AMERILINK CORPORATION

                               AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO

"Amendment") is made in Columbus, Ohio effective as of August 4, 1998, by and
between AMERILINK CORPORATION, an Ohio corporation (the "Company"), and LARRY R.
LINHART, an individual residing in New Albany, Ohio (the "Executive"), who, for
and in consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter made and other good and
valuable consideration, each of them intending to be bound hereby, agree that
that certain Executive Employment Agreement dated as of August 19, 1994 between
the Company and the Executive, as amended by Amendment No. 1 to Executive
Employment Agreement dated on or about April 29, 1997 (together, the
"Agreement") shall be and hereby is modified and amended as hereinafter

         SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. As used herein, capitalized terms shall have
the meanings set forth in the Agreement except as expressly otherwise defined
herein. As used in the Agreement, the following terms shall have the following
meanings, and any prior or different definition of any of the following terms
shall be and hereby is amended and restated as set forth below:

                  "COMMON SHARES" means the common shares, without par value, of
         the Company.

                  "COMPENSATION COMMITTEE" means the Compensation Committee of
         the Board of Directors, as constituted from time to time.

                  "EXTENDED EMPLOYMENT PERIOD" means the period of time
         commencing on the first day of the Fiscal Year which began March 31,
         1998 and ending on the Employment Termination Date.

                  "IBT" means, for each Fiscal Year, the dollar amount of the
         consolidated net income before income taxes of the Company and its
         subsidiaries determined in accordance with generally accepted
         accounting principles, consistently applied in accordance with past
         practice. The amount of IBT reflected on the Company's annual financial
         statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
         principles and audited by Ernst & Young, LLP or such other accounting
         firm of national reputation as may be selected as the Company's auditor
         from time to time, shall be conclusively binding on the Company and the
         Executive for purposes of this Agreement.

                  "INCENTIVE BONUS COMPENSATION" means the amounts payable to
         the Executive pursuant to paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e) of Section 5
         of the Agreement.

                  "RESTRICTED STOCK" means awards of Common Shares granted as
         "restricted stock awards" pursuant to SECTION.10 of the Company's 1994
         Stock Incentive Plan as the same shall be extended and amended from
         time to time with the approval of the Executive (which shall be deemed
         evidenced by his approval thereof by his vote in favor thereof as a
         Director of the Company or his signature thereof on behalf of the
         Company in his capacity as President of the Company), or pursuant to
         equivalent provisions of a subsequent stock incentive plan adopted
         hereafter by the Company with the approval of the Executive (evidenced
         as indicated above).

                  "SCHEDULED EMPLOYMENT TERMINATION DATE" means March 31, 2008.

                  "TARGET ADJUSTMENT AMOUNT" means, for the first Fiscal Year of
         the Extended Employment Period, an amount of Target IBT equal to
         $30,000,000, and for each subsequent Fiscal Year of the Extended
         Employment Period, an amount of Target IBT equal to 110% of the Target
         Adjustment Amount applicable to the previous Fiscal Year.

                  "TARGET IBT" means, for each Fiscal Year, the forecasted
         amount of IBT to be earned by the Company pursuant to a budgetary
         forecast or financial plan which shall be prepared annually by the
         Executive in consultation with senior executives of the Company and
         approved by resolution of the Board of Directors annually prior to the
         beginning of such Fiscal Year (or such later date as shall be approved
         by the Board of Directors) in order to establish levels of Incentive
         Bonus Compensation with respect to such Fiscal Year in accordance with
         ss.5(b) of the Agreement.

                  "TARGET RANGE" means, for each Fiscal Year, a range of amounts
         of IBT having a lower limit equal to 95% of Target IBT and an upper
         limit equal to 105% of Target IBT, and including all amounts of IBT
         equal to and greater than such lower limit and equal to and less than
         such upper limit, each of such lower and upper limits of the Target
         Range to be in the dollar amounts specified by the Compensation
         Committee in connection with its approval of the forecasted amount of
         Target IBT for such Fiscal Year.

