600 West Broadway, Suite 1800
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone:  619/231-1058

488 Madison Avenue
8th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: 212/935-7400

Attorneys for Plaintiff

                             COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

HARBOR FINANCE PARTNERS,              )  Case No. 720256
Individually and On Behalf of All     )
Others Similarly Situated,            )  CLASS ACTION
                    Plaintiff,        )
                                      )  COMPLAINT
     vs.                              )
AGROSCIENCES and DOES 1-25,           )
inclusive,                            )
                    Defendants.       )  Plaintiff Demands A
                                      )  Trial By Jury
- ------------------------------------- )  -------------------

     Plaintiff, by its attorneys, for its class action complaint against 
defendants, makes the following allegations upon information and belief, 
except as to Paragraph 5, which is alleged upon knowledge.  Plaintiff's 
information and belief is based on, inter alia, investigation conducted by 
its attorneys, including review of documents filed with the Securities and 
Exchange Commission, articles in the financial news media, press releases, 
and other publicly available information.

                        JURISDICTION AND VENUE

     1.  This Court has jurisdiction over all causes of action asserted 
herein pursuant to the California Constitution, Article XL, Section 10, 
because this case is a cause not given by statute to other trial courts.

     2.  This Court has jurisdiction over Mycogen because this defendant is a 
California corporation with its principal place of business at 5501 Oberlin 
Drive, San Diego, California.

    3.  Venue is proper in this Court because the conduct at issue took place 
and had an effect in this County and defendants made misrepresentations which 
had an effect in this County.

    4.  Plaintiff brings this action individually and as a class action on 
behalf of all persons, other than defendants and persons or entities related 
to them, who own the common stock of Mycogen Corp. ("Mycogen" or the "Company") 
and thus are similarly situated (the "Class"), for injunctive and other 
relief.  Plaintiff seeks injunctive relief herein to, inter alia, enjoin the 
implementation of an inherently unfair transaction ("the Offer") whereby 
Mycogen's majority shareholder, Dow AgroSciences, formerly known as Dow 
Elanco ("DowAgro") -- which owns approximately 69% of the


outstanding common stock of Mycogen and controls the operations of the 
Company -- will acquire all of the remaining shares of the Company that it 
does not already own for a grossly inadequate price. Alternatively, in the 
event that the proposed transaction is implemented, plaintiff seeks to 
recover damages caused by the breach of fiduciary duties owned by defendants.


     5.  Plaintiff Harbor Finance is a Colorado partnership, and at all 
relevant times has been the owner of Mycogen common stock.

     6.  Defendant Mycogen is a California corporation that maintains its 
principal place of business at 5501 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, California. 
Mycogen's shares trade on the NASDAQ National Market System. Mycogen is a 
diversified agribusiness and biotechnology company that develops and markets 
seed for improved crop varieties and provides crop protection products.

     7.  Defendant DowAgro, an Indiana partnership, is a subsidiary of the 
Dow Chemical Company and presently owns or controls approximately 69% of 
Mycogen's outstanding stock.

     8.  Defendant Carlton J. Eibl ("Eibl") is and has been a director of the 
Company since January 1998. He is the Company's President.

     9.  Defendants John L. Hagaman, Nickolas D. Hein, Louis W. Pribila, 
William C. Schmidt, and G. William Tolbert are, and have at all relevant 
times, been directors of Mycogen. Each is, and has at all relevant times, 
been an officer of DowAgro.

     10. The true names and capacitates of defendants sued herein under 
California Code of Civil Procedure Section 474 as Does 1 through 25, 
inclusive, are presently not known to plaintiff, who therefore sues


these defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff will seek to amend this 
Complaint and include these Doe defendants' true names and capacities when 
they are ascertained. Each of the fictitiously named defendants is 
responsible in some manner for the conduct alleged herein and for the 
injuries suffered by the Class.

     11.  By reason of its dominant position as the majority stockholder of 
Mycogen and its ability to control the business and corporate affairs of 
Mycogen at all relevant times, DowAgro owed and owes Mycogen stockholders 
fiduciary duties of fairness and trust, and was and is obligated to refrain 
from using its dominant position over Mycogen to enrich itself at the expense 
of other stockholders.

     12.  The individual director defendant, by reason of their corporate 
directorship and/or executive positions, stand in a fiduciary position 
relative to the Company's shareholders, which fiduciary relationship, at all 
times relevant herein, required the defendants to exercise their best 
judgment, and to act in a prudent manner and in the best interests of the 
Company's shareholders. A director is not permitted to act in his/her own 
self-interest to the detriment of the shareholders.

     13.  Each defendant herein is sued individually as a conspirator and 
aider and abettor, as well as in his/her capacity as an officer and/or 
director of the Company, and the liability of each arises from the fact that 
he or she has engaged in all or part of the unlawful acts, plans, schemes, or 
transactions complained of herein.


                          CLASS ACTION ALLEGATIONS

     14.  Plaintiff brings this action individually on its own behalf and as a
class action, pursuant to Section 382 of the California Civil Code of Civil 
Procedure on behalf of all stockholders of the Company (except the defendants 
herein and any person, firm, trust, corporation, or other entity related to 
or affiliated with any of the defendants) and their successors in interest, 
who are or will be threatened with injury arising from defendants' actions 
as more fully described herein (the "Class").

     15.  This action is properly maintainable as a class action.

     16.  The Class is so numerous that joinder of all members is 
impracticable. There are thousands of shareholders who hold the approximately 
31,000,000 shares of Mycogen common stock outstanding. The disposition of 
their claims in a class action will be of benefit to the parties and the 
Court. The record holders of Mycogen securities can be easily determined from 
the stock transfer journals maintained by Mycogen or its agents.

     17.  A class action is superior to other methods for the fair and 
efficient adjudication of the claims herein asserted, and no unusual 
difficulties are likely to be encountered in the management of this action as 
a class action. The likelihood of individual class members prosecuting 
separate claims is remote.

     18.  There is a well-defined community of interest in the questions of 
law and fact involved affecting the members of the Class. Among the questions 
of law and fact which are common to the Class, which predominate over 
questions affecting any individual class member are, inter alia, the 


          (a)  whether defendants have engaged in conduct constituting unfair 
dealing by failing to maximize shareholder value through an adequate auction 
or market check process;

          (b)  whether the proposed buy-out is grossly unfair to the public 
stockholders of Mycogen;

          (c)  whether defendants have failed to disclose all material facts 
relating to the buy-out proposal including the potential and expected 
positive future financial benefits which they expect to derive from Mycogen;

          (d)  whether defendants have engaged and are continuing to engage in 
a plan and scheme to eliminate the public stockholders of Mycogen through 
fraudulent, deceptive, and coercive means and devices;

          (e)  whether defendants willfully and wrongfully failed or refused to 
obtain or attempt to obtain a purchaser for the assets of Mycogen at a price 
higher than the buy-out proposal;

          (f)  whether plaintiff and the other members of the Class would be 
irreparably damaged were the transaction complained of herein consummated;

          (g)  whether defendants have breached or aided and abetted the breach
of the fiduciary and other common law duties owed by them to plaintiff and the 
members of the Class;  and

          (h)  whether defendants are pursuing a scheme and course of business 
designed to eliminate the public stockholders of Mycogen in violation of the 
laws of the State of California.

     19.  Plaintiff is a member of the Class and is committed to prosecuting 
this action.  Plaintiff has retained competent counsel experienced in 
litigation of this nature.  The claims of the


plaintiff are typical of the claims of other members of the Class, and 
plaintiff has the same interests as the other members of the Class. Plaintiff 
does not have interests antagonistic to or in conflict with those it seeks to 
represent. Plaintiff is an adequate representative of the Class.

     20. The likelihood of individual class members prosecuting separate 
individual actions is remote due to the relatively small loss suffered by 
each Class member as compared to the burden and expense of prosecuting 
litigation of this nature and magnitude. Absent a class action, the 
defendants are likely to avoid liability for their wrongdoing, and Class 
members are unlikely to obtain redress for their wrongs alleged herein. 
There are no difficulties likely to be encountered in the management of the 
Class claims. This Court is an appropriate forum for this dispute.

                         SUBSTANTIVE ALLEGATIONS

     21. By the acts, transactions, and courses of conduct alleged herein, 
defendants, individually and as part of a common plan and scheme and/or 
aiding and abetting one another in total disregard of their fiduciary duties, 
are attempting to deceive plaintiff and the Class and deprive them unfairly 
of their investment in Mycogen.

     22. On April 30, 1998, Dow Chemical announced it wanted to amend an 
agreement (the "Agreement") dated January 15, 1996, pursuant to which DowAgro 
had already acquired 69% of Mycogen's shares of common stock. Under the terms 
of the Agreement, DowAgro cannot acquire all the remaining stock of Mycogen 
until February 1999. The amendment Dow Chemical seeks is the right to acquire 
the balance of Mycogen's shares now. The proposed transaction would provide 
Mycogen shareholders $20.50 cash, per share, exactly the


price at which Mycogen closed on the NASDAQ before the proposal was announced 
thus giving them no premium for their shares.

     23.  DowAgro is taking advantage of its majority stock ownership 
position in Mycogen by imposing the inadequate Offer on Mycogen's public 
stockholders. The Offer is being made at a time when, based upon DowAgro's 
inside knowledge and dominance and control of Mycogen, DowAgro can acquire 
the balance of Mycogen's shares at prices lower than it expects to pay in 
February 1999.

     24.  Under the terms of the Agreement, the remaining shares of Mycogen 
can only be bought  by DowAgro (then Dow Elanco) under the following terms:

      DowElanco may increase its beneficial ownership of Common Stock above 
      79.9% of the total outstanding shares only pursuant to a tender offer, 
      merger or similar transaction (but not a sale of assets) for all of the 
      outstanding shares of Common Stock that offers each holder of Common 
      Stock other than DowElanco the opportunity to dispose of some or all of 
      their Common Stock at the value that an unaffiliated third party would 
      be expected to pay in an arms' -length transaction negotiated by a 
      willing seller and a willing buyer for all of Mycogen's then 
      outstanding shares of Common Stock and not taking into account the 
      potentially controlling position of DowElanco (a "Buyout Transaction").

     25.  DowAgro announced the Offer during the period when the Agreement   
precludes its acquisition of the remainder of Mycogen's publicly traded 
shares of Mycogen because DowAgro believes that the price of Mycogen's shares 
will increase prior to February 1999 and wishes to acquire those shares at a 
lower price than it believes it will have to pay on that date.

     26.  Because of its position of dominance and control of Mycogen, 
DowAgro has announced the Offer at this time so that it can cap the price of 
Mycogen at no more than the approximate amount of the Offer, thereby limiting 
the price it will have to pay for


the balance of Mycogen's stock. By announcing the Offer now, DowAgro has 
locked in the offer price and avoided having to make a higher offer were 
Mycogen's stock, unaffected by the Offer, to rise between now and February 

     27. Besides being the largest stockholder of Mycogen, DowAgro has 5 of 
the 6 members on Mycogen's Board. Thus, DowAgro seeks, through its 
hand-picked Board for Mycogen, to acquire Mycogen's business, growth, and cash 
flow and squeeze out Mycogen's public stockholders at a price which is wholly 

     28. Even in light of what had been publicly disclosed about Mycogen's 
present business and future prospects, the Offer is grossly unfair, 
inadequate, and provides value to Mycogen's shareholders substantially below 
the fair or inherent value of the Company. The intrinsic value of the equity 
of Mycogen is materially greater than the consideration contemplated by the 
Offer price, taking into account Mycogen's pharmaceutical business, asset 
value, liquidation value, its expected growth, and its revenues and cash flow.

     29. The Offer is wrong, unfair, harmful to Mycogen's public 
stockholders, wholly inadequate, and will deny Class members their right to 
share proportionately in the true value of Mycogen's valuable assets, 
profitable business, and future growth in profits and earnings, while 
usurping the same for the benefit of defendants.

     30. The Offer is not the result of arm's-length negotiations but was 
fixed arbitrarily by DowAgro, which dominates and controls Mycogen, as part 
of its unlawful plan and scheme to obtain 100%


ownership of Mycogen at the lowest possible price and to usurp for itself 
Mycogen's profitable business.

     31.  Defendants have violated fiduciary and other common law duties owed 
to plaintiff and the other members of the Class in that it is using its 
dominant control position over Mycogen to enrich itself at the expense of 
Mycogen's other stockholders.

     32.  As a result of defendants' actions, plaintiff and the Class have 
been and will be damaged by breaches of fiduciary duty and, therefore, 
plaintiff and the Class will not receive the fair value of Mycogen's assets 
and businesses.

     33.  Unless enjoined by this Court, defendants will continue to breach 
their fiduciary duties owed to plaintiff and the Class, and will succeed in 
their plan to exclude plaintiff and the Class from the fair proportionate 
share of Mycogen's valuable assets and businesses, all to the irreparable 
harm of the Class.

     34.  Plaintiff and the Class have no adequate remedy of law.

                                    PRAYER FOR RELIEF

          WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for judgment and relief as follows:

     1.   declaring that this lawsuit is properly maintainable as a class 
action and certifying plaintiff as representative of the Class;

     2.   declaring that the defendants and each of them have committed or 
aided and abetted a gross abuse of trust and have breached their fiduciary 
duties to plaintiff and the other members of the Class;

     3.  declaring the transaction to be a nullity;


     4.  preliminarily and permanently enjoining defendants and their counsel, 
agents, employees, and all persons acting under, in concert with, or for 
them, from proceeding with, consummating or closing the transaction;

     5.  in the event the transaction is consummated, rescinding it and 
setting it aside;

     6.  ordering defendants, jointly and severally, to account to plaintiff 
and the Class for all profits realized and to be realized by them as a result 
of the transaction complained of and, pending such accounting, to hold such 
profits in a constructive trust for the benefit of plaintiff and other 
members of the Class;

     7.  ordering defendants to permit a stockholders' committee comprising of 
class members and the representatives only to ensure a fair procedure, 
adequate procedural safe-guards, and independent input by plaintiff and the 
Class in connection with any transaction for the public shares of Mycogen;

     8.  awarding compensatory damages against defendants, jointly and 
severally, in an amount to be determined at trial, together with prejudgment 
interest at the maximum rate allowable by law;

     9.  awarding plaintiff and the Class their costs and disbursements and 
reasonable allowances for plaintiff's counsel and experts' fees and expenses; 


     10. granting such other and further relief as may be just and proper.

DATED:  May 1, 1998                  MILBERG WEISS BERSHAD
                                      HYNES & LERACH LLP
                                     WILLIAM S. LERACH
                                     ALAN SCHULMAN
                                     DARREN J. ROBBINS

                                     /S/ Alan Schulman
                                             ALAN SCHULMAN

                                     600 West Broadway, Suite 1800
                                     San Diego, CA 92101
                                     Telephone: 619/231-1058

                                     WECHSLER HARWOOD HALEBIAN
                                      & FEFFER LLP
                                     SAMUEL K. ROSEN
                                     488 Madison Avenue
                                     8th Floor
                                     New York, NY 10022
                                     Telephone: 212/935-7400

                                     Attorneys for Plaintiff


600 West Broadway, Suite 1800
San Diego, CA 92101
Telephone:  619/231-1058

488 Madison Avenue
8th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Telephone:  212/935-7400

Attorneys for Plaintiff

                             COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

HARBOR FINANCE PARTNERS,              )  Case No. 720256
Individually and On Behalf of All     )
Others Similarly Situated,            )  CLASS ACTION
                    Plaintiff,        )
                                      )  JURY DEMAND
     vs.                              )
AGROSCIENCES and DOES 1-25,           )
inclusive.                            )
                    Defendants.       )
- ------------------------------------- )

     Plaintiff demands a trial by jury.

DATED:  May 1, 1998                  MILBERG WEISS BERSHAD
                                      HYNES & LERACH LLP
                                     WILLIAM S. LERACH
                                     ALAN SCHULMAN
                                     DARREN J. ROBBINS

                                     /S/ Alan Schulman
                                             ALAN SCHULMAN

                                     600 West Broadway, Suite 1800
                                     San Diego, CA 92101
                                     Telephone: 619/231-1058

                                     WECHSLER HARWOOD HALEBIAN
                                      & FEFFER LLP
                                     SAMUEL K. ROSEN
                                     488 Madison Avenue
                                     8th Floor
                                     New York, NY 10022
                                     Telephone: 212/935-7400

                                     Attorneys for Plaintiff
