party, which notice shall be
                 effective upon dispatch; and

            2)   Fairchild shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at
                 any time without cause (subject to its obligations under
                 subsections (d) and (e) of this Section) by providing 90 days
                 prior written notice of its intentions to terminate to

     d)     Termination shall not release either party from the obligation to
            make payment of all amounts then due and payable.

     e)     In the event of termination, Assembler shall return all die at
            contract price, materials, equipment and technical documents that
            Fairchild has previously provided to Assembler. Fairchild shall also
            be obligated to buy back all work-in-progress (WIP) at Assembler's
            cost, and all assembled and tested devices in Assembler's stock at
            contracted prices, provided that said WIP and devices are assembled
            in accordance with the Specifications.


     a)     The Schedules referred to and attached to this Agreement are hereby
            incorporated and by this reference made a part hereof. This
            Agreement, and the Schedules, hereto, embody the entire
            understanding of the parties as it relates to the subject matter

     b)     The relevant sections of the Schedules, whenever necessary, shall be
            updated to include any changes and additional new business plans
            agreed between the parties. The revised Schedules signed by the duly
            authorized officers of the respective parties, shall become the
            addendum of the original Schedules and by this reference made a part

     c)     This Agreement supersedes any prior agreements or understanding
            between the parties with respect to such subject matter.

     d)     No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid and
            binding upon the parties unless signed by the duly authorized
            officers or representatives of the respective parties.


     e)     This agreement shall be renegotiated upon such time as FSC and
            Assembler mutually agree to change from buy-resell arrangement to an
            agreement of consignment. The new agreement shall supersede all
            prior agreements, inclusive of the Agreement herein.


     Should any party fail to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to
     exercise or waive any right in respect hereto, such failure or waiver shall
     not be constructed as constituting a waiver or a continuing waiver of its
     rights to enforce such provisions or right or any other provision or right.


     a)     The relationship of the parties under this Agreement shall be as
            independent contractors.

     b)     Nothing contained herein or done in pursuance of this Agreement
            shall constitute the parties as entering upon a joint venture or
            partnership, or shall constitute either party being an employee of
            the other party for any purpose or in any sense whatsoever.


     If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any
     situation or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder
     of this Agreement shall not be affected, and each remaining provision shall
     be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent. In the event of such
     partial invalidity, the parties shall seek in good faith to agree on
     replacing any such legally invalid provision with provisions which in
     effect will, from an economic viewpoint, most nearly or fairly approach the
     effect of the invalid provision.


     This Agreement may be executed simultaneously in several duplicate
     originals in the English Language, each of which shall be deemed an
     original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument.


     The Agreement shall be governed by, and interpreted and construed in
     accordance with the Laws of the Country specified in Section Three of the
     First Schedule, where the relevant Fairchild Location or Product Division



     a)     For the purposes of this Agreement, "Confidential Information" shall
            mean all proprietary information relating to the subject matter of
            this Agreement which is disclosed by one of the parties to the other
            in written, graphic and/or computer data form and originally
            designated in writing by the disclosing party as "Confidentiality
            Information" or by words of similar import, or if disclosed orally
            is designated as "Confidential Information" at such time and is
            summarized and confirmed in writing within thirty (30) days after
            oral disclosure that such orally disclosed information is
            "Confidential Information"

     b)     Each party acknowledges and agrees that all Confidential Information
            identified as such is confidential or proprietary to the disclosing
            party. Each party agrees not to use any such Confidential
            Information during the term of the Agreement and for an additional
            period of three (3) years for any purpose other than as permitted or
            required for performance by such party hereunder. Each party further
            agrees not to disclose or provide any of such Confidential
            Information to any third party and to take all necessary measures to
            prevent such disclosure using the same standard of care if normally
            uses in protecting its own trade secrets and proprietary

     c)     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, no
            information received by a party hereunder shall be Confidential
            Information if said information is:

            //   published or otherwise made available to the public other than
                 by a breach of this Agreement;

            //   furnished to a party by an independent third party without
                 restriction on its dissemination;

            //   approved for released in writing by the party designating said
                 information as Confidential Information;

            //   known to or independently developed by the party receiving
                 Confidential Information hereunder who have had no access to
                 the said Confidential Information;

            //   disclosed to a third party by the party transferring said
                 information hereunder without restricting its subsequent
                 disclosure and use by the third party.

     d)     Disclosure of any Confidential Information by a party hereto shall
            not be precluded if such disclosure is in response to a valid order
            of a court 


            or other government body, provided that the receiving party promptly
            notifies the other party of such order and makes a good faith
            effort, at the expense of the party which originally disclosed the
            information, to obtain a protective order requiring the Confidential
            Information so disclosed be kept in confidence and used only for the
            purpose for which such order was issued.