         SECTION 2. COMPENSATION. Section 5 of the Agreement is hereby amended
and supplemented by adding thereto the following paragraphs (c), (d) and (e), as

                  (c) ALTERNATE INCENTIVE BONUS COMPENSATION. For each Fiscal
         Year during the Extended Employment Period in which IBT equals or is
         less than $5,000,000, Incentive Bonus Compensation shall be determined
         exclusively in accordance with the provisions of Section 5(b), above.
         For each Fiscal Year during the Extended Employment Period in which IBT
         exceeds $5,000,000, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5(b),
         above, Incentive Bonus Compensation shall be determined exclusively in
         accordance with the provisions of this Section 5(c) and Section 5(d)
         and (e), below. For each such Fiscal Year in which IBT exceeds
         $5,000,000, the Executive shall be paid "Incentive Bonus Compensation"
         in an amount equal to the percentages of IBT for such Fiscal Year
         determined as follows:

                           (i)   If IBT for such Fiscal Year exceeds $5,000,000
         but does not equal or exceed the lower limit of the Target Range for
         such Fiscal Year, the Incentive Bonus Compensation for such Fiscal Year
         shall equal 2.5% of total IBT for such Fiscal Year.

                           (ii)  If IBT for such Fiscal Year equals or exceeds
         the lower limit of the Target Range for such Fiscal Year, the Incentive
         Bonus Compensation for such Fiscal Year shall equal 3.1% of the amount
         of total IBT for such Fiscal year up to but not exceeding the upper
         limit of the Target Range for such Fiscal Year, plus the sum of the
         amounts, if any, calculated pursuant to clause (iii), below.

                           (iii) If IBT in such Fiscal Year exceeds the upper
         limit of the Target Range for such Fiscal Year, the Executive shall be
         entitled to additional Incentive Bonus Compensation equal to (A) 3.5%
         of the amount of such excess IBT up to, but not exceeding, $1,000,000
         plus (B) 3.7% of the amount, if any, by which such excess IBT exceeds
         $1,000,000 but does not exceed $2,000,000, plus (C) 4% of the amount,
         if any, by which such excess IBT exceeds $2,000,000 but does not exceed
         $3,000,000 plus (D) 5% of the amount, if any, by which such excess IBT
         exceeds $3,000,000, but does not exceed $4,000,000 plus (E) 2% of the
         amount, if any, by which such excess IBT exceeds $4,000,000.

                  (d)      ADJUSTMENT.

                           (i)   For any Fiscal Year, in the event that 
         Target IBT exceeds the Target Adjustment Amount, the amount of 
         Incentive Bonus Compensation payable for such Fiscal Year shall be 
         adjusted by multiplying the amount calculated as set forth in 
         clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of Section 5(c) above by a fraction, the 
         numerator of which is the Target Adjustment Amount and the 
         denominator of which is the Target IBT less one-half of the amount 
         by which the Target IBT exceeds the Target Adjustment Amount.

                           (ii)  In the event that the Company or any of its
         subsidiaries shall, whether by merger, consolidation, combination,
         purchase of assets or other form of acquisition, acquire during any
         Fiscal Year another business (an "Acquisition") the financial
         operations of which (A) were not taken into account in the
         determination of Target IBT for such Fiscal Year and (B) will, in
         accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, be reported
         for such Fiscal Year on a consolidated basis with the operations of the
         Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, whether as a "pooling" or a
         "purchase" (as such terms are defined according to generally accepted
         accounting principles), the Board of Directors may, in its discretion
         after consultation with the Executive, make such adjustment to the
         Incentive Bonus Compensation for such Fiscal Year, to the extent based
         on IBT directly attributable to such Acquisition, as the Board of
         Directors may determine to be equitable to the Executive and the
         Company in the circumstances.

                           (iii) The Board of Directors shall be exclusively
         responsible, and is hereby authorized, to make all determinations on
         behalf of the Company with respect to the calculation of Incentive
         Bonus Compensation. In the event that the Board of Directors and the
         Executive shall be unable to resolve any dispute relating to the
         calculation of Incentive Bonus Compensation for any Fiscal Year, the
         issue may be referred by either party to Ernst & Young, LLP, or such
         other accounting firm of national reputation as shall then be the
         Company's auditor, and the determination of the issue by such firm
         shall be final and binding on all parties.

                  (e) PAYMENT OF INCENTIVE BONUS COMPENSATION. The Executive's
         Incentive Bonus Compensation for each Fiscal Year during the Extended
         Employment Period shall be payable within 10 days after the issuance of
         the Company's audited financial statements for the related Fiscal Year.
         The Incentive Bonus Compensation shall be payable in a combination of
         cash, deferred compensation pursuant to a deferred compensation plan as
         provided below, and Restricted Stock. That portion of the Incentive
         Bonus Compensation for any such Fiscal Year (the "Cash Portion") which
         is the greater of (i) 75% of the Base Compensation of the Executive for
         such Fiscal Year, or (ii) such larger portion as the Board of Directors
         shall determine after consideration of the Company's compensation
         policies for other executive officers of the Company and such other
         criteria as it shall determine to be relevant, shall be paid to the
         Executive in cash or a combination of cash and deferred compensation
         allocated as provided in the deferred compensation plan to be adopted
         by the Company as provided below. The balance of the Incentive Bonus
         Compensation remaining after payment of the Cash Portion (the
         "Restricted Stock Portion") shall be paid by the issuance and delivery
         of that number of shares of Restricted Stock which equals the dollar
         amount of the Restricted Stock Portion divided by the average closing
         price per share of the Common Shares on the last 10 trading days of
         such Fiscal Year. The Company shall use diligent efforts to adopt a
         deferred compensation plan reasonably acceptable to the Executive
         pursuant to which receipt by the Executive of a part of the Cash
         Portion may be deferred and made payable pursuant to such deferred
         compensation plan. In connection with the payment of the Restricted
         Stock Portion for any Fiscal Year, the only restrictions which shall
         apply to such Restricted Stock grants shall be the requirement of
         continued employment hereunder during the three Fiscal Years
         immediately following such Fiscal Year, provided, however, that if the
         Scheduled Employment Termination Date is less than three years from the
         date of grant, the restrictions shall be limited to the time period
         which ends on the Scheduled Employment Termination Date.


         (a) Section 7(a) of the Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its
         entirety as follows:

                  (a) BENEFIT PLANS. The Executive shall be entitled to
         participate in a deferred compensation plan which the Company shall use
         reasonable efforts to adopt on terms and conditions reasonably
         acceptable to the Executive. The Company shall continue in effect any
         perquisite, benefit or compensation plan (in addition to the deferred
         compensation provided for above) including its profit-sharing plan and
         401K plan, medical insurance plan, life insurance plan, health and
         accident plan and disability plan in which the Executive is currently
         participating, or shall maintain plans providing substantially similar
         or improved benefits (collectively referred to as the "Benefit Plans");
         provided, however, that the Company may make modifications to the
         Benefit Plans so long as such modifications (i) are generally
         applicable either to all salaried employees of the Company, or, in
         connection with plans which apply only to executive officers and/or
         other so-called highly compensated employees of the Company, are
         generally applicable to such executive officers and/or highly
         compensated employees, and, in either case, (ii) do not discriminate
         adversely against the Executive or other highly-compensated employees
         of the Company.

         (b) VACATIONS. The Executive shall be entitled in each Fiscal Year to a
         vacation of six weeks (30 working days) during the first five Fiscal
         Years of the Extended Employment Period, and eight weeks (40 working
         days) during the last five Fiscal Years of the Extended Employment
         Period, during all of which time his compensation shall be paid in
         full, in addition to such holidays and other non-working days as are
         consistent with the policies of the Company for its executives
         generally. The Executive's unused vacation days for any Fiscal Year
         shall not carry forward to any subsequent Fiscal Year. In addition, the
         Executive shall be entitled to take a three-month sabbatical leave of
         absence during any Fiscal Year of the last five Fiscal Years of the
         Extended Employment Period, in lieu of his vacation time for such
         Fiscal Year, during all of which time his compensation shall be paid in

         SECTION 4. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Section 11(a)(1) is hereby amended
and restated in its entirety as follows:


                  (1) Any termination of the Executive's employment by the
                      Company or the Executive shall be communicated by written
                      Notice of Termination to the other party thereto. For
                      purposes of this Agreement, a "Notice of Termination"
                      shall mean a notice which shall indicate the specific
                      termination provision in this Agreement relied upon and
                      shall set forth in reasonable detail the facts and
                      circumstances claimed to provide a basis for termination
                      under the provision so indicated. If the Executive's
                      employment shall be terminated for any reason, or for no
                      reason, other than termination for Cause pursuant to
                      Section 11(b) or voluntary termination of employment by
                      the Executive other than for Good Reason prior to the
                      Scheduled Employment Termination Date pursuant to
                      Section 11(e)(2), all Restricted Stock held by the
                      Executive immediately, automatically and without any
                      requirement of any further action on the part of the
                      Company or the Executive, shall be deemed fully vested
                      without any applicable restrictions, and shall be promptly
                      issued to the Executive without legend (except as to
                      customary restrictions relating to applicable securities
                      laws); and all Incentive Bonus Compensation then remaining
                      unpaid, including any part of the Restricted Stock Portion
                      for which shares of Restricted Stock have not then been
                      issued to the Executive, and all Incentive Bonus
                      Compensation for the Fiscal Year in which the Employment
                      Termination Date shall occur, shall be payable in cash
                      without reference 

                      to any requirement otherwise applicable hereunder for
                      payment partially in cash, partially in Restricted Stock
                      and/or partially pursuant to any deferred compensation
                      plan adopted by the Company.

         SECTION 5. STOCK OPTIONS. As a material part of the consideration to
the Executive for entering into this Amendment, the Company, through the
Compensation Committee or otherwise, shall grant to the Executive options to
purchase 200,000 Common Shares under and subject to the provisions of the
Company's 1994 Stock Incentive Plan, as amended and supplemented as hereinafter
set forth (the "Plan"), at the price per share equal to the value thereof on the
date of the Company's 1998 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which shall be deemed
for purposes of the Agreement to be the closing price per share of the Common
Shares on the NASDAQ National Market on the immediately preceding trading day;
provided, however, that the maximum number of such options which may be
qualified as Incentive Stock Options under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 as amended ("ISO's") shall be granted as such ISO's at a price per
share equal to 110% of the closing price of the Common Shares on the NASDAQ
National Market on such day. The term of such options shall be for ten years
(except that in the case of the ISO's, the term shall be limited to five years)
and such options shall vest and become exercisable ratably over the four
successive years following the date of grant. The Company agrees to adopt and
propose for approval at its 1998 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, an amendment to
the 1994 Stock Incentive Plan which shall increase by 600,000 the number of
shares available for grant thereunder, and the Company shall use its reasonable
best efforts to solicit approval of the Shareholders of the Company of such
amendment at such meeting. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this
Agreement, this Amendment is and shall be conditioned upon (i) the grant by the
Company of the options described above in this SECTION.5, (ii) the adoption of
an amendment to the Plan conforming to the provisions of this SECTION.5 and
(iii) the approving vote of the Shareholders of the Company at the 1998 Annual
Meeting with respect to said amendment to the Plan.

of the Agreement, as herein above restated and amended, are and remain in full
force and effect, and, as so amended and restated, the Agreement is hereby fully
ratified and confirmed.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and the Executive have executed
multiple counterparts of this Agreement.

COMPANY:                                    EXECUTIVE:
- --------                                    ----------

AMERILINK CORPORATION                               /s/ Larry R. Linhart
1900 East Dublin-Granville Road                 ----------------------------
Columbus, Ohio  43229                       Name:       Larry R. Linhart
                                            Address: 4683 Yantis Road
                                                     New Albany, Ohio 43054

By:               /s/ Joseph L. Govern
Name:             Joseph L. Govern
Title:            Senior Vice President - Operations

and by:           /s/ Richard W. Rubenstein
Name:             Richard W. Rubenstein
Title:            Assistant Secretary