Exhibit 10.11

                            SHARE PURCHASE AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made effective as of the 2nd day of January, 1997


IT STAFFING LTD., an Ontario Corporation (hereinafter called IT)


John Robert Wilson, an individual resident in the Town of Rockwood, in the
Province of Ontario (hereinafter called "vendor")


Systemsearch Consultants Inc., an Ontario Corporation (hereinafter called


Systems PS Inc., an Ontario Corporation (hereinafter called "PS")


John Wilson is the legal beneficial owner of 100% of the issued and outstanding
shares in capital stock of both Systems and PS.

IT desires to acquire, on the terms and conditions as set forth below, 100% of
the issued and outstanding shares in the capital stock of both Systems and PS.

The Vendor desires to sell, on the terms and in the manner set forth below, 100%
of the issued and outstanding shares in the capital stock of both Systems and

The Vendor, as a consequence of the payment of the purchase price will become a
significant shareholder of IT.

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES THAT in consideration of the premises set
forth above, the mutual covenants and agreements and such other good and
valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:


(A)      Closing. The Parties agree to use their best efforts towards the
         closing of this agreement on or before March 16th, 1998 but in any
         event no later than April 30th, 1998 at the offices of IT. The Vendor
         and IT may agree in writing to close the transaction at another time
         and place;

(B)      Purchase Price is $550,000 paid as follows:

         The aggregate purchase price for the issued and outstanding shares in
         the capital stock of Systems and P.S. is $550,000.00 and is to be paid
         as follows

                  i)       A deposit in the sum of $5,000.00.
                  ii)      On closing, a further deposit of $145,000 by 
                           certified cheque
                  iii)     On or before closing, 133,333 shares in the capital
                           stock of IT resulting in percentage ownership to John
                           Wilson on closing of 13.3 percent of all of
                           outstanding and issued shares in the capital stock of
                  iv)      IT herein guarantees that the dollar value of the
                           133,333 shares at the time of a listing on a Public
                           Exchange based on the share issue price therein shall
                           have a minimum value of $400,000.00, on the terms of
                           this agreement, or in the alternative sufficient
                           shares will be issued to the Vendor, such that the
                           Vendor receives a total minimum consideration of
                  v)       Said shares shall be issued to the Vendor and held in
                           escrow until closing of this transaction and until
                           the shares have been listed on a public exchange.
                  vi)      Delivery of share certification. On closing the
                           Vendor shall deliver to IT share certificates
                           representing 100% of the issued and outstanding
                           shares in Systems and PS duly endorsed in blank for
                           transfer to IT and the share certificates are to be
                           held in escrow pending the listing of the shares of
                           IT on a public exchange
                  vii)     The parties hereby agree that in the event IT is
                           unsuccessful in listing its shares on a public
                           exchange within fifteen months of closing, then the
                           shares of IT will be released from escrow to IT and
                           the shares of Systems and PS shall be released from
                           escrow to John Wilson and John Wilson shall be
                           entitled to retain his deposits as liquidated damages
                           and not as penalty.


Interim Operation from January 2, 1997 until the Closing Date:
                  (a)      The Vendor, Systems and PS shall conduct the Business
                           in the ordinary course, completely autonomously but
                           they shall not make any material change in the
                           customary terms and conditions upon which they
                           historically did business unless otherwise agreed by
                           IT and the Vendors.
                  (b)      The Vendor, Systems and PS shall use their best
                           effort to preserve the Business organization and
                           goodwill of the suppliers, staff, customers and
                           Business of Systems and PS.


(A)      Period. The purchaser shall have until February 16,1998 to conduct its
         investigations and at its sole discretion, by written notice and within
         the time specified, cause this agreement to be null and void.


The Vendor hereby covenants:
                  (a)      That it shall not take any action or omission which 
                           will in any way prejudice the completion of this 
                  (b)      That upon acceptance of this agreement, a binding
                           contract of purchase and sale is constituted;
                  (c)      That it has not been induced into entering into this
                           Agreement by oral or written representation or
                           promises except as set out in the Agreement;
                  (d)      That it is not now and will not be on Closing Date a
                           non-resident as defined in the Income Tax Act;
                  (e)      There is no material information or knowledge which
                           has been withheld from IT relating to either Systems
                           or PS, which if known would cause the purchaser to
                           alter his decision to purchase the shares of either
                           Systems or PS.


