NEWS RELEASE                                 CONTACT:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                        Bridgitt Arnold
                                             Imagio PR
                                             (206) 625-0252
                                             Kathy Lane 
                                             Senior Vice President 
                                             Marketing and Strategic Alliances
                                             Centura Software Corp.
                                             (650) 596-4886
                      Centura Software Corporation Featured On 

REDWOOD SHORES, CA, AUGUST 6, 1998 -- Centura Software Corp.
(NASDAQ:CNTR/formerly Gupta) announces today the appearance of the company's
CEO, Scott Broomfield, on the WORLD BUSINESS REVIEW to discuss the topic of
ADVANCED INTERNET SOLUTIONS. This weekly television series, hosted by Caspar
Weinberger, chairman of FORBES magazine and former Secretary of Defense during
the Reagan administration, is a new forum for examining the leading-edge
technologies and innovative business solutions shaping the future.  The show
featuring Broomfield will air on Sunday, August 23 at 3:00 PM Eastern on CNBC.
The show blends interviews and panel discussions with field reports and
technical reviews designed to enable leaders from a variety of industries to
offer insight into the challenges and opportunities businesses face as the 21st
century nears. 

"Centura Software was selected to appear on the show because its technology,
which is built to run in any browser and on any platform, is enabling people
with absolutely no programming knowledge to get their company's information on
the Internet quickly and cost-effectively," said Donald Pratt, the show's
coordinating producer. "Centura's new database query and update product, CENTURA
NET.DB, unlocks data inside your database and puts it on the Web without the
need for programming.  Although this sounds relatively simple, Centura net.db
appears to be a major breakthrough in Internet-related technology."  

Broomfield explains that Centura net.db's engine examines the database and
determines the connections within the database itself.  Once net.db has
automatically generated HTML views of the database tables, it is simply a matter
of using a browser to make the information available via the World Wide Web. 
Broomfield adds, "This means there is no program code to write, which is why we
call it code-free; once you have designed your application, you go into runtime
mode and the data can then be accessed right in the browser."  Broomfield says
this can be done from anywhere in the world, as both the design and deployment
are done using a Web browser.  

Broomfield adds, "This ability to change and update database information is one
of the product's most advanced features. To do this, the user simply logs on to
the Internet and brings up live data via the Web


browser.  Changes are made instantaneously and, as an added benefit, you are 
not required to use the memory in your own computer."

Centura is targeting small businesses with Centura net.db, those who don't have
hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest in Web servers and technology to get
their information onto the Web. According to Vinton Cerf, co-founder of a
company called Internet Protocols and another featured guest on the show,
"Centura's net.db is a major breakthrough. What Centura has been able to do is
make it possible to provide information on the Internet that could have never
been accessed without writing high-cost, high-maintenance special-purpose
programs, which this has eliminated."  

Centura Software (NASDAQ:CNTR), founded as Gupta in 1984, was the first company
to create fully relational client/server embedded DBMS for the personal
computer.  Today its products help developers build and deploy component based
business applications requiring embedded databases. Applications developed and
deployed with Centura's Integrated Development Environment products, SQLBase,
Centura Team Developer and Centura net.db, can scale from the Web down to smart
devices. Current Centura products are all year 2000 compliant. Centura has 26
offices located throughout the world in North America, Latin America,
Asia/Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. More information about the company
and its products is located on Centura's Web site at


Taped in Washington, D.C., WORLD BUSINESS REVIEW premiered on U.S. public
television stations in September of 1996 and is independently produced in Boca
Raton, Florida by Multi Media Productions (USA), Inc.  The program currently
reaches more than 70 million potential TV households in the U.S., and over 100
million internationally. Distribution channels include Knowledge TV, Technology
Education Network, AENTV, America's Voice, CAMA, Media One, and independent and
public TV stations around the globe.  The program is also featured on United
Airlines international flights.  More information is available on the show's
Web site at http://www.wbrtv.com/. Viewers can access on demand any episode of
the WORLD BUSINESS REVIEW series.            