     This Agreement shall be concluded in the United States and governed by, and
     construed in accordance with, the laws of the United States. The Parties
     shall use their best efforts to settle by way of amicable negotiations any
     differences which may occur between them in connection with this Agreement.
     If the Parties fail to reach such an amicable settlement, either party may
     submit such differences to arbitration, which shall have sole jurisdiction
     and shall take place in accordance with the following minimum set of rules:

     a)     The rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) shall

     b)     The arbitration shall be held by a single arbitrator mutually
            acceptable to both Parties. If the Parties cannot agree on a single
            arbitrator, each Party shall identify one independent individual who
            shall to appoint a single arbitrator.

     c)     The decision of the arbitrator shall be considered as a final and
            binding resolution of the disagreement and may be entered as
            judgement in any court of competent jurisdiction.

     d)     The arbitration shall be held in a mutually agreeable location.


     a)     Through Fairchild's Fiscal Year 2000, Assembler agrees to provide
            Fairchild upon request, and in any event not less than quarterly,
            all current financial information prepared for Assembler's
            management or its lenders related to Assembler's current liabilities
            and current assets together with cashflow predictions and other
            information related to or reasonably necessary to assess Assembler's
            financial ability to perform its obligations hereunder. In addition,
            Assembler shall provide quarterly income and expense statements, as
            well as quarterly balance sheets, to the extent not otherwise
            provided. All such information shall be prepared in accordance with
            generally accepted accounting principles. Statements shall indicate
            the financial condition of Assembler, together with any other
            financial information which 


            Fairchild may reasonably request, subject to any restrictions set
            forth elsewhere herein.

     b)     Within sixty (60) days of Assembler's fiscal year end, Assembler
            shall provide to Fairchild Assembler's year end audited financial
            statements prepared by an accounting firm reasonably acceptable to
            Fairchild. In addition, Assembler shall provide Fairchild , upon
            reasonable request, additional financial information related to or
            reasonably necessary to assess Assembler's financial ability to
            perform its obligations hereunder.

     c)     All information received by Fairchild pursuant to this Paragraph
            shall be held in the strictest confidence by Fairchild. All such
            information shall be reviewed and evaluated only by (i) the
            individuals holding the following positions: FSC's Chief Financial
            Officer, Chief Legal Officer, Controller and any member of their
            immediate staffs; (ii) FSC Memory Division's Controller and Chief
            Logistics Officer and their immediate staffs and (iii) any FSC
            managers directly responsible for the administration of this
            Agreement and (iv) those FSC personnel specifically directed by any
            of the foregoing individuals to review or assess Assembler's
            financial ability to perform its obligations hereunder. All
            information received by Fairchild pursuant to this Paragraph shall
            be reviewed and evaluated only for the purpose of assessing
            Assembler's financial ability to perform its obligations hereunder,
            and used for no other purpose.


     FSC agrees to reimburse for third-party vendor work when mutually agreed
     upon in advance. FSC agrees to pay original invoice plus 10% premium for
     related assemblers activities. Assembler agrees to provide FSC original
     quotation for approval, copy of original invoice plus calculations of


     To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Assembler waives any
     right to sue Fairchild for specific performance of this Agreement. Upon
     occurrence of the Event of Default by Fairchild hereunder, which Event of
     Default is not cured within any applicable grace period, Assembler's sole
     remedy shall be to terminate this Agreement and to recover, whether by
     arbitration or by legal action, any amounts owed by Fairchild to Assembler


     This Agreement may not be assigned by either party hereto without the prior
     written consent of the non-assigning party. Notwithstanding the foregoing,


     Fairchild may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement
     without the consent of the Assembler to any Fairchild subsidiary or





     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the
     day, month and year first above written.

SIGNED by said Assembler:                In the presence of:

- --------------------------------         ----------------------------------
Name:   Thavisak Thangsupanich          Name:   Terence Chua
Title:  Chief Executive Officer         Title:  Director of Business Development
Date:   April ___, 1998                 Date:   April ___, 1998

- --------------------------------
Name:   Udom Udompanyavit
Title:  President
Date:   April ___, 1998

SIGNED by                               In the presence of:
Fairchild Semiconductor, Inc.

- --------------------------------        
Name:   Daniel E. Boxer                 Name:
Title:  Chief Administrative Officer    Title:
Date:   April ___, 1998                 Date:   April ___, 1998


                                 FIRST SCHEDULE

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             1st day of April, 1998

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Company Name:                NS Electronics Bangkok (1993) Ltd.

Address:                     40/10 Soi Lasalle
                            Sukhumvit 105, Bangna
                            Bangkok 10260

Country:                       Thailand
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Location Name:              Fairchild Semiconductor, Inc.

Address:                      333 Western Avenue
                            South Portland
                            Maine 04106
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effective Date:  April 1, 1998        Expiration Date: May 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See Attachment A for list of equipment owned by FSC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                  ATTACHMENT A

                           EQUIPMENT OWNED BY "FSC" *

Equipment                                                     Tag #
Tritemp SN1                                                   1547523

Tritemp SN2                                                   1547592

Tritemp SN3                                                   1547593

Tritemp SN4                                                   1547618

Tritemp SN5                                                   1547619

Tritemp SN6                                                   1550853

Tritemp SN7                                                   1550893

Tritemp SN8                                                   1550899

Tritemp SN11                                                  1550902

Tritemp SN13                                                  1553148

Tritemp SN14                                                  1555777

Tritemp SN17                                                  1555774

Tritemp SN18                                                  1555776

Tritemp SN12                                                  1550903

Tritemp SN19                                                  1557828

Tritemp SN24                                                  n/a

Tritemp Bench Tester SN1                                      1547594

Tritemp Bench Tester SN2                                      1547595

Tritemp Bench Tester SN3                                      n/a

Memex Testers (7)

PC Pentium 6X86-166 Set (2)                                   n/a

Laserjet 6L Printer                                           n/a

Sun Sparc 5 (1)                                               n/a

*Equipment in place at NSEB as of November 24, 1997

     (to be physically verified by FSC during the week of October 13, 1997)


                                  ATTACHMENT B

                           Freight and Handling Costs

Product                                            Ship From                 Ship To                 Paid By
- -------                                            ---------                 --------                -------
die, raw materials for assembly                    FSC                       Assembler               Assembler

die, raw materials, consigned equip                Subcontractor             Assembler               FSC

Consigned equipment                                FSC                       Assembler               FCS

Assembled, tested devices                          Assembler                 FSC                     FSC

Finished Goods, reprocessing                       FSC/RCW whses             Assembler               FSC

Finished Goods, QA Return                          FSC/RCW whses             Assembler               Assembler

Finished Goods, customer QA return                 Customer,FSC              Assembler               Assembler

Note        1: FSC shall be deemed any site specifically owned and operated by 
        said company or any subcontractor's wafer fabrication site used by FSC 
        in the manufacturing of die.

Note        2: Subcontractor shall be deemed any assembly and test manufacturing
        site not owes and operator by FSC.

Note        3: Should any customer return be deemed invalid or should such 
        return have been generated by fault of FSC, then FSC agrees to reimburse
        Assembler for freight costs incurred


                                 SECOND SCHEDULE

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Standard Yields                  Remarks
- ---------------                  -------
Assembly Cum Yield is to be:     PDIP 8 LD 99.3%         SOIC 8/14 LD 99.3%

    -TQFP 48/64 LD 99%           PDIP 18/28/32 LD 99%    PLCC 32/52 LD 99%

     CERDIP 24/28 LD 98.5% 32LD 98.2% 40LD 97%          TSSOP 8/14/16 LD 99%

     TSOP 28/32 LD 99%

First Test Yield:

     Per pricing agreement

Final Test Yield:

     Per pricing agreement, see attachments A, B

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1)      Products:

        Attention of:

        Company Name:


        Phone / Fax Contact Numbers:

2)      Products:

        Attention of:

        Company Name:


        Phone / Fax Contact Numbers:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See Attachment 13

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                 SECOND SCHEDULE

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Package        Lead          Product             Volume Forecast
- -------        ----          -------             ---------------
 Type          Type           Type        Pd          Pd          Pd        Pd
 ----          ----           ----        --          --          --        --

- --------

     Per Period 8 assembly forecast that is to be submitted by FSC each

     financial period, covering the following packages

          SOIC              TSOP                  SOT23

          M_DIP             TSSOP                 TQFP

          PLCC              CER-DIP

Final Test

     Per 8 period packout forecast to be submitted by FSC each financial period

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Package       Lead           Unit Pricings        Remarks
- -------       ----           -------------        -------
 Type         Type
 ----         ----