IT hereby acknowledges:

                  (a)      The government filings for both GST and Corporate
                           taxes are delinquent.
                  (b)      Judd Bedford has a claim outstanding that is not
                           reflected in the books of Systems and PS.
                  (c)      All professional fees related to this acquisition are
                           for the account of Systems and PS. and will be paid
                           on closing.
                  (d)      That there is a management salary liability of
                           $30,000 pertaining to 1996 which will be paid asap.

And IT acknowledges that it will be responsible for same after closing.

IT shall enter into an employment or consulting agreement with John Wilson or
John R. Wilson Enterprises Inc. as John Wilson may direct, substantially in the
form annexed.


IT, Vendor, Systems and PS agree that any information obtained during
examination of the financial records and/or other legal documentation is
confidential and warrant that any such information will not be transmitted to
anyone other than their respective advisors.

If any term, representation or condition of this Agreement is determined invalid
or to any extent unenforceable, that provision insofar as it related to that
party or circumstances shall be deemed not to be included herein and the balance
of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and continue to be
binding upon the parties hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the partied here to have duly executed this Agreement as of
the 4th day of February, 1998.


Per: /s/ Declan French

Per: /s/ John Robert Wilson                      Per:/s/ John Robert Wilson
    ------------------------------                   ---------------------------

/s/ John Robert Wilson
John Robert Wilson

                               AMENDING AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made as of January 2, 1997

A M O N G:

                           IT STAFFING LTD.,
                           a corporation existing under
                           the laws of the Province of Ontario


                            -   and -

                           John Robert Wilson, an individual, resident in the
                           Town of Rockwood, in the Province of Ontario


                            -   and-

                           a corporation existing under
                           the laws of the province of Ontario


                            -   and -

                           SYSTEMSEARCH PS INC.
                           a corporation existing under
                           the laws of the Province of Ontario


                            -   and -

                           Declan French, an individual, resident in the
                           City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario

FOR VALUE RECEIVED the parties agree as follows:


1.1      Definitions. In this Agreement:

(a) "Share Purchase Agreement" means the agreement dated effective as of January
2, 1997 among IT, Vendor, Systemsearch and PS without regard to this Agreement;

(b) All other capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the meanings given
to them in the Share Purchase Agreement.

1.2 Headings. The division of this Agreement into sections and the insertion of
headings are for the convenience of reference only and are not to affect the
construction or interpretation of this Agreement.

1.3 References. Unless otherwise specified, all references to Sections in this
Agreement are to sections of the Share Purchase Agreement.

1.4 Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by, and is to be construed and
interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws
of Canada applicable in the Province of Ontario.

1.5 One Agreement. This Agreement amends the Share Purchase Agreement. This
Agreement and The Share Purchase Agreement shall be read together and constitute
one agreement with the same effect as if the amendments made by this Agreement
had been contained in the Share Purchase Agreement as of the date of this

1.6 Conflict. If there is a conflict between any provision of this Agreement and
any provision of the Share Purchase Agreement, the relevant provision of this
Agreement is to prevail.


2.1 The parties confirm that Systemsearch is the proper party to the Share
Purchase Agreement and acknowledge and agree that the reference in the Share
Purchase Agreement to "Systemsearch Consultants Inc." was meant to be a
reference to Systemsearch.

2.2 Section (B) iv) of the Share Purchase Agreement under the heading "Purchase
Of Shares" is amended by deleting the figure "$4000,000" in the third and fifth
lines thereof and inserting instead "$3.00 per share"

2.3 Section (B) of the Share Purchase Agreement under the heading "Purchase of
Shares" is amended by deleting subsections v), vi) and vii) in their entirety.

2.4 The Share Purchase Agreement is amended by adding a new Section (C) under
the heading "Purchase of Shares" as follows:

 (C)      Failure of IT to Gain Listing on Stock Exchange

         1.       Re-Purchase of IT Shares

         1.1 In the event that the 133,000 common shares of IT (the "IT Shares")
         to be issued to the Vendor hereunder are not listed and posted for
         trading on a North American stock exchange (a "Public Exchange") prior
         to July 31, 1999, or in the event that the value of the IT Shares owned
         by the Vendor on the date on which they are listed and posted for
         trading on a Public Exchange (the "Listing Date") is less than $3.00
         per share and IT is unable to fulfil its obligations to Vendor under
         Section B iv), IT shall, upon written request from the Vendor, which
         request shall be made within 30 days of the earlier of the Listing Date
         and July 31, 1999, purchase from Vendor for cancellation all of the IT
         Shares then owned by the Vendor (the "Re-Purchased Shares") for a
         purchase price of $3.00 per share (the "Purchase Price"), subject to
         Section 1.4 below.

