Exhibit 25.8

                                   UNITED STATES
                              WASHINGTON, D.C.   20549
                                      FORM T-1


SECTION 305(b)(2)

- ------------------------------

                               BANKERS TRUST COMPANY
                (Exact name of trustee as specified in its charter)

NEW YORK                                               13-4941247
(Jurisdiction of Incorporation or                      (I.R.S. Employer
organization if not a U.S. national bank)              Identification no.)

NEW YORK, NEW YORK                                     10006
(Address of principal                                  (Zip Code)
executive offices)

                               BANKERS TRUST COMPANY
                                  LEGAL DEPARTMENT
                           130 LIBERTY STREET, 31ST FLOOR
                             NEW YORK, NEW YORK  10006
                                   (212) 250-2201
             (Name, address and telephone number of agent for service)
                                   IDACORP, INC.
                  (Exact name of obligor as specified in charter)
           (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)
                        (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
                               1221 WEST IDAHO STREET
                              BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5627
                                   (208) 388 2200
    (Address, including zip code, and telephone number, including area code, of
                       obligor's principal executive offices)
                        (Title of the indenture securities)

Item   1.   General Information.
                    Furnish the following information as to the trustee.

            (a)     Name and address of each examining or supervising authority
                    to which it is subject.
            Name                                            Address

            Federal Reserve Bank (2nd District)             New York, NY
            Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation           Washington, D.C.
            New York State Banking Department               Albany, NY

            (b)     Whether it is authorized to exercise corporate trust powers.

Item   2.   Affiliations with Obligor.

            If the obligor is an affiliate of the Trustee, describe each such


Item 3. -15.   Not Applicable

Item  16.      List of Exhibits.

            Exhibit 1 - Restated Organization Certificate of Bankers Trust
Company dated August 7, 1990, Certificate of Amendment of the Organization
Certificate of Bankers Trust Company dated June 21, 1995 - Incorporated herein
by reference to Exhibit 1 filed with Form T-1 Statement, Registration No.
33-65171, Certificate of Amendment of the Organization Certificate of Bankers
Trust Company dated March 20, 1996, incorporate by referenced to Exhibit 1 filed
with Form T-1 Statement, Registration No. 333-25843 and Certificate of Amendment
of the Organization Certificate of Bankers Trust Company dated June 19, 1997,
copy attached.

            Exhibit 2 - Certificate of Authority to commence business -
Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 2 filed with Form T-1 Statement,
Registration No. 33-21047.

            Exhibit 3 - Authorization of the Trustee to exercise corporate trust
powers - Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 2 filed with Form T-1
Statement, Registration No. 33-21047.

            Exhibit 4 - Existing By-Laws of Bankers Trust Company, as amended on
November 18, 1997.  Copy attached.

- -2-

            Exhibit 5 - Not applicable.

            Exhibit 6 - Consent of Bankers Trust Company required by Section
321(b) of the Act. - Incorporated herein by reference to Exhibit 4 filed with
Form T-1 Statement, Registration No. 22-18864.

            Exhibit 7 - The latest report of condition of Bankers Trust Company
dated as of June 30, 1998.  Copy attached.

            Exhibit 8 - Not Applicable.

            Exhibit 9 - Not Applicable.

- -3-


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, as
amended, the trustee, Bankers Trust Company, a corporation organized and
existing under the laws of the State of New York, has duly caused this statement
of eligibility to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly
authorized, all in The City of New York, and State of New York, on the 29 day of
September, 1998.

                                        BANKERS TRUST COMPANY

                                        By:  /s/ Vincent Chorney
                                                Vincent Chorney
                                                Assistant Vice President

- -4-

State of New York,

Banking Department

     I, MANUEL KURSKY, Deputy Superintendent of Banks of the State of New York,
Banking Law," dated June 19, 1997, providing for an increase in authorized
capital stock from $1,601,666,670 consisting of 100,166,667 shares with a par
value of $10 each designated as Common Stock and 600 shares with a par value of
$1,000,000 each designated as Series Preferred Stock to $2,001,666,670
consisting of 100,166,667 shares with a par value of $10 each designated as
Common Stock and 1,000 shares with a par value of $1,000,000 each designated as
Series Preferred Stock.

     Witness, my hand and official seal of the Banking Department at the City of
New York, this 27th day of June in the Year of our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and ninety-seven.

                                                     Manuel Kursky
                                             Deputy Superintendent of Banks





Under Section 8005 of the Banking Law


     We, James T. Byrne, Jr. and Lea Lahtinen, being respectively a Managing
Director and an Assistant Secretary of Bankers Trust Company, do hereby certify:

     1.   The name of the corporation is Bankers Trust Company.

     2.   The organization certificate of said corporation was filed by the
Superintendent of Banks on the 5th of march, 1903.

     3.   The organization certificate as heretofore amended is hereby amended
to increase the aggregate number of shares which the corporation shall have
authority to issue and to increase the amount of its authorized capital stock in
conformity therewith.

     4.   Article III of the organization certificate with reference to the
authorized capital stock, the number of shares into which the capital stock
shall be divided, the par value of the shares and the capital stock outstanding,
which reads as follows:

"III.   The amount of capital stock which the corporation is hereafter to have
is One Billion, Six Hundred and One Million, Six Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand, Six
Hundred Seventy Dollars ($1,601,666,670), divided into One Hundred Million, One
Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty-Seven (100,166,667) shares with a
par value of $10 each designated as Common Stock and 600 shares with a par value
of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each designated as Series Preferred Stock."

is hereby amended to read as follows:

"III.   The amount of capital stock which the corporation is hereafter to have
is Two Billion One Million, Six Hundred Sixty-Six Thousand, Six Hundred Seventy
Dollars ($2,001,666,670), divided into One Hundred Million, One Hundred
Sixty-Six Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty-Seven (100,166,667) shares with a par
value of $10 each designated as Common Stock and 1000 shares with a par value of
One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) each designated as Series Preferred Stock."

     5.   The foregoing amendment of the organization certificate was authorized
by unanimous written consent signed by the holder of all outstanding shares
entitled to vote thereon.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have made and subscribed this certificate this 19th
day of June, 1997.

                                                  James T. Byrne, Jr.
                                                  James T. Byrne, Jr.
                                                  Managing Director

                                                  Lea Lahtinen
                                                  Lea Lahtinen
                                                  Assistant Secretary

State of New York   )
                    ) ss:
County of New York  )

     Lea Lahtinen, being fully sworn, deposes and says that she is an Assistant
Secretary of Bankers Trust Company, the corporation described in the foregoing
certificate; that she has read the foregoing certificate and knows the contents
thereof, and that the statements herein contained are true.

                                                                 Lea Lahtinen
                                                                 Lea Lahtinen

Sworn to before me this 19th day
of June, 1997.

     Sandra L. West
     Notary Public

Notary Public State of New York
No. 31-4942101
Qualified in New York County
Commission Expires September 19, 1998


NOVEMBER 18, 1997

Bankers Trust Company
New York

Bankers Trust Company



SECTION 1.  The annual meeting of the stockholders of this Company shall be held
at the office of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on
the third Tuesday in January of each year, for the election of directors and
such other business as may properly come before said meeting.

SECTION 2.  Special meetings of stockholders other than those regulated by
statute may be called at any time by a majority of the directors.  It shall be
the duty of the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or the
President to call such meetings whenever requested in writing to do so by
stockholders owning a majority of the capital stock.

SECTION 3.  At all meetings of stockholders, there shall be present, either in
person or by proxy, stockholders owning a majority of the capital stock of the
Company, in order to constitute a quorum, except at special elections of
directors, as provided by law, but less than a quorum shall have power to
adjourn any meeting.

SECTION 4.  The Chairman of the Board or, in his absence, the Chief Executive
Officer or, in his absence, the President or, in their absence, the senior
officer present, shall preside at meetings of the stockholders and shall direct
the proceedings and the order of business.  The Secretary shall act as secretary
of such meetings and record the proceedings.



SECTION 1.  The affairs of the Company shall be managed and its corporate powers
exercised by a Board of Directors consisting of such number of directors, but
not less than ten nor more than twenty-five, as may from time to time be fixed
by resolution adopted by a majority of the directors then in office, or by the
stockholders.  In the event of any increase in the number of directors,
additional directors may be elected within the limitations so fixed, either by
the stockholders or within the limitations imposed by law, by a majority of
directors then in office.  One-third of the number of directors, as fixed from
time to time, shall constitute a quorum.  Any one or more members of the Board
of Directors or any Committee thereof may participate in a meeting of the Board
of Directors or Committee thereof by means of a conference telephone or similar
communications equipment which allows all persons participating in the meeting
to hear each other at the same time.  Participation by such means shall
constitute presence in person at such a meeting.

All directors hereafter elected shall hold office until the next annual meeting
of the stockholders and until their successors are elected and have qualified. 
No person who shall have attained age 72 shall be eligible to be elected or
re-elected a director.  Such director may, however, remain a director of the
Company until the next annual meeting of the stockholders of Bankers Trust New
York Corporation (the Company's parent) so that such director's retirement will
coincide with the retirement date from Bankers Trust New York Corporation.

No Officer-Director who shall have attained age 65, or earlier relinquishes his
responsibilities and title, shall be eligible to serve as a director.

SECTION 2.  Vacancies not exceeding one-third of the whole number of the Board
of Directors may be filled by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
directors then in office, and the directors so elected shall hold office for the
balance of the unexpired term.

SECTION 3.  The Chairman of the Board shall preside at meetings of the Board of
Directors.  In his absence, the Chief Executive Officer or, in his absence, such
other director as the Board of Directors from time to time may designate shall
preside at such meetings.

SECTION 4.  The Board of Directors may adopt such Rules and Regulations for the
conduct of its meetings and the management of the affairs of the Company as it
may deem proper, not inconsistent with the laws of the State of New York, or
these By-Laws, and all officers and employees shall strictly adhere to, and be
bound by, such Rules and Regulations.

SECTION 5.  Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held from time
to time on the third Tuesday of the month.  If the day appointed for holding
such regular meetings shall be a legal holiday, the regular meeting to be held
on such day shall be held on the next business day thereafter.  Special meetings
of the Board of Directors may be called upon at least two day's notice whenever
it may be deemed proper by the Chairman of the Board or, the Chief Executive
Officer or, in their absence, by such other director as the Board of Directors
may have designated pursuant to Section 3 of this Article, and shall be called
upon like notice whenever any three of the directors so request in writing.

SECTION 6.  The compensation of directors as such or as members of committees
shall be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.



SECTION 1.  There shall be an Executive Committee of the Board consisting of not
less than five directors who shall be appointed annually by the Board of
Directors.  The Chairman of the Board shall preside at meetings of the Executive
Committee.  In his absence, the Chief Executive Officer or, in his absence, such
other member of the Committee as the Committee from time to time may designate
shall preside at such meetings.

The Executive Committee shall possess and exercise to the extent permitted by
law all of the powers of the Board of Directors, except when the latter is in
session, and shall keep minutes of its proceedings, which shall be presented to
the Board of Directors at its next subsequent meeting.  All acts done and powers
and authority conferred by the Executive Committee from time to time shall be
and be deemed to be, and may be certified as being, the act and under the
authority of the Board of Directors.

A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, but the Committee may act
only by the concurrent vote of not less than one-third of its members, at least
one of whom must be a director other than an officer. Any one or more directors,
even though not members of the Executive Committee, may attend any meeting of
the Committee, and the member or members of the Committee present, even though
less than a quorum, may designate any one or more of such directors as a
substitute or substitutes for any absent member or members of the Committee, and
each such substitute or substitutes shall be counted for quorum, voting, and all
other purposes as a member or members of the Committee.

