
MAKER: Salvatore J. Bonanno
PAYEE: Grove Worldwide LLC

                                 PROMISSORY NOTE

$912,663                                                       June 27, 1998

            FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Salvatore J. Bonanno ("Maker"), promises to pay 
to the order of Grove Worldwide LLC (collectively with all subsequent holders 
of this Note, "Payee"), at 201 Main Street, Suite 2600, Fort Worth, Texas 
76102, or at such other address or addresses as payee may from time to time 
designate in writing, in lawful money of the United States of America, an 
amount equal to Nine Hundred Twelve Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Three 
dollars ($912,663) (the "Principal Amount"), together with interest on the 
unpaid Principal Amount owing hereunder from time to time at the rate per annum 
equal to the lesser of (1) or (2) below:

            (1) a varying rate per annum equal to the prevailing designated 
prime or base rate of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., or its successor, as published or 
announced by such bank from time to time (the "Prime Rate"), with adjustments 
in such varying rate to be made on the same date as any change in the Prime 
Rate (the "Applicable Rate"); or

            (2) the maximum lawful rate (the "Maximum Rate") which may be 
contracted for, charged, taken, received, or reserved by Payee in accordance 
with New York law from time to time in effect except to the extent federal law 
permits Payee to contract for, charge, take, receive, or reserve a greater 
amount of interest, due credit being given for all charges made in connection 
with the loan evidenced hereby that may be treated as interest under applicable 

            Interest will be based on a 365-day year.

            Notwithstanding anything in this Note to the contrary, if at any 
time the Applicable Rate, together with all fees and charges, if any, 
contracted for, charged, received, taken, or reserved by Payee in connection 
with the loan evidenced hereby that may be treated as interest under applicable 
law (collectively, the "Charges"), computed over the full term of this Note, 
exceeds the Maximum Rate, then the rate of interest payable hereunder, together 
with all Charges, will be limited to the Maximum Rate. If, however, the Maximum 
Rate from time to time subsequently increases, then the interest charged on the 
unpaid Principal Amount will remain equal to the Maximum Rate, and any 
subsequent reduction in the Applicable Rate will not reduce the rate borne by 
this Note, until the total amount of interest earned hereunder, together with 
all Charges, equals the total amount of interest that would have accrued at the 
Applicable Rate if the Applicable Rate had at all times been in effect. 
Moreover, if at maturity or final payment of this Note the total amount of 
interest paid or accrued under the foregoing provisions is less than the total 
amount of interest that would have accrued if the Applicable Rate had at all 
times been in effect, Maker agrees to pay to Payee, to the


extent allowed by then-applicable law, an amount equal to the difference 
between (a) the lesser of (i) the amount of interest that would have been 
accrued on this Note if the Maximum Rate had at all times been in effect, and 
(ii) the amount of interest that would have accrued if the Applicable Rate had 
at all times been in effect, and (b) the amount of interest actually accrued 
under this Note.

            This Note evidences the loan, between the Maker and the Payee for 
the purchase by Maker of a membership interest (the "Equity") in Grove 
Investors LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Investors"). So much of 
the Principal Amount as is required for Maker's purchase of the Equity shall be 
advanced by Payee directly to Investors, which will sell the Equity to Maker in 
an amount that corresponds to Payee's advance. Maker authorizes and directs 
Payee to make the advance to Investors and further authorizes Investors to 
evidence the sale of the Equity in such manner with respect to the advance made 
by Payee under this Note. Such advance will be deemed to have been received by 
Maker upon Maker's receipt of the Equity and thereafter paid to Investors as 
the purchase price for the Equity.

            This Note is due and payable with accrued interest on the seventh 
anniversary of the date hereof. The Note and all accrued interest will be 
forgiven upon the occurrence of any of the following events prior to the 
scheduled payment date: (A) the Maker dies while in service, (B) the Maker 
becomes disabled, (C) the Maker is discharged involuntarily, (D) the Maker 
quits with Good Reason as defined in the Employment Agreement, (E) the Maker 
remains in employment continuously from the date hereof until the seventh 
anniversary of this agreement, or (F) the occurrence of a Change of Control. 
The amount due under this Note that shall be forgiven shall be increased or 
decreased based on the positive difference, if any, between the fair market 
value of shares of stock of Foamex International, Inc. ("Foamex") under option 
to Maker which were not exercisable by Maker as of the announcement of Maker's 
termination of employment from Foamex (the "Announcement") and the exercise 
price for such stock under such options. As of the Announcement there were 
44,754 such shares under option at an exercise price of $6 7/8 per share and 
50,000 such shares under option at an exercise price of $11 1/2 per share. The 
fair market value of a share of stock of Foamex shall be the average closing 
price of a share of Foamex stock on the stock exchange on which such shares are 
principally traded for the ten trading days prior to the Announcement or, if a 
going-private transaction is announced, on or before July 28, 1998, the price 
paid for a share of stock of Foamex in such transaction.

            Time is of the essence in this Note.

            If Maker does not pay this Note as and when due to Payee, then this 
Note will bear interest until paid at the Default Rate (as defined below).

            Maker may at any time prepay all or from time to time any portion 
of this Note without premium or penalty upon at least two days written notice 
to the Payee. All


payments on this Note will, at the option of Payee, be applied first to pay 
unpaid accrued interest and any remainder will be applied to reduce the 
Principal Amount.

            The forgiveness of this Note and the related interest that would 
otherwise occur shall be conditioned on the Maker's providing the Payee with 
sufficient funds to satisfy all applicable withholding requirements.

            Except as otherwise specifically provided, Maker: (i) waives grace, 
presentment and demand for payment, protest and notice of protest, notice of 
intent to accelerate maturity, notice of acceleration of maturity, notice of 
nonpayment, and all other notices of any nature, filing of suit, and diligence 
in collecting this Note or enforcing any of the Collateral for it; (ii) agrees 
that the amount due hereunder must be paid without set-off, counterclaim, 
abatement, suspension or diminution; and (iii) agrees that Payee will not be 
required first to file suit or exhaust its remedies against Maker, any 
guarantor, or others liable or to become liable on this Note to enforce payment 
of this Note. No extension or postponement of time for paying this Note or any 
installment hereof affects the liability of Maker under this Note.

            Any of the following is a "Default" under this Note:

                  (a) Maker fails to perform or observe any provision of this

                  (b) Maker commences a voluntary case under Title 11 of the
            United States Code as from time to time in effect (the "Bankruptcy

                  (c) Maker seeks relief as a debtor under any applicable law,
            other than the Bankruptcy Code, of any jurisdiction relating to the
            liquidation or reorganization of debtors or to the modification or
            alteration of the rights of creditors, or consents to or acquiesces
            in such relief.

                  (d) Maker has entered against him any order by a court of
            competent jurisdiction finding him to be bankrupt or insolvent, or
            assuming custody of, or appointing a receiver or other custodian
            for, all or a substantial part of his property.

                  (e) Maker makes an assignment for the benefit of, or enters
            into a composition with, his creditors, or appoints or consents to
            the appointment of a receiver or other custodian for all or a
            substantial part of his property.

                  (f) A court having jurisdiction enters a decree or order for
            relief in respect of Maker in an involuntary case under the
            Bankruptcy Code or under any other applicable bankruptcy, insolvency
            or similar law


            now or hereafter in effect, which decree or order is not stayed; or
            any other similar relief is granted under any applicable federal or
            state law.

                  (g) An involuntary case is commenced against Maker under the
            Bankruptcy Code or under any other applicable bankruptcy, insolvency
            or similar law now or hereafter in effect; or a decree or order of a
            court having jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver,
            liquidator, sequestrator, trustee, custodian, or other officer
            having similar powers over Maker, or over all or a substantial part
            of his property, has been entered; or the involuntary appointment of
            an interim receiver, trustee, or other custodian of Maker for all or
            a substantial part of his property has occurred; or a warrant of
            attachment, execution, or similar process has been issued against
            any substantial part of Maker's property, and any such event
            described in this clause (g) continues for 60 days unless dismissed,
            bonded or discharged.

            If a Default occurs, then and in each and every such case the 
unpaid Principal Amount and all accrued interest will automatically become due 
and payable without presentation, presentment, protest, or further demand or 
notice of any kind, all of which Maker expressly waives. Payee may proceed to 
enforce payment of all or part of such amount in a commercially reasonable 
manner. Payee will also be entitled to exercise any and all other rights, 
remedies, and recourses now or later existing in equity or at law. All remedies 
under this Note are cumulative, not exclusive.

            Upon Default under this Note, at Payee's option all amounts then 
due and payable under this Note will bear interest from the date the Default 
occurs at a rate of interest per annum (the "Default Rate") equal to the lesser 
of (a) 4% over the Applicable Rate, and (b) the Maximum Rate.

            Maker agrees to pay all costs of collection hereof when incurred, 
including reasonable attorneys' fees of the Payee, whether or not any action is 
instituted to enforce this Note.

            Maker and Payee at all times intend to comply with the applicable 
law now or hereafter governing the terms of this Note and the interest payable 
on this Note. If the applicable law is ever revised, repealed, or judicially 
interpreted so as to render any provision of this Note invalid, or so as to 
render usurious any amount called for under this Note or under any of the 
Security Instruments or contracted for, charged, taken, reserved, or received 
with respect to the loan evidenced by this Note, or if Payee's exercise of its 
rights to accelerate the maturity of this Note, or if any prepayment by Maker 
results in Maker's having paid any interest in excess of that permitted by law, 
then it is Maker's and Payee's express intent that all excess amounts 
previously collected by Payee be credited on the Principal Amount of this Note 
(or, if the Note has been paid in full, refunded to Maker). This Note 
immediately will then be deemed reformed and the amounts later collectible 
hereunder reduced without the need to execute any new


document, so as to comply with the then-applicable law, but so as to permit the 
recovery of the greatest amount otherwise called for hereunder.

            All sums paid or agreed to be paid to Payee for the use, 
forbearance, or detention of this indebtedness evidenced by this note will, to 
the extent permitted by applicable law, be amortized, prorated, allocated, and 
spread throughout the full term of this Note until paid in full so that the 
rate or amount of interest on account of such indebtedness does not exceed the 
applicable usury ceiling for so long as any amount is outstanding.


            Any suit, action, proceeding, controversy or claim arising out of 
or relating to this Note or a Default must be brought in a court of appropriate 
jurisdiction in New York City, New York. Maker hereby submits and consents to 
the jurisdiction of such court for any such suit, action or proceeding and 
irrevocably waives: (i) any objection that he now has or may later have to the 
venue of such court, and (ii) any objection that any such suit, action, or 
proceeding brought in such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.


            Maker has duly executed this Note effective as of the date first 
above written.

                                    /s/ Salvatore J. Bonanno
                                    SALVATORE J. BONANNO    
                                    /s/ Charles Zemene
                                    GROVE WORLDWIDE LLC     

                                    By: /s/ CHARLES A. ZEMENE
                                    Title: Treasurer       

                                    (Payee's signature is added solely to       
                                    acknowledge the statement in the next to the
                                    last paragraph above that this is the final 
                                    written agreement between the parties.)     

Acknowledged and agreed to for the
limited purposes stated herein by:

Delware limited liability company.

By: /s/ Charles Zemene

Title: Treasurer