         1.2 The closing of the transaction of purchase and sale contemplated in
         Section C 1.1 of this Agreement shall take place at the offices of IT
         at such time and date as shall be mutually agreed by the parties, but
         not later than 10 days after July 31, 1999 (the "IT Closing Date").

         1.3      On the IT Closing Date:

          (a)     the Vendor shall deliver to IT the certificate or certificates
                  representing the Re-Purchased Shares, together with a duly
                  endorsed share transfer instrument and a representation and
                  warranty executed by Vendor in favour of IT that the
                  Re-Purchased Shares are owned of record and beneficially by
                  Vendor with a good and marketable title thereto, free and
                  clear of all encumbrances of any kind;

          (b)     IT shall deliver to the Vendor the Purchase Price in cash or
                  by certified cheque or bank draft payable to the Vendor; and

          (c)     If requested by the Vendor, IT shall cause Systemsearch and PS
                  to change their respective names and shall do all such acts
                  and things as are reasonably required and within its power in
                  connection therewith to make such names available for use by
                  the Vendor.

         1.4 If, for any reason other than the fault of the Vendor, IT fails to
         complete the purchase of the Re-Purchased Shares on the IT Closing
         Date, then in consideration of the sum of two dollars and other good
         and valuable consideration, including the benefit derived by French
         from the completion of the transactions contemplated by the Share
         Purchase Agreement in his capacity as a shareholder of IT, French
         agrees to purchase from the Vendor all of the Re-Purchased Shares for
         the Purchase Price and upon payment of the Purchase Price by French, IT
         shall have no further rights or obligations to the Vendor hereunder,
         except under Section 1.6 (C).

         1.5 The closing of the transaction of purchase and sale contemplated in
         Section C 1.2 of this Agreement shall take place at the offices of IT
         at such time and date as shall be mutually agreed by the parties, but
         not later than 5 days after the IT Closing Date (the "French Closing

         1.6      On the French Closing Date:

          (a)     the Vendor shall deliver to French the certificate or
                  certificates representing the Re-Purchased Shares, together
                  with a duly endorsed share transfer instrument and a
                  representation and warranty executed by Vendor in favour of
                  French that the Re-Purchased Shares are owned of record and
                  beneficially by Vendor with a good and marketable title
                  thereto, free and clear of all encumbrances of any kind; and

          (b)     IT shall deliver to the Vendor the Purchase Price in cash or
                  by certified cheque or bank draft payable to the Vendor; and

          (c)     If requested by the Vendor, IT shall cause Systemsearch and PS
                  to change their respective names and shall do all such acts
                  and things as are reasonably required and within its power in
                  connection therewith to make such names available for use by
                  the Vendor.

         1.7      Notwithstanding anything in the Employment Agreement dated
                  February 11, 1998 (the "Employment Agreement") between the
                  Vendor and IT, upon the completion of the transaction of
                  purchase and sale of the Repurchased Shares, the Employment
                  Agreement shall be terminated and 

                  neither the Vendor nor IT shall have any further obligations
                  to the other except with respect to such remuneration as shall
                  have been earned by the Vendor pursuant to the Employment
                  Agreement prior to such termination and the Vendor shall not
                  be restricted from competing with the business of IT.

         3.0      GENERAL

         3.1  Benefit of Agreement. This Agreement enures to the benefit of and
              binds the parties and their respective heirs, executors,
              administrators, personal and legal representatives successors and
              permitted assigns.

         3.2  Further Assurances. Each party shall from time to time promptly
              execute and deliver all further documents and take all further
              action reasonably necessary or appropriate to give effect to the
              provisions and intent of this Agreement.

         3.3  Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed and
              delivered in any number of counterparts, each of which when
              executed and delivered is an original but all of which taken
              together constitute one and the same instrument.

                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement as
of the date first written above.

                                            SERVICES INC.

         By: /s/ John Robert Wilson         By: /s/ John Robert Wilson
            -----------------------            --------------------------


         By: /s/ John Robert Wilson         /s/ John Robert Wilson
            -----------------------         -----------------------------
                                            John Robert Wilson