SECTION 2.  There shall be an Audit Committee appointed annually by resolution
adopted by a majority of the entire Board of Directors which shall consist of
such number of directors, who are not also officers of the Company, as may from
time to time be fixed by resolution adopted by the Board of Directors. The
Chairman shall be designated by the Board of Directors, who shall also from time
to time fix a quorum for meetings of the Committee.  Such Committee shall
conduct the annual directors' examinations of the Company as required by the New
York State Banking Law; shall review the reports of all examinations made of the
Company by public authorities and report thereon to the Board of Directors; and
shall report to the Board of Directors such other matters as it deems advisable
with respect to the Company, its various departments and the conduct of its

In the performance of its duties, the Audit Committee may employ or retain, from
time to time, expert assistants, independent of the officers or personnel of the
Company, to make studies of the Company's assets and liabilities as the
Committee may request and to make an examination of the accounting and auditing
methods of the Company and its system of internal protective controls to the
extent considered necessary or advisable in order to determine that the
operations of the Company, including its fiduciary departments, are being
audited by the General Auditor in such a manner as to provide prudent and
adequate protection.  The Committee also may direct the General Auditor to make
such investigation as it deems necessary or advisable with respect to the
Company, its various departments and the conduct of its operations.  The
Committee shall hold regular quarterly meetings and during the intervals thereof
shall meet at other times on call of the Chairman.

SECTION 3.  The Board of Directors shall have the power to appoint any other
Committees as may seem necessary, and from time to time to suspend or continue
the powers and duties of such Committees.  Each Committee appointed pursuant to
this Article shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.



SECTION 1.  The Board of Directors shall elect from among their number a
Chairman of the Board and a Chief Executive Officer; and shall also elect a
President, and may also elect a Senior Vice Chairman, one or more Vice Chairmen,
one or more Executive Vice Presidents, one or more Senior Managing Directors,
one or more Managing Directors, one or more Senior Vice Presidents, one or more
Principals, one or more Vice Presidents, one or more General Managers, a
Secretary, a Controller, a Treasurer, a General Counsel, one or more Associate
General Counsels, a General Auditor, a General Credit Auditor, and one or more
Deputy Auditors, who need not be directors.  The officers of the corporation may
also include such other officers or assistant officers as shall from time to
time be elected or appointed by the Board.  The Chairman of the Board or the
Chief Executive Officer or, in their absence, the President, the Senior Vice
Chairman or any Vice Chairman, may from time to time appoint assistant officers.
All officers elected or appointed by the Board of Directors shall hold their
respective offices during the pleasure of the Board of Directors, and all
assistant officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board or the
Chairman of the Board or the Chief Executive Officer or, in their absence, the
President, the Senior Vice Chairman or any Vice Chairman.  The Board of
Directors may require any and all officers and employees to give security for
the faithful performance of their duties.

SECTION 2.  The Board of Directors shall designate the Chief Executive Officer
of the Company who may also hold the additional title of Chairman of the Board,
President,  Senior Vice Chairman or Vice Chairman and such person shall have,
subject to the supervision and direction of the Board of Directors or the
Executive Committee, all of the powers vested in such Chief Executive Officer by
law or by these By-Laws, or which usually attach or pertain to such office.  The
other officers shall have, subject to the supervision and direction of the Board
of Directors or the Executive Committee or the Chairman of the Board or, the
Chief Executive Officer, the powers vested by law or by these By-Laws in them as
holders of their respective offices and, in addition, shall perform such other
duties as shall be assigned to them by the Board of Directors or the Executive
Committee or the Chairman of the Board or the Chief Executive Officer.

The General Auditor shall be responsible, through the Audit Committee, to the
Board of Directors for the determination of the program of the internal audit
function and the evaluation of the adequacy of the system of internal controls. 
Subject to the Board of Directors, the General Auditor shall have and may
exercise all the powers and shall perform all the duties usual to such office
and shall have such other powers as may be prescribed or assigned to him from
time to time by the Board of Directors or vested in him by law or by these
By-Laws.  He shall perform such other duties and shall make such investigations,
examinations and reports as may be prescribed or required by the Audit
Committee.  The General Auditor shall have unrestricted access to all records
and premises of the Company and shall delegate such authority to his
subordinates.  He shall have the duty to report to the Audit Committee on all
matters concerning the internal audit program and the adequacy of the system of
internal controls of the Company which he deems advisable or which the Audit
Committee may request.  Additionally, the General Auditor shall have the duty of
reporting independently of all officers of the Company to the Audit Committee at
least quarterly on any matters concerning the internal audit program and the
adequacy of the system of internal controls of the Company that should be
brought to the attention of the directors except those matters responsibility
for which has been vested in the General Credit Auditor.  Should the General
Auditor deem any matter to be of special immediate importance, he shall report
thereon forthwith to the Audit Committee.  The General Auditor shall report to
the Chief Financial Officer only for administrative purposes.

The General Credit Auditor shall be responsible to the Chief Executive Officer
and, through the Audit Committee, to the Board of Directors for the systems of
internal credit audit, shall perform such other duties as the Chief Executive
Officer may prescribe, and shall make such examinations and reports as may be
required by the Audit Committee.  The General Credit Auditor shall have
unrestricted access to all records and may delegate such authority to

SECTION 3.  The compensation of all officers shall be fixed under such plan or
plans of position evaluation and salary administration as shall be approved from
time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 4.  The Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Chairman of the
Board, the Chief Executive Officer or any person authorized for this purpose by
the Chief Executive Officer, shall appoint or engage all other employees and
agents and fix their compensation.  The employment of all such employees and
agents shall continue during the pleasure of the Board of Directors or the
Executive Committee or the Chairman of the Board or the Chief Executive Officer
or any such authorized person; and the Board of Directors, the Executive
Committee, the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or any such
authorized person may discharge any such employees and agents at will.



SECTION 1.  The Company shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Section 7018
of the New York Banking Law, indemnify any person who is or was made, or
threatened to be made, a party to an action or proceeding, whether civil or
criminal, whether involving any actual or alleged breach of duty, neglect or
error, any accountability, or any actual or alleged misstatement, misleading
statement or other act or omission and whether brought or threatened in any
court or administrative or legislative body or agency, including an action by or
in the right of the Company to procure a judgment in its favor and an action by
or in the right of any other corporation of any type or kind, domestic or
foreign, or any partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or
other enterprise, which any director or officer of the Company is servicing or
served in any capacity at the request of the Company by reason of the fact that
he, his testator or intestate, is or was a director or officer of the Company,
or is serving or served such other corporation, partnership, joint venture,
trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise in any capacity, against
judgments, fines, amounts paid in settlement, and costs, charges and expenses,
including attorneys' fees, or any appeal therein; provided, however, that no
indemnification shall be provided to any such person if a judgment or other
final adjudication adverse to the director or officer establishes that (i) his
acts were committed in bad faith or were the result of active and deliberate
dishonesty and, in either case, were material to the cause of action so
adjudicated, or (ii) he personally gained in fact a financial profit or other
advantage to which he was not legally entitled.

SECTION 2.  The Company may indemnify any other person to whom the Company is
permitted to provide indemnification or the advancement of expenses by
applicable law, whether pursuant to rights granted pursuant to, or provided by,
the New York Banking Law or other rights created by (i) a resolution of
stockholders, (ii) a resolution of directors, or (iii) an agreement providing
for such indemnification, it being expressly intended that these By-Laws
authorize the creation of other rights in any such manner.

SECTION 3.  The Company shall, from time to time, reimburse or advance to any
person referred to in Section 1 the funds necessary for payment of expenses,
including attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with any action or proceeding
referred to in Section 1, upon receipt of a written undertaking by or on behalf
of such person to repay such amount(s) if a judgment or other final adjudication
adverse to the director or officer establishes that (i) his acts were committed
in bad faith or were the result of active and deliberate dishonesty and, in
either case, were material to the cause of action so adjudicated, or (ii) he
personally gained in fact a financial profit or other advantage to which he was
not legally entitled.

SECTION 4.  Any director or officer of the Company serving (i) another
corporation, of which a majority of the shares entitled to vote in the election
of its directors is held by the Company, or (ii) any employee benefit plan of
the Company or any corporation referred to in clause (i) in any capacity shall
be deemed to be doing so at the request of the Company.  In all other cases, the
provisions of this Article V will apply (i) only if the person serving another
corporation or any partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or
other enterprise so served at the specific request of the Company, evidenced by
a written communication signed by the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive
Officer or the President, and (ii) only if and to the extent that, after making
such efforts as the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or the
President shall deem adequate in the circumstances, such person shall be unable
to obtain indemnification from such other enterprise or its insurer.

SECTION 5.  Any person entitled to be indemnified or to the reimbursement or
advancement of expenses as a matter of right pursuant to this Article V may
elect to have the right to indemnification (or advancement of expenses)
interpreted on the basis of the applicable law in effect at the time of
occurrence of the event or events giving rise to the action or proceeding, to
the extent permitted by law, or on the basis of the applicable law in effect at
the time indemnification is sought.

SECTION 6.  The right to be indemnified or to the reimbursement or advancement
of expense pursuant to this Article V (i) is a contract right pursuant to which
the person entitled thereto may bring suit as if the provisions hereof were set
forth in a separate written contract between the Company and the director or
officer, (ii) is intended to be retroactive and shall be available with respect
to events occurring prior to the adoption hereof, and (iii) shall continue to
exist after the rescission or restrictive modification hereof with respect to
events occurring prior thereto.

SECTION 7.  If a request to be indemnified or for the reimbursement or
advancement of expenses pursuant hereto is not paid in full by the Company
within thirty days after a written claim has been received by the Company, the
claimant may at any time thereafter bring suit against the Company to recover
the unpaid amount of the claim and, if successful in whole or in part, the
claimant shall be entitled also to be paid the expenses of prosecuting such
claim.  Neither the failure of the Company (including its Board of Directors,
independent legal counsel, or its stockholders) to have made a determination
prior to the commencement of such action that indemnification of or
reimbursement or advancement of expenses to the claimant is proper in the
circumstance, nor an actual determination by the Company (including its Board of
Directors, independent legal counsel, or its stockholders) that the claimant is
not entitled to indemnification or to the reimbursement or advancement of
expenses, shall be a defense to the action or create a presumption that the
claimant is not so entitled.

SECTION 8.  A person who has been successful, on the merits or otherwise, in the
defense of a civil or criminal action or proceeding of the character described
in Section 1 shall be entitled to indemnification only as provided in Sections 1
and 3, notwithstanding any provision of the New York Banking Law to the



SECTION 1.  The Board of Directors shall provide a seal for the Company, the
counterpart dies of which shall be in the charge of the Secretary of the Company
and such officers as the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or
the Secretary may from time to time direct in writing, to be affixed to
certificates of stock and other documents in accordance with the directions of
the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.

SECTION 2.  The Board of Directors may provide, in proper cases on a specified
occasion and for a specified transaction or transactions, for the use of a
printed or engraved facsimile seal of the Company.



SECTION 1.  Registration of transfer of shares shall only be made upon the books
of the Company by the registered holder in person, or by power of attorney, duly
executed, witnessed and filed with the Secretary or other proper officer of the
Company, on the surrender of the certificate or certificates of such shares
properly assigned for transfer.



SECTION 1.  The masculine gender, when appearing in these By-Laws, shall be
deemed to include the feminine gender.



SECTION 1.  These By-Laws may be altered, amended or added to by the Board of
Directors at any meeting, or by the stockholders at any annual or special
meeting, provided notice thereof has been given.

I,  Marc Parilla, Assistant Treasurer of Bankers Trust Company, New York, New
York, hereby certify that the foregoing is a complete, true and correct copy of
the By-Laws of Bankers Trust Company, and that the same are in full force and
effect at this date.


DATED:  September 29, 1998

Legal Title of Bank:  Bankers Trust Company  Call Date: 06/30/98  ST-BK: 36-4840
          FFIEC 031
Address:       130 Liberty Street            Vendor ID: D        CERT:  00623
     Page RC-1
City, State    ZIP: New York, NY  10006                               11
FDIC Certificate No.:    (  0 (  0 (  6 (  2 (  3

Consolidated Report of Condition for Insured Commercial
and State-Chartered Savings Banks for June 30, 1998

All schedules are to be reported in thousands of dollars.  Unless otherwise
reported the amount outstanding as of the last business day of the quarter.

Schedule RC--Balance Sheet


(  C400                                                          (
                                   Dollar Amounts in Thousands   (  RCFD    
Bil Mil Thou   (
ASSETS                                                 (  / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / /  ( 

  1.    Cash and balances due from depository institutions (from Schedule RC-A):
                    (  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /  (
         a.   Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin (1)
 ...............................              (   0081       1,868,000 (1.a.
         b.   Interest-bearing balances (2)
          (   0071       2,041,000  (1.b.
  2.    Securities:                                         (  / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / /   (
         a.   Held-to-maturity securities (from Schedule RC-B, column A)
 .......................            (   1754                                   0 
         b.   Available-for-sale securities (from Schedule RC-B, column
D)......................           (   1773       7,419,000  (2.b.
  3.   Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to
resell.................            (   1350       41,837,000(3.
  4.   Loans and lease financing receivables:                              
     (   / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / (
        a.   Loans and leases, net of unearned income (from Schedule RC-C)     
RCFD 2122    20,707,000  (   / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /      (4.a.
        b.   LESS:   Allowance for loan and lease
losses.................................... ..RCFD  3123        629,000     (   /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /  (4.b.
        c.   LESS:   Allocated transfer risk reserve
 ............................................ ..RCFD  3128                     0 
     (   / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /      (4.c.
        d.   Loans and leases, net of unearned income,                     
     (   / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /      (
             allowance, and reserve (item 4.a minus 4.b and 4.c)
 ............................................                     (   2125       
          20,078,000 (4.d.
  5.   Trading Assets (from schedule RC-D) 
          (   3545                     49,665,000 (5.
  6.   Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases)
 ............................................                     (   2145       
              848,000    (6.

  7.   Other real estate owned (from Schedule RC-M)
     (   2150                       180,000  (7.
  8.   Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and associated companies (from
Schedule RC-M)                (   2130                       92,000   (8.
  9.   Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding
 ..................................           (   2155                      
512,000   (9.
10.   Intangible assets (from Schedule RC-M)
     (   2143                         270,000     (10.
11.   Other assets (from Schedule RC-F)
          (   2160                       6,442,000  (11.
12.   Total assets (sum of items 1 through 11)
     (   2170                    131,252,000 (12.

- ---------------------
(1)  Includes cash items in process of collection and unposted debits.
(2)  Includes time certificates of deposit not held for trading.

Legal Title of Bank:     Bankers Trust Company    Call Date: 06/30/98 ST-BK:   
36-4840        FFIEC  031
Address:       130 Liberty Street                 Vendor ID: D   CERT:  00623
          Page  RC-2
City, State    Zip: New York, NY  10006                                    12
FDIC Certificate No.:    (  0 (  0 (  6 (  2 (  3

Schedule RC--Continued                                      
                              Dollar Amounts in Thousands        ( / / / / / / 
/ /               Bil Mil Thou _( 
LIABILITIES                                            ( / / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / /     (
13.    Deposits:                                            (  / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /      (
         a.   In domestic offices (sum of totals of columns A and C from   
          Schedule RC-E, part I)
               (RCON 2200        26,791,000(13.a.
     (1)   Noninterest-bearing(1) ...........RCON 6631     3,362,000.........
     (  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /  (13.a.(1)
     (2)  Interest-bearing ..................RCON 6636    23,429,000.......
     (  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /  (13.a.(2)
         b.   In foreign offices, Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and IBFs 
          (from Schedule RC-E
          ( / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /     (
          part II)                                               ( RCFN 2200
          22,089,000   (13.b.
     (1)   Noninterest-bearing ...............RCFN 6631    1,810,000
          (  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /       (13.b.(1)
     (2)   Interest-bearing ..................RCFN 6636    20,279,000
(  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /       (13.b.(2)
14.  Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase
     (RCFD 2800            19,274,000   (14.
15.  a. Demand notes issued to the U.S. Treasury...........................
     ( RCON 2840         0 (15.a.
     b.   Trading liabilities (from Schedule RC-D).........................
          ( RCFD 3548      30,729,000   (15.b.
16.  Other borrowed money (includes mortgage indebtedness and obligations under 
     capitalized leases):
     (  / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /     / (
      a.  With a remaining maturity of one year or less....................
          ( RCFD 2332       7,891,000   (16.a.
      b.  With a remaining maturity of more than one year through three years 
          ( A547            3,576,000   (16.b.
      c.  With a remaining maturity of more than three years................
          (  A548           2,872,000   (16.c
17.  Not Applicable.
          ( / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /        (17.

18.  Bank's liability on acceptances executed and outstanding...............
          ( RCFD 2920         512,000 (18.

19.    Subordinated notes and debentures (2)................................
          ( RCFD 3200       1,534,000   (19.
20.    Other liabilities (from Schedule RC-G)...............................
          ( RCFD 2930       9,202,000   (20.
21.    Total liabilities (sum of items 13 through 20).......................
          ( RCFD 2948     124,470,000   (21.

22.    Not Applicable                             (  / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

/ / / / / / / / / / /    (22.

EQUITY CAPITAL                                         (  / / / / / / / / / / /
/ / / / / / / / / / / /      (

23.  Perpetual preferred stock and related surplus...................
          (RCFD 3838           1,000,000(23.
24.  Common stock ...................................................
          (RCFD 3230           2,001,000(24.
25.  Surplus (exclude all surplus related to preferred stock)........
          ( RCFD 3839            540,000(25.
26.  a.   Undivided profits and capital reserves.....................
          (RCFD 3632           3,693,000(26.a.
     b.   Net unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-
          for-sale securities .......................................
          (RCFD 8434       (      71,000)(26.b.
27.  Cumulative foreign currency translation adjustments.............
          (RCFD 3284      (     381,000)(27.
28.  Total equity capital (sum of items 23 through 27)...............
          (RCFD 3210           6,782,000(28.
29.  Total liabilities and equity capital (sum of items 21 and 28)...
          (RCFD 3300         131,252,000(29

To be  reported only with the March Report of Condition.

 1.  Indicate in the box at the right the number of the statement below that
     best describes the most comprehensive level of auditing work performed for
     the bank by independent external

____________________ Number
     auditors as of any date during 1997.......................................(

(RCFD     6724                    N/A                (  M.1

1 =  Independent audit of the bank conducted in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards by a certified public accounting firm which submits
a report on the bank

2 =  Independent audit of the bank's parent holding company conducted in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by a certified public
accounting firm which submits a report on the consolidated holding company
(but not on the bank separately)

3 =  Directors' examination of the bank conducted in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards by a certified public accounting firm (may be
required by state chartering authority)

4 =  Directors' examination of the bank performed by other external auditors
(may be required by state chartering authority)

5 =  Review of the bank's financial statements by external auditors

6 =  Compilation of the bank's financial statements by external auditors

7 =  Other audit procedures (excluding tax preparation work)

8 =  No external audit work

- --------------------

(1)  Including total demand deposits and noninterest-bearing time and savings
(2)  Includes limited-life preferred stock and related surplus.