             Per pricing Agreement

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Payment Term:

Net 30 Days

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                         Attachment A of second schedule

                     Yield Variance Computation Methodology
                              (refer to Clause 8E)

1    Yield Variance shall be computed by Process flow by NSPN.

2    Engineering Database System shall be used for Yield Variance computation.

3    Yield Variance shall be calculated on prime processing (B Type) Only.

4    The Formula for Yield Variance calculations are as follows:

     a)  Yield Variance in        (1/ "Actual Yield" - 1/Contract Yield) 
         favor of Assembler=      X "pack-out Qty"
                                  X (Untested Package Cost + Final Test Cost).

     b)  Yield Variance in        (1/ "Actual Yield" - 1/Contract Yield) 
         favor of National=       X "pack-out Qty"
                                  X  Untested Package Cost.


     "Actual Yield" shall mean the cumulative of all the yields for the prime
     operations for each NSPN according to the respective Manufacturing Flow and
     with the yields FIXED for the workmanship related operations as shown

              Operation                          Fixed Yield
              ---------                          -----------
               Burn-In                            100%

               Tape & Reel                        100%

               FOI                                99.65%

               Pack                               100%

     "Pack-out Qty" shall mean the pack-out quantity for the prime (B-type
     processing) lots only excluding the reclaim (C-type processing) lots and
     engineering (R-type processing) lots.

     Untested Package Cost is the TC13x Assembly Cost in Contract Price List.

     Assembler shall be responsible to ensure the correlation of Yield Variance
     Report quantities to Engineering Database Report and R563 LOTS Report
     quantities at all inventory points.


                         Attachment B of second schedule
                      Reclaim Procedure For E2PROM Products
                              (refer to Clause 8E)

1.   The fallous (reclaimable rejects) for the following listed devices shall be

   Technology     Device                                      Operation                 Stored Bin
   CS100          NM24C*EM8/EN                                Tritemp                   Every Bin except Bin 6
                  NM24C*LEM8/LEN                              Tritemp                   Every Bin except Bin 6
                  NM24C*EM8/EN                                Tritemp                   Every Bin except Bin 6
                  NM93C*TEM8                                  Tritemp                   Every Bin except Bin 6
                  NM93C*AEM8/AEN                              Tritemp                   Every Bin except Bin 6
                  NM93C*LM8/LN/TLM8                           Tritemp                   Every Bin except Bin 6
                  NM93C*LEM8/LEN/TLEM8                        Tritemp                   Every Bin except Bin 6
                  NM93C*LM8/LN                                2HT1                      Bin 5
                  NM93C*LEM8/LEN                              2HT1                      Bin 5
                  NM25C*OEM8/EN                               2HT1                      Bin 5
   CS160          NM93C*LZEM8/LZEN/LZM8/TLZEM8                1HT1/2HT1                 Bin 3& Bin 5
                NM93CS*LZEM8/LZEN/LZM8/TLZEM8                 1HT1/2HT1                 Bin 3& Bin 5

            ("*"= the numeric that refers to a specific device type)

2.   The identified fallouts above mentioned shall be transfered to EB3299
     inventory bucket and a report generated at each period end.

3.   Assembler shall be responsible to batch the fallouts for transfer from
     EB3299 to FA 6 (Function Area 6) of LOTS System which is designed for
     Reclaim processings, or other mutually agreed locale, upon elimination of
     LOTS system.

4.   Assembler shall calculate the Reclaim gain in favor of National on a
     periodic basis using below Formula or an alternative later agreed between
     the Assembler and National.

     Reclaim Gain in favor of National= "Reclaim Pack-out Qty" x Tested Package 
     Cost - (Reclaim Pack-out Qty" / "Reclaim Cum Yld" x Final Test Cost)

5.   NSEB will be responsible for minimum quantities of reclaimed mat'ls to be
     retested at 30K day average. This minimum quantities include the reprocess
     mat'ls which require black ink and remarked. The minimum number is
     changeable when both parties agree. 

     "Reclaim Pack-out Qty" shall mean the pack-out quantity of the reclaimed 
     lots under C-type processing per Engineering Database Report. 
     "Reclaim Cum Yield" shall mean the cumulative of all the yields for the 
     operations the reclaimed lots have undergone. Tested Package Cost is the 
     TC11x Finished Goods Cost in Contract Price List. 

6.   Assembler shall be responsible to ensure the correlation of Reclaim 
     Report's quantities by NSPN to Engineering Database Report and R563 LOTS 
     Report quantities at all inventory